January 2016
Volume LIX No. 1
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By: Dr. Paul Baxley, Senior Minister
Five months ago I returned from several months of sabba cal leave. The me away was wonderfully renewing, and I am even more grateful for it now than I was when the sabba cal began. I count it a privilege to serve a congrega on that makes space and me available for those kinds of experiences. Several of you have asked me when I will offer a report to the congrega on about my sabba cal. Originally, I intended to offer that report on a Wednesday evening in December but other congrega onal business required our a)en on during the fall, and that changed our calendar. So, on Wednesday, January 6, following our first Family Night Supper of the New Year, I will offer my report from last summer. The substance of what I will present will also allow me to speak about where we are as a congrega on and what challenges and opportuni es await us in the months and years ahead. So I hope you will plan to join us, as I’ll be eager to hear your responses to what I present and will leave space for conversa on. There is no doubt that 2016 will be a historic year for First Bap st Church. In the coming months our search commi)ee for a Minister of Children, Families and Outreach will be hard at work and fervent in prayer toward iden fying a person who can serve our congrega on and give leadership to these cri cal ministry areas. We will also embark on a capital campaign to fund important renova ons and important expansions to our exis ng facili es so that our physical space can be an even more important catalyst for our ministries. Along the way, we will find many other ways to con nue to live into our vision of being a thriving community in Christ where we all par cipate in worship and are all transformed by mission. (Pastor’s Reflections, continued on page 2)
Surprised by Scripture: Engaging Contemporary Issues Wednesdays at 6:00 pm — January 13 to March 16 Surprised by Scripture: Engaging Contemporary Issues, a book by N. T. Wright provides the founda on and guide for a discussion based explora on of scripture led by Frank Granger. The book is a collec on of essays by the author that are responses to ques ons others have raised and invita ons received to explore a variety of issues from a biblical perspec ve. In the author’s own words, “The ‘surprise’ in the tle refers both to the fact that many people may not expect the Bible to have much to say on these topics in the first place, and also to the fact that when it does speak to them, it may not say what people have imagined. If you would like to reserve a copy of this book at $12 per copy, please contact the church office or Frank Granger (frank@firstbap stathens.org).
Bible Study to focus on the Parables Beginning January 12 and 13, Paul Baxley’s Tuesday Noon Bible Study and Wednesday Evening Bible Study will be a series on the Parables. The Tuesday class meets in E113. The Wednesday study will meet in the Fellowship Hall.
(Pastor’s Reflections, continued from page 1.
M Paul Baxley Senior Minister
Speaking of mission, I hope you will carefully review the data included in this newsle)er regarding our congrega on’s investment in local and global mission during 2015. You will find that there is abundant evidence that we are par cipa ng in mission, not only financially, but also with our me and energy. Through our par cipa on, lives are being changed in our community and around the world, and at the same me our congrega on is being transformed.
Frank Granger Minister of Christian Community
I look forward to all that the coming months hold in the life of our congrega on, and wish each of you all the best during this New Year!
Randy Bri2ain Minister of Music
Brandon Pendry Minister of Youth and Mission
Amanda Lewis Minister of College Students
Anne Bri2ain Organist/Music Associate
Alan McArthur Pianist
Jon Appleton Pastor Emeritus
CHURCH FAMILY NEWS S678 96 We extend our Chris an love and sympathy to • Jacola Bolger, Julia Hanna, Marty Kseniak, Carol Sue Meech, and their families in the loss of their mother, Martha Nan Meyer on December 26. • Susan Henderson and family in the loss of her father “Bo” Arnold on December 25. • Dallas Cannady in the loss of his sister, Thelma Hicks of Columbia, SC, on December 20. • Mary Conley and her family in the loss of her grandmother, Mary Meadows, on December 13. • HwaChoon Park and her family in the loss of her mother, GiSoo Jang of Korea who passed away in early December. • Joe Clark and his family in the death of his brother, Billy Clark, who passed away on Sunday, December 6, 2015. F > ? M 7 Memorials were given to the Founda on Benevolent Fund in November and December in memory of Frank McHan, Martha Nan Meyer and Janey Cooley. Memorials were given to the Church History Fund in December in memory of Ernie Hynds.
CONGREGATION AUTHORIZES CAPITAL CAMPAIGN STEERING COMMITTEE BEGINS PREPARATIONS FOR CAMPAIGN On Sunday, December 6, 2015 the congrega on of First Bap st Church overwhelmingly approved a mo on from the Deacons, the Capital Funding Commi)ee and the Master Planning Commi)ee that a capital campaign be conducted in 2016 to raise funds toward the $5 million first phase of renova ons and expansion in our Master Plan. The Steering Commi)ee has begun ac ve prepara ons for the campaign in consulta on with Ruben Swint, our capital funding consultant. ADer the first of the year, more detailed informa on regarding the campaign schedule will be released. But for now, we ask the congrega on to pray for the steering commi)ee, others who will volunteer in the campaign and our en re congrega on as we prepare to begin this effort. Steering Commi)ee members are Alan Reddish (Campaign Chair) Pam Bickley Ma) DuVall Al Henderson Linda Lacy Fred Young
Jill Dawson (Campaign Manager) Sherri Divers Cindy Haygood Bill Hopper Mark Sanders Paul Baxley and Ruben Swint (Capital Campaign consultant) serve ex-oficio. 2
Deacon ElecGon 2016 The 2016 Deacon Elec on will begin on February 2, 2016. The schedule for our elec on process is as follows: Monday, January 25
Last day for members to no fy the church office reques ng that their names only appear on the Ineligible List. Tuesday, February 2 Deacon Nomina ng Ballots to be mailed. Tuesday, February 16 Nomina ng Ballots due back in the church office for coun ng. Names of the members receiving the top twenty-four (24) vote totals will automa cally be placed on the final ballot. Monday, March 7 Deacon Elec on Ballots mailed. Sunday, March 20 Deacon Elec on Ballots due back in the church office for coun ng. All resident church members will be nomina ng up to 12 eligible members who meet the following criteria: • 21 years of age; have been members of First Bap st for 2 years by the me of ballo ng • Regular in a)endance and support for FBC service • Financially suppor ve of the church • In the opinion of the person making the nomina on, meet the Biblical principles and condi ons set forth in Acts 6:3-6 and 1 Timothy 3:8-13. Opt-Out Status If anyone does not want their name to be placed on the Eligible for Nomina on list for considera on on the deacon elec on ballot, please submit a request to the church office IN WRITING (no phone calls) to opt-out by January 25, 2016. By submiMng your request to opt-out, your name will be placed on the published Ineligible list. You may send this request to opt-out of the elec on by email to Cheri Rose (cheri@firstbap stathens.org), or by postal mail addressed to 355 Pulaski Street, Athens, GA 30601, or drop off the wri)en request to the church office. Emeritus Status If a former deacon would like to seek Emeritus Status, you can do so by submiMng a request in wri ng to the secretary of the deacons as stated in the Church Policy for Deacon Emeritus Status. If you plan to request emeritus status in the near future and thus do not want your name to be placed on the upcoming elec on ballot, please submit this request to the church office in wri ng by January 25,2016.
UPDATE ON SEARCH FOR MINISTER OF CHILDREN, FAMILIES AND OUTREACH On October 18, the congrega on voted unanimously to authorize a search for a full- me Minister of Children, Families and Outreach and to elect a search commi)ee to seek a candidate for this important posi on. Since that vote, the search commi)ee has held several mee ngs and has begun the search process by adver sing the posi on and receiving resumes and recommenda ons. While the deadline for applica on is not un l January 15, the commi)ee is already considering some very impressive candidates. Over the next weeks and months, the commi)ee will learn more about the candidates through receiving wri)en responses from candidates, checking references, and conduc ng interviews by video conference and in person. Please pray for the commi)ee as it con nues its work and for the candidates being considered. We look forward to the me the commi)ee has a recommenda on. Members of the commi)ee are: Tom Brown, Chair Jennifer Ellis Joanna Hill Julie Jenkins Carol Reddish
Judy Ebert Rob Gordon Trish Hogan Jeff Randa Robin O’Rear (Chair of Deacons) and Paul Baxley serve ex-oficio.
MISSION NEWS How FBC Fulfilled its Mission in 2015 FBC Athens shows Jesus Christ’s love by engaging in transforma"onal ministry in rela"onship with its neighbors both locally and globally in the community spirit of Ma$hew 25:24-40.
$ GiPs to Partners
$ GiPs
(budget giving)
(non-budget giving)
$28,456+ $ of Volunteer Hours
$ of In-Kind DonaGons
AT LEAST 4830 hours served
(valued using replacement cost)
(valued at $23.07/hour by ww.independentsector.org)
$288,945+ From providing bed-nights to IHN families, volunteering at ODB or the Food Bank, to providing hygiene kits, meals for Mercy volunteers, and serving on local and interna onal mission teams, FBC truly engaged in transforma onal ministry in 2015. Let’s top $300,000 in 2016!
IHN Volunteer Breakfast For Current and Future Volunteers Sunday, January 24 at 8:30 a.m. in the Rotunda Make serving with FBC your New Year’s resolu on! It’s me to renew/make new your commitment to serving with some of FBC’s Ministry Partners. We have opportuni es at various mes almost every day of the week, including serving at the Food Bank, preparing meals at Our Daily Bread, offering hospitality to our ODB guests, serving with IHN, and more. Be sure to sign up online or in the main hallway at FBC’s Mission Board.
Join us for a full breakfast where we say thank you to all who have par cipated with IHN in the past year. We also invite anyone interested in volunteering so that we can make new commitments or renew old ones for IHN. For new volunteers who a)end, we will tailor the morning so that you can be fully trained and ready to serve aDer joining us for breakfast. Food Bank Needs:
Open dates in January include Foodbank: January 12, 13, 26, 27 ODB: Daily for hospitality MLK Day of Service: January 18
SalGne Crackers • Dry Beans • Hot cereal Please bring your donaGons to the Mission Room at Church. •
9:00 a.m. to 1200 noon Oglethorpe Avenue Elementary School Trail Clean-up Volunteers will work on trail improvements and invasive species removal. Sign up online under Mission Opportunities. The Youth will enjoy lunch together afterwards so don’t forget to bring money for lunch..
This summer, we will be heading south to Atlanta where we will work with CBF missionaries, Jen and Trey Lyon at Park Avenue Baptist Church. The church hosts a literacy camp beginning June 13, which also happens to be staffed by Passport’s Mission Base camp. Our time in Atlanta will be spent getting the church and ministry ready to serve all summer long! Some ministry things we will end up doing are: • Cleaning and organizing church spaces • Creating and organizing materials • Minor building repair • Screening neighborhood children for the summer camp through a block party! This is a great opportunity for us to serve somewhere close to home and learn about people in Atlanta we would otherwise never meet. Sign up on the FBC Youth website.
Greensboro College in Greensboro, NC July 10-15
Cost $250
Deadline to register: February 28
Annual Youth and Parents “Souperbowl” Party
Sunday, February 7 6:00 p.m. in FBC youth Room Bring: $1 admission (for ODB Soup kitchen) Favorite game food to share Drink to share Friends 5
WORSHIP NEWS The Work of Christmas Begins
by: Randy Bri2ain, Minister of Music
We’ve hustled and bustled through Advent and the ongoing Christmas season. The guests have gone home. We’ve rung in the New Year. We’ve packed up the decora ons. And now we rest. Or now, according to poet, Civil Rights ac vist, and theologian Dr. Howard Thurman, the work of Christmas really begins.
The Work of Christmas Begins When the song of the angels is s"lled, when the star in the sky is gone, when the kings and princes are home, when the shepherds are back with their flocks, the work of Christmas begins: to find the lost, to heal the broken, to feed the hungry, to release the prisoner, to rebuild the na"ons, to bring peace among the people, to make music in the heart.
I have been introduced to Dr. Thurman’s moving poem through a musical seMng by composer Dan Forrest. You will have the opportunity to hear this musical seMng during worship on Sunday, January 3. As the Christmas season comes to a close and we move into the season of Epiphany, I invite you to spend some me contempla ng this poem by Dr. Thurman.
Disciples Class Christmas Project By: Marcia Caskey Each year the Disciples Class plans a Christmas project to help others. In the past, we have provided Christmas goodies and stockings for all the children who a)ended the Parkview Day Care that was started years ago by Be)y Jane Farrall and other FBC ladies. Sadly, Parkview closed several years ago and we needed to find a new beneficiary. For the past three years, we have provided 100 hygiene kits for Our Daily Bread guests which contained a toothbrush, toothpaste, shaving cream, razor, shampoo, lo on, lip balm, notepad, pens, band-aids, soap, a wash cloth and deodorant. Each kit should last the recipient about a month. This year, we invited the DORCAS-SNOW and the B&P classes to join with us in providing funds to support this project. With their help, we were able to provide 108 hygiene kits, 50 pairs of men's work socks, and ten 2person tents for some of the ODB guests who currently have no shelter during the winter. We even have enough money leD over to make 30+ more hygiene kits in February. This has been a fun project for our class and enabled us to con nue a grand tradi on. We so very much appreciate the help given to us by the Dorcas-Snow and the B&P classes. We know that con nuing this tradi on will indeed make a difference to our ODB guests!
On Thursday, March 10, 2016, the 50+ Team will sponsor a day-trip to the Biblical History Center in LaGrange, GA. We will travel on a deluxe motor coach leaving FBC at 8:00 a.m. to arrive at the center in me to enjoy a biblical meal experience which will include Passover, the Last Supper, and general meal customs of people in ancient mes. On the way back, we will visit the Blue Willow Inn Restaurant and GiD Shop to enjoy a buffet dinner. Entrance fees, transporta on, and all meals are included in the per person price of $129. ADer dinner, we will return to FBC at approximately 8:00 p.m. You do not need to be a member of the 50+ group to join us on this wonderful trip — all are invited! Please submit full payment (checks payable to FBC Athens) by January 26, or pay online at www.goodnewstravels.com by February 1. Our tour name is FBC Athens LaGrange. If you have addi onal ques ons, please contact Lorene Horton (706-255-1120). Another upcoming trip sponsored by the 50+ Team is a trip to the Pennsylvania Amish Country. This trip is being organized by Daniel’s Discovery Tours and will take place Monday, June 13 through Saturday, June 18. The cost per person (based on double occupancy) is $975 and includes transporta on, lodging, fees and ps, nine meals and a tour manager. A representa ve of Daniel’s Tours will be at FBC on Monday, January 11, at 5:00 p.m. to present informa on about the trip and answer any ques ons you may have. You do not need to be a member of the 50+ Team to join the trip.
This past summer one of our summer neighborhood Bible study groups was organized for young adults. At the end of the summer, and an enjoyable me together, a couple of ques ons surfaced: Should we con nue mee ng in the fall? Who would be interested? There was a definite “yes” to the first ques on from individuals who were interested. This led to a series of other ques ons: Where to meet? When to meet? What to study? Who else should we invite? Who will lead? Four months later we are planning our next topic to begin in January 2016. One of the ques ons I can hear from those of you reading this, even as I write this, is “How many do you have?” The be)er ques on is “What is happening?” To which I would reply, “I am so glad you asked.” Every other Tuesday night, yes Tuesday evening, at 7:00 p.m., Kelli and Steve Smith open their door and welcome us in. Steve prepares an evening meal and we gather around tables for food, geMng to know one another, plenty of laughter, and much more. Some me aDer that, we gather in the den for our Bible study me which I facilitate. The subject of our conversa ons during the fall was the book by Rachel Held Evans — Searching for Sunday: Loving, Leaving, and Finding the Church. We ended the fall with a “Tacky” Christmas party. (Pictured above, right). Above is a quick comment about the basics. But for what is really happening, you need to hear it straight from some of our young adults who have been par cipa ng this fall.
breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts (Acts 2:46).’ They welcomed us and fed us... they literally set the table for those Tuesday night conversa"ons that prompted me to reexamine my faith. This wasn't an easy semester, but when school got hec"c, I could count on a warm meal and laughs at the Smith's house. Fellowship made all the difference this season. – Bre) Pardue I have enjoyed breaking into a totally new and different group of people who share similar thoughts and ideals. Evans perfectly describes the flaws of the church that my genera"on sees in a way that I haven't been able to pinpoint. It's incredibly encouraging to hear that someone else gets it! And the Low Country Boil? Nailed it. – Leanna Brown
I've enjoyed the community this group has formed and how we have become a close knit group of young people who are all trying to seek God’s will in their lives and that I've enjoyed the honest conversa"ons we've been able to have about church and our experiences with people of we can all share our stories of mistakes and success and my genera"on. My favorite line of Rachel's book was love and heartache along the way. To that end, I like ‘Imagine if every church became a place where everyone how Rachel Held Evans talked about the church and what it really looks like for us to be the body of Christ. It is safe, but no one is comfortable. Imagine if every means being there for each other through it all and not church became a place where we told one another the only sharing with each other the good in our lives, but truth. We might just create sanctuary.’ My favorite meal the bad and the ugly too - and knowing that our family that Steve prepared was lasagna. – Jessica Webber of faith will s"ll love and accept us as Christ does. This is what it means to be a follower of Christ and that is exactly what I have experienced in this small group. Addi onally, we have a Sunday School group me each – Allison Roland week. We located a space in the church, and through the decora ng giDs and generosity of Karen and Kevin Price, As someone who works on Sundays and can't come to we have a beau ful warm atmosphere in which to gather. tradi"onal services, it's meant the world to me that I The Smiths serve as our Sunday morning hosts and Paul have a group of people with whom I can share a meal, Baxley and I share the leadership for discussion. The laugh, and talk about faith. – Seaton S les Sunday School group me formed later. It was the I've most enjoyed reading about the power of fellowship Tuesday evening experiences where community took outside of the church – apart from an ordered service in shape, and where it con nues to give life. the sanctuary — and experiencing it firsthand around the table at Steve and Kelli's home. ‘Day by day... 7
JOIN US FOR WORSHIP IN January Sunday, January 3, 2016 – The Second Sunday aCer Christmas Sermon: by Amanda Lewis Texts: Jeremiah 31:1-14, Psalm 147:12-20, John 1:1-18 Sunday, January 10, 2016 – Bap"sm of the Lord Sermon: “Bap sm is More than Water” Texts: Psalm 29, Acts 8:14-17, Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 Sunday, January 17, 2016 – The Second Sunday aCer Epiphany Sermon: “Church: A Par cipatory Community” Texts: Isaiah 62:1-5, I Corinthians 12:1-11 Sunday, January 24, 2016 – The Third Sunday aCer Epiphany Sermon: “Reclaiming the Centrality of the Scriptures” Texts: Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10, Psalm 19, Luke 4:14-21 Sunday, January 31, 2016 – The Fourth Sunday aCer Epiphany Sermon: “Commi)ed to Mission” Texts: Luke 4:14-30, II Corinthians 5:16-21
Received week of November 29 Received week of December 6 Received week of December 13 Received week of December 20 Received week of December 27
$10,251.35 $55,326.34 $22,977.09 $40,044.24 $26,077.00
S \ ]T ] 9 Co-Deacons for the Weeks of: Dec. 27– Jan. 2: Carol Reddish, Kim Rogers January 3-9: Beth Sanders, Ches Smith January 10-16: Erica Spackman, Jimmy Thomason January 17-23: Andy Ullrich, Kathy Barrow January 24-30: Sallyanne Barrow, Mary Barton Jan. 31—Feb. 6: Pam Bickley, Tom Brown
Fellowship Team for January Donna Hopper, Jane Hubert, Mike Lacy, Gigi Las nger
Usher Team for January Save the Date: Winter Table to Table Fellowship Lunch Sunday, February 7, 2016 Sponsored by the Recrea"on Team – Provides opportunity for us to share a meal together while also giving from our table to help others in our community who are hungry. Save the date, details will come in the new year.
WEDNESDAY MENUS Adults $7.00; Children $3.50 January 6 Hot Meal: Chicken Fingers, Macaroni and Cheese, Broccoli Spears, Fruit Cup, Breads cks, Dessert Children: Hot Meal January 13 Hot Meal: Hamburger Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Sliced Peaches, Biscuit, Dessert Children: Hot Dog and Tater Tots January 20 Hot Meal: SpagheM, Meat Sauce, Tossed Salad, Fruit Cup, Breads cks, Dessert Children: Hot Meal January 27 Hot Meal: Barbecue, Bun, Baked Beans, Cole Slaw, Fruit Jello, Dessert Children: Pizza There is also a Salad Bar Op"on with Baked Irish or Sweet Potato. Make reserva"ons and view supper menus on the church website You may also call the church office to make or change exis"ng reserva"ons. 8
Jerry Gouge, Carl Hedrick, Jimmy Thomason, Milton Mills, Randan Ashmore, Steve Smith
Welcome Center Team January 3: Branyon Foyer: Judy and Jim Ebert Fanning Foyer: Debbie and Tom Brown January 10: Branyon Foyer: Karen Price, Cindy Haygood Fanning Foyer: Charlo)e Crowe, Pam Bickley January 17 Branyon Foyer: Debbie and Tom Brown Fanning Foyer: Judy and Jim Ebert January 24 Branyon Foyer: Charlo)e Crowe, Pam Bickley Fanning Foyer: Karen Price, Cindy Haygood January 31 Branyon Foyer: Judy and Jim Ebert Fanning Foyer: Debbie and Tom Brown
CounGng Commi2ee: January 3: Randan Ashmore, Steve Barton January 10: Joyce Fleeman, Bill Hopper January 17: Michael Jenkins, Dallas Cannady January 24: Ray Noblet, Brad Las nger
Extended Session: January 3: Ka e & Edwin Hanks January 10: Andy & Trish Hogan January 17: Caroline & Ma) DuVall January 24: Susan & Wes Hogan January 31: April & Tom Riddle Submit items for inclusion in the February edion of FBC news by noon on January 21.
18 2:00 p.m. Staff Meeting 6:00 p.m. Deacons Ham and Egg Supper
25 24 2:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. IHN Volunteer Breakfast Staff Meeting
11 10:00 a.m. AIM Board Meeting 2:00 p.m. Staff Meeting 5:00 p.m. Amish Tour meeting
28 5:30 p.m. Dinner with Darrell Huckaby 27 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Activities
26 12:00 noon Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop
20 12:00 noon Newsletter Deadline 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Activities
19 12:00 noon Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop
7 10:30 a.m. 50+ Team
13 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Activities 5:15 p.m. Property Mgt. Committee 5:15 p.m. Finance Committee
6 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Activities 6:00 p.m. Adult Discipleship: Sabbatical Report
1 Church Office Closed
12 10:00 a.m. IHN Meeting 12:00 noon Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop
5 10:00 a.m. Farrall-Hynds Circle Meeting
Wednesday Schedule 5:00 –5:45 p.m. Wednesday Dinner 5:45 p.m. Children’s Choir 6:00—6:50 p.m. Adult Discipleship 6:00—7:15 p.m. Youth Ac vi es 6:00 p.m. College Ac vi es 6:30 — 7:15 p.m. Mission Kids 7:00 p.m. Sanctuary Choir
4 2:00 p.m. Staff Meeting 5:30 p.m. Personnel Committee
Sunday Schedule Coffee, Donuts Sunday School Worship Youth Choir Youth Ac vi es Adult Handbell Choir College Bible Study
3 6:00 p.m. Youth Activities — Tacos and Takedown
9:15 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 5:15 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.
First Baptist Church (USPS 193-040) 355 Pulaski Street Athens, Ga 30601
An Evening with Darrell Huckaby Thursday, January 28 at 5:30 p.m. •
Full meal, catered by FBC “Celebrity Chef” Doug Dillard
Evening entertainment from Darrell Huckaby (Southern Humorist, Author, Speaker and UGA Fan)
Fellowship and Fun
Sponsored by the 50+ Team RSVP by calling the church office. Hurry! Space is limited 10