June july 2016 full color

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June/July 2016

Volume LIX No. 6

P ’ R

By: Dr. Paul Baxley, Senior Minister

More than a decade ago, I read about a Bap st pastor in Texas who decided to take an unusual approach to his summer preaching schedule. Rather than preparing new sermons, this highly respected Bap st preacher decided to preach “re-runsâ€? of what he considered to be some of his be'er eorts in previous years. The logic, as he explained it, was that prime- me television was in re-run season, so it made sense for him to do so as well. How did that work in Texas? I cannot be sure. How would it work here? We’ll not be ďŹ nding out this year or any me in the foreseeable future. Instead, I am looking forward to spending the months of June preparing and preaching a series of sermons from Paul’s le'er to the Gala ans. Then, for much of July, our a'en on will shi1 to texts from the prophets of the Old Testament. Some of these texts I have preached before at vastly dierent mes, others I will approach for the ďŹ rst me this summer. But I’m energized and challenged by the texts that are before us this summer and the opportuni es for reec on and applica on they will provide us.

Paul’s Le'er to the Gala ans arose from a signiďŹ cant controversy in early Chris anity. As we have learned in Acts, one of the ďŹ rst great debates in the church was whether Gen les would have to become Jews before they could be Chris ans. The churches in Gala a (to whom Paul sends this le'er) are struggling with this debate ďŹ rst hand. Responding to the crisis gives Paul an opportunity to address deep convic ons of Chris an faith while also challenging the Gala ans to embrace the radical new iden ty, freedom and responsibility that come when we follow Jesus. (Pastor’s Reflections, continued on page 2)

Serving at FBC

On the ďŹ rst and last Sundays of every month, a mission team member will be in the main hallway to help you sign up to serve with FBC’s mission partners. Make sure you engage your faith this summer!

Pastor’s Reflections, continued from page 1

M Paul Baxley Senior Minister

Frank Granger

Once July comes, we’ll hear from Amos and Hosea, two of the very ďŹ rst wri ng prophets of the Old Testament. Amos will invite us to think about what it means to oer and receive unwelcome truth. Then, he will require us to explore how what we believe aect how we prac ce economics and relate to those who are in poverty. Hosea will oer us a rare window into the character and heart of God.

Minister of Christian Community

Randy Bri$ain Minister of Music

Brandon Pendry Minister of Youth and Mission

Amanda Lewis

So I hope you will join us in worship this summer each Sunday as you are able. Read the texts in advance (you can see a full schedule in this newsle'er). Pray about how the Scriptures speak to our lives, our church, this community and the world. Come prepared to oer praise to God and be challenged by Old and New Testament alike.

Minister of College Students

Anne Bri$ain Organist/Music Associate

Alan McArthur

Chris an worship, you see, is never a re-run. The good news, the challenging news, is that in every season of the calendar and every me of our life, God meets us anew. What grace!


Jon Appleton Pastor Emeritus

L / 0 1 2: N 5 6 R !" As of the publica on of this summer edi on of The First Bap st News, we have received 149 pledges to our Regenerate Campaign, for a total of $2,641,770. We are extremely grateful for generous commitments made by church members of all ages to the vision of renova ng our facili es so that they are an even greater asset to us as we carry out the mission and ministry God has given us. If you have not yet made your pledge, it is cri cal that we hear from you immediately. With the beginning of June, our primary a'en on is shi1ing from seeking pledges to developing a proposal for how we best move forward in the renova on of our church buildings. Our Master Planning Commi'ee will meet with our architects from CDH Partners and representa ves of Van Winkle Construc on (who we retained last August to provide pre-construc on services.) The purpose of these conversa ons will be to review updated and more detailed budget numbers for the projects contained in the Phase One approved by the congrega on last December. Then, representa ves of the Master Planning Commi'ee, the Capital Campaign Steering Commi'ee and other church leaders will bring a report and recommenda on ďŹ rst to the Deacons and then to the congrega on for discussion and ac on. At present, the goal is for a report and recommenda on to be made to the church as soon as possible when the new academic year begins in August. Thank you for your generous ďŹ nancial commitments. Now pray for the important conversa ons that will take place in commi'ees, among our Deacons, and in our congrega on as we reach a decision regarding next steps. Should you have ques ons, please contact Robin O’Rear (Chair of Deacons), Doug Mar n (Chair of Master Planning Commi'ee), Alan Reddish (Capital Campaign Steering Commi'ee Chair) or Paul Baxley (Senior Minister) 2

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by: Bill Hopper, Finance Commi$ee Chair

The FBC Finance Commi'ee has a responsibility to the congrega on to communicate the ďŹ nancial status of the church on a frequent basis. We have completed the ďŹ rst four months of our ďŹ scal year as of April 30, 2016.

ask for your help in improving the situa on. Receipts for the ďŹ rst four months of 2016 were $42,000 below our receipts for the ďŹ rst four months of 2015. In comparing this year to last year, it should be noted that the past few years have included a “pay it forwardâ€? push in which The ďŹ rst four months of 2016 were unique in terms of the contributors were asked, if able, to pay a dispropor onate ďŹ nances of our church. For the ďŹ rst me in many years, the amount of their contribu on earlier in the year. Due to the church was also in the midst of a capital campaign. While emphasis on the capital campaign this year, we decided not the Regenerate capital campaign does not fall under the to make that push at the same me. Without that purview of the Finance Commi'ee, there is certainly some emphasis, it should be noted that comparing receipts is overlap in impact and responsibili es. As has been more of an “apples to orangesâ€? analogy than “apples to announced, the congrega on has pledged more dollars to apples.â€? the capital campaign than any other such eort in the long history of our church. That level of giving is an obvious sign The net result is that the church has a $56,000 year to date of the commitment and health of our congrega on. We deďŹ cit which compares similarly to our deďŹ cit of $52,000 at are embracing our role as the current curators of First this point last year. I have been involved in our church’s Bap st Church of Athens. ďŹ nances for many years now so you might say that I should have ďŹ xed this issue of running a deďŹ cit for most of the At the beginning and throughout the campaign, there was year and then playing catch up in December of each emphasis on the fact that giving to the capital campaign year. In all seriousness, our opera ng cash balance is low must be above and beyond our giving to the church’s enough to cause some concern, especially entering the opera ng budget. The opera ng budget pays for missions, summer months where many of our members are facility repairs, u li es, programs, salaries, and all of the fortunate to spend some me in rejuvena on away from other expenses associated with opera ng a church. A1er Athens. My plea is that you will do two things. First, the ďŹ rst four months of 2016, there is good news and not please check your actual contribu@ons versus your 2016 so good news. pledge to the opera@ng budget and see if you are current. Second, if you are able, please consider remiFng First, I am pleased to report the good news which is that ahead some of your 2016 pledge now rather than later in expenses are well contained. For the ďŹ rst months of 2016, the year. expenses were approximately $37,000 under budget and $39,000 under the ďŹ rst four months of 2015. Sta and As always, Cheri Rose in our church oďŹƒce is the only person commi'ee chairs have worked very diligently to contain that knows individual giving so please direct any ques ons expenses without hampering ministry. about your contribu ons to Cheri. If you have ques ons about the status of our church ďŹ nances, please do hesitate I am also obligated to report the not so good news and to to contact me.

C1; 1 F 7 < N = S<76 1< We express our Chris an love and sympathy to Mark Lancaster in the loss of his mother, Hazel Payne Lancaster, of Gainesville, GA on May 2, 2016. Congratula ons to Brandon and Stacey Pendry on the birth of their daughter, Emerson Olivia, on May 20, 2016 N = M 7> Please join us in welcoming the newest members of our church family: John Russel Thomason MaIe Thomason Bred Pardue


2016—2017 C 77

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Church Clerk‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌..Patsy Hogan Assistant Church Clerk‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌...Joe Clark Moderator‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌.Gary Blasingame Treasurer‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌..Dallas Cannady Assistant Treasurer‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌..Rick Dawson SS Director‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌.Pam Dillard Director of Library Services‌‌‌‌‌.Susan Henderson President of AIM (Adults in Mission)‌‌‌..Jill Dawson Scout Representa ve‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌..Sam Massey Church Historian‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌..Pending VBS Co-Directors 2016‌‌‌Susan Hogan/Trish Hogan

Chair-Elect, Board of Deacons‌‌‌‌..Cindy Haygood Administra ve Division Liaison‌‌‌‌‌..Beth Sanders Missions Division Liaison‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌..Tony Dillard Service Division Liaison‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌..Carol Reddish Community Division Liaison‌‌‌‌‌.Debbie Hargrave Ministry Division Liaison‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌.Gigi Las nger Chair, Board of Deacons (ex-oďŹƒcio)‌‌‌...Helen Mills Ministerial Sta

C 77

O; – 2016 - 2017 Administrative Division Finance Commi'ee Personnel Commi'ee Property Management Committee Nomina ng Commi'ee

Missions Division Missions Team Adults In Mission FBC Interfaith Hospitality Network Our Daily Bread

Service Division Archives Team Flower/Decorating Team Food Service Team Sanctuary Prep Team Usher Team

A27 Q D Q

Community Division Community Team Communica on Team Outreach Team Recrea on Team Senior Adult Team Welcome Center and Hospitality Team

Ministry Division Children/Preschool Ministry Team Discipleship Ministry Team Music Ministry Team Youth Ministry Team College Ministry Team

Co-Chair: Steve Barton Michael Jenkins 2018 Kelli Smith 2018 Bevan Hopper 2019 Jackie GriďŹƒn 2019 Mike Lacy 2019

Beth Sanders — Division Liaison Property Mgt. Committee Chair: Wayne Hogan Co-Chair: Doug Mar@n Nancy Denney 2017 Shaun O’Rear 2018 Bert Hill 2017 Milton Mills 2019 Lamar Houston 2017 Debbie Brown 2019 Jim Carter 2018 Andy Hogan 2019 John Lambeth 2018

Personnel Commi$ee Chair: Tom Brown Co-Chair: Rick Dawson Carol Cofer 2017 Julie McGinty 2018 Wayne Dill 2017 Daniel Haygood 2019 Joanna Hill 2018 Karen Price 2019

Nomina@ng Commi$ee Chair: Margaret Thomason Co-Chair: Jane Hubert Anne'e BarďŹ eld 2017 Evelyn McNair 2018 Kim Smith 2017 Dallas Cannady 2019 Mary Conley 2018 Andy Ullrich 2019

Finance Committee Chair: Buddy Snow Brad Las nger Lewis Shropshire Heather Stover Joyce Fleeman

2017 2017 2017 2018


Missions Team Co-Leader: Ken Greene 2019 Leader: Chris Conley 2017 Phil Caskey 2018 Emily Caldwell 2017 Susan Henderson 2018 Jill Dawson 2017 Kathy Barrow 2019 Nancy Lee Wilbanks 2017 Cindy Hooper 2019 Becky Braid 2018 Phyllis Nelson 2019 Dave Braid 2018

Tony Dillard — Division Liaison Adults in Missions President: Jill Dawson Virginia Appleton Circle Chair: Secretary: Margaret Thomason TBD by the Circle Treasurer: Mary Barton Chair of Farrall-Hynds Circle: Devo onal Chair: Jan Brown June Robertson Prayer Chair: Elizabeth Eidson Co-Chair: Bobbie Monk Publicity Chair: Kathy Barrow Past President: Diane Box Missions Chair: Nancy Dempsey

FBC Interfaith Hospitality Network Co-Coordinators: Don Nelson Al Henderson Joanna Hill Gayle Noblet Fred and Amy Young

Kim and Wayne Rogers Evening/Overnight Host Transporta on Meals Laundry Set-up/Take-Down

Our Daily Bread Chair: Mary Conley Kathy Barrow Mary Colley Jim Ebert Bobbie Monk


Carl Monk Brandon Pendry Lois Gibbs


Carol Reddish — Division Liaison Sanctuary Prep Team Leader: Jim Hubert Leader: Sherri Divers 2018 Co Leader: Chip Folendore 2018 Nancy Dempsey Deborah Carrier 2017 Arv Vasenden 2019 Kathy Coleman 2017 Melissa Vasenden 2019 Flower/Decorations Team Richard Coleman 2017 Evelyn Harney 2019 Leader: Lyn Hill 2018 Co Leader: Al Henderson 2019 Wanda Grogan 2017 Mary Swi1 (Alternate) Arlene Hogan 2017 Debbie Ullrich 2018 LaReece Reynolds 2018 George Swi1 (Alternate) Wayne Hogan 2017 Joanna Hill 2018 Sherman Reynolds 2018 Mary Colley (Alternate) George Swi1 2017 Donna Hopper 2018 Susan Henderson 2019 Fay Rawls (Alternate) Mary Swi1 2017 Valerie Franklin 2019 Joan Beckham 2018 Tricia Massey 2019 Usher Team Beverly Sams 2018 Gayle Noblet 2019 Co Leader: Bert Hill Leader: Brad Las@nger Food ServiceTeam Randan Ashmore Julie Jenkins Leader: Vickie Horton Co-Leader Bill Horton Anne'e BarďŹ eld Milton Mills Jill Dawson Janet Harrison Wilson Denney Kevin Price Rick Dawson Robert Harrison Larry Divers Jimmy Thomason Tony Dillard Carol Hu Jerry Gouge Malcolm Skinner Sherri Divers Chris ne Lo Carl Hedrick Ches Smith Judy Ebert Sharon McArthur Joanna Hill Steve Smith Cathy Graves Nancy Moon Larry Toole Bill Horton David Graves Nancy Lee Wilbanks Archives Team Charlo'e Marshall John Marshall

C 77; < D Q Community Team Co Leader: Roy Segars Leader: Kathy Segars Sharon McKillip 2017 Dallas Cannady 2018 Ken Greene 2017 Trish Hogan 2018 Becky Adams 2018 Don Nelson 2018 Welcome Center and Hospitality Team Leader: Co-Leader: Martha Ivester Debbie Brown Wanda Grogan Chris ne Lo Becky Adams Teresa Granger Janice Love Joan Beckham Jackie GriďŹƒn John Marshall Tom Brown Pam GriďŹƒn Karen Price Sherri Divers Pam Dillard (alt.) June Robertson Margaret Earnest Cindy Haygood Beth Sanders Jim Ebert Jane Hubert Amy Young Judy Ebert Connie Ivester Recreation Team Chair: Stacey Pendry Bevan Hopper Molli Scarborough

2017 2017 2017

Co Chair: Anna Randa 2019 Doug Dillard 2018 Craig Ellis 2019

Debbie Hargrave — Division Liaison

Chair: Arv Vasenden Jerry Gouge Lorene Horton Claire Tardy Dallas Cannady Carol Hu

Senior Adult Team 2017 Co Chair: Jerry Gouge 2017 Al Lee 2017 Gayle O’Kane 2017 Wendell Chason 2018 Vickie Horton 2018 Barbara Bri'ain Connie Ivester

2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019 2019

Leader: Linda Lacy Bobbie Monk Margaret Earnest

Outreach Team 2017 Co Leader: Ann Giddens 2017 Julie Jenkins 2018 Carol Cofer

2018 2019 2019

Communications Team Leader: David Millians 2018 Co Leader: Mark Sanders 2019 Tom Barrow 2017 Wes Hogan 2018 Patsy Hogan 2017 Allison Roland 2019

M < D Q

Gigi Las@nger — Division Liaison Music Ministry Team Leader: Jennifer Baxley 2018 Co Leader: Tony Dillard 2019 Leader: Je Randa 2018 Co Leader: Jennifer Ellis 2018 Judith DeFoor 2017 Lori Ragsdale 2018 Emily Bailey 2017 Susan Hogan 2018 Soonseung Hong 2017 Menda Lambeth 2019 Kathryn Fountain 2017 Charles Adams 2019 Youth Ministry Team Susan Greene 2017 Cathy Graves 2019 Rebecca Williamson 2017 Julie Jenkins 2019 Leader: Molli Scarborough 2017 Co Leader: Jason Williamson 2018 2019 Caroline DuVall 2018 Carol Reddish Buddy BarďŹ eld 2017 Jimmy Thomason 2018 Discipleship Ministry Team Judy Ebert 2017 Jared Mar n 2019 Leader: Connie Ivester 2018 Co Leader: Jill Dawson 2019 Kelli Smith 2017 Gigi Las nger 2019 Emily Caldwell 2017 Rob Gordon 2018 David Graves 2018 Savannah Stone 2019 Evelyn McNair 2017 Becky Braid 2019 College Ministry Team Additional Members Serving for the 2016-2017 Year: Leader: LaReece Reynolds 2018 Co Leader: Ches Smith 2017 Jennifer Baxley Doug Mar n Leslie Gordon 2017 Mark Sanders 2018 Paula Hooper Fay Rawls Steve Smith 2017 Richard Coleman 2019 Menda Lambeth Jason Williamson 2019 Sherman Reynolds 2018 Ma' Duvall C hildren/Preschool Ministry Team


MISSION NEWS C 76 H =/ — S;77 M Camp Hawkins, a ministry of the Georgia Bap st Children’s Home and Family Ministries, is the site of this summer’s Adult Mission Trip. FBC members will be serving at this camp for children with developmental disabili es from June 28—July 3. We are currently accep ng dona ons of gently used towels as well as cash dona ons to help cover the costs of arts and cra1s, camp supplies, and food. Towels can be placed in the marked dona on box at church. All monetary dona ons should be submi'ed to church with “Camp Hawkinsâ€? in the memo line. Homemade goodies (brownies, pound cakes, cookies, cupcakes, etc. with NO NUTS) are needed to share with the campers. Watch FBC publica ons for more informa on about baked goods. These items may be dropped o at church on June 26—June 28 by noon. Please remember to pray for the par cipants and volunteers at Camp Hawkins. On Saturday, July 2, all are invited to come to Camp Hawkins to see the camp talent show. To make an evening of it, we will stop and enjoy a meal at Hawg Wild BBQ in Clarkesville along the way. The Talent show begins at 7:00 p.m. If you’d like to join the fun, please bring money for dinner and meet at FBC at 3:30 p.m. to caravan together. Please contact Heather Swank (heather@ďŹ rstbap stathens.org) in the church oďŹƒce or Judy Ebert (jebert@bellsouth.net) if you are able to a'end.

FBC S;77 M O; D < B 2 This summer, there are three dates that we will be serving at Our Daily Bread. • Thursday, June 9, from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. We s ll need a coordinator and volunteers. Please contact Brandon Pendry (Brandon@ďŹ rstbap stathens.org) if you are willing to serve. • Thursday, July 14 from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The Disciples Sunday School Class is taking the lead on this. If you are able to volunteer please contact Al Henderson (marshender@bellwouth.net). • Thursday, August 11. The Deacons will be serving. Contact Robin O’Rear (robinhorear@gmail.com) for more informa on.

A 1 A E7 0 < F 2 B / Volunteers are needed to help at the Athens Area Emergency Food Bank at 9:00 a.m. on the following dates: • June 9, 10, 23, and 24

N 1 G 0 F 2 B / Volunteers are needed to serve on the following dates: • Tuesday, July 21 from 5:30—7:30 p.m. • Saturday, July 23 from 9:00 a.m.—12:00 noon Sign up online or in the main hallway at FBC.

S7 ; 1/S7 K 2 We will be providing over 500 PBJ sandwiches for SLSK on Mondays July 25 and August 1. We will meet at 10:00 a.m. at Milledge Ave. Bap st Church to assemble the food and prepare for delivery. This is a great chance for families to serve together. Sign up online or in the main hallway at FBC. 6

FBC H IHN J; 5-12 Our next hos ng week for guests from the Interfaith Hospitality Network begins Sunday, June 5. As always, we need a number of volunteers to provide a welcoming week for guests. First me volunteers are always welcome and a variety of jobs are available. You can serve as the Overnight Host, prepare and serve meals, help drive, or simply spend me with the guests and make them feel welcome. No ma'er what you like to do, we can ďŹ nd a way for you to make a dierence. Sign up to help on the church website and in main hallway at FBC.

COMMUNITY NEWS Summer may be a me to change up the schedule, but FBCAthens Youth will certainly not be idle. From volunteering with a number of our mission partners to enjoying a day at Six Flags and hiking Tallulah Gorge, there are opportuni es for our youth to stay engaged. Families should refer to the calendar below and stay tuned to FBC publica ons for addi onal youth news. Please contact Brandon Pendry (Brandon@Vcathens.org) for more informa on.


M K 2 H

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2 2 The AIM Board (Adults in Mission) needs Mission Kids helpers. Mission Kids is a program for children Pre-K to 6th grade which meets on Wednesday nights during the school year from 6:30-7:15 p.m. —a1er Children’s Choir. If you are available to help, please contact Jill Dawson (rickjill@bellsouth.net).

COMMUNITY NEWS The theme for this year's Fine Arts Camp will be "Whole Lo'a Drumming Goin' On." Fine Arts Camp will be held July 11-14, 2016 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. each day. Fine Arts Camp is for children who have completed kindergarten through 6th grade by June 1, 2016. The fee for camp is $25 and can be paid in advance in the church oďŹƒce or the fee may be paid on the ďŹ rst day of camp. Camp will include interac ve drumming and rhythm games; bucket drumming will be taught; and, daily concerts from local percussionists will be featured. Dr. Arvin Sco' will be our special guest joining us at camp to perform and teach the children about hand drums. Dr. Sco' is on the faculty at UGA’s Hugh Hodgson School of Music and is the founder of Drumming for Success. You may learn more about Dr. Sco' at drummingforsuccess.com. V B >

S 1

H Q U H 2 June 13-17 from 9:00 am – 12:00 noon Jesus says to the disciples: “My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me.â€? Each day the theme emphasizes Jesus as a shepherd Who LEADS, Who LOVES, Who COMFORTS, Who CARES, Who PROVIDES Through Bible stories, music, games, and much more we will be leading our children to know that God is speaking to us throughout our lives every day. We look forward to having your child(ren) join us for this exci ng week at First Bap st Church. Friends and guests are welcome also. Please register online through our church website, www.ďŹ rstbap stathens.org. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Trish Hogan or Susan Hogan.

CONTRIBUTIONS Received week of May 1 Received week of May 8 Received week of May 15 Received week of May 22

$14,291.00 $27.277.78 $31,524.83 $13,137.00

C1; 1 C S 1 2;

2 On Sunday, June 26, the congrega on will be called into conference at the close of morning worship to vote on the recommenda ons from the Nomina ng Commi'ee.

YTD April 30, 2016 Needed $401,000.00 Received $328,779.22 Expenses $385,136.9 Balance ($56,357.20)

A full report from the Nomina ng Commi'ee is included on pages 4-5 in this edi on of The First Bap st News!


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: B 2 A Our summer neighborhood Bible studies oer the opportunity for our adults to share in the hospitality of gathering in someone’s home, and engaging in informal and meaningful conversa on around the text of Holy Scripture. Our topic this summer is about stories of the disciples, both before and a1er the resurrec on. This will give us the opportunity to discover more about the personali es and the lives of some of the close followers of Jesus and the impact of Jesus and the resurrec on upon their lives. The four Disciples/Followers of Jesus to be highlighted in this series are: Thomas, John, Phillip, and Mary Magdalene. These Neighborhood Bible studies meet in the homes of church members. There are ďŹ ve dierent host homes this summer. Three of these are open to all adults of all ages. One group is designed as a women’s group, and one group is designed for young adults. Each host home will oer all four sessions. A facilitator leads the discussion. These are scheduled from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m., and some light refreshments or dessert are usually served as part of the mee ng experience. How it Works: • A host home serves as a mee ng loca on for each of the four sessions • The four sessions are scheduled during June and July • Each loca on oers each of the four sessions • A facilitator leads discussion at host homes • Mee ng me is 7:00 – 8:30 pm • One does not have to a'end all sessions in order to par cipate • Usually, some light refreshments or dessert is served as part of the mee ng experience These are designed with exibility knowing that people travel throughout the summer. Each session is complete so if you are to miss one or two it will not exclude you from par cipa ng. The hosts and their address and loca on are listed below.

Watkinsville Area — Tuesday nights June 14, 21, July 12, 26 Host Home: Debbie and Tom Brown Address: 1320 Broadlands Dr., Watkinsville 30677 Facilitator: Jerry Gouge

Women’s Group — Tuesday nights June 7, 21, July 12, 26 Host Home: June Robertson Address: 155 Cedar Creek Dr., 30605 Facilitators: Jennifer Baxley & Menda Lambeth

Athens Eastside — Wednesday nights June 8, 22, July 6, 20 Host Home: Helen & Milton Mills Address: 445 Forest Road, 30605 Facilitator: Connie Ivester

Young Adult Group — Tuesday Nights June 14,28, July 12, 26 Host Home: Kelli & Steve Smith Address: 248 Moss Side Drive, 30607 Facilitators: Cindy Haygood & Mark Sanders

Athens — Thursday Nights June 23, 30, July 7, 14 Host Home: Chris & Mary Conley Address: 741 Nantahala Ave. 30601 Facilitator: Jason Williamson


S Q 0 T 0 1 Co-Deacons for the Weeks of: : May 29-June 4: June 5-11: June 12-18 June 19-25: June 26-July 2: July 3-9: July 10-16: July 17-23: July 24-31: July 31– August 6:

Sallyanne Barrow, Mary Barton Pam Bickley, Tom Brown Dallas Cannady, Phil Caskey Carol Cofer, Chris Conley Rick Dawson, Tony Dillard Sherri Divers, David Graves Al Henderson, Andy Hogan Charlie Hooper, Donna Hopper Jane Hubert, Mike Lacy Gigi Las nger, Evelyn McNair

Fellowship Team for June Kathy Barrow, Sallyanne Barrow, Mary Barton, Ches Smith

Fellowship Team for July Pam Bickley, Erica Spackman, Jimmy Thomason, Andy Ullrich

JOIN US FOR WORSHIP IN JUNE AND JULY Sunday, June 5, 2016 – Third Sunday a1er Pentecost Sermon: “A Story of Revela onâ€? Texts: Deuteronomy 26:1-11, Gala ans 1:11-24 Sunday, June 12, 2016 – Fourth Sunday a1er Pentecost Sermon: “No Longer I‌but Christ!â€? Texts: Psalm 32, Gala ans 2:15-21 Sunday, June 19, 2016 – Fi1h Sunday a1er Pentecost Sermon: “Waters Sha'ering Boundariesâ€? Texts: Psalm 29, Gala ans 3:23-29 Sunday, June 26, 2016 – Sixth Sunday a1er Pentecost Sermon: “Rediscovering Religious Libertyâ€? Texts: Psalm 16, Gala ans 5:1, 13-25

Usher Team for June Brad Las nger, Malcolm Skinner, Ches Smith, Kevin Price, Bill Horton, Larry Toole

Usher Team for July Jerry Gouge, Carl Hedrick, Jimmy Thomason, Milton Mills, Randan Ashmore, Steve Smith

Welcome Center Team June 5 Branyon Foyer: Fanning Foyer: June 12 Branyon Foyer: Fanning Foyer: June 19 Branyon Foyer: Fanning Foyer: June 26 Branyon Foyer: Fanning Foyer: July 3 Branyon Foyer: Fanning Foyer: July 10 Branyon Foyer: Fanning Foyer: July 17 Branyon Foyer: Fanning Foyer: July 24 Branyon Foyer: Fanning Foyer: July 31 Branyon Foyer: Fanning Foyer:

Margaret Earnest, John Marshall Sherri Divers, Joan Beckham Beth Sanders, Janice Love Connie Ivester, Martha Ivester Sherri Divers, Joan Beckham Margaret Earnest, John Marshall Connie Ivester, Martha Ivester Beth Sanders, Janice Love Karen Price, Cindy Haygood Charlo'e Crowe, Pam Bickley Judy and Jim Ebert Debbie and Tom Brown Charlo'e Crowe, Pam Bickley Karen Price, Cindy Haygood Debbie and Tom Brown Judy and Jim Ebert Karen Price, Cindy Haygood Charlo'e Crowe, Pam Bickley

‌ con nued on right

Sunday, July 3, 2016 – Seventh Sunday a1er Pentecost Sermon: “Working for the Good of All� Texts: Sunday, July 10, 2016 – Eighth Sunday a1er Pentecost Sermon: “Unwelcome Truth� Texts: Amos 7:7-17, Luke 10:25-37 Sunday, July 17, 2016 – Ninth Sunday a1er Pentecost Sermon: “Deadly Economics� Texts: Amos 8:1-12, Acts 5:1-11 Sunday, July 24, 2016 – Tenth Sunday a1er Pentecost Sermon by Frank Granger Texts: Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15, Luke 11:1-13 Sunday, July 31, 2016 – Eleventh Sunday a1er Pentecost Sermon: “Love that Does Not Let Go� Texts: Hosea 11:1-11, Romans 8:35-39

Coun@ng Commi$ee: June 5: June 12: June 19:: June 26:

Lewis Shropshire, Bill Hopper Kelli Smith, Joyce Fleeman Alan Reddish, Dallas Cannady Randan Ashmore, Steve Barton

Extended Session: June 5: June 12: June 19:: June 26: July 3: July 11: July 17: July 24 July 31 10

Colin & Katrina Law Rob & Leslie Gordon Ma' & Caroline DuVall Susan & Wes Hogan Craig & Jennifer Ellis Anna & Je Randa Clare & Travis Eggleston Andy & Trish Hogan April & Tom Riddle

JUNE/JULY 2016 5 Sunday Worship & Ac vi es 5:00 p.m. IHN Hos ng 6:00 p.m. Walking Group

6 2:00 p.m. Staff Mee ng 5:00 p.m. IHN Hos ng

7 5:00 p.m. IHN Hos ng 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop 7:00 p.m. Women’s Bible Study

8 9 5:15 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Property Mgt. IHN Hos ng Commi'ee 7:00 p.m. Athens Eastside Bible Study

12 Sunday Worship & Ac vi es 6:00 p.m. Walking Group

13 50+Team departs 9:00 a.m. VBS 12:00 noon Youth lunch 2:00 p.m. Staff Mee ng 5:30 p.m. Master Planning

14 9:00 a.m. VBS 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop 7:00 p.m. Watkinsville and Young Adult Bible Study

15 9:00 a.m. VBS 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Night Fellowship 5:15 p.m. Finance Commi'ee

19 Sunday Worship & Ac vi es 8:45 a.m. Mission Team Mtg. 6:00 p.m. Walking Group

20 10:00 a.m. Embroiderer’s Guild 2:00 p.m. Staff Mee ng 6:00 p.m Youth Group

21 7:00 p.m. Watkinsville and Women’s Bible Study

22 23 24 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Athens Eastside Bible Athens Bible Study Study

26 Sunday Worship & Ac vi es 12:00 noon Church Conference 6:00 p.m. Walking Group

27 10:00 a.m. Embroiderer’s Guild 2:00 p.m. Staff Mee ng 6:00 p.m. Deacons Mtg.

28 Adult Mission Trip 8:30 a.m. Youth to Six Flags 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop 7:00 p.m. Young Adult Bible Study

29 Passport Camp for children begins

30 JULY 1 7:00 p.m. Athens Bible Study

2 Passport Camp ends 8:30 a.m. Youth hike and trip to Camp Hawkins

3 Mission trip returns Sunday Worship & Ac vi es 6:00 p.m. Walking Group

4 Office closed

5 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop

6 7:00 p.m. Athens Eastside Bible Study

7 8 10:30 a.m. Homeless and Poverty Coalition 7:00 p.m. Athens Bible Study


10 Sunday Worship & Ac vi es 4:00 p.m. Fine Arts Camp mtg. 6:00 p.m. Walking Group

11 2:00 p. m. Staff Mee ng 8:00 a.m. Fine Arts Camp

12 8:00 a.m. Fine Arts Camp 9:00 a.m. Youth at Food Bank 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop 7:00 p.m. Watkinsville and Women’s Bible Study

13 8:00 a.m. Fine Arts Camp 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Night Fellowship 5:15 p.m. Finance Committee; Property Management Committee

14 15 8:00 a.m. Fine Arts Camp 7:00 p.m. Athens Bible Study


17 Sunday Worship & Ac vi es 8:45 a.m. Mission Team Mtg. 6:00 p.m. Walking Group

18 10:00 a.m. Embroiderer’s Guild 2:00 p.m. Staff Mee ng 6:00 p.m. Deacons mee ng

19 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop

20 7:00 p.m. Athens Eastside Bible Study

21 12:00 noon Newsle'er deadline



24 Sunday Worship & Ac vi es 6:00 p.m. Walking Group

25 9:00 a.m. Smart lunch/Smart Kids 10:00 a.m. Embroiderer’s Guild 2:00 p.m. Staff Mee ng

26 9:00 a.m. Youth to Food Bank 6:00 p.m. Youth Group 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop 7:00 p.m. Watkinsville, Women’s and Young Adult Bible Study

27 9:00 a.m. Youth at Food Bank


29 7:00 p.m. Youth Lock-in begins

30 8:00 a.m. Youth Lock-in ends

16 9:00 a.m. VBS

10 5:00 p.m. IHN Hos ng

11 5:00 p.m. IHN Hos ng

17 9:00 a.m. VBS

18 50+ Team returns


Submit items for inclusion in the August edition of FBC news by noon on July 21. 11

First Baptist Church (USPS 193-040) 355 Pulaski Street Athens, Ga 30601



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MEAL AT 5:00 P.M. PROGRAM AT 6:00 PM. 12


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