March 2016
Volume LIX No. 3
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By: Dr. Paul Baxley, Senior Minister Holy Week begins this year with our Palm Sunday service on March 20. Beginning that morning and con#nuing through worship on Easter Sunday morning, our congrega#on will remember the final hours of Jesus’ life and reflect on the meaning of his life, death and resurrec#on for our lives today. The events of Holy Week are the founda#on of our faith. Worship during Holy Week provides us a tremendously meaningful opportunity to hear the accounts of Jesus’ astonishing love and be transformed by his grace. With every passing year, I become more convinced of the profound truth of Isaac Wa-s’ poetry; Were the whole realm of nature mine that were a present far too small; Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all! This year our Holy Week Services include Morning Worship on Palm Sunday, evening services at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 23 and Maundy Thursday, March 24 and a noon service on Good Friday, March 25. Each of those services will be in our Sanctuary and the Maundy Thursday service will include the celebra#on of communion. The newest addi#on to our worship calendar this Holy Week will be an Easter Sunrise Service in the Wingfield Chapel at Oconee Hill Cemetery. Much earlier this year, the Friends of Oconee Hill Cemetery invited us to lead the new Sunrise Service they are beginning this year in that beau#ful chapel. This year the service will be at 7:00 a.m., it will last less than a half hour, be followed by a recep#on and allow all worshippers (from our congrega#on and others) the chance to be in their own congrega#ons later in the morning. (Pastor’s Reflections, continued on page 2)
Annual Easter Egg Hunt and Luncheon for Children and Their Families
Palm Sunday — March 20 Children’s Choir to sing in Worship Watch FBC Publica#ons for more informa#on.
Pastor’s Reflections, continued from page 1
M Paul Baxley Senior Minister
Frank Granger
Of course, our Holy Week will conclude with our 11:00 a.m. service on Easter morning. I hope you will plan to be present for as many of these services as possible, pray for them, read the Scripture lessons in advance for each of them (they are listed elsewhere in this newsle-er) and come prepared to be challenged and changed by the worshipful remembrance of Jesus’ final days.
Minister of Christian Community
Randy Bri ain Minister of Music
Brandon Pendry Minister of Youth and Mission
Amanda Lewis
As I have shared with you on other occasions, worship services during Holy Week were extremely influen#al in my early growth as a Chris#an and my discovery of a call to ministry. In Holy Week services over the years, God’s love has met me, challenged me, and renewed me in powerful ways. I pray the same happens for all of us this year as we gather to worship God in the days of Holy Week!
Minister of College Students
Anne Bri ain Organist/Music Associate
Palm Sunday : 11:00 a.m. Wednesday: 6:00 p.m. Maundy Thursday: 6:00 p.m. Good Friday: 12:00 noon
Alan McArthur Pianist
Jon Appleton Pastor Emeritus
By: Frank Granger, Minister of Chris0an Community
We are living the season of Lent, the forty day journey to Easter. This is a journey we enter while all the #me knowing the end. At the very beginning we are fully aware of the des#na#on – Easter will come. However, it is the journey itself which holds the mystery for us. This Lenten discipline runs a bit counter to some of the emphasis and focus in our society. What is typical is a focus only on the outcome, the bo-om line, the final results. As a discipline, the journey of Lent calls us to take the #me, make the journey, and do so with an openness of discovery.
outcome, we tend to become anxious as to when this will occur. Consider again the disciples’ ques#on; it reflects that they were s#ll looking for their idea of what the restora#on of Israel was to be. However, what God, through Jesus, had in mind, was a bit different. Lent invites us into this mysteriously prac#cal journey at a one-day-at-a-#me pace. Our eyes are not to be fixed upon the des#na#on in order to complete the journey, but instead to remain open, seeking, searching, and curious as to what we will see and discover along the way. It is a journey with one another, and with the daily ac#vi#es of Jesus that can lead us to gain a sense of the presence of God in our present lives which will transform us for our future living.
This Journey would seem to border on being oxymoronic in nature: a journey for which we know the outcome, yet s#ll holds an aura of mystery. Before making judgment, consider another example of an invita#on to a journey of discovery which provides the conclusion up front.
Pope Francis made a statement in an interview published in the New York Times, September 19, 2013, which speaks to this in a deeper way. “Our life is not given to us like an opera libre-o, in which all is wri-en down; but it means going, walking, doing, searching, seeing… We must enter into the adventure of the quest for mee#ng God, we must let God search and encounter us.”
At the beginning of Mark’s gospel, Jesus is quoted as making this announcement, “The #me is fulfilled and the kingdom of God has come near, repent and believe in the good news.” There it is, right at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. Then, at the conclusion of his ministry and following the resurrec#on, just before he is to leave the disciples, we read in Acts 1:6, the baffling ques#on of the disciples, “Lord, is this the #me when you will restore the Kingdom to Israel?”
Do you think you already know the outcome of Lent? Do you feel that the outcome of your own life has already been scripted? Make this Lenten journey with an This contrast seems to capture the essence of something expecta#on of adventure that along with path you will typical of our nature. We have a firm idea of the outcome, encounter God. Take the steps of the Lenten journey with perhaps are even certain of the result that is to happen. openness for God to search you and come to you. Go, Our tendency is to be looking, and asking for the when. walk, do, search, and see what awaits you that is yet to Having such certainty of our personal view of the come. 2
Capital Campaign Officially Under Way Three years ago, our What will happen next? Here is an abbreviated calendar of congrega#on entered a vision ac#vi#es to be watching for and to par#cipate in: process to help us imagine and • March 14-18 & 21-25 Small group gatherings in plan our future together. At members' homes the conclusion of that process, • April 3,10,17,24 Campaign Sundays with sermons and tes#monies we embraced the vision of being a thriving community in • April 10 Advance Commitment Lunch Christ where we all par#cipate — open to everyone in worship and are • May 1 Campaign Commitment Sunday with a fellowship transformed by mission. event The Space U#liza#on Commi-ee and the Master Planning Please make note of the following small gatherings to be held in March: Commi-ee have taken our new vision as the guide for • Monday, March 14 – Gathering at the Home of Mary planning the renewal of our facili#es to support and enhance the emerging growth trends of par#cipa#on, and Chris Conley (7:00 p.m.) giving, and new members (younger members at that)! • Tuesday, March 15 – Gathering at the Home of Paula and Charlie Hooper (6:30 p.m.) Now is the #me for resourcing our future. On February 14 • Wednesday, March 16 – Gathering in the Joe Callaway Classroom, First Bap#st Church (7:00 p.m.) at the close of worship, the congrega#on received an ini#al announcement of our capital campaign, which has taken • Tuesday, March 29 at the home of Dwayne and Gary Blasingame (7:00 p.m.) the theme REGENERATE: Strengthening the Family of Faith • Thursday, March 31 at the home of Phyllis and Don for the Future. This campaign is being launched aNer Nelson (7:00 p.m.) months of prepara#on and we are looking forward to this Watch future publica(ons for a schedule experience of prayer, challenge and generosity. By now, all of other gathering opportuni(es! of you should have picked up your materials regarding the campaign at church or received them in the mail. If you remember or know anything about our congrega#on's history, you understand that we are The Campaign is being coordinated by a steering "always becoming new." This is the name of our church commi-ee including Alan Reddish (chair), Jill Dawson (manager), Pam Bickley, Sherri Divers, Ma- DuVall, Cindy history, and an unmistakable part of our DNA as a spiritual fellowship. For that reason, our campaign's anchor verse is Haygood, Al Henderson, Bill Hopper, Linda Lacy, Mark from Revela#on 21:5, "Behold, I am making all things Sanders, and Fred Young. We are also very pleased to report that already thirty-eight more people have agreed new." God has been and is today an ac#ve partner in our to join in the effort, and there are s#ll more opportuni#es experiences of imagining, planning and resourcing. for service, there is s#ll plenty to do.
From the Spiritual Emphasis Team The new life that is possible through God's gracious and genera#ve power is only possible because God loved us first. All that we do and all that we are as First Bap#st Athens begins with God and it is only through the Holy Spirit's leading that we are able to move into a new and hopeful future for our church. We have a responsibility to keep our mind's a-en#on and our heart's devo#on fixed on God through this campaign process as we work to honor our past and resource our future through Regenerate. In the weeks ahead our team will be providing resources and opportuni#es that we hope will be helpful for our church as we pray and listen and seek God's desire for each of us to help strengthen the family of faith for the future.
Opportuni0es to Pray, Reflect and Discover We invite you to embrace the process of REGENERATE and to pray daily for our future and your part in it. Open Sanctuary for Medita#on and Prayer: Sunday mornings in April from 9:00 —9:30 a.m. Prayer Guide — a collec#on of cards with artwork, prayers, and reflec#ons from our children, youth, and college students for use during #mes of prayer and medica#on. Study on Generosity: Wednesday Nights in April A Bookmark has been placed in your Informa#on Packet to serve as a reminder to be in prayer.
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The Interfaith Hospitality Network of Athens has a stated mission to mobilize the community to help homeless families in crisis situa#on achieve sustainable independence. First Bap#st is a major partner in this effort. Our next hos#ng week begins March 13. You can volunteer in a variety of ways. We will need volunteers to help set up and break down the space, provide meals, assist with laundry, serve as the evening host, the overnight host, or to be a van driver. If you feel called to serve this ministry, sign up online or on the IHN Sign up board in the mission hallway. All are welcome and many of the volunteer posi#ons require li-le to no training. Owned by FBC, the Hancock House, in which the IHN offices are housed, also serves as a Day Center (where clients can have access to laundry facili#es, showers, telephones, and computers) and can also be used for interim host weeks, making FBC an even larger vested party in this wonderful ministry. Below are a couple of pictures of the interior of the Hancock House apartment.
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Following the re#rement earlier this year of Execu#ve Director Ken Sherman, the Board of Directors of Interfaith Hospitality Network of Athens embarked on a search for a new execu#ve director. ANer receiving dozens of applica#ons and interviewing five very strong candidates, the search commi-ee unanimously recommended that the Board of Directors employ Davin Welter as Execu#ve Director. Davin is a member of Milledge Avenue Bap#st Church here in Athens and a long #me IHN Volunteer in that congrega#on. Board Chair Alex McQueen stated: “The Board is very excited about this hire, and we trust Davin will do great things for the organiza#on and in turn your congrega#ons through this important ministry.” First Bap#st member and IHN Board member Linda Lacy affirmed Alex’s sen#ments. We join IHN Athens in welcoming Davin Welter as Execu#ve Director and look forward to working with him in the con#nued strengthening of this cri#cal ministry in our community. 4
With over 100 in a-endance on February 7 for our Table to Table Luncheon, we ate at our tables and shared 515 food items with tables around Athens through dona#ons to the Emergency Food Bank.
Mission Ministry Opportuni0es Smart Lunch Smart Kid Spring Break Food Boxes
Assemble Hygiene Kits
Women from Ebenezer Bap#st Church and First Bap#st formed SISTERS ON A MISSION to serve the community and develop rela#onships between the congrega#ons. The next gathering — our fiNh annual— will be an Volunteers will gather at Milledge assembly of 200 hygiene kits for Athens Nurses Clinic, Avenue Bap#st to pack food boxes for followed by fellowship and devo#onals. We will gather in families whose children are on free and the FBC Fellowship Hall at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, April reduced lunch during school year. These 11. FBC is responsible for providing kit materials. We are children and families might otherwise go hungry over accep#ng dona#ons of items as well as cash with which spring break. These boxes cost $25 and feed a family of to purchase the items. Items needed are shampoo and four for four days! Come help pack food and boxes from condi#oner (200), shaving cream and razors (200), 10 a.m. — 12:00 noon or deliver the food from 12:00 toothpaste and toothbrushes (200), and hand cream noon — 2:00 p.m.. Stay all morning or just an hour, every (100). Please place donated items in the Mission Room at bit helps! Please sign-up to help on the FBC website or by FBC. Ques#ons? Please contact Helen Mills (706-549contac#ng Brandon Pendry at the church office. 2399).
A great opportunity for families with younger children! Wed Mar 9
Dental Hygiene Kits
Serving at FBC On the FIRST and LAST Sundays of every month, a mission team member will be in the main hallway to help you sign up to serve with FBC’s mission partners. Make sure you engage your faith in 2016!
The 50+Team is sponsoring providing dental kits for Mercy Clinic during the month of March. The cost for each kit is $2.00 each and the goal is to provide 250 kits. Dona#ons should be made to the church office made out to First Bap#st Church and noted for dental kits.
Staff Serves at ODB On Thursday, February 11, the FBC Staff provided and served the lunch at Our Daily Bread. Frank Granger shared his wife, Teresa’s famous Chili Recipe and members of the staff prepared the food then served. Pictured leN and above are scenes from the meal prepara#on. If you would like to serve at ODB, volunteer posi#ons are available daily. Sign up on the Mission Board in the hallway at church or on the FBC website. 5
Mission Spotlight — Mercy Clinic FBC member Dr. Fred Young was part of a mission trip to India several years ago. “We were working with the Banjara gypsy people... I was working with an Indian physician who was dona#ng his #me. He asked me if I volunteered on a regular basis at home, and I was not at that #me. That encounter really convicted me and made me realize the volunteering should be an important part of my daily walk, and not just something that I did every year or two.” Shortly aNer that trip, Fred became a volunteer at Mercy Health Center. The clinic provides treatment for uninsured, unemployed, disabled clients as well as the working poor who are oNen unable to afford health insurance or are not eligible for Medicare or Medicare. Fred doesn’t remember the exact date, but has given his #me and talent to Mercy pa#ents ever since because it gives him the opportunity to serve the community. “Mercy allows me to ‘#the my talent’ and I think physicians should donate their #me to people who can’t afford to pay for their services.” Another FBC volunteer is Cindy Haygood. Cindy is currently serving on the Board of Advisers and is on the Development Commi-ee. She began volunteering at Mercy when it was in a space behind what is now Redeemer Presbyterian, just a couple of blocks from FBC. Cindy said that she had a young friend at UGA who started volunteering at Mercy. “One night, I took Travis a sack dinner and was fascinated by what he was ge[ng to do for people in our community who couldn’t afford a doctor. That was in the winter of 2002. Travis is now a pediatric ENT specializing in cleN palate surgeries in the Virginia Beach area, “ said Cindy. But it was Travis’ work here that caught her a-en#on and led her to volunteer at Mercy. People from all walks of life come to the clinic for healthcare. “When people are sick and worried, the first thing they need is a smile. They need to feel valued,” Cindy went on to say. And even though she does not have a medical background, volunteering at Mercy is very rewarding. “I can’t check their blood pressure, but I can help raise funds so that we can have a pa#ent room filled with medical equipment to support the work of the medical professionals.” As a medical professional, Dr. Young doesn’t see the same pa#ents week-to-week, but works the same night of the month, so he does see a few familiar faces who return to the clinic. For Fred, the ministry has a personal side. “One day, I happened to see the mother of one my children’s friends as a pa#ent. That encounter brought home to me that we are truly caring for “us” in our community and not for nameless people who happen not to have insurance.” At Mercy clinic one night, Cindy Haygood volunteered with a young man who is now a cardiologist. “I taught him in Kindergarten! It was wonderful to see him use his God-given intellectual abili#es as a cardiologist and give back.” Mercy is a place where the whole-person gets a-en#on. In addi#on to seeing a physician, Mercy offers medical tests, pharmacy needs, prayer, love and concern as well as a connec#on to other helpful resources. “The staff is focused and professional, which is no easy feat in a volunteer organiza#on,” Fred says. Mercy Health Center is almost completely volunteer-driven. You do not have to be a healthcare professional to join in this effort. We have many volunteer opportuni#es that extend beyond those of providing pa#ent care during clinic hours. Currently, volunteers serve in these and other areas: • Medical, Pharmacy & Dental Care • Fundraising & Marke#ng • Spanish Interpre#ng • Administra#ve Assistance • Emo#onal & Spiritual Care • Building Maintenance If you are interested in volunteering, go to the Mercy website ( and complete an applica#on Then send an email with the applica#on to and our volunteer coordinator will contact you.
Smart Lunch Smart Kid Spring Break Food Boxes Wednesday, March 9
Youth Calendar March calendar
If you’re on Spring Break this week, join together with others in Athens to help pack food boxes for Clarke County kids who would otherwise not have food over the break. Youth will be at Milledge Ave. Baptist from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. to pack boxes, then grab lunch at Cook-Out on Broad. Sign-Ups online!
6 youth D 13 youth mission project D
Youth Mission Project
20 youth D 27 EASTER, NO YOUTH
S.N.A.P. Challenge Sunday, March 13 5:00-7:30 p.m.
April calendar 3 youth D 10 youth D 17 Fun Night, details tba
24youth D D = Dinner
Can you eat for a week on $48.50? That’s the maximum weekly allowance for Food Stamps for one person in Georgia. You’ll have a chance to compete to see who can get the most/best food for a week on $48.50! This event still includes dinner. See you then!
FBCAthens Youth and their families gathered for food, fund and fellowship and a Super Bowl Party on February 7. Pictured left and below are a few photos from the evening.
On February 8, the 43rd Annual Valen#ne Banquet was held in the Fellowship Hall. Sponsored by the Deacons of FBC, the Valen#ne Banquet was a wonderful evening of fun and fellowship. Pictured above and right are just a few of the great pictures taken by Don Nelson that evening.
C@> @ F M B N ; SBMA @B We extend our Chris#an love and sympathy to: • Jess Rawls in the loss of his brother, LTC (Ret/Army) Edward P. Bledsoe who passed away on February 8, 2016. •Evelyn Harney , Cindy, Daniel and Cait Haygood, and their family in the loss of Rev. Joe Harney on February 1. •Anna Randa in the loss of her grandmother, Juanita Thames, who passed away on February 5, 2016. •The family of Kay Meadors, who passed away on February 19, 2016. •Lori Ragsdale in the loss of her grandmother, Rebecca Goff of Virginia, on January 23, 2016. •Susan Greene and her family in the loss of her uncle, Ralph Abernathy, on February 22, 2016.
The 2016 Deacon Elec#on began on February 2, 2016. The remaining schedule for our elec#on process is as follows: Monday, March 7 Deacon Elec#on Ballots to be mailed. Sunday, March 20 Deacon Elec#on Ballots due back in the church office for coun#ng. All resident church members will be nomina#ng up to 12 eligible members who meet the following criteria: • 21 years of age; have been members of First Bap#st for 2 years by the #me of ballo#ng • Regular in a-endance and support for FBC service • Financially suppor#ve of the church • In the opinion of the person making the nomina#on, meet the Biblical principles and condi#ons set forth in Acts 6:3-6 and 1 Timothy 3:8-13.
Congratula#ons to Elaine Hale on the birth of her great grandson, Camden Robert Bear, on January 13, 2016. Camden is the son of Ma-hew and Kimberly Bear. Dear FBC members, I would like to express my sincere apprecia(on for the prayers, calls, cards, and visits during my recent illness. Karen Whitley
WORSHIP NEWS High Lonesome Bluegrass Mass
by: Randy Bri ain, Minister of Music
In addi#on to weekly worship music, the Sanctuary Choir is diligently preparing for a concert that we will present at FBC on Sunday, May 1 at 5:00 pm. The choir of FBC Royston and the Emmanuel College Chorale will join us to sing the High Lonesome Bluegrass Mass by Wes Ramsay and Tim Sharp. This sacred choral work for choir and bluegrass band was wri-en in 2011 and has been performed across the US. Last year it was premiered at Carnegie Hall in New York City and this April 23 it will be premiered at the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville. The Chuck Na#on Band from Gainesville, who played the mass in New York City and will play it at the Ryman Auditorium, will accompany the concert. The concert will include the mass, a big Mack Wilberg arrangement for combined choirs of Down to the River to Pray, an instrumental set by the Chuck Na#on Band, and a congrega#onal sing a long of some old “toe tapping” hymns. More informa#on will follow in the April newsle-er. But go ahead and put May 1 on your calendar and begin invi#ng your friends and neighbors to join us for this wonderful opportunity to experience the music and worship life of FBC Athens.
Easter Lily Donations
f{tÜ|Çz à{x UÄxáá|Çzá Éy XtáàxÜ Would you like to remember or honor someone, while at the same #me, helping others? This Easter, the Flower/ Decora#ons Team will again be using Easter lilies as a part of the sanctuary decora#ons. If you would like to “buy” a lily in memory or honor of someone, please fill out the form below. Their name(s) will be listed in the church bulle#n on Easter Sunday, March 27. Any surplus monetary dona#ons will be given to the local Emergency Food Bank and the lilies will be taken to some of our shut-in members. Please complete the form and include $12 per lily. The form below and money needs to be returned to the church office by Wednesday, March 16 if you want your dona#on included in the bulle#n. Let us embrace the opportunity to share with others during the season of Easter. Thank you in advance for your par#cipa#on.
Easter Lily Dona0on Form
Please join us in Worship
Donor’s Name: ________________________________ In Memory of:
________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________
Easter Sunrise Service At Oconee Hill Cemetery Wingfield Chapel March 27, 2016, 7:00 am The service will be led by Paul Baxley Gates will open at 6:30 a.m. Hosted by Trustees and Friends of Oconee Hill Cemetery
In Honor of:
________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________
Ques0ons? Please call Heather in the Church Office 706/548-1359 9
JOIN US FOR WORSHIP IN MARCH Sunday, March 6, 2016 – The Fourth Sunday in Lent Sermon: “Two Lost Sons” Texts: Psalm 32, Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32 Sunday, March 13, 2016 – The Fi3h Sunday of Lent Sermon: by Frank Granger Texts: Psalm 126, Philippians 3:4b-14, John 12:1-8 Sunday, March 20, 2016 – Palm/Passion Sunday Sermon: “Pilate’s Verdict” Texts: Isaiah 50:4-9a, Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29, Luke 19:2840, Luke 23:1-5, 13-25 Sermon by Brandon Pendry Texts: Luke 23:6-12
CONTRIBUTIONS Received week of January 31 Received week of February 7 Received week of February 14 Received week of February 21 Received week of February 28
$12,504.78 $29,058.34 $20,711.29 $ 9,869.07 $16,030.33
S ? \T \ @ Co-Deacons for the Weeks of: February 28—March 5: March 6—12: March 13—19: March 20—26: March 27—April 2:
Sherri Divers, David Graves Al Henderson, Andy Hogan Charlie Hooper, Donna Hopper Jane Hubert, Mike Lacy Gigi Lastinger, Evelyn McNair
Fellowship Team for March Sermon: “Two Disciples Named Simon” Texts: Luke 22:31-33, 23:26-31 Friday, March 25 – Good Friday Service, noon - Sanctuary Sermon: “Torn in Two” Text: Luke 23:32-49 Sunday, March 27, 2016 – Easter Sunday Sermon: “Towards Easter Faith” Texts:
Don Nelson, Phyllis Nelson, Ray Noblet, Robin O’Rear
Usher Team for March Brad Las#nger, Malcolm Skinner, Ches Smith, Kevin Price, Bill Horton, Larry Toole
Welcome Center Team March 6 Branyon Foyer: Fanning Foyer: March 13 Branyon Foyer: Fanning Foyer: March 20 Branyon Foyer: Fanning Foyer: March 27 Branyon Foyer: Fanning Foyer:
WEDNESDAY MENUS Adults $7.00; Children $3.50 March 2 Hot Meal: Children: March 9 Hot Meal: Children: March 16 Hot Meal:
Chicken Fingers, Macaroni and Cheese, Broccoli Spears, Fruit Cup, Breads#cks, Dessert Hot Meal Hamburger Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Sliced Peaches, Biscuit, Dessert Hot Dog and Tater Tots
Becky Adams, Stacey Pendry Bobbie and Carl Monk Teresa Granger, Chris#ne Lo Wanda Grogan, Al Henderson Bobbie and Carl Monk Becky Adams, Stacey Pendry Teresa Granger, Chris#ne Lo Wanda Grogan, Al Henderson
Coun0ng Commi ee: March 6 : March 13: March 20: March 27:
Spaghe[, Meat Sauce, Tossed Salad, Fruit Cup, Breads#cks, Dessert Hot Meal
Children: March 23 Hot Meal: Barbecue, Bun, Baked Beans, Cole Slaw, Fruit Jello, Dessert Children: Pizza March 30 Hot Meal: Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Green Peas, Pear Salad, Biscuit, Dessert Children: Hot Meal
Dallas Cannady, Ray Noblet Lewis Shropshire, Alan Reddish Buddy Snow, Kelli Smith Bill Hopper, Brad Las#nger
The College Ministry will hos#ng lunch on Sundays for students following the worship service this semester. If you or are interested in providing a meal and ge[ng to know our students, please contact Amanda Lewis at The 50+ Team will meet on Thursday, March 3, at 10:30 a.m. in the Aderhold/Farrall Sunday School Room. More than 30 members of the 50+Team will enjoy a day-trip to the Biblical History Center in LaGrange on Thursday, March 10. The bus will begin loading at FBC about 7:30 a.m. for an 8:00 a.m. departure.
There is also a Salad Bar Op(on with Baked Irish or Sweet Potato. Make reserva#ons and view supper menus on the church website. You may also call the church office to make or change exis#ng reserva#ons. 10
29 12:00 noon Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop
28 Office Closed
27 7:00 a.m. Sunrise Service 11:00 a.m. Easter Worship
30 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Activities
24 6:00 p.m. Maundy Thursday Worship
23 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Supper 6:00 p.m. Holy Week Worship
22 12:00 noon Bible Study 12:00 noon Newsletter Deadline 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop
21 2:00 p.m. Staff Meeting 6:00 p.m. Deacons Meeting
20 8:45 a.m. Mission Team Meeting Sunday Worship and Activities 12:00 noon Easter Egg Hunt and Lunch
Wednesday Schedule 5:00 –5:45 p.m. Wednesday Dinner 5:45 p.m. Children’s Choir 6:00—6:50 p.m. Adult Discipleship 6:00—7:15 p.m. Youth Ac#vi#es 6:00 p.m. College Ac#vi#es 6:30 p.m. Mission Kids 7:00 p.m. Sanctuary Choir
25 12:00 noon Good Friday Worship
Sunday Schedule 9:15 a.m. Coffee, Donuts 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 31 a.m. Worship 11:00 6:00 p.m. Youth Ac#vi#es 6:00 p.m. Adult Handbell Choir 7:00 p.m. College Bible Study
17 5:30 p.m. Personnel Committee
16 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Activities 5:15 p.m. Finance Committee 5:15 p.m. Property Mgt. Committee
15 12:00 noon Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop
14 10:00 a.m. AIM Board Meeting 2:00 p.m. Staff Meeting
9 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Activities
13 Sunday Worship and Activities
8 10:00 a.m. IHN Meeting 12:00 noon Bible Study 6:00 p.m. Virginia Appleton Mission Circle 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop
3 10:30 a.m. 50+ Team 12:00 noon Homeless and Poverty Coalition
7 10:00 a.m. Embroiderer’s Guild 2:00 p.m. Staff Meeting 5:30 p.m. Personnel Committee
2 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Activities
6 Sunday Worship and Activities
Submit items for inclusion in the March edi#on of FBC news by noon on March 22.
1 10:00 a.m. Farrall-Hynds Circle 12:00 noon Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troup
MARCH 2016
First Baptist Church (USPS 193-040) 355 Pulaski Street Athens, Ga 30601
Holy Week at FBC Journey with us towards the cross of Easter with worship during Holy Week: Palm Sunday — March 20 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Evening Worship — March 23 6:00 p.m. Maundy Thursday Communion — March 24 6:00 p.m. Good Friday Service — March 25 12:00 noon
Easter Sunday — March 27 11:00 a.m.