May 2016
Volume LIX No. 5
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By: Dr. Paul Baxley, Senior Minister The beginning of the month of May means that we are near summer vaca on season in our community and in our church. Within weeks, many of us will find me away for rest and renewal; those experiences are gi&s of grace and incredibly helpful to all of us. Our family looks forward to those breaks, and I know you all do as well. As we prepare for summer, I want you to know that the life of our church will not only con nue, but significant events and experiences await us in these months. Our summer will include mission trips for youth and adults, camps for children and youth, Vaca on Bible School and Fine Arts Camp for children here at First Bap st, Neighborhood Bible Study opportuni es for adults, and our normal schedule of Sunday School and worship each Sunday. In missions, we will not only have the mission trips I men oned above, but we will have an IHN host week, we will par cipate in the ongoing ministries of the Food Bank, Smart Lunch-Smart Kid and Our Daily Bread. So there will be plenty of opportuni es for us to live out our vision of being a thriving community in Christ where we all par cipate in worship and are all transformed by mission. I want to encourage you to par cipate as fully as you are able in our congrega on’s life this summer. When you are here, join us for Sunday School and worship on Sundays. Find a Neighborhood Bible Study you can join during the weeks of June and July. Make me to serve through one of our mission projects. And, because so much happens in our church during the summer, it is incredibly important that we remain consistent in our financial support. So if you give weekly or monthly, please con nue that habit. And if your custom is to give once or several mes a year, consider making a contribu on during the summer to support the important ministries that happen. (Pastor’s Reflections, continued on page 2)
Join us as we celebrate your commitment to facility renova ons and congrega onal renewal. Breakfast begins at 9:15 a.m. followed by a celebratory program at 10:00 a.m. Childcare will be provided for infants—3 years of age.
Pastor’s Reflections, continued from page 1
M Paul Baxley Senior Minister
Frank Granger Minister of Christian Community
Randy Bri+ain Minister of Music
Brandon Pendry
Of course, even as all this is happening, we will also be discerning next steps related to our renova ons being funded by the capital campaign. Un l we reach mid-May and have a pledge total we can announce, we cannot make any recommenda ons or projec ons about how and when we will proceed. But I can assure you that as we know more, we will share it, and as recommenda ons begin to take shape, they will be fully and transparently communicated. Please hold these important decisions in your daily prayers.
Minister of Youth and Mission
Amanda Lewis Minister of College Students
Summer 2016 will be a wonderful me in our life together. I look forward to sharing it with you!
Anne Bri+ain Organist/Music Associate
Alan McArthur Pianist
Jon Appleton Pastor Emeritus
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Sunday, May 1 is Commitment Sunday in our Regenerate campaign. We ask that all church members come to worship Sunday morning prepared to present your commitment card (which you received earlier this week with a le@er from campaign chair Alan Reddish) in the morning worship service. If you cannot be present for any reason, please mail the card to the church office or bring it by as soon as possible. Sunday, May 15 has been designated as First Fruits Sunday in the campaign. That day we will encourage church members who are able to make an ini al contribu on and begin financial support of the campaign. Some actual contribu ons are already being received, and we know others of you have significant reasons to begin your giving at a later date. But we encourage all who can to begin contribu ons on that date. By that date, we will also announce the total amount pledged in the campaign. Even as these pledges are received, our Master Planning Commi@ee will be reviewing revised budget es mates for the Phase One project being supported by the campaign. Once that budget is reviewed and we have a total amount of pledges from the campaign, the Master Planning Commi@ee and Deacons will bring recommenda ons regarding next steps. If you have ques ons about the campaign or the master planning process, please contact Alan Reddish (campaign chair), Doug Mar n (master planning commi@ee chair), Robin O’Rear (Deacon Chair), Helen Mills (Deacon Chair-Elect) or Paul Baxley.
RHIJK BLMNNHMI NO PQ OI SHPPHNMRHS NTMU SVWWQL Last October the Deacons unanimously approved a recommenda on offered by the Personnel Commi@ee that Randy Bri@ain be granted a sabba cal leave for the summer of 2016. According to church policy, ministerial staff members are eligible for sabba cal leave a&er five years of con nuous service to our church. Randy has far exceeded that requirement, as this fall will mark the tenth anniversary of his joining the staff of First Bap st Athens. Randy’s sabba cal will begin on May 15 and will conclude at the end of July, and he will return to regular ministry on August 1. You can read more about Randy’s sabba cal plans elsewhere in this newsle@er. During the por ons of the sabba cal when both Randy and Anne are away, the choir will be directed by Judith DeFoor and Patrick Young. Alan McArthur will provide music for worship on piano. For much of Randy’s sabba cal, Anne will be with us, providing not only organ music but also using her gi&s as a choral conductor. We know our music for worship will be in outstanding hands during these summer months, and appreciate the commitment our choir and soloists will make in leading us. Our hope and prayer is that this sabba cal experience will be a me of spiritual and voca onal renewal and also con nuing educa on. Randy will provide reports to the Personnel Commi@ee, Deacons and Congrega on in the weeks and months a&er he returns.
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by: Randy Bri+ain, Minister of Music More and more churches are inves ng in the long term health of their ministerial staff by gran ng sabba cal leaves for physical rest, spiritual renewal, and professional development. I am grateful that First Bap st Church Athens is one of those churches. I will begin a 10 week sabba cal leave on May 15 that will include overseas travel, physical and emo onal rest, and con nuing educa on. It is altogether appropriate that I experience this leave during the months of May and June for it was 30 years ago on May 9, 1986 that I graduated from Southwestern Bap st Theological Seminary and on June 7 that I began full- me music ministry at the Parkview Bap st Church in Newport News, Virginia. Time truly does fly!
many online courses throughout the year with the purpose of empowering individuals to live out their sacred soul tasks in service to the world through contempla ve programs and resources. I will par cipate in one other con nuing educa on opportunity during my leave when Anne and I a@end the Na onal Conference of the Na onal Associa on of Teachers of Singing in Chicago, IL in July. The guest ar st for the conference is consummate American soprano, Renee Fleming.
A couple of other items on my agenda are to have some indepth conversa ons with music ministry colleagues across CBF life, and to a@end some Sunday morning worship services of churches in the Athens area. During my me I will begin my leave on May 15 with a 19 day trip to the away the music and worship life of FBC Athens will be in Bri sh Isles for an extended me of travel and marriage the capable hands of Anne Bri@ain, Alan McArthur, Judith th renewal with Anne. Our 30 wedding anniversary is May 31 DeFoor, and UGA graduate student Patrick Young. and we will be traipsing around the south coast of Ireland on that day and visi ng the Waterford Crystal Factory Thank you for being a church that cares about the rest and (sounds like a good place for an anniversary gi&). A&er our renewal of its ministerial staff. I will look forward to return home I will par cipate in an online study through returning recharged and ready for a new church year on the Center for Ac on and Contempla on that is run by Dr. Monday, August 1. Richard Rohr in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The CAC offers 3
MISSION NEWS Spotlight on The ARK The Ark serves as the community’s emergency room for individuals and families facing financial crisis who have nowhere else to turn. The Ark provides emergency financial assistance with rent, u li es, prescrip on medica on and transporta on assistance for medical reasons. The assistance they receive from The Ark prevents homelessness, loss of u li es and provides medica on for those who are uninsured and in need. We recently caught up with Stephanie Cockfield, Program Coordinator, who began her tenure at The ARK as a volunteer.
me ever-mindful of the different ways God can use me through this ministry of the Ark to not only impact someone financially, but to bring hope and light into o&en mes a very dark, desperate situa on.”
Stephanie first learned of the agency through the Jubilee Loan Program. “I was most interested in their financial educa on and the Ark’s stand to promote selfsustainability and a hand up rather than a hand out.” Now she works with all the weekly volunteers and sees new clients every me she is there. She works with some clients on a daily basis, others only in crisis.
Along with a number of faith communi es in the Athens area, FBC supports the ARK primarily with dona ons. When folks in need reach out for assistance, we are able to send them to the ARK where they can get help on a variety of levels as well as instruc on to help put them on a be@er financial foo ng — Stephanie’s described ‘hand up rather than hand out.”
“One thing I love about the Ark is not only the ability to get to know someone and offer a listening ear to their bleak situa on, but the ability to almost immediately make a significant difference in that person’s life through rent/ u lity assistance,” says Stephanie. “ I recently had the pleasure of working with a young couple facing an evic on. The wife had recently given birth to twins — one survived and she had to bury her daughter who didn’t survive a day outside the womb. Her high risk pregnancy coupled with the loss of her daughter contributed to the loss of her job and the family fell behind on rent. They came to us broken, without hope, and on the verge of losing their home. Through the Ark’s funding for folks who have suffered a recent loss of income, we were able to help pay their rent on the very day they were due in court and effec vely saved them from evic on. Since then, this par cular person has been back to the Ark several mes to receive budget counseling to help keep her family afloat and learn how to manage their bills on a lower income. She is current on her rent and has the resources and support she needs to help her move on in the wake of such tragedy as the loss of a child. The Ark served as a vehicle for true and las ng change in this person’s life, and I have no doubt that if we were not able to intervene, they would have a very different story. It’s stories like these that inspire me on a daily basis and keep
Stephanie went on to say that if you want to volunteer at a place where you can truly make a difference, volunteer at the Ark. “As John 15:13 says, ‘There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends’ and I feel like, in a small, symbolic way, that is exactly what I am able to do at the Ark on a daily basis—lay down my life for my neighbors –for those o&en passed over by society, for the downtrodden and the outcast. You never know when your li@le bit of me and a@en on can make all the difference to someone’s current situa on. The li@le bit of me taken out of your day to volunteer can be the one thing that posi vely affects someone’s life for a number of days to come!”
Save the Date! The Ark’s 24th Annual Fellowship Golf Challenge August 13 at the UGA Golf Course More informa on at
Thank you to all those who have helped me raise money to support The Interfaith Hospitality Network. Because of everyone’s support we have raised $2094. This grand total is more than enough to allow me to rappel off the side of the SPARC building at 9:00 a.m. on May 4th. Thank you again too all of those who donated and I hope to see you all support IHN and me the day I “Go Over the Edge”.
Sincerely, Owen Young
Serving at FBC On the FIRST and LAST Sundays of every month, a mission team member will be in the main hallway to help you sign up to serve with FBC’s mission partners. Make sure you engage your faith in 2016!
FBC to Host IHN June 5-12 Our next hos ng week for guests from the Interfaith Hospitality Network begins Sunday, June 5. As always, we need a number of volunteers to provide a welcoming week for guests. First me volunteers are always welcome and a variety of jobs are available. You can serve as the Overnight Host, prepare and serve meals, help drive, or simply spend me with the guests and make them feel welcome. No ma@er what you like to do, we can find a way for you to make a difference. Sign up to help on the church website and in main hallway at FBC.
Camp Hawkins Adult Summer Mission Trip Needs Camp Hawkins is a summer residen al camp for youth ages 8-21 coping with varying developmental disabili es such as Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, A@en on Deficit Disorders, Learning disorders, Au sm, brain injuries and/or other developmental delays. Adult members of FBC will be serving the camp June 28—July 3. We are seeking dona ons and have very specific needs. Needs for the trip include very specific items for 25 Parent Goody Bags Camp Supplies Food for Snacks and Desserts Detailed info on what and how to donate can be found on the LOCAL Missions Board at church. Please stop by, take a list, and provide what you can. Thanks for your support of this wonderful mission!
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Nurturing Faith Journal is a bi-monthly journal published by Bapsts Today. It provides news stories, columns from a variety of writers, and Adult bible studies. Combining a variety of voices, interes ng stories, and insighbul reflec ons, this journal offers unique material on faith and religion. The featured columnists address the following five subject areas in each issue: Theology in the Pews, Reimagining Mission, The Lighter Side, Ques ons Chris ans Ask Scien sts, and Being Church in Changing Times. Also included in the journal are Bible Studies wri@en by Tony Cartledge. These Bible studies, wri@en “in a scholarly, yet applicable style,” are designed for use by Adults in Sunday school, or other small group sedngs. In addi on to these sec ons of the journal, each issue has addional materials, stories, and reflec ons about current trends and events in our religious life. Each issue features an interview that the Editor, John Pierce, has with someone influen al, impacbul, and interes ng in religions and faith. The current MayJune issue has an interview with CNN’s John Blake. First Bap st provides copies of this new journal for members. Copies can be found in the Branyon Foyer, in our elevator lobbies, and a few other loca ons. You are invited to pick up one at the church and take it with you.
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S 89 F We express our Chris an love and sympathy to Anne Bri+ain and her family in the loss of her stepmother, Elsie Greunke, who passed away on April 5, 2016.
In the annual congrega onal elec on process for new deacons, the congrega on also elected Mike Lacy to a four year term as a Trustee for the First Bap st Founda on. Congratula ons to Mike!
We extended our Chris an love and sympathy to Charlo+e Marshall in the loss of her sister, Be@y Jane Coleman Spooner, who passed away on April 15, 2016.
Elected trustees serve four year terms with one being elected each year. In addi on to the four elected members who serve at any one me, there are also four vo ng trustees who serve by virtue of office. Those include the chair and chair-elect of the Deacons and the chair and chair-elect of the Finance Commi@ee. The Senior Minister serves as a non vo ng ex-officio member of the Trustees.
N M 8; Please join us in welcoming the newest members of our church family: Darryl “Beau” Vincent Beauford Bill and Anne McDonald
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Rev. Janet Cleland has accepted the unanimous call extended by our congrega on on April 3 and will become our congrega on’s first-ever full me Minister of Children, Families and Outreach. This news is an answer to prayer and the result of the faithful and excellent work of a search commi@ee elected by our congrega on. Janet has resigned her current posi on at Tabernacle Bap st Church in Carrollton, and we look forward to her first official day on our staff on June 26. As she begins ministry, Janet will par cipate in PassportKids camp and Fine Arts Camp. She will also move quickly to help finalize prepara ons for the next academic year. Janet does plan to join us June 13 and 14 so that she can experience our Vaca on Bible School and spend me with all of us at our June 13 Summer Fellowship Meal. Please pray for Janet and her husband Mike as they conclude their me in Carrollton and prepare to become part of our community. We are eager to see all God will do in our congrega on as Janet provides important leadership to these areas in our congrega on’s life.
The theme for this year's Fine Arts Camp will be "Whole Lot of Drumming Goin' On." Fine Arts Camp will be held July 11-14, 2016 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. each day. Fine Arts Camp is for children who have completed kindergarten through 6th grade by June 1, 2016. The fee for camp is $25 and can be paid in advance in the church office or the fee may be paid on the first day of camp. Camp will include interac ve drumming and rhythm games; bucket drumming will be taught; and, daily concerts from local percussionists will be featured. Dr. Arvin Sco@ will be our special guest joining us at camp to perform and teach the children about hand drums. Dr. Sco@ is on the faculty at UGA’s Hugh Hodgson School of Music and is the founder of Drumming for Success. You may learn more about Dr. Sco@ at
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The theme for this year's Vaca on Bible School is "Have U Herd?" VBS will be held June 13 - 17, 2016 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. each day. VBS is for children 3 years-old through rising 6th grade. We are planning a wonderful week of learning, music, cra&s, recrea on, and much more. We look forward to having your child(ren) join us for this exci ng week at First Bap st Church.
May Calendar 1
Youth 6-7p D 7p Pre-Mission Trip Mandatory Meeting with Lyons from ATL 8 NO YOUTH—Mother’s Day 15 Graduate Recognition Sunday
All youth & parents invited to Breakfast Youth 6-7p LAST of school year D 7p Pre-Mission Trip Mandatory Meeting, FBC travel/trip details Mission Trip REQUIRED Meetings 5/1 5/15 7pm, following Youth
Mark your calendars and look for trip info in mail!
Isabelle Eliza Chappel Hale is the daughter of Bill and Allison Hale and the sister of Emmeline Hale. She is a 2016 graduate of Athens Academy. Isabelle is a member of the Na onal Honor Society and student council, served as class vice president for both her junior and senior high school years, and achieved honor roll. Isabelle par cipates in the Oconee Youth School of Performance Senior Dance and Musical Theater Company and the Oconee Youth Playhouse Musical Theater. She is co-president of her school’s Art Club and chair of campus rela ons for UGA Miracles’ partnership with Athens Academy benefidng Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. Isabelle is in the First Bap st Church youth group where she is in the youth choir, par cipated in fall retreats, and went on the 2014 Slovakia mission trip. She has also volunteered with Vaca on Bible School. Isabelle plans to a@end Sewanee University where she will major in Interna onal and Global Studies.
Dear FBC Family, While all four years of our .me here have been wonderful, your support and overwhelming generosity over the coming birth of our first daughter has been simply amazing. From the cards dropped in the mail, innumerable gi0s le0 in Brandon’s office, unbelievable baby shower, and kind words spoken in person, you have truly made this .me more special than we could have imagined. A specific thank you goes out to all the youth parents and others who contributed so much .me and effort to throw that beau.ful and wonderful baby shower in the Rotunda. What a special day that was! Thank you so much! It’s encouraging to us that Emerson already has so many people that love her, pray for her, and support her and we know that will con.nue to be the case when she joins us very soon. Thank you all so much for your gi0s and displays of kindness to us, it is greatly appreciated and confirms for us your deep-seeded commitment to being the body of Christ. We look forward to sharing Emerson’s life with you soon! Brandon & Stacey Pendry Be A Smart Cookie! Read This Summer The church library is sponsoring a children’s summer reading program that will run from May 22 through July 31. During this me, children are encouraged to read or be read to and keep a record of what is read. Incen ves will be given and a celebra on will be held on August 5. The library will be open on Fridays from 10:30 - 11:30 and Sundays from 9:00 - 11:00 for children to check out books and record the tles of books read. Registra on begins May 22 in the library. Come join the fun!
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: Stories of the Disciples: Before and AVer
Our summer neighborhood Bible studies offer the opportunity for our adults to share in the hospitality of gathering in someone’s home, and engaging in informal and meaningful conversa on around the text of Holy Scripture. Our topic this summer is about stories of the disciples, both before and a&er the resurrec on. This will give us the opportunity to discover more about the personali es and the lives of some of the close followers of Jesus and the impact of Jesus and the resurrec on upon their lives. The four Disciples/Followers of Jesus to be highlighted in this series are: Thomas, John, Phillip, and Mary Magdalene. These Neighborhood Bible studies meet in the homes of church members. There are five different host homes this summer. Three of these are open to all adults of all ages. One group is designed as a women’s group, and one group is designed for young adults. Each host home will offer all four sessions. A facilitator leads the discussion. These are scheduled from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m., and some light refreshments or dessert are usually served as part of the mee ng experience. How it Works: • A host home serves as a mee ng loca on for each of the four sessions • The four sessions are scheduled during June and July • Each loca on offers each of the four sessions • A facilitator leads discussion at host homes • Mee ng me is 7:00 – 8:30 pm • One does not have to a@end all sessions in order to par cipate • Usually, some light refreshments or dessert is served as part of the mee ng experience These are designed with flexibility knowing that people travel throughout the summer. Each session is complete so if you are to miss one or two it will not exclude you from par cipa ng. The hosts and their address and loca on are listed below. (Schedules will be available in early May). Athens Host Home: Mary & Chris Conley Address: 741 Nantahala Ave. 30601 Athens-Eastside Host Home: Helen & Milton Mills Address: 445 Forest Road, 30605
Watkinsville Area Host Home: Debbie & Tom Brown Address: 1320 Broadlands Dr., Watkinsville 30677
Women’s Group Host Home: June Robertson Address: 155 Cedar Creek Dr., 30605 Young Adult Group Host Home: Kelli & Steve Smith Address: 248 Moss Side Drive, Athens, 30607
Following are some comments from people who have par cipated previously in our Summer Neighborhood Bible Studies . . . The opportunity to gather with mul genera on people from our church to share study, prayer and fellowship that are not in your own Sunday school class. It’s allowed us to have that gathering place in a small sedng to get know others and develop new rela onships. — Rick Dawson The smaller group encourages easier par cipa on from all those a@ending. People get to know each other be@er and feel more confident about sharing their insights and opinions. Input from each individual is valued and o&en s mulates the sharing of others. I think this personal level of studying scripture creates a much deeper understanding of the passages under considera on. — Ray Aus.n The summer Bible Study series offers a great study with a cross sec on of the church family all in the warmth of a fellow member's home. I especially enjoy gathering in a fellow member's home. — Al Henderson It has been both interes ng – and fun – to par cipate in summer neighborhood Bible studies with people from across the church congrega on that we don’t always get to exchange thoughts and reflec ons about God’s word. The small group home sedng allows for great discussions ending with dessert and fellowship! — Helen & Milton Mills 9
CONTRIBUTIONS Received week of April 3 Received week of April 10 Received week of April 17
JOIN US FOR WORSHIP IN MAY Sunday, May 1, 2016 – The Sixth Sunday of Easter/ Regenerate Commitment Sunday Sermon: “With S rred Hearts and Willing Spirits” Texts: Exodus 35:4-9, 20-24, Acts 16:6-15 Sunday, May 8, 2016 – The Seventh Sunday of Easter Sermon: “A&ershocks of Easter” Texts: Psalm 97, Acts 16:16-34
YTD March 31, 2016 Needed $299,000.00 Received $246,467.93 Expenses $285,374.13 Balance ($38,906.20)
Sunday, May 15, 2016 – Pentecost Celebra on of Communion Sermon “Show us the Father” Texts: Acts 2:1-21, John 14:8-17, 25-27
$19,015.00 $23661.78 $24,786.83
Co-Deacons for the Weeks of:
Sunday, May 22, 2016 – Trinity Sunday Sermon by Amanda Lewis Texts: Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31, Psalm 8, Romans 5:1-5, John 16:12-15
May 1-7: May 8-14: May 15-21: May 22-28: May 29-June 4:
Carol Reddish, Kim Rogers Beth Sanders, Ches Smith Erica Spackman, Jimmy Thomason Andy Ullrich, Kathy Barrow Sallyanne Barrow, Mary Barton
Fellowship Team for May Sunday, May 29, 2016 – Second Sunday a0er Pentecost Sermon: “A Different Gospel?” Texts: I Kings 18:20-39, Gala ans 1:1-11
Tom Brown, Lori Ragsdale, Phil Caskey, Carol Cofer
Usher Team for May Anne@e Barfield, Larry Divers, Wilson Denney, Julie Jenkins, Bert Hill, Joanna Hill
Welcome Center Team May 1 Branyon Foyer: Fanning Foyer: May 8 Branyon Foyer: Fanning Foyer: May 15 Branyon Foyer: Fanning Foyer: May 22 Branyon Foyer: Fanning Foyer: May 29 Branyon Foyer: Fanning Foyer:
WEDNESDAY MENUS Adults $7.00; Children $3.50 May 4 Hot Meal: Hamburger Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Sliced Peaches, Biscuit Dessert Children: Hot Dog and Tater Tots W
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Make reserva%ons and view supper menus on the church website. You may also call the church office to make or change exis%ng reserva%ons.
The Farrall-Hynds Circle will meet on Tuesday, May 3, at 11:30 a.m. at Hilltop Grill on W. Broad Street.
Connie Ivester, Martha Ivester Beth Sanders, Janice Love Margaret Earnest, John Marshall Sherri Divers, Joan Beckham Beth Sanders, Janice Love Connie Ivester, Martha Ivester Sherri Divers, Joan Beckham Margaret Earnest, John Marshall Connie Ivester, Martha Ivester Beth Sanders, Janice Love
CounZng Commi+ee:
50+Team will meet Thursday, May 5, at 10:30 a.m. In the Aderhold-Farrall Sunday School room. Please join the 50+ Team and Bill and Vickie Horton at the Horton's Lake Sinclair home for a day of fun in the sun on Saturday May 7th beginning at 10:00 a.m. Enjoy a BBQ lunch, boat ride, games and fellowship. Please call the church office by Wednesday, May 4 if you plan to a@end and contact Joyce Reynolds for direc ons.
May 1: May 8: May 15: May 22: May 29:
Bill Hopper, Buddy Snow Steve Barton, Kelli Smith Brad Las nger, Bill Hopper Ray Noblet, Joyce Fleeman Buddy Snow, Michael Jenkins
Extended Session: May 1: May 8: May 15: May 22: May 29:
Clare & Travis Eggleston April & Tom Riddle Ka e & Edwin Hanks Anna & Jeff Randa Craig & Jennifer Ellis
MAY 2016 5 4 5:00 p.m. 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Dinner 50+ Team Mtg. 5:45 p.m. Children’s Choir 6:00 p.m. Adult Discipleship 6:00 p.m. Youth Ac vi es 6:00 p.m. College Bowling 6:30 p.m. Mission Kids 7:00 p.m. Sanctuary Choir
11 5:15 p.m. Finance Commi@ee 5:15 p.m. Property Mgt. Commi@ee 7:00 p.m. Sanctuary Choir
20 9:00 a.m. Samaritan Counseling
23 10:00 a.m. Embroiderer’s Guild 2:00 p.m. Staff Mee ng
24 25 12:00 noon Newsle@er Deadline 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop
30 Church Office Closed for Memorial Day
31 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop
1 Sunday Worship and Ac vi es Children’s Sunday 9:15 a.m. Making it New Breakfast 10:00 a.m. Making it New Program 5:00 p.m. High Lonesome Bluegrass Mass
2 2:00 p.m. Staff Mee ng
3 11:30 a.m. Farrall-Hynds Circle At Hilltop Grill 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop
8 Sunday Worship and Ac vi es
9 10 10:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. AIM Board Mee ng Boy Scout Troop 2:00 p.m. Staff Mee ng 5:30 p.m. Personnel Commi@ee
15 Sunday Worship and Ac vi es 8:00 a.m. Graduate Recogni on Breakfast 8:45 a.m. Mission Team Mee ng 6:00 p.m. Walking Group
16 2:00 p.m. Staff Mee ng 6:00 p.m. Deacons Mee ng
17 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop
22 Sunday Worship and Ac vi es 12:00 noon Disciples Class Luncheon 6:00 p.m. Walking Group
29 Sunday Worship and Ac vi es 6:00 p.m. Walking Group
Submit items for inclusion in the June edition of FBC news by noon on May 24
Sunday Schedule 9:15 a.m. Coffee, Donuts 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship 6:00 p.m. Youth Ac vi es 6:00 p.m. Adult Handbell Choir 7:00 p.m. College Bible Study 11
First Baptist Church (USPS 193-040) 355 Pulaski Street Athens, Ga 30601