November 2015
Volume LVIII No. 11
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By: Dr. Paul Baxley, Senior Minister As we begin the month of November, we have significant opportuni"es for worship ahead of us. We will begin the month with our annual celebra"on of All Saints Sunday on November 1, and by the "me November ends we will be beginning the Season of Advent. I hope you will make these services of worship an extremely high priority. On All Saints Sunday, we join with Chris"ans of many denomina"ons in remembering those who have died in our congrega"on and in our lives during the past year. We will call the names of church members who have died since last All Saints Sunday and we will have a prayer of gra"tude for their lives. This year, we will also celebrate communion during this worship service as a reminder of the powerful truth that when we share that meal, we are not only joined with others in the room with us, but with Chris"ans through the centuries who have shared the Lord’s Supper, including those who have recently died. I believe you will find communion on All Saints Sunday to be par"cularly meaningful. Then, as we look toward Advent I hope you will mark your calendars for our Worship Service November 29, when we will have the Hanging of the Green, hear from several of our choirs, and celebrate a parent-child dedica"on as we begin the season of preparing for the coming of Christ. Not only are we planning wonderful services of worship for the Sundays of Advent, we will also once again offer a midweek Advent worship service on Tuesdays. This year, in order to make that service available to a larger segment of our congrega"on, we have decided to offer the service on Tuesday evenings at 5:30 PM in the Sanctuary. The service will be held on December 1, 8 and 15. (Pastor’s Reflections, continued on page 2)
Master Planning Commi ee Listening Sessions Church leadership will be available for three listening sessions to hear your thoughts about phase one of the proposed Master Plan. Please join us on one (or more) of the following dates: Monday, November 9, at 12 noon Tuesday, November 10, at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, November 12, at 8:00 a.m.
• • •
See page 3 for addi:onal details.
(Pastor’s Reflections, continued from page 1.
M Paul A. Baxley Senior Minister
Frank Granger Minister of Chris an Community
Randy Bri ain Minister of Music
Brandon Pendry Minister of Youth and Mission
Amanda Lewis Minister of College Students
Anne Bri ain Organist Music Associate
Childcare will be provided. In previous years we have offered this service at noon, but we believe this late a6ernoon/early evening "me will allow for higher par"cipa"on in our church and from the community. So please plan to come and invite friends to join you. November will also provide space and "me for important conversa"ons in the life of our church. As you can read in more detail elsewhere in this newsle8er, our Master Planning Commi8ee has presented a phase one project toward the implementa"on the master plan affirmed by the congrega"on last May. The Deacons unanimously approved that proposal at their October mee"ng. During November, there will be opportuni"es for the congrega"on to learn about what is proposed to be done in this phase 1 project and what has been deferred to future phasing. There will also be discussion opportuni"es in Sunday School classes and in listening sessions. Please read the detailed informa"on provided and plan to par"cipate fully. I look forward to seeing you as we gather for worship on All Saints Sunday and then look toward a month filled with worship, significant conversa"on, study and mission as we grow as a thriving community in Christ where we all par"cipate in worship and are transformed by mission.
Alan McArthur Pianist
Jon Appleton Pastor Emeritus
Union Service Set for November 22 at Beech Haven The annual Union Thanksgiving Service will be held on Sunday, November 22, at Beech Haven Bap"st Church (2390 W. Broad Street, Athens). The service will begin at 6:00 p.m. in the sanctuary and a recep"on will follow the conclusion of the service.
Congrega:on Elects Search Commi ee for Minister of Children, Families, and Outreach
This year, the sermon will be delivered by Dr. Edward Bolen, Pastor of Milledge Avenue Bap"st Church. Music will be provided by combined choirs from the three churches. An offering will be received to benefit the Emergency Food Bank.
At the close of worship on Sunday, October 18, the congrega"on of First Bap"st Church voted to authorize a search for a full-"me Minister of Children, Families and Outreach, and to elect the following search commi8ee to seek a person to fill this important ministerial staff posi"on: Tom Brown, Chair Jennifer Ellis Joanna Hill Julie Jenkins Carol Reddish
Each year members of our congrega"ons gather for this evening worship service as a remembrance of our unique shared story and an affirma"on of our unity in Christ. Beech Haven and Milledge Avenue Bap"st Churches were founded by First Bap"st Church in the late 1950s, and since both congrega"ons were established as missions of First Bap"st, this service has been an annual tradi"on for all three congrega"ons.
Judy Ebert Rob Gordon Trish Hogan Jeff Randa
Please pray for the members of this search commi8ee and the candidates whom they will consider as they begin this important work in the life of our congrega"on.
Please plan to join us for this year’s Union Service at Beech Haven. 2
Master Planning Commi ee Presents Phase 1 Proposal A6er very thorough discussion, the Deacons unanimously approved the proposed first phase plan and authorized the Master Planning Commi8ee to present the proposal to the congrega"on for discussion.
During the week following November 8, members of church leadership will be available at three different "mes for hour long listening sessions to be held at the church. During those sessions — scheduled at different "mes of day to maximize opportunity for church members to If the congrega"on eventually affirms the proposed phase par"cipate — ques"ons, comments and sugges"ons will one plan, the next step in the process would be to conduct be heard and discussed. Those sessions will be offered on a capital campaign for the work in the first phase. Only Monday, November 9, from 12:00-1:00 p.m., Tuesday, a6er a capital campaign is completed would the November 10, from 5:30-6:30 p.m. and Thursday, congrega"on be asked to give final authoriza"on to begin November 12 from 8:00-9:00 a.m. The sessions will be held work. in E-108 on the first floor of the educa2onal building. The Master Planning Commi ee will present the phase one project approved by the Deacons on Wednesday, November 4 following our regular Wednesday night meal. The commi8ee will be joined by David Strickland, our principal architect from CDH Partners. The purpose of this presenta"on will be to provide the congrega"on a thorough overview of what is included in phase one, and also what parts of the master plan have been deferred to future phasing. Following the presenta"on on November 4, complete informa"on regarding the proposal will be posted on the church website. Then, on Sunday, November 8, members of the Master Planning Commi8ee and other lay leaders will visit all adult Sunday School classes to respond to any ques"ons members of the classes may have.
On Sunday, November 15, following worship, a churchwide luncheon and congrega2onal mee2ng will be held. Part of the agenda for that congrega"onal mee"ng will be further discussion of the proposed phase one project. Please mark your calendars and plan to join us on November 4 to hear the presenta"on of the proposed first phase, then par"cipate in as many of the discussion opportuni"es in November as your schedule allows. Please contact Doug Mar"n, Chair of the Master Planning Commi8ee, Robin O’Rear, Chair of Deacons, Helen Mills, Chair-Elect of Deacons or Paul Baxley, Senior Minister, if you have ques"ons.
We express our Chris"an love and sympathy to the family of Vaudie Hilman who passed away on September 27, 2015. N G M HI A warm FBC welcome goes to Allison Roland and Mark Lancaster who have joined through transfer of le8ers. B J Congratula"ons to: David and Beth Lacy Heffner on their birth of their son, Isaac Michael, on October 5, 2015. The proud Grandparents are Mike and Linda Lacy. Mandy and Chris Brown on the birth of their daughter, Layla Joy, on September 27, 2015. The proud Grandparents are Charlie and Paula Hooper. F K L M H Memorials were received for the Founda"on Benevolent Fund in memory of Janey Cooley, Ernie Hynds, Helen McArthur and Joel Giddens in the month of October. TJ M Y K N The family of Joel Giddens appreciated all the phone calls, cards, food, and well wishes from those at First Bap2st. He truly loved his church family. Thank you! Ann Giddens During a 2me of loss we realize how much our friends mean to us. Thank you for your thoughts, prayers, and words of concern and encouragement in the loss of my Dad. I will always be grateful for your expressions of love and sympathy during the 2me that I needed it most. With love, Suzy Moon
MISSION NEWS Why FBC Supports the Offering for Global Missions “If God is among the most marginalized people in the world, God is surely among Roma people in Slovakia. We believe that educa"on and literacy is such an important piece of Roma communi"es picking themselves up out of poverty and asser"ng a vital posi"on in society. We believe that educa"on in their own language, in the Romani language, in the Slovak language and then also in English are three important ways for them to have a leg up, to get be8er jobs, to speak as educated people and see discrimina"on begin to change.” “When you support what CBF is doing in the world — you're providing ESL classes for Roma students and for adults. You’re providing clothing and materials for Roma children in a school who don’t always have the same materials that their Slovak peers have. You’re providing presence and Bible studies for young Roma teenagers, boys and girls, to learn about God’s word in a safe and caring environment. But above all, you’re providing Roma communi"es the opportunity to share more of who they are with the world.” — Tonya and Jon Parks, partners of the McNarys in Kosice
FBC’s International CBF Mission Partners, Shane and Diane McNary
FBC will collect money for the Offering for Global Missions through Christmas.
Our next hos"ng week for the Interfaith Hospitality Network of Athens begins December 6. Please sign up on FBC’s Mission opportuni"es page on the FBC website.
Glove Tree for Our Daily Bread
Food Bank Needs: • SpagheO Sauce • Canned fruit • Pop-top cans in any variety for homeless Please bring your dona:ons to the Mission Room at Church.
Be A Bell Ringer for Salva:on Army
Our Mission Kids are sponsoring a GLOVE TREE where they will collect gloves and warm weather accessories for the folks served at Our Daily Bread ministry in our Fellowship Hall. All church members are invited to bring gloves, hates, and scarves to decorate the tree. Collec"ng through November then dona"ons will be given to Our Daily Bread.
While this is a December Christmas Ministry of First Bap"st Church, Athens, we will be beginning early, the week a6er Thanksgiving this year. Remember that as we cover these 55 hours, every single dime collected by us ringing those bells across Athens goes to support the Salva"on Army’s ministries locally. Help us raise over $2,000 and beat our total from last year. What: Ring the Salva"on Army Bell for one hour When: November 30—December 4 Where: Wal-Mart on Epps Bridge (right side entrance) Sign up: On FBC website or by contac"ng Phyllis Nelson. 4
YOUTH NEWS What: A weekend away, connecting and reconnecting with God through 3 essential prayers: Help, Thanks, Wow. Also a ton of fun. Choose: Horseback riding, High Ropes Course, Mountain Biking, Paintball We will meet at FBC on Friday, November 20, at 4:30 p.m. and return on Sunday, November 22, at 4:30 p.m. Registration is online.
Home Bound Thanksgiving Baskets
November Youth Calendar November 1
choir & Escape the Space D
choir & youth D
Choir & Youth D
This year we will partner with the 50+Team to provide a Thanksgiving Baskets to Homebound members. This is a wonderful way to serve together with a youth/older adult pair. By serving together, we help make Thanksgiving better for elderly members and help grow our community at First Baptist. Check out the board in the main hallway for more details.
FBCAthens Youth helped make the Fall Fes2val a great success, working with kids, decora2ng cars and handing out treats. 5
COMMUNITY NEWS Annual Fall Fes:val – A Wonderful Evening By: Frank Granger, Minister of Community Someone asked me last week how long we have been hos"ng the Fall Fes"val. The ques"on prompted me to ask, “In its present form, or in general?” Since the Mid-1990s we have been involved in some type of church-wide family event at the end of October. Of course it has changed through the years. The changes have been to meet the evolving needs and vision of our church. Currently, our Fall Fes"val is a community event we sponsor. This year’s fes"val was a grand event bringing together people of all ages for an evening of play, fun, and hospitality. The Children’s Ministry Team, the Recrea"on Team, and the Food Service Team, each take responsibility for parts of this event. They are joined by youth and college students and other church volunteers. People make dona"ons, offer baked goods, and open their trunks to treat the children at the end of the evening. Easily, over 30 individuals from these groups were here and involved in helping in some way. However, that would not account for many others who were among those planning, contribu"ng, and helping to bring this event together.
by at those "mes you would have missed so much. Our church families along with our church neighbors and guests from Our Daily Bread filled our spaces with their smiles and excitement. Children of all ages, in an array of costumes, tested their skills at ring toss, pin the nose on the pumpkin, ghost bowling and much more. The crowd favorite may be the cake walk, which has been known to become quite compe""ve. Trunks were opened and decorated for children to come by for some more special treats. We invest this much "me and for a couple of hours of fun for many reasons. Play is important. And not only for the children, but for all of us, and at the Fall Fes"val everyone becomes playful (some more than If you had come by the church at 3:30 others!). Providing safe spaces for Sunday a6ernoon, then passed back children is important. by at 7:05, you would have seen no signs of the event or crowd of people Intergenera"onal ac"vi"es are rare in who were here. Between those hours, occurrence; and, have been shown to our outdoor greenspace and parking be important in the social and lot were prepared with games and spiritual development of our young. ac"vi"es and filled with people. Our Hospitality to friends and to strangers kitchen and Fellowship Hall geared up is characteris"c of being a faithful for serving sack lunches to all guests disciple. and par"cipants; and, it was all cleaned up. Yet if you had only driven
50+ T H N G Join the 50+ Team as we gather for Dutch treat breakfast at Cracker Barrel, Epps Bridge Road, Thursday, November 12, at 9:30 a.m. A6erwards we will visit the Georgia Small Works Exhibit at OCAF in Watkinsville. Please sign up by calling the church office by November 10. Check the 50+ Bulle"n Board for Home Bound Thanksgiving Remembrance. Select and sign a basket with the name of Home Bound member. Bring delight and joy to that person with your visit and Thanksgiving basket. Save the date for "Dinner with Darrell Huckaby" on January 28. 2016. More details later. 6
The 50+ Team will meet in the Aderhold Classroom November 5 at 10:30 a.m. The Farrall-Hynds Circle will meet Tuesday, November 2, at 10:00 a.m. at the home of Vickie Horton (220 Idylwood Dr.). Our joint circle mee"ng is set for November 17 at 5:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. It will be a salad potluck. Phyllis Nelson will share informa"on about Christmas opportuni"es with the Salva"on Army and Emily Hunnicu8 will speak to us about her mission project with Waters Beyond Waters.
The Friendship Class is a small, flexible group of non-age defined First Bap"st members who are open, inquisi"ve, accep"ng of broad perspec"ves and in-depth discussions, and who seek to learn more about themselves and their classmates as believers in the current world.
Marcus Borg, The Heart of Chris2anity Marcus Borg, Speaking Chris2an: Why Chris2an Words Have Lost Their Meaning and Power – and How They Can Be Restored • Brian McLaren, A Generous Orthodoxy • Brian McLaren, Everything Must Change The class originated several decades ago, and though • N.T. Wright, Surprised by Scripture many of the early members have moved and are no • Marcus Borg and John Crossan, The First Christmas longer in the class, the character and iden"ty of the class • Phyllis Tickle, Emergence Chris2anity has remained in an enduring way. Among the long• Walter Wink, Jesus and Nonviolence: A third Way standing characteris"cs of this class are a non-judgmental • Phillip Gulley, If Grace is True atmosphere, an open inquiry to scripture, a willingness to Addi"onal Authors include, Thich Nahat Hanh, James be challenged, and a deep interest to explore issues Mulholland, and William H Willimon. together. Currently the class is reading and discussing Accidental The Friendship class does not follow a printed curriculum Saints, Finding God in All the Wrong People by Nadia from a publisher. “Our class,” explains Mary Colley, Bolz-Weber. If you are looking for a Sunday morning “primarily studies books by contemporary authors. Some community that offers a par"cipatory environment for are Bible-based in that they deal with current issues from in-depth discussions concerning biblical, faith, and a biblical perspec"ve, while others deal with comparisons religious issues, from a wide range of authors, you are within the Bible.” Below you will see a sampling of the encouraged to visit the Friendship Class. The class also books and authors the class has read and discussed welcomes those who have interest to par"cipate with a together: specific book study. Their mee"ng space is on the third • Frederick Buchner, Secrets in the Dark: A Life of floor, Room S-304 (near the third floor elevator lobby). Sermons • Marcus Borg, Reading the Bible Again for the First Time •
Church Members to Perform in The Merry Widow By: Randy Bri ain, Minister of Music The University of Georgia Opera Theatre will present a fully-staged performance of Franz Lehar’s roman"c comedy The Merry Widow on Thursday, November 5, and Friday, November 6, at 8 p.m. in Hodgson Concert Hall at the UGA Performing Arts Center. The Music Ministry of FBC Athens will be well represented in these performances and I hope you will consider a8ending and suppor"ng these students. Rachel Holmes Apfelbach (Choral Scholar) will sing the role of Baroness Valencienne, Baron Zeta's wife. Bre8 Pardue (Choral Scholar) will sing the role of Camille, Count de Rosillon, French a8aché to the embassy and the Baroness's admirer. Amy Baker (Choral Scholar) plays one of the grise8es (can-can dancers). And Judith DeFoor, who directs our Youth Choir and is heavily involved in our Music Ministry, sings in the University Chorus which will provide ensemble singing for the opera. The Merry Widow is the story of a fic"onal country whose financial fortunes rest on the roman"c whims of a recently widowed character cavor"ng with poten"al suitors in Paris. Mul"ple story lines intersect around the romance between Hanna Glawari and Danilo Danilovitsch. Though officially an opera, The Merry Widow has the lightness of an opere8a while playing like a musical, according to Frederick Burchinal, Wya8 and Margaret Anderson Professor of Voice in the Hugh Hodgson School of Music and the director of the performance. The opera will be presented in English, in a transla"on by Sheldon Harnick, composer of more than a dozen Broadway musicals. Among its dialogue and dance scenes, The Merry Widow features several arias that are familiar to the public and which have featured performances over the years by the some of the most-renowned singers in opera including Beverly Sills, Elizabeth Schwarzkopf, and Joan Sutherland. Tickets for the performances may be purchased at 7
JOIN US FOR WORSHIP IN NOVEMBER Sunday, November 1, 2015 – All Saints Day Calling of Names of Those Who Have Died Celebra"on of Communion Sermon: “Mee"ng at the Table” Texts: Isaiah 25:6-9, Psalm 24, Revela"on 21:1-6
Received week of September 27 Received week of October 4 Received week of October 11 Received week of October 18
Sunday, November 8, 2015 – The 24th Sunday aCer Pentecost Sermon: “Why Offerings Are Not Finally Confiden"al” Texts: Psalm 146, Mark 12:38-44 Sunday, November 15, 2015 – The 25th Sunday aCer Pentecost Sermon: “Why Worship Ma8ers” Texts: Psalm 16, Hebrews 10:11-25
$ 7,461.00 $16,250.74 $23,023.35 $21,575.33
Year to Date September 30, 2015 Needed: $1,058,486.13 Received: $ 795,744.38 Expenses: $ 918,669.85 Balance: ($ 122,925.47)
S \ TT T J
Sunday, November 22, 2015 – Christ the King Sunday Sermon: “A Kingdom Over the World, Not Of It” Texts: Psalm 93, Revela"on 1:4b-8, John 18:33-37 Sunday, November 29, 2015 – The First Sunday in Advent Hanging of the Green Service of Parent-Child Dedica"on for Collins Hogan Sermon: Texts: Jeremiah 33:14-16, Colossians 1:11-20, Luke 21:25-36
WEDNESDAY MENUS Adults $7.00; Children $3.50 November 4 Hot Meal: Barbecue, Bun, Baked Beans, Cole Slaw, Fruit Jello Children: Pizza November 11 Hot Meal: Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Green Peas, Pear Salad, Biscuit Children: Hot Meal November 18 Hot Meal: Turkey and Gravy, Rice or Dressing, Broccoli, Fruit, Rolls Children: Hot Dogs and Tater Tots November 25 No Wednesday Night Ac"vi"es or Dinner Dessert is served weekly. There is also a Salad Bar Op2on with Baked Irish or Sweet Potato
Make reserva ons and view supper menus on the church website You may also call the church office to make or change exis ng reserva ons. 8
Co-Deacons for the Weeks of: November 1-7: Al Henderson, Andy Hogan November 8-14 : Charlie Hooper, Donnas Hopper November 15-21: Jane Hubert, Mike Lacy November 22-28: Gigi Las"nger, Evelyn McNair Nov. 29– Dec. 5: Evelyn Mar"n, Helen Mills Fellowship Team for November Tom Brown, Rick Dawson, Tony Dillard, Sherri Divers Usher Team for November Anne8e Barfield, Larry Divers, Wilson Denney, Julie Jenkins, Bert Hill, Joanna Hill Welcome Center Team November 1 : Branyon Foyer: Connie Ivester, Martha Ivester Fanning Foyer: Beth Sanders, Janice Love November 8 Branyon Foyer: Margaret Earnest, John Marshall Fanning Foyer: Sherri Divers, Joan Beckham November 15 Branyon Foyer: Beth Sanders, Janice Love Fanning Foyer: Connie Ivester, Martha Ivester November 22 Branyon Foyer: Sherri Divers, Joan Beckham Fanning Foyer: Margaret Earnest, John Marshall November 29 Branyon Foyer: Bobbie and Carl Monk Fanning Foyer: Becky Adams, Stacey Pendry First Aid Phone: Jennifer Baxley Extended Session: November 1: Julie & Kenneth Linsley November 8: Susan & Wes Hogan November 15: April & Tom Riddle November 22: Craig & Jennifer Ellis November 29: Leslie & Rob Gordon
NOVEMBER 2015 1 6:00 p.m. Youth Escape the Space
2 2:00 p.m. Staff Meeting
3 10:30 a.m. Farrall-Hynds Circle 12:00 noon Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop
4 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Activities
5 10:30 a.m. 50+ Team
8 8:30 a.m. Youth Support Team 12:00 noon College Lunch 12:00 noon Children’s Ministry Team . No College Bible Study
9 10:00 a.m. AIM Board . 2:00 p.m. Staff Meeting
10 10:00 a.m. IHN mtg. 12:00 noon Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop
11 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Activities 5:15 p.m. Property Mgt. Committee 5:30 p.m. Finance Committee
15 8:30 a.m. Mission Team
16 2:00 p.m. Staff Meeting 6:00 p.m. Deacons Mtg.
17 12:00 noon Bible Study 5:30 p.m. Joint Circle Mtg. 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop
18 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Activities
20 Youth Fall Retreat
21 Youth Fall Retreat
22 Youth Fall Retreat
23 2:00 p.m. Staff Meeting
24 12:00 noon Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop
25 No Wednesday Evening Activities
26 Church Office Closed
27 Church Office Closed
29 11:00 a.m. Hanging of the Green
30 9:15 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 5:15 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.
Sunday Schedule Coffee, Donuts Sunday School Worship Youth Choir Youth Ac"vi"es Adult Handbell Choir College Bible Study
Wednesday Schedule 5:00 –5:45 p.m. Wednesday Dinner 5:45 p.m. Children’s Choir 6:00—6:50 p.m. Adult Discipleship 6:00—7:15 p.m. Youth Ac"vi"es 6:00 p.m. College Ac"vi"es 6:30 — 7:15 p.m. Mission Kids 7:00 p.m. Sanctuary Choir
Submit items for inclusion in the November edi"on of FBC news by noon on November 18.
First Baptist Church (USPS 193-040) 355 Pulaski Street Athens, Ga 30601
A)*+,- . C/012-342 C45+,)40 2015 Week 1 of Advent: November 29 – December 5 Sunday, November 29 • Hanging of the Green, 11:00 a.m. — Children’s Choirs Sing Tuesday, December 1 • Mid-Week Advent Worship, 5:30 p.m. Week 2 of Advent: December 6 – 12 Sunday, December 6 • Advent Worship, 11:00 a.m. • Children’s Choir Rehearsal, 12:00 noon – 2:00 p.m. • College Luncheon, 12:00 noon • Homebound Christmas Caroling, 3:00 p.m. • Youth Christmas Party Tuesday, December 8: • Mid-Wek Advent Worship, 5:30 p.m. Saturday, December 12 • Children’s Elf Workshop, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Week 3 of Advent: December 13 – 19 Sunday, December 13 • Service of Lessons and Carols, presented by Sanctuary Choir, 11:00 a.m. • The Manger Project, presented by Children’s Choirs, 5:30 p.m., followed by the Annual Church Christmas Banquet Tuesday, December 15: • Mid-Week Advent Worship, 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, December 16: • Sanctuary Choir Christmas Banquet, 6:00 p.m. Week 4 of Advent: December 20 – 26 Sunday, December 20: • Sunday School Breakfast and Fellowship, 9:45 a.m., Fellowship Hall • Advent Worship, 11:00 a.m. Thursday, December 24: • Christmas Eve Worship, 5:30 p.m.