November 2016
Volume LIX No. 10
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By: Dr. Paul Baxley, Senior Minister As you learned in a le er from Jill Dawson and Helen Mills, we are entering our fall stewardship emphasis during the coming weeks. The stewardship commi ee has done a marvelous job preparing for this season, and they have selected a wonderful three word theme: “Grateful. Called. Commi ed.â€? On the ďŹ rst three Sundays in November, our Scripture readings, hymns, sermons and tes.monies will all invite us to reect on the way gra.tude, God’s calling and our personal commitment combine to enable us to live more generous lives. Our stereotype about stewardship emphases in church is that they are singularly focused on money, and within that focus only interested in seeking ďŹ nancial commitments to the life and ministry of the church. This November we will be doing much more than that. While we will all be encouraged to think and pray about how we are being called to support the ongoing ministries of our church ďŹ nancially, we will also be challenged to think about how our gra.tude and God’s call might lead us to be more generous in all of our lives, not only in the use of our money, but in the way we give .me and oer ourselves in rela.onship. Because these Sundays will have a much more expansive focus than is some.mes the case, I think they have the to help us all grow in faith. For the last several years, we have also set aside a single Sunday to receive commitments of various kinds. But this year, we will make space in worship on November 13 and November 20 for you to make ďŹ nancial commitments for 2017 and also to express interest in other ways of giving and serving, par.cularly through our mission ministries. As those Sundays draw closer, we will provide more details about how this will work. You may choose to return your ďŹ nancial commitment one Sunday and make a dierent commitment on another Sunday. Or, you may ďŹ nd that you will be here one Sunday and not the other, so you will choose to respond as you are led on the Sunday you are here. (Pastor’s Reflections, continued on page 2)
Sunday Conversa on Sunday, November 6 4:30 p.m. Program and Conversa.on 6:00 p.m. Covered Dish Meal Childcare available — See page 2 for details
Pastor’s Reflections, continued from page 1
As we enter these weeks of November, know how grateful I am to be part of the First family. For the rela.onships we have built, the that are ours together to serve God, for the chance to be part of a community where we can speak honestly about some of the challenges of our .me even when we do not agree, and most of all of the love of Christ that binds us together, I say thanks be to God!
M Paul Baxley Senior Minister
Frank Granger Minister of Christian Community
Randy Bri&ain
So I look forward to worshipping with you these weeks in November, and then to beginning the Advent season! I hope to see you Sunday!
Minister of Music
Brandon Pendry Minister of Youth and Mission
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Janet Cleland Minister of Children, Families and Outreach
Sunday, November 6
Amanda Lewis Minister of College Students
Anne Bri&ain Organist/Music Associate
Alan McArthur Pianist
Jon Appleton Pastor Emeritus Church oďŹƒce: 706.548.1359 www.ďŹ
We will be gathering as a congrega.on for conversa.on and reec.ons on our experience together this fall with the Let’s Talk series. Through sermons, conversa.on groups, Sunday seminars, and more, we have explored numerous faith ques.ons seeking to be faithful and engaging our world. Our gathering begins at 4:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall and will conclude at 5:45 p.m. Following the reec.on .me, we will share a covered dish meal and fellowship. The church will provide chicken ďŹ ngers, tea and lemonade. Please bring your favorite item to share. Child care during the session will be provided upon request, for ages birth through elementary. Please contact Heather Swank in the church oďŹƒce by email (heather@ďŹ or phone (706.548.1359) to sign up for child care. Children will join their parents for the meal.
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S1 8 2, N 7 0; 20 On Sunday, November 20, First Church will host a community wide Thanksgiving Service in our Sanctuary at 4:30 p.m. Following the service, a recep.on will be held in Fellowship Hall. Please make every eort to a end! This service will be a ďŹ rst of its kind for our community, as it will allow members of dierent congrega.ons from across our community including several dierent faith tradi.ons, the chance to gather together, to begin to build rela.onships and oer thanks. The service is being planned by a group of clergy not only congrega.ons in Athens and the surrounding community, but also the leaders of the Congrega.on Children of Israel and Al Huda Islamic Center. Thanksgiving is the ideal .me for an interfaith gathering, as gra.tude is a central theme for all the congrega.ons involved in planning this gathering. Childcare will be provided during the service and children of all ages are welcome at the recep.on to follow. Please mark your calendars and plan to join us November 20!
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During my this past summer I par.cipated in a 10-week online course on Father Richard Rohr’s book Immortal Diamond: A Study in Search of the True Self. Fr. Richard is a Franciscan priest of the New Mexico Province and a proliďŹ c writer on spirituality. He founded the Center for Ac.on and Contempla.on in Albuquerque, New Mexico in 1986. The book’s .tle comes from the last line of a poem by Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-1889) en.tled That Nature is a Heraclitean Fire and of the Comfort of the Resurrec#on. “Immortal diamondâ€? is a metaphor for the divine imprint that lies within every human being. The media-rich, self-paced, 10-week online course provided to: • Discuss course content with fellow learners from around the world. There were 30 ministry par.cipants in my class. • Access teachings by Fr. Richard. • Read course relevant works by Fr. Richard. • Step into a deeper understanding of the True Self. • Par.cipate in a guided study. • Engage in personal reec.on and prac.ce. • Review supplemental material (audio, video, ar.cles, books, etc.) to deepen the spiritual journey. • Explore new material every week. Fr. Richard has wri en about his book and online course, “it will provide an opportunity to mine for the real you that has been there all along, simply hidden under the trappings of ego and False Self.â€? He con.nues, “Life is not a ma er of a special name for ourselves, but of uncovering the name we have always had.â€? Rohr teaches that spiritual prac.ce is about remembering our diamond essence. It is remembering that what is deepest in us is of God. This is the place where our true iden.ty is found. As a pastoral musician, these are words that I need to hear and live by every day so that I may teach others how to live into this founda.onal iden.ty in God. Rohr’s work on the False Self/True Self is based on the truth that all human beings are children of God, made in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26). When we realize this eternal truth we can then live into our true iden.ty and be our True Self. The spiritual of Richard Rohr has had a profound eect on my journey with God through the years. I have read many of his books on spirituality and had always wanted to do some guided study with him. In order to minister to others, I have to take care of my own spiritual life on a daily basis. And I always ďŹ nd a way to share what I am reading and learning and praying about during our rehearsals on Wednesday night. This fall I have already begun sharing many of the spiritual concepts from Rohr’s latest book with the choir.
P B 1 S 1 2 4 H 8 2 ! The Flower Team will meet in the Flower Room (basement level) on Thursday, November 10, at 9:30 a.m. for Harvest Decora.ons. These will be taken down on Tuesday, November 22 at 9:30 a.m. On this date we will also begin prepara.ons for the Hanging of the Green service on November 27.
It is helpful to bring your own clippers, a small watering can, and charged dust busters if possible! We always need evergreen foliage for our Christmas decora.ons and welcome any the congrega.on has to share. Berry branches are also a lovely addi.on to our arrangements. Please bring greenery or berry branches to the kitchen maintenance entrance on Monday, November 28 through Thursday, December 1. Call Lyn Hill (706-5406294) if you would prefer to have a commi ee member pick up your evergreen dona.on.
If you are not on the Flower Team but are interested in helping us decorate for Advent please join us for any of our scheduled days! • Tuesday, November 29, 9:30 a.m. in the Flower Room • Thursday, December 1, 9:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary • Tuesday, December 20, 9:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary
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S 182 Wednesday evenings, November 9, 16, 30, and December 7 at 6:00 p.m. Op on 1: Jonah Study — Led by Paul Baxley
Op on 2: Half Truths — Led by Frank Granger
In the book “Half Truths: God Helps Those Who Help Themselves and Other Things The Bible Doesn’t Say,â€? by Adam Hamilton, there are ďŹ ve “half truthsâ€? that are put forth and discussed. During these four Wednesday evenings we will take a deeper look into these statements, siNing out the part-truth within them from that which isn’t true. These are the half truths that will be discussed in this series: Everything Happens for a Reason The study will be oered the weeks of November 8, 15, God Won’t Give You More than You Can Handle God Said It, I Believe It, That Se les It 29 and December 6. We will not meet the week of Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin Thanksgiving. The same session will be oered Tuesday at noon in E 113 and on Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. in Individuals may order their own copy. If you would like Fellowship Hall. Please contact Paul Baxley if you have for Frank to order a copy for you, please make contact ques.ons. with him by email: frank@ďŹ As our Let’s Talk emphasis concludes on Sunday evening, November 6, we will be returning to a more tradi.onal schedule of Midweek Bible Studies. Beginning Tuesday and Wednesday, November 7-8, Paul Baxley will teach a four week study of the Book of Jonah. We will read the text, iden.fy important themes and ques.ons that come from it, no.ce ways it is similar to other themes in Scripture, and also make applica.ons to our own lives.
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C4 0 B R1 D 0; 11 The Christmas Banquet will be held in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday, December 11, following the Children’s Music Program which begins at 5:30 p.m. The cost of the meal is $8 for adults and $5 for children. Please RSVP by noon on Monday, December 5 by calling the church oďŹƒce, emailing heather@ďŹ, or submiPng the reserva.on form available in the Branyon Foyer. Check or cash should accompany reserva.ons. No money will be collected on the night of the banquet. You may reserve a table for up to 8 people by lePng the oďŹƒce know when you make your banquet reserva.on. Only one person’s name is needed to reserve the table. Menu: Turkey and Dressing with Gravy, Sweet Potato SouÊ, Squash Casserole, Salad, Cranberry Sauce, Dinner Roll, Red Velvet Cake, Tea and Coee.
You are invited to a gathering of #Moms on Wednesday, November 9 from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. in room F318-319. Join us as we gather to share dessert and develop ideas and plans for a new group for mothers beginning in January.
The NOVEMBER 50+ TEAM MEETING will be hosted by Bill & Vickie Horton. Spouses are invited to a end. Please note date and .me change to Wednesday, November 2, at 10:00 a.m. Please RSVP to the Horton's (706-543-3095).
Farrall-Hynds Mee ng Date Farrall-Hynds Circle meets at 10:00am Tuesday, November 1 at Vickie Horton’s home (220 Idylwood Drive, Athens).
T4 G A87 1 — C4 8 D 7 6 G 8 On Sunday, October 2, we began computer check in for children from birth through Kindergarten. Each child will receive a computer generated name tag with security informa.on included, and a matching tag is generated for the parent. Upon pick-up, the parent will return with their matching tag to pick up their child. Our elementary children (1st—4th grade) have a sign-in sheet to check into their opening room on the ďŹ rst oor. Then they head up to their workshop about 10:00 a.m. and are checked out on the third oor. Our ďŹ rst and second grade children have children’s worship on the ďŹ rst oor in room E112. When worship is dismissed all the children from birth – 2nd grade are on the ďŹ rst oor. We began “Workshop Rota.onâ€? in October and our children have been learning the story of Joseph in a new way each week. They have experienced a workshop via video, games, cooking and art. The theme of the unit in October has been “God has a special plan for you!â€?
We need people of all ages to par.cipate in the Workshop Rota.on Model for our children. It is a high value in children’s ministry that our children know all the genera.ons of our congrega.on. What a great opportunity to impact the spiritual life of a child for During the month of November, we will focus on the story eternity! If you are interested in joining this “adventureâ€? of David and Goliath and learn that “I can trust God!â€? The either on a regular basis or just occasionally please Great Adventure children’s newsle er will outline the contact Minister of Children, Families and Outreach Janet workshop schedule for November including which Sunday Cleland (Janet@ďŹ the dierent groups par.cipate in each.
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November and December Schedule: • November 27: Hanging of the Green Service Music Makers Choir and Joyful Singers Choir will sing “Prepare the Wayâ€? in the 11:00 a.m. worship service. • December 4: 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. Music Makers and Joyful Singers will have a special dress rehearsal and lunch following the morning worship service for the Children’s Christmas music program. • December 11: Christmas Banquet Program Brownie Bears, Music Makers, and Joyful Singers Choirs will present the musical program “And the Stars Sangâ€? prior to the FBC Christmas Banquet.
Our Mission Kids assembled 150 hygiene kits for the Athens Nurses Clinic in October. The Nurses Clinic greatly appreciated all the kits as their cupboards were nearly bare. Many thanks to all who donated items for the kits and to all our children for puPng them together with love.
A huge THANK YOU! To our church family and especially to our Children’s Ministry Team for all the dona.ons, par.cipa.on and engagement with our community for our Fall Fes.val.
Our mission focus for the month of November is “Speaking my Language� – the ministry of Keith Holmes and Mary Van Rheenen, whose ministry focus is Romany language ministry in Europe. There will be no Children’s Choir or Mission Kids on Wednesday, November 23. 5
This is such a great outreach to our community and everyone’s involvement is very much appreciated. Now our Outreach Team will be following up on some of the par.cipants. Please be in prayer for their eorts. Thank you! See page 6 and 7 for pictures from the aNernoon. Many thanks to Jennifer Baxley for providing the photos.
;2: B 8 P 8 2, M Y 1 4 8 M To love God and love one’s neighbor as one’s self. Jesus said this is what sums up all the law and prophets. While we oNen see clearer on how to love God through things like worship, study, prayer, and devo.on, loving one’s neighbor can be a far broader, and in many cases, a more ques.on. There’s so much need, how do I priori.ze where and with whom to spend my .me? I want to use my giNs, but I don’t know where to start! I believe in being Christ’s hands and feet, but I just can’t do everything. If you’ve ever had thoughts like these when it comes to Serving in Missions of this or any church, we understand. That’s why this year as part of FBC’s stewardship season, the Mission Team is campaigning for every church member who pledges to also pledge to ‘Serve with ONE.’ Pick ONE way you would like to serve through our mission ministries and jump in. We have as regular as every week and some that come about only once a year. We believe ďŹ ercely that each of us lives more fully into Jesus’ command to love one’s neighbor when we commit to Serve with One. Take a look at the array of on the leN, look out for this informa.on around the church, online, and even in your church pews over the course of November. Be GRATEFUL for God’s grace, be CALLED by Christ to love and serve, and then be COMMITTED to following through with God’s call on your life. We look forward to having you Serve with One.
UB 0 6 M OBB 1 Angel Tree through DFACS
Salva on Army Bell Ringers
This is Salva.on Army’s big fundraiser and FBC has been one of their top You may pick up fundraising groups each year! We will your angel and be ringing the bell for the Salva.on informa.on about Army at the retail entrance of Walmart giNing from Carol on Epps Bridge Rd. on November 28 Cofer beginning on through December 2. Please see Phyllis or aNer November Nelson for to sign-up for a one-hour 13 in the Fanning foyer. More details will be provided via .me slot! the Midweek Messenger, around the building, and through Sunday School classes. 8
Be on the lookout on the Local Missions Board in the main hallway for more informa.on on several other Christmas available later in November.
Emergency Food Bank Needs Please bring dona.ons of Canned Green Beans, SpagheP Sauce, Canned Tuna, Canned Salmon to the Mission Room at FBC to be delivered to the Emergency Food Bank.
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One of the best stories we know about giving and receiving involves our younger daughter. Hannah, now a student at UNG-Dahlonega, was as joyful and enthusias.c then as she is now. She was full of spunk and sparkle, especially during the holidays. One Easter morning when she was eight years old, Hannah was par.cularly full of the joy of the Lord. And there was nothing she could do but let it overow. Hannah got some of her plas.c Easter eggs and ďŹ lled them with candy, coins, and other things that 8year-olds consider valuable. As soon as we got to church, she leapt from the car and skipped over to a group of senior adults who had just arrived on the church bus. She handed out her eggs, wished the group a good day, and skipped o to Sunday School. About two weeks later, we got a call from one of the gentlemen who had received an egg. His name was Mr. Gaddy and he wanted Hannah to know how much he appreciated her giN. He also wanted her to understand how important it is to give. Though we had never met him before, he seemed to be coming alongside us to reinforce the idea of .thing in her. He wanted to give her $5 as a concrete example of a blessing that comes when we give. Soon aNer, we visited Mr. Gaddy so Hannah could thank him for the $5. That day an unlikely bond formed between an elderly man and a li le girl.
Through the years, they discovered a shared love of history and poetry and people. He consistently expressed thankfulness despite struggles like blindness, the death of his beloved wife, and increasing health problems. She asked his advice, and marveled at his wisdom and his invariably outlook on life. He a ended her dance recital. She ate dinner with him at the assisted living home. They sat together in church. They loved each other as if they were grandfather and granddaughter. As .me went by, she changed from a girl into a woman while he suered loss and declined in health. Their friendship lasted for as long as Mr. Gaddy lived which was into Hannah’s freshman year in college. Once Hannah was asked which church member had had the biggest inuence on her. Without hesita.on, she named Mr. Gaddy. So here’s the story on giving in brief: Joy given by God and the faith of a child resulted in a small giN, cheerfully given. The blessing in return was a long beau.ful friendship worth far more than any amount of candy, or coins, or plas.c eggs. That’s how God works. He gives more than we give. And he gives more than we deserve. When we give, his blessings will come to us “good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running overâ€? (Luke 6:38) in one form or another.
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By: Helen and Milton Mills
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This year’s theme of grateful, called, and commi ed touches every aspect of why we are happy to pledge toward the church budget in a way that helps con.nue the impact of our church ministry. We are grateful to be involved with a church family that challenges us to grow, is commi ed to service and provides programs for every age in a way that promotes friends across all ages. We have been blessed in countless ways. Stewardship is one way that we can return to God a por.on of what he has so generously provided.
Congratula ons Congratula.ons to • Carol and Stuart Cofer on the birth of their granddaughter, MaPe Elizabeth Thomas, on October 15, 2016. MaPe is the daughter of Catherine and Bre Thomas, the sister of Miriam, and the great granddaughter of Jackie Thomason. • Savannah Stone and Billy Barge on the birth of their son Bryson Michael Harris Barge on October 18, 2016. Bryson is the brother of Kalli Clark. Sympathy We extend our love and sympathy to Linda and Mike Lacy in the loss of Linda’s sister, Nancy Dunaway, of Roswell on October 17,2016. New Members Wayne and Be ye Jordan, Bob and Brenda Cain, Jon Millians Founda on Memorials Dona.ons were made to the First Church Founda.on in memory of: Todd Kimsey, Peggy Patat, Helen Pendry, Maxie Hubbard.
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Co-Deacons for the Weeks of:
November 6, 2016 – All Saints Sunday Remembering those Who Have Died Since November 2015 The Celebra.on of Communion Sermon: “Gra.tude: Where Generosity Begins� Texts: Deuteronomy 26:1-11, 2 Corinthians 9:6-15, Luke 17:11-19
Evelyn and Doug Mar.n Julie Jenkins, Gigi Las.nger Wayne Hogan, Andy Hogan Jane Hubert, Cindy Haygood Debbie Hargrave, David Graves
Oct. 30– Nov. 5 November 6– 12 November 13-19 November 20-26: Nov. 27—Dec. 3
Fellowship Team for November Evelyn McNair, Helen Mills, Milton Mills, Don Nelson Usher Team for November Anne e BarďŹ eld, Larry Divers, Wilson Denney, Julie Jenkins, Bert Hill, Joanna Hill
November 13, 2016 – The 26th Sunday a1er Pentecost Sermon: “Calling: The Authority for Generosity� Texts: Deuteronomy 26:1-11, Romans 12:1-2, Ephesians 4:1-6
Welcome Center Team November 6 Branyon Foyer: Fanning Foyer: November 13 Branyon Foyer: Fanning Foyer: November 20 Branyon Foyer: Fanning Foyer: November 27 Branyon Foyer: Fanning Foyer:
Jane Hubert, Pam GriďŹƒn Becky Adams, Amy Young Connie Ivester, Martha Ivester Beth Sanders, Janice Love Margaret Earnest, John Marshall Sherri Divers, Joan Beckham
Heather Stover, Dallas Cannady Jackie GriďŹƒn, Joyce Fleeman Buddy Snow, Michael Jenkins Steve Barton, Bevan Hopper
Extended Session: November 6 November 13 November 20 November 27
Craig & Jennifer Ellis Colin & Katrina Law Ashley Gable Children stay in Worship
Children’s Worship: November 6 November 13 November 20 November 27
November 27, 2016 – The First Sunday of Advent The Hanging of the Greens Sermon by Paul Baxley Music by Children’s Choirs, Youth Choir and the Sanctuary Choir
Beth Sanders, Janice Love Connie Ivester, Martha Ivester
Coun ng Commi&ee: November 6 November 13 November 20 November 27
November 20, 2016 – The 27th Sunday a1er Pentecost Sermon: “Commitment for a Life of Generosity� Texts: Deuteronomy 26:1-11, Gala.ans 5:22-23, Luke 18:18-25
Claire McGowan Claire McGowan Kathryn Fountain Children stay in Worship
Financial Informa on Contribu ons October 2 $19,497.46 October 9 $19,766.94 October 16 $15,749.83 October 23 $14,105.93 YTD September 30, 2016 Needed $894,000.00 Received $778,425.09 Expenses $881,281.78 Balance ($102,856.69)
WEDNESDAY MENUS Adults $7.00; Children $3.50 November 2 Hot Meal: Hamburger Steak & Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Sliced Peaches, Biscuit, Dessert Children: Hot Dog and Tater Tots Salad Bar: Baked Irish or Sweet Potato November 9 Hot Meal: Sausage & Egg Casserole, Scrambled Eggs & Bacon, Cheese or Plain Grits, Fruit Salad, Biscuit, Dessert Children: Hot Meal Salad Bar: Baked Irish or Sweet Potato November 16 Hot Meal: Barbecue, Bun, Baked Beans, Cole Slaw, Fruit Jello, Dessert Children: Pizza Salad Bar: Baked Irish or Sweet Potato November 23 No Meal or Wednesday Night November 30 Hot Meal: Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Green Peas, Pear Salad, Biscuit, Dessert Children: Hot Dog and Tater Tots Salad Bar: Baked Irish or Sweet Potato Make reserva.ons and view supper menus on the church website. You may also call the church oďŹƒce to make or change reserva.ons. All reserva.ons or changes should be made no later than noon on the Monday prior. 10
Sunday Schedule 9:15 a.m. Coffee, Donuts 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship 5:15 p.m. Youth Choir 6:00 p.m. Handbell Choir 6:00 p.m. Youth 7:00 p.m. College Bible Study
1 10:00 a.m. Farrall-Hynds Cir. 12:00 noon Conversa.on Groups 1:15 p.m. #Moms 5:30 p.m. Master Planning Commi ee 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop
2 10:00 a.m. 50+ Team 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening 6:00 p.m. Conversa.on Groups
3 10:30 a.m. Homeless & Poverty Coali.on 5:30 p.m. Conversa.on Group
4 9:00 a.m. Samaritan Counseling
5 8:30 a.m. American Guild of Organists
6 Sunday Worship & Ac vi es 12:00 noon College Lunch 4:30 p.m. Let’s Talk Gathering and Meal
7 2:00 p.m. Staff
8 12:00 noon Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop
9 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening 5:30 p.m. Property Management Commi ee 6:00 p.m. Moms Dessert
10 9:30 a.m. Flower Team
13 Sunday Worship & Ac vi es 8:45 a.m. Mission Team 4:30 p.m. Let’s Talk Sunday Seminar
14 10:00 a.m. AIM Board 2:00 p.m. Staff
15 12:00 noon Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop
16 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening 5:15 p.m. Finance Commi ee
17 12:00 noon Newsle er Deadline
20. Sunday Worship & 8:45 a.m. Mission Team 4:30 p.m. Interfaith Thanksgiving Service and Fellowship
21 2:00 p.m. Staff 6:00 p.m. Deacons
22 9:30 a.m. Flower Team 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop
23 No Wednesday Ac#vi#es
24 Office Closed for Thanksgiving
25 Office Closed
27 Sunday Worship & 11:00 a.m. Hanging of the Green Worship service
28 10:00 a.m. Embroiderer’s Guild 2:00 p.m. Staff
29 9:30 a.m. Flower Team 12:00 noon Bible Study 5:30 p.m. Master Planning Commi ee 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop
30 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening
Wednesday Schedule 5:00 –5:45 p.m. Wednesday Dinner 5:45 p.m. Children’s Choir 6:00—6:50 p.m. Adult Discipleship 6:00—7:15 p.m. Youth 6:00 p.m. College 6:30 p.m. Mission Kids 7:00 p.m. Sanctuary Choir
Submit items for inclusion in the November edition of FBC news by noon on November 17 11
First Baptist Church (USPS 193-040) 355 Pulaski Street Athens, Ga 30601
CHRISTMAS POINSETTIA/FRUIT ORDER FORM You may honor or remember a loved one and help others while beau.fying our church during the Advent and Christmas seasons. If you would like to make a dona.on toward a poinsePa or fruit that will be used for decora.on, please complete this form. Dona.ons for either a poinsePa or fruit are $10. Edible decora.ons will be donated to Our Daily Bread. DONOR’S NAME: ___________________________________________________ In MEMORY of : ___________________________________________________ In MEMORY of : ___________________________________________________ In HONOR of : ___________________________________________________ In HONOR of : ___________________________________________________ Total Amount Enclosed: _______________________ Please return the completed form to Heather Swank in the church office by SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2016. Honorees will be listed in the worship bulle.n on Sunday, December 18, 2016.