October 2015 full color

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October 2015


Volume LVIII No. 10

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By: Dr. Paul Baxley, Senior Minister When we gathered for worship on First Sunday we claimed the theme Celebrate, Par cipate, Transform! That theme guided not only our worship and other experiences that day but has extended throughout the early weeks of fall. In so many ways we have been invited to celebrate all that God is doing in and through individually and collec&vely, find new ways of par&cipa&ng in Christ’s life and mission through our church, and experience God’s transforma&on in doing so.


Almost six weeks later, we have many reasons to con&nue celebra&ng! On First Sunday, we were invited to begin making commitments to serve in our mission ministries during the coming year. The ini&al response was extremely strong; many of the places of service for the balance of the calendar year have been claimed, and we have made a really good beginning toward the opportuni&es in the first half of 2016. We can celebrate the faithful commitments of &me that are being made, and know that as all of us offer ourselves to mission and service, we will both share and experience Christ’s transforming love. We can also celebrate because we are seeing evidence of new life all over our congrega&on. This fall fi3y children are par&cipa&ng in our children’s choirs! We have seen new college students enter the life of our church family as the number of students with whom we have regular contact has doubled since this &me a year ago. In the month of September, we also began a new ministry with young adults in their twen&es. Some are graduate students; others are beginning their professional lives. Every other Tuesday evening a gathering is being offered for young (Pastor’s Reflections, continued on page 2)

October 25, 2015 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Free to FBC families, friends and the local community Games, Prizes, Cake Walk, Inflatables, Trunk-or-Treat, Hot Dog Dinner Dona/ons of baked items for the cake walk and candy for the Trunk-or-Treat are greatly appreciated. Please contact Rebecca Williamson if you are able to decorate your trunk, or truck bed, for this event.

(Pastor’s Reflections, continued from page 1.

M Paul A. Baxley Senior Minister Frank Granger Minister of Chris/an Community Randy Bri>ain Minister of Music Brandon Pendry Minister of Youth and Mission Amanda Lewis Minister of College Students Anne Bri>ain Organist Music Associate Alan McArthur Pianist


adults in our congrega&on and we an&cipate offering a regular Sunday morning opportunity during the month of October. We’ve been very encouraged by the response to this new ministry. These are just a few of the examples of new life in our congrega&on and they give us reason to celebrate. We can also celebrate because during October our congrega&on will have the opportunity to take a next step in our ministries with children and families. Elsewhere in this newsle8er, you will read about recent recommenda&ons unanimously offered by our Personnel Commi8ee and Deacons that our congrega&on authorize a search for a full &me minister of children, families and outreach. Even in a &me of transi&on, we have seen our ministries for children and families experience growth, and we believe that this transi&on from a part &me posi&on to a full &me posi&on will not only give us access to stronger candidates but also enable our congrega&on to strengthen these crucial ministries and invite more and more families into them. You will have opportuni&es to learn more about this recommenda&on on October 7. I hope you will be present, and that you will celebrate this next step we could take prayerfully and confidently together. I believe if we do so we will experience God’s transforma&on in new ways. These are just some of the ways Celebrate, Par cipate and Transform has grown far beyond a theme for a single day. Right now it is a way of describing our journey together. For that, we can all be thankful!

Jon Appleton Pastor Emeritus

CELEBRATE, PARTICIPATE, TRANSFORM! Commitment Forms Being Received As you learned in a le8er dated September 8, 2015, the theme for our fall stewardship campaign is a con&nua&on of the theme of our First Sunday worship experience. We have spent the first weeks of the fall considering how we are called to par&cipate in Christ’s life and ministry in the life of our congrega&on. Many members of our church family have already signed up for opportuni&es for mission and service through our congrega&on in the coming months, and the level of commitment has been extremely impressive. Other opportuni&es for service this year remain, so if you have not yet made a commitment of &me through our congrega&on’s life, please do so in the coming days. We know that as we par&cipate, we will be part of God’s transforma&on and experience transforma&on ourselves! It is also important that each of us prayerfully consider how we are being called to par&cipate financially in our congrega&on’s life and ministry in 2016. The commitment form we received in the mail in September allows us not only to make a commitment to different kinds of involvement in our church family, it also gives each of us a place to make a financial commitment. Our ambi&ous goal is for all of our church family to make some kind of commitment; we know that none of us will be able to make exactly the same commitment. But our hope and prayer is that all of us will par&cipate in this way, and that in so doing, our lives and our ministries will be transformed. On September 27 in worship, we had an opportunity to present commitment forms. If you were not here, or were unable to make your commitment at that &me, we ask that you return your commitment form by placing it in the offering plate, mailing it to the church office or delivering it by October 4. 2

UPDATE FROM MASTER PLANNING AND CAPITAL FUNDING COMMITTEES The coming weeks will bring really important work for our Master Planning and Capital Funding Commi8ees. The Master Planning Commi8ee is working intensely to develop a final recommenda&on for phasing the master plan affirmed by the congrega&on in May. The commi8ee is working toward presen&ng a phasing plan and budget for considera&on by the Deacons at their October mee&ng. Between now and then, they will be working intensely and ask for your prayers as they seek to offer recommenda&ons that will give clear focus to our approach and energize our church family. The Capital Funding Commi8ee con&nues prepara&ons for a possible capital campaign in early 2016. A campaign will not be finally authorized un&l the congrega&on has opportunity to receive and endorse a phasing plan. Yet,

prepara&ons for a campaign have reached a point where campaign leadership needs to be recruited so that they can share in important decisions that must be made in bringing a final recommenda&on to the church. So the Deacons authorized the Capital Funding Commi8ee to recruit a leadership team for a capital campaign. That work has begun and updates will be provided as they are available. At a congrega&onal gathering on September 20, Robin O’Rear asked members of the church to hold Sunday, November 15 for a possible luncheon and congrega&onal mee&ng to discuss phasing plans and capital campaign recommenda&ons. Please mark that date on your calendar and plan to join us. More informa&on will be provided following the October 20 Deacons mee&ng.

WORSHIP NEWS The Strengthening Power of Collabora/on — When In Our Music God Is Glorified By: Randy Bri>ain, Minister of Music Hopefully by now you are fully aware of the Sanctuary Choir’s combined concert with Emmanuel Episcopal Church and First Presbyterian Church on Sunday, October 4 at 5:00 p.m. As you can imagine we have been rehearsing music for this concert for many months, in addi&on to weekly music for worship. These kinds of collabora&ve events take many months of dreaming and planning to bring to frui&on. They are not brought about in just a few weeks! Planning for this concert began in the spring of 2014. And we are not just collabora&ng with two of our downtown churches but with the School of Music at UGA, because our guest conductor is the Director of Choral Ac&vi&es, Dr. Daniel Bara. So you might wonder how these kinds of collabora&ve events can be strengthening to the ministry of our choir at First Bap&st Church? In par&cipa&ng in this concert the three choirs get to sing some music that calls for bigger forces than any of our choirs can sing individually on any given Sunday in our churches. We get to sing music that may support a slightly different liturgy from our own, which causes us to grow in the knowledge that there is so much more that unites us than divides us in the Chris&an faith. We have the opportunity to meet other choir members and see that we share the same calling of suppor&ng the worship life of a par&cular congrega&on. And on this occasion, we get to work with a Professor of Music at UGA who supports the singing and music making in our churches, and is grateful for the ways that all three of our congrega&ons provide opportuni&es for UGA music students to serve in our choirs. I hope that you will plan to par&cipate in this concert by your a8endance. The service will last an hour and there will be a recep&on a3erwards that will provide a &me for fellowship and community building with members of the other congrega&ons. It is my hope that we will have standing room only on October 4, at Emmanuel Episcopal Church with overflow listening to the concert in their new chapel. When in our music God is glorified, and adora on leaves no room for pride, it is as though the whole crea on cried Alleluia! Let every instrument be tuned for praise! Let all rejoice who have a voice to raise! And may God give us faith to sing always Alleluia! Amen! — Fred Pra8 Green 3

COMMUNITY NEWS Congrega onal Presenta on Scheduled October 7; Vote October 18 A3er several months of study and receiving input from parents and children’s ministry volunteers, the Personnel Commi8ee offered a unanimous recommenda&on to the Deacons that First Bap&st Church begin a search for a full &me Minister of Children, Families and Outreach. This minister will give leadership to the church’s ministries to children, including planning, coordina&ng, promo&ng and evalua&ng all facets of these ministries in collabora&on with the Children/Preschool Ministry team.

The Personnel Commi8ee reached the conclusion, and the Deacons agreed, that given the growth in our ministries with children and families (and the presence of addi&onal opportuni&es to grow those ministries) that it was &me to transi&on this staff posi&on from part -&me to full-&me. Also, the pool of candidates for this posi&on is expected to be larger and stronger for a full &me posi&on.

In a congrega&onal mee&ng on Wednesday, October 7 at 6:00 p.m., the Personnel Commi8ee and Deacon The person called to this posi&on will leadership will provide more informa&on about this also work to provide ministries to recommenda&on and copies of the parents of children and to offer job descrip&on for the posi&on will be intergenera&onal ministry available that night, on the church opportuni&es that connect not only website and in the church office. children with their families in faith, but also connect families with others In endorsing this recommenda&on, in our larger congrega&on. The the Deacons authorized the church Minister of Children, Families and Outreach will also have responsibility council to nominate a slate of church members to serve as a Search for coordina&ng our congrega&on’s comprehensive outreach ministry to Commi8ee for this posi&on. The find new ways of invi&ng people into Church Council’s slate will be announced to the congrega&on in the life of our congrega&on.

Wednesday Discipleship Opportuni/es for Adults


worship on October 11 and also published by email and in the First Bap&st Weekly released on October 14. On Sunday, October 18, the congrega&on will be called into conference at the close of worship to vote on the recommenda&on from the Personnel Commi8ee and Deacons and also authorize the Search Commi8ee to begin the search. Should the congrega&on approve these recommenda&ons, it is hoped that a candidate can be recommended to the Deacons and the congrega&on by spring to begin ministry late spring or early summer. Un&l a new minister is called, the interim arrangements put in place for our children’s ministry leadership will con&nue. If you have ques&ons about this recommenda&on, please contact Pam Dillard (Chair of Personnel), Tom Brown (Chair-elect of Personnel), Robin O’Rear (chair of Deacons) or Helen Mills (Chair-elect of Deacons).



Beginning Wednesday, October 14

The 50+ Team will meet Thursday, October 1 at 10:30 a.m. in the Aderhold/Farrall Sunday School Room.

Op&on 1: Studies in 1 Samuel, Chapters 1-15, led by Paul Baxley. Follow the narra&ve of Samuel’s birth, calling, and leadership, as Israel transi&ons to leadership by its Kings. Mee&ng in Fellowship Hall.

Come travel with the 50+ TEAM to Jaemor's Year Round Farm Market in Alto on Thursday, October 22 and lunch at Mickey Piggs Restaurant and Bakery. We will leave the church at 9:30 a.m. and return by 3:00 p.m. Please call the church office to sign up by Monday, October 19.

Op&on 2: Real Ques&ons People Ask . . .About the Bible, led by Frank Granger. The ques&ons from this 7 part series are real ques&ons asked by laity in churches. Seminary professors have provided a brief response to these ques&ons which give the basis of content for the group discussion with will follow.

Chris an Community Is... How rich life is with relationships with people different from me.


Taylor’s An Altar in the World, Richard Rohr’s, Falling Upward; John MacArthur’s, Twelve Ordinary Men; Philip Yancey’s Church, Why Bother? and occasional seasonal Lenten and Holy Week journeys.

The 10-10-10 Sunday school class began as a discussion in the summer of 2010, focusing on an addi&onal Sunday school opportunity. Ches Smith, along with Paul Baxley, recognized the benefit of crea&ng an addi&onal class and a3er several mee&ngs, decided to begin the class in the fall with Ches Smith as class coordinator and Paula and Charlie Hooper as teachers.

Class socials include events which range from family fall hotdog roas&ngs to white elephant Christmas par&es, and summer “girls’ nights out,” at a local restaurant. Provision of meals for Our Daily Bread and Food Bank opportuni&es allow &mes to be together as well.

With October 10, 2010, serving as the kick-off date, the class was iden&fied as 10-10-10, a name which landed with them permanently. Originally designed for couples and individuals in an age bracket of 35-45, over the years the group has cast a wider net allowing for a wonderful diversity; now, five years later, the 10-10-10ers have established themselves as a diverse class, suppor&ng each other as a family of faith, growing in their Chris&an walk through weekly Bible study together and promo&ng a sense of unity which encourages open class discussion. JoAnna Hill described the class as “a group of eclec&c individuals who come together to worship and praise God.”

The 10-10-10ers are no strangers to moments in which they can a8est to the presence of God through the hands and feet of each other. Such moments have occurred on a girls’ night out in the living room of a fellow class member, to the presence of visitors who shed light on our purpose, to the walls of the classroom where a teacher is surrounded by class members spor&ng blue bracelets of support and prayers for a Parkinson’s Disease journey that lay ahead. As class member Deborah Millians puts it, “Special moments in class happen for me when we as a class ask others for prayers; we open ourselves up not only to God’s help but also the support of class members, and it is a wonderful feeling of trust .”

Sundays in the 10-10-10 class center around fellowship, Bible study and group discussion. Rota&onal teaching is led by Jennifer Baxley, Connie Ivester, and Ches Smith. Class topics include studies from Smyth and Helwys, Bap sts Today; book studies including Barbara Brown

Joe Callaway Class Makes Plans Reading Through the Bible in a Year

The Joe Callaway class has made plans to read through the en&re Bible in one year using a scheduled reading plan. Sunday school classes o3en engage in ac&vi&es as a class beyond the Sunday school hour. Service opportuni&es comprise these shared experiences, as well as class par&es, cookouts, and holiday gatherings. The decision to share in the reading of the Bible over the course of a year should be a shared class experience that will generate rich discussions each Sunday. It will also provide for a means of growth and discovery. The class has set Sunday, November 1 as the star&ng date for their reading plan. What a fiSng day. November 1 is All Saints Day, a day of remembrance and celebra&on of the faithful who have gone before us. All Saints Day is a good day to begin a discipline of reading and listening to scripture. Perhaps you would like the opportunity to read through the Bible during the next 12 months alongside this class. If you are interested, the reading plan will be available for you to use. This plan provides for a systema&c to read through the en&re Bible by reading a few chapters each day. Copies will be available at the church, and will be available for download on the church web site. 5

MISSION NEWS Responding to Downtown Challenges

By: Brandon Pendry, Minister for Youth and Missions

As a downtown church, FBC is offered many opportuni&es to serve in ways that suburban and rural churches are not. In our par&cular loca&on, we are a thoroughfare for walkers coming from the Prince Avenue, Hancock, and Downtown areas. Many of our members have shared stories where they have been approached for informa&on, food or money in and around the downtown area. Many folks are unsure how to respond. The good news is that we have some &ps and resources for best prac&ces in responding to anyone in the downtown area who may need assistance. ONE: Help with informa/on Many folks aren’t aware that there are several organiza&ons in the close proximity to downtown that meet basic needs on a daily basis, providing everything from showers and laundry to emergency healthcare, meals and shelter. So that you may provide assistance to folks with basic needs, we now have business card sized informa&on brochures (pictured above) with all the informa&on someone needs about when and where to get help. These cards will be available beginning this Sunday in two loca&ons: • Your Sunday School Classroom • The Branyon Foyer Please take a few of these to have with you. We ask that you take no more than 5 at a &me to ensure we have enough available for everyone. Feel free to replenish your supply as needed. TWO: Help with money or food Some of you are comfortable giving people money and some are not. The church's policy is that we don’t give out benevolence funds, but refer them instead to ministries

Interna/onal Mission News

we support that offer assistance. The choice to give someone money or purchase them food is a personal one that should be made with much prayer and thought. If you do not feel comfortable giving money, but feel like more than a card is appropriate, a middle ground is to keep gallon-sized bags in your car filled with some essen&als such as: crackers, granola bars, applesauce & spoon, Kleenex, gloves, etc. The help cards we have can also be placed in the bag. This is a great way to offer actual assistance with food for those reques&ng that as a need. THREE: Be safe! In any interac&on in public, downtown or elsewhere, make sure you never open your wallet or purse within reach of someone. Crack windows if approached in a car, don’t open the door or roll windows down fully. Always be aware of your surroundings as you are walking to/from your car. Keeping these things in mind will help you avoid poten&ally unsafe or inappropriate situa&ons. And lastly, if you are ever treated disrespecXully on FBC property, please let the church office or our security guard know when they are on duty. Our staff and the Our Daily Bread staff work hard to ensure that all people on our grounds are afforded respect. If if someone is not being respecXul, they are asked to leave and/or banned from the property for a certain &me period. We hope these &ps will help all of us respond be8er to the needs of our downtown Athens neighbors. If you have ques&ons about this informa&on or some other ways to offer assistance, please contact Brandon Pendry in the church office.

By: Brandon Pendry, Minister for Youth and Missions

Samuel Project Home PURCHASED Spring 2015 Int’lMission Trip THE SAMUEL PROJECT has a physical home! Two years ago, we commi8ed to a long-term partnership with CBF missionaries Dianne & Shane McNary in Slovakia, working alongside Roma people groups to share the gospel through our lives and support. Last November, our congrega&on made some significant gi3s to aid in the eventual purchase of a home to operate a community center for Roma in Vazec. This home has now been purchased and we look forward to the ministry in Vazec con&nuing to grow.

In our ongoing partnership with the McNary’s and Roma people of Vazec, Slovakia, we will be taking a team to Vazec in the Spring. Dates are being worked on in conjunc&on with the work needed and availability of volunteers. If you are interested in being a part of this mission team, contact Brandon Pendry, Minister of Youth & Missions (brandon@firstbap&stathens.org).


Offering for Global Missions On October 25 we will begin receiving gi3s for the Offering for Global Missions, following a worship service that day oriented to kicking off our Interna&onal Mission Emphasis. We will receive the OGM for two months, up un&l Christmas Eve.

Interfaith Hospitality Network Banquet Scheduled Do you share your Time and Talents with the Interfaith Hospitality Network of Athens? There will be a special reception in your honor on Monday, October 19, 2015, at 6:00 p.m. (location TBA). This will be a grand time of fellowship and recognition for all of the dedicated volunteers who work with IHNA as we celebrate our 11 years of service here in northeast Georgia. Karen Olsen, the founder and President of Family Promise (IHN’s parent organization) will be the featured speaker. Karen’s story is an amazing one. She will talk about what inspired her to start this special ministry to families in need, and of how it has grown. Our local organization was the 100th network in America when we opened in fall 2004. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend this celebration. Watch FBC news for more information or contact the IHNA Day Center (706-425-1881).


What’s your life verse? As we explore the verses that mean so much to us on Sunday nights, we are left with One Word: • to remember that verse • to carry us through the week • to remind us o the one true Word of God. Join us on Sunday nights to discover the One True Word that will carry you through the week!

October Calendar 4 Dinner & Scavenger Hunt 11 choir & youth D

18 choir, & youth D 25Fall Festival! D 28: 28 Free Night

Meet our Youth Ministry Intern — Katey Brooks Hi! My name is Katey Brooks, and I am a third-year student here at UGA majoring in Public Relations. My goal for this school year was to find a new church to call home and get plugged in, and FBC has been the place to offer just that. I am so excited to be the Youth Ministry Intern and get to know the youth/congregation of the church. I was a Passport Camp staffer this past summer and found such an enjoyment in investing in youth, so I am thankful that I am able to continue to do that outside of camp. My hometown is little-bitty Carrollton, GA, and I am the older sister of one and the daughter of the best parents ever. 7



Sunday, October 4, 2015 The 19th Sunday a1er Pentecost – World Communion Sunday Celebra&on of Communion Sermon: “For No Reason” Texts: Job 1:1-9, 2:1-5; Luke 23:13-25 Sunday, October 11, 2015 The 20th Sunday a1er Pentecost Sermon: “Lacking One Thing?” Texts: Amos 5:6-7, 10-15, Psalm 90:12-17, Mark 10:17-31 Sunday, October 18, 2015 The 21st Sunday a1er Pentecost Sermon: “Disciples Out of Posi&on” Texts: Isaiah 53:4-12, Psalm 91:9-16, Mark 10:35-45

$21,720.00 $19,599.25 $18,784.24 $29,230.03

Year to Date August 31, 2015 Needed: $940,876.56 Received: $718,168.71 Expenses: $815,208.90 Balance: ($97,040.19)

WEDNESDAY MENUS Adults $7.00; Children $3.50 October 7 Hot Meal: Oven Fried Pork Chops, Cabbage, Stewed Tomatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Cornbread Children: Pizza October 14 Hot Meal: Chicken Fingers, Macaroni & Cheese, Broccoli Spears, Fruit Cup, Breads&cks Children: Hot Meal October 21 Hot Meal: Hamburger Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Sliced Peaches, Biscuit Children: Hot Dogs and Tater Tots October 28 Hot Meal: SpagheS, Meat Sauce, Tossed Salad, Fruit Cup, Breads&cks, Children: Hot Meal Dessert is served weekly. There is also a Salad Bar Op on with Baked Irish or Sweet Potato

Sunday, October 25, 2015 The 22nd Sunday a1er Pentecost — Reforma on Sunday Sermon: by Brandon Pendry Texts: Jeremiah 31:7-9, Mark 10:46-52

S T JT J U Co-Deacons for the Weeks of: Sept. 27-Oct. 3 Pam Bickley, Tom Brown October 4-10 Dallas Cannady, Phil Caskey October 11-17 Carol Cofer, Chris Conley October 18-24 Rick Dawson, Tony Dillard October 25-31 Sherri Divers, David Graves Fellowship Team for October Kathy Barrow, Carol Cofer, Mary Barton, Pam Bickley Usher Team for October Jerry Gouge, Carl Hedrick, Chris Scarborough, Milton Mills, Randan Ashmore, Steve Smith Welcome Center Team October 4 Branyon Foyer: Teresa Granger, Chris&ne Lo Fanning Foyer Wanda Grogan, Al Henderson October 11 Branyon Foyer: Becky Adams, Stacey Pendry Fanning Foyer: Bobbie and Carl Monk October 18 Branyon Foyer: Wanda Grogan, Al Henderson Fanning Foyer: Teresa Granger, Chris&ne Lo October 25 Branyon Foyer: Bobbie and Carl Monk Fanning Foyer: Becky Adams, Stacey Pendry First Aid Phone:

Received week of August 30 Received week of September 6 Received week of September 13 Received week of September 20

Greg Bickley


CHURCH FAMILY NEWS SYMPATHY We express our Chris&an love and sympathy to Ann Giddens in the loss of her father, Joel Giddens, on Sunday, September 20, 2015. We express our Chris&an love and sympathy to the family of Helen McArthur, who passed away on Thursday, September 24, 2015.

FOUNDATION MEMORIALS Founda&on Memorials were given in the month of September in memory of Janey Cooley and Ernie Hynds.

OCTOBER 2015 9:15 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 5:15 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.

Sunday Schedule Coffee, Donuts Sunday School Worship Youth Choir Youth Ac&vi&es Adult Handbell Choir College Bible Study

Wednesday Schedule 5:00 –5:45 p.m. Wednesday Dinner 5:45 p.m. Children’s Choir 6:00—6:50 p.m. Adult Discipleship 6:00—7:15 p.m. Youth Ac&vi&es 6:00 p.m.— College Ac&vi&es 6:30 — 7:15 p.m. Mission Kids 7:00 p.m. Sanctuary Choir

1 10:30 a.m. 50+ Team Mtg.



4 5:00 p.m. Combined Choral Concert Emmanuel Episcopal Church No College Bible Study No choir Rehearsal

5 2:00 p.m. Staff Meeting

6 12:00 noon Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop

7 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Activities 6:00 p.m. Congregational Meeting




11 8:30 a.m. Youth Support Team Mtg. 12:00 noon College Luncheon

12 10:00 a.m. AIM Board Mtg. 2:00 p.m. Staff Meeting

13 12:00 noon Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop

14 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Activities 5:15 p.m. Property Mgt. Mtg 5:30 p.m. Finance Committee




18 8:45 a.m. Missions Team Mtg. 12:00 noon Church Conference

19 2:00 p.m. Staff Meeting

20 10:30 a.m. Farrall/Hynds Circle 12:00 noon Bible Study 6:00 p.m. Deacons Mtg. 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop

21 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Activities

23 22 9:30 a.m. 50+ Team trip to Jaemor Farm 12:00 noon Newsletter deadline


25 5:00 p.m. Fall Festival


27 12:00 noon Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop

29 28 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Activities 5:45 p.m. Children’s Choir Halloween party



Submit items for inclusion in the October edi&on of FBC news by noon on October 22.


First Baptist Church (USPS 193-040) 355 Pulaski Street Athens, Ga 30601



When in Our Music God is Glorified October 4, 2015 5:00 p.m.

Emmanuel Episcopal Church 498 Prince Avenue, Athens, GA

Combined choirs of Emmanuel Episcopal Church First Baptist Church First Presbyterian Church Dr. Daniel J. Bara, Guest Conductor Music of Stanford, Vaughan Williams, Brahms, Parry, and Wilberg with organ, piano, and brass. Free will offering to benefit The ARK Reception in the Common Room following the concert.


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