September 2016 full color

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September 2016

Volume LIX No. 8

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By: Dr. Paul Baxley, Senior Minister As you receive this edi on of The First Bap st News, we are concluding the preparatory por on of our Let’s Talk emphasis. My sermons August 21, 28 and September 4 have all been designed to prepare us for the signiďŹ cant and holy conversa ons we will have about some of the ques ons that are all around us. On Wednesday nights, we have been led by Dr. Rob Nash, who has done a wonderful job helping us understand more about the Muslim faith, as we prepare for our service and sermon on September 11. Beginning September 11 and running through October 23, my sermon each Sunday will explore one of the signiďŹ cant ques ons of our me. We will allow Scripture to help us, not only in considering responses to the ques on, but also in guiding our approach to the ques ons. However the Sunday sermons are only the beginning. Each week, all interested members of our church family are encouraged to par cipate in a conversa on group, where these important ques ons of faith and life can be addressed more personally. Here are a few things you need to know about the conversa on groups: • • •

We encourage everyone to sign up to par cipate; you may sign up either by calling the church oďŹƒce or by registering online. Conversa on groups will be oered Tuesdays at noon, Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m., Wednesdays at 7:30 a.m. and Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. following the weekly fellowship meal. We will oer as many groups as are required to provide everyone interested a spot in a group. (Pastor’s Reflections, continued on page 2)

Let’s Talk: Seeking Faithfulness, Engaging our Faith Conversa on Groups beginning September 13/14: • • • •

Tuesdays at noon Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. Wednesdays at 7:30 a.m. Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. Sign up online or by calling the church oďŹƒce by Wednesday, September 7.

Pastor’s Reflections, continued from page 1 •

M Paul Baxley

• •

Senior Minister

Frank Granger Minister of Christian Community

Randy Bri1ain Minister of Music

Brandon Pendry Minister of Youth and Mission

Janet Cleland Minister of Children, Families and Outreach

Amanda Lewis Minister of College Students

Anne Bri1ain Organist/Music Associate

Alan McArthur Pianist

Jon Appleton Pastor Emeritus


Each of us will be in the same group for the period beginning September 13-14 and ending November 2-3. We believe this will allow the building of trust and rela onships that will help us have the best kinds of conversa ons. Each group will have a facilitator, who will make sure everyone has the opportunity both to hear and to speak. The groups will each include between eight and twelve people. They will be comprised in a way to assure that everyone knows someone else in the group, but also to make sure that we all have the chance to hear from many dierent perspec ves. We need you to sign up for a me slot no later than Wednesday, September 7 so we can be prepared for the groups to begin the following week.

These groups are being oered to provide all of us space to explore these ques ons, and to help one another grow in faith. Hopefully we will strengthen old friendships, build new rela onships, and live out our Bap st commitment to the “priesthood of all believersâ€? as we have these conversa on together and help one another as we grow together. Our series is called Let’s Talk: Seeking Faithfulness, Engaging God’s World because we wanted to oer much more than a series of sermons. We wanted to create space for the best kinds of conversa ons. So I hope and pray that you will join me in praying for our Let’s Talk experience as it unfolds. Be present as o>en as you can on Sundays and listen to Sunday’s sermons online when you are not able. Commit to be part of a conversa on group. If you want to know more about the series, or the conversa on groups, please visit our church website where more extensive informa on can be found. I look forward to seeing you Sunday!

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; SGHIJK, OLMNOPQ 9 Following worship on Sunday, October 9, we will have a church wide luncheon and congrega onal mee ng. Please mark your calendars and plan to par cipate. A>er lunch, and during the congrega onal mee ng, childcare will be provided for children (birth through kindergarten) and ac vi es will be oered for elementary children.

As you read in the August newsleEer, our architects are now in the process of developing the ďŹ nal construc on documents required for oďŹƒcial bidding of the phase one project approved by the congrega on. Later this fall, once the bids received are used to develop a ďŹ nal proposed project budget, the Master Planning CommiEee will bring ďŹ nal recommenda ons ďŹ rst to the Deacons and then to The luncheon will be provided by the youth of First the congrega on. At our October 9 mee ng, they will Bap st Church and will serve as a ďŹ rst fundraiser for their provide a status update on their progress toward that 2017 summer mission trip to Slovakia. The October ďŹ nal proposal. newsleEer will carry more informa on about the meal. So please plan to join us October 9. Support our youth by The agenda for the congrega onal mee ng will include a enjoying the lunch they will provide and par cipate fully presenta on of the proposed budget for the 2016-2017 in these important congrega onal conversa ons. ďŹ scal year and also an update from our Master Planning CommiEee regarding the development of ďŹ nal proposals for our phase one building project. The Deacons approved the proposed budget at their August mee ng and it will appear in the October newsleEer. 2

COMMUNITY NEWS 50+ N 9 : A @ G ; B8;; A F8 A8 C


F ; EG 8 Join us Tuesday, September 20 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. for a private viewing of an incredible collec on of classic an que cars all in showroom condi on.

On Thursday, October 20, a group of FBC members will enjoy a day of admiring God’s hand in leaves in Hiawassee, Georgia. We’ll take a 20 passenger, Classic City Tour Bus and depart from the church parking lot at 8:30 a.m. A>er a stop for lunch at the picturesque Brasstown Valley Resort and Spa, we will leave the resort for a captained two-hour sightseeing pontoon boat cruise son beau ful Lake Chatuge. The schedule calls for a 3:30 p.m. depatrure for Athens with an es mated 5:30 p.m. arrival at FBC.

Athens businessman and an que car collector, George Bugg, has one of the largest collec ons in the country and is visited by classic car enthusiasts from all across North America. There are Fords, Chevrolets, Chryslers, and Plymouths from 1912 to 1969. A few notable cars include a 1952 Hudson Hornet, Nash Rambler, and a 1963 Studebaker Hawk. There are close to 100 cars collected over the past 25 years.

Space will be limited to the ďŹ rst 20 people to sign up by calling Heather at the church oďŹƒce. Don’t delay! Sign up early and submit a $45.00 deposit per person payable to FBC. The price includes bus transporta on and the boat cruise. Lunch is not included.

The warehouse in located o Newton Bridge Road (exit the Loop at Chase Street, go north on Newton Bridge Road to a right to 131 Newton Bridge Industrial Way). Joins us a>erwards at Jason’s Deli on Alps Road to enjoy a “dutch treatâ€? lunch at noon. Please sign up no later than September 13 by calling Heather Swank at the church oďŹƒce.

The Fall colors should be at their most intense in October. Please join us!

Church members may request a current membership directory in either printed or pdf format by emailing Suzy Moon (suzy@ďŹ rstbap or by calling the church oďŹƒce.

Sympathy We extend our Chris an love and sympathy to: • Frank, Teresa, Ben, and Adam Granger in the loss of Frank’s father, Charles Granger of Greenville, SC, on July 29, 2016. • Milton and Helen Mills in the loss of Milton’s father, Dr. Hugh Mills, Jr. of Gainesville, GA, on August 4, 2016. • Jenny Rhoden Elmore, D.C. Rhoden, and Tom Rhoden in the loss of Jenny’s husband, Kevin Elmore of Diberville, MS, on August 7, 2016.

Birth Announcements Congratula ons to • Gayle and Ray Noblet on the birth of their granddaughter, Sarah Margaret Noblet, on July 23, 2016 in Charleston, SC. Sarah’s parents are Nicholas and Courtney Noblet and she is the sister of Caroline and Ella Grace. • Fay and Jess Rawls on the birth of their granddaughter, Reagan Olivia Rawls, on August 15, 2016. Reagan is the daughter of Amy Rawls and the sister of Zachary.



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having quarterly ‘gatheringsâ€? during the Sunday School hour. A table is spread with all types of morning treats and goodies, provided from the kitchens of its members. This menu creates a wonderful atmosphere for sharing conversa ons with each other. Each of these events always includes prayers for the Class and the Church, along with a devo onal based on the lesson for that par cular Sunday. Some wonderful Class members are now deceased and some in the class have lost spouses and other family members. Of par cular loss to the class was the death of long me member Ralph Johnson, who was known and so The Joe Callaway Sunday School Class was organized in the appreciated for his very meaningful prayers to open the early 1970’s and was called the Young Couples Class. There Class each Sunday. His character and posi ve perspec ve were about 20 couples in the original group and most had on living the Chris an Life le> an indelible impression on all who knew him! young children at the me. As the class grew and its members aged, they became known as the Koinonia Class, a Greek word meaning friendship or partnership. The class The Class embarked on a “Read Thru The Bibleâ€? in sought to fulďŹ ll its naming by having frequent socials and November, 2015. Each member is accountable for this reading of Scriptures only to themselves and, with encouraging each other when children were honored or persistence, challenged to keep on reading un l they have illness occurred. completed all the various daily assignments. The class has customarily used rota ng teachers either Current teachers include Gary Blasingame, Ed and Nancy from among its membership or from the Church at large. In the late 1980’s, the class was honored to have Dr. Joe Dempsey, Jerry Gouge and Jay Ragsdale. The class is par cularly honored to have Paul Baxley and Ray Aus n Callaway, Professor Emeritus of Archeology at Southern Seminary, join the class and serve as one of their teachers. teach on alternate ďŹ >h Sundays. Callaway Class members Following the death of Dr. Calloway, the class was renamed are truly “friendsâ€? of long standing and are always very in his memory. pleased to have others join this group. Fellowship and friendship make for real spiritual connec ons. Thanks be to God. Currently, its members are ac ve in the missions of the church and community. In the fall of 2015, the class began

T 7 M Y 8 W H, O L : — A D H D @ M O8 M MN Mul ple mes in the Psalms the prayerful words for instruc on arise. Though the descrip on varies — the Lord’s word, God’s path, the statutes, the law — the psalmist expresses in many places the desire to grow in both head and heart knowledge of God. Psalm 86:11 is but one example of this prayerful request: Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart to revere your name.

week period beginning August 29 and con nuing through November 18. A daily scripture reading and reec on is provided for Monday through Thursday of each of these 12 weeks. Each Friday brings back one or more verses from the week paired with a hymn text.

Williamson, Rebecca Williamson, Jason Williamson.

These devo ons will be printed in a booklet for those who wish to use a printed form. Addi onally, the devo ons will be sent to members by e-mail. If you are not already on our church email list and would like to be The writers our congrega on include in the list to receive this devo onal children, youth and adults: Ray Aus n, each day during the fall, please send your name and email address to Judith DeFoor, Craig Ellis, Leslie (sharon@ďŹ rstbap Gordon, Debbie Hargrave, Cindy Members from our congrega on have Haygood, Daniel Haygood, Mark wriEen a series of devo onals that has Lancaster, John Marshall, Anne If you have friends or family who McDonald, Bill McDonald, Margaret been combined in our 2016 Fall would like to receive these, we are McDonald, Allison Roland, Heather Devo onal en tled: Teach Me Your glad to add them to the list. (They will Stover, Zeke Williamson, Daniel Way, O Lord. The guide covers a 12not be on any other e-mail list). 4

T7 G A:@ 8 — N 9 M 7 C7 : ’ M H Sunday Morning Adventure


Our new year for Sunday School has begun and all our children have been promoted to their new grades. During the month of September we will be working on prepara ons for some changes to our Sunday morning Adventure, which will begin in October. • Centralized Computer Check In System: a system to check in and out children on Sunday morning that will be centralized on the ďŹ rst oor. • Returning to the Workshop Rota on Model for Sunday School for children Pre-Kindergarten through 6th Grade. • Children in worship: giving our children opportuni es to be engaged in the worship service through Scripture reading, singing, praying, or being an acolyte. We are also working on some dierent items in their worship bags to help them engage in worship in new ways.

Children’s Worship: we will be incorpora ng ďŹ ne arts and ac ve involvement into our worship me for 1st and 2nd graders that will extend what they have learned in Sunday School as well as compliment what they experience in the worship service.

Children’s Ministry Intern Please meet Amanda Dukes our new Children’s Ministry Intern. Amanda will be helping with crea ng, organizing, planning and implemen ng programing for Children’s Ministries. You will see her on Wednesday evening during Music and Missions and also on Sunday morning during Sunday School and she will be leading Children’s Worship for our 1st and 2nd graders. Amanda is a senior at Piedmont College. Upon gradua on in December, Amanda hopes to begin a Master’s Degree in Secondary Educa on with the goal of becoming a high school English teacher. Amanda began aEending First Bap st last year. Before coming to FBC, Amanda aEended Athens Church, where she taught toddlers’ Sunday School for almost four years.

C7 : ’ C7 : M K : On the second Wednesday of our program year, Minister of Children, Families and Outreach ventured out into the Children’s area armed with only her iPhone and a notepad to ask some of the children what they like about our music and missions programs. Janet not only heard some enthusias c replies, but also was able to snap a few great pictures of the children in ac on. Below are a few of the photos that Janet was able to take. This is what kids love about Children’s Choir: • “Ge_ng the Super Singer Awardâ€? • “I love singing!â€? • “Everything!â€?

Here is what the kids love about Mission Kids: • “I love learning about God and people all over the world.â€? • Going to dierent places • Mission Projects • Snack!




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My ďŹ >h day on the job here at FBC Athens was my ďŹ rst experience with Passport Choices Camp, travelling to Wingate, NC as the new Youth Minister and a large group of youth. Among that group were seven seniors with whom I would really only interact for that week and a few mes a>er — before spreading across the southeast to a variety of schools. During my me with them, I learned how our students’ experiences of Christ were so clear and powerful at Passport Camp. I saw that their faith had strengthened during that week or camp, but it was also clear that it has also been forged through all the years of forma on they’d had at Passport camps. Passport had meant so much to that par cular group of 7 seniors — watching them soak up their last week of camp and watching the group respond to Christ that week gave me a clarity that Passport would be a part of our group’s faith forma on for years to come. Passport was, and s ll is a place and me where our youth, our chaperones, and all par cipants truly live into Jesus’ words in John 10:10, “I came so that everyone would have life and have it in its fullest.â€? Fast forward to this summer, my ďŹ >h Passport at the beginning of my ďŹ >h year at FBC Athens. We took a much smaller group with no seniors or juniors, to Greensboro, NC for Passport Choices. Except this me, one of the high school seniors from that trip ďŹ ve years ago would be leading the en re experience as Camp Director. As a camper ďŹ ve years earlier, Adam Granger experienced Christ and showed me Christ on his “last weekâ€? of camp. Now he would lead a group of over 300 campers and chaperones as well as around 20 college-aged staers. All of our youth who par cipated this year, most of whom have been to mul ple Passport camps in the past, agreed this one was the best they’d ever aEended. We were all powerfully moved by the year’s theme, ‘This Wild Life’ as we explored what living life to the fullest in Christ looked like. It was a powerful witness for our students, some of whom watched Adam as a much older teenager and youth group member, now become a spiritual leader. Beyond that, however, they experienced ďŹ rst-hand what a true leader — one whom exempliďŹ es Christ — looks like as Adam made me in his insanely busy schedule to hang out with his FBC group, even going with us late night to Cook-Out for burgers and milk-shakes and gladly par cipa ng in the dance party on the bus that had carried over from the evening’s dance at camp. Adam was not the only FBC person working Passport this summer. UGA student and former youth intern, Stephanie Calhoun, was a program staer on the children’s Passport team. Both Adam and Stephanie, who grew up aEending Passport and who have now each worked with it for three summers, are living tes monies to the staying power of consistent, meaningful experiences of Christ. While not with Passport, former youth and FBC member Gracyn Las nger has also spent her last two summers serving at Chris an summer camps largely, I believe, due to her powerful experiences at Passport and other places like it. Many former and current youth spend me with YMCA camps in North Georgia, further cemen ng the no on that these summer camps and experiences are not just trips, but life-shaping endeavors that can change the present and shape the future in Christ. Now these students’ collec ve witness is plan ng seeds in our current group of teenagers about serving with Passport camp and other Chris an camps — something a youth minister and a church should be very excited about and proud to support. It was very appropriate that ďŹ ve years a>er I experienced how students could live life to the fullest in Christ, Passport’s theme would be just that verse from John 10:10, “I came so that everyone would have life and have it in its fullest.â€? May we all live life in Christ to the fullest—at camp and every day. Thanks be to God. 6

MISSION NEWS Money for Louisiana Flood Relief FBC has sent $3861 to Coopera ve Bap st Fellowship’s eorts in Louisiana for ood relief. Much of this money was received in 2005 and 2013, earmarked for disaster relief. It will be u lized well now. To donate to ood relief, please make a check to FBC with ‘Louisiana ood relief’ in the memo line, and we will forward the monies to the fund.

Athens Nurses Clinic Needs Hygiene Kit Supplies Pictured above are Phyllis Nelson, Jane Hubert, Tom Brown, Mike Lacy and Helen Mills, just a few of those who helped prepare and serve lunch at Our Daily Bread on August 11.

Please consider dona ng items for the Athens Nurses Clinic. Needs include full-sized shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, and soap for both men and women. Drop o dona ons in bins at church throughout September. Mission Kids will assemble the kits in October.

Teardrop Ride BeneďŹ ts IHN

The Karen Class donated money to purchase 21 grocery bags of books from the library’s sale to donate to guests of Our Daily Bread. Pictured above are members Don & Phyllis Nelson delivering the books to FBC.

The 6th Annual Teardrop bike ride departs from Morgan County High School in Madison at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, September 17. Four distances are available and each ride travels along Antebellum Trail routes though historic small towns. Volunteers and par cipants are needed. Sign up online at 7


M C7 S 7 : M8 M H I NH: R :H B , M M8 August is the me of new beginnings as we welcome four UGA music students who will be serving as Choral Scholars and a Music Ministry Intern for the new church year. These scholarships and internships are made possible through church budget funds and anonymous donors. The Choral Scholarship for Rachel Eve Apfelbach this year has been given in memory of Helen McArthur and her long me service to the Music Ministry of FBC. Please take a moment a>er worship in the next few weeks to welcome these students to FBC Athens. Rachel Eve Apfelbach returns for a second year as a Choral Scholar in the soprano sec on. She is pursuing a Doctor of Music Arts degree in Opera and is a graduate teaching assistant in the School of Music at UGA. She is a graduate of the New England Conservatory and Colorado State University with degrees in vocal performance. Rachel Eve is from Jonesboro, GA.

Antonio Del Sesto is a new Choral Scholar in our tenor sec on. Antonio is pursuing an undergraduate degree in Music and Communica on Studies. He is one of the Drum Majors of the Redcoat Marching Band and serves on sta with WinShape Camps, which is a non-proďŹ t organiza on funded by ChickFil-A. He hopes to either teach Music at the K-12 level or pursue Music Ministry a>er gradua on. Antonio is from Watkinsville.

JoAnna Barrow also returns Patrick Young will serve as as a Choral Scholar in the our Music Ministry Intern, alto sec on. She is pursuing assistant direc ng the a Bachelor of Music in Sanctuary Choir, and giving Music Educa on degree at direc on to the Brass UGA. JoAnna will also Ensemble. He holds a con nue to intern with Bachelor of Music Teresa Granger in our Educa on degree with Children’s Choir Ministry addi onal emphasis in and the Joyful Singers Instrumental Music from Choir. She plans to teach Young Harris College, and is High School Choral Music currently pursuing an M.M. upon gradua on. JoAnna is degree in Tuba Performance from Gainesville, GA. from the University of Georgia. While at Young Harris College, Patrick was very ac ve within the church community at the First United Methodist Church of Union County, where he performed and conducted numerous church services and cantatas.

Emergency Food Bank Needs

Farrall-Hynds Mee ng Date

Please bring dona ons of Canned Salmon, Canned Tuna, and Dried Beans to the Mission Room at FBC to be delivered to the Emergency Food Bank.

Farrall-Hynds Circle meets at 10:00am Tuesday, September 6 at June Robertson’s home- (55 Cedar Creek Drive, Athens). 8

L ’ T T: S

T ; F 7 8 ; E ; ; ; O8 W : Our fall series, Let’s Talk: Seeking Faithfulness, Engaging our World, is in full swing. Paul Baxley will be preaching a series of sermons related to sine if the most challenging ques ons of our me. The sermons will pose the ques ons in light of Scripture and Chris an belief. Then in the weekdays following those sermons, we are making space for conversa on. The goal of this series is not to get everyone to agree on every issue. Rather, it is opening the conversa on for sharing and listening to one another with respect that is important. Since there is no formal congrega onal ac on that is expected on any of the topics, we have much space for an open and prayerful searching. Indeed this opportunity is similar to that of the early church in Acts and Paul’s leEers, as they tried to respond to the possibility of Gen le salva on and the requirement of circumcision. The New Testament makes it clear that all of those early believers did not see those ques ons in the same way. There was drama c disagreement. But an essen al unity was maintained, and the early church ourished even as they navigated those profoundly challenging mes. As we have these conversa ons, the hope is that we will live fully into our historic Bap st commitment to the priesthood of all believers. We can be “priests to each otherâ€? by listening to each other, encouraging each other, and oering dierent faith perspec ves to each other in the conďŹ dence and hope that the Holy Spirit speaks to us through each other. If we bring to these conversa ons a faithful openness, there are profound opportuni es for all of us to grow in faith.

The Conversa%on Groups

Conversa on Groups will be oered at each of the following mes:

Beginning September 13 and 14 through November 1-2, the congrega on will be oered mul ple opportuni es to engage in further discussion and reec on regarding the ques ons raised in the sermons and related maEers. These conversa on groups will include no more than ďŹ >een par cipants each, and will be developed to insure that a variety of perspec ves and genera ons are represented in each group.

• • • •

Tuesdays at noon (Beginning September 13) Tuesdays at 5:30 PM (Beginning September 13) Wednesdays at 7:30 AM (Beginning September 14) Wednesdays at 6:00 PM (Beginning September 14)

Sunday Seminars In addi on to the sermons and conversa ons, we will oer a series of stand-alone seminars on Sunday a>ernoon/early evenings to allow for a depth of study that is not possible in sermons without interfering with the cri cal conversa on opportuni es. The seminar for September is tled “Why do we Believe Ordina on of Women is Biblical?â€? We will meet in the Fellowship Hall from 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Childcare will be provided for preschoolers and elementary age children by reserva on, and a meal will be served for seminar par cipants in the Fellowship Hall and for their children in the childcare areas. The cost of the meal is $7 for adults and $3.50 for children under twelve. In order that we can make proper meal prepara ons, it is impera ve that reserva ons be made for each seminar by the deadline. The deadline to register is Monday, September 12. Sign up on the FBC website or by calling the church oďŹƒce.

If you intend to par cipate in a conversa on group, we need you to reserve your spot in a group by signing up on line or by calling the church oďŹƒce. The deadline to sign up is Wednesday, September 7. We an cipate oering mul ple groups on Wednesday evenings and we are open to oering mul ple groups in the other me slots as well once we know what demand is. If you sign up to be in a group, you will receive instruc ons by email as to where your group will meet along with other informa on. On Sunday a>ernoon and evening, November 6, we will host an opportunity for groups to gather for a me of reec on and sharing. We will gather at 4:30 p.m. to reect upon our conversa ons and conclude our me together with a covered dish meal. Groups will use their ďŹ nal gatherings on Tuesday and Wednesday, November 1 and 2 to discuss their journeys and decide what insights and ques ons they would like to share with the larger community that gathers November 6.


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Co-Deacons for the Weeks of:


Aug. 28– Sept. 3: Robin O’Rear, Lori Ragsdale September 4-10: Andy Ulrich, Fred Young September 11-17: Ches Smith, Erica Spackman September 18-24: Mark and Beth Sanders September 25-Oct. 1: Kim and Wayne Rogers

Sunday, September 4: Sermon: How Do We Follow an Improvising God? Texts: Jeremiah 18:1-11, Acts 10:1-16

Fellowship Team for September

Sunday, September 11: Sermon: How Should Chris ans Relate to Muslims? Texts: Genesis 21:8-21, John 10:11-16, 14:1-6

Sallyanne Barrow, Mary Barton, Steve Barton, Tom Brown

Usher Team for September Brad Las nger, Malcolm Skinner, Ches Smith, Kevin Price, Bill Horton, Larry Toole

Welcome Center Team September 4 Branyon Foyer: Fanning Foyer: September 11 Branyon Foyer: Fanning Foyer: September 18 Branyon Foyer: Fanning Foyer: September 25 Branyon Foyer: Fanning Foyer:

Wanda Grogan, Al Henderson Teresa Granger, Chris ne Lo Jane Hubert, June Robertson Becky Adams, Amy Young

Lewish Shropshire, Bill Hopper Randan Ashmore, Buddy Snow Steve Barton, Michael Jenkins Brad Las nger, Kelli Smith

Colin & Katrina Law Anna & Jeff Randa TBA Susan & Wes Hogan

Financial Informa on Contribu ons August 7 August 14 August 21


Becky Adams, Amy Young Jane Hubert, June Robertson

Extended Session: September 4: September 11: September 18: September 25:

Sunday, September 25: Sermon: What Makes Us Secure? Texts: Psalm 44:1-8, Luke 22:47-53, Romans 13:1-7

Teresa Granger, Chris ne Lo Wanda Grogan, Al Henderson

Coun ng Commi1ee: September 4: September 11: September 18: September 25:

Sunday, September 18: Sermon: How Do We Prac ce a Welcoming and Global Faith in a Closed Borders World? Texts: Acts 1:6-8, Gala ans 3:23-29, Colossians 1:3-8

$20,415.61 $19,170.27 $16,720.76

Adults $7.00; Children $3.50 September 7 Hot Meal: Barbecue, Bun, Baked Beans, Cole Slaw, Fruit Jello, Dessert Children: Pizza Salad Bar: Baked Irish or Sweet Potato September 14 Hot Meal: Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Green Peas, Pear Salad, Biscuit, Dessert Children: Hot Dog and Tater Tots Salad Bar: Baked Irish or Sweet Potato September 21 Hot Meal: Turkey & Dressing with Gravy, Broccoli, Fruit Salad, Rolls, Dessert Children: Hot Dog and Tater Tots Salad Bar: Baked Irish or Sweet Potato September 28 Hot Meal: Oven Fried Chicken, Squash Casserole, Green Beans, Fruit Salad, Biscuit, Dessert Children: Pizza Salad Bar: Baked Irish or Sweet Potato Make reserva%ons and view supper menus on the church website. You may also call the church office to make or change exis%ng reserva%ons. All reserva%ons or changes should be made no later than noon on the Monday prior.

YTD July 31, 2016 Needed $792,000.00 Received $652,586.67 Expenses $736,604.55 Balance ($84,017.88) 10

SEPTEMBER 2016 9:15 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 5:15 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.

Sunday Schedule Coffee, Donuts Sunday School Worship Youth Choir Youth Ac vi es College Bible Study

Wednesday Schedule 5:00 –5:45 p.m. Wednesday Dinner 5:45 p.m. Children’s Choir 6:00—6:50 p.m. Adult Discipleship 6:00—7:15 p.m. Youth Ac vi es 6:00 p.m. College Ac vi es 6:30 p.m. Mission Kids 7:00 p.m. Sanctuary Choir

1 10:30 a.m. 50+ Team Mtg.






4 Sunday Worship & Ac vi es No evening ac vi es 9:00 a.m. IHN Coordinators Mtg.

5 Church Office Closed for Labor Day

6 10:00 a.m. Farrall-Hynds Cir. 7:00 p.m. Young Adult Let’s Talk Series 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop

7 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Ac vi es 7:00 p.m. Sanctuary Choir

11 Sunday Worship & Ac vi es 8:30 a.m. Children’s Min. Team 8:30 a.m. Safety & Security Mtg. 9:00 a.m. IHN Coordinators Mtg. 6:00 p.m. Adult Handbell Choir 6:00 p.m. Walking Group

12 10:00 a.m. AIM Board Mee ng 2:00 p.m. Staff Mee ng

13 12:00 noon Conversa on Group 5:30 p.m. Conversa on Group 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop 7:00 p.m. Young Adult Let’s Talk Series

15 14 7:30 a.m. Conversa on Group 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Ac vi es 5:15p.m. Finance CommiEee 6:00 p.m. Conversa on Group



18 Sunday Worship & Ac vi es 8:45 a.m. Mission Team Mtg. 4:30 p.m. Let’s Talk Seminar 6:00 p.m. Adult Handbell Choir 6:00 p.m. Walking Group

19 2:00 p.m. Staff Mee ng

20 10:00 a.m. 50+ Classic Cars 12:00 noon Conversa on Group 5:30 p.m. Conversa on Group 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop 7:00 p.m. Young Adult Let’s Talk Series

22 21 7:30 a.m. Conversa on Group 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Ac vi es 6:00 p.m. Conversa on Group



25 Sunday Worship & Ac vi es 6:00 p.m. Adult Handbell Choir 6:00 p.m. Walking Group

26 10:00 a.m. Embroiderer’s Guild 2:00 p.m. Staff Mee ng

27 12:00 noon Conversa on Group 5:30 p.m. Conversa on Group 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop 7:00 p.m. Young Adult Let’s Talk Series

29 30 28 7:30 a.m. Conversa on Group 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Ac vi es Submit items for inclusion in the 6:00 p.m. September edition of FBC news Conversa on Group

by noon on September 22.


First Baptist Church (USPS 193-040) 355 Pulaski Street Athens, Ga 30601




September 7 at 6:00 p.m. — Wednesday Night Discipleship “Islam in the Twenty-first Century” with Dr. Rob Nash September 11 at 6:00 p.m. — Youth Group “How Should Christians Relate to Muslims” September 13/14: Conversation Groups begin See page 9 for details. Signup by September 7. September 18 at 4:30 p.m. — Sunday Seminar w/ Dinner “Why do we Believe Ordination of Women is Biblical?” Sign up by September 12

Additional information about the Let’s Talk series can be found on page 9 of this newsletter and on the FBC website. Please contact the church office for additional information. 12

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