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Consignors will keep bulls free of charge until April 1st. If the buyer takes purchased bulls home sale day, they will recieve $50 off sale price per bull. After April 1 the bulls may be kept at a cost of $3.00 per day. Buyers need to insure the bulls while beinf cared for by the consignor.



Cattle will sell under the standard terms & conditions put forward from CSA & BMS. These are available upon request.


The information printed has been supplied by the seller and believe to be accurate. Updated sheets and announcements from the block will take precedence over any incorrect printed material.

CATALOGUE ONLINE Catalogue can be viewed online at www.placeyourbetbullsale.com www.bohrsonmarketing.com www.firstclasscattlemarketing.com

SPONSORS All of our sponsors are listed throughout the catalogue. We recommend them to you for price and service!

It is our pleasure to be working with Dean and Merlin on their annual Place Your Bets Bull Sale where the 2023 edition truly has something for every operation. From 2 year old bulls to yearlings and a proven herd bull, to Simmental bulls and red and black Angus bulls, their is something to fit every need when it comes to the commercial and purebred cowman. This diverse offering is a one stop shop for all your bull shopping needs and no matter what job you need done, the options will be endless. Dean and Merlin have been in the business a long time and have developed a sound, functional herd of cows that are the backbone to this stout set of bulls on offer. These bulls are sired by industry leading genetics and powerful walking herd bulls that have beautiful mother cows behind them. We know you will be impressed with this years offering and highly encourage you to take a trip to the farm to view the bulls before they move to town for sale week. Take the time to give Dean a call and discuss the bulls, your needs and find some bulls that best suit what you are looking for. If any of us at Bohrson Marketing can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us and we would be pleased to help look after the selection of your next herd bull(s).

Best Regards,

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