Issue 503 11 march sydney property weekly book 4

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Friday Mar 11, 2016




Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016



Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016

North Kellyville 西北重镇黄金地段独立别墅

现在仅需 不到10万 周围名校林立,师资优良 悉尼宜居指数前十位小区 交通便利5分钟即到大型购物中心 同具温馨与奢华的后现代装修




澳大利亚栢腾地产集团是一家以人为本,致 联系电话:02 8068 8774/0433 000 023(Daphnie) 力为广大客户提供全方位的物业投资及咨询 0430 361 985(Joyce) 服务公司。以“Brighten Up The Future” 电子邮件 为中心思想,我们坚信,以客户为中心,为 公司地址:104/781 Pacific Highway Chatswood NSW 2067 客户着想。为客户利润最大化,帮助华人在 澳安家置业,理财投资,欢迎咨询。



Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016

精品地塊 607平方米至1395平方米 KELLYVILLE 起

.2017年中登記 .近公園 .東北向 . 寬 前庭 .可無障礙觀賞叢林美景 .寬敞大地,可供開發

Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016

level1/ 263 clarence st sydney nsw 2000

Pďźˆ02) 9267 7880 F (02) 9267 7883



Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016

高品質、精湛的現代豪華府邸 首次 開放

巧妙設計,利用其正北 , 高地勢的優勢,此壯觀的現代物業,可觀賞橫跨 Middle Harbour 180 度 水景。最高標準精心打造,複式物業,利用可用一切可利用的空間,創造出卓越的室內,室外 生活和娛樂環境,壯觀的風景作為背景。Sandberg Schoffel Architects 建築公司設計,Joanne Green 負責美景綠化,此傑出的豪宅有著大膽的主題,並使用獨特的玻璃設計,可捕捉充裕的自 然光,讓開放式的室內佈局更顯寬敞、明亮。位於 Mosman 最令人嚮往的寧靜地點。

開放參觀 : 週四 4.00 - 4.45pm 週六 9.45 - 10.30am 現場拍賣:2016 年 3 月 29 日 週二 6.30pm 辦公室 02 9960 8828 詳情請登陸

Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016



Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016

Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016



Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016

Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016



Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016

Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016



Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016

Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016



Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016


Liverpool Central 是悉尼西南區高密度住宅樓的新標杆,专为滿足該地區迅速 增長的人口的需要而建造。

Liverpool Central 是悉尼 ROTHELOWMAN 的重大專案之一,是繼屢獲殊榮的 墨爾本和布里斯班的項目之後的又一傑作。

位於 Bigge Street 的 Liverpool Central 是 2 幢高層住宅塔,共 233 套雅柏文, 由著名建築設計公司 ROTHELOWMAN 設計。

該建築的許多公共空間由 ROTHELOWMAN 設計,內部大堂,大型景觀草坪, 燒烤區,兒童遊樂場和乒乓球設施。

住宅樓有多種戶型配置 – 這在多個住宅塔的開發案中實屬罕見 –1,2 及 3 睡房 公寓,多種組合,如浴室、書房及花園。

放置在大廳鬱鬱蔥蔥的綠樹,營造出寧靜的整體感 – 通過公共空間,走道及公 寓即對帶出設計主題。

公寓面積大小不等,一居室面積 50 平方米起;三居室面積超過 90 平方米。

上層住宅,室內生活空間可以輕鬆通向大陽臺。樓下有花園的公寓,有戶外大 庭院。

她对利物浦區住宅樓宇設計的突破體現在其受歐洲建築的影響,如開放的空間 設計,精心挑選的材料。 通過 McGrath Real Estate 仲介出售的 Liverpool Central 為購房者在正在發展 壯大的悉尼西南部提供一個難得的機會,可獲得資本增值。 McGrath 專案負責人史蒂芬 · 陳說:“利物浦地區現有的基礎設施及正斥資建造 的基礎設施,將會刺激本地物業價格飆升”。 “Liverpool Central 對於投資者和自住業主來說都是難得機會,特別是年輕的專 業人士,便利的公共交通,實惠的價格,該地區創建的工作機會都將改變當地 風貌”。

每間公寓室內設計都接近自然,潔淨,讓居民有充分的自由空間創造個人風 格。包括高品質的建材及廚具等的使用。 ROTHELOWMAN 的主席 Ben Pomroy 說:“公寓陽臺上可觀賞全景美景,打 通您與外部世界的聯繫”。 “我們還通過內部庭院和綠地提高了 Liverpool Central 的社區意識,所有這一切 都採用現代的設計理念”。 公寓一臥室售價 $ 399,000 起,每套物業都有自己的停車場。 2016 年年底開始施工,樣板展示廳在 2016 年 2 月 20 日 週六起開放參觀。

該項目支持新南威爾士州發展戰略,以打造更多的基礎設施和就業機會,並会 獲得改進的道路和第二機場的支撐。 Liverpool Central 地處黃金位置,距離 Liverpool Westfield 僅數米之遙,步行 可至當地的火車站,Bigge 公園和規劃中的基礎設施,如西南鐵路線和繁興的 Liverpool 市中心。

ROTHELOWMAN 簡介 ROTHELOWMAN 是 一 家 屢 獲 殊 榮 的 建 築 和 室 內 設 計 公 司, 提 供 現 代 設計理念,自然光線充足,從數量,形式和功能品質上提供解決方案。 ROTHELOWMAN 因對建築业的積極貢獻,創建了許多永恆的經典建筑物而聲 名遠播。

Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016


悉尼House and Land 靠近Town Centre 4房雙⾞庫 $695,980 悉尼最後NRAS 項⽬2房 $480,000起 國家免稅補貼$120,000+ ����NRAS�����������,����















��在40-50��下的Brisbane �����。���

















���2015年12月的��Unit �價�$650,000。數








�的���,���������價����。�� 產������的����,��House�價� 2015年��100�,Apartment/Unit�價���65 �。��的�產價�������如������� ���的���價��數���的�������� �,���������。���������� �,������。2016年��������從,� ��值得大���的��。我們�在�����我們 的����。 ����2014年����在����������, �������在��的Badgerys Creek,��� �。����������,��20年的����� �������。����在�����大���� �����,��Kellyville,��Camden���� �產��。�2013年��在House的��在 Kellyville����,��價格�����90���, �年���House價格��20-30�,������ 在$620-650左右,使得在 Kellyville��的��� 大。我們在2016年��������������在 的�����。����House�������� ����������75����的�大���。� ���,50����������,�產�大的�� ���的價格�4-4.5%的����,4����的� ���從$695,980�。如果����2年前的 Kellyville,�在���������。 �������,�在�����價��下的�產, ���價��下的�產���大的��。����� ��������,��在���下��,���� �大的�值��。��Apartment/Unit�價���� 65�,������70-90��2�的������� ���。���在���年�����值���值得 ��,�������大。����的House價格�� �價���。����的House的價格������ ����1���的價格,����Strata,���� ��4-4.5%,���������3.1-3.5%左右的 apartment,使������,�在���前的�� ������的。����������3或4��的 ����,��的�值的������大���價� 的���。10年���們的����������� ������,��在���的House價格���� ��價�,趕���,10年���。 ��在��的4年�,星��������大��� NRAS�產��,��2��價在40-55��下,�� ������$120,000+����,使大����� ����期�產����的�值����的��� �,得���大���的����,��NRAS�產 的������。����的���產���� NRAS���,在2014年��������。���

�產���� � 3月20日星期日下午2:00 pm – 4:00 pm ����� Burwood RSL Club, 96 Shaftesbury Rd, Burwood ����� 9266 0808 ( Mon - Fri, 10 am – 4 pm) ��或����� 042� 668 802 ���������,��大������ �mail��� �����


Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016


黃 金 位 置,機會難得 LITTLE BAY


占地面積約 582 平方米,可觀 Botany Bay, La Perouse & 城市天際線的壯觀美景。即可入住,也可打 造您的夢想之家或重新開發(需市政批准)。休閒、愜意生活等待您前來開發。位於 Little Bay 最佳街 道上。 * 陽光充足,鋪有大草坪的後院,環繞著 house * 明亮起居室可通向實木平臺,觀後院美景 * 樓上寬敞起居室,陽臺可觀城市美景,海洋美景 * 煤氣煮食廚房,寬敞櫥櫃空間,可通向戶外 * 整潔主浴室,獨立淋浴及浴缸 *3 睡房,另有書記 * 大主人房有套間 * 戶外洗衣房有衛生間,上鎖車庫,街邊泊車位 * 近海灘,高爾夫球場及公共交通 * 18.29 米寬前庭,方正大地

現場拍賣: 2016 年 3 月 19 日 週六 4:00 PM 開放參觀 : 週四 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM 週六 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM 市政費:約 $1876.43 / 季 水費:約 $167.28/ 季 土地面積:約 582 平方米 詳電 Nick Papas P: 02 9314 2100 M: 0414 647 302 E:

4 2 2

Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016

全新的濱海公寓 MAROUBRA 59-61 CHESTER AVENUE 令 人 驚 歎 的 新 開 發 專 案 步 行 可 至 Maroubra 海 灘 和 Maroubra Junction。適合投資或自住的這座公寓大樓是您在東郊沿海住房市 場入市的良機。憑藉其獨特的設計和高品質完工的此物業,具有極 高的價值。 * 1 和 2 間臥室的公寓可供選擇 * 保安停車場和大樓入口 * 高品質,聚氨酯廚房,石檯面,燃氣灶具,洗碗機和空調 * 電梯和樓梯可至所有公寓

出售 $579,000.00 - $850,000.00

詳電 Nick Papas P: 02 9314 2100 M: 0414 647 302 E: David Lee M: 0488 897 897

1 1 1



Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016


Gospel pianos 的所有钢琴直接从德国,韩国,日本,意大利,印度尼西亚进口 Gospel pianos 是悉尼最大的全新钢琴&二手钢琴批发和零售商

营业时间 周一到周六

营业时间 七天营业

Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016



Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016

Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016


2015年被Aggregator评为全澳Broker of the Year


3.99% CPR4.35%


3.79% CPR5.01%










诚聘 贷款顾问和行政人员多名 想立足最好的信贷平台? 想获得更广阔的发展空间? 想成为商业信贷界的精英人士? 只要你愿意,我们就帮助你一起实现! 有一定经验者优先,华瑞大家庭欢迎你的加入!


Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016



7 Holts Point Place

* 海濱黃金位置,可直達水邊運動場 * 寬敞佈局,二層均有起居室 * 開放式起居室,鋪有鑲花地板 * 東北向陽臺,戶外露臺 * 泳池,spa,可觀海灘 *6 睡房,主人房有步入式衣帽間及套間 * 獨立書房,室內可至雙車庫




拍賣: 2016 年 4 月 2 日 2:45pm 開放參觀 : 週四 11-11:45am 週六 11-11:45am 詳電 : Dave Watkins 0414 866 88 辦公室地址 : shop7/ 217 Belgrave Esplanade, Sylvania Waters NSW 2224 電話 : 02 9544 9688

Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016


Sylvania Waters

21 Barcoo Island

魅力海濱家居,高品質,現代裝修。4 睡房, 4 浴室,3 車位。北向,可觀賞壯觀美景, 如 Gwawley Bay 水面上駛滿船隻的海灣, 娛樂、休閒風格,寬敞室內面積,私人戶 外區,頂級船設施。機會難得,迴旋街道, Sylvania 最搶手的位置。




預約參觀 詳電 : Dave Watkins 0414 866 88 辦公室地址 : shop7/ 217 Belgrave Esplanade, Sylvania Waters NSW 2224 電話 : 02 9544 9688


Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016



Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016


僅56套豪華公寓 機會難得 > Epping 最豪華,精品,高層公寓,共22層,飽覽壯觀無敵美景 > 門前有零售店鋪,近火車站 > 1及2睡房及整層閣樓公寓 > 超大開放式室內佈局,高天花板,大窗,讓您感受更加廣闊的空間 > 重隱私,每層僅2或3套公寓,僅幾面公共牆

請參觀我們的銷售中心 週二,週三,週六及周日


請登記您的 購買意向

Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016



內西區BURWOOD 1&2睡房 豪華精品公寓 •25套豪華精品公寓, 每套均配有地下保安車位及儲藏空間 • 華人重鎮BURWOOD鬧中取靜優質地段, 步行8分鐘至 BURWOOD火車站或STRATHFIELD交通樞紐 • 澳洲知名建築設計師DICKSON ROTHSCHILD設計力作 • 欧洲高級廚房電器MIELE及品牌衛浴,舒適寧靜分體式空調 • 近BURWOOD WESTFIELD購物中心,各國美食餐廳及咖啡店 • 周圍名校林立,BURWOOD PARK 近在咫尺

樣板展示套間開放參觀本週四至周日 1 2 :0 0 PM - 2:00PM


1300 559 520 AQU ILO B U R W O O D .C O M .AU 展示間地 址 : 1 0 G LADESTON E ST, B UR W O O D



Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016

Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016

lane cove north

44 coolaroo road




開放參觀 : 週六 & 週三 1.00 – 1.30pm 週三 5.30-600pm 現場拍賣:2016 年 4 月 2 日 週六 3pm 詳電:Debbie Jepson 0420 455 441

* 寬敞起居室及飯廳可通向花園及可觀綠蔭美景的平臺 * 北向易打理後院,鋪路戶外娛樂區 * 簡約可進餐廚房,簡約浴室 * 主人房可作青少年娛樂室 * 後巷可至上鎖車庫及雙車棚 * 書房 / 起居室,實木地板,分體空調

Dee Why


現場拍賣: 2016年4月2日週六

9 Ozone Parade -


轉角位置,可觀壯觀海洋美景 市政批准可建魅力家居 寬敞大地,可作多種用途 風景如畫,物業靚麗呈現

開放參觀: 週六 & 週三 11.30-12.00 Mark Novak 0421 111 111

Rob Campbell 0499 610 529 8978 6888

4 |


2 |




Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016

13A, 13B & 13C/13-17 Thornton Street

Trophy 雅柏文樓宇整層,3 套雅柏文,寬敞空間,大潛力, 藍籌半島位置。 捕捉世界頂級的美景,悉尼歌劇院,海港大橋和海港至 North Head,北向整層雅柏文,一生一次的機會,室內、外面積約 495 平方米,多個起居室及飯廳,多個陽臺,書房,4 睡房, 包括主人套房。位於 'Hopewood Gardens' 樓宇的 13 樓,樓 內有酒吧俱樂部,酒窖,安全三車位,近 Edgecliff 中心,名 校和 CBD。

出售 請登記您的購買意向 預約參觀 Michael Pallier 0417 371 522 Spencer Sun 0425 339 696

Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016




Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016

MOSMAN 36 Esther Road 海濱罕有位置,由著名建築公司 BKH 設計,新近完工的漢普頓式創新設計家居,3 層 Designed by BKH architects, this newly completed Hamptons inspired haven provides luxurious finishes, family 建造,高品質豪華完工,寬敞怡人佈局,室內、外融匯貫通。室內時尚裝飾,可通向 proportions and flowing indoor/outdoor living across three exquisite levels. With stylish interiors that open to 寬敞戶外娛樂區,可購物中心海洋美景。樓下獨立物業。美景花園內有私人恒溫泳池, expansive alfresco areas, sweeping ocean views and a self-contained downstairs retreat, this is a beachside surrounds, a Calacatta residence of rare distinction. It includes a private heated pool set amid landscaped garden 大理石檯面廚房,奢華主人套房,歐式橡木地板,怡人書記或第 6 睡房。黃金位置, marble kitchen, a breathtaking master suite, European oak flooring and a flexible study/sixth bedroom. 僅 250island 米可至 Balmoral 海灘,近店鋪及咖啡店。 Wonderfully positioned, this home is just 250 metres from Balmoral Beach and moments to village shops and cafés.




私人出售 For Sale Private Treaty 開放參觀 週六 & 週四 10.00 - 10.30 View Sat & Thu 10.00 - 10.30 Michael Coombs 0424 391 255 Michael Coombs 0424 391 255 Davey Hong 洪俊嵩 0424 603 824 Davey Hong 0424 603 824 Call 9006 6323 / 9386 3388 Call 9006 6323 / 9386 3388

eted Hamptons inspired haven provides luxurious finishes, family

Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016

CREMORNE 35 Young Lane Intuitively crafted to world class standards, this luxurious new architect designed home by Sandberg Schoffel 世界頂流的標準建造的豪華全新設計家居,由 Sandberg Schoffel 設計。寬敞室內 /室 combines a flowing indoor/outdoor layout with high end contemporary finishes. Stylishly presented, the open north 外空間融匯貫通,怡人寬敞佈局,高品質現代完工。時尚呈現,開放東北向起居室,自 east facing living area captures an abundance of natural light and has been created to seamlessly connect with the 然光充足,室內與後院及草坪融匯貫通。帶天窗的凱撒石檯面廚房,高品質 Miele 家電, quality Miele appliances, while each of the courtyard and level lawn. The skylit CaesarStone kitchen includes 每間大臥室均有入牆櫃。獨立家庭活動室,橡木 / 石灰華地面,高天花板。黃金位置, generous bedrooms have built-in wardrobes. A separate family room, Oak/Travertine floors and high ceilings are 近巴士站,咖啡店及店鋪。


further highlights. Ideally positioned, this residence is moments to city buses, cafés and village shops.





現場拍賣: Auction Thursday 24th March 6.30pm 2016 年 3& 月 日 週六 6.30pm View Sat Thu24 11.00 - 11.30 開放參觀 : 週六 & 週四 11.00 Piers van Hamburg 0411 322 666- 11.30 Piers van Hamburg 0411 Heather McCartney 0412 624322 433666 Heather McCartney 0412 624 433 Call 9995 0045 / 9908 6037 Call 9995 0045 / 9908 6037

ous this new luxurious architect new designed architect home designed by Sandberg home by Sandberg Schoffel Schoffel Auction dthcontemporary high end contemporary finishes. Stylishly finishes. presented, Stylishly presented, the open north the open north View Sa e l light of natural and has light been and created has been to created seamlessly to seamlessly connect with connect the with the Piers va


Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016

/22VAUCLUSE ClaVAUCLUSE rke Street3-4/223-4/22 ClarkeClStreet arke Street

3 3 2 3 33 3

eanCapturi views nstretchi g Capturi superbng nfelgaresuperb vated out toocean sea, elevated thivisewstastef oceanstretchi ulviyerenovated wsng stretchi far outapartment ntog fsea, ar outthiprovi stotastef sea,desuthilanysrenovated tasteful yForrenovated apartment Sale Privapartment ateproviTreaty des anprovides anFor Sale PriForvateSalTreaty e Private Trea aceidandyllicnatural lifestylidyleligliresi cht.lifdOccupyi eence style resi ofnspace gdence an imandofpressi space natural ve 182sqm andlight.natural Occupyi on ltiigtlht.en, gitOccupyi ancompri impressi snesg anofveitwo m182sqm pressiveon182sqm Vititelew, Sat it compri on&tiThutles, compri of00two- 12.ses30of twoView Sat &ViThuew 12. Sat0&0Thu - 12.12.3000 currentl separate y converted adjseparate oiningintoapartments adjtheoinone ing apartments extremel currently versati converted currentlle yhome. converted into theIt feone atures intoextremel theflowionenyg versati extremel loungele yhome. versatiIBernadette tlefehome. atures IftloBerl fewiatures nygn l0409 ounge flowi489 ng lo804ungeBernadetteBernadette Berlyn 0409Berl489yn 0480 whil asle inslaedidstreaml inCaesarStone g glainsseddoors kitopen chen,towhikiatlechen, generous slidinwhig glleaslssiddoors ingNathan glaopen ss Berl doors toyna0449 open generous to a 773 generousNathan BerlNathan a streaml and diinedingand CaesarStone areasdiniasng welareaslkiastchen, asa wel streaml CaesarStone 157 yn 0449Berl157yn 0449 773 1 erfeundercover ct for entertai undercover balncinonyg. Compl whibalchceonyites perf wiwhithecctwelh fiosl rscal perf entertai edctbedrooms fnoirng.entertai Complplnuinesg.tea Compl wistudy, th weleittelisscalwipltaheced dwelbedrooms l scaled Calbedrooms pluls9386 a study,3485 pluist ias/ study, placed9964 it is placedCall 9386 Cal 9556 3485l 9386 / 955634859964/ 955 hin fionotsteps a secure ofinbouti thea secure popul que20 blabouti rock,coastal qwiuethiblwalnofock,kotsteps , aRoad wistrol thinlofftoootsteps thebusespopulandofather Vaucl coastal populusewalarVicoastal kl,aage.strolwall tok,buses a stroland l to buses Vaucluandse ViVaucl l age.use Vi4l age. 2 3 EPPING Stanley This recently refreshed family home offers numerous indoor and outdoor and entertaining spaces over two titles 新近粉刷家居,寬敞室內、外娛樂空間,共 2,383living 平方米。高天花板,運用砂岩 on a sprawling 2,383sqm parcel. Showcasing high ceilings and sandstone detail in the main living area, other 建造,超大陽臺,可觀賞後院草坪及周圍恬淡的叢林。寬敞大廚房,不銹鋼燃氣 highlights include the oversized balcony which looks beyond the rear lawn to tranquil surrounding bushland. There is 爐,主人套房,新的現代化浴室,樓下娛樂區可作青少年活動室。背靠 Dence a spacious kitchen with stainless gas oven, a master suite with newly modernised ensuite, and a downstairs rumpus Park,私密,重隱私,步行即可輕鬆抵達商店,學校,Epping 火車站,巴士站 area ideal as a teenagers’ retreat. Backing onto Dence Park, this extensive home balances privacy and seclusion with 和水上運動休閒中心。 easy walking access to shops, schools, Epping train station, bus services and the Aquatic and Leisure Centre.

94 mcgrath.mcgrath.

Auction Saturday 2nd April 3.00pm 現場拍賣 View 2016Saturday 年 4 月2.00 2 日- 2.30 週六 3.00pm Kevin Dearlove 0403 338 302 開放參觀 週六 2.00 - 2.30 Alastair Kivell 0437 104 977 Kevin Dearlove 0403 338 302 Call 9877 4063 / 9877 4026 Alastair Kivell 0437 104 977 Call 9877 4063 / 9877 4026

Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016

/22VAUCLUSE ClaVAUCLUSE rke Street3-4/223-4/22 ClarkeClStreet arke Street


3 3 2 3 33

ceanCapturi views nstretchi g Capturi superbng nfelgaresuperb vated out toocean sea, elevated thivisewstastef oceanstretchi ulviyerenovated wsng stretchi far outapartment ntog fsea, ar outthiprovi stotastef sea,desuthilanysrenovated tasteful yForrenovated apartment Sale Privapartment ateproviTreaty des anprovides anFor Sale PriForvateSalTreaty e Private Trea aceidandyllicnatural lifestylidyleligliresi cht.lifdOccupyi eence style resi ofnspace gdence an imandofpressi space natural ve 182sqm andlight.natural Occupyi on ltiigtlht.en, gitOccupyi ancompri impressi snesg anofveitwo m182sqm pressiveon182sqm Vititelew, Sat it compri on&tiThutles, compri of00two- 12.ses30of twoView Sat &ViThuew 12. Sat0&0Thu - 12.12.3000 s currentl separate y converted adjseparate oiningintoapartments adjtheoinone ing apartments extremel currently versati converted currentlle yhome. converted into theIt feone atures intoextremel theflowionenyg versati extremel loungele yhome. versatiIBernadette tlefehome. atures IftloBerl fewiatures nygn l0409 ounge flowi489 ng lo804ungeBernadetteBernadette Berlyn 0409Berl489yn 0480 whil asle inslaedidstreaml inCaesarStone g glainsseddoors kitopen chen,towhikiatlechen, generous slidinwhig glleaslssiddoors ingNathan glaopen ss Berl doors toyna0449 open generous to a 773 generousNathan BerlNathan a streaml and diinedingand CaesarStone areasdiniasng welareaslkiastchen, asa wel streaml CaesarStone 157 yn 0449Berl157yn 0449 773 1 perfeundercover ct for entertai undercover balncinonyg. Compl whibalchceonyites perf wiwhithecctwelh fiosl rscal perf entertai edctbedrooms fnoirng.entertai Complplnuinesg.tea Compl wistudy, th weleittelisscalwipltaheced dwelbedrooms l scaled Calbedrooms pluls9386 a study,3485 pluist ias/ study, placed9964 it is placedCall 9386 Cal 9556 3485l 9386 / 955634859964/ 95 hin fionotsteps a secure ofinbouti thea secure popul que blabouti rock,coastal qwiuethi7blwalnofCheyne ock,kotsteps , awistrol thinlofftoootsteps theWalk busespopulandofather Vaucl coastal populusewalarVicoastal kl,aage.strolwall tok,buses a stroland l to buses Vaucluandse ViVaucl l age.use Vi5l age. 4 3 CASTLECRAG An expression of contemporary luxury, this strikingly designed residence encapsulates panoramic Middle Harbour 豪華家居,令人驚歎的住宅設計與大量使用玻璃,多個室、外生活及娛樂區域,可觀 views enhanced with 景致。室內有花崗石門廳,媒體室,鋪有石灰華地面的正規起大起居室 its extensive use of glass and multiple outdoor areas. Interiors encompass a granite foyer with Middle Harbour media room, vast formal living/dining with travertine floors and casual dining to an entertainers’ terrace. The deluxe 及飯廳,可通向休閒飯廳及娛樂露臺。豪華廚房有大理石檯面, Miele 廚具,食品貯藏 kitchen boasts a marble island bench, Miele appliances and butler’s pantry and bedrooms offer built-in robes and 室,臥室有壁櫥,可觀美景,豪華主人套房。物業還有健身房和桑拿室,空調,遠程車 views, the master with lavish ensuite. Appointments include a gym and sauna, air conditioning, remote garage and 庫和花園。雖然地處寧靜位置,卻僅僅 CBD 和公共汽車站和商店。 landscaped gardens. Although like a bush retreat, it is15 just分鐘可到 15 minutes to the CBD and moments to buses and shops.

94 mcgrath.mcgrath.

Auction Saturday 19th March 9.45am 現場拍賣 View Sat - 10.30 2016 年 &3 Wed 月 1910.00 日 週六 9.45am Harriet Halmarick 0415 739 009 開放參觀 週六 & 週三 10.00 - 10.30 Peter Starr 0425 252 525 Harriet Halmarick 0415 739 009 Call 9908 6048 / 9386 3131 Davey Hong 洪俊嵩 0424 603 824 Call 9908 6048 / 9386 3388


Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016

CHATSWOOD 21 De Villiers Avenue Revealing a stylish new renovation, this dual level residence enjoys peaceful bushland outlooks, superb outdoor 全新的時尚裝修,複式物業,可欣賞寧靜的叢林美景,精湛的戶外娛樂設施及多功能的 entertaining options and enviable versatility. A striking extension on the previous property, the open plan living space 物業。開放式起居空間,高拱形天花板,室內經大型滑動門可通向高甲板,俯瞰咸水游 boasts a high vaulted ceiling, extending through large sliding doors to an elevated deck that overlooks the salt water 泳池和草坪。優雅的中央起居室,樓下臥室和家庭活動區為此提供更多的吸引力。 zone this home offers pool and level lawns. With an elegant central lounge room and lower level bedroom and family 現代化的廚房,寬敞佈局,大儲物室及更多特色。黃金位置,近 Chatswood 的商店, wide appeal. A modern kitchen, well proportioned upstairs bedrooms and abundant storage provide further 火車站,公車站和當地的學校 highlights. Great location just moments from Chatswood shops, station, buses and local schools.

enue Villiers Avenue




Guide $1,800,000 - $1,980,000 指導售價 $1,800,000 - $1,980,000 現場拍賣 Auction Saturday 2nd April 9.45am 2016 年 4& 月 2日 週六 9.45am View Sat Wed 10.30 - 11.00 開放參觀 週六 & 週三 10.30 Brent Courtney 0411 888 380 - 11.00 Brent Courtney 0411 888 380 Davey Hong 0424 603 824 Davey Hong 洪俊嵩 0424 603 824 Call 9417 9604 / 9386 3388 Call 9417 9604 / 9386 3388



dual joys peaceful level residence bushland enjoys outlooks, peaceful superb bushland outdoor outlooks, superb Guide $1,800,000 outdoor - $1,G ny. the A striking previous extension property, onthe theopen previous plan property, living space the open plan Auction living Saturday space 2nd Ap A

Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016

NORTHWOOD 25 Fleming Street 世界一流的裝修,此建築精雕細琢,豪華高品質完工,注重隱私,宜家庭生活的佈局。 Showcasing a world class renovation, this private architecturally crafted haven combines luxurious appointments with 室外生活區,室內、外融匯貫通,室內可通向戶外區,咸水游泳池, a精緻、寬敞的室內 flowing family inspired /layout. Exquisite throughout, it features a selection of generous indoor/outdoor living zones 鬱鬱蔥蔥的草坪,風景優美的花園。美食廚房,高品質現代廚具,高端訂制的媒體室, plus a salt water pool and lush level lawns set amid beautifully landscaped gardens. The gourmet kitchen includes 現代浴室,豪華的主人房有套間。六個臥室,可作多種用途,另有食品貯藏室,絕對 high end appliances, while a purpose-built media room, contemporary bathrooms and impressive master suite 物超所值。自然光充足,寧靜位置,搶手地段,迴旋街道。誠薦您前來參觀! provide stunning further highlights. With a flexible sixth bedroom and butler’s pantry, this truly is a spectacular offering. Brimming with natural light, it is peacefully positioned at the end of a quiet, sought-after cul-de-sac.

et 25 Fleming Street





指導售價 $3,000,000 - $3,300,000 Guide $3,000,000 - $3,300,000 現場拍賣 Auction Saturday 2nd April 1.30pm 2016 年 4 月 2 日 週六 1.30pm View Sat &週六 Wed&1.30 - 2.00 開放參觀 週三 1.30 - 2.00 Brent Courtney 0411 888 Brent Courtney 0411 888380 380 Davey Hong 6030424 824 603 824 Davey Hong0424 洪俊嵩 Call 9417 9417 9604 Call 9604 // 9386 93863388 3388


ation, crafted thishaven private combines architecturally luxurious crafted appointments haven combines with luxurious Guide appointments $3,000,000 wit Exquisite s a selection throughout, of generous it features indoor/outdoor a selectionliving of generous zones indoor/outdoor Auction Saturday living zone 2n


Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016

/22VAUCLUSE ClaVAUCLUSE rke Street3-4/223-4/22 ClarkeClStreet arke Street

3 3 2 3 33 3

eanCapturi views nstretchi g Capturi superbng nfelgaresuperb vated out toocean sea, elevated thivisewstastef oceanstretchi ulviyerenovated wsng stretchi far outapartment ntog fsea, ar outthiprovi stotastef sea,desuthilanysrenovated tasteful yForrenovated apartment Sale Privapartment ateproviTreaty des anprovides anFor Sale PriForvateSalTreaty e Private Trea aceidandyllicnatural lifestylidyleligliresi cht.lifdOccupyi eence style resi ofnspace gdence an imandofpressi space natural ve 182sqm andlight.natural Occupyi on ltiigtlht.en, gitOccupyi ancompri impressi snesg anofveitwo m182sqm pressiveon182sqm Vititelew, Sat it compri on&tiThutles, compri of00two- 12.ses30of twoView Sat &ViThuew 12. Sat0&0Thu - 12.12.3000 currentl separate y converted adjseparate oiningintoapartments adjtheoinone ing apartments extremel currently versati converted currentlle yhome. converted into theIt feone atures intoextremel theflowionenyg versati extremel loungele yhome. versatiIBernadette tlefehome. atures IftloBerl fewiatures nygn l0409 ounge flowi489 ng lo804ungeBernadetteBernadette Berlyn 0409Berl489yn 0480 whil asle inslaedidstreaml inCaesarStone g glainsseddoors kitopen chen,towhikiatlechen, generous slidinwhig glleaslssiddoors ingNathan glaopen ss Berl doors toyna0449 open generous to a 773 generousNathan BerlNathan a streaml and diinedingand CaesarStone areasdiniasng welareaslkiastchen, asa wel streaml CaesarStone 157 yn 0449Berl157yn 0449 773 1 erfeundercover ct for entertai undercover balncinonyg. Compl whibalchceonyites perf wiwhithecctwelh fiosl rscal perf entertai edctbedrooms fnoirng.entertai Complplnuinesg.tea Compl wistudy, th weleittelisscalwipltaheced dwelbedrooms l scaled Calbedrooms pluls9386 a study,3485 pluist ias/ study, placed9964 it is placedCall 9386 Cal 9556 3485l 9386 / 955634859964/ 955 hin fionotsteps a secure ofinbouti thea secure popul que blabouti roPOINT ck,coastal qwiuethiblwalnof52/43 ock,kotsteps , awistrol thinlofftoNew ootsteps thebusespopulBeach andofather Vaucl coastal populRoad usewalarVicoastal kl,aage.strolwall tok,buses a stroland l to buses Vaucluandse ViVaucl l age.use Vi3l age. 2 1 DARLING Lavishly elevated and generously sized, this designer residence presents sophisticated entertaining areas optimising 華麗的高地勢,寬敞物業,設計師讓舒適居住與休閒的娛樂完美結合。地處海濱 the harbourfront position, with all living spaces absorbing Bridge views. The formal dining area is complemented by a 位置,寬敞生活空間,各處均可觀賞大橋的景色。在正規用餐區,豪華廚房,起 deluxe kitchen, and the living area flows out to the expansive front balcony. Substantial bedrooms with balcony 居室可通向廣闊的陽臺。臥室可通向陽臺,特大主人房有時尚套間。豪華浴室, access include a king-sized master with a stylish ensuite. Highlights include a luxurious bathroom, recessed ceilings, 高天花板,大理石地板和空調,自動車庫可能向車位,儲物室及電梯。藍籌位置, marble floor tiles and air conditioning, while the automated garage leads to a car space, storage cage and lift access. 靠近公園,餐館,精品店和火車站。 This blue ribbon location offers easy proximity to parks, eateries, boutique stores and city trains.

94 mcgrath.mcgrath.

Auction Monday 21st March 7.00pm 現場拍賣 View Sat - 11.30 & Wed 6.00 - 6.30 2016 年 11.00 3 月 21 日 週一 7.00pm Bernadette Berlyn 0409 489 804 開放參觀 Nathan Berlyn 0449 157 773 週六 11.00 - 11.30 & 週三 6.00 - 6.30 Call 9386 3485 / 9556 9964 Bernadette Berlyn 0409 489 804 Nathan Berlyn 0449 157 773 Call 9386 3485 / 9556 9964

Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016

MATRAVILLE 26 Windsor Street "Windsor" Matraville "Windsor" is a精品樓宇,享受豪華生活,位於 boutique home that sets an unprecedented benchmark中心。美景花園,實木平臺,中 of luxury living and sophistication in the 央空調, 寬敞儲物室, 睡房, 宜現代都市生活。 現代凱撒石檯面廚房, heart of Matraville. Complete 高品質完工——6 with tiered gardens, timber deck, ducted air-conditioning, ample storage space and 煤氣煮食,食品貯藏室,Smeg 廚具。開放式起居室可通向戶外就餐區,宜娛樂,獨 quality finishes - this six bedroom home draws inspiration from contemporary urban life. Boasting a modern 立 studio,宜作青少年活動室或姻親房。 CaesarStone kitchen with gas cooking, butlers’ pantry and Smeg appliances. The open plan living room opens to an outdoor alfresco dining area ideal for entertaining. Also, there is a self-contained studio at the rear of the home, perfect for the teenage retreat or in-law accommodation.

eet 26 Windsor Street




指導售價 $1,950,000 - $2,050,000 Guide $1,950,000 - $2,050,000 現場拍賣 Auction Saturday 19th March 1.30pm 2016 年 3 月 19 日 週六 1.30pm View Sat & Thu 12.00 - 12.30 開放參觀 週六 & 週四 12.00 - 12.30 Marnie Seinor 0425 255255 200200 Marnie Seinor 0425 Call 8622 Call 86224551 4551





nted luxury living andbenchmark sophistication in theliving and sophistication Guide $1,950,000 ome benchmark that sets anofunprecedented of luxury in the - $2,050,000 Guide $ r deck, air-conditioning, ampleducted storageair-conditioning, space and ample storage Auctionspace Saturday 1.30pm ete with ducted tiered gardens, timber deck, and19th March Auction ation fromhome contemporary urban life.from Boasting a modern View Sata&modern Thu 12.00 - 12.30View Sa bedroom draws inspiration contemporary urban life. Boasting The open living room opens nd appliances. Marnie The to open plan living roomSeinor opens0425 to 255 200Marnie S gasSmeg cooking, butlers’ pantry andplan Smeg appliances. o, there a self-contained studiothere at the of the home,studio at theCall area idealis for entertaining. Also, is rear a self-contained rear8622 of the4551 home, Call 862 eat or in-law accommodation.


MASCOT 49 Middlemiss Street

LE 26 Windsor Street 26 Windsor Street eet

靜街,"Marquis" 樓宇內。寬敞 4 大睡房,主人房有套間,寬敞步入式衣帽間。3 獨立 Located on a quiet street "Marquis" is perfectly positioned to enjoy the best of what the area has to offer. Offering 起居室,凱撒石檯面廚房,Smeg 廚具,3 豪華浴室,戶外就餐區,宜娛樂。複式, four large bedrooms including a master bedroom with ensuite and spacious walk-in wardrobe. Boasting three 寬敞佈局。全新設計,宜現代居住,宜專業夫婦或新家庭居住,易打理,現代高品質 separate living areas, a CaesarStone kitchen with Smeg appliances, three luxurious bathrooms and an alfresco 完工。 outdoor dining area, it is perfect for entertaining. This beautifully crafted home is expanded over two levels with an expansive free flowing layout offering suburban life at its best. Brand new designer home perfect for the professional couple or new family, presenting low maintenance living with modern finishes.




指導售價 $1,450,000 - $1,500,000 Guide $1,450,000 - $1,500,000 現場拍賣 Auction Saturday 19th March 10.30am 2016 年 3 月 19 日 週六 10.30am View Sat 11.00 11.30 &- Wed - 7.15 開放參觀 週六- 11.00 11.306.45 & 週三 Marnie- 7.15 Seinor 0425 255 200 6.45 Call 8622 4551 0425 255 200 Marnie Seinor Call 8622 4551




ique home that sets an unprecedented benchmark of luxury living and sophistication in the Gu omebenchmark that setstiered anof unprecedented of luxury inspace the - $2,050,000 GuideAu $ ted luxury livingtimber andbenchmark sophistication in theliving and sophistication Guidestorage $1,950,000 Complete with gardens, deck, ducted air-conditioning, ample and ete withbedroom tiered air-conditioning, gardens, timberinspiration deck, ample storage space aand Auction ducted ampleducted storage space and Saturday 19th March 1.30pm sdeck, six home draws fromair-conditioning, contemporary urban Auction life. Boasting modern Vie bedroom draws inspiration contemporary tion from home contemporary urban life.from Boasting a modernurban life. Boasting View Sat a& modern Thu 12.00 - 12.30 View Sa


Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016

/22VAUCLUSE ClaVAUCLUSE rke Street3-4/223-4/22 ClarkeClStreet arke Street

3 3 2 3 33 3

eanCapturi views nstretchi g Capturi superbng nfelgaresuperb vated out toocean sea, elevated thivisewstastef oceanstretchi ulviyerenovated wsng stretchi far outapartment ntog fsea, ar outthiprovi stotastef sea,desuthilanysrenovated tasteful yForrenovated apartment Sale Privapartment ateproviTreaty des anprovides anFor Sale PriForvateSalTreaty e Private Trea aceidandyllicnatural lifestylidyleligliresi cht.lifdOccupyi eence style resi ofnspace gdence an imandofpressi space natural ve 182sqm andlight.natural Occupyi on ltiigtlht.en, gitOccupyi ancompri impressi snesg anofveitwo m182sqm pressiveon182sqm Vititelew, Sat it compri on&tiThutles, compri of00two- 12.ses30of twoView Sat &ViThuew 12. Sat0&0Thu - 12.12.3000 currentl separate y converted adjseparate oiningintoapartments adjtheoinone ing apartments extremel currently versati converted currentlle yhome. converted into theIt feone atures intoextremel theflowionenyg versati extremel loungele yhome. versatiIBernadette tlefehome. atures IftloBerl fewiatures nygn l0409 ounge flowi489 ng lo804ungeBernadetteBernadette Berlyn 0409Berl489yn 0480 whil asle inslaedidstreaml inCaesarStone g glainsseddoors kitopen chen,towhikiatlechen, generous slidinwhig glleaslssiddoors ingNathan glaopen ss Berl doors toyna0449 open generous to a 773 generousNathan BerlNathan a streaml and diinedingand CaesarStone areasdiniasng welareaslkiastchen, asa wel streaml CaesarStone 157 yn 0449Berl157yn 0449 773 1 erfeundercover ct for entertai undercover balncinonyg. Compl whibalchceonyites perf wiwhithecctwelh fiosl rscal perf entertai edctbedrooms fnoirng.entertai Complplnuinesg.tea Compl wistudy, th weleittelisscalwipltaheced dwelbedrooms l scaled Calbedrooms pluls9386 a study,3485 pluist ias/ study, placed9964 it is placedCall 9386 Cal 9556 3485l 9386 / 955634859964/ 955 hin fionotsteps a secure ofinbouti thea secure popul que blabouti rock,PARK coastal qwiuethiblwalnof5ock,kotsteps , Murrumbidgee awistrol thinlofftoootsteps thebusespopulandofather Vaucl coastal populusewalarVicoastal kl,aage.strolwall tok,buses a stroland l to buses Vaucluandse ViVaucl l age.use Vi4l age. 3 2 BOSSLEY Street Commanding a northern aspect, this architecturally-crafted family home creates multiple designer living spaces 北向物業,精湛設計,多個生活空間,自然光充足,融匯貫通,高品質完工。一 embracing light and flow, brimming with quality appointments. The ground level reveals an expansive open family area 層有廣闊開放的家庭活動區,室內 / 戶外娛樂區,燃氣煮食廚房,愷薩石檯面及 integrating indoor/outdoor entertaining, enjoying a hostess gas kitchen, with CaesarStone benchtops and stainless 不銹鋼廚具廚房。二層四間寬敞睡房,均有帶鏡壁櫥,主人房有套間及陽臺,三 appliances. Four generous bedrooms upstairs with mirrored built-ins feature the master retreat with an ensuite and 浴室,豪華主浴室有 浴缸。理想位置,步行可至公園,學校,公車站,近 balcony, while three immaculatespa bathrooms include a luxurious main with a spa bath. This enviable home is set on a Stockland 購物中心。 quiet street ideally located in walking distance to parks, schools, buses and close to Stockland Shopping Centre.

94 mcgrath.mcgrath.

Auction Saturday 19th March 10.30am 現場拍賣 View Saturday 2016 年 3 月10.00 19 日- 10.30 週六 10.30am Nick Alexopoulos 0411 320 230 開放參觀 週六 10.00 - 10.30 Frank Bartolone 0411 477 758 Nick Alexopoulos 0411 320 230 Call 9407 7824 / 9407 7822 Frank Bartolone 0411 477 758 Call 9407 7824 / 9407 7822

Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016

CHATSWOOD 401 Penshurst Street Tranquilly set away from the road, this exquisitely renovated haven fusing rich Federation character with flawless 環境雅致清淨,融合了古典特色與現代的精湛設計。高雅裝修,怡人的佈局,重隱私。開放 modern design. Tastefully reinvented, it features a flowing entertainers’ layout and a superb sense of privacy 式的休閒生活空間 / 美食廚房,煤氣煮食,可通向環繞式有蓋娛樂區,受小朋友歡迎平整草坪 throughout. The open casual living space/gourmet gas kitchen extends to the wraparound all-weather deck, while 及靚麗美景花園。正規飯廳,優雅呈現,每個臥室有壁櫥和高天花板,主人房舒適、怡人。 the secluded astro turf lawns are set amid established gardens. The formal dining room is elegantly presented, 通過 Warrah Lane 可至物業,Roseville 公立學校校區。近 Muston Park,店鋪及公共交通。 while each of the bedrooms include built-ins and high set ceilings, the master a breathtaking retreat. Accessed via 機會難逢,勿失良機。 Warrah Lane, under Roseville Public School catchment. Muston Park, shops and transport are nearby.




Auction Saturday 19th March 10.30am 現場拍賣 2016Sat 年 &3 Wed 月 1911.00 日 週六 10.30am View - 11.30 開放參觀 週六 & 週三 11.00 Adam Wong 0403 315 349 - 11.30 Adam Wong 0403 315 349 Call 8047 9805 Call 8047 9805

CHATSWOOD 5/25 Goodchap Road Capturing idyllic leafy views, this light filled classic townhouse is beautifully maintained with a total of 173sqm, 罕見寬敞 Townhouse,北朝向,自然光充足,享有綠蔭田園景色,總面積約 173 平 open plan living and dining cascading to alfresco entertaining. Features include north facing living, terrace and 方米,開放式的起居室和飯廳可通向露天娛樂區。大陽臺和庭院,大臥室,壁櫥,主 courtyard, generous bedrooms, built-in robes, the master with leafy views plus a renovated bathroom, internal 人房可觀綠蔭美景,新裝修浴室,室內洗衣房,空調和室內可至遙控車庫及衛生間。 laundry, air conditioning and remote garage with internal access and w/c. It is 400 metres to Chatswood Public School and a stroll to the station 的公立學校,步行到火車站和商店。 and shops. 400 米可至 Chatswood




Auction Saturday 19th March 1.30pm 現場拍賣 2016Sat 年3 月 19 日& 週六 View 1.00 - 1.30 Thu1.30pm 6.00 - 6.30 開放參觀 Adam Wong 0403 315 349 週六 1.009805 - 1.30 & 週四 6.00 - 6.30 Call 8047 Adam Wong 0403 315 349 Call 8047 9805



Book 3, Issue No. 503 / Friday Mar 11, 2016

WEST RYDE 125 Constitution Road


Taking advantage of a sunny north to rear aspect, this beautifully kept family home combines generous proportions 陽光充足,北向物業,保養良好,寬敞佈局,自然光充足。複式物業,正規及休閒起 with abundant natural light. A selection of formal and casual living spaces over two floors includes bright family and 居室,明亮家庭活動室及起居室可通向後院及花園,獨立平臺,陽光充足的戶外飯廳 living areas that step into a rear courtyard and gardens, while a separate side terrace provides the perfect place for 或娛樂區。石檯面,煤氣煮食廚房,主人套房,靈活多用途書房。寧靜位置,毗鄰公 premium stone and gas kitchen,Plaza sprawling master suite with sunlit alfresco dining or entertaining. It also features a 火車站及渡輪,Village 園,時尚物業,幾步可至 Meadowbank 店鋪及名校。 indulgent full ensuite, and versatile study space. Peacefully set adjacent open parklands, this stylish home is just footsteps to Meadowbank train station and ferry wharf, Village Plaza shops and quality schools.

nstitution Road



現場拍賣 Auction Saturday 19th March 12.00pm 2016 年appointment 3 月 19 日 週六 12.00pm View by 預約參觀 Stefon Bertram 0404 071 511 Stefon 0404 James JinBertram 0404 071 060071 511 James Jin 0404 071 060 Call 8889 3894 Call 8889 3894 amily aspect, this home beautifully combines kept family homegenerous combines generous proportions proportions es formalover and casual two living floors spaces over includes two floors includes bright bright family family andand and e side gardens,terrace while a separate provides side terracethe provides perfect the perfectplace place for for and gas a premium kitchen, stone and sprawling gas kitchen, sprawling master mastersuite suite with with o features ent space. open Peacefully parklands, set adjacent openthis parklands, stylish this stylish home home isis justjust Greenwich dops ferry wharf, andVillage quality Plaza shops schools. and quality schools. 新開發專案,歡迎海外買家 1c Innes Road 5 臥 室 3 浴 室 2+2 車 全新建造設計物業,Greenwich 綠蔭街道。室內、外娛樂區 均可觀賞綠蔭美景。寧靜、私密位置毗鄰公園。4 車位。長 租約,高租金,投資回報高 $1,800/ 周。黃金位置,僅 8 公 里可至城市,步行可至 St Leonards 火車站,或短程步行可 至 Greenwich 公立學校,Royal North Shore 醫院 , Gore Hill TAFE ,巴士可至 North Sydney & CBD.

出售 : 2.75M (可議價) 開放參觀: 週六 & 週三 11.45am - 12.15pm 或 7 天私人預約參觀 詳電 : Bernadette Hayes 0431 558 505 或 9966 0543 Harbourline Real Estate Tel 7 days 我們的客戶對我們提供的服務很滿意 請今日致電辦公室

9966 0543

Friday Mar 11, 2016



北區著名房產公司 專業代理房產銷售 專業 ‧ 誠信 ‧ 可靠 Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu 0450 413 488

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