Issue 511 may 06 chinese syd prop bk4

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Friday May 06, 2016





Tel:9696 2345


Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016

Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016

布里斯班CBD 全新地标 1,2&3卧室公寓 $360,000起 东北与CBD、皇家植物园隔河相望,西北远眺Coo-tha山,景观尽收眼底 摩天双塔、精品公寓、私家创意造型泳池,下楼即可任意畅游。 烧烤区、屋顶花园,屋顶SPA, 创艺设计高端奢香会所、健身、休闲、社交全功能 10分钟车程内,超市、购物中心应有尽有, 步行可至CBD繁华购物区 图书馆、展览馆市政设施围绕,举步即至昆士兰科技大学、公私立高中、 大学、3家医院,紧密构筑无微不至健康生活圈

現在咨詢 0406 768 986 PROPERTY DEVELOPER




Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016



Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016



Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016



DA已批 悉尼机场精品酒店开发用地 2-8 Sarah Street, Mascot NSW 2020 • 土地面积1,516平方米*,可建筑面积4,603平方米* • DA获批169间客房以及69个停车位 • 项目共9层楼高,酒店房间设计合理,顶楼设有高级餐厅 • 项目地处黄金地段,地王位置,三面临街,高曝光率 • 约300米至悉尼国内/国际机场,约900米至Mascot火车站,约6公里至悉尼CBD,约7.5公里至Botany港口 • 由著名设计事务所FoxJohnson操刀设计 *大约


Sean Li 林杉 +61 425 028 008

Alex Wei 韦啸 +61 426 504 187

免责声明: 我们已尽力确保提供准确及可靠的资讯,而您应当对刊载的所有信息资料的可靠性作出判断和评估,我们对此不承担任何法律责任。

Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016



Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016

Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016



Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016

Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016



Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016

Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016

1512 平方米,卓越開發機會 寧靜位置,街道靜處,位於美景花園之中,古典家居,寧靜,大潛力,藍籌位置。保養 良好,舒適,怡居,可現代裝修,擴建或重建(需市政批准)。可觀至 Middle Head 的 海港美景,樓上可觀賞城市天際線至大橋至 Manly 的美景。 * 北向古典家居 * 重隱私,寧靜,可觀 Middle Harbour 美景 * 舒適,怡居,可現代裝修 * 分地成 2 物業 /4 住客(需市政批准) * 怡人佈局的起居室及飯廳 * 寬敞睡房,書房,煤氣煮食廚房

登記購買意向截止日期 開放參觀 : 週六 & 週三 12.30-1.15pm Steven Zoeliner 0400 840 111



Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016


5 Shellbank Parade 三層豪華家居,6星級的居住體驗,可觀Middle Harbour壯觀美景。由Phil Corben設計,此娛樂家居,重隱私,為您提供水濱的愜意生活。室內溫馨、優雅 ,融匯貫通,綠蔭圍繞,正規室內生活區及Tuscan風格戶外區。4間寬敞睡房,可 觀180度水景,第5睡房或書房位於便利位置,毗鄰超大、優雅的主人套房,私人 屋頂平臺。休閒、寧靜、重隱私的綠蔭草坪及泳池。

Richard Simeon 0411 499 906




開放參觀:週六 & 週四 12.30 - 1.00pm 現場拍賣:2016年5月21日 週六12.45pm 辦公室 02 9960 8828 Visit


Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016



現場拍賣:2016年5月22日 周日10.15

47 Orchard Street - 精典家居,高品質完工 - 卓越特色,包括2個娛樂區 - 戶外綠洲有後院,涼亭及泳池 - Northern Beaches 最豪華住宅 開放參觀: 週六 11:00 – 11:45 & 周日11:00 – 11:30

Jordan Galpin 0403 919 005

Jack Tsao

0424 508 789 8978 6888

6 |


3 |




Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016

Putney 83 Delange Road




雙磚娛樂家居,精湛設計,可讓您舒適居住,為您提供現代的便 利。高品質完工。寬敞 3 層建造,室內、外娛樂區融匯貫通。開 放式休閒起居室及飯廳可通向娛樂涼亭,可觀入地泳池及美景花 園。4 間雙人睡房均有入牆櫃,豪華浴室,家庭影院,家庭辦公 室,報警器,儲物室。便利位置,水濱愜意生活,近海灘,公園, 巴士站,渡輪,名校,Putney village & Top Ryde City 購物中心。

Ray White Gladesville | Ray white Ryde



現場拍賣: 2016 年 5 月 21 日 週六 2.15pm 開放參觀 : 週六 2.00-2.30pm 週四 6.00-6.30pm Joseph Mazar 0411 679 791 joseph. Krys Drysdale 0414 903 567 raywhitegladesville | 8876 6200

Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016



Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016



10 Burnell Street




魅力家居,可觀水景 高 品 質 家 居, 靚 麗 呈 現, 三 層 高 地 勢,7 年 前 建 造 家 居, 位 於 Drummoyne 最佳街道上。室內、外寬敞生活及娛樂空間,整層的起居 室,美景花園,2 大平臺,可觀海灣及城市美景。室內電梯,無樓梯, 宜大家庭居住,絕對便利。 * 寬敞開放式設計,美食廚房 * 辦公室或媒體室,客房 / 第二起居室 * 主人房及客房可通向平臺 * 中央空調,報警器,可視對講機 * 街邊泊車位,雙車庫 * 可由 Burnell 及 Clements Streets 進入物業 * 近公園,學校,商店及公共交通 Ray White Drummoyne

現場拍賣: 5 月 14 日週六 2pm 參觀時間: 週三 6-6.30pm 詳電: Fiona Hellams 0419 264 474

9719 2244

Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016



110 Gipps St




現代設計,魅力家居 高品質,時尚家居,現代精品建造,宜家庭娛樂。高品質完工,時尚 怡居,寬敞室內、外生活空間。時尚,寬敞,豪華,位於 Drummoyne 黃金位置,近學校,店鋪,公園及 Bay Run。 * 開放式設計,陽光充足 * 易打理,寬敞戶外娛樂空間 * 有頂燒烤區,戶外廚房及露臺 * 美景花園,草坪 * 廚房有高品質煤氣廚具 * 樓上睡房,主人房有步入式衣帽間及套間 * 室內可至地下雙車庫 * 中央空調,Bose 音響系統,保安報警系統 Ray White Drummoyne

開放參觀 : 週六 & 週四 11-11.30am 現場拍賣: 2016 年 5 月 28 日 週六 11am 詳電: Chris Wilkins 0419 231 017

9719 2244



Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016

2015年被Aggregator评为全澳Broker of the Year


3.99% CPR4.35%


3.79% CPR5.01%












想立足最好的信贷平台? 想获得更广阔的发展空间? 想成为商业信贷界的精英人士? 只要你愿意,我们就帮助你一起实现! 有一定经验者优先,华瑞大家庭欢迎你的加入!

Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016


1 2


4 2

CASTLE COVE 1 Deepwater Road



CASTLE COVE 1 Deepwater Road




魅力家居 Shhh, DON'T TELL ANYBODY... 寬敞大地,極具價值,等待您前來開發

... THEY'LL ALL WANT IT! 現場拍賣:5





On-Site 3 pm Saturday 14th May

月 14 日 週六 3pmInspect Saturday & Wednesday 1.00-1.30 pm This is truly a blank canvas waiting for its next owner to&fully realise1.00-1.30 the Auction 參觀時間:週六 週三 pm Contact potential it offers. 詳電:DONNA FISCHER 0424 163 144 DONNA FISCHER 163 144 On-Site 3 pm Saturday 14th May 0424 841 sqm (approx) of land close to local primary school and village shops, NEIL ADAM 0418 218 518 with Chatswood, North Sydney, Northern Beaches, and Sydney CBD Email ... THEY'LL ALL WANT IT! transport across the road. Inspect NEIL ADAM 0418 218 518 841 平方米大地,近本地小學,店鋪。馬路對面有公共交通,可通達 Chatswood, With a 19 metre frontage and an amazing rear yard/garden the choice is Saturday & Wednesday 1.00-1.30 pm yours: renovate/extend the original 3 bedroom full brick home or replace

is truly a blank canvasSydney waitingCBD for 。 its next owner to fully realise the NorthThis Sydney, Northern Beaches, it with your own modern masterpiece. potential it offers. The home was built in 1956 and is Contact being sold for the first time by the 19 米寬前庭,大後院 / 花園:新裝修 / 擴建的簡約 3 睡房全磚家居,您可改建成你自 original owner. DONNA FISCHER 0424 163 144 己的現代豪華府邸。 Phone: 9417 1234 Website: 841 sqm (approx) of land close to local primary school and village shops, 9417 1234 Office Details: 18 DeepwaterPhone: Road Castle CoveADAM NSW 2069 NEIL 0418 218 518 全磚家居,建於 1956 年,由原東家首次出售。 Website: with Chatswood, North Sydney, Northern Beaches, and Sydney CBD Ireson 機會難得,此物業在 Castle Cove 絕對物超所值,是進入 Castle Cove 市場的良機。 Office Details: 18 Deepwater Road Castle Cove NSW 2069 Email The above information has been furnished to us by the Vendor of each property. We have not verified whether or not that information is accurate and have no belief one way or another in its accuracy. We do not accept any responsibility to any person for its accuracy and do no more than pass it on. All interested parties should make and rely upon their own enquiries in order to determine whether or not this information is in fact accurate.

transport across the road.

With a 19 metre frontage and an amazing rear yard/garden the choice is yours: renovate/extend the original 3 bedroom full brick home or replace it with your own modern masterpiece.

The home was built in 1956 and is being sold for the first time by the original owner. Phone: 9417 1234 Website: Office Details: 18 Deepwater Road Castle Cove NSW 2069



Ireson 1c Innes Road 5 臥 室 3 浴 室 2+2 車

The above information has been furnished to us by the Vendor of each property. We have not verified whether or not that information is accurate and have no belief one way or another in its accuracy. We do not accept any responsibility to any person for its accuracy and do no more than pass it on. All interested parties should make and rely upon their own enquiries in order to determine whether or not this information is in fact accurate.

全新建造設計物業,Greenwich 綠蔭街道。室內、外娛樂區均可 觀賞綠蔭美景。寧靜、私密位置毗鄰公園。4 車位。長租約,高租 金,投資回報高 $1,800/ 周。黃金位置,僅 8 公里可至城市,步行 可至 St Leonards 火車站,或短程步行可至 Greenwich 公立學校, Royal North Shore 醫院 , Gore Hill TAFE ,一分鐘可至巴士站 , 巴 士可至 North Sydney & CBD & Chatswood . 步行可至 Greenwich Public School.

急售 : 2.72M 物超所值 , 同價僅能在 St Leonard 買三房雅柏文 開放參觀: 週六 & 週三 12.00pm - 12.30pm 或 7 天私人預約參觀 詳電 : Bernadette Hayes 0431 558 505 或 9966 0543 Harbourline Real Estate Tel 7 days 我們的客戶對我們提供的服務很滿意 請今日致電辦公室

9966 0543


Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016

Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016


Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016

STRATHFIELD 80 Barker Road 尖端、前沿建造,豪華裝飾,宏偉比例,全新豪華府邸,高品質豪華家居的新標杆。 With its cutting edge concrete form construction, luxury finishes and colossal proportions, this completely brand new 三層寬敞佈局,卓越的工藝建造,現代設計,成熟的家庭智慧科技與高品質建造相融 masterpiece sets a new benchmark in high class family living. Flowing over three expansive levels, it’s a showcase of 合,採用 Turco Argento 大理石便是一個極佳的例子。其它特色有多個生活空間,煤 superior craftsmanship and contemporary design, featuring sophisticated home technology marrying with a richly textured palette of materials, including Turco Argento marble. Highlights include a selection of living spaces, gourmet 氣煮食廚房,Miele 廚具廚房,7 睡房,豪華主人套房。家庭影院,健身房,恒溫游泳 Miele gas kitchen plus an impressive 6 seven bedrooms including a palatial master suite. There is also a home cinema, 池以及露天娛樂和安全的地下 停車場。 gym, heated pool plus alfresco entertaining and secure basement parking for up to six cars.




現場拍賣 Auction Saturday 21st May 3.00pm 2016 年 2.00 5 月- 21 日& 週六 3.00pm View Sat 2.30 Thu 6.30 - 7.00 開放參觀 Braden Walters 0411 637 373 Norman So -0410 868 6.30 - 7.00 週六 2.00 2.30523 & 週四 Call 8093Walters 9603 / 8120 6508 Braden 0411 637 373 Norman So 0410 523 868 Call 8093 9603 / 8120 6508



Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016

SYDNEY 59/155 Macquarie Street 獲獎設計的’Renzo penthouse 雅柏文,坐擁壯觀的悉尼歌 Immediately impressive Piano’樓宇內,sub with a prized ’Renzo Piano’ architectural design, this rare and exclusive sub penthouse 劇院,海港及植物園美景,宏偉,豪華,面積約 199 平方米。現代寬敞起居室 apartment embraces spectacular Opera House, Harbour and Botanic Gardens views from a grand and luxuriously appointed 199sqm indoor/outdoor layout. There is seamless flow between contemporary lounge and dining areas, to 及飯廳可通向超大娛樂陽臺,整潔花崗石檯面,頂級 Gaggenau 煤氣煮食廚 and a supreme master suite with walk an expansive entertaining balcony, a sleek granite and Gaggenau gas kitchen 房,主人房有步入式衣帽間。住客可使用室內泳池,spa,桑拿,健身房,24 through wardrobe. Complete with access to an indoor pool, spa, sauna, gymnasium and 24 hour concierge, this 小時門房服務。便利黃金位置,步行可至一切設施。 exceptional lifestyle residence is perfectly placed for absolute walk-to-everywhere convenience.




登記購買意向截止日期 For Sale Expressions of Interest close 5Thursday 月 26 日26th 週四May 5.00pm 5.00pm 開放參觀 View Sat 12.30 - 1.00 & Thu 5.30 - 6.00 週六 12.30 - 1.000414 & 週四 5.30 Richard Shalhoub 466 973- 6.00 Richard Shalhoub 0414 466 973 Davey Hong 0424 603 824 Davey Hong 洪俊嵩 0424 603 824 Call 9386 3406 / 9386 3388 Call 9386 3406 / 9386 3388

Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016

OATLEY 20 Glen Road 明亮開放式家居,寧靜位置,重隱私,舒適怡居。怡人設計,多功能實用佈局,自 This bright open home promises untold comfort and privacy in a peaceful family-friendly setting. Its fluid design and functional layout combine to maximise natural light and create a spacious atmosphere in separate lounge and 然光充足,寬敞空間,獨立起居室及飯廳。新裝修廚房,私人鋪有草坪的後院, dining areas. With an updated kitchen, private grassy backyard, three good sized bedrooms with built-ins, a 3 間寬敞睡房均有入牆櫃,多功能書房,獨立客用 studio 有浴室,洗衣房及廚房。 versatile study and self-contained guest studio including bathroom, laundry and kitchen. Great opportunity with 2 物 業 潛 力 租 金 回 報 約 $1,000/ 周。 近 Oatley 及 Mortdale 店 鋪, 公 共 交 通, 近 potential rental of approximately $1,000pw for both properties. All set within easy reach of Oatley and Mortdale Oatley West 公立學校及風景如畫的 Oatley shops and transport options, with Oatley West Public 公園。 School and picturesque Oatley Park just moments away.





指導售價 $1,000,000 - $1,100,000 Guide $1,100,000 - $1,200,000 Auction Saturday 14th May 12.00pm 現場拍賣 2016 年 5 月 14 日 週六 12.00pm View Saturday 12.30 1.00 開放參觀 週六 12.30 - 1.00 Kieran Bresnahan 0406 381 381 Kieran Bresnahan 0406 381 381 David McMahon 0468 688 924 David McMahon 04687242 688 924 Call 8558 7222 / 8558 Call 8558 7222 / 8558 7242

華埠罕有永久地契三相連物業 招標出售可發展酒店住宅用途 悉尼華埠罕有永久地契的一塊三相連物業、最近委托高力國際地產 Colliers International 放盤出售, 此搶手物業將可發展成為酒店,住宅或學生宿舍等用途大樓。 此位于華埠莎瑟街 321-325 的物業由香港一位投資者於 1988 年買入,今次是 28 年來首次出讓。這 塊難得的三相連物業樓高五層,面積 391 平方米,可作綜合用途,並有機會可發展成 50 米高 , 樓面 面積比率為 9:1 的大廈。 是次放售委托高力國際地產亞洲市場及投資部的梁喜明及李國章負責。此物業已經內部整合翻新裝 修,混凝土地板,升降機由地庫至 2 樓,經內部樓梯直達 3 樓,各樓層內部天花板高眺,提供足夠 空間作多功能性用途。物業地庫附設停車位,可經由 James Lane 進入。 高力國際地產亞洲市場及投資部全國總監梁喜明指 出:此物業位于華埠地段,距離悉尼市政廳火車站 與達令港僅 50 米。此物業受惠於 30 億元的“達令廣場” 發展計劃,必將成為有意在悉尼興旺物業市場佔一 席位的本地及海外投資發展商爭相競逐的搶手樓盤。 根據悉尼地方環境計劃 (LEP)2012 的規劃下,此物 業屬於 B8 都會中心區域內,在 B8 此區域範圍內的 地塊可批准 ( 如獲同意 ) 作綜合用途,包括:商業辦 公室,零售活動,註冊會所,娛樂設施,旅遊及訪 客旅館等。同時,此區域亦有可能作興建住宅用途。 高力國際地產亞洲市場及投資部經理李國章亦表示: 此區域內能與此相連物業規模比較的樓盤並不多見。 在可見的未來,這種高質物業仍非常罕有,市場需 求甚殷。 此 莎 瑟 街 321-325 物 業 位 于 Bathurst 及 Liverpool 街交界處,附近咖啡店,餐館,商舖及零售購物店 舖 林 立, 同 時 亦 將 受 惠 於 東 達 令 港 大 規 模 重 建 及 Barangaroo 發展計劃的帶動高速增長。附近著名大 廈林立包括有世界廣場,聯邦銀行大樓,市政廳大 樓等。 華埠莎瑟街 321-325 物業以招標形式出售,截標日 期為 2016 年 6 月 9 日,查詢請聯系 : 梁喜明 Steam Leung 0412 236 138 或 李 國 章 Jordan Lee 0435 967 245。



Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016

GREENWICH 2 Anglo Road 这栋令人惊叹的古典與現代完美融合家居,室內古典裝修,完美無暇,居住在這裡, Showcasing a blend of period and contemporary elements, this stunning Federation classic provides flawless 讓您心曠神怡。室內怡人佈局,宽敞、明亮,並可觀城市天際線的壯觀美景。高水準 interiors, a flowing entertainers’ layout and widespread city skyline views. Renovated to high standards, it features 全新裝修,室内開放式起居室及飯廳可通向平臺,後院,優雅的起居室,高天花板, an open plan living space that seamlessly connects to the rear deck and courtyard plus an elegant lounge room 裝有煤氣火爐,可供您与家人休闲、娱乐。樓上,一整層是主人房,有陽光充足的學 with a soaring ceiling and gas fireplace. Upstairs, the whole floor master includes a light filled study space, modern 習區,現代 spa 套間,大陽臺,可觀海港大橋的壮丽美景。法式煤氣煮食廚房,寬敞 spa ensuite and large balcony with bridge views. A French provincial style gas kitchen and ample storage provide 儲物室。迴旋靜街,近 St Leonards 火車站及咖啡店。 further highlights. Located within a quiet cul-de-sac, it’s positioned an easy stroll to St Leonards Station and cafés.





Auction Saturday 14th May 10.30am

2016 年 5&月 14 10.00 日 週六 10.30am View Sat Wed - 10.30

開放參觀 週六 & 週三 10.00 - 10.30 Davey Hong 0424 603 824 Davey Hong 洪俊嵩 0424 603 824 Peter Chauncy 0402 036 489 Peter Chauncy 489 3388 /0402 8115036 0401 Call 9386 Call 9386 3388 / 8115 0401

NAREMBURN 13/10 Dalleys Road “ 樓 中 樓 ” 雅 柏 文, 自 然 光 充 足, 室 內 寬 敞 佈 局, 保 養 良 好。 原 為 建 於 1923 年 Designed to flood the home in light, this loft apartment opens to spacious interiors maintained in impeccable 的’Schoolhouse’,寬敞的公共走廊,宏偉的中央花園。室內寬敞起居室及飯廳,高天 condition. Originally constructed in 1923, the ’Schoolhouse’ complex is reimagined as a boutique address, offering 花板,現代煤氣煮食廚房,寬敞睡房可觀綠蔭美景。物業有天窗,現代浴室有浴缸, broad communal corridors and a gorgeous central courtgarden. The residence opens to a vast living and dining 獨立洗衣房有客用衛生間。保安雅柏文有上鎖車庫,短程可至 St Leonards 火車站及 area graced with a cathedral ceiling, a contemporary gas kitchen and a generous bedroom revealing leafy 雜貨鋪 / 餐館。 outlooks. It also provides skylights, a modern bathroom with bath, while the separate laundry has a guest w/c. This security apartment has a lock-up garage and is a short stroll from St Leonards Station and village grocers/eateries.





Auction Saturday 21st May 10.30am View Sat 10.00 - 10.30 & Wed 5.30 - 6.00 開放參觀 Alon Beran 0433 233 910 週六 10.00 - 10.30 & 週三 5.30 - 6.00 Call 9908 6071 2016 年 5 月 21 日 週六 10.30am

Alon Beran 0433 233 910

Davey Hong 洪俊嵩 0424 603 824 Call 9908 6071

H 2 Anglo Road GREENWICH 2 Anglo Road


Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016

CHATSWOOD 8 Louise Avenue 此魅力家居,地處高地勢,可觀綠蔭山谷美景,高品質新裝修,易打理,可供您舒適 Capturing tranquil elevated views across the valley, this immaculate single level home has been stylishly updated for easycare modern living. Wonderfully quiet throughout, it features generous living and dining rooms with polished 居住的。寧靜位置,室內有寬敞起居室及飯廳,鋪有拋光實木地板,大戶外娛樂平 timber floors plus a large outdoor entertaining deck that overlooks the lush rear lawn. The recently completed 臺,可觀草坪。新近裝修的現代廚房與備餐區相連,寬敞主人房有入牆櫃。室內裝有 contemporary kitchen adjoins a meals area, while the spacious master bedroom includes built-in robes. Ducted air 中央空調,另有保養良好的浴室,寬敞儲物室。綠蔭街道,便利位置,幾分鐘可至 conditioning, a well presented full bathroom and ample storage space are further highlights of this home. Located in 店鋪,餐館及公共交通。 aChatswood sought-after tree lined street, it is positioned just minutes from Chatswood’s shops, eateries and transport.





現場拍賣 2016 年 5- $1,980,000 月 21 日 週六 10.30am Guide $1,800,000 開放參觀 週六 & 21st 週三May 12.00 - 12.30 Auction Saturday 10.30am Brent Courtney 380 View Sat & Wed 0411 12.00888 - 12.30 Brent Courtney 0411 888 Davey Hong 侯俊嵩 0424380 603 824 Davey Hong 0424 603 824 Call 9417 9604 / 9386 3388 Call 9417 9604 / 9386 3388


Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016

ROSEVILLE 62 William Street 北向,寬敞大地,占地面積約 930 平方米,寬敞空間,優雅完工,現代新裝修。室內 Resting on a vast 930sqm north facing block, this single level home reflects effortless family living with ample 多功能怡人佈局,保養良好,多功能室可通向私人戶外娛樂區,草坪。機會難得,投 space, elegant finishes and modern updates. The beautifully crafted interiors form a versatile layout with well 資,擴建,增加價值的良機,機會難得,兩街前庭,寬敞可進餐廚房,煤氣煮食,步 maintained and functional living zones extending to a private alfresco setting and vast, level lawns. An exceptional 入式食品貯藏室,寬敞睡房,空調,整潔浴室。黃金便利位置,近 Chatswood CBD 及eat-in frontage, a spacious opportunity to invest, expand and capitalise, this property features rare, dual street Roseville 公立學校。 kitchen equipped with premium gas cooking and walk-in pantry, well proportioned bedrooms, air conditioning and a chic, full bathroom. Its desired street address is just a stroll to Chatswood CBD and Roseville Public School.




現場拍賣 2016 年 5 月 14 日 週六 2.15pm

Auction Saturday 14th May 2.15pm

開放參觀 & 週三 View Sat 週六 & Wed 10.0010.00 - 10.30- 10.30 Jon 0425241 241525 525 JonDundas-Smith Dundas-Smith 0425

Davey 0424 DaveyHong Hong 洪俊嵩 0424 603 824603 824 Call 2907//9386 9386 3388 3388 Call9496 94962907

ROSEVILLE 63 Darling Street 東北向,古典家居,怡人佈局,室內可通向陽光充足的花園。整個物業室內、外融匯貫通,寬 Embracing a north east to rear aspect, this classic family property presents an intuitive layout with an uninterrupted 敞起居室可通向陽光充足的太陽房,飯廳可通向戶外娛樂休息室。花崗石檯面廚房,不銹鋼廚 view through the heart of the home out to the sun soaked garden. The living area opens into a versatile sunroom, while the dining room 高品質完成的主浴室, flows out to the alfresco 鋪有時尚馬賽克磁磚。 entertainers’ retreat. A granite kitchen enjoys stainless gas 具,煤氣煮食廚房, 高天花板, 實木地板, 百葉窗。 stylish mosaic tiles. It also features high ceilings, appliances, while the upgraded main bathroom is finished with 寧靜街道,步行可至 Chatswood CBD 及火車站,Roseville 公立學校校網,近 Beauchamp 公園。 stained timber floors and plantation shutters. Ideally set on a serene street in walking distance of Chatswood CBD and trains, it falls in the Roseville Public School catchment and is close to Beauchamp Park.




指導售價 $1,900,000 - $2,090,000 Guide $1,900,000 - $2,090,000 現場拍賣 Auction Saturday 21st May 9.00am 2016 21 日 週六- 11.30 9.00am View年 Sat5 &月Wed 11.00

開放參觀 週六 & 週三 11.00 - 11.30 Jon Dundas-Smith 0425 241 525

824 Davey Hong 0424 603 Jon Dundas-Smith 0425 241 525 Call 9496 2907 / 9386 3388 Davey Hong 侯俊嵩 0424 603 824 Call 9496 2907 / 9386 3388

Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016

EASTWOOD 3 Longview Street 保養良好,高品質雙磚家居,占地面積約 740 平方米。即可入住,無需重新裝修 Well maintained, this quality double brick home on approx 740sqm of prime land offers the perfect residence for all families. Move in without any need for renovation or build a second dwelling on an expansive, easement free 或可在後院建造第二套物業,無地下電纜(需市政批准)。現有寬敞、陽光充足起 backyard (STCA). This immaculate property features spacious, sun drenched living and dining room, separate 居室及飯廳,獨立備餐區,近新煤氣煮食廚房,4 間睡房,主人房超過 20 平方米。 meals area with a near new gas kitchen, four bedrooms including master bedroom over 20sqm. There’s a shaded 戶外娛樂區,大後院。黃金位置,步行可至巴士站及學校,近 Eastwood 購物中心, alfresco entertaining area and vast level backyard. A supreme location to live, this home’s address is walking Macquarie 中心,大學及商業圈。 distance to buses and school, close to Eastwood shopping, Macquarie Centre, University and Business Park.





現場拍賣 Auction Saturday 28th May 12.45pm 2016 年 512.15 月 28 日 週六 12.45pm View Sat - 12.45 & Thu 5.00 - 5.30 開放參觀 Daniel Hennessy 0410 608 610 週六 12.15 - 12.45 & 週四 5.00 - 5.30 Nathan Gauci 0435 744 133 Daniel Hennessy 0410 608 610 Call 8889 38910435 744 133 Nathan Gauci Call 8889 3891

WEST RYDE 3 Mirool Street 宏偉家居,全新裝修,高品質完工,注重細節。優雅石灰華門廳可通向鋪有大理石 Showcasing a grand ambience, this home reveals an astounding renovation, presenting exquisite finishes which 的起居室及飯廳,凱撒石檯面廚房,全新廚房。寬敞平坦後院,戶外可通向實木娛 create an incomparable level of luxury and attention to detail. An elegant Travertine entrance leads to distinct lounge and dining areas with marble finishes, while the CaesarStone kitchen features brand new appliances. 樂平臺。4 睡房鋪有竹木實木地板,主人房有大理石套間,提花簾。重隱私,便利 There’s outdoor flow to a hardwood entertaining deck and expansive購物中心。 backyard, while further highlights include four 位置,幾步可至巴士站,近火車站,學校及 Eastwood bedrooms with bamboo timber floors, a marble finished ensuite to the master and jacquard satin drill curtains. A haven of privacy and convenience, footsteps to city buses, handy to rail, schools and Eastwood shopping.




現場拍賣 2016 年 5月 日 週六 9.45am Auction Saturday 28th May289.45am 開放參觀 週六 1.15 - 1.45 View Saturday 1.15 - 1.45 Michael Dowling 0418 637 593 MichaelHong Dowling 0418 637 Davey 洪俊嵩 0424593 603 824 Davey Hong 0424 603 824 Call 8889 3895 Call 8889 3895


Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016

CREMORNE G02/41 Gerard Street 新近完工的’Acacia’ 保安樓宇內,室內、外寬敞空間融匯貫通,時尚、現代、 Newly completed, the ’Acacia’ security complex offers flowing indoor/outdoor apartments for stylish contemporary 方便您居住。由著名設計公司 Brewster Murray 設計,室內開放式佈局,寬敞 living. Designed by Brewster Murray architects, the open plan interiors are spacious and filled with northern sunlight, 空間,北向,太陽光充足,室內可通向戶外區 / 草坪,大平臺。凱撒石檯面廚 extending to alfresco areas/lawns on the ground floor and vast terraces above. The CaesarStone kitchens include 房,Miele 廚具,寬敞睡房有入牆櫃。整潔磁磚浴室,創意辦公空間,中央空調, integrated Miele appliances, while each of the well scaled bedrooms have built-in wardrobes. With sleekly tiled 機會難得。便利位置,幾步可至 Neutral 店鋪及巴士站。 bathrooms, purpose-built study areas and ductedBay air conditioning, these nine homes provide a wonderful lifestyle opportunity. Conveniently located, the block is steps from Neutral Bay shops and buses.




現場拍賣 2016 年 5 月 21 日 週六 9.45am Auction Saturday 21st May 9.45am 開放參觀 週六 & 週四 9.45 - 10.15 View Sat & Thu 9.45 - 10.15 Michael Coombs 0424 Michael Coombs 0424 391391 255 255 Davey Hong 洪俊嵩 0424 603 824 Davey Hong 0424 603 824 Call 9006 6323 / 9386 3388 Call 9006 6323 / 9386 3388

Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016

MOSMAN 29 Middle Head Road 北向,可觀海港美景,豪華家居,占地面積約 11654 平方米,有休閒時尚設 Embracing sparkling due north harbour views, this luxury family home set on 1,165sqm offers resort style amenities. 施。4 處獨立生活區,可供您的家人生活、娛樂,大凱撒石檯面廚房與正規及 Four separate living areas cater for families of all shapes and sizes, with a huge CaesarStone kitchen interacting with 休閒區域連接,獨立電視區,娛樂室。北向陽臺可觀網球場,泳池。頂層主 casual and formal areas, as well as a separate television zone and a rumpus. There is a side terrace, plus superb 人套房有步入式衣帽間及私人陽臺,大理石整潔浴室。門前巴士站,步行可至 north facing balconies overlooking the competition sized tennis court and the heated pool. The top floor master suite Mosman Balmoral is appointed購物中心及 a walk through robe and a海灘。 private balcony, while immaculate bathrooms feature marble finishes. Offering city buses at the door, it’s set within walking distance to Mosman shopping village and Balmoral Beach.





登記購買意向截止日期 For Sale Expressions of Interest close 6Wednesday 月 1 日 週三 5.00pm 1st June 5.00pm 開放參觀 週六 & 週四 12.30 - 1.00 View Sat & Thu 12.30 - 1.00 Jacqui Rowland-Smith 714 442 Jacqui Rowland-Smith 04110411 714 442 Michael Coombs 0424 391 255 Michael Coombs 0424 391 255 Call 9006 6323 Call 90066322 6322/ 9006 / 9006 6323


Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016

MOSMAN 13 Burran Avenue 每一個房間,都可以觀賞 Heads Balmoral 的壯觀的景色,由 Corben Showcasing spectacular viewsthe through the至 Heads to Balmoral from almost every room, 建 this exquisite Corben 築公司設計,現代豪華府邸,陽光充足,寬敞空間,室內、外融匯貫通。開放 Architects designed home is a contemporary masterpiece of light, space and seamless flow. It features an open plan 式的起居室和飯廳,經雙折門可通向有大理石壁爐的正規起居室,鋪路的露天 living and dining room that extends through bi-fold doors, a separate formal lounge with a marble fireplace, a paved pool. Additional highlights include an island alfresco entertaining area and a rear terrace that overlooks a mosaic-tiled 娛樂區和可俯瞰馬賽克瓷磚池的露臺。其它亮點有 Miele 的廚具,充滿陽光的 kitchen with Miele appliances, sun filled bedrooms that all extend to balconies, a stunning master suite, a downstairs 臥室,可通向陽臺,主人套房,樓下娛樂室,書房和四個上鎖車庫。黃金位置, rumpus, study and four car海灘。 lock-up garage. Ideally positioned, it is only footsteps from Balmoral Beach. 僅幾步可至 Balmoral




登記購買意向截止日期 For Sale Expressions of Interest close 5 月 25 日 25th 週三May 5.00pm Wednesday 5.00pm 開放參觀 週六 & 週四 10.30 - 11.00 View Sat & Thu 10.30 - 11.00 Jacqui Rowland-Smith 0411 0411 714 442 Jacqui Rowland-Smith 714 442 Anthony Zakos 0419 503 000 Anthony Zakos 0419 503 000 Call 9006 6322 / 9006 6325 Call 9006 6322 / 9006 6325

Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016

MOSMAN 72 Raglan Street 宏偉安妮女王的古典家居,Dunleigh,1909 A grand Queen Anne Federation home, Dunleigh c1909年建造,內部精美裝潢,重現 showcases exquisitely renovated interiors, restored period 古典的細節,可觀賞寧靜的海港景色。室內裝修令人印象深刻,優雅的起居 detail and peaceful harbour views. Immediately impressive, it features a selection of elegant living and dining rooms, 室和飯廳,兩層樓高天花板。娛樂平臺可觀私人 spa,受兒童歡迎的綠油油 plus soaring high ceilings across both floors. The skylit entertaining deck overlooks a wonderfully private spa, while at the front of the parcel the lush child-friendly lawn is embraced by landscaped gardens. A world class white granite 的草坪,美景花園。世界頂級白色花崗岩檯面廚房,大臥室,豪華浴室和獨 kitchen, large bedrooms, luxurious bathrooms and a separate form further highlights of this rare offering. Proudly 立健身房更將豪宅的氣質突顯。占地面積超過 664gym 平方米,黃金位置,近城 set across 664sqm, it is ideally positioned moments to city ferries and vibrant village shops. 市渡輪,繁華的店鋪。





現場拍賣 2016 14th 年 5May 月 14 日 週六 1.30pm Auction Saturday 1.30pm 開放參觀 & 週四 View Sat & 週六 Thu 1.15 - 1.451.15 - 1.45 Michael Coombs 0424 Michael Coombs 0424 391 391 255 255 Davey Hong 0424 603 824 Davey Hong 洪俊嵩 0424 603 824 Call 9006 / 9386 3388 Call 90066323 6323 / 9386 3388


Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016

CASTLE COVE 181 Deepwater Road 水濱,重隱私位置,機會難得,寧靜大地,面積約 平方米。全屋靚麗呈現, Privately nestled in a tranquil waterfront reserve setting, this1031 immaculate family home offers a superb lifestyle 保養良好,獨立休閒及正規起居室,可通向娛樂平臺。觀賞綠蔭美景,優雅起居 opportunity across a peaceful 1,031sqm parcel. Beautifully presented throughout, it features separate casual and formal living zones plus seamless flow onto the rear entertainers’ deck. With a leafy perspective, the elegant lounge 室,有大窗,可觀太陽能熱水池,綠蔭草坪。4 間寬敞睡房,現代煤氣廚房,美 heated pool and lush level lawn. Four generous room boasts a large picture window and overlooks the solar 景花園,寬敞儲物室。遠離道路,易至 Chatswood, city 及名校。 bedrooms, a modern gas kitchen, established gardens and abundant storage space. Set well away from the road, it is an easy commute from Chatswood, the city and a range of schools.




指導售價 $1,850,000 - $2,030,000 Guide $1,850,000 - $2,030,000 現場拍賣 2016 年 5月 289.45am 日 週六 9.45am Auction Saturday 28th May 開放參觀 週三- 10.00 View Sat &週六 Wed&10.00 10.30 - 10.30 Grant Borley0422 0422917 917 288 Grant Borley 288 David Howe 侯先生 0417 David Howe 0417 088 833 088 833 Call 6051 Call 9908 9908 6051

CASTLE COVE 116 Deepwater Road 位於高地勢雙磚雙層豪宅,占地面積約 平方米,全屋光猛通爽,怡人佈局, Elevated to capture a spectacular district outlook,847 this full brick home on 847sqm is ideal for large families with its 寬敞空間,宜大家庭居住。設有正式客飯廳及舒適生活區,室內可通向娛樂平臺, flexible layout, ample space and scope to customise. The versatile layout forms a selection of comfortable living zones and potential to create dual accommodation while extending to a private entertaining terrace and family 泳池。獨立石檯面廚房,煤氣廚具,所有寬敞睡房均設入牆櫃。樓上設有 3 睡房 kitchen equipped with premium gas appliances, swimming pool. Additional highlights include a sleek, stone 及書房,陽光充足的主人房,主人房及另一睡房設有可觀叢林美景的私人露臺。 generously scaled bedrooms appointed with built-in wardrobes and a light filled master bedroom with far reaching 近 Castle Cove 鄉村俱樂部及 Castle Cove 公立學校。 views and private terrace. This home is moments to Castle Cove Country Club and Castle Cove Public School.




指導售價 $2,250,000 - $2,450,000 Guide $2,250,000 - $2,450,000 現場拍賣 2016 年 月 411.15am 日 週六 11.15am Auction Saturday 4th6June 開放參觀 週三- 11.00 View Sat &週六 Wed&11.00 11.30 - 11.30 Grant 0422917 917 288 Grant Borley Borley 0422 288 Adam Wong 0403 315 349 Adam Wong 0403 315 349 Call 6038//9908 99086051 6051 Call 9908 9908 6038

Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016

Bondi 最著名的海濱美宅 Lighthouse 511 – 東北朝向,全新3臥房 Penthouse, 奢華雙層457平方米佈局,盡 享Bondi Beach壯觀美景。

擁有這套獨一無二的頂層豪華公寓,您可盡享 頂級住宅生活設施,門房服務,酒店服務,泊 車服務以及悉尼最佳的健身房與泳池。

由PTW Architects 建築事務所與室內設計 師高田浩一(Koichi Takada)聯手打造現 代典雅風格,休閒與莊重相結合,完美無 縫延伸至戶外平臺,加熱泳池可俯瞰海灘 全景。

The Pacific設置了高端餐飲與零售區域,擁有 悉尼最佳的餐廳和咖啡店,時尚精品店,以及 奢華水療Spa,讓您的生活更加舒適愜意。

預約參觀 Steven Chen – 0412 959 959 | Luke Hayes – 0402 394 816





Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016

3 Wentworth Street Dover Heights 3.5



海濱迴旋街道,近新物業,可觀海港及海洋美景 開放參觀: 週六 & 週四 10.45-11.30am 開放參觀: 週六 & 週四 11.00-11.45am 詳電:Ric Serrao 0412 072 178 ��:3�10� 週四 6�m Patrick Cosgrove 0407 776 764 �o���e �a� ���� 詳電:Deny Bernar�o 040� 803 300 �ark �o��man 0411 1�3 2��


可觀賞Bondi海岸線至城市天際線的美景,生態友好物業, 創新現代設計,藝術裝修。高品質完工,多功能,實用物業, ���������������������������觀���� 寬敞室內、外娛樂空間。娛樂室及媒體室可通向娛樂泳池, Laurence Natale’s visio����������������������� 草坪,屋頂平臺,可觀Bondi海灘至悉尼海港的美景。 ���觀������������������������������ �����������������������������Watsons �a���������������������300�������

Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016


5 Marroo Street

古典半獨立家居,陽光充足的花園式後院 Bronte 黃金位置,半獨立古典家居,近 Clovelly 及 Bronte 海灘,短程步行可至 Clovelly 公立學校, 公園,商店,公共汽車,咖啡館和餐館,包括 Three Blue Ducks。 特色,寬敞睡房中性色彩,高天花板,拋光實木地板,怡人佈局,有潛力可建 2 層(需市政批准), 可觀海洋美景。磚面正牆,保養良好,棋盤格磁磚外廊。舒適大門廳,大睡房,雙人睡房,浴室, 洗衣房,中央起居室,可進餐廚房,家庭活動室可通向有頂露臺,可觀海洋美景,5 步可至陽光充 足的鋪有磚的私人後院花園。

地標式建築 未來有開發潛力

1,356 平方米 7 地塊住宅區 有潛力可改用途

* 罕有 7 地塊,面積約 1,356 平方米 位於極具聲望 著名區域 Woollahra 中心

* 大潛力,可供自住, 開發或投資

* 現經營 32 室精品賓館, 有酒牌, 現代多功能空間, 餐館,酒吧,11 車位

出售登記公共購買意向截止日期 2016 年 5 月 31 日 週二 4PM (AEST)



拍賣:2016 年 5 月 25 日 週六 6.30pm 開放參觀 : 週六 & 週三 11.15am – 12noon Paul Kantor 0418 227 901 Annabelle Webb 0415 558 674 02 9327 5825 Richardson & Wrench Double Bay



Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016






豪華 Duplex, 可觀海港美景,大保安車庫


豪華 Duplex,可觀由 Elizabeth Bay 至 CBD 天際線的美景, 現代 2 睫毛膏豪華雅柏文,獨立契約,可供大家庭居住。位於 海港黃金位置,面對 Yarranabbe Park,堅固建造,短程可至 碼頭及 CYC。重隱私,安全物業,優雅室內裝修,鑲木地板, 中央空調,室內電梯可至保安泊車位及儲物室。2 套雅柏文均 有 3 睡房,大理石浴室,花崗石檯面,煤氣煮食廚房,洗衣房, 寬敞起居室及飯廳可通向寬平臺,可觀美景。2 層,樓上雅柏 文有 3 車位;樓下雅柏文有 2 車位。機會難得,近 CBD 及悉 尼海港。

開放參觀 : 週六 1.15-2.00pm 登記購買意向截止日期 5 月 20 日週五 Michael Dunn 0419 888 815 Veronika Brinkmann 0411 195 337 02 9327 5825 Richardson & Wrench Double Bay

Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016

最後兩套豪華雅柏文 3 睡房 + 大書房 /2 浴室 + 衛生間 /1 車位 + 儲物室 總面積約 155-240 平方米 /BROOKVALE

黃金位置,可獲得高資本增長 生活方式 / 靚麗物業 / 怡居的家庭環境 高品質完工,歐式廚具,裝有空調 大睡房,奢華地毯,入牆櫃。主人房有套間 進口石檯面及磁磚,訂制櫥櫃。 幾分鐘可至 Westfield 購物中心,公共交通,高爾夫球場,學校及海灘。 樣板展示間現可開放參觀:Jack Tsao 0424 508 789 Michael Burgio 0430 344 700



Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016


2 Richard Street & 44 Lower Serpentine Road 開放參觀 : 2 套水濱豪華家居 2 套 水 濱 家 居,‘ROCKLEIGH’, 建 於 1880 年, 而 44 Lower Serpentine Road, 建於 14 年前。2 套物業均可無障礙的觀賞 Greenwich Baths 及海灘,至海港大橋及天際線的美景。宏偉、 優雅、獨特,近渡輪,公園,不到 15 分鐘可至 CBD 中心。

週六 & 週四 12:00pm - 12:45pm 預約參觀 現場拍賣: 2016 年 5 月 28 日 週六 12:15pm 詳電: Tony Barron 0414 333 100 Harriet France 0408 936 373

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we deen to be reliable. However we cannot guarantee its accuracy and interested parties should rely on their own enquiries.

Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016

雪梨內城公寓 極致奢華,物超所值 精品雅柏文,絕佳藝術建築設計施工,舊工業風 貌與現代特色相結合 林蔭靜街佳位,步行可至Mascot火車站及 Green Square區 發掘古典與現代完美融合的Alexandria——悉 尼最受追捧的熱門地段 Studio 1睡房 2睡房 3睡房

$540,000 - $580,000 $550,000 - $640,000 $680,000 - $880,000 $1,150,000 - $1,200,000

現在發售 敬請參觀展示房 33 BIRMINGHAM ST, ALEXANDRIA 週三至週日 12PM-3PM開放



Book 4, Issue No. 511 / Friday May 06, 2016

熱售中 EPPINGS市中心最佳黃金位置

精品22層高層雅柏文飽覽壯觀城市及本地美景 大多數樓層僅2或3套雅柏文 可供住客使用的休閒、娛樂設施 步行5分鐘可至Epping火車站 高品質完工 1,2及3睡房及整層閣樓雅柏文

請參觀我們的銷售中心 35 Oxford Street,Epping 週四12.00am-4.00pm 週六 & 周日 10.00am-4.00pm


詳情致電 Sue Tseng 0406 485 799

Lilya Melnikoff 0413 830 020

1300 LUXCON (589 266)

Friday May 06, 2016





Tel:9696 2345


位居高地,上风上水 视野开阔,绿树成荫 优质学区,理想家园 最新推 出 位 于 北 区 G o rd on 的 豪 华 公 寓 , 1 、 2 和 3 睡 房 优 质 公 寓 以 及 豪 华 顶 层 住 宅 供 您 选 择 。 步 行 至 购 物 中 心 , 火 车 站 ; 学 校 , 娱 乐 设 施 以 及 停 车场 一 切 尽 在 这 里 。

$680,000起 第三期火热开售

1800 188 880 www. gor dongr a nge . c o m . a u

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