The Film House Film + Dining Guide (Jan 2019)

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VIP access to meet and greets, artist chats, and receptions Exchange tickets, as needed Bi-weekly e-newsletter Direct to home mailing of your Film+Dining Guide

Leaves, then snow, and films ready to roll

9p 9p

The retired art critic and contrarian David Hickey once said the greatest art movement of the twentieth century was Rock ‘n’ Roll. I’d back him to the wall on that. He also claimed the future of art in the twenty-first century belonged to the moving image. The variety and quality of the titles our $9.50 - generalconsider admission + HST film programmers these daysDavid suggests Hickey it squarely on both counts. of the The retired art critic and contrarian Hickey oncehit said the greatest art movement

Leaves, thenAdmission snow, and films ready to roll Film House Leaves, then snow, and films ready to roll

Leaves, then snow, and films ready to roll

$7 - member & 13 and under + HST

9p 9p

9p 9p

9p NR 9p NR

twentieth century wasGroup Rock scouts ‘n’ Roll.films I’d back him to from the wall on that. He claimed the of Our Film for people allsaid walks digalso into,art engage with,future and TheProgramming retired art critic and contrarian David Hickey once thetogreatest movement of the artstimulating in the twenty-first century belonged to the moving image. The variety andthat quality ofthings the titles our find and entertaining. We do OK, we think, but there’s no doubting some slip century was contrarian Rock ‘n’ Roll. I’d back himonce to thesaid wallthe on that. He also claimed theof future Thetwentieth retired art critic and David Hickey greatest artcounts. movement the of film programmers consider these days suggests Hickey hit it squarely on both past. There’s a ton weight releases coming down the and even seven eyes can’t art in the twenty-first century belonged to the moving variety andofclaimed quality ofthe thefuture titles our twentieth century was of Rock ‘n’ Roll. I’d back him tochute theimage. wall onThe that. Hesets also of Bitethem sized reviews of greattoo meals at$30 restos inand theHickey core! Tiffany Mayer [TM], Jordy Yack spot all. There’s a thing where our timing a distributor’s designs just don’t jive. For thetitles our Film House Memberships are only +HST and are valid for one year from date ofof purfilm programmers consider these days suggests hit it squarely on both counts. Our Film scouts films for people fromimage. all walks to variety dig into,and engage with, and art in theProgramming twenty-first Group century belonged to the moving The quality the Canada, 2017. Directed by Eric Summer, Éric Warin. 89 min. G to choose [JY], Michael Chess [MC], and Stephen Remus share their favourite meals.we Dinner current calendar, we thought we’d give our audience a[SR] chance a 2018 that didn’t slip chase. Perks of membership include: find stimulating and entertaining. Wedays do OK, we think, butGthere’s no doubting things film10 programmers consider these suggests Hickey hit it squarely on release bothsome counts. Canada, 2017. Directed by Eric Summer, Éric Warin. min. Sat Nov 4PM Our Film Programming Group scouts films for89 people from all walks to dig into, engage with, and and a movie’s never been better in downtown St. Catharines. pick up but that warrants viewing at The Film House. past. There’s a ton weight of releases coming down the chute and even seven sets of eyes can’t Sat 10 Nov 4PM find stimulating entertaining. Wefilms do OK, we think,from but there’s no to doubting that some things slip $7 entry to and alla thing films (2scouts tickets limit per membership) OurA Film Programming Group for people all walks digjust into, engage with, spot them all. There’s too where our timing and a distributor’s designs don’t jive. For theand There are three horror titles 2018 that drew a lot ofdown praise. We’re looking forseven a,19th-century ‘People’s Choice’ Best friends Félicie and Victor hatch a plan to escape from their rural orphanage in France. past. There’s aand ton weight of releases coming thebut chute and no even sets ofsome eyes can’t A 15% discount offinconcession products, excluding alcohol find stimulating entertaining. We do OK, we think, there’s doubting that things slip current calendar, we thought we’d give our audience a chance to choose a 2018 release we didn’t from this litter toofall. kick-off 2019: the too sci-fi thriller Annihilation starring Nataliedesigns Portman; Adon’t QuietFrance. Best friends Félicie and Victor hatch a plan to Victor escape from and their orphanage in Félicie dreams becoming ballerina, while wants to use his1st brainpower to19th-century invent After spot them There’s a free thing where our timing arural distributor’s justthings. jive. For the A Buy-one-get-one tickets for 1st screening of run feature films + past. There’s a ton weight of releases coming down the chute and even seven sets of eyes can’t pick up but that warrants viewing at The Film House. Place, praised byofStephen for its freaky use of silence; and thebrainpower acclaimed super-natural Félicie dreams becoming a ballerina, while Victor wants toashe use his to invent things. After busting out, Félicie makes her way to the Paris Opera where joins atoclass of highly trained dancers current calendar, weKing thought we’d give our audience chance choose a 2018 release we didn’t Leaves, then snow, and films ready tohorror roll receive a makes voucher to give to friends! (Please reserve the BOGO tickets spot them all. There’s aher thing too where our timing and a joins distributor’s designs just don’t jive. For the film Hereditary. busting out, Félicie way to the Paris Opera where she a class of highly trained dancers who are auditioning for the lead in a production of The Nutcracker. pick up but that warrants viewing at The Film House. There are three horror titles in 2018 that drew a lot of praise. We’re looking for a, ‘People’s Choice’ via phone we or the in-person the Office.) currentauditioning calendar, thought giveBox ourof audience chance toDavid choose 2018 weartdidn’t The retired art criticaand contrarian Hickeyaonce saidrelease the greatest movement of the who for lead inwe’d aat production The Nutcracker. fromare thisnoted litter to kick-off 2019: the sci-fi thriller Annihilation starring Natalie Portman; A Quiet also We’ve also that docs are drawing It’s reassuring the era of ‘fake-news’ twentieth century was Rock ‘n’that I’dHall back him tofor the on that. HeChoice’ claimed the fut 123 STREET / 289-362-2888 pickGENEVA up but that warrants viewing atfilm-goers. The Film Check out Ballet Jörgen’s The Nutcracker Wed 19House. Dec live in Partridge at the A VIP to meet and greets, artist chats, and receptions There areaccess three horror titles in 2018 that drew a lot of praise. We’re looking a,wall ‘People’s Place, praised byJörgen’s Stephen King for itstruths freaky use of silence; and the acclaimed super-natural horror art in the twenty-first century belonged to theatmoving image. The variety and quality of the t some of use are still out there seeking and authentic stories. We’ve responded by loading Check out Ballet The Nutcracker Wed 19 Dec live in Partridge Hall the LOTUS ROOT PANCAKE WITH FirstOntario Performing Arts Centre at 12:15pm (schools) and 7pm (public). fromExchange this litter to kick-off the sci-fi thriller Annihilation starring Natalie Portman; A Quiet A tickets, as2019: needed film programmers consider these days suggests hit it squarely on both counts. film Hereditary. There are praised three horror titles in 2018 that drew a lotofof praise. We’re lookingHickey forsuper-natural a, ‘People’s Choice’ upMIXED more documentaries in this calendar any before. Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 11/9 will FirstOntario Performing Arts Centre atthan 12:15pm (schools) and 7pm (public). GREEN SALAD $7.95 Part of SPRING the HOT TICKET Season! Place, by Stephen King for its freaky use silence; and the acclaimed horror A Bi-weekly e-newsletter Our thriller Film Programming Group scouts for people from all walks to into, engage with storm our screens and native son Ed Burtynsky’s Anthropocene is on its films way. And, we’ve cooked from litter to kick-off 2019: the sci-fi Annihilation starring Natalie Portman; Adig Quiet Part ofthis the HOT TICKET Season! film Hereditary. We’ve also noted that docs are drawing film-goers. It’s reassuring that in the era of ‘fake-news’ stimulating andGuide entertaining. We do OK, we think, but there’s no doubting that some thi A Direct to home mailing of your find Film+Dining upVegan a sweet-n-condensed film school to get us behind the lens for a better understanding of a pair Place, praised by Stephen King for its freaky use of silence; and the acclaimed super-natural Dim Sum? Damn right. This is the ultimate lesson past.and There’s a ton weight of releases coming down the chute and even sevenhorror sets of eyes c some of use are still out there seeking truths authentic stories. We’ve responded by loading We’ve alsotextures. noted that docssticky areIngmar drawing film-goers. It’s that in theand eraaand of ‘fake-news’ ofinup great directors with Searching for Bergman Hal—a of fading spot them all.and There’s areassuring thingportrait too where ourrenegade timing distributor’s film Hereditary. contrasting Inside: rice mixed with more documentaries in this calendar than any before. Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 11/9 will designs just don’t jive current calendar, we thoughtwill we’dprecede give our audience a chance toby choose a 2018 release we someAshby. of usemushrooms. are still outofthere seeking truths and directors authentic stories. We’ve responded loading legend Screenings notable titles by these both docs: Seventh delicately crispy, flaky, stormHal oursweet screens and nativeOutside: son Ed Burtynsky’s Anthropocene is on And, we’ve cooked pick up but that warrants viewing at its The way. Film House. We’ve also noted that docs are drawing film-goers. It’s reassuring that in the era of ‘fake-news’ up more documentaries in this calendar than any before. Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 11/9 will * Seal and Shampoo. Also, to mark Lina Wertmüller’s ninetieth birthday year—the first woman to $9 general admission + HST / $7 member & 13 and under + HST golden goodness. [JY] up a sweet-n-condensed film school to get us behind the lens for a better understanding of a pair There areand threeher horror titles instories. 2018isthat drew a lotresponded ofAnd, praise. We’re for a, ‘People’s C storm our screens andthere native son Ed Burtynsky’s Anthropocene onWe’ve its way. we’ve cooked some ofdirectors use stillincreases out seeking truths authentic bylooking loading be*of nominated forare a best director Oscar—we’re bringing re-mastered and rarely seen, Seven General Admission to beginning January 2019 great with Searching for$9.50 Ingmar Bergman Hal—a portrait renegade and fading Sat 26 Jan 6:30PM > VOTE ONLINE! from this litter toand kick-off 2019: the sci-fi of thriller Annihilation starring Natalie Portman; A Qu up a sweet-n-condensed film school to get us behind the lens for a better understanding of a pair Beauties. up more documentaries in calendar than any before. Michael Moore’s 11/9 will super-natura Sat 26HalJan 6:30PM > this VOTE ONLINE! Place, praised by Stephen Kingwill for its freaky useboth ofFahrenheit silence; andSeventh the acclaimed legend Ashby. Screenings of notable titles by these directors precede docs: of great directorsand with Searching forBurtynsky’s Ingmar Bergman and Hal—aisportrait of renegade and fading film Hereditary. storm our screens native son Ed Anthropocene on its way. And, we’ve cooked Seal and Shampoo. Also, to mark Lina Wertmüller’s ninetieth birthday year—the first woman to We also loaded holidays up with all kinds oftitles indulgent goodies: A Christmas Story, directed by Halthe Ashby. Screenings of notable by these directors precede both docs:that Seventh upnominated alegend sweet-n-condensed film school toWe’ve getbringing us lens forwill a and better understanding ofthe a era pairof ‘fake-ne alsobehind noted her thatthe docs are drawing film-goers. It’sseen, reassuring in be foralong a best director Oscar—we’re re-mastered rarely Seven Bob Clark returns, with another of Clark’s holiday-themed gems, the stalker-horror, A Black ANNIHILATION Bite sized reviews of great meals at restos in the core! Tiffany Mayer [TM], Jordy Yack Seal and Shampoo. Also, to mark Lina Wertmüller’s ninetieth birthday year—the first woman toresponded by load some ST. ofBergman use are still out there seeking truths andof authentic stories.and We’ve 375 PAUL STREET / 905-988-9033 of great directors with Searching for Ingmar and Hal—a portrait renegade fading Beauties.For good measure, ANNIHILATION Christmas. the season of peace, love, and will alsothan includes Mel Gibson and up moreGarland. documentaries inmin. this calendar anymeals. before. Michael Moore’s USA, 2018. Directed byIN Alex 115good 14A [JY], Michael Chess [MC], and Stephen Remus [SR] share their favourite Dinner andFahrenheit 11/9 w be nominated for a best director Oscar—we’re bringing her re-mastered and rarely seen, Seven SALADA SPINACHI CON ANATRA legend Hal Ashby. Screenings of notable titles by these directors precede both docs: Seventh storm our screens and native son Ed will Burtynsky’s Anthropocene is on its way. And, we’ve coo Bruce Willis running through tinsel and strings of coloured lights barefoot and gunning bad guys USA, 2018. Directed by Alex Garland. 115 min. 14A Based onup Jeff VanderMeer’s best-selling Southern Reach Trilogy, Beauties. aWe movie’s never been better in downtown St. Catharines. also loaded the holidays with all kinds of indulgent goodies: A Christmas Story, directed by understanding (SPINACH SALAD W/ up a sweet-n-condensed filmDUCK) school to$15 get us behind the lens a better of Seal and Shampoo. Also, toJeff mark Lina Wertmüller’s ninetieth birthday year—the firstforwoman to down—in Lethal Weapon and Die Hard. Based on VanderMeer’s best-selling Southern Reach Trilogy, Annihilation stars Natalie Portman, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Gina Rodriguez, Bob Clark returns, with another of Clark’s gems, the stalker-horror, Aportrait Black of greatholiday-themed directors with Searching for Ingmar Bergman and Hal—a of renegade and fa be nominated foralong aAnnihilation best director Oscar—we’re bringing her re-mastered and rarely seen, Seven We also loaded the holidays up with all kinds of indulgent goodies: A Christmas Story, directed by stars Natalie Jennifer Jason Leigh, Gina Rodriguez, legend Hal Ashby. Screenings of notable titles by these will precede Thompson, TuvaWe’re Novotny, and Oscar Isaac. Itnot was anddirectors Christmas. Forwinter’s goodTessa measure, the season ofPortman, peace, and good will also includes Mel Gibson andboth docs: Sev Duck Salad, to written be confused with Duck Fall is Bob hereClark and around the corner, cosy uptalking inand alove, seat at The Film House and let these great Beauties. Seal and Shampoo. Also, to mark Lina Wertmüller’s ninetieth birthday returns, along with of Clark’s holiday-themed the stalker-horror, Ayear—the Black first woman Tessa Thompson, Tuva Novotny, Oscar Isaac. Itgems, was written and directed by Alexanother Garland (Ex Machina, 28 Days Later). Bruce Willis running through tinsel and strings of coloured lights barefoot and gunning bad guys Soup! One is the other Marx Brothers farce. Inrarely be nominated fordelicious, alove, best director Oscar—we’re bringing her re-mastered and films whisk you away from the wind and the snow. Christmas. For good measure, the season peace, andLater). good willaalso includes Mel Gibson andseen, Sev directed Alex Garland (Exof Machina, 28 Days down—in Lethal Weapon andbyDie Hard. Beauties. the ‘Soup’, Groucho asARufus T. Firefly, dictator of by We Bruce also loaded the holidays uptinsel with all kinds of of indulgent goodies: Christmas Story, directed Willis running through and strings colouredstarred lights barefoot and gunning bad guys HEREDITARY living life high hog. salad would meet WeClark’s also loaded holidays up on withthe all kinds ofThis indulgent A Christmas Story, direct Bobis Clark returns, along with another ofFredonia holiday-themed gems, the stalker-horror, A Black The Film Programming Group is: Stephen Remus down—in Lethal Weapon and Die Hard. Fall here and winter’s around the corner, cosy upreturns, in atheseat at The Film House and letgoodies: these great HEREDITARY Bob Clark along with ofpeppered Clark’s holiday-themed gems,on theastalker-horror, big Dic’s indulgent tastes: duck breast bed and A USA, 2018. Directed bythe Ariof Aster. 127 min. 14Aanother 123 GENEVA STREET / 289-362-2888 Barry K. Grant, Joan Nicks, Sara Palmieri, Film Programming Group Christmas. For good measure, the season peace, love, and good will also includes Mel Gibson films whisk you away from the wind andby the snow. Christmas. For goodmin. measure, the season of peace, love, and good will also includes Mel Gib 2018. Directed Aribaby Aster. 127 14A of spinach orange poppy seed and When thearound matriarch ofcorner, the Graham family passes her daughter and LOTUS ROOT PANCAKE WITH Fall is here and USA, winter’s cosy up in through awith seat at away, The Film House and let these great Natasha Pedros, Stephen Remus, Niagara Artists Centre Bruce Willis running through tinseltheand strings ofrunning coloured lights barefoot anddressing gunning badorange guys Bruce Willis tinsel and strings of coloured lights barefoot and gunning bad When the matriarch of the Graham family passes away, herfruit daughter anda banana! [SR] wedges. Time flies like an arrow, flies like grandchildren begin to unravel cryptic and increasingly terrifying secrets MIXED SPRING GREEN SALAD $7.95 films whisk you away from the wind and the snow. down—in Lethal Weapon and Die Hard. Kasia Smuga, and Annie Wilson down—in Lethal Weapon and Die Hard. The Film Programming Group is: Stephen Remus grandchildren begin to unravel crypticthe and increasingly terrifying secrets about their ancestry, trying outrun sinister fatecorner, they have Fall istohere and Barry winter’s around the cosy upinherited. inSara a seatPalmieri, at The Film House and let these K. Grant, Joan Nicks, Film Programming Group about their ancestry, trying to outrun the sinister fate they have inherited. Film Programming Group Vegan Sum? Damn right. This is thecorner, ultimate lesson FallStephen isDim here and winter’s around the cosy upNatasha in aThe seat The House andis:let these great Remus films whisk you away from theat wind andFilm the snow. THE FILM HOUSE Pedros, Stephen Remus, Niagara Artists Centre Joan Nicks, Sara Palmieri, infilms contrasting textures. Inside: sticky riceand mixed Film Programming Group whisk you away from the wind the with snow. Barry K. Grant, A QUIET PLACE and Annie Wilson The Film Programming Group is: Film+Dining Guide designed Stephen RemusKasia Smuga, Natasha Pedros, StephenBarry Remus, A QUIET PLACE delicately sweet mushrooms. Outside: crispy, flaky, Niagara Artists Centre Box Office: 905-688-0722 Programming Group USA, 2018. Directed byFilm John Krasinski. 90 min. 14A Artists by Niagara Centre K. Grant, Joan Nicks, Sara Palmi Kasia Smuga, and Annie Wilson golden goodness. Natasha Pedros, Niagara Artists Centre The Film Programming Group is: Stephen Remus, USA, 2018. Directed by John Krasinski. 90 min. 14A 250 St. Paul St. / St.[JY] Catharines ON Stephen Remus Destroyer In a post-apocalyptic world, a family is forced Cover to liveImage: in silence while hiding THE FILM HOUSE Kasia Smuga, and Annie Wilson InGroup a post-apocalyptic world, a familyhearing. is forced in silence Barry to Grant, Joan while Nicks,hiding Sara Palmieri, Film Programmingfrom monsters with ultra-sensitive Guide designed from monsters with ultra-sensitive hearing. THE FILM HOUSE NatashaFilm+Dining Pedros, Stephen Remus, Niagara Artists Centre THE FILM HOUSE Box Office: 905-688-0722 by Niagara Artists Centre Kasia Smuga, and Annie Wilson Film+Dining Guide designed Film+Dining Guide 250 St. Paul St. / St. Catharines ON Cover Image: Destroyer designed

Morsels: Downtown Join a Community ofEats Film Lovers BALLERINA BALLERINA

A CHRISTMAS STORY AUSA,CHRISTMAS STORY Canada, 1974. Directed by Bob Clark. 94 min. PG

USA, Canada, DirectedSat by 22 BobDec Clark. A FILM HOUSE1974. TRADITION! 4PM94+ min. Mon PG 24 Dec 1PM A FILM HOUSE TRADITION! Sat 22 Dec 4PM + Mon 24 Dec 1PM Based on the humorous writings of author Jean Shepherd with large portions filmed in St. Catharines, Based on theholiday humorous writings ofthe author JeanofShepherd with large Parker portions filmed in St. Catharines, this beloved movie follows exploits youngster Ralphie (Peter Billingsley), who this beloved movie followsa the of youngster RalphieofParker (Peter Billingsley), spends mostholiday of his time dodging bullyexploits (Zack Ward) and dreaming his ideal Christmas gift, who a “Red spends his time dodging bullyhis (Zack Ward) dreaming of hisbut ideal Christmas a “Red Ryder airmost rifle.”ofFrequently at oddsawith cranky dadand (Darren McGavin) comforted bygift, his doting Ryder rifle.” Frequently at oddsstruggles with his to cranky McGavin) butglasses comforted by his doting motherair(Melinda Dillon), Ralphie makedad it to(Darren Christmas with his and his hopes intact. mother (Melinda Dillon), Ralphie struggles to make it to Christmas with his glasses and his hopes intact. “It’s a nostalgic comedy featuring a family of eccentrics who lovingly celebrate the holidays and life “It’s comedy featuring family of- Rita eccentrics whoWashington lovingly celebrate itselfainnostalgic Midwestern America in thea1940s.“ Kempley, Post the holidays and life itself in Midwestern America in the 1940s.“ - Rita Kempley, Washington Post


Film House Admission PEOPLE’S CHOICE! 2018 Horror Films


PEOPLE’S CHOICE! 2018 Horror Films



Film+Dining Guide designed by Niagara Artists Centre Cover Image: Skate Kitchen

BLACK CHRISTMAS BLACK CHRISTMAS Canada, 1974. Directed by Bob Clark. 87 min. 18A



Canada, 1974. Directed byDec Bob9PM Clark. 87 min. 18A ONE NIGHT ONLY! Sat 22 ONE NIGHT ONLY! Sat 22 Dec 9PM It’s beginning to look a lot like...bloodshed! As winter break begins, a group of sorority sisters, including It’s to lookand a lotthe like...bloodshed! AsBarb winter break Kidder), begins, abegin grouptoofreceive sorority sisters, including Jessbeginning (Olivia Hussey) often inebriated (Margot anonymous, Jess (Oliviaphone Hussey) and theeggs oftenthe inebriated Barb Kidder), begin to threateningly. receive anonymous, lascivious calls. Barb caller on, but(Margot stops when he responds Soon, Barb’s lascivious phone calls. Barbgoes eggsmissing the caller on,the butsorority stops when heand responds Soon, Barb’s friend Claire (Lynne Griffin) from house, a localthreateningly. adolescent girl is murdered, friend (Lynne Griffin) goes missing theloose. sorority and a localjust adolescent murdered, leadingClaire the girls to suspect a serial killer isfrom on the Buthouse, no one realizes how neargirl theisculprit is. leading the girls to suspect a serial killer is on the loose. But no one realizes just how near the culprit is. “It’s one of the creepiest and most unsettling horror movies ever made, and I just love it to bits.” “It’s one of the creepiest - Kyle Anderson, Nerdist and most unsettling horror movies ever made, and I just love it to bits.” - Kyle Anderson, Nerdist


Box Office: 905-688-0722 by Niagara Artists Centre Box Office: 905-688-0722 250 St. Paul St. / St. Catharines ON by Niagara Artists Centre Cover Image: Destroyer 250 St. Paul St. / St. Catharines ON 375 ST. PAUL STREET / 905-988-9033 Cover Image: Skate Kitchen

THE FILM HOUSE Film+Dining Guide designed by Niagara Artists Centre Cover Image: Skate Kitchen

Box Office: 905-688-0722 250 St. Paul St. / St. Catharines ON

IN SALADA SPINACHI CON ANATRA Guide designed (SPINACH SALAD W/ DUCK) Film+Dining $15 by Niagara Artists Centre

Destroyer We’re talking Duck Salad, notCover to beImage: confused with Duck Soup! One is delicious, the other a Marx Brothers farce. In the ‘Soup’, Groucho starred as Rufus T. Firefly, dictator of Fredonia living life high on the hog. This salad would meet


Germany, USA, 2017. Directed by Eugene Jarecki.107 min. NR Tue 8 Jan 7PM / Sat 12 Jan 9PM / Wed 16 Jan 7PM

Fri 25 Jan 9PM / Sat 26 Jan 9PM / Sun 27 Jan 7 PM / Tue 29 Jan 7PM / Thu 31 Jan 7PM Fri 1 Feb 9PM / Sat 2 Feb 9PM


USA, 2018. Directed by Karyn Kusama. 120 min. 18A Whilst a young LAPD detective, Erin Bell (Nicole Kidman) was sent undercover with her partner Chris (Sebastian Stan) to infiltrate a crime gang headed up by the messianic Silas (Toby Kebbell). Almost twenty years later, the irreparable scars of what took place have left her a barely functioning human, estranged from

her husband (Scoot McNairy), despised by her daughter, and now Erin must confront her fears when the demons of her past begin to crawl out from the LA underbelly. “Kidman has always been a chameleon, but in this case, she doesn’t merely change her color (or don a fake nose, à la The Hours); she disappears into an entirely new skin, rearranging her insides to fit the character’s tough hide.” - Peter Debruge, Variety

Forty years after Elvis’ death, Eugene Jarecki’s new film takes the King’s 1963 Rolls-Royce on a musical road trip across America. From Memphis to New York, Vegas, and beyond, the journey traces the rise and fall of Elvis as a metaphor for the country he left behind. A diverse cast of Americans join the journey, including Alec Baldwin, Rosanne Cash, Chuck D, Emmylou Harris, Ethan Hawke, Van Jones, Mike Myers, and Dan Rather, among many others. Tue 8 Jan is Elvis’ Birthday!

WHERE THE UNIVERSE SINGS: THE SPIRITUAL JOURNEY OF LAWREN HARRIS USA, 2018. Directed by Morgan Neville. 94 min. G Thu 10 Jan 7PM / Fri 11 Jan 6:30 PM / Sat 12 Jan 4PM

An intimate portrait of Canada’s most renowned artist, and the expansive landscapes that inspired him. Co-founder and leader of the legendary Group of Seven, Lawren Harris has become the most valued artist in Canadian history. His canvasses routinely sell at auction for several million dollars. Special event panel discussion with RiverBrink Art Museum at the Thu 10 Jan 7PM screening! “Gorgeous . . . Visually, it is lovely . . . The film has much to offer.” - John Doyle, The Globe and Mail

nal film PM


Canada, 2018. Directed by Nadine Pequeneza. 80min. G Sat 19 Jan 4PM

doc spotlight

What happens when capitalism and charity intersect? From Wall Street to life on the street, The Invisible Heart tracks the birth of one of the fastest growing social innovations in modern history: social impact bonds. This burgeoning financial model promises to solve society’s most complex problems, from crime to homelessness — but is it delivering? Co-presented by the RAFT Resource Centre for Teens.



Canada, 2018. Directed by Greg Durrell. 74 min. NR Wed 9 Jan 7PM Through the lens of graphic design, this documentary follows the transformation of a nation from a colonial outpost to a vibrant and multicultural society. The biggest question we ask ourselves as a country is “what makes us Canadian?” What defines a national identity, is it an anthem? A flag? Is it a logo or icon? In the 1960s and 1970s, these questions were answered by an innovative group of Canadian designers, who used design to unify the nation.

Part of the Architecture+Design Series supported by the Niagara Society of Architects

USA, 2018. Directed by Amy Scott. 90 min NR Wed 23 Jan 7PM + Wed 30 Jan 7PM Although Hal Ashby directed a remarkable string of acclaimed, widely admired classics throughout the 1970s—Harold and Maude, The Last Detail, Shampoo, Coming Home, Being There—he is often overlooked amid the crowd of luminaries from his generation. Amy Scott’s exuberant portrait explores that curious oversight, using rare archival materials, interviews, personal letters, and audio recordings to reveal a passionate, obsessive artist. Check out Shampoo playing at The Film House on Sun 20 Jan at 4PM

Fri 21 Dec 6:30PM / Sat 22 Dec 6:30 PM / Sun 23 Dec 4PM / Thu 27 Dec 6:30 PM Fri 28 Dec 6:30PM / Sat 29 Dec 6:30 PM / Sun 30 Dec 4PM

Fri 18 Jan 6:30PM / Sat 19 Jan 6:30 PM / Sun 20 Jan 4PM / Tue 22 Jan 7PM Fri 18 Jan 6:30PM / Sat 19 Jan 6:30 PM / Sun 20 Jan 4PM / Tue 22 Jan 7PM Fri 25 Jan 6:30PM / Sat 26 Jan 4PM Fri 25 Jan 6:30PM / Sat 26 Jan 4PM



UK, France, USA. Directed by Julian Schnabel. 110 min. NR Willem Dafoe illuminates Vincent van Gogh’s brilliance as famed but tormented artist Vincent van Gogh while he spends his final years in Arles, France, painting masterworks of the natural world that surrounds him.

“Schnabel, paying tribute to the founding visionary of modern art, a painter who inflected 19th-century landscapes and people and objects with 20th-century delirium, is in deep synch with Van Gogh’s spirit.” - Owen Gleiberman, Variety “A strong, valuable, and intelligent performance from Dafoe.” - Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian


Canada, 2018. Directed by Gwaii Canada, 2018. Directed by Gwaii Edenshaw, Helen Haig-Brown. 100 min. PG Edenshaw, Helen Haig-Brown. 100 min. PG On the islands of Haida Gwaii off the On the islands of Haida Gwaii off the coast of British Columbia, in the 1800’s, coast of British Columbia, in the 1800’s, two families re-unite at their summer two families re-unite at their summer fishing camp. Soon conflict between a fishing camp. Soon conflict between a charismatic young nobleman, Adiits’ii, and charismatic young nobleman, Adiits’ii, and

his best friend Kwa, tears their interwoven his best friend Kwa, tears their interwoven families apart. When Adiits’ii’s recklessness families apart. When Adiits’ii’s recklessness causes the death of Kwa’s son, he flees into causes the death of Kwa’s son, he flees into the rainforest. Wracked with grief, Adiits’ii the rainforest. Wracked with grief, Adiits’ii transforms into Gaagiixid, a ravenous transforms into Gaagiixid, a ravenous supernatural being caught between worlds. supernatural being caught between worlds. Now while the community hopes to restore Now while the community hopes to restore Adiits’ii’s humanity, Kwa wrestles with his Adiits’ii’s humanity, Kwa wrestles with his deepest desire – revenge. deepest desire – revenge. Presented in Haida language with English subtitles. Presented in Haida language with English subtitles.

See the 1977 original See the 1977 original Dario Argento film Dario Argento film Sun 13 Jan 7PM Sun 13 Jan 7PM

Fri 11 Jan 9PM / Sat 12 Jan 6:30PM / Sun 13 Jan 4PM / Tue 15 Jan 7PM Thu 17 Jan 7PM / Fri 18 Jan 9PM

THREE NIGHTS ONLY! THREE NIGHTS ONLY! Sat 19 Jan 9PM, Sun 20 Jan 7PM, Thu 24 Jan 7PM Sat 19 Jan 9PM, Sun 20 Jan 7PM, Thu 24 Jan 7PM


SUSPIRIA SUSPIRIA Italy, USA, 2018. Directed by Luca

USA, 2018. Directed by Spike Lee. 135 min. 14A From visionary filmmaker Spike Lee comes the incredible true story of an American hero. It’s the early 70s, and Ron Stallworth (John David Washington) is the first African-American detective to serve in the Colorado Springs Police Department. Determined to make a name for himself,

he bravely sets out on a dangerous mission: infiltrate and expose the Ku Klux Klan. The young detective recruits seasoned colleague, Flip Zimmerman (Adam Driver), into the undercover investigation of a lifetime. “There are few filmmakers as consistently, burningly passionate as Spike Lee. This is vital and timely work that’s up there with his best, with a gut-wrenching sting in the tail.” - Helen O’Hara, Empire

Italy, USA, 2018. Directed by Luca Guadagnino. 152 min. 14A Guadagnino. 152 min. 14A A darkness swirls at the centre of a A darkness swirls at the centre of a world-renowned dance company, one world-renowned dance company, one that will engulf the artistic director, an that will engulf the artistic director, an ambitious young dancer, and a grieving ambitious young dancer, and a grieving psychotherapist. Some will succumb to the psychotherapist. Some will succumb to the nightmare. Others will finally wake up. nightmare. Others will finally wake up.

“A stunningly-crafted film with remarkable “A stunningly-crafted film with remarkable performances from Swinton, Goth, and Johnson.” performances from Swinton, Goth, and Johnson.” - Britt Hayes, Screen Crush - Britt Hayes, Screen Crush “A bold and beautiful vision of powerful women “A bold and beautiful vision of powerful women unleashing hell” unleashing hell” - Rob Hunter, Film School Rejects - Rob Hunter, Film School Rejects “Luca Guadagnino’s Suspiria celebrates dance and “Luca Guadagnino’s Suspiria celebrates dance and terror to masterful results” terror to masterful results” - Dan Caffrey, Consequence of Sound - Dan Caffrey, Consequence of Sound

Hot Tickets


RUMBLE: THE CONCERT Wed 6 Feb 7:30pm


Experience the story of how Indigenous musicians influenced rock n' roll and the soundtracks of our lives. Featuring guitar slingers Derek Miller and Kenny Lee Lewis of the Steve Miller Band, local jazz virtuosos Juliet Dunn and Peter Shea and more, this vibrant and awe-inspiring stage production mixes live musical performances with video clips of Robbie Robertson, Buffy SainteMarie, Jimi Hendrix, Link Wray and more from the award-winning film.





Thurs 7 Feb 7:30pm Experience an extraordinary performance by Alicia Svigals, founder of the Grammywinning Klezmatics, composer, vocalist, and the world’s foremost klezmer violinist accompanied by Toronto’s virtuoso newmusic pianist Marilyn Lerner. The original score, composed by Svigals, is set Pola Negri’s 1918 silent film made at the end of World War I, on the eve of the Russian revolution, and includes precious footage of the former Jewish quarter of Warsaw.



Wed 6 Mar 7:30pm Experience this fantastic and intense four-time Academy Award-winning film Birdman like never before! The film is projected in entirety as Antonio Sanchez viscerally reproduces his Grammywinning original drum score live.

2 for 1 TICKETS



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