01 15 2017

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LOVE | PLUG IN | CHARGE UP | LIVE OUT | PASS ON January 15, 2017

Pastoral Staff Terrell Eldreth

Senior Pastor

Office Contact & Hours

Frank Thompson

Admin. & Edu. Pastor

Monday—Friday|8:30 A.M.—4:30 P.M.

Scott Terry

Worship Pastor

Phone: 928-772-7218

Don Gagnon

Youth Pastor

Email: fsbcpv@firstsouthernpv.org

“‘Who do you say I am?’ Simon Peter answered, ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ Jesus replied, ‘Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.’ ~ Matthew 16:15-18 ~ 2,000 plus years now, and the promise of Jesus still holds true. No matter what Satan has tried, the church still stands today — and in fact, the church thrives today. Not that all the work is done — in fact, far from it. There has always been and there will always be work to be done. That does not mean a broken church — rather it means that we are still the church for a broken world. As we look back for a moment at 2016, we discover that FSBCPV has been active in engaging a broken world. We have engaged our local community, our state, our nation and our world in significant ways. Outside of Prescott Valley we saw work being done at FSBC Cordes Lakes, where we took on the challenge of being the lead church in a replant of that church. Our own Pastor Gary Bowser and his wife Joyce spent several months as the interim preacher. We have made a five year, $40,000 commitment to seeing that replant off to a good start. We made several trips again this year to support the work of FSBC Klagetoh, here in Arizona in the Navajo Nation. We provided needed leadership training this past summer and saw several children come to Christ this past December. Over two tons of food were given out to help families in that community along with furniture and appliances where needed. Some of our newer members were involved in overseas ministries. Jerry Guiber made two trips to the Ukraine, where he facilitates seminars for public school teachers on how to teach Christian Ethics in their lesson plans. Bill and Beth Vogel have a nation-wide and global ministry in reaching children for Christ through Child Evangelism Fellowship. Their work this past year saw them opening doors into public schools from here in Prescott Valley to Jamaica. We need to continue to support these folks in prayer and other ways this coming year. They become an extension of our outreach to a broken world.

Touching a broken world takes resources. That means people who go and people who pray, and people who send. We are all three. In 2016, FSBCPV gave $94,063.45 to support local, state, national and international mission work. From sending children and youth to Christian camps locally, to touching our entire world, you had a significant part! As a church, $427,013.45 was given in through regular tithes and offerings to our General Fund. Immediately, 14% of that was used for mission work. That total was $59,472.58 sent through our Cooperative Program and local mission work. The other $34,590.87 was given through special mission offerings throughout the year. It all worked together to spread the gospel, provide Bibles in a multitude of languages, feed the hungry, take care of orphans, take care of the homeless, provide weekend meals to children through our local schools, support widows of retired pastors and help reach the Jewish population here in Arizona. FSBCPV believes that we have a mission to a broken world, and that people matter!

Locally, 2016 saw many people come to faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. 19 adults, teens and children were baptized at FSBCPV and 2 men came to Christ and were baptized at Cordes Lakes — Praise God! God added 38 new members to our church last year. What a blessing they are to our fellowship. FSBCPV believes that the local church is still God’s plan for reaching a broken world where people count! Looking to 2017, I am really excited. I see that we are poised to have an even greater impact this year on our still broken world. Not only will we continue our support of current mission projects, we will see opportunities to expand. The church is never limited in what it can do, because we are empowered by the Spirit of God — and He knows no limits. We will only be limited when “we” choose to be. Satan cannot stand before the power of our almighty God in a broken world. The end of 2016 saw a new development here at FSBCPV. Our Children’s Building — the original building of our church back in the 1970’s — was determined to be unusable. Therefore it is now closed down and will be demolished soon. The decision was made at our Annual Business Meeting in December to not only close the building, but to focus our building plans from across the street to that location instead. Plans are being formulated to build a 10 to 15 thousand square foot, two-story building to replace the existing 2,500 sq. foot Children’s Building. Fortunately our Long Range Strategic Planning Team was already working with our Building Team on plans for this possibility — just not expecting it to happen quite so soon! Hold on to your hats, a lot will be happing pretty fast as the year progresses. Tests are being scheduled for proper demolition, contractors and architects are being interviewed, and capitol fundraising is being planned. Your input will be needed. If you would like to be a strategic part of the process, there are slots open on both the Long Range Strategic Planning and Building Teams. You can indicate your interest on the Connection Card this Sunday or give me a call. Let’s talk! Friends, buildings are not the church. We know that. The Church is people over whom Jesus Christ is Lord. Buildings are just tools. They are resources. But just like other resources, they can be used to reach people and disciple them into fully devoted followers of Christ. Even before December of last year, we were already out of space on Sunday mornings for reaching new people in discipleship opportunities, i.e.: Bible Study — otherwise known as Sunday School.

Therefore, already planned was a new Sunday morning schedule set to begin in March. Twoplus-Two on Sunday mornings will almost double our available space each week, positioning us for growing in discipleship. You will be hearing much about this for the next two months. Beginning on March 5th, we will have Sunday School running at the same time as each of our Worship Services. You will make the choice which hour you will attend Worship and Sunday School. You can go to Sunday School and then Worship, or Worship and then Sunday School. Besides all of our current classes, we will be adding additional electives throughout the year. We will also be seeing an overhaul of our current Kidz-4-Christ worship that we believe the kids will love. At FSBCPV, we believe that we are the church for a broken world, and that our responsibility is to develop fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ who will in turn engage people who matter to God in a broken world! Engagement with a broken world in 2017 is our theme. It is our marching orders from Jesus Himself. Already this year a new ministry through Child Evangelism Fellowship has begun. This past Tuesday we had our very first Good News Club afterschool at Granville Elementary. 26 children attended and 5 came to a saving knowledge of Christ. Next Saturday, in conjunction with Willow Hills Baptist Church and the Yavapai Baptist Association, English as a Second Language classes will be taught here at FSBCPV to adults. Our local school district has assisted in identifying those in need. Imagine, non-English speakers will learn our language and be able to better provide for their families. And they will learn English using the Bible as the textbook! This is a “win-win” if ever there was one. 2017 is full of possibilities and adventures — but don’t just come along for the ride. We need you to come along as a fully devoted follower of Christ, willing to engage people in a broken world — because that matters! Blessings on your week as you begin to discover your own unique calling to discipleship and engagement with this broken world! Pastor Terrell P.S. Have a creative name for what to call our new Building Campaign? Here’s your chance to make it known. I will take ideas for the next two Sundays. You can simply write it on your Connection Card. Be sure to include your name on the card. Who knows, you may even win a prize!

with Worship

“To God Be the Glory” Scripture Reading & Prayer Psalm 139:13-17 TOUCH SCREEN Welcome

“How Great Is Our God” “Famous One” Ministry In Music

“I Am”

(Praise Team)

Kidz 4 Christ (11:00 A.M. Service)

He Is Able! The State of the Church Ephesians 3:20-21

Time Of Commitment

“I Have Decided to Follow Jesus” We Bring Our Gifts In Worship

WELCOME TEAM (part of our First Impressions) Calling for Volunteers: To help with our Welcome Team each Sunday morning! Now that our First Impressions project (the outside) is nearly completed, we want to concentrate on welcoming people that come inside our doors. We are creating a Welcome Team to make sure everyone is welcomed in each of our worship services, especially our first/second time guests. First impressions are very important! How important? Important enough to realize that many folks decide whether they will return to First Southern or not, long before they even sing a song or hear a message! There are many areas to welcome people – front doors, side doors, parking lot. We want to make sure that everyone is welcomed with a smile and gets a Ministry Guide. First-time guests receive a gift bag from us with much information as well as some free gifts. We also have an information table to help address inquiries and other needs. In addition, it would be wonderful to have a team leader that can organize and schedule folks for each of our services so that you could be on a month and off a month at-a-time if you so desired (that means we need several volunteers).

To Volunteer please contact Pastor Frank -928-772-7218 or 928-830-9934 (Cell). Thank you! 2+2: We are beginning to prepare for a Sunday morning schedule change. Our target date is currently March 5th. More information will follow in the next few weeks. If you have any questions about what 2+2 is or if you are interested in facilitating a Sunday morning elective class, please contact Pastor Frank at the above phone numbers. Sincerely in Christ, Pastor Frank

If you take a look in stores right now you will already see Valentine’s day merchandise, but the stores don’t have anything on our choir. Very soon we will begin rehearsing music for Easter. If you enjoy singing and praising the Lord, perhaps you might consider joining us most Sunday afternoons at 5:00 in the Worship Center. I can promise you that choir members are some of the nicest people around, and they just love to welcome new faces to our rehearsals. You don’t have to be a music expert to give it a try; we’re just looking for people that love to sing to the glory of God. So, if you’ve been thinking about giving choir a try, why not go ahead and jump right in? We’d love to have you!

NOTICE TO DONORS 2016 Contribution statements are ready. Please see Sherrie Hunt in the Foyer.

Last Sunday’s Offering: $715.00 Given to Date: $75,433.00 Pledged to Date: $71,262.00

Saturday Jan. 14th

8:30 A.M. Good News Club Training

Sunday 8:30 A.M. Jan. 15th 9:45 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 5:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. Monday Jan. 16th

Worship Sunday School Worship Choir Practice Evening Worship Youth Ministry

9:00 A.M. Sister’s Quilting Club 4:30 P.M. Tae Kwon Do

Tuesday 9:00 A.M. Faith In Fitness Jan. 17th 10:00 A.M. Men’s Bible Study Wednesday Jan. 18th

5:30 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 6:15 P.M. 6:30 P.M.

Awana Meal Impact Youth Awana Clubs Bible Study/Prayer

Thursday Jan. 19th

9:00 A.M. Faith In Fitness 4:30 P.M. Tae Kwon Do

Saturday Jan. 21st

8:00 A.M. Men’s Breakfast 8:00 A.M. Women’s Breakfast 2:00 P.M. English Second Language Class

Christian Sympathy extended to the Kline Family Funeral Services for Juanita Kline Thursday, January 19th 10:00 A.M.

Youth’s Annual Sunday January 29th Noon Enter your best chili. Sign-up sheet in the Foyer.

Active Adults Valentine’s Day Luncheon & Games Thursday, February 9 11:30 A.M. th

Please bring your favorite games ~cards —indoor horseshoes — etc.~ For more information contact the church office at 772-7218.

January Birthdays Jeff Lowe David Terry Keith Jurgens Don Pierce Judith Dienlin Miles Kastner Becky Negron Steve Davis Blair Quinn Lynn Anderson

4 4 6 6 7 10 10 12 12 14

Angela Hunt Debbie Martinelli Ed Roberts William Reynolds Stetson Pacheco Louise Holt Diana Reabold Shannon Wasem Larry Davis

14 14 14 15 16 19 19 19 22

Mary Jo Iadarola Patti Perkins Wilma Conklin Bill Eash Richard McKown Faith Gaquing Tom Howell Eleanor Beach Loren Kline

22 23 25 25 25 27 27 31 31

Youth meet Wednesdays 6:00 P.M. in the Log Cabin with Pastor Don -------CHECK US OUT!!

CCCF - College and Career Christian Fellowship If you are in your late teens or twenties, come join us for food, fun and Christian fellowship. We meet alternating Friday nights at Phil and Ginni Lyons' home from 6:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. The next meeting will be January 27th, Check us out and bring a friend. For directions or information email CCCF@firstsouthernpv.org. Hope to see you there!

Children’s Bulletins available at the Welcome Desk in Foyer

Meal served from 5:30 to 6:00 p.m. Clubs begins at 6:15 p.m.

Kids Sunday School 9:45 a.m. In room 201

2820 N. Pleasant View Drive Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 928-772-7218 fsbcpv@firstsouthernpv.org www.firstsouthernpv.org Senior Pastor Terrell Eldreth: 619-244-6265 PastorTerrell@firstsouthernpv.org Admin/Education Pastor Frank Thompson: 928-830-9934 PastorFrank@firstsouthernpv.org Worship Pastor Scott Terry: 928-458-6470 PastorScott@firstsouthernpv.org Youth Pastor Don Gagnon: 928-899-9722 PastorDon@firstsouthernpv.org

Remember to check-in on Facebook or any other social media sites during your fellowship with us. Dear Friends – It is our desire that this weekly email will boost communication and increase awareness of activities available for your participation and enjoyment. Requested submissions to be included in the Weekly Connections e-Newsletter should be submitted no later than Wednesday at Noon to fsbcpvemail@cableone.net. To be removed from future mailings, please reply to this email and type “unsubscribe” in the Subject line. First Southern Baptist Church - Prescott Valley – 928-772-7218.

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