02 19 2017

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LOVE | PLUG IN | CHARGE UP | LIVE OUT | PASS ON February 19, 2017

Pastoral Staff Terrell Eldreth

Senior Pastor

Office Contact & Hours

Frank Thompson

Admin. & Edu. Pastor

Monday—Friday|8:30 A.M.—4:30 P.M.

Scott Terry

Worship Pastor

Phone: 928-772-7218

Don Gagnon

Youth Pastor

Email: fsbcpv@firstsouthernpv.org

“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” ~ Proverbs 27:17 ~ “Ouch!” “Oh!” “Ugh!” I’ve been hearing those words — and similar sounds of agony — a lot this past week. I’ve been hearing them — because I’m the one who has been saying them. Pretty much every time I have stood up from a chair, or bent down to pick something up from the floor — or really, just about every time I move in any direction — one or more of those words come out of my mouth! No, I’m not sick. I’m not injured. I’m just sore. More precisely, my legs are sore. Do I like it that my legs are sore? Well, yes and no. Yes, because I expected it. I began to run this week — well “jog” maybe a better description of it. When you do that after a pretty long layoff, it hurts a bit. I have decided to get serious about a “Bucket List” activity that I placed in my bucket 13 years ago. My goal is to run — jog — or plod if necessary, a marathon for my 65th birthday. (As an aside, I thought at the time that full Social Security retirement age was 65. I later came to realize that it is now 66 for my generation. However, it doesn’t change anything because I’m a long way from considering retirement!) Back to my bucket. By my counting, that gives me 51 weeks to get ready! I know from past experiences with marathons, that it is possible. The soreness is inevitable — and necessary to get into shape. So, do I like the soreness? Yes! I also know that to get there will involve some accountability on my part. That will mean having to be accountable to run the necessary miles each week. Someone who will call me out when I choose to skip a run. Someone who will understand what I am going through. Someone who may even run the marathon with me. Thank you Barbara for encouraging me and being willing to give up the time it will take this year. Thank you Casey D. for being willing to go though the training period with me. Everyone needs this type of relationship with another person in our spiritual lives as well. I like to call it having an accountability partner.

Accountability is nothing new. Paul had an accountability partner whom we all know. It was Peter. In Galatians 2, Paul tells us of a time when Peter was ignoring the Gentiles he used to eat with. This action caused some of the other Jews to do the same thing. Now, when Paul hears about this, he does the right thing even though it is not easy. Verse 11 tells us, “When Peter came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he was clearly in the wrong.” Another example of this occurs in the book of 2 Samuel. We all know the wrong that David did with Bathsheba, but there was only one person who called David on it. Nathan went straight to David to call him on his sin. Now, why did these two people confront others on these issues? It was because they sought to hold these brothers accountable for their actions. They were serving as their accountability partners. They did not do this to embarrass their brothers — they did it out of love. And, sometimes, speaking the truth in love hurts. Now, I am not telling you to go out and point out all of the faults of your peers. That is not what I am getting at. The truth is that both of these examples were of people who had close ties. They respected each other. They had bonded together enough to know that they could trust each other. They had moved beyond their own pride and fear in their relationships to know that the other was only looking out for their best interests. As you search for an accountability partner, you need to search out someone with similar interest that is at a similar stage in their Christian walk. You need to spend time with this person building up trust, honesty, and openness. This should be a person who loves you but is not impressed by you. It should be someone who will ask you the hard questions and make sure you are doing the things you should. You, in turn, should do the same for them. Through this relationship, you will be able to sharpen each other as told in Proverbs 27:17. This person is one who challenges you to live a holy life and someone who you would give your life for. It is one of those friends that are closer than a brother. It is a person who you are comfortable sharing your sins, weaknesses, and shortcomings with because you know they will speak to you out of love and truth concerning them. This scares most people to death, but we must move to this level if we are to have true accountability partners. They will help you get and stay in spiritual shape. Blessings on your week as you look for that accountability partner that you need. It will be one the most important relationships you will ever have! Pastor Terrell P.S. Do I like the fact that my legs are sore this week? Well, yes and no. No — they are sore and it hurts! By the way, the picture above is the start of the Carlsbad Marathon. I ran in that one year. I’m not in that picture — that’s the front of the pack. I’m somewhere way behind! Feel free to ask me occasionally about my training. It will keep me going.

Not too long ago in our Sunday School class we were studying a passage in Judges. In this passage the Angel of the Lord visits Gideon and greets him as “mighty warrior.” Gideon, who isn’t feeling all that mighty at the moment responds “Please Sir, if the Lord is with us, why has all this happened? And where are all His wonders that our fathers told us about?” I can often identify with Gideon because there are plenty of times that I feel like asking the same questions, and I doubt that I’m alone in feeling that way. Of course, Gideon isn’t the only person in scripture that voiced those kinds of thoughts. More than once David put similar things into his psalms. In Psalm 13 David says “Lord, how long will You forget me? Forever? How long will You hide Your face from me? How long will I store up anxious concerns within me, agony in my mind every day? How long will my enemy dominate me?” I think it’s important that David doesn’t stop there. He doesn’t just fire off a complaint and walk away. Instead he continues his communication with God. In fact, he asks the Lord to lift his spirits by saying “Consider me and answer, Lord my God. Restore brightness to my eyes; otherwise, I will sleep in death. My enemy will say, “I have triumphed over him,” and my foes will rejoice because I am shaken.” David still isn’t done, though. Now at this point I think it is worth stopping to remember that this isn’t a letter that David is writing. It’s a song. When David was happy, he sang to the Lord. When he was sad, he sang to the Lord. When he was worried, he sang to the Lord. No matter how he felt, he sang to the Lord, and time after time we see that although his songs may begin with him being troubled, they end with the Lord having worked in him to cheer him up. Psalm 13 ends with David singing “But I have trusted in Your faithful love; my heart will rejoice in Your deliverance. I will sing to the Lord because He has treated me generously.” So, no matter how you are feeling, whether it’s like Gideon with his visitor or it’s the best day of your life, it’s a good idea to sing to the Lord and see what he can do in your life. Pastor Scott

BEGINNING MARCH 5TH 2 + 2 Schedule First Session – 9:00 am Auditorium Building (200 Building) – Worship Service 201 – Elective—“Seeing Jesus in the Tabernacle” 202 – Ruth Class 203 – Preschool 204 – Nursery 205 – Senior Men Fellowship Hall (300 Building) 300a – Faith Class (Puffer’s) 300b – Marshall’s 300c – Steadfast Class 301 – Elementary Grades 3-6 302 – Elementary Grades K-2 Cabin (500 Building) - 501 – High School Grades 9-12 - 503 – Middle School Grades 7-8 Second Session 10:45 am Auditorium Building (200 Building) – Worship Service 201 – Elective—“Parental Guidance Required” 202 – Elective 203 – Preschool 204 – Nursery 205 – College & Career Class Fellowship Hall (300 Building) 300a – Kidz 4 Christ (Kindergarten through 4th grade) 301 – Steadfast 302 – Singles Cabin (500 Building) - 501 – Elective - 503 – Elective



501 503

Youth Cabin Bldg. 500 Lynx Lake Dr.





300A 300B









Fellowship Hall Bldg. 300







Worship Center Bldg. 200 Parking

Pleasant View Dr.

with Worship

“Have Faith In God” Scripture Reading & Prayer Hebrews 12:1-2 Welcome Two Plus Two

“My Faith Has Found a Resting Place” “Trading My Sorrows” Ministry In Music

“Trust In You” (Praise Team)

Kidz 4 Christ (11:00 A.M. Service)

Three little Words WRITTEN IN FOREVER

Congruent Faith Luke 17:5-6

Time Of Commitment “Only Trust Him” We Bring Our Gifts In Worship

What a church you are. I don’t know of a more loving group of people anywhere! I still maintain that you are my greatest blessing in forty-two years of ministry. After all, you love my Lord, you love my wife, and you love pie. It just doesn’t get much better than that! Thank you for all the cards, gifts, well wishes and love that you showed on my birthday. You are the best! Love you all, Pastor Terrell

February 25, 2017 Calvary Chapel of Prescott 2313 AZ — 69 Prescott AZ 86301 928-778-7642 8:30 A.M. — 3:30 p.m. Lunch is included—free will offering RSVP Mara Byrd at 320-224-9249

Saturday Feb. 18th

2:00 P.M. English Second Language Class

Sunday 8:30 A.M. Feb. 19th 9:45 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 4:30 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. Monday Feb. 20th

Worship Sunday School Worship Council Meeting Evening Worship Youth Ministry

9:00 A.M. Sister’s Quilting Club 4:30 P.M. Tae Kwon Do

Tuesday 9:00 A.M. Faith In Fitness Feb. 21st 10:00 A.M. Men’s Bible Study Wednesday Feb. 22nd

5:30 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 6:15 P.M. 6:30 P.M.

Awana Meal Impact Youth Awana Clubs Bible Study/Prayer

Thursday Feb. 23rd

9:00 A.M. Faith In Fitness 4:30 P.M. Tae Kwon Do

Friday Feb. 24th

6:30 P.M. CCCF

Saturday Feb. 25th

2:00 P.M. English Second Language Class

Last Sunday’s Offering: 140.00 Given to Date: $77,143.00 Pledged to Date: $71,262.00

February Birthdays Patricia Benson Mary Laakkonen Terrell Eldreth Ben Wyne Rita Leyva Desul Dunn Bill Mason Ray Blades

1 2 4 4 5 6 6 8

Sara Hudson Carl Marsee Evelyn Donsky Lisa Ard Bob Roberts Ann Hensley Karen Weik Willie Cary

11 12 13 15 15 16 18 19

Mindi Gagnon Alex Harnoski Rocket Dunn Taylor Rapp Tony Bucio Walt Laakkonen Bayleigh Harris James Haack Jean Leckington

19 19 22 22 23 23 24 25 27

Youth meet Wednesdays 6:00 P.M. in the Log Cabin with Pastor Don -------CHECK US OUT!!

CCCF - College and Career Christian Fellowship If you are in your late teens or twenties, come join us for food, fun and Christian fellowship. We meet alternating Friday nights at Phil and Ginni Lyons' home from 6:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. The next meeting will be February 24th, Check us out and bring a friend. For directions or information email CCCF@firstsouthernpv.org. Hope to see you there!

Children’s Bulletins available at the Welcome Desk in Foyer

Meal served from 5:30 to 6:00


Clubs begins at 6:15 p.m.

Kids Sunday School 9:45 a.m. In Building 200

2820 N. Pleasant View Drive Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 928-772-7218 fsbcpv@firstsouthernpv.org www.firstsouthernpv.org Senior Pastor Terrell Eldreth: 619-244-6265 PastorTerrell@firstsouthernpv.org Admin/Education Pastor Frank Thompson: 928-830-9934 PastorFrank@firstsouthernpv.org Worship Pastor Scott Terry: 928-458-6470 PastorScott@firstsouthernpv.org Youth Pastor Don Gagnon: 928-899-9722 PastorDon@firstsouthernpv.org

Remember to check-in on Facebook or any other social media sites during your fellowship with us. Dear Friends – It is our desire that this weekly email will boost communication and increase awareness of activities available for your participation and enjoyment. Requested submissions to be included in the Weekly Connections e-Newsletter should be submitted no later than Wednesday at Noon to fsbcpv@firstsouthernpv.org. To be removed from future mailings, please reply to this email and type “unsubscribe” in the Subject line. First Southern Baptist Church - Prescott Valley – 928-772-7218.

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