Pastoral Staff Terrell Eldreth
Senior Pastor
Office Contact & Hours
Frank Thompson
Admin. & Edu. Pastor
Monday—Friday|8:30 A.M.—4:30 P.M.
Scott Terry
Worship Pastor
Phone: 928-772-7218
Don Gagnon
Youth Pastor
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” ~ Hebrews 13:8 ~ Time for a little nostalgia today. I have been remembering movies in school when I was a kid. Those were always exciting days. An “AV” student would wheel in a large cart that had a humongous movie projector on it and our teacher would roll down a screen in the front of the classroom. Then we would watch a grainy movie on whatever subject that we were studying at the time. If it was a Friday, we might get to watch a fun movie that was just for entertainment!
The way we watch movies sure has changed over the years! This is a picture of the movie projector that my family used to watch home movies with back in the day. You might also notice an old Wollensak Reel to Reel tape player in the picture as well — that was the ultimate in sound recording and listening — at one time! The “Good Old Days.” We all have our memories. We enjoyed some of them — and others not so much. But they are our memories — they are our past. However, it seems everything changes with time. For instance, there was a long time in history when the concept of watching a movie was not even conceived of. I’m not just referring to a “talking” movie — I’m talking about any kind of movie. Man seems to have always had a dream to fly, but it took thousands of years before the airplane became a reality. Inventions. Changes. Some are so-so. Others are great. I for one, am glad that God has always put it in the mind of some people to think out-side of the box of “What Is” and dream of what could be. They sure make life interesting for all of us! One the other hand, I am even more thankful that there is only one — person in this case — that has never changed, and never will. That person is Jesus Christ. In John 14:6 He stated that He is the way, the truth and the life — and that never changes.
We have learned from the book of James over the past few Wednesday evenings in Bible Study, that Relativism is the religion of modern day culture. That means for the most part, the idea of absolute truth does not exist in popular culture. Many will tell you that your truth is not their truth — and that you must accept — or at least accommodate — their truth. Of course, that is nothing new really, it just comes clothed in different garments today. Yet, Jesus never has — and never will change! That one truth is vital to understanding who we are and who He is. The Word of God tells us that we are broken. We are sinners. We are guilty. We are dead — now and forever separated from God. That is NOT good news — but it is reality. It is absolute truth! We desperately needed someone who could think — and do — something out-side of the box of “What Is”. “What Is” is broken. It is death. Something had to change. We can’t change. We have nothing good to give to God. We have nothing to exchange for life. But Jesus, the Son of God, could. And He did! And everything changed — forever. That IS good news. That is the Gospel. That is absolute truth! ONE MAN — ONE CROSS — and a world that was CHANGED FOREVER! Here at FSBCPV, the theme for 2017 is ENGAGEMENT. We began the year looking at the Great Commandment — To love the Lord with all our heart, soul and mind. And then, love others as you love yourself. We have been dealing with the first parts of that command this first part of the year. We are ramping that up for the next two months as we come to learn who the Truth, really is. We are discovering what “Can Be” in our lives because of Him. When we really know who He is, we can begin to engage both Him and our broken world in a whole new dimension. Come the next two Sunday evenings as we show The Jesus Film. It will reveal, through the narrative of Luke’s gospel, the one man who changed the world forever. Better yet, come and bring someone whose truth is not “THE TRUTH” and let them be exposed to life “Out-Side” the box — as it can and should be. Just a reminder, we will spend the seven weeks following Easter Sunday this year on A FORTY DAY JOURNEY — KNOWING JESUS. You may consider this my personal invitation to join us on the journey! Blessings on your week as you rejoice on living “Out-Side” of the broken box of this world — and in the new life that Jesus gives. Pastor Terrell P.S. Don’t forget that this Sunday morning as we consider the PASSION — we will follow Jesus as he went through a night of TRIALS for us 2000 years ago. And then, we’ll have the “AV” people ready to show us the movie at 6 pm. — and I promise it won’t be from a humongous old projector on a grainy screen!
2 + 2 REMINDER This Sunday, April 2, our new service hours will be 9:00 and 10:30 am. Thanks for your gracious flexibility. Food Service/Kitchen Volunteer Manager. This is a ministry that still needs to be filled. Faye Ricketts has done a marvelous job but she will soon end her service to be able to do other things. I really appreciate her and hope you do as well. If you have an interest in continuing this ministry, please talk to me about what is involved or please call me @ 928-8309934. Sincerely in Christ, Pastor Frank
Last Sunday’s Offering: $350.00 Given to Date: $78,523.00 Pledged to Date: $71,262.00
First Session – 9:00 am
2 + 2 Schedule
Auditorium Building (200 Building) – Worship Service 201 – Elementary Grades 3-6 203 – Preschool 204 – Nursery 205 – Elementary Grades K-2 Fellowship Hall (300 Building) 300a – Faith Class (Puffer’s) 301 – Elective — “Seeing Christ in the Tabernacle” 302 – Paul Marshall’s Class Cabin (500 Building) 501 – High School Grades 9-12 503 – Middle School Grades 7-8 Second Session 10:30 am Auditorium Building (200 Building) – Worship Service 201 – Kidz 4 Christ (K-4) 202 – Ruth Class 203 – Preschool (Extended Care) 204 – Nursery 206 – Senior Men’s Class Fellowship Hall (300 Building) 300a – Steadfast Class 300b – College & Career 301 – Singles 302 – Elective “Parental Guidance Required”
Fellowship Hall Youth Cabin Worship Center Off Campus
Youth Cabin Bldg. 500 Lynx Lake Dr.
300A 300B
206 202
Fellowship Hall Bldg. 300
Worship Center Bldg. 200 Parking
Pleasant View Dr.
with Worship
“The Old Rugged Cross” Scripture Reading & Prayer Psalm 103:10-12 Welcome
“Jesus, Messiah” “Shout to the North” Ministry In Music
“Hallelujah! What a Savior!” (Praise Choir)
Kidz 4 Christ (10:30 A.M. Service)
PASSION the final hours in the life of Jesus
On Trial Mark 14:43-15:20
Time Of Commitment
“Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross” We Bring Our Gifts In Worship
Friday Mar. 31st
6:30 P.M. CCCF
Saturday Apr. 1st
2:00 P.M. English Second Language Class & Good News Club
Sunday 9:00 A.M. Apr. 2nd 9:00 A.M. 10:30 A.M. 10:30 A.M. 4:45 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. Monday Apr. 3rd
9:00 A.M. Sister’s Quilting Club 4:30 P.M. Tae Kwon Do
Tuesday 9:00 A.M. Apr. 4th 10:00 A.M. 3:30 P.M. 5:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. Wednesday Apr. 5th
Thursday Apr. 6th
Friday Apr. 7th Saturday Apr. 8th
Worship Bible Study Worship Bible Study Choir Practice “The Jesus Film” Part One Youth Ministry
5:30 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 6:15 P.M. 6:30 P.M.
Faith In Fitness Men’s Bible Study Good News Club @ Granville Elementary Stewardship Meeting Deacons’ Meeting Awana Meal Impact Youth Awana Clubs Bible Study/Prayer
9:00 A.M. Faith In Fitness 4:30 P.M. Tae Kwon Do
6:30 P.M. CCCF 2:00 P.M. English Second Language Class & Good News Club
Deacon Emeritus Service for Bill Eash Sunday, April 23rd at 6:00 P.M.
VBS IS IN NEED OF leaders for kindergarten, 2ND grade, & 3RD grade; “square” Kleenex boxes & pint size canning jars with lids. For more information contact Darlene Stanley or Sara Hudson.
April Birthdays Donna Roberts Joy Bassett Jan Howell Jo Kading Teresa Little Neil Davidson Linda Marsee Doreen McKenna
2 3 6 6 6 7 7 8
Kathryn Seidel Marti Just Angela Orr Jamie Robles Su Resetar Will Stanley Andrew Sturgeon Jacob Kline
9 10 11 13 16 18 19 22
John Prusak Patrick Wulfers Gene Leveron Roger Ricketts Wanda Sticht Suzanne Blair Bob Whitney Beverly Grisham
22 22 23 23 23 24 27 28
Youth meet Wednesdays 6:00 P.M. in the Log Cabin with Pastor Don -------CHECK US OUT!!
CCCF - College and Career Christian Fellowship If you are in your late teens or twenties, come join us for food, fun and Christian fellowship. We meet alternating Friday nights at Phil and Ginni Lyons' home from 6:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. The next meeting will be April 7th. Check us out and bring a friend. For directions or information email Hope to see you there!
Children’s Bulletins available at the Welcome Desk in Foyer
Meal served from 5:30 to 6:00
Clubs begins at 6:15 p.m.
Kids Sunday School 9:00 a.m. In Building 200
2820 N. Pleasant View Drive Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 928-772-7218 Senior Pastor Terrell Eldreth: 619-244-6265 Admin/Education Pastor Frank Thompson: 928-830-9934 Worship Pastor Scott Terry: 928-458-6470 Youth Pastor Don Gagnon: 928-899-9722
Remember to check-in on Facebook or any other social media sites during your fellowship with us. Dear Friends – It is our desire that this weekly email will boost communication and increase awareness of activities available for your participation and enjoyment. Requested submissions to be included in the Weekly Connections e-Newsletter should be submitted no later than Wednesday at Noon to To be removed from future mailings, please reply to this email and type “unsubscribe” in the Subject line. First Southern Baptist Church - Prescott Valley – 928-772-7218.