Pastoral Staff Terrell Eldreth
Senior Pastor
Office Contact & Hours
Frank Thompson
Admin. & Edu. Pastor
Monday—Friday|8:30 A.M.—4:30 P.M.
Scott Terry
Worship Pastor
Phone: 928-772-7218
Don Gagnon
Youth Pastor
“What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,’ but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?’ In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.” ~ James 2:14-17 ~
I shared this picture with you all on March 22, 2015. Barbara and I were still a little over one week away from closing on our house. We were excited to think of moving into our new home, however, there was some uncertainty involved. We had four trees in the backyard of our soon to be new home, and we had no idea what type of tree or trees they may be. People at church were giving me all kinds of thoughts on the matter. Some thought peaches. Some pears. Some plums. Some apples. Most had no idea whatsoever — and I was in that camp. Turns out that the best way to determine the type of tree is to wait until it produces fruit. I don’t know about you, but I’m not very good at waiting. Instant gratification is more my usual speed. But wait we did. Trees really have only one speed when it comes to growing and producing fruit — and that is slow! Long as the wait was, the answers finally came. Two apple trees of different varieties and two plum trees. 2015 brought limited fruit on all but one. We had a good crop of Granny Smith Apples, but that was about it. The tree in this picture produced maybe 3 dozen plums and the other two trees almost nothing. Long story to tell you about this year. Two years later and they are all loaded down with fruit — so much so that each of the plum trees had a major branch snap within the last two weeks. That represented over a 5-gallon bucket of plums! We have been going through the book of James on Wednesday evenings here at FSBC in our Adult Bible Study and Prayer time. Last evening, we were in this passage of James. There we were challenged to inspect the fruit of our lives. Every Christian
must be producing the fruit of good deeds, or they have no faith at all. James makes it clear that our salvation comes by faith alone, but that saving faith will always produce action — fruit — in our lives. Not sure about that? Look at what Jesus said: “Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.” ~ Matthew 7:20 ~ Still not sure? The apostle Paul chimed in on the subject as well… “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith — and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God — not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” ~ Ephesians 2:8-10 ~ Now into the third growing season in our new home, if these four trees were not bearing any fruit, I would be looking to replace them. I am glad that is not the case. I suppose that each of my plum trees could be thinking that I am upset that they lost branches. But not so. They just produced way more than I expected them to. In the same way, as I act as the fruit inspector of my own life, my hope is always that I will find fruit being produced. I want to see lives being changed and new growth in others that I come into contact with. When I see that, I know that I am producing as God intends for me to. He wants my faith to be real — and real means that saving faith has come by His grace, not by anything I ever did or could do. I did not earn my salvation — and neither did you! But real also means fruit. I shared an affirmation last evening from the reformers that reads: “It is faith alone that saves, but faith that saves is never alone.” We were saved by God’s grace, and He expects fruit. That fruit comes in different seasons and at different speeds, but for children of God, it does come. Last night after our Bible Study, God was still speaking to my heart about this. I came to the decision that at some point, most of us will choose one of two paths. Either we will choose the path of producing little or no fruit, or we will choose to produce all that we can — there does not seem to be any middle ground. Producing fruit of righteousness and ministering to others in their heartaches and distress takes its toll. It is hard work. But I would rather lose a branch once in a while due to bearing much fruit, than to be set aside for protecting my branches and producing little or nothing. I’ve said before that God uses “cracked pots.” I’m convinced that He uses trees with “broken branches” as well! Blessings on your week as you hopefully allow the Holy Spirit to help you inspect your branches. May He find a broken one occasionally! Pastor Terrell
Klagetoh Mission Trip: Please pray for a team of about 12 or more who will be ministering in Klagetoh (on the Navajo Reservation), beginning next week (July 10-14). Especially pray that we will completely understand that we are God’s servants indwelt by the Holy Spirit to serve Him there. Please pray that we will allow the Holy Spirit to fill us with His power! The team will be holding a VBS for 3 days, 2 evangelistic services with invitations for people to receive Christ as Savior, a baptism service for believers (new and old) and where Native Americans representing 3-4 schools will be taught how to lead Good News Clubs. We expect that many children will come and upwards of 100 or more adults will be in attendance. Thank you! Sincerely in Christ,
Pastor Frank
NOTICE All submissions for the Newsletter & Ministry Guide should be submitted no later than Noon on Wednesdays. Thank you.
with Worship
Celebration of Baptism (9:00 a.m. Service)
“I Have Decided To Follow Jesus” ANNOUNCMENTS
“Come, Now Is The Time To Worship” Scripture Reading & Welcome Luke 18:15-17 WELCOME TO CHURCH
“Amazing Grace” “When We All Get To Heaven” Ministry In Music
“If That Don’t Make You Wanna Go” (Phil Lyons & Friends)
Reaching Children For Jesus Matthew 18:14
Guest Speaker: Bill Vogel Time Of Commitment
“I Am Thine, Oh Lord” We Bring Our Gifts In Worship
Sunday July 9th
9:00 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 10:30 A.M. 10:30 A.M. 6:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M.
Sunday School (Babies—Adults) Worship Sunday School (Adults) Worship (Kids 4 Christ — K-4th) Evening Worship (with Pastor Frank) Youth Ministry
Monday July 10th
Klagetoh Mission Team Leaves 9:00 A.M. Sister’s Quilting Club 4:30 P.M. Tae Kwon Do
Tuesday July 11th
5:00 P.M. Stewardship Meeting 7:00 P.M. Deacons’ Meeting 9:00 P.M. Men’s Softball Game
Wednesday July 12th
6:00 P.M. Bible Study & Prayer 6:00 P.M. Impact Youth
Thursday July 13th
4:30 P.M. Tae Kwon Do
Friday July 14th
6:30 P.M. CCCF 8:00 P.M. Drive-in Movie Night “Facing the Giants”
Saturday July 15th
8:00 A.M. Women’s Breakfast @ Cracker Barrel
Wednesday Night Bible Study & Prayer is meeting in the Fellowship Hall for the Summer
Looking for a ministry to help with? Well, the Meals Ministry is looking for volunteers to help provide meals for members/regular attenders that have or are having surgery. To sign-up up or for more information on this much needed ministry contact the church office at 928-772-7218.
ONLINE GIVING FSBCPV is excited to announce that you can now manage your giving online! Simply follow these easy steps: 1.Visit the church website at, 2. Click on the Give Now button at the bottom of the page, 3. Click on the Create Profile button, then 4. Follow the onscreen instructions to create an online profile & to schedule your offerings. TEXT TO GIVE — 928-237-7218 And now you can also text your offerings! To get started, visit the church website at, locate the link to our online giving page & create a profile if you haven’t already—be sure to opt in to send text offerings. You will receive a confirmation text & email with instructions on how to text offerings.
Last Sunday’s Offering: $150.00 Given to Date: $80,269.63 Pledged to Date: $71,262.00
July Birthdays Lena Juarez Beverly Turner Marie Chidester Edna Nesbitt Wanda Hostas Pete Stanley Jan Posemato
1 2 4 4 5 6 8
Kris Skorick Liz Briggs Robert Wyatt Cloeva Rogers Larry Hunt Cathy Johnson Pat Manzer Sharon Roberts
8 9 10 14 15 15 16 17
Sam Kline Joe Williamson Rudy Juarez Faye Ricketts Dean Briggs Bonnie Mullins
18 20 22 23 28 28
Youth meet Wednesdays 6:00 P.M. in the Log Cabin with Pastor Don -------CHECK US OUT!!
CCCF - College and Career Christian Fellowship If you are in your late teens or twenties, come join us for food, fun and Christian fellowship. We meet alternating Friday nights at Phil and Ginni Lyons' home from 6:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. The next meeting will be July 14th. Check us out and bring a friend. For directions or information email Hope to see you there!
2820 N. Pleasant View Drive Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 928-772-7218 Senior Pastor Terrell Eldreth: 928-277-4769 Cell: 619-244-6265 Admin/Education Pastor Frank Thompson: 928-830-9934
Worship Pastor Scott Terry: 928-458-6470 Youth Pastor Don Gagnon: 928-899-9722
Remember to check-in on Facebook or any other social media sites during your fellowship with us. Dear Friends – It is our desire that this weekly email will boost communication and increase awareness of activities available for your participation and enjoyment. Requested submissions to be included in the Weekly Connections e-Newsletter should be submitted no later than Wednesday at Noon to To be removed from future mailings, please reply to this email and type “unsubscribe” in the Subject line. First Southern Baptist Church - Prescott Valley – 928-772-7218.