January 20, 2019
with Pastor Terrell
“For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” ~ Psalm 139:13-14 (ESV) ~ “Hello” I answered. “This is Terrell.” — So began the phone call this past Tuesday. “This is Paul” the voice calling me continued — “and you’re not going to like what I have to say.” Now, I don’t know about you, no pastor wants a conversation to begin with those words! My stomach immediately began to clinch up. You all know that feeling. Something is about to change — maybe change forever — and you don’t even know what it may be at that point. Paul continued. “Take your car immediately to a car dealership and trade it in. Get what you can on a new car. Otherwise, within a couple of weeks you will be taking it to a wreaking yard and get maybe $200.”
PASTORAL STAFF Terrell Eldreth, Senior Pastor Scott Terry, Worship Pastor OFFICE CONTACT & HOURS
Okay, I’ll admit that it wasn’t life altering news. It wasn’t church changing news. But is wasn’t good news either. It was news that I really did not want. I just took Barbara’s car in to find out what that noise was that began on Tuesday morning and why the Check Engine light had come on. And, since the mechanic shop would have the car, to go ahead and change the oil as well. The good news — we didn’t have to change the oil. The bad news — the rods are knocking! This Sunday is National Sanctity of Life Sunday. It is the Sunday when Christians set time aside to pray for and encourage life to be protected — protecting life in the womb — protecting life for senior adults — and all those in between. I had just been reading Psalm 139:13-14 before the call from the mechanic came. Continued on page 2
Monday — Thursday 8:30 A.M. — 2:30 P.M. Phone: 928-772-7218 Email: fsbcpv@firstsouthernpv.org SUNDAY SCHEDULE • Bible Study 9:00 A.M. • Morning Worship Service 10:30 A.M. • Evening Worship Service 6:00 P.M.
As I thought more about it, I am amazed at how much cars and engines are like our bodies. In fact some of the terminology we use for our cars we also use for our bodies. For example, many people name their cars and even refer to them as “she”. I don’t know that we would say that we “threw a rod” in our body, but we certainly have “blown a gasket” at some moment of stress. We have even been guilty of “letting of a little steam” at someone else’s expense. Of course, when we “blow a gasket” or “let off a little steam”, we are able to justify it. We say, “Well, God made me this way. It’s not my fault that my emotions just get the best of me. In fact, I can’t be held responsible when the ‘wheels’ of my life just seem to be falling off!” Just how true are those statements? Yes, God did create us. He even tells us that His creation was good. He did create us with emotions. But does that mean that we are forever doomed to live at the whim of our fickle emotions? Like our cars are made with different systems, God created us with different systems. For example, our cars have electrical and fuel systems. Our bodies have basically the same types of systems. We have skeletal, nerve, muscular and digestive systems. And like our cars, we even come equipped with a computer — a brain — allowing us to think and make choices. Unlike our cars, we also come equipped with emotions — those feelings that are so hard to control. However, we also come equipped with that computer. That part of us that lets us process information — we can think! We also have a will. The Bible calls it our heart. Because we can make choices, we choose who is in charge of our heart. Jesus says that we must make Him the Lord of our life. That means that He should be at the center of our heart — sitting on the throne. Only a Christian can make that choice. Unfortunately, we can make the choice to remove Jesus from the throne of our heart and place ourselves there instead. When we do that — “the wheels do come off” in our lives — our computer goes crazy — we don’t make good choices — and our emotions run amuck. I know, it seems really hard to live like we should — to let Jesus be Lord of our lives. The good news is, He is already working for that to happen. The Apostle Paul tells us, “For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.” Philippians 2:13 (ESV) The good news Christian, the Creator is also the Mechanic. Jesus lives in you and works on your behalf. If the Check Engine light is on in your life, take the leap of faith and turn the control of your heart over to Him today. He won’t disappoint you. You won’t get a call from Him telling you there is no hope and all is lost. He will make sure your life works if you just give Him the chance. Blessings on your week as you work on that Lordship issue that we all have, and I look forward to seeing you in Bible Study and Worship this Sunday. Pastor Terrell P.S. Now, I have to go find Barbara a new car — prayerfully one that is wonderfully made! THIS WEEK JANUARY 20 - JANUARY 26 SUNDAY: 9:00 A.M. Sunday School (Babies Adults) 10:30 A.M. Worship(Kidz 4 Christ ~ K-4th)
Deacon Ordination Essential Qualities Acts 6:1-4 (ESV) 5:00 P.M. Choir Rehearsal 6:00 P.M. Evening Worship
MONDAY: 9:00 A.M. Sisters Quilting 4:30 P.M. Tae Kwon Do
TUESDAY 10:00 A.M. Women’s Revive Our Hearts Seminar - Fellowship Hall 10:00 A.M. Men’s Bible Study 3:15 P.M. Good News Club @ Granville Elementary
WEDNESDAY: 8:00 A.M Gideons’ 5:45 P.M. AWANA Club 6:00 P.M. Bible Study/ Prayer
THURSDAY: 4:30 P.M. Tae Kwon Do 6:00 P.M. Women’s Evening Revive Our Hearts Seminar - Room 202
ESL / Good News Club
Deacon of the Week:
Tuesday, January 22 10:00am @ Fellowship Hall Thursday, January 24 6:00pm @ Room #202
SANCTITY OF LIFE SUNDAY ORDER OF WORSHIP JANUARY 20, 2019 “Since Jesus Came into My Heart” Scripture Reading & Prayer Psalm 8:1-9 Bud Challis
SANCTITY—PSALM 139 “Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us” “I Could Sing of Your Love Forever” “Good Good Father”
SUNDAY SCHOOL Adults: Ruth Class - Senior Adult Ladies & Saint Givers - Senior Adult Men Bible Studies for Life Young Adults: College & Career, Faith - Mixed Age Adults & Hope - Singles & Single Again Explore the Bible Prayer Warriors - Young Adults Disciples Path
Children: Infant— 12th grade Explore The Bible
BIBLE STUDIES Men’s Bible Study 10:00 A.M. Tuesdays Women’s Revive Our Hearts Seminar 10:00 A.M. Tuesdays 6:00 P.M. Thursdays Adult Bible Study & Prayer 6:00 P.M. Wednesday Night Men’s & Women’s Breakfast 8:00 A.M. Every 3rd Saturday
Ministry in Music Pastor Terrell He Knows My Name Kidz 4 Christ
Deacon Ordination Essential Qualities Acts 6:1-4 (ESV) “Let Jesus Come into Your Heart” We Bring Our Gifts In Worship