LOVE | PLUG IN | CHARGE UP | LIVE OUT | PASS ON December 11, 2016
Pastoral Staff Terrell Eldreth
Senior Pastor
Office Contact & Hours
Frank Thompson
Admin. & Edu. Pastor
Monday—Friday|8:30 A.M.—4:30 P.M.
Scott Terry
Worship Pastor
Phone: 928-772-7218
Don Gagnon
Youth Pastor
“I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel...”~ 1 Corinthians 9:22-23~ Semper fidelis (or Semper Fi) — “Always Faithful” — the Marine Corps motto. Semper paratus — “Always Ready” — the Coast Guard motto. As I write my blog to you this morning, I have been thinking about some of my days as a Navy Chaplain. We are given the unique opportunity to serve not only our Navy, but also the Marine Corps and the Coast Guard. I remember very early on in my career, I attended the Chaplain Marine Corps Indoctrination Course at Camp Pendleton. There, one of our instructors told us about the motto of the Marines — Semper Fi. We were then told that as chaplains to Marines, we also now had a new motto. Ours was now — Semper Gumby — Always flexible! Little did those of us taking the course realize how appropriate our new motto was to be. We were immediately subjected to two weeks of discomfort — including such experiences as the “GAS CHAMBER” and obstacle courses. It turns out that a chaplain cannot serve those he is called to serve without flexibility. I was also to learn that flexibility does not come without some degree of discomfort — and even pain. The resulting ministry however is worth the price! The Apostle Paul understood that same motto — long before the Chaplain Corps. He understood the need of flexibility in ministry. He was blinded and had to trust. He was hunted down and had to become an escape artist. He was distrusted and had to prove his faithfulness. He was called to plant churches and to travel great distances in mortal danger. He was stoned and left for dead, yet got up and returned to the same people. He was imprisoned and became the
“Navy Chaplain” to his captors as the ship he was being transported on broke up in a storm. He was afflicted with an ailment that God would not heal. He was beaten — more than one time. He spent years in jail for preaching the gospel. He was ultimately put to death by the Romans. Yet, Paul tells us that he deliberately chose that course. Whatever it took to win some to Christ was worth the cost. Flexibility does not come without some degree of discomfort — and even pain! Discomfort and pain in our bodies, in our emotions, in our comfort zones — we know that is true from experience. We go to rehab and experience discomfort to gain flexibility. We go to the gym or exercise classes and experience discomfort to gain flexibility. Why? We do it because life goes a lot better when we have physical flexibility. So we pay the cost. It’s worth it. The same is true in our church life. Our mission, our purpose, is to produce disciples. That always comes with a price. It demands Paul’s “whatever it takes” mentality. It takes flexibility. We are facing one of those “whatever it takes” moments right now as a church body. We are facing a major issue with our Children’s building. As a result we are all going to be called on to exercise flexibility in order to move our purpose of “disciple-making” forward. There will be some discomfort. There will be some sacrifice. There may be some initial confusion. Some arranging of our schedules. Some intrusion on our comfort zones. It may seem like being told to hit the gym again or to go through another round of rehab. It may not be our first choice — but we can trust God that it is His best choice for us right now.
So, come this Sunday morning, December 11th, we will be moving our children out of our Children’s Building. That means flexibility is called for. For this week only we will have Sunday School for all adults — College and Career through Senior Adults — in the Worship Center. That will give us time to see just where a little flexibility will take us in the coming weeks. Please plan to be at our Annual Business Meeting on Sunday evening, where we will layout some of Long-Range Strategic Plans for the next five years. I believe you will agree that the cost will be worth it. Our mission will always remain the same — to make disciples! Blessings on your week as you join us in praying for our ministry together. Semper Gumby! Pastor Terrell
DECEMBER 2016 Please join us for several Christmas highlights.
“Glorious Impossible” presented by our choir – December 11 @ 8:30 & 11:00 am “Filling treat bags for Christmas Eve service” – December 22 @ 6:30 pm Christmas Eve service – December 24 @ 6:00 pm Christmas Day family service – December 25 @ 10:30 am (1 service only; no Sunday school/Bible studies; nursery provided). Everyone is invited to all events! Look for more information on these events in the rest
of our newsletter. Sincerely in Christ, Pastor Frank
with Worship
“O Come, All Ye Faithful” Scripture Reading & Prayer Luke 1:26-33 Welcome THIS IS CHRISTMAS
“Away in a Manger” “Go, Tell It on The Mountain”
“Glorious Impossible” (FSBC Praise Choir)
Time Of Commitment
“Wherever He Leads, I’ll Go” We Bring Our Gifts In Worship Wedding Anniversary Vows Renewal
Saturday: December 10
9:30 a.m.
Sunday: December 11
8:30 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m.
Monday: December 12
9:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday: December 13
9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m.
Faith in Fitness Men’s Bible Study
Wednesday: December 14
5:00 p.m 6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 6:30 p.m.
Awana Meal Impact Youth Awana Clubs Bible Study/Prayer
Thursday: December 15
9:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m.
Saturday: December 17
Choir Dress Rehearsal Worship Service Sunday School/Bible Study Worship Service Council Meeting Annul Business Meeting Sister’s Quilting Club NO Tae Kwon Do
FAITH IN FITNESS Active Adults Christmas Party TAE KWON DO Happy Birthday Jesus in Klagetoh
NOTICE PROPERTY & SPACE now has work order forms. These are for any work you are requesting to be done, i.e. installing items, moving items, etc. The forms are located in the copy room. For more information contact the church office.
Gene & Marty Leveron Wedding Vows Renewal 60 years! December 11th 12:00 p.m. Join us as we renew our wedding vows for our 60th Wedding Anniversary. Cake, coffee, & tea following in the Fellowship Hall right after the 11:00 a.m. service. All are invited. No gifts, please.
Active Adults Christmas Party
Thursday, December 15th at 11:30 a.m. at Gabby’s Grill next to Harkins. We can order from the menu, tax & gratuity will be added to the bill. Christmas gift exchange. Bring a gift—receive a gift. Door prizes and more surprises? Sign-up sheet in the Foyer. For more information contact Marijayne Bondura at 759-3579.
Ed & Ginny Roberts 1951-2016 Their children, grandchildren & great grandchildren request the pleasure of your company at a concert by Clark Henderson and family with a reception to follow. Sunday, December 18th 6:00 P.M. No gifts please.
Saturday, December 24th 6:00 P.M.
Sunday, December 25th 10:30 A.M.
December Birthdays Leann Benson Christina Terry Scott Terry Shauna Giles Marty Leveron Linda Trombley Mercedes Kline Jose Pacheco Linda Slade
1 2 5 6 6 6 7 7 9
Elizabeth Benson Kyle Gustavson Bill Carter Jean Payne Sharon Burg Elyssa Wells Jay Gaquing Joseph Rhodes Jackie Farrell
11 15 16 16 17 19 20 221
Kayl Gustavson Marcia Liptow Dick Arthur Ashley Dunn Myrna Biddle Kay Vetere Jean Matthey Goldie Wilson
Last Sunday’s Offering: $890.00 Given to Date: $73,418.00 Pledged to Date: $71,262.00
Given to Date: Goal:
$1,347.00 $6,500.00
22 22 26 26 28 29 31 31
Youth meet Wednesdays 6:00 P.M. in the Log Cabin with Pastor Don -------CHECK US OUT!!
CCCF - College and Career Christian Fellowship If you are in your late teens or twenties, come join us for food, fun and Christian fellowship. We meet alternating Friday nights at Phil and Ginni Lyons' home from 6:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. The next meeting will be tonight December 9th , Check us out and bring a friend. For directions or information email Hope to see you!
Extended Care Workers If you cannot make your scheduled day, please trade with someone.
TODAY: 12/11
Doris Quinn Barbara Eldreth
Jeanne Grant Melissa Gustavson
Children’s Bulletins available at the Welcome Desk in Foyer
Meal served from 5:30 to 6:00
Clubs begins at 6:15 p.m.
Kids Sunday School 9:45 a.m.
2820 N. Pleasant View Drive Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 928-772-7218 Senior Pastor Terrell Eldreth: 619-244-6265 Admin/Education Pastor Frank Thompson: 928-830-9934 Worship Pastor Scott Terry: 928-458-6470 Youth Pastor Don Gagnon: 928-899-9722
Remember to check-in on Facebook or any other social media sites during your fellowship with us. Dear Friends – It is our desire that this weekly email will boost communication and increase awareness of activities available for your participation and enjoyment. Requested submissions to be included in the Weekly Connections e-Newsletter should be submitted no later than Wednesday at Noon to To be removed from future mailings, please reply to this email and type “unsubscribe” in the Subject line. First Southern Baptist Church - Prescott Valley – 928-772-7218.