September 2, 2018
with Pastor Terrell
“… ‘You see the trouble we are in: Jerusalem lies in ruins... Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem’…. They replied, ‘Let us start rebuilding.’ So they began this good work.” ~ Nehemiah 2:17-18 ~ Welcome to this week’s version of Groundhog Day. Before you get too confused by that statement — allow me to explain. We’re still looking at the same two verses that we did in last week’s Connections Newsletter – Nehemiah 2:17-18. You see, I’m really on the same subject as last week — church building. I told you last week that the Children’s Building Remodel would be well underway this week — and boy has it been. Phases 1 & 2 should be completed today (Thursday). Those are the biggest parts of the job. More work will continue in the coming weeks — but it is already looking really good, inside and out. We are continuing to trust God to use all of us to supply the needed $13,000 – $17,000. As of today, we have the funds to complete three more projects before we will have to let the remodel sit for a while. We won’t get out in front of God — or our checkbook on this! So, like those in Nehemiah’s day: We’ve begun the good work.
PASTORAL STAFF Terrell Eldreth, Senior Pastor Scott Terry, Worship Pastor
However, church building is so much more than remodeling or constructing new buildings. It is about evangelism and discipleship. Those just happen to be two major areas that we are giving much attention to right now here at First Southern.
Back to Church Sunday is coming up two weeks from Sunday on September 16th. This is an annual nation-wide event that encourages current church members to be back in church — no matter how long they have been away. It is also a major effort to reach the unchurched in our community. You BELONG Here! is this year’s theme — and the truth is: You DO BELONG Here! We really do want you with us because our body is incomplete without you. Please make a personal commitment to be in church that Sunday morning. This Sunday morning you will be able to take some Engagers with you to give to your neighbors, friends, coworkers and total strangers, inviting them to attend that morning as well.
Phone: 928-772-7218
Monday — Friday 8:30 A.M. — 4:30 P.M. Email: SUNDAY SCHEDULE • Bible Study
9:00 A.M. • Morning Worship Service
10:30 A.M. • Evening Worship Service
6:00 P.M.
Continued on page 2
Continued from page 1
This week
September 2 - September 8 SUNDAY: 9:00 a.m. Sunday School (Babies - Adults) 10:00 a.m. Prayer Covering Celebration 10:30 a.m. Worship (Kidz 4 Christ; K-4th) Labor Day The Grace of Work John 5:17 12:00 p.m. AWANA Leadership Meeting MONDAY:
Growing in discipleship is always a major need and emphasis here at First Southern. A new opportunity will be available beginning this Sunday morning in Adult Bible Study. In the Prayer Warriors Class, Paul Marshall will be leading a brand-new study called DISCIPLESPATH: THE JOURNEY. This will be a one-year walk through growing as a disciple of Jesus in every area of your life. If you are a relatively new Christian, or maybe a Christian who still wants help in growing in the Lord — no matter how long you’ve been saved — then this class is for you. Never been to Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study before? That’s ok, just come this Sunday. In another class already? Your teacher will understand the importance of this study — and you can go back to your present class when you finish this journey. You will find this class at 9:00 A.M. in Room 302 in the Fellowship Hall (aka: First Southern Library). One more church building event on hand in September: Our Arizona Southern Baptist Convention’s State Mission Offering. This is opportunity to do evangelism and disciple making statewide. FRUITFUL is this year’s theme and we will be sharing more details this Sunday. Blessings on your week as you find your part in the rebuilding, evangelism and disciple making and begin the good work with us — and I hope to see you this Sunday morning as we join in Communion with one another and with Jesus Christ. Pastor Terrell
TUESDAY: 10:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study 10:00 a.m. Women’s Revive Our Hearts Seminar 5:00 p.m. Stewardship Meeting
BACK TO CHURCH SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 16TH WHO WILL YOU INVITE? Invitations for friends, family & neighbors are available at the Welcome Center.
7:00 p.m. Deacon’s Meeting WEDNESDAY:
with Pastor Scott
8:00 a.m. Gideons’ 6:00 p.m. AWANA Starts 6:00 p.m. Bible Study; “I Love the Word” Series / Prayer @ Fellowship Hall
THURSDAY: 4:30 p.m. Tae Kwon Do SATURDAY: 1:00 p.m. ESL
Psalm 92 begins “It is good to praise the LORD and make music to your name, O Most High, proclaiming your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night, to the music of the ten-stringed lyre and the melody of the harp.” In these three verses we find a great many statements about worship. Right off the bat the psalmist tells us that it is good to praise the Lord. Maybe that seems as obvious as saying “it is good to breathe” but in the same way that it is good to breathe whether it is a good day or a bad day, it is good to praise the Lord whether you feel like it or not. A nervous person might receive the advice “just breathe.” Well, “just praise” is even better advice.
The next statement is that we can make music to the name of the Lord. Music isn’t the only way to praise the Lord, but it is certainly an important one. Following close on the heels of that statement is the “when.” The psalmist tells us to sing of God’s love in the morning and of His faithfulness at night. Not only is it good to begin the day praising the Lord for His love, but I suspect it is good to continue praising and making music to the Lord all day long right until the night when we praise Him for his faithfulness. Continued on page 3
6:00 p.m. Wednesday Night Adult Bible Study & Prayer
Adults: Ruth Class - Senior Adult Ladies & Saint Givers - Senior Adult Men Bible Studies for Life: How to Pray
10:00 a.m. Tuesdays, Men’s Bible Study
Young Adults: College & Career, Faith - Mixed Age Adults & Hope - Singles & Single Again Explore the Bible: Galatians, James
8:00 a.m. Every 3rd Saturday
Prayer Warriors - Young Adults Disciples Path: The Journey
Deacon Team of the Week: Paul Marshall: 928-999-2109 Bud Challis: 928-775-5096
Children: Infant— 12th grade
Fall Sunday School begins September 2nd, 9:00am
AWANA BEGINS SEPTEMBER 5 REGISTER NOW Registration forms are available at the welcome desk or register online. We are in need of listeners.
If you would like to volunteer for the upcoming year please mark the connection card found in your Ministry Guide.
FSBCPV’s 2018 Christmas Arts & Craft Fair
November, 2 &3 It is fast approaching. If you or anyone you know who Crafts or Bakes please sign up in the foyer to reserve your space a.s.a.p.
ORDER OF WORSHIP SEPTEMBER 2, 2018 “Wonderful Grace of Jesus” Scripture Reading & Prayer Colossians 3:23-24 John Kang LABOR DAY THANKS
“It is Well With My Soul” “Garments” “My Redeemer Lives” Ministry in Music
Tuesday, September 4th @ 10:00: A Woman Adorned and Adorning: Beauty Secrets of Titus 2 Continued from page 2 Finally, the psalmist includes instruments as part of praising the Lord, all under his beginning statement of “it is good.” There have been plenty of discussions throughout the centuries of just which instruments are best suited to praising the Lord, but while there are only two instruments mentioned in this psalm, the Bible includes pretty much every instrument in existence at the time as being an instrument of praise. The key is in keeping in mind the start of the sentence: “praise the Lord.” It isn’t about the instrument; it’s about the attitude of praise. Of course, not only are these verses about praising the Lord through music; the verses themselves are part of a song praising the Lord, and the introduction to the psalm even says that it’s for use on the Sabbath, so it’s a song about singing praises to the Lord. So go ahead and praise the Lord for His love and His faithfulness. You’ll be glad you did. Blessings, Pastor Scott
Praise Choir In Remembrance
Kidz 4 Christ Labor Day The Grace of Work John 5:17 “The Savior is Waiting”
Worship at the Lord’s Table We Bring Our Gifts in Worship
Newsletter submission Dear Friends –
Sam Rotman Concert
World Renowned Classical Pianist Free Concert
Sunday, September 16, 2018 at 3:00 p.m. Phillip England Center for the Performing Arts (at the Camp Verde High School) *FSBCPV will not have Evening Worship so that you may be able to attend. Invite friends and family for
children’s building renovation fund Received Last Sunday:
Given to Date:
It is our desire that this weekly email will boost communication and increase awareness of activities available for your participation and enjoyment. Requested submissions to be included in the Weekly Connections e-Newsletter should be submitted no later than Wednesday at Noon to
Remember # to CHECK-IN on Facebook or any other social media sites during your fellowship with us. ONLINE GIVING You can manage your giving online! Simply follow these easy steps: 1.Visit the church website at 2. Click on the Give Now button at the bottom of the page, 3. Click on the Create Profile button, then 4. Follow the onscreen instructions to create an online profile & to schedule your offerings. TEXT TO GIVE — 928-237-7218 You can also text your offerings! To get started, visit the church website at locate the link to our online giving page & create a profile. if you haven’t already, be sure to opt in to send text offerings. You will receive a confirmation text & email with instructions on how to text offerings.
2820 N. Pleasant View Drive Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 928-772-7218 Senior Pastor Terrell Eldreth: 928-277-4769 Cell: 619-244-6265 Worship Pastor Scott Terry: 928-458-6470
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