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November 3, 2024


Afew years ago, I read about a worship service that occurred on November 13, 2016 the Sunday after election day the one in which Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton.

The bulletin that Sunday morning was from the service of the week before, except the old date had been scratched out and the new date added. The man writing about the service said everything was the same: same order of worship, same hymns, same special music, same Scripture reading.

As the service began, the pastor made an announcement, saying something along these lines... (This is my version of what I remember about how this man summarized the pastor’s statement.)

“You may notice that today’s service is identical to last week. That’s not a mistake. We planned it this way because despite the election results nothing for us has changed.

“Our reason for coming together remains the same. We will continue to glorify our great and marvelous God.

“Our mission remains the same. We will continue to proclaim the blessed name of Jesus.

with Pastor Terrell

“And, most certainly, the God we serve remains the same. He is Lord of all creation this world belongs to Him and He shall reign forever and ever.

“So, whether you are pleased or displeased with the results of last week’s election, let’s remember that our task hasn’t changed at all. We are still the people of God, called to the ministry of the gospel, and we will continue to shout His name to the very ends of the earth.”

As I write this on Wednesday, we’re now less than one week away from knowing how this contentious election will pan out. I have no idea what to expect, but this one thing I do know: The abovementioned pastor is one hundred percent right. The things that matter most regarding our mission will remain the same, no matter what.

Next Tuesday, while some are throwing a party, others will be thrown into panic. Either way, let’s not allow temporal matters to throw us off course. Instead, let’s do what our memory verse for this week tell us to do:.

“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

~ Hebrews 12:2 (NIV) ~

Let’s also determine come what may to complete the task we’ve been given to do.

Blessings on your week.Ask God to help you to not only remain calm and focused, but also to give you at least one gospel opportunity on Tuesday. I am looking forward to seeing you in Worship this Sunday morning. We will continue in my sermon series IMMOVABLE. We are discovering that it is possible to develop character qualities that will contribute to a life of stability even in an unstable world. This week will be THE CHAOS WE ENCOUNTER.

Pastor Terrell

P.S. One thing we all can and should do we can vote.


The Saints Class @ 9:00 AM Room #201

Ruth Class @ 9:00 AM Room #202

Prayer Room open @ 9:00 AM Room #206

Preschool Worship opens @ 10:15 AM in KID CITY

Sunday Morning Worship @ 10:30 AM in Worship Center

Kidz4Christ dismissed to KID CITY during Worship time Schedulefortherestoftheweek:

Tuesday@ 10:00 AM Men’s Bible Study in Room #202 Women’s Bible Study in Fellowship Hall

Wednesday@ 6:20 PM Choir Rehearsal in Room #203 @ 6:30 PM Youth Group in Fellowship Hall Week Bible Study in Fellowship Hall

-831-0146 with our activities. Share the Good News of Jesus! Gospel Conversations since 2021 Total : 49,369

DEADLINE: 11-17-24 goal: 100 boxes completed: 22 boxes



Deacon of the

Wednesdays @ 6:20 pm in Room #203 OUR GOAL: $8,000. Collecting through the month of November YOUTH GROUP ACTIVITY INDOOR ROCK CLIMBING 319 N Lee Blvd Saturday, November 16, 2024

2:00 PM - 6:00 PM $22. All Day Pass

Tuesday Mornings @ 10 AM Women’s Bible Study 10:00 AM in Room #202

Tuesday Mornings Currently studying the life of the Apostle Paul at

YOUTH GROUP STUDENTS in grades 7-12 Wednesdays 6:30 PM Fellowship Hall

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