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June 2, 2024

Pride Month (June) is once again upon us. This year Walmart chose to make this past weekend all about Pride Month and nothing at all about Memorial Day! They refuse to step back from wholeheartedly indorsing the LGBTQIA+-/ agenda.


(First Posted by Dr. Matt Ayars, President of Wesley Biblical Seminary, June 14, 2023)

The Christian conviction against Pride Month is rooted in and compelled by deep concern, care, and ultimately love for individuals who view themselves as members of the LGBTQA+-/ community, even though proponents of Pride Month would suggest exactly the opposite (i.e., that Christians are against Pride Month because they hate members the LGBTQA+-/ community).

Proponents of Pride Month understand their celebration as preventing self-harm among the LGBTQA+-/ community. The argument goes something like this: “If we celebrate, rather than condemn non-traditional sexuality, then individuals of the LGBTQA+-/ can come out and live a shamefree life, celebrating who they are rather than suppressing their sexual identity, which necessarily leads to depression and self-harm.” In sum, Pride Month prevents self-harm, including suicides.

This means that proponents of Pride Month naturally see those who are against Pride Month as not caring for members of the LGBTQA+-/ community. This is dead wrong. In fact, the Christian stance against Pride Month is driven by love and concern for the LGBTQA+-/ community. As a Christian, I firmly believe that the message and ethos of Pride Month are deeply harmful to LGBTQA+-/ individuals (and society as a whole), and Christian opposition against it is an attempt to best love LGBTQA+-/ individuals from what the church sees as ultimately harmful and destructive.

From a Christian perspective, Pride Month is harmful because it affirms, encourages, and celebrates what Scripture plainly identifies as sin, which is against God, nature, individuals, and communities. As such, sin is destructive and thwarts the generation and sustaining of life as God intends it. Pride Month is an act of rebellion against God, who deeply loves us and expresses such by prohibiting that which is against our well-being.

Pride Month wrongly assumes that all sexual desire is natural and therefore right, normative, and good (an idea associated with philosophers during the age of the Enlightenment). The Scriptures say otherwise.

with Pastor Terrell

God reveals in Scripture that all individuals are born with a sinful condition (Rom. 3:23; 5:12; 9:7–11); that all inherit a diseased nature that causes desires to arise in us that are destructive, perverse, and ultimately self-annihilating. What is “natural” to the sinful condition is, in fact, quite unnatural according to Scripture and the Christian worldview rooted therein.As the prophet Jeremiah writes, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?” Or, as Jesus put it, “Aman is not defiled by what enters his mouth, but by what comes out of their month, that’s what defiles them” (Matt. 15:11; here, Jesus is saying that it is deception rooted in the human heart that defiles).

God created humanity to share in his goodness, justice, righteousness, kindness, mercy, and ultimately his steadfast love (Heb. hesed). His design is for humanity to embody his self-giving, other-oriented nature. Humanity’s fall from grace (Gen. 3) and subsequent estrangement from the Giver of Life means that what God intended has become deeply corrupted. Rebelling against God means being cut off from him, which has a devastating negative impact on our natural condition.

It is out of this twisted condition that unnatural desires arise from within, and those unnatural desires are harmful and destructive.

From this perspective, Pride Month does not celebrate that which is natural and good. Instead, it affirms, encourages, and celebrates what is unnatural and, therefore, harmful to individuals and society. To encourage someone in their unnatural desires is the worst thing for them. Pride Month, then, is a danger to individuals and society. Pride Month is not about freeing persons to be “authentic individuals,” a high virtue of modern Western culture. Far from it. Pride month is about further enslaving individuals to the sin that destroys. Pride Month contradicts what Paul says when he writes, “Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, to make you obey its passions” (Rom. 6:12).

There’s yet another worldview assumption behind Pride Month that is dead wrong: the notion that what defines a person is their sexual identity (an idea made popular in the common era by Sigmund Freud). Sexual identity is undoubtedly part of what constitutes a person’s identity, but it is not what defines us. This, once again, is a lie of our culture. What defines us is our relationships with others and most importantly, our relationship with Jesus.

So, what is that antidote? How do we respond? We respond by fighting against deceit with truth as revealed by God in scripture from a heart-posture of steadfast love. Scripture commands us to be tender hearted (1 Pet. 3:8), to let no corrupting talk come out of our mouths (Eph. 4:29), to be peacemakers (Matt. 5:9; Rom. 12:18), to love our enemies (Lk. 6:26–36) and to be gracious (Eph. 4:2). When the conversation can quickly become vitriolic and toxic, we must anchor ourselves in the love of Jesus and by giving the benefit of the doubt remember that your “opponent” may very well believe that their position is doing the most good (i.e., preventing self-harm). Such a thought can foster the grace that is required for a meaningful interaction. In short, don’t fight vitriol with vitriol. Note that embodying these godly qualities is not synonymous with being affirming or tolerant of sin. Christians stand firm on what the Bible calls sin because Christians take sin and its consequences seriously!

Additionally, we stand against the lie that sexuality defines the individual. One’s relationship with Jesus Christ (as revealed in the apostolic witness of the New Testament) defines the individual. It is through being united/reconciled to the Triune God by grace through faith that the human purpose is fulfilled, not through freedom of sexual expression.

Finally, we promote the truth that desires which arise from the sinful condition are not natural and therefore not good, and cannot to be celebrated in good Christian conscience. Good Christian conscience compels us to renounce and forsake such desires because indulging in them further estranges us from our Maker in whom we find wholeness and real, lasting life.

Ultimately, the antidote is the gospel. To be a Christian is to be reconciled to God and born of the Spirit (John 3:5-8), which yields a radical transformation of our very nature which comes from being filled with the holy love of God. This means that those sinful desires that grow out of a diseased nature God can redeem and transform! This is the Good News of the gospel. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit on the basis of the atoning work of Jesus Christ, new, holy, righteous, and life-giving passions and desires arise from within. This is the promise of the gospel.

Christians are against Pride Month because Christians hate the LGBTQA+-/ community? By no means. In fact, it is quite the opposite. Christians are against Pride Month because we deeply care about the well-being of all of God’s image-bearers, and we carry the burden of being a royal priesthood, the watchman on the wall (Ezek. 33).

Blessings on your week. Take some time to consider how your new names in Christ can impact how you live today. I do look forward to seeing you this Sunday as we come back for Part Three of Good News for the Not So Good. We will look this weekend at Living in the Spirit.


our activities.

The Saints Class @ 9:00 AM Room #201 Ruth Class @ 9:00 AM Room #202

Financial Peace @ 9:00 AM in FH Prayer Room open @ 9:00 AM Room #206

Preschool Worship opens @ 10:15 AM KID CITY

Morning Worship In-Person & Online @ 10:30 AM in Worship Center

Kidz4Christ (K-6th) dismissed during Morning Worship


Tuesday @ 10 AM Men’s Bible Study in Room #202; Women’s Activity Time in FH

Wednesday @ 6:30 PM Youth Group in Fellowship Hall

Thursday@ 6:00 PM Mid-Week Bible Study and Prayer in Fellowship Hall

Saturday@ 2:00 PM Senior Care Ministry @ Good Sam, PV Keep on sharing the Good News of Jesus! Gospel Conversations Total : 49,011 got questions?

IF YOU NEED HELP OR ASSISTANCE Deacon of the Week: Paul Marshall 928-999-2109 with

Welcome to Morning Worship

In honor of the God we worship, you are invited to stand during congregational singing, as you are physically able. “O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing” “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name” “Fly” “Spirit of the Living God”

2820 N. Pleasant View Drive

Prescott Valley, AZ 86314


Church Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 8:30AM - 2:30PM

Senior Pastor Terrell Eldreth: 619-244-6265

Worship Pastor Bart Young 928-254-8713

Welcome & Offertory Prayer “Come Holy Spirit” “We Will Remember” “Open the Eyes of My Heart”

Good News for the Not-So-Good Living in the Spirit 1 Corinthians 12:1-13 “Lord, Be Glorified” “We Will Remember” Kidz4Christ dismissed

Advancing the Kingdom of God one heart at a time.



Offerings and Connection Cards will be collected in the Offering Boxes located just inside the two main entrances into our Worship Center, as well as in the Office Hallway.

Life Giving Church … Giving Life

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