Happenings Fall 2023

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Newsletter, Fall,


“Connecting Women to Women with God’s Love”

Arise Conference 2023 Theme: “Even if . . . God is good.”

“But even if He does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.” Daniel 3:18

What a blessing it was to attend this event with over 650 women from all over Arizona and other states. First Southern was represented by 7 members and 4 guests, and all of us left feeling so revived from this uplifting experience. The focus of the event was taken from Daniel 3:18, and we were reminded that “Even if . . .” we are downhearted, anxious, discouraged, troubled, afraid, or in a crisis mode in our lives, God is in control and He is good.

I attended a couple of breakout sessions: “Waiting on God” with Jan Shrader and “Standing Strong in the Spirit” with Erica Wiggenhorn. Participants were reminded that we are not alone in our journey and not all spiritual lessons are learned first-hand. We must wait on the Lord, trust Him, and ask God to empower us. Three majors points to remember about waiting on God are: 1) Our impatience makes everything worse. 2) We must remember God values the fruit that grows in us while we wait. 3) God does not need our help to keep His promises.

In the second session, Erica reminded us that God has a plan for us and when we face adversity or experience feelings of hopelessness, the Holy Spirit dwells in us and intercedes for us. We do have hope as believers of a returning Savior. We must rely on that hope every day of our lives and focus on developing a relationship with our Lord through Bible Study and prayer because where we are focused is where we will go. We are the vessel and the messenger for the Holy Spirit to work. Prayer is the invitation for God’s intervention. One final reassuring thought is nothing is happening in this life that God does not know. God is in control, so “Even if . . . God is good.”

The Group: Barb, Wanda, Teresa, Jasmine, Susan, Carol, Robin, Janie, and Jean

The Vogels Bill, Beth, Susan and Jasmine The WM Team: Carol, Janie, Jean and Robin

Dear Ladies,

For some time now, I’ve sensed that my prayer life is not what the Lord would want it to be. Sure, I pray. I actually probably pray quite a lot, but it’s too often “on the fly,” if you can guess what I mean by that.

As I sat down to write this, I gave myself a little “ survey”. Perhaps you would like to take the survey as well. (Don’t worry, I’ll show you my answers first.) Here are the questions and my answers:

Do you pray? Yes

Why do you pray? Because I know God hears. He responds and acts on our prayers. Because it delights Him, and because I’m talking with the Lord of my life.

When do you pray? I pray pretty much constantly throughout the day – it’s a mix of praise and worship and thanks for how He has worked. It also includes requests for others as I think of them.

How much do you pray? Not enough!

Those of us who have trusted Jesus for our salvation know that God’s Holy Spirit lives inside us from the time of salvation. So, with His Holy Spirit inside me, I carry on a conversation with Him throughout the day. That’s essentially praying, right? Yes, but I find myself convicted that I need to be doing more targeted, intentional, focused prayer. I have to admit that I’ve been pretty lazy about prayer! Gasp! That’ s terrible – God forgive me for my too-casual attitude towards one of the highest callings we have as believers in Christ!

Finishing up our latest Immerse Bible reading section with the book of Daniel has been just what I needed! It put my inconsistent prayer life up against that of the prophet Daniel, who certainly was an exceptional man of prayer. “That’s not fair,” you may say, “to compare yourself to one of the best examples of prayer.” But, if we’re honest, isn’t that how we’d really like to pray: passionately, desperately, humbly, courageously, confidently, honestly, bravely?

For some years I have owned, but not read, Andrew Murray’s book entitled, “With Christ in the School of Prayer”. I think this might be the time to take it off the shelf and read it! In his forward to the book, Murray states, “It is my prayer that God may use this book to make clearer to some of His children the wonderful place of power and influence (italics mine) which He is waiting for them to occupy, and for which a weary world is waiting, too.”

Lord, remind us that prayer is our access to that wonderful place of power and influence.

Murray also writes, “If there is one thing I think the church needs to learn, it is that God means prayer to have an answer, (italics mine) and that it has not entered into the heart of man to conceive what God will do for His child who gives himself to believe that his prayer will be heard.”…”Though in its beginnings prayer is so simple that the feeble child can pray, yet it is at the same time the highest and holiest work to which we can rise.”

Lord, may we see prayer as some of the “highest and holiest work to which we can rise!”

Murray goes on to pray, “May God open our eyes to see what the holy ministry of intercession is to which, as His royal priesthood, we have been set apart. May He give us a large and strong heart to believe what mighty influence our prayers can exert.”

So, Ladies, will you join me in asking God to “teach us to pray” – to pray as Daniel prayed, with faith and passion, to pray with fervor and determination, with honesty and courage?

By Your Holy Spirit and power, O Lord, give us large and strong hearts to believe You will hear and respond. Amen.

How’s Your Prayer Life?


Over 250 Agape House supporters gathered to celebrate 10 years of walking alongside struggling families as they rebuild and turn their lives around. The Gala, held at Mountain Top, was an enormous success. Attendees heard from current Agape House residents and were able to show their love of Agape House.

Many thanks goes out to a team of our ladies who were there in the morning hours before the event to help set up for this event: Robin Pronk, Nancy Joseph, Sherry Weers, and Janie Carnal.

OTHER OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE IN THE COMMUNITY: AGAPE HOUSE needs some volunteers at the end of November to help in taking care of some poinsettia plants that will be delivered throughout the community to those who need some encouragement and kindness shown to them during the Christmas season. Details for this opportunity will be coming soon.

NEW MINISTRY: GOOD SAMARITAN NURSING HOME IN PRESCOTT VALLEY. Gene and Linda Moore will provide a worship service for the residents on the second Saturday of the month beginning on October 14, 2023 from 2:00-3:00 p.m. All are welcome to attend and help with this service.



Saturday, December 2, 2023, 10:30 am-1:00 pm

In the Fellowship Hall

Purchase an ornament to exchange for $10.00. Tickets for the meal will be available for purchase beginning Sunday, November 12, in the church lobby for $5. Invite a friend and join the fun.

WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY Tuesdays, 10:00 A.M. — “Enriching Your Prayer Life”

October 10-November 14, 2023 in the FSBC-PV Fellowship Hall

“If you are like most Christians, you know you should be praying more often, taking it more seriously, and giving it more priority in your life. But what often gets missed is that prayer is not a requirement but a privilege! Prayer is the pathway to building a relationship with the Savior.”

Join Janie as we learn how to maintain an attitude of prayer, to journal prayers, to pray using Scripture, to study the prayers of Bible characters, to understand how God answers our prayers, and to have a heart of thanksgiving. Call or text Janie at 928-278-5221.

SAVE THE DATE: SATURDAY, February 24, 2024


Get ready to experience Going Beyond Live in a city near you! Taught by Priscilla Shirer, Going Beyond Live helps women experience the truth of Scripture and the power of prayer. You’ll gain tools to study the Bible on your own, take part in meaningful worship led by Anthony Evans, pray together, and enjoy fellowship with women who are also seeking and finding Christ. See Janie Carnal if you are interested in attending.


s beauty is all around us. Enjoy!

Thanks, Jean, for capturing these photographs.

Taken from Women of Faith Bible Study Series

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