with church this week.
Until further notice, we will be having
September 20, 2020 NEVER FORGET …
Family Services.
No Child Care Provided with Pastor Terrell
Sunday Worship Welcome...
“… I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home.” ~ Matthew 25:35 (NLT) ~ In May 2020, Tony Williams — of Hampshire, England — lost his soul mate, his wife of 35 years, to pancreatic cancer. Her name was Jo.
September 20, 2020 at a glance…
“How Great Thou Art” “The Wonderful Cross”
Today, he feels lost without her. He has no children or family to visit. So the 75 year old retired physicist sits at home, alone. Days pass, one after another, without speaking to anyone.
PSALM 121 “Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone)” “The Way” Ministry in Music: Praise Team
“For God So Loved”
a course in wisdom from proverbs Handle Conflict Proverbs 20:3 “Softly and Tenderly” “Great and Mighty” Offerings will be collected in the Offering Boxes located just inside the two main entrances into our Worship Center.
It’s not that he hasn’t tried. Earlier in the summer, Tony had placed a couple of ads in the community newspaper, seeking a friend — just someone he could talk to. 2820 N. Pleasant View Drive Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 928-772-7218 fsbcpv@firstsouthernpv.org www.firstsouthernpv.org Senior Pastor Terrell Eldreth: 928-277-4769 Cell: 619-244-6265 PastorTerrell@firstsouthernpv.org Worship Pastor Scott Terry: 928-458-6470 PastorScott@firstsouthernpv.org Family Life Ministry Pastor Ken Kopal: 602-738-0532 PastorKen@firstsouthernpv.org TO RECEIVE OUR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER THROUGH YOUR EMAIL SIMPLY MARK THE FRONT OF YOUR CONNECTION CARD. THIS IS A GREAT WAY TO RECEIVE CURRENT INFORMATION AT YOUR FINGERTIPS. To be removed from future mailings, please reply to this email and type “unsubscribe” in the Subject line.
He received not a single reply. He later told a reporter, “I spend most days just sitting in the house in silence, just waiting for the phone to ring — but it never does.”
PASTORAL STAFF Terrell Eldreth, Senior Pastor Scott Terry, Worship Pastor Ken Kopal, Family Life Pastor CHURCH OFFICE MON - THURS
8:30 PM - 2:30 PM
He also placed a sign in the window of his home: I have lost Jo. My lovely wife and social mate. I have no friends or family. No one to talk to. I find the unremitting silence 24 hours a day unbearable torture. Can no one help me? My first response to this heartbreaking story — and maybe your first response, too — is to think that Tony could (and should) find a place to volunteer: a senior citizens home, a children’s hospital, a shelter for displaced families. Or he could even visit a church. Certainly he would find friends there?
Of course, maybe, for now, it isn’t possible to pursue these options, given the current pandemic. Or maybe the darkness he is experiencing today is just too much to bear, and he simply doesn’t have the emotional reserves to make the first move.
with our activities
I love Him better every D-A-Y! I love Him better every D-A-Y! Close by His S-I-D-E; I will A-B-I-D-E! I love Him better every D-A-Y!
Tony’s story has gained some recent traction online; people are beginning to reach out to him. That’s the good news. But there are thousands and thousands of men and women like him who spend their days alone, in silence, as good as forgotten. Maybe some are alone because they’re old. Others find themselves alone for different reasons. The outcome is always the same. It’s easy for us to say what they could do and what they should do to fix their situation, but sometimes the darkness of depression makes it all but impossible to do anything at all, except to ask for help, meekly. The world is far too bent on its own destruction to pay any mind at all to people like Tony Williams. Instead, it’s up to us, the church. One thing we can be sure of — there are men and women like Tony within our reach. It’s up to us to hear them, to see them, to embrace them. This is our calling and our mission:
In-Person Worship! As well as Live Streaming on our webpage, YouTube, & Facebook: Sunday, September 20th @ 10:30 AM www.firstsouthernpv.org Zoom Meeting this week: Tuesday, September 22nd @ 6:30 PM Adult Bible Study Class Use information
from last week, check your email, or call the office @ 772-7218 before 2:30 PM on Tuesday.
Follow our Facebook page:
Please send in your prayer requests:
fsbcpv@firstsouthernpv.org 928-772-7218 *NOTE* If you are not receiving prayer requests by email and would like to, contact the office.
~ Helping People Find Life and Hope by Connecting with God’s Love ~
Stop by the church office for …
Blessings on your week as you maybe pay extra attention to those around you who are secluded and lonely. See you Sunday in worship.
September Calendar
Pastor Terrell
Paper Copy of Updated Church Directory
September Devotional Books
Germ-Free Tithes and Offerings Drop Box
Some sobering information. If this is true of the United Kingdom, we can sure the numbers in the United States are far more… According to Age UK: • More than 2 million people in England over the age of 75 live alone. • At least 1 million elderly people say they go for over a month without speaking to a friend, neighbor, or family member. • 500,000 go at least six days a week without seeing or speaking to anyone. • Two fifths of all older people (around 3.9 million) say the television is their main company.
Food Donations for Yavapai Food Bank Barrels now in Room #201, next door to office. Fall Sunday School Personal Study Guides Bible Studies for Life & Explore the Bible
VAN FUND $11,208.38
IF YOU NEED HELP OR ASSISTANCE Deacon of the Week: Karl Holloway 928-772-3374
Because of your generosity, we were able to give them $2,630.00 as a birthday gift! Thank you so much for your extraordinary giving for this great ministry.
Of course, maybe, for now, it isn’t possible to pursue these options, given the current pandemic. Or maybe the darkness he is experiencing today is just too much to bear, and he simply doesn’t have the emotional reserves to make the first move.
with our activities
I love Him better every D-A-Y! I love Him better every D-A-Y! Close by His S-I-D-E; I will A-B-I-D-E! I love Him better every D-A-Y!
Tony’s story has gained some recent traction online; people are beginning to reach out to him. That’s the good news. But there are thousands and thousands of men and women like him who spend their days alone, in silence, as good as forgotten. Maybe some are alone because they’re old. Others find themselves alone for different reasons. The outcome is always the same. It’s easy for us to say what they could do and what they should do to fix their situation, but sometimes the darkness of depression makes it all but impossible to do anything at all, except to ask for help, meekly. The world is far too bent on its own destruction to pay any mind at all to people like Tony Williams. Instead, it’s up to us, the church. One thing we can be sure of — there are men and women like Tony within our reach. It’s up to us to hear them, to see them, to embrace them. This is our calling and our mission:
In-Person Worship! As well as Live Streaming on our webpage, YouTube, & Facebook: Sunday, September 20th @ 10:30 AM www.firstsouthernpv.org Zoom Meeting this week: Tuesday, September 22nd @ 6:30 PM Adult Bible Study Class Use information
from last week, check your email, or call the office @ 772-7218 before 2:30 PM on Tuesday.
Follow our Facebook page:
Please send in your prayer requests:
fsbcpv@firstsouthernpv.org 928-772-7218 *NOTE* If you are not receiving prayer requests by email and would like to, contact the office.
~ Helping People Find Life and Hope by Connecting with God’s Love ~
Stop by the church office for …
Blessings on your week as you maybe pay extra attention to those around you who are secluded and lonely. See you Sunday in worship.
September Calendar
Pastor Terrell
Paper Copy of Updated Church Directory
September Devotional Books
Germ-Free Tithes and Offerings Drop Box
Some sobering information. If this is true of the United Kingdom, we can sure the numbers in the United States are far more… According to Age UK: • More than 2 million people in England over the age of 75 live alone. • At least 1 million elderly people say they go for over a month without speaking to a friend, neighbor, or family member. • 500,000 go at least six days a week without seeing or speaking to anyone. • Two fifths of all older people (around 3.9 million) say the television is their main company.
Food Donations for Yavapai Food Bank Barrels now in Room #201, next door to office. Fall Sunday School Personal Study Guides Bible Studies for Life & Explore the Bible
VAN FUND $11,208.38
IF YOU NEED HELP OR ASSISTANCE Deacon of the Week: Karl Holloway 928-772-3374
Because of your generosity, we were able to give them $2,630.00 as a birthday gift! Thank you so much for your extraordinary giving for this great ministry.
with church this week.
Until further notice, we will be having
September 20, 2020 NEVER FORGET …
Family Services.
No Child Care Provided with Pastor Terrell
Sunday Worship Welcome...
“… I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home.” ~ Matthew 25:35 (NLT) ~ In May 2020, Tony Williams — of Hampshire, England — lost his soul mate, his wife of 35 years, to pancreatic cancer. Her name was Jo.
September 20, 2020 at a glance…
“How Great Thou Art” “The Wonderful Cross”
Today, he feels lost without her. He has no children or family to visit. So the 75 year old retired physicist sits at home, alone. Days pass, one after another, without speaking to anyone.
PSALM 121 “Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone)” “The Way” Ministry in Music: Praise Team
“For God So Loved”
a course in wisdom from proverbs Handle Conflict Proverbs 20:3 “Softly and Tenderly” “Great and Mighty” Offerings will be collected in the Offering Boxes located just inside the two main entrances into our Worship Center.
It’s not that he hasn’t tried. Earlier in the summer, Tony had placed a couple of ads in the community newspaper, seeking a friend — just someone he could talk to. 2820 N. Pleasant View Drive Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 928-772-7218 fsbcpv@firstsouthernpv.org www.firstsouthernpv.org Senior Pastor Terrell Eldreth: 928-277-4769 Cell: 619-244-6265 PastorTerrell@firstsouthernpv.org Worship Pastor Scott Terry: 928-458-6470 PastorScott@firstsouthernpv.org Family Life Ministry Pastor Ken Kopal: 602-738-0532 PastorKen@firstsouthernpv.org TO RECEIVE OUR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER THROUGH YOUR EMAIL SIMPLY MARK THE FRONT OF YOUR CONNECTION CARD. THIS IS A GREAT WAY TO RECEIVE CURRENT INFORMATION AT YOUR FINGERTIPS. To be removed from future mailings, please reply to this email and type “unsubscribe” in the Subject line.
He received not a single reply. He later told a reporter, “I spend most days just sitting in the house in silence, just waiting for the phone to ring — but it never does.”
PASTORAL STAFF Terrell Eldreth, Senior Pastor Scott Terry, Worship Pastor Ken Kopal, Family Life Pastor CHURCH OFFICE MON - THURS
8:30 PM - 2:30 PM
He also placed a sign in the window of his home: I have lost Jo. My lovely wife and social mate. I have no friends or family. No one to talk to. I find the unremitting silence 24 hours a day unbearable torture. Can no one help me? My first response to this heartbreaking story — and maybe your first response, too — is to think that Tony could (and should) find a place to volunteer: a senior citizens home, a children’s hospital, a shelter for displaced families. Or he could even visit a church. Certainly he would find friends there?