with our Notices, Updates, and Activities
October 6, 2019 2820 N. Pleasant View Drive Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 928-772-7218 fsbcpv@firstsouthernpv.org www.firstsouthernpv.org
IF YOU NEED HELP OR ASSISTANCE Deacon of the Week: Paul Marshall 928-999-2109
Senior Pastor Terrell Eldreth: 928-277-4769 Cell: 619-244-6265 PastorTerrell@firstsouthernpv.org
IT’S THAT TIME OF YEAR!!! We will be collecting shoeboxes from October 13 - November 17. See Marty Leveron for WOW gifts for you to purchase. She has a limited amount of soccer balls and backpacks.
Worship Pastor Scott Terry: 928-458-6470 PastorScott@firstsouthernpv.org Family Life Ministry Pastor Ken Kopal: 602-738-0532 PastorKen@firstsouthernpv.org TO RECEIVE OUR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER THROUGH YOUR EMAIL SIMPLY MARK THE FRONT OF YOUR CONNECTION CARD.
Applications are available in the foyer after morning worship for crafters to reserve a table for our upcoming Christmas Arts and Crafts Fair. If you are interested, don’t delay as there are a limited amount of tables available.
To be removed from future mailings, please reply to this email and type “unsubscribe” in the Subject line.
BIBLE STUDIES Men’s Bible Study 10:00 AM Tuesdays Adult Bible Study & Prayer 6:00 PM Wednesday Night Women’s Bible Studies 10:00 AM Tuesdays AND
6:00 PM Thursdays
THIS WEEK OCTOBER 6 – OCTOBER 12 SUNDAY: 9:00 am Sunday School (Babies - Adults) 10:30 am Morning Worship -
MONDAY: 9:00 AM Sisters’ Quilting 3:00 PM Stewardship Meeting 7:00 PM Deacon’s Meeting
(Kidz 4 Christ ~ K-4th)
5:00 PM Choir Practice 6:00 PM Evening Worship
TUESDAY: 9:00 AM Women’s Bible Study 10:00 AM Men’s Bible Study
WEDNESDAY: 8:00 AM Gideons No Bible Study tonight THURSDAY: 6:00 PM Women’s Bible Study SATURDAY 2:00 PM
ESL/Good News Club
with Pastor Terrell
“So Jesus also suffered outside the gate in order to sanctify the people through his own blood” ~ Hebrews 13:12 (ESV) ~ On this coming Tuesday evening, October 8th, Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, begins and it continues through the evening of the 9th. For Jews, it is a day of repentance to God often observed by 25 hours of fasting, going to synagogue and praying. Yom Kippur is considered the holiest day of the year and it brings an end to the High Holy days for the year. The Day of Atonement — Yom Kippur — was instituted by God during the wilderness wandering. We read: “And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, ‘Now on the tenth day of this seventh month is the Day of Atonement. It shall be for you a time of holy convocation, and you shall afflict yourselves and present a food offering to the Lord. And you shall not do any work on that very day, for it is a Day of Atonement, to make atonement for you before the Lord your God.’” ~ Leviticus 23:26-28 (ESV) ~ As Christians, we may wonder why the Jews consider the Day of Atonement to be the holiest day of the year? For the Jews, it is on this day that Israel would be forgiven of their sins or would face judgment. Devout Jews still confess that this day brings plenty of anxiety into their hearts. Isn’t it wonderful that we believers in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ have the peace and assurance that our sins are forgiven eternally, because of what He has done on the cross! Yom Kippur literally means “Day of Covering.” The word Kippur also means “ransom.” It is to show God’s willingness to cover the sins of the previous year. While the goat that was sacrificed had to be one year old in order to provide atonement for the previous sins for one year, Christ, being eternal, provided atonement for an eternity! continued ...
PASTORAL STAFF Terrell Eldreth, Senior Pastor Scott Terry, Worship Pastor Ken Kopal, Family Life Pastor OFFICE CONTACT & HOURS MONDAY — THURSDAY
8:30 PM — 2:30 PM Phone: 928-772-7218 www.firstsouthernpv.org fsbcpv@firstsouthernpv.org
SUNDAY SCHEDULE • Sunday School for all ages 9:00 AM • Morning Worship Service 10:30 AM • Kidz 4 Christ & Extended Care during Morning Worship • Choir Practice 5:00 PM • Evening Worship 6:00 PM
with church this Sunday!
One of the most important aspects of the observance of the Day of Atonement was the scapegoat. The High Priest would lay both hands on the head of the goat that was not chosen to be sacrificed — covering the scapegoat with the blood of the sacrificial goat. The high priest then confessed the sins of the people. After that he sent the goat away to the wilderness by an appointed person. This fulfilled the requirement explained in Leviticus 16:22:
October 6, 2019 at a glance… “Oh, How I Love Jesus”
“The goat shall bear all their iniquities on itself to a remote area, and he shall let the goat go free in the wilderness.”
Scripture Reading & Prayer
Worship Center (200 Building)
This also ties into Isaiah 53:6, which says:
201 202 203 205
“All of us like sheep have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; but the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all to fall on Him.” Jesus fulfilled the promise of both goats. He paid the penalty for our sins and removed our sins as well! “But when Christ appeared as a high priest of the good things that have come, then through the greater and more perfect tent (not made with hands, that is, not of this creation) he entered once for all into the holy places, not by means of the blood of goats and calves but by means of his own blood, thus securing an eternal redemption.” ~ Hebrews 9:11-12 (ESV) ~ Today, anxiety about God’s judgement is removed for those who know Christ as Savior. He made the sacrifice for our sins with His own blood and carried them away into the wilderness of God’s forever forgetfulness. Praise God. What a Savior we have! Blessings on your week as you live in the forgiveness that is yours in Christ Jesus. See you this Sunday as we celebrate Communion by focusing on Jesus Christ — our scapegoat.
Hebrews 10:11-18 Paul Marshall
7th -12th Grade Students Ruth Class: Senior Adult Ladies College & Career: Young Adults The Saints: Senior Adult Men
HOPE “Morning Has Broken”
Fellowship Hall (300 Building)
“God is So Good (You are Worthy)”
300 Faith Class: Adults 301 Hope: Single Adults 302 Prayer Warriors: Active 30 plus Adults KID CITY Nursery 1 - 5 year old Preschoolers K - 3rd Grade Students 4th - 6th Grade Students
Pastor Terrell
“Your Love is Amazing” Ministry in Music Praise Choir: “Share His Love”
A Communion Celebration
The Scapegoat
KID CITY Nursery Extended Care for 0 - 5 year old Preschoolers Kidz 4 Christ - K - 4th Grade Students
Leviticus 16 “Near to the Heart of God”
The Celebration!
Worship Center (200 Building)
We Bring Our Gifts In Worship
Auditorium Choir Practice @ 5:00 PM 204
Cards can be sent to: c/o First Southern Baptist Church 2820 N Pleasant View Drive Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 PastorTerrell@firstsouthernpv.org
Total received: $ 2,067.00
$ 2,500.00
Adults: Ruth Class - Senior Adult Ladies The Saints - Senior Adult Men Bible Studies for Life
October - For K - 4th Grade Students Paul & Janet Marshall
PastorKen@firstsouthernpv.org PastorScott@firstsouthernpv.org
10/1 - Preschoolers Ages 0 – 5
Bev Turner & Carol Holloway
College & Career - Young Adults Faith - Mixed Age Adults Hope - Singles & Single Again Explore the Bible Prayer Warriors - Young Adults Disciples Path Children’s Classes: Infant— 12th grade Explore The Bible
with church this Sunday!
One of the most important aspects of the observance of the Day of Atonement was the scapegoat. The High Priest would lay both hands on the head of the goat that was not chosen to be sacrificed — covering the scapegoat with the blood of the sacrificial goat. The high priest then confessed the sins of the people. After that he sent the goat away to the wilderness by an appointed person. This fulfilled the requirement explained in Leviticus 16:22:
October 6, 2019 at a glance… “Oh, How I Love Jesus”
“The goat shall bear all their iniquities on itself to a remote area, and he shall let the goat go free in the wilderness.”
Scripture Reading & Prayer
Worship Center (200 Building)
This also ties into Isaiah 53:6, which says:
201 202 203 205
“All of us like sheep have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; but the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all to fall on Him.” Jesus fulfilled the promise of both goats. He paid the penalty for our sins and removed our sins as well! “But when Christ appeared as a high priest of the good things that have come, then through the greater and more perfect tent (not made with hands, that is, not of this creation) he entered once for all into the holy places, not by means of the blood of goats and calves but by means of his own blood, thus securing an eternal redemption.” ~ Hebrews 9:11-12 (ESV) ~ Today, anxiety about God’s judgement is removed for those who know Christ as Savior. He made the sacrifice for our sins with His own blood and carried them away into the wilderness of God’s forever forgetfulness. Praise God. What a Savior we have! Blessings on your week as you live in the forgiveness that is yours in Christ Jesus. See you this Sunday as we celebrate Communion by focusing on Jesus Christ — our scapegoat.
Hebrews 10:11-18 Paul Marshall
7th -12th Grade Students Ruth Class: Senior Adult Ladies College & Career: Young Adults The Saints: Senior Adult Men
HOPE “Morning Has Broken”
Fellowship Hall (300 Building)
“God is So Good (You are Worthy)”
300 Faith Class: Adults 301 Hope: Single Adults 302 Prayer Warriors: Active 30 plus Adults KID CITY Nursery 1 - 5 year old Preschoolers K - 3rd Grade Students 4th - 6th Grade Students
Pastor Terrell
“Your Love is Amazing” Ministry in Music Praise Choir: “Share His Love”
A Communion Celebration
The Scapegoat
KID CITY Nursery Extended Care for 0 - 5 year old Preschoolers Kidz 4 Christ - K - 4th Grade Students
Leviticus 16 “Near to the Heart of God”
The Celebration!
Worship Center (200 Building)
We Bring Our Gifts In Worship
Auditorium Choir Practice @ 5:00 PM 204
Cards can be sent to: c/o First Southern Baptist Church 2820 N Pleasant View Drive Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 PastorTerrell@firstsouthernpv.org
Total received: $ 2,067.00
$ 2,500.00
Adults: Ruth Class - Senior Adult Ladies The Saints - Senior Adult Men Bible Studies for Life
October - For K - 4th Grade Students Paul & Janet Marshall
PastorKen@firstsouthernpv.org PastorScott@firstsouthernpv.org
10/1 - Preschoolers Ages 0 – 5
Bev Turner & Carol Holloway
College & Career - Young Adults Faith - Mixed Age Adults Hope - Singles & Single Again Explore the Bible Prayer Warriors - Young Adults Disciples Path Children’s Classes: Infant— 12th grade Explore The Bible
with our Notices, Updates, and Activities
October 6, 2019 2820 N. Pleasant View Drive Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 928-772-7218 fsbcpv@firstsouthernpv.org www.firstsouthernpv.org
IF YOU NEED HELP OR ASSISTANCE Deacon of the Week: Paul Marshall 928-999-2109
Senior Pastor Terrell Eldreth: 928-277-4769 Cell: 619-244-6265 PastorTerrell@firstsouthernpv.org
IT’S THAT TIME OF YEAR!!! We will be collecting shoeboxes from October 13 - November 17. See Marty Leveron for WOW gifts for you to purchase. She has a limited amount of soccer balls and backpacks.
Worship Pastor Scott Terry: 928-458-6470 PastorScott@firstsouthernpv.org Family Life Ministry Pastor Ken Kopal: 602-738-0532 PastorKen@firstsouthernpv.org TO RECEIVE OUR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER THROUGH YOUR EMAIL SIMPLY MARK THE FRONT OF YOUR CONNECTION CARD.
Applications are available in the foyer after morning worship for crafters to reserve a table for our upcoming Christmas Arts and Crafts Fair. If you are interested, don’t delay as there are a limited amount of tables available.
To be removed from future mailings, please reply to this email and type “unsubscribe” in the Subject line.
BIBLE STUDIES Men’s Bible Study 10:00 AM Tuesdays Adult Bible Study & Prayer 6:00 PM Wednesday Night Women’s Bible Studies 10:00 AM Tuesdays AND
6:00 PM Thursdays
THIS WEEK OCTOBER 6 – OCTOBER 12 SUNDAY: 9:00 am Sunday School (Babies - Adults) 10:30 am Morning Worship -
MONDAY: 9:00 AM Sisters’ Quilting 3:00 PM Stewardship Meeting 7:00 PM Deacon’s Meeting
(Kidz 4 Christ ~ K-4th)
5:00 PM Choir Practice 6:00 PM Evening Worship
TUESDAY: 9:00 AM Women’s Bible Study 10:00 AM Men’s Bible Study
WEDNESDAY: 8:00 AM Gideons No Bible Study tonight THURSDAY: 6:00 PM Women’s Bible Study SATURDAY 2:00 PM
ESL/Good News Club
with Pastor Terrell
“So Jesus also suffered outside the gate in order to sanctify the people through his own blood” ~ Hebrews 13:12 (ESV) ~ On this coming Tuesday evening, October 8th, Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, begins and it continues through the evening of the 9th. For Jews, it is a day of repentance to God often observed by 25 hours of fasting, going to synagogue and praying. Yom Kippur is considered the holiest day of the year and it brings an end to the High Holy days for the year. The Day of Atonement — Yom Kippur — was instituted by God during the wilderness wandering. We read: “And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, ‘Now on the tenth day of this seventh month is the Day of Atonement. It shall be for you a time of holy convocation, and you shall afflict yourselves and present a food offering to the Lord. And you shall not do any work on that very day, for it is a Day of Atonement, to make atonement for you before the Lord your God.’” ~ Leviticus 23:26-28 (ESV) ~ As Christians, we may wonder why the Jews consider the Day of Atonement to be the holiest day of the year? For the Jews, it is on this day that Israel would be forgiven of their sins or would face judgment. Devout Jews still confess that this day brings plenty of anxiety into their hearts. Isn’t it wonderful that we believers in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ have the peace and assurance that our sins are forgiven eternally, because of what He has done on the cross! Yom Kippur literally means “Day of Covering.” The word Kippur also means “ransom.” It is to show God’s willingness to cover the sins of the previous year. While the goat that was sacrificed had to be one year old in order to provide atonement for the previous sins for one year, Christ, being eternal, provided atonement for an eternity! continued ...
PASTORAL STAFF Terrell Eldreth, Senior Pastor Scott Terry, Worship Pastor Ken Kopal, Family Life Pastor OFFICE CONTACT & HOURS MONDAY — THURSDAY
8:30 PM — 2:30 PM Phone: 928-772-7218 www.firstsouthernpv.org fsbcpv@firstsouthernpv.org
SUNDAY SCHEDULE • Sunday School for all ages 9:00 AM • Morning Worship Service 10:30 AM • Kidz 4 Christ & Extended Care during Morning Worship • Choir Practice 5:00 PM • Evening Worship 6:00 PM