7-28-19 Connections

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with our Notices, Updates, and Activities

July 28, 2019


Dear Friends – It is our desire that this weekly email will boost communication and increase awareness of activities available for your participation and enjoyment. Requested submissions to be included in the Weekly Connections e-Newsletter should be submitted no later than Wednesday at Noon to fsbcpv@firstsouthernpv.org.

ONLINE GIVING You can manage your giving online! Simply follow these easy steps: 1.Visit the church website at firstsouthernpv.org 2. Click on the Give Now button at the bottom of the page, 3. Click on the Create Profile button, then 4. Follow the onscreen instructions to create an online profile & to schedule your offerings. TEXT TO GIVE — 928-237-7218 You can also text your offerings! To get started, visit the church website at firstsouthernpv.org locate the link to our online giving page & create a profile. if you haven’t already, be sure to opt in to send text offerings. You will receive a confirmation text & email with instructions on how to text offerings.

FSBCPV Guest Password: Bible123

2820 N. Pleasant View Drive Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 928-772-7218 fsbcpv@firstsouthernpv.org www.firstsouthernpv.org Senior Pastor Terrell Eldreth: 928-277-4769 Cell: 619-244-6265 PastorTerrell@firstsouthernpv.org Worship Pastor Scott Terry: 928-458-6470 PastorScott@firstsouthernpv.org Family Life Ministry Pastor Ken Kopal: 623-225-7123 PastorKen@firstsouthernpv.org TO RECEIVE OUR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER THROUGH YOUR EMAIL SIMPLY MARK THE FRONT OF YOUR CONNECTION CARD. THIS IS A GREAT WAY TO RECEIVE CURRENT INFORMATION AT YOUR FINGERTIPS.

To be removed from future mailings, please reply to this email and type “unsubscribe” in the Subject line.

with Pastor Terrell

“But the fruit of the Spirit is… patience.” ~ Galatians 5:22 (NIV) ~ In his sermon “Better Odds” Andy Stanley makes a great statement. He’s talking about waiting on God, and he says something along these lines: “We look at our watches; God looks at the calendar.” One of the most difficult lessons for believers to learn is to wait on God. By nature we’re not patient, and our culture offers little encouragement to develop the habit. We want, we need, we think we deserve everything now. Remember that Sarah waited until she was old for the son she had always dreamed about; Moses waited for 40 years on the backside of the desert for God’s call; Joseph PASTORAL STAFF languished in prison for 15 years before God Terrell Eldreth, vindicated him. Even Paul spent 17 years in Senior Pastor preparation before he began the ministry that Scott Terry, God called him to on the road to Damascus. Worship Pastor But you can be sure that each of these saints Ken Kopal, would say it was worth the wait. It always is. Family Life Pastor There are, no doubt, a number of things that you are waiting for, too: OFFICE CONTACT & HOURS victory, healing, peace, growth, vindication, success. Today I encourage you to remember one thing: God is on his way. Sometimes the night seems MONDAY — THURSDAY to last forever. Sometimes his silence seems permanent. That’s because we 8:30 PM — 2:30 PM look at the clock while he looks at the calendar. Phone: 928-772-7218 Solomon wrote, www.firstsouthernpv.org “Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope fsbcpv@firstsouthernpv.org of God’s work from beginning to end.” Ecclesiastes 3:11 (NLT) SUNDAY SCHEDULE We cannot see the whole scope of God’s work, but the scope exists. We may not see the big picture, but there is one. Today might be just another • Sunday School for all ages 9:00 AM day of waiting for you, but here’s how you can make it better: Take your eyes off the clock and turn them toward Jesus. Spend this time waiting in • Morning Worship Service 10:30 AM expectation rather than desperation. God is at work in your life, making all things beautiful in their time. • Kidz 4 Christ during Morning Worship Blessings on your week as you try to remember that God is on His way in • Evening Worship Service your life and situation. Sunday evening, we will look at how to cultivate 6:00 PM patience in three key areas of our lives. I know, you can hardly wait! Pastor Terrell

with Pastor Ken

I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead for First Southern. One of those is a new year with Good News Club at Granville Elementary School. This year will be the fourth year of sponsoring and participating with the Good News Club at Granville Elementary School. Did you know studies show that 65 to 70 percent of Christians come to know Christ as their Savior between the ages of 4 and 14? The Good News Club opens the door to reach a large portion of that age group. It also allows the building of relationships with the school staff, and those relationships are where we would like to build upon by supporting the teachers. Teachers spend on an average $479 of their own money for supplies and resources each year. Some spend as much as $1,000. With Arizona's current law, schools cannot require students to provide these supplies, and most families do not have the funds to do so. Over 50% of the students require subsidies for school lunches. Our goal this year is $2,000. This will give us the ability to give each teacher a $100 gift card to use wherever it is needed. In addition to these gifts, a list of teachers will be available for us to lift them in prayer. I cannot wait to see what God will do in their lives as He opens the doors to share the Good News with those outside of the Good News Club. Pastor Ken It’s time for Good News Club Training!!! All training will be held at Calvary Chapel Prescott, 2313 AZ-69. Please contact Team Leader, Janet Marshall @ 928-999-2109 or 260-402-7728 to volunteer!! If you will be a NEW, 1st or 2nd-year volunteer, CEF requires that you attend the full-day training on either August 10 or September 21 . New, 1st and 2nd year volunteers: Quick Start Training: Evangelize Disciple Establish Saturday, August 10, from 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM Registration link: https://cefarizona. breezechms.com/form/gnc81019 If you are a volunteer who has completed at least two years and have attended two full-day trainings, then you are eligible to attend a HALF day training. 3rd+ year volunteers: Saturday, August 10, from 9:00 AM - NOON Registration link: https://cefarizona. breezechms.com/form/gnc81019 ~OR~ New, 1st and 2nd year volunteers: Saturday, September 21, from 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM Registration link: https:// cefarizona.breezechms.com/ form/gnc92119 3rd+ year volunteers: Saturday, September 21, from 9:00 AM -NOON Registration link: https:// cefarizona.breezechms.com/ form/gnc92119 Please save the date and register as soon as possible!

with church this Sunday!


Deacon of the Week: Paul Marshall 928-999-2109

ORDER OF WORSHIP July 28, 2019 at a glance… “Victory in Jesus”

Scripture Reading & Prayer

Psalm 145:1-6 Paul Marshall




children’s building renovation fund Received Last Sunday: Given to Date:

$139.96 $68,392.33

Remember to CHECK-IN on Facebook or any other social media sites during your fellowship with us.

BIBLE STUDIES Men’s Bible Study 10:00 AM Tuesdays Adult Bible Study & Prayer 6:00 PM Wednesday Night Women’s Bible Studies (beginning in the Fall)

Winning the War on Sin Romans A TESTAMENT OF FAITH IN ACTION

Adults: Ruth Class - Senior Adult Ladies The Saints - Senior Adult Men Bible Studies for Life College & Career - Young Adults Faith - Mixed Age Adults Hope - Singles & Single Again Explore the Bible Prayer Warriors - Young Adults Disciples Path Children’s Classes: Infant— 12th grade Explore The Bible


9:00 am Sunday School (Babies - Adults) 10:30 am Morning Worship(Kidz 4 Christ ~ K-4th) 6:00 PM Evening Worship

Ministry in Music: Pastor Scott Terry “Breathe/There is None Like You”

Romans 6:1-23


10:00 AM Tuesdays OR 6:00 PM Thursdays


“He Keeps Me Singing” “Garments” “Lord, I Lift Your Name on High”

MONDAY: 9:00 AM 4:30 PM

“Have Thine Own Way, Lord” We Bring Our Gifts In Worship

WITH 7/28 - Grace Kang & Johnna Traver WEDNESDAY:

Sisters Quilting Tae Kwon Do

TUESDAY: 10:00 AM Men’s Bible Study

8:00 AM 6:00 PM

Gideons’ Bible Study / Prayer

THURSDAY: 4:30 PM Tae Kwon Do

with Pastor Ken

I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead for First Southern. One of those is a new year with Good News Club at Granville Elementary School. This year will be the fourth year of sponsoring and participating with the Good News Club at Granville Elementary School. Did you know studies show that 65 to 70 percent of Christians come to know Christ as their Savior between the ages of 4 and 14? The Good News Club opens the door to reach a large portion of that age group. It also allows the building of relationships with the school staff, and those relationships are where we would like to build upon by supporting the teachers. Teachers spend on an average $479 of their own money for supplies and resources each year. Some spend as much as $1,000. With Arizona's current law, schools cannot require students to provide these supplies, and most families do not have the funds to do so. Over 50% of the students require subsidies for school lunches. Our goal this year is $2,000. This will give us the ability to give each teacher a $100 gift card to use wherever it is needed. In addition to these gifts, a list of teachers will be available for us to lift them in prayer. I cannot wait to see what God will do in their lives as He opens the doors to share the Good News with those outside of the Good News Club. Pastor Ken It’s time for Good News Club Training!!! All training will be held at Calvary Chapel Prescott, 2313 AZ-69. Please contact Team Leader, Janet Marshall @ 928-999-2109 or 260-402-7728 to volunteer!! If you will be a NEW, 1st or 2nd-year volunteer, CEF requires that you attend the full-day training on either August 10 or September 21 . New, 1st and 2nd year volunteers: Quick Start Training: Evangelize Disciple Establish Saturday, August 10, from 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM Registration link: https://cefarizona. breezechms.com/form/gnc81019 If you are a volunteer who has completed at least two years and have attended two full-day trainings, then you are eligible to attend a HALF day training. 3rd+ year volunteers: Saturday, August 10, from 9:00 AM - NOON Registration link: https://cefarizona. breezechms.com/form/gnc81019 ~OR~ New, 1st and 2nd year volunteers: Saturday, September 21, from 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM Registration link: https:// cefarizona.breezechms.com/ form/gnc92119 3rd+ year volunteers: Saturday, September 21, from 9:00 AM -NOON Registration link: https:// cefarizona.breezechms.com/ form/gnc92119 Please save the date and register as soon as possible!

with church this Sunday!


Deacon of the Week: Paul Marshall 928-999-2109

ORDER OF WORSHIP July 28, 2019 at a glance… “Victory in Jesus”

Scripture Reading & Prayer

Psalm 145:1-6 Paul Marshall




children’s building renovation fund Received Last Sunday: Given to Date:

$139.96 $68,392.33

Remember to CHECK-IN on Facebook or any other social media sites during your fellowship with us.

BIBLE STUDIES Men’s Bible Study 10:00 AM Tuesdays Adult Bible Study & Prayer 6:00 PM Wednesday Night Women’s Bible Studies (beginning in the Fall)

Winning the War on Sin Romans A TESTAMENT OF FAITH IN ACTION

Adults: Ruth Class - Senior Adult Ladies The Saints - Senior Adult Men Bible Studies for Life College & Career - Young Adults Faith - Mixed Age Adults Hope - Singles & Single Again Explore the Bible Prayer Warriors - Young Adults Disciples Path Children’s Classes: Infant— 12th grade Explore The Bible


9:00 am Sunday School (Babies - Adults) 10:30 am Morning Worship(Kidz 4 Christ ~ K-4th) 6:00 PM Evening Worship

Ministry in Music: Pastor Scott Terry “Breathe/There is None Like You”

Romans 6:1-23


10:00 AM Tuesdays OR 6:00 PM Thursdays


“He Keeps Me Singing” “Garments” “Lord, I Lift Your Name on High”

MONDAY: 9:00 AM 4:30 PM

“Have Thine Own Way, Lord” We Bring Our Gifts In Worship

WITH 7/28 - Grace Kang & Johnna Traver WEDNESDAY:

Sisters Quilting Tae Kwon Do

TUESDAY: 10:00 AM Men’s Bible Study

8:00 AM 6:00 PM

Gideons’ Bible Study / Prayer

THURSDAY: 4:30 PM Tae Kwon Do

with our Notices, Updates, and Activities

July 28, 2019


Dear Friends – It is our desire that this weekly email will boost communication and increase awareness of activities available for your participation and enjoyment. Requested submissions to be included in the Weekly Connections e-Newsletter should be submitted no later than Wednesday at Noon to fsbcpv@firstsouthernpv.org.

ONLINE GIVING You can manage your giving online! Simply follow these easy steps: 1.Visit the church website at firstsouthernpv.org 2. Click on the Give Now button at the bottom of the page, 3. Click on the Create Profile button, then 4. Follow the onscreen instructions to create an online profile & to schedule your offerings. TEXT TO GIVE — 928-237-7218 You can also text your offerings! To get started, visit the church website at firstsouthernpv.org locate the link to our online giving page & create a profile. if you haven’t already, be sure to opt in to send text offerings. You will receive a confirmation text & email with instructions on how to text offerings.

FSBCPV Guest Password: Bible123

2820 N. Pleasant View Drive Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 928-772-7218 fsbcpv@firstsouthernpv.org www.firstsouthernpv.org Senior Pastor Terrell Eldreth: 928-277-4769 Cell: 619-244-6265 PastorTerrell@firstsouthernpv.org Worship Pastor Scott Terry: 928-458-6470 PastorScott@firstsouthernpv.org Family Life Ministry Pastor Ken Kopal: 623-225-7123 PastorKen@firstsouthernpv.org TO RECEIVE OUR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER THROUGH YOUR EMAIL SIMPLY MARK THE FRONT OF YOUR CONNECTION CARD. THIS IS A GREAT WAY TO RECEIVE CURRENT INFORMATION AT YOUR FINGERTIPS.

To be removed from future mailings, please reply to this email and type “unsubscribe” in the Subject line.

with Pastor Terrell

“But the fruit of the Spirit is… patience.” ~ Galatians 5:22 (NIV) ~ In his sermon “Better Odds” Andy Stanley makes a great statement. He’s talking about waiting on God, and he says something along these lines: “We look at our watches; God looks at the calendar.” One of the most difficult lessons for believers to learn is to wait on God. By nature we’re not patient, and our culture offers little encouragement to develop the habit. We want, we need, we think we deserve everything now. Remember that Sarah waited until she was old for the son she had always dreamed about; Moses waited for 40 years on the backside of the desert for God’s call; Joseph PASTORAL STAFF languished in prison for 15 years before God Terrell Eldreth, vindicated him. Even Paul spent 17 years in Senior Pastor preparation before he began the ministry that Scott Terry, God called him to on the road to Damascus. Worship Pastor But you can be sure that each of these saints Ken Kopal, would say it was worth the wait. It always is. Family Life Pastor There are, no doubt, a number of things that you are waiting for, too: OFFICE CONTACT & HOURS victory, healing, peace, growth, vindication, success. Today I encourage you to remember one thing: God is on his way. Sometimes the night seems MONDAY — THURSDAY to last forever. Sometimes his silence seems permanent. That’s because we 8:30 PM — 2:30 PM look at the clock while he looks at the calendar. Phone: 928-772-7218 Solomon wrote, www.firstsouthernpv.org “Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope fsbcpv@firstsouthernpv.org of God’s work from beginning to end.” Ecclesiastes 3:11 (NLT) SUNDAY SCHEDULE We cannot see the whole scope of God’s work, but the scope exists. We may not see the big picture, but there is one. Today might be just another • Sunday School for all ages 9:00 AM day of waiting for you, but here’s how you can make it better: Take your eyes off the clock and turn them toward Jesus. Spend this time waiting in • Morning Worship Service 10:30 AM expectation rather than desperation. God is at work in your life, making all things beautiful in their time. • Kidz 4 Christ during Morning Worship Blessings on your week as you try to remember that God is on His way in • Evening Worship Service your life and situation. Sunday evening, we will look at how to cultivate 6:00 PM patience in three key areas of our lives. I know, you can hardly wait! Pastor Terrell

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