with our Notices, Updates, and Activities
It’s time for Good News Club Training!!! All training will be held at Calvary Chapel Prescott, 2313 AZ-69. Please contact Team Leader, Janet Marshall @ 928-999-2109 or 260-402-7728 to volunteer!!
August 4, 2019
If you will be a NEW, 1st or 2nd-year volunteer, CEF requires that you attend the full-day training on either August 10 or September 21 . New, 1st and 2nd year volunteers: Saturday, August 10, from 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM Registration link: https://cefarizona. breezechms.com/form/gnc81019
with Pastor Terrell
Quick Start Training: Evangelize Disciple Establish
If you are a volunteer who has completed at least two years and have attended two full-day trainings, then you are eligible to attend a HALF day training.
“… Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” ~ Hebrews 13:5 ~
3rd+ year volunteers: Saturday, August 10, from 9:00 AM - NOON Registration link: https://cefarizona. breezechms.com/form/gnc81019
New, 1st and 2nd year volunteers: Saturday, September 21, from 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM Registration link: https:// cefarizona.breezechms.com/ form/gnc92119 3rd+ year volunteers: Saturday, September 21, from 9:00 AM -NOON Registration link: https:// cefarizona.breezechms.com/ form/gnc92119
2820 N. Pleasant View Drive Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 928-772-7218 fsbcpv@firstsouthernpv.org www.firstsouthernpv.org Senior Pastor Terrell Eldreth: 928-277-4769 Cell: 619-244-6265 PastorTerrell@firstsouthernpv.org Worship Pastor Scott Terry: 928-458-6470 PastorScott@firstsouthernpv.org Family Life Ministry Pastor Ken Kopal: 623-225-7123 PastorKen@firstsouthernpv.org TO RECEIVE OUR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER THROUGH YOUR EMAIL SIMPLY MARK THE FRONT OF YOUR CONNECTION CARD. THIS IS A GREAT WAY TO RECEIVE CURRENT INFORMATION AT YOUR FINGERTIPS.
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I came across a quote recently from William Carey from his journal, April 1794, during his first year in India. This day was tumultuous in its beginning, but was afterwards more calm. Yet a burden of guilt is not easily removed: nothing short of infinite power, and infinite goodness, can remove such a load as mine. O that I had but a smiling God, or an earthly friend to whom I could unbosom my soul! But my friend is at a great distance, and God frowns upon my soul. O may his countenance be lifted upon me again. Carey was expressing his feelings here, not writing good theology. His words reflect a servant’s struggle with sin and the struggle with loneliness. Everyone in the ministry deals with them both. And you don’t have to travel to India to meet these enemies face-to-face. They’ll come to where you are. So, what do you do when you’re losing the battle against sin and loneliness? You turn to the God whose mercy never ends, and even if it’s for the thousandth time, you can still find grace in your time of your need. Carey knew that, even if he didn’t feel it at the moment he penned these words. continued
PASTORAL STAFF Terrell Eldreth, Senior Pastor Scott Terry, Worship Pastor Ken Kopal, Family Life Pastor OFFICE CONTACT & HOURS MONDAY — THURSDAY
8:30 PM — 2:30 PM Phone: 928-772-7218 www.firstsouthernpv.org fsbcpv@firstsouthernpv.org
SUNDAY SCHEDULE • Sunday School for all ages 9:00 AM • Morning Worship Service 10:30 AM • Kidz 4 Christ during Morning Worship • Evening Worship Service 6:00 PM
And you turn to one of the good people God has put in your life, and you “unbosom your soul”. You have an advantage Carey didn’t have: If that person isn’t nearby, you can pick up the phone and give them a call.
with church this Sunday!
Most importantly, when you’re losing the battle against sin and loneliness, you stay in the fight until victory finds you. Losing the battle doesn’t mean you’re losing the war, but quitting does.
Deacon of the Week: Karl Holloway 928-772-3374
Carey eventually won his battle. He stayed in India, translated the New Testament into several languages, planted churches and missionary training centers, and became known as the Father of Modern Missions. Today at least seven institutions of higher learning bear his name. Amazing, especially when you consider he worked for three years before he baptized his first convert. Blessings on your week as you face your moments of loneliness this week with the help of your Savior and Lord. Pastor Terrell ******************************************************************************* with Pastor Scott
Sing to the Lord with grateful praise; make music to our God on the harp. He covers the sky with clouds; he supplies the earth with rain and makes grass grow on the hills. Psalm 147: 7-8 It’s raining today, and that makes quite a few days in a row that it has either rained, looked like rain, or rained somewhere nearby. Whatever could be going on? We live in Arizona after all, and it’s supposed to be dry. Well, it’s monsoon season, that’s what’s going on. It’s that time of year when we can usually count on some nice rainfall. Some years are better than others as far as the rain goes, but we generally get at least something. Anyway, for at least a couple of months or so moist air from the Pacific makes its way over to our neck of the woods and gives us some showers. The psalmist lists the rain as one reason among many to sing in praise to God, so if you aren’t sure what you have to sing about or praise God for, you can praise Him for the rain he gives that makes grass grow on the hills and waters the crops that provide food for us. We can also sing praise to God for the grace so freely given that He pours down on us like rain. No matter what you may be going through, God’s grace is available for the asking, so praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above ye heavenly host. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen! Pastor Scott
August 4, 2019 at a glance… “Blessed Be the Name” Scripture Reading & Prayer
Matthew 26:20-29 Karl Holloway THE GOSPEL COLORS
“My Faith Has Found a Resting Place” “How Great is Our God” “Open the Eyes of My Heart”
children’s building renovation fund Received Last Sunday: Given to Date:
$500.00 $68,892.33
Remember to CHECK-IN on Facebook or any other social media sites during your fellowship with us.
Ministry in Music: Bill Eash “In the Presence of Jehovah”
A New Way of Keeping Score Romans A TESTAMENT OF FAITH IN ACTION Romans 7:1-6
BIBLE STUDIES Men’s Bible Study 10:00 AM Tuesdays Adult Bible Study & Prayer 6:00 PM Wednesday Night Women’s Bible Studies (beginning in the Fall)
SUNDAY SCHOOL Adults: Ruth Class - Senior Adult Ladies The Saints - Senior Adult Men Bible Studies for Life College & Career - Young Adults Faith - Mixed Age Adults Hope - Singles & Single Again Explore the Bible Prayer Warriors - Young Adults Disciples Path
10:00 AM Tuesdays OR 6:00 PM Thursdays
Children’s Classes: Infant— 12th grade Explore The Bible
“Just As I Am” Worship at the Lord’s Table We Bring Our Gifts In Worship
WITH 8/4 - Bill and Beth Vogel
THIS WEEK AUGUST 4 – AUGUST 10 SUNDAY: 9:00 am Sunday School (Babies - Adults) 10:30 am Morning Worship -
(Kidz 4 Christ ~ K-4th)
2:30 PM—7:00 PM— Connecting Seminar 6:00 PM Evening Worship
MONDAY: 9:00 AM 3:00 PM 4:30 PM 7:00 PM
Sisters Quilting Stewardship Meeting Tae Kwon Do Deacon’s Meeting
TUESDAY: 10:00 AM Men’s Bible Study WEDNESDAY: 8:00 AM Gideons 6:00 PM Bible Study / Prayer
THURSDAY: 4:30 PM Tae Kwon Do FRIDAY: 6:00 PM AWANA Leadership Dinner at Willow Hills Baptist Church SATURDAY: 9:00 AM Quick Start Training for GNC at Calvary Chapel, Prescott