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with worship.

August 8, 2021

Sunday, August 8, 2021 At-A-Glance In honor of the God we worship, you are invited to stand as we sing as you are physically able.

“Victory Chant” “I Will Walk” “How Great Thou Art”

WE WORSHIP JESUS Welcome & Offertory Prayer

“Ah Lord God” “He is Exalted” “Ancient Words”

A Crash Course on Beginnings Pastor Ken Kopal “Great is Thy Faithfulness” “Trust the Lord”

with Pastor Ken 2820 N. Pleasant View Drive Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 928-772-7218 Church Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 8:30AM - 2:30PM Senior Pastor Terrell Eldreth: 928-277-4769 Cell: 619-244-6265 Executive Pastor Ken Kopal: 602-738-0532 Worship Pastor Bart Young 928-254-8713 TO RECEIVE OUR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER THROUGH YOUR EMAIL SIMPLY MARK THE FRONT OF YOUR CONNECTION CARD. THIS IS A GREAT WAY TO RECEIVE CURRENT INFORMATION AT YOUR FINGERTIPS. To be removed from future mailings, please reply to this email and type “unsubscribe” in the Subject line.

Offerings and Connection Cards will be collected in the Offering Boxes located just inside the two main entrances into our Worship Center, as well as in the Office Hallway.

In Matthew 5:13, Jesus says, You are the salt of the earth; some of my original thinking about this reminded me of the blue box with a little girl holding an umbrella. The little store where my mom bought all of the family groceries only carried Morton Salt. The packaging is very distinctive. I assumed everyone would recognize that package and know it was salt. In the same way, the world should realize Christians. It's in the packaging from the outside everyone should know who we are. Of course, at that time, I could not tell you what being a Christian looked like. As I became older, I learned more about salt, its usefulness, and even a better understanding of what being a Christian looked like. It was not until our last small group where some of us read the book 'The Miracle of the Scarlet Thread Expanded Edition' by Richard Booker. That we learned more about salt and what Jesus was telling us. In the book, Booker explained that the disciples whom Jesus was talking to understood more about salt because of the time and culture they were living in. The book tells that the disciples understood there are many uses of salt as an antiseptic, a cleaning agent, for dressing wounds, preserving, purifying, as a substitute for blood, and thousands of other benefits. Did you catch the substitute for blood? That seemed strange to me until I understood from Booker's book that ancient people looked at blood and salt as being almost interchangeable because blood has salt in it, and salt like blood is necessary for life. It was not uncommon for salt to substitute for blood during sacrifices if blood was not available. continued

Salt also was a part of every sacrificial offering. The Priests were instructed in Leviticus 2:13 to add salt to all offerings and again in Ezekiel 43:24. Even the pagans used salt to offer their gods, but their offerings were made to keep their gods happy. Whereas the Hebrews' sacrifices were to draw near to God. In fact, the Hebrew word for sacrifice is korban meaning to come near or establish a close relationship with someone. The Hebrew sacrificial offerings pointed to the ultimate korban to God that is Jesus, who is the once and for all perfect and everlasting sacrifice. Salt was considered so valuable that wars have started over it, and Roman soldiers were often paid with salt. When they were compensated with salt, it was called salarium, the word we get salary from. There are other words we get from the word salt, like salvation. Like salt, Jesus is within after our salvation. So when he said we are to be the salt of the world, he said that we are to represent Him to the saltless world. Booker's book opened my understanding of how we are to be the salt of the earth and what that means. Then there is the rest of the verse if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled by men. From a chemical standpoint, salt cannot lose its chemical makeup. Therefore it cannot lose its flavor. So what did Jesus mean when he said when salt loses its saltiness? Salt cannot stop being salt with all of its uses, but it can lose its effectiveness. This can happen if it is mixed with too many other compounds. It is still salt, but it could be bad for you depending on what it is mixed with. As Christians, we can lose our effectiveness in the same way by giving in to the world and letting our values, convictions, priorities, and way of life drop to the world's standards. As God's people, we are to be the salt of the earth, so everybody can taste and see that the Lord is good. We are to make people thirsty for the Lord. Pastor Ken

with our activities.

THIS WEEK AT FIRST SOUTHERN Schedule for Sunday, August 8

AUGUST 8 - 14, 2021


Bible Study Classes @ 9:00AM Ruth - Rm #202; Saints - Rm #201 In-Person Worship & Online Church @ 10:30AM Preschool Worship opens @ 10:15AM in KID CITY Kidz4Christ dismissed to KID CITY during Worship Service

Monday, August 9th 4:30 PM - Immerse: Beginnings Growth Group - Puffer’s Home Tuesday, August 10th 10:00 AM - Men’s Bible Study - Room #202 Tuesday, August 10th 6:00 PM - Immerse: Beginnings Growth Group - Carnal’s Home Thursday, August 12th 6:00 PM - Immerse: Beginnings Growth Group - FSBCPV Fellowship Hall Thursday, August 12th 7:00 PM - Immerse: Beginnings Growth Group - ZOOM (link on our webpage)

Growth Groups begin meeting this Go to this website for Quick Start Guide, Family Guide, weekly audio & videos, or to subscribe to the podcast:

got questions? We are tracking our Gospel Conversations. How many have you had this last week? Mark your number on your Connection Card.

AUGUST 21 - GET REAL MEN’S EXPO for all men and boys. 9AM-1PM - This FREE EVENT includes breakfast and lunch @ Mountaintop Christian Fellowship, 1519 W Gurley, Prescott. See Howard Traver for more information or check out

Keep on sharing the Good News of Jesus!

AUGUST & SEPTEMBER - GOOD NEWS CLUB TRAINING - FREE. See Johnna Traver or Janet Marshall.

2021 Gospel Conversations Total : 1,977!!




Bruce Puffer 928-499-5882


OCTOBER 2 - “LIVING WITH ZEST” 10AM - Noon Ladies’ Event OCTOBER 5 - DECEMBER 7 - Women’s Bible Study will begin again on Tuesdays at 10AM in the Fellowship Hall. “Why Jesus Came in His Own Words” by Alice Irby.

Salt also was a part of every sacrificial offering. The Priests were instructed in Leviticus 2:13 to add salt to all offerings and again in Ezekiel 43:24. Even the pagans used salt to offer their gods, but their offerings were made to keep their gods happy. Whereas the Hebrews' sacrifices were to draw near to God. In fact, the Hebrew word for sacrifice is korban meaning to come near or establish a close relationship with someone. The Hebrew sacrificial offerings pointed to the ultimate korban to God that is Jesus, who is the once and for all perfect and everlasting sacrifice. Salt was considered so valuable that wars have started over it, and Roman soldiers were often paid with salt. When they were compensated with salt, it was called salarium, the word we get salary from. There are other words we get from the word salt, like salvation. Like salt, Jesus is within after our salvation. So when he said we are to be the salt of the world, he said that we are to represent Him to the saltless world. Booker's book opened my understanding of how we are to be the salt of the earth and what that means. Then there is the rest of the verse if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled by men. From a chemical standpoint, salt cannot lose its chemical makeup. Therefore it cannot lose its flavor. So what did Jesus mean when he said when salt loses its saltiness? Salt cannot stop being salt with all of its uses, but it can lose its effectiveness. This can happen if it is mixed with too many other compounds. It is still salt, but it could be bad for you depending on what it is mixed with. As Christians, we can lose our effectiveness in the same way by giving in to the world and letting our values, convictions, priorities, and way of life drop to the world's standards. As God's people, we are to be the salt of the earth, so everybody can taste and see that the Lord is good. We are to make people thirsty for the Lord. Pastor Ken

with our activities.

THIS WEEK AT FIRST SOUTHERN Schedule for Sunday, August 8

AUGUST 8 - 14, 2021


Bible Study Classes @ 9:00AM Ruth - Rm #202; Saints - Rm #201 In-Person Worship & Online Church @ 10:30AM Preschool Worship opens @ 10:15AM in KID CITY Kidz4Christ dismissed to KID CITY during Worship Service

Monday, August 9th 4:30 PM - Immerse: Beginnings Growth Group - Puffer’s Home Tuesday, August 10th 10:00 AM - Men’s Bible Study - Room #202 Tuesday, August 10th 6:00 PM - Immerse: Beginnings Growth Group - Carnal’s Home Thursday, August 12th 6:00 PM - Immerse: Beginnings Growth Group - FSBCPV Fellowship Hall Thursday, August 12th 7:00 PM - Immerse: Beginnings Growth Group - ZOOM (link on our webpage)

Growth Groups begin meeting this Go to this website for Quick Start Guide, Family Guide, weekly audio & videos, or to subscribe to the podcast:

got questions? We are tracking our Gospel Conversations. How many have you had this last week? Mark your number on your Connection Card.

AUGUST 21 - GET REAL MEN’S EXPO for all men and boys. 9AM-1PM - This FREE EVENT includes breakfast and lunch @ Mountaintop Christian Fellowship, 1519 W Gurley, Prescott. See Howard Traver for more information or check out

Keep on sharing the Good News of Jesus!

AUGUST & SEPTEMBER - GOOD NEWS CLUB TRAINING - FREE. See Johnna Traver or Janet Marshall.

2021 Gospel Conversations Total : 1,977!!




Bruce Puffer 928-499-5882


OCTOBER 2 - “LIVING WITH ZEST” 10AM - Noon Ladies’ Event OCTOBER 5 - DECEMBER 7 - Women’s Bible Study will begin again on Tuesdays at 10AM in the Fellowship Hall. “Why Jesus Came in His Own Words” by Alice Irby.

with worship.

August 8, 2021

Sunday, August 8, 2021 At-A-Glance In honor of the God we worship, you are invited to stand as we sing as you are physically able.

“Victory Chant” “I Will Walk” “How Great Thou Art”

WE WORSHIP JESUS Welcome & Offertory Prayer

“Ah Lord God” “He is Exalted” “Ancient Words”

A Crash Course on Beginnings Pastor Ken Kopal “Great is Thy Faithfulness” “Trust the Lord”

with Pastor Ken 2820 N. Pleasant View Drive Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 928-772-7218 Church Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 8:30AM - 2:30PM Senior Pastor Terrell Eldreth: 928-277-4769 Cell: 619-244-6265 Executive Pastor Ken Kopal: 602-738-0532 Worship Pastor Bart Young 928-254-8713 TO RECEIVE OUR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER THROUGH YOUR EMAIL SIMPLY MARK THE FRONT OF YOUR CONNECTION CARD. THIS IS A GREAT WAY TO RECEIVE CURRENT INFORMATION AT YOUR FINGERTIPS. To be removed from future mailings, please reply to this email and type “unsubscribe” in the Subject line.

Offerings and Connection Cards will be collected in the Offering Boxes located just inside the two main entrances into our Worship Center, as well as in the Office Hallway.

In Matthew 5:13, Jesus says, You are the salt of the earth; some of my original thinking about this reminded me of the blue box with a little girl holding an umbrella. The little store where my mom bought all of the family groceries only carried Morton Salt. The packaging is very distinctive. I assumed everyone would recognize that package and know it was salt. In the same way, the world should realize Christians. It's in the packaging from the outside everyone should know who we are. Of course, at that time, I could not tell you what being a Christian looked like. As I became older, I learned more about salt, its usefulness, and even a better understanding of what being a Christian looked like. It was not until our last small group where some of us read the book 'The Miracle of the Scarlet Thread Expanded Edition' by Richard Booker. That we learned more about salt and what Jesus was telling us. In the book, Booker explained that the disciples whom Jesus was talking to understood more about salt because of the time and culture they were living in. The book tells that the disciples understood there are many uses of salt as an antiseptic, a cleaning agent, for dressing wounds, preserving, purifying, as a substitute for blood, and thousands of other benefits. Did you catch the substitute for blood? That seemed strange to me until I understood from Booker's book that ancient people looked at blood and salt as being almost interchangeable because blood has salt in it, and salt like blood is necessary for life. It was not uncommon for salt to substitute for blood during sacrifices if blood was not available. continued

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