with our Notices, Updates, and Activities
Good News Club starts THIS WEEK! Tuesday, September 10th at 3:00 PM @ Granville Elementary
Our AWANA Club begins THIS WEEK! Wednesday night, 9/11 @ 5:45 PM.
WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDIES BEGIN THIS WEEK! Tuesday mornings 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Fellowship Hall Sept 10 – Dec 3 [not November 26] EPHESIANS Thursday evenings 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM Room 202 Sept 12 – Dec 12 [not November 28] PHILIPPIANS
September 8, 2019 2820 N. Pleasant View Drive Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 928-772-7218 fsbcpv@firstsouthernpv.org www.firstsouthernpv.org Senior Pastor Terrell Eldreth: 928-277-4769 Cell: 619-244-6265 PastorTerrell@firstsouthernpv.org Worship Pastor Scott Terry: 928-458-6470 PastorScott@firstsouthernpv.org Family Life Ministry Pastor Ken Kopal: 602-738-0532 PastorKen@firstsouthernpv.org TO RECEIVE OUR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER THROUGH YOUR EMAIL SIMPLY MARK THE FRONT OF YOUR CONNECTION CARD. THIS IS A GREAT WAY TO RECEIVE CURRENT INFORMATION AT YOUR FINGERTIPS.
To be removed from future mailings, please reply to this email and type “unsubscribe” in the Subject line.
BIBLE STUDIES Men’s Bible Study 10:00 AM Tuesdays Adult Bible Study & Prayer 6:00 PM Wednesday Night
Invitations packs are ready to go! Who will you invite?
Women’s Bible Studies 10:00 AM Tuesdays AND
6:00 PM Thursdays
THIS WEEK SEPTEMBER 8 – SEPTEMBER 14 SUNDAY: 9:00 am Sunday School (Babies - Adults) 10:30 am Morning Worship (Kidz 4 Christ ~ K-4th)
4:30 PM
Council Meeting
6:00 PM
Business Meeting
MONDAY: 4:30 PM Tae Kwon Do TUESDAY: 9:00 AM Women’s Bible Study 10:00 AM Men’s Bible Study 3:00 PM Good News Club @ Granville Elementary
WEDNESDAY: 8:00 AM Gideons 5:45 PM Awana 6:00 PM Bible Study / Prayer THURSDAY: 4:30 PM Tae Kwon Do 6:00 PM Women’s Bible Study SATURDAY: 2:00 PM ESL/Good News Club 4:00 PM Children’s Workers Appreciation Dinner
with Pastor Terrell
“Suddenly, a fierce storm struck the lake, with waves breaking into the boat. But Jesus was sleeping.” ~ Matthew 8:24 ~ I love September — it always starts with a paid holiday! How could you not love that? But it is also like a new restart for the year. Summer is when things slow down — usually. Now, things are picking up once again here at First Southern. Kid City is open, we have a new quarter beginning in Bible Study with extra class space now available and a few new options available as well. Good News Club and Awana begin this week and English as a Second Language (ESL) classes will be meeting once again on Saturday afternoons with a Good News Club for the kids. The Ladies Fall event is happening this Saturday morning, men are being nominated to serve as Deacons and the Week of Prayer for Arizona State th Missions is the 15 thru the 22nd. National “Back to Church Sunday” is also the 15th. Yep, September is here! And it all began with Labor Day. Labor Day — that day that most of us don’t go to work. However, whether you are still in the work force or retired, we all have a pretty good idea that work can be hard and exhausting. I enjoy working — and I’m sure most of you do as well. Even in retirement, I am amazed at all the work that many of you do. I often say I don’t know if I have the energy to retire here at First Southern.
Work is God’s plan for us — and not because of Adam’s fall in the garden. Work was already on Adam’s schedule before he sinned. Work is not a punishment, but you can get “bone-tired” sometimes when you’re doing it. Such was the case for Jesus one day. He’d had a busy work schedule, healing, casting our demons, feeding multitudes and teaching — not to mention discipling His disciples. He was tired — “bone-tired.” Taking the short-cut across the Sea of Galilee with His disciples, Jesus fell asleep in the boat. I can understand that. There is just something soothing about being on a gently rocking boat with the sun warming you. It’s easy to go to sleep in those circumstances, especially when you are already tired. But those circumstances didn’t last long. A fierce storm came up and threatened to swamp the boat and drown everyone on board. But Jesus remained asleep — even in the raging storm!
continued ...
PASTORAL STAFF Terrell Eldreth, Senior Pastor Scott Terry, Worship Pastor Ken Kopal, Family Life Pastor OFFICE CONTACT & HOURS MONDAY — THURSDAY
8:30 PM — 2:30 PM Phone: 928-772-7218 www.firstsouthernpv.org fsbcpv@firstsouthernpv.org
SUNDAY SCHEDULE • Sunday School for all ages 9:00 AM • Morning Worship Service 10:30 AM • Kidz 4 Christ & Extended Care during Morning Worship • Council Meeting 4:30 PM • Business Meeting 6:00 PM
We know that Jesus was awakened by the disciples and He calmed the storm by speaking to it. But what He did not do was condemn the fact that His hard work had made Him so tired that even a fierce storm could not wake Him up. Jesus was always working as we encounter Him in the gospels. He was a carpenter until age 30. He then went around doing good for the next three years. Then one night he labored in prayer so intently that He sweat drops of blood. Moments after that, He was arrested. He was beaten in the face, stripped naked and mocked, beaten with a cat-of-nine-tales until He was almost dead and had a cruel crown of thorns driven deep into His brow. He was forced to carry a cross up Golgotha’s hill until He fell under its weight. Once at the top of the hill, His hands and feet were nailed to the cross where he suffered for six hours until His death. With His dead body in the tomb, He battled the forces of sin and death, rising victorious three days later. We needed a Savior who knew how to work — even when He was “bone-tired” and all alone. Join us this Sunday morning as we worship our Savior. And remember, just as the holiday came this past Monday, Heaven comes soon as well — after the work of this life for those who know Jesus. Blessings on your week as you re-engage with the work of the Lord once again. Let’s keep up the great work together. Let’s make this a September to Remember. Pastor Terrell
One of the goals of the Arizona Southern Baptist Convention is to glorify God “with one mind and one voice.” Your generous donations to the Arizona Mission Offering allow us to work together through ministries that include Ministering to Pastors, Christian Challenge [“endeavoring to partner with local churches to advance God’s kingdom on every college campus in Arizona”], Disaster Relief, Hispanic
$ 2,500.00
Ministries, Planting Churches, Revitalizing Churches, and Student Ministries. Pray for the directors and facilitators serving the AZSBC, for wisdom and direction as they guide and support Arizona churches in biblical unity. Pray for the leaders of each ministry supported by the Arizona Mission Offering. Using the designated envelopes, offerings will be taken on September 15, 22, & 29.
Deacon of the Week: Karl Holloway 928-772-3374
SUNDAY SCHEDULE & LOCATIONS September 8, 2019 at a glance… “Heavenly Sunlight”
Scripture Reading & Prayer
Worship Center (200 Building) 201 202 203 205
2 Corinthians 5:17-21 Karl Holloway
7th -12th Grade Students Ruth Class: Senior Adult Ladies College & Career: Young Adults The Saints: Senior Adult Men
9/11: WHAT WE LEARNED “Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus” “I Got Saved” “Shine, Jesus, Shine”
Fellowship Hall (300 Building) 300 Faith Class: Adults 301 Hope: Single Adults 302 Prayer Warriors: Active 30 plus Adults KID CITY Nursery 1 - 5 year old Preschoolers K - 3rd Grade Students 4th - 6th Grade Students
Ministry in Music Howard Traver “Abba Father”
More than Conquerors Romans
KID CITY Nursery Extended Care for 1 - 5 year old Preschoolers Kidz 4 Christ - K - 4th Grade Students
Romans 8:26-39 “Softly and Tenderly” We Bring Our Gifts In Worship
Council Meeting at 4:30 PM Quarterly Business Meeting at 6:00 PM
Adults: Ruth Class - Senior Adult Ladies The Saints - Senior Adult Men Bible Studies for Life
Received Last Sunday:
with church this Sunday!
$ 530.00 $ 70,714.37
College & Career - Young Adults Faith - Mixed Age Adults Hope - Singles & Single Again Explore the Bible Prayer Warriors - Young Adults Disciples Path Children’s Classes: Infant— 12th grade Explore The Bible
9/8 - K thru 4th Grade Students Paul & Janet Marshall
9/8 - Preschoolers Ages 1 –5
Jean Byer, Anna Kopal, & Audrey Stroud
We know that Jesus was awakened by the disciples and He calmed the storm by speaking to it. But what He did not do was condemn the fact that His hard work had made Him so tired that even a fierce storm could not wake Him up. Jesus was always working as we encounter Him in the gospels. He was a carpenter until age 30. He then went around doing good for the next three years. Then one night he labored in prayer so intently that He sweat drops of blood. Moments after that, He was arrested. He was beaten in the face, stripped naked and mocked, beaten with a cat-of-nine-tales until He was almost dead and had a cruel crown of thorns driven deep into His brow. He was forced to carry a cross up Golgotha’s hill until He fell under its weight. Once at the top of the hill, His hands and feet were nailed to the cross where he suffered for six hours until His death. With His dead body in the tomb, He battled the forces of sin and death, rising victorious three days later. We needed a Savior who knew how to work — even when He was “bone-tired” and all alone. Join us this Sunday morning as we worship our Savior. And remember, just as the holiday came this past Monday, Heaven comes soon as well — after the work of this life for those who know Jesus. Blessings on your week as you re-engage with the work of the Lord once again. Let’s keep up the great work together. Let’s make this a September to Remember. Pastor Terrell
One of the goals of the Arizona Southern Baptist Convention is to glorify God “with one mind and one voice.” Your generous donations to the Arizona Mission Offering allow us to work together through ministries that include Ministering to Pastors, Christian Challenge [“endeavoring to partner with local churches to advance God’s kingdom on every college campus in Arizona”], Disaster Relief, Hispanic
$ 2,500.00
Ministries, Planting Churches, Revitalizing Churches, and Student Ministries. Pray for the directors and facilitators serving the AZSBC, for wisdom and direction as they guide and support Arizona churches in biblical unity. Pray for the leaders of each ministry supported by the Arizona Mission Offering. Using the designated envelopes, offerings will be taken on September 15, 22, & 29.
Deacon of the Week: Karl Holloway 928-772-3374
SUNDAY SCHEDULE & LOCATIONS September 8, 2019 at a glance… “Heavenly Sunlight”
Scripture Reading & Prayer
Worship Center (200 Building) 201 202 203 205
2 Corinthians 5:17-21 Karl Holloway
7th -12th Grade Students Ruth Class: Senior Adult Ladies College & Career: Young Adults The Saints: Senior Adult Men
9/11: WHAT WE LEARNED “Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus” “I Got Saved” “Shine, Jesus, Shine”
Fellowship Hall (300 Building) 300 Faith Class: Adults 301 Hope: Single Adults 302 Prayer Warriors: Active 30 plus Adults KID CITY Nursery 1 - 5 year old Preschoolers K - 3rd Grade Students 4th - 6th Grade Students
Ministry in Music Howard Traver “Abba Father”
More than Conquerors Romans
KID CITY Nursery Extended Care for 1 - 5 year old Preschoolers Kidz 4 Christ - K - 4th Grade Students
Romans 8:26-39 “Softly and Tenderly” We Bring Our Gifts In Worship
Council Meeting at 4:30 PM Quarterly Business Meeting at 6:00 PM
Adults: Ruth Class - Senior Adult Ladies The Saints - Senior Adult Men Bible Studies for Life
Received Last Sunday:
with church this Sunday!
$ 530.00 $ 70,714.37
College & Career - Young Adults Faith - Mixed Age Adults Hope - Singles & Single Again Explore the Bible Prayer Warriors - Young Adults Disciples Path Children’s Classes: Infant— 12th grade Explore The Bible
9/8 - K thru 4th Grade Students Paul & Janet Marshall
9/8 - Preschoolers Ages 1 –5
Jean Byer, Anna Kopal, & Audrey Stroud
with our Notices, Updates, and Activities
Good News Club starts THIS WEEK! Tuesday, September 10th at 3:00 PM @ Granville Elementary
Our AWANA Club begins THIS WEEK! Wednesday night, 9/11 @ 5:45 PM.
WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDIES BEGIN THIS WEEK! Tuesday mornings 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Fellowship Hall Sept 10 – Dec 3 [not November 26] EPHESIANS Thursday evenings 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM Room 202 Sept 12 – Dec 12 [not November 28] PHILIPPIANS
September 8, 2019 2820 N. Pleasant View Drive Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 928-772-7218 fsbcpv@firstsouthernpv.org www.firstsouthernpv.org Senior Pastor Terrell Eldreth: 928-277-4769 Cell: 619-244-6265 PastorTerrell@firstsouthernpv.org Worship Pastor Scott Terry: 928-458-6470 PastorScott@firstsouthernpv.org Family Life Ministry Pastor Ken Kopal: 602-738-0532 PastorKen@firstsouthernpv.org TO RECEIVE OUR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER THROUGH YOUR EMAIL SIMPLY MARK THE FRONT OF YOUR CONNECTION CARD. THIS IS A GREAT WAY TO RECEIVE CURRENT INFORMATION AT YOUR FINGERTIPS.
To be removed from future mailings, please reply to this email and type “unsubscribe” in the Subject line.
BIBLE STUDIES Men’s Bible Study 10:00 AM Tuesdays Adult Bible Study & Prayer 6:00 PM Wednesday Night
Invitations packs are ready to go! Who will you invite?
Women’s Bible Studies 10:00 AM Tuesdays AND
6:00 PM Thursdays
THIS WEEK SEPTEMBER 8 – SEPTEMBER 14 SUNDAY: 9:00 am Sunday School (Babies - Adults) 10:30 am Morning Worship (Kidz 4 Christ ~ K-4th)
4:30 PM
Council Meeting
6:00 PM
Business Meeting
MONDAY: 4:30 PM Tae Kwon Do TUESDAY: 9:00 AM Women’s Bible Study 10:00 AM Men’s Bible Study 3:00 PM Good News Club @ Granville Elementary
WEDNESDAY: 8:00 AM Gideons 5:45 PM Awana 6:00 PM Bible Study / Prayer THURSDAY: 4:30 PM Tae Kwon Do 6:00 PM Women’s Bible Study SATURDAY: 2:00 PM ESL/Good News Club 4:00 PM Children’s Workers Appreciation Dinner
with Pastor Terrell
“Suddenly, a fierce storm struck the lake, with waves breaking into the boat. But Jesus was sleeping.” ~ Matthew 8:24 ~ I love September — it always starts with a paid holiday! How could you not love that? But it is also like a new restart for the year. Summer is when things slow down — usually. Now, things are picking up once again here at First Southern. Kid City is open, we have a new quarter beginning in Bible Study with extra class space now available and a few new options available as well. Good News Club and Awana begin this week and English as a Second Language (ESL) classes will be meeting once again on Saturday afternoons with a Good News Club for the kids. The Ladies Fall event is happening this Saturday morning, men are being nominated to serve as Deacons and the Week of Prayer for Arizona State th Missions is the 15 thru the 22nd. National “Back to Church Sunday” is also the 15th. Yep, September is here! And it all began with Labor Day. Labor Day — that day that most of us don’t go to work. However, whether you are still in the work force or retired, we all have a pretty good idea that work can be hard and exhausting. I enjoy working — and I’m sure most of you do as well. Even in retirement, I am amazed at all the work that many of you do. I often say I don’t know if I have the energy to retire here at First Southern.
Work is God’s plan for us — and not because of Adam’s fall in the garden. Work was already on Adam’s schedule before he sinned. Work is not a punishment, but you can get “bone-tired” sometimes when you’re doing it. Such was the case for Jesus one day. He’d had a busy work schedule, healing, casting our demons, feeding multitudes and teaching — not to mention discipling His disciples. He was tired — “bone-tired.” Taking the short-cut across the Sea of Galilee with His disciples, Jesus fell asleep in the boat. I can understand that. There is just something soothing about being on a gently rocking boat with the sun warming you. It’s easy to go to sleep in those circumstances, especially when you are already tired. But those circumstances didn’t last long. A fierce storm came up and threatened to swamp the boat and drown everyone on board. But Jesus remained asleep — even in the raging storm!
continued ...
PASTORAL STAFF Terrell Eldreth, Senior Pastor Scott Terry, Worship Pastor Ken Kopal, Family Life Pastor OFFICE CONTACT & HOURS MONDAY — THURSDAY
8:30 PM — 2:30 PM Phone: 928-772-7218 www.firstsouthernpv.org fsbcpv@firstsouthernpv.org
SUNDAY SCHEDULE • Sunday School for all ages 9:00 AM • Morning Worship Service 10:30 AM • Kidz 4 Christ & Extended Care during Morning Worship • Council Meeting 4:30 PM • Business Meeting 6:00 PM