9-27-20 Connections

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with church this week.

September 27, 2020

Until further notice, we will be having Family Services.

No Child Care Provided

Sunday Worship Welcome... September 27, 2020 at a glance…

“Shout to the North” “My Faith Has Found a Resting Place” WELCOME

“It Is Well With My Soul” “Famous One” Ministry in Music: Praise Team

“The Power of Your Love”

2820 N. Pleasant View Drive Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 928-772-7218 fsbcpv@firstsouthernpv.org www.firstsouthernpv.org Senior Pastor Terrell Eldreth: 928-277-4769 Cell: 619-244-6265 PastorTerrell@firstsouthernpv.org Worship Pastor Scott Terry: 928-458-6470 PastorScott@firstsouthernpv.org Family Life Ministry Pastor Ken Kopal: 602-738-0532 PastorKen@firstsouthernpv.org TO RECEIVE OUR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER THROUGH YOUR EMAIL SIMPLY MARK THE FRONT OF YOUR CONNECTION CARD. THIS IS A GREAT WAY TO RECEIVE CURRENT INFORMATION AT YOUR FINGERTIPS. To be removed from future mailings, please reply to this email and type “unsubscribe” in the Subject line.

What Now? Now What! Philippians 4:6

“Wherever He Leads I’ll Go” “I’ve Got Peace Like a River” Offerings will be collected in the Offering Boxes located just inside the two main entrances into our Worship Center.

IF YOU NEED HELP OR ASSISTANCE Deacon of the Week: John Kang 928-800-2949

with Pastor Terrell

“When you fast…” ~ Matthew 5:18 ~ In this pandemic time, we sometimes begin to think that God is not at work. I want to remind all of us that is certainly not the case. God has been working in our world, in our church, in our families, and in our own personal lives through the Holy Spirit. He was at work before the COVID-19 virus — and guess what — He is at work through the Holy Spirit today — during the COVID-19 virus. My challenge — and our challenge — is to better partner with the Holy Spirit during this pandemic time. We don’t have to be the hero figuring it all out — we just need to learn to be better partners with the Spirit as He is working. That means we need to know what He is doing.

To that end, let me offer three challenges to all of us for this fall season.

PASTORAL STAFF Terrell Eldreth, Senior Pastor Scott Terry, Worship Pastor Ken Kopal, Family Life Pastor CHURCH OFFICE MON - THURS

8:30 PM - 2:30 PM

First, let’s all read the New Testament from Matthew to Revelation over the last three months of 2020. You may find that you are still having a little more time on your hands than usual. That means you have an opportunity to really read the Bible. If you begin on October 1st, that will leave 92 days left in 2020. There are 27 books in the New Testament — containing 250 chapters in total. That means reading 2.7173913 chapters per day — ok, let’s just round that up to 3 chapters per day. We can all handle that!

Second, let’s serve like Jesus. One way we do that is to feed the hungry. October 11th is Global Hunger Day. You can read more about this inside of this issue of Connections and in our Ministry Guide this Sunday morning. On that Sunday we will be receiving a ONE DAY offering to meet hunger needs around the world through our Baptist Global Response (BGR) network. Let’s ask the Holy Spirit what He would have us give. We will also have our barrels out to receive food for the Yavapai Food Bank on that one Sunday as well. You will be able to give your monetary gifts in person, through the mail or online. Our food barrels are always available during office hours, but let’s make this the biggest ONE DAY hunger relief gift we have ever given as a church!



Third, let’s fast and pray. We don’t talk a lot about fasting, but it is clear that Jesus expects us to do it. He said, “When you fast ...” But again, as with prayer and giving, the purpose of fasting is not to draw attention to ourselves, or to impress others. The purpose of fasting is to bring us closer to God and to seek His grace and mercy in our circumstances. With only 40 days until the elections — with civil unrest and violence on our streets — with animosity existing between our citizens — we need God to intervene on behalf of our nation in ways we have not seen in years and years. If you are physically able, I invite you to join with me in a season of fasting and prayer for 21 days, beginning Sunday, October 4th, and ending Saturday, October 24th. You will all receive a prayer guide to use by October 4th. If you can’t fast, I am asking all of us to simply commit to praying for our country for 40 days using the same prayer resource.

Here are three benefits of fasting:

with our activities


In-Person Worship! As well as Live Streaming on our webpage, YouTube, & Facebook: Sunday, September 27th @ 10:30 AM www.firstsouthernpv.org Zoom Meeting this week: Tuesday, September 29th @ 6:30 PM Adult Bible Study Class Use information

from last week, check your email, or call the office @ 772-7218 before 2:30 PM on Tuesday.

Follow our Facebook page:

https://www.facebook.com/FirstSouthernBaptistChurchOfPV Fasting teaches self-discipline. I don’t think I have to convince anyone that we have a tendency to indulge ourselves with food. Fasting prevents us from becoming slaves to our appetites. It teaches us that we are not powerless over pizza, and that there are more important things in life than the next meal.

Please send in your prayer requests:

fsbcpv@firstsouthernpv.org 928-772-7218 *NOTE* If you are not receiving prayer requests by email and would like to, contact the office.

Fasting proves that we mean business. In the Old Testament, fasting often accompanied repentance.

When David repented of the sin of adultery he had committed with Bathsheba, he demonstrated his repentance through fasting. When Daniel was praying for the forgiveness of the people of Israel, he demonstrated the sincerity of his prayers by fasting. When the people of Nineveh heard Jonah’s preaching, they demonstrated their repentance by fasting. Fasting is an act of sacrifice that says, “Lord, I’m serious about this. I mean business.” Fasting helps us straighten out our priorities. When we experience hunger, we become more compassionate toward those who are hungry. In the Bible, fasting is always linked with prayer. The purpose of fasting is not to hear our stomach growl, it is to give us an opportunity to draw closer to God, to become more holy, more compassionate.

Next Sunday, October 4, 2020, we will be celebrating The Lord’s Supper together during our morning worship service. If you are worshipping at home, drop by the office this week and pick up your elements to join in this time of remembrance. Stop by the church office for …  October Calendar

Blessings on your week as you search the Holy Spirit’s plan for your partnership in His work. Don’t forget to engage with us in worship this Sunday.

 October Devotional Books  Paper Copy of Updated Church Directory

Pastor Terrell

 Germ-Free Tithes and Offerings Drop Box  Food Donations for Yavapai Food Bank Barrels now in Room #201, next door to office.  Fall Sunday School Personal Study Guides Bible Studies for Life & Explore the Bible

GLOBAL HUNGER SUNDAY is OCTOBER 11, 2020 On OCTOBER 11 we will be collecting a Global Hunger Sunday offering. For just $25, you can provide up to 100 meals for a child. Every penny you give will be used to feed hungry people in the US and around the world. “For I was hungry and you gave me food...” — Matthew 25:35 —

you can be the hands and feet of Jesus by helping families who are struggling to keep food on the table. Mark your check “Global Hunger” or give online. That Sunday, we will also have the barrels out to collect a local food offering for Yavapai Food Bank.

Third, let’s fast and pray. We don’t talk a lot about fasting, but it is clear that Jesus expects us to do it. He said, “When you fast ...” But again, as with prayer and giving, the purpose of fasting is not to draw attention to ourselves, or to impress others. The purpose of fasting is to bring us closer to God and to seek His grace and mercy in our circumstances. With only 40 days until the elections — with civil unrest and violence on our streets — with animosity existing between our citizens — we need God to intervene on behalf of our nation in ways we have not seen in years and years. If you are physically able, I invite you to join with me in a season of fasting and prayer for 21 days, beginning Sunday, October 4th, and ending Saturday, October 24th. You will all receive a prayer guide to use by October 4th. If you can’t fast, I am asking all of us to simply commit to praying for our country for 40 days using the same prayer resource.

Here are three benefits of fasting:

with our activities


In-Person Worship! As well as Live Streaming on our webpage, YouTube, & Facebook: Sunday, September 27th @ 10:30 AM www.firstsouthernpv.org Zoom Meeting this week: Tuesday, September 29th @ 6:30 PM Adult Bible Study Class Use information

from last week, check your email, or call the office @ 772-7218 before 2:30 PM on Tuesday.

Follow our Facebook page:

https://www.facebook.com/FirstSouthernBaptistChurchOfPV Fasting teaches self-discipline. I don’t think I have to convince anyone that we have a tendency to indulge ourselves with food. Fasting prevents us from becoming slaves to our appetites. It teaches us that we are not powerless over pizza, and that there are more important things in life than the next meal.

Please send in your prayer requests:

fsbcpv@firstsouthernpv.org 928-772-7218 *NOTE* If you are not receiving prayer requests by email and would like to, contact the office.

Fasting proves that we mean business. In the Old Testament, fasting often accompanied repentance.

When David repented of the sin of adultery he had committed with Bathsheba, he demonstrated his repentance through fasting. When Daniel was praying for the forgiveness of the people of Israel, he demonstrated the sincerity of his prayers by fasting. When the people of Nineveh heard Jonah’s preaching, they demonstrated their repentance by fasting. Fasting is an act of sacrifice that says, “Lord, I’m serious about this. I mean business.” Fasting helps us straighten out our priorities. When we experience hunger, we become more compassionate toward those who are hungry. In the Bible, fasting is always linked with prayer. The purpose of fasting is not to hear our stomach growl, it is to give us an opportunity to draw closer to God, to become more holy, more compassionate.

Next Sunday, October 4, 2020, we will be celebrating The Lord’s Supper together during our morning worship service. If you are worshipping at home, drop by the office this week and pick up your elements to join in this time of remembrance. Stop by the church office for …  October Calendar

Blessings on your week as you search the Holy Spirit’s plan for your partnership in His work. Don’t forget to engage with us in worship this Sunday.

 October Devotional Books  Paper Copy of Updated Church Directory

Pastor Terrell

 Germ-Free Tithes and Offerings Drop Box  Food Donations for Yavapai Food Bank Barrels now in Room #201, next door to office.  Fall Sunday School Personal Study Guides Bible Studies for Life & Explore the Bible

GLOBAL HUNGER SUNDAY is OCTOBER 11, 2020 On OCTOBER 11 we will be collecting a Global Hunger Sunday offering. For just $25, you can provide up to 100 meals for a child. Every penny you give will be used to feed hungry people in the US and around the world. “For I was hungry and you gave me food...” — Matthew 25:35 —

you can be the hands and feet of Jesus by helping families who are struggling to keep food on the table. Mark your check “Global Hunger” or give online. That Sunday, we will also have the barrels out to collect a local food offering for Yavapai Food Bank.

with church this week.

September 27, 2020

Until further notice, we will be having Family Services.

No Child Care Provided

Sunday Worship Welcome... September 27, 2020 at a glance…

“Shout to the North” “My Faith Has Found a Resting Place” WELCOME

“It Is Well With My Soul” “Famous One” Ministry in Music: Praise Team

“The Power of Your Love”

2820 N. Pleasant View Drive Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 928-772-7218 fsbcpv@firstsouthernpv.org www.firstsouthernpv.org Senior Pastor Terrell Eldreth: 928-277-4769 Cell: 619-244-6265 PastorTerrell@firstsouthernpv.org Worship Pastor Scott Terry: 928-458-6470 PastorScott@firstsouthernpv.org Family Life Ministry Pastor Ken Kopal: 602-738-0532 PastorKen@firstsouthernpv.org TO RECEIVE OUR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER THROUGH YOUR EMAIL SIMPLY MARK THE FRONT OF YOUR CONNECTION CARD. THIS IS A GREAT WAY TO RECEIVE CURRENT INFORMATION AT YOUR FINGERTIPS. To be removed from future mailings, please reply to this email and type “unsubscribe” in the Subject line.

What Now? Now What! Philippians 4:6

“Wherever He Leads I’ll Go” “I’ve Got Peace Like a River” Offerings will be collected in the Offering Boxes located just inside the two main entrances into our Worship Center.

IF YOU NEED HELP OR ASSISTANCE Deacon of the Week: John Kang 928-800-2949

with Pastor Terrell

“When you fast…” ~ Matthew 5:18 ~ In this pandemic time, we sometimes begin to think that God is not at work. I want to remind all of us that is certainly not the case. God has been working in our world, in our church, in our families, and in our own personal lives through the Holy Spirit. He was at work before the COVID-19 virus — and guess what — He is at work through the Holy Spirit today — during the COVID-19 virus. My challenge — and our challenge — is to better partner with the Holy Spirit during this pandemic time. We don’t have to be the hero figuring it all out — we just need to learn to be better partners with the Spirit as He is working. That means we need to know what He is doing.

To that end, let me offer three challenges to all of us for this fall season.

PASTORAL STAFF Terrell Eldreth, Senior Pastor Scott Terry, Worship Pastor Ken Kopal, Family Life Pastor CHURCH OFFICE MON - THURS

8:30 PM - 2:30 PM

First, let’s all read the New Testament from Matthew to Revelation over the last three months of 2020. You may find that you are still having a little more time on your hands than usual. That means you have an opportunity to really read the Bible. If you begin on October 1st, that will leave 92 days left in 2020. There are 27 books in the New Testament — containing 250 chapters in total. That means reading 2.7173913 chapters per day — ok, let’s just round that up to 3 chapters per day. We can all handle that!

Second, let’s serve like Jesus. One way we do that is to feed the hungry. October 11th is Global Hunger Day. You can read more about this inside of this issue of Connections and in our Ministry Guide this Sunday morning. On that Sunday we will be receiving a ONE DAY offering to meet hunger needs around the world through our Baptist Global Response (BGR) network. Let’s ask the Holy Spirit what He would have us give. We will also have our barrels out to receive food for the Yavapai Food Bank on that one Sunday as well. You will be able to give your monetary gifts in person, through the mail or online. Our food barrels are always available during office hours, but let’s make this the biggest ONE DAY hunger relief gift we have ever given as a church!



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