A LT E R AT I O N S + E M B R O I D E R Y + S C R E E N P R I N T I N G + H E AT T R A N S F E R + L A S E R E N G R AV I N G + D I G I T I Z I N G + F T F L E X ™ + C U S T O M A R T W O R K A N D D E S I G N AVA I L A B L E
The First Tactical Custom Shop offers a full range of custom services. Whether you need 300 polos with a custom logo, or 10 pairs of pants that need alterations, we can accommodate you and/or your department. No job is too small or too large.
All custom work is done in-house at our HQ in Modesto, California.
We are also proud to offer the latest technology in soft-badges – FT FLEX™ – exclusively available from the First Tactical Custom Shop on First Tactical apparel and gear.
To learn more about our Custom Shop capabilities, turn-around times and pricing, please contact: Phone: 855.665.3410 or Email: support@firsttactical.com 34