The April 2012 eFlame

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The Flame Join us for Sunday Services at 9:30am or 11:15am April 1—Spiritual Fools Rev. Dr. Sarah Voss A brief exploration of the role of the “fool” (e.g., “heyoka,” “the uninitiated man,” the “clown,” the “dreamer,” “prophet”) in various spiritual traditions, and what we might take from this exploration into our own personal faith. Music: 9:30am: Donovan Johnson and the Early Morning Risers; 11:15am: Patricia Will, organist; The First Unitarian Choir led by Bob McMeen, accompanist Patricia Allender. April 8—Kairos Rev. Frank Rivas Most people believe that each of the Gospels ends with the same resurrection story, but in fact the conclusions are quite different. Luke’s story of the road to Emmaus rings true. It hints at a cosmology that makes sense for the 21st century. Music: 9:30am: Donovan Johnson and the Early Morning Risers with special guest pianist Reuline Nightingale; 11:15am: Patricia Will, organist.

April 2012 | Vol. 11: Issue 11

Our Monthly Newsletter

April 15—Letting Go of God Rev. Frank Rivas Spiritual formation may not require that we add something to our lives, but rather that we challenge assumptions that keep us from reality. Notes toward a religion of reality. Music: 9:30am: Donovan Johnson and the Early Morning Risers and special guest Harpist Kim Meyer; 11:15am: Patricia Will, organist. April 22—Sharing History Saburo & Marion Masada of Fresno, Calif. will share their experience of life in the Japanese American internment camps as youth. Music: 9:30am: Donovan Johnson and the Early Morning Risers and Native American flautist and guitarist, Michael Murphy; 11:15am: organist, Patricia Will. April 29—Simple Gifts Rev. Frank Rivas The 18th-century Shaker song not only reminds us that we seek to “find ourselves in the place just right”; it also reminds us that we get there by constantly turning. A sermon on change. Music: 9:30am: Donovan Johnson and the Early Morning Risers; 11:15am: organist, Patricia Will and the First Unitarian Choir led by Bob McMeen, accompanist Patricia Allender, and special guest, Camille Metoyer Moten.

Highlights President’s Letter

Page 3

Community Meals in April

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R.E. Update from Meka

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Ahead For more info on any of these events, contact call 402-345-3039, or visit our website at April 1, 12:30pm UU Magazine Discussion Group April 1, 3:30pm Film for All Ages April 1, 7pm Witches’ Tea April 2-9 Office Admin out of office April 7 Community Meals Lunch, off site April 7, 7pm Welcome Spring Concert April 8, 1pm Bridge Group

By Rev. Frank Rivas Last night the Beast woke me with a nose to my face. She needed to go outside. This is not a typical request, but yesterday she had picked up some burrs on our walk. I thought that I had taken all of them off, but some must have remained. When she picks them off herself, she eats them, and they upset her stomach. Late in the night she searched for green grass to eat, vomited, and then was ready to go inside. The night was unseasonably warm; the moon, almost full; the stars, clear enough to see Polaris. The neighbor’s son had come home late, forgotten his keys, and broke the silence. “Papa, papa,” he shouted, “let me in.” On a small planet near the edge of the galaxy, I was connected to Beast, to Anne, to neighbors and friends. Surrounded by the warmth of connection, I fell asleep as soon as I lay down. What is the church but a community in which we celebrate the connections that give meaning to our lives, in which we support one another as we seek those connections, and in which we grieve their inexorable loss? When I retired from church life, I didn’t recognize how deeply I need such a community. I am blessed to serve a church community once again—doubly blessed because it is a community that I already love. I look forward to our time together. Blessings and love, Frank

April 8, 7pm Creative Art Group April 9, 6:30pm Women’s Alliance April 10, 7pm Board Meeting April 11 Holland Lecture, off site April 14, 1pm Solar Buying Co-op Meeting

Photo of the beast in the mountains.


What You Focus on Grows

Ahead (continued)

By Kate Godfrey, Board President Other than handling the little things that have come up this last year, your Board of Trustees has spent time listening to your dreams, looking at issues, and considering. This is called discernment, and it is the most important work we do. From our discernment work, we create, we evaluate, we learn what you—the Congregation—want us to do. We create short- and long-term goals for the church. I’d like to share some Board considerations with you: observations, conclusions, questions. And I want you to share back. Send me an e-mail (, give me a call, or hand me a note at church (that way I won’t forget!). One discernment issue has been weighing heavily on my mind: Children’s and Youth Religious Education. We have a dynamic and talented new DRE who is bringing music, motion, culture, and relevance to the RE program. We have two excellent, dedicated volunteers who take care of the YRUU program shared with 2nd Unitarian. We have wonderful, loving teachers, and amazing, compassionate UU kids. So why am I worried? Sometimes, teachers outnumber children in RE on Sunday. Our excellent teachers (most of whom are parents), are burned out and could use a break. We frequently have families with children visit, and they just don’t stay. Our membership now stands at 220—that’s 30 members less than it was five years ago. Families with school-age children are this congregation’s highest potential for growth. Why don’t they stay? Ask any parent, and they will tell you that their kids are what drives them to church on any given Sunday. In our case, it is sometimes children from other families that are the prodding force between church and a day at home—who am I to deny them time with my kids, their friends? This is not a neighborhood demographic issue. The city of Omaha has recently needed to build a new elementary school downtown. And we are a mobile culture—people travel for what they want. What you focus on grows. From last autumn’s evaluation: 68% of our congregation is over the age of 50. Fewer than 25% of our members have children at home. It is pretty clear that we can attract and retain adults. We have worked very hard as a Something is happening . visitors. congregation to keep our building welcoming to adult

Save these dates: Be sure to do something

(continued on page 4)


April 15, 12:30pm UU & You Class Session 1 April 15, 12:30pm Board Talk Back April 15, 1pm Poetry Reading in Sanctuary April 21, 1pm Board Talk Back April 21, 2pm Transition Omaha April 22, 12:30pm UU & You Class Session 2 April 22, 1pm Bridge Group April 22, 5pm Mythological Roundtable April 22, 7pm Creative Art Night April 24, 9am Archives Party April 27, 5:30pm Private Wedding Rehearsal April 28, 3pm Private Wedding April 30, 7pm Book Club Meeting

Soul-Full Thursdays happen every Thursday night in April! for details!

What You Focus on Grows by Kate Godfrey (Continued from page 3)

In the last decade, we have spent nearly half a million dollars on adult spaces. We installed an elevator, restored the Sanctuary, and renovated the Common Room, roughly $442,000. Please go spend some time in the spaces we have set aside for our children. How do you feel in there? West Omaha churches attract families with state of the art facilities which are colorful and filled with child-centered activities and artwork. How do our spaces compare, right now, in the year 2012? Are we doing everything we can to make children (and their parents) welcome in our congregation? If not, what steps can we make, right now, to change that? I look forward to hearing from you. This isn’t a complacent congregation—this is a push-up-your-sleeves-and-fix-it congregation! So, what do you want to do? With love, Kate Godfrey

The SMT Needs Your Help A note from your Senior Ministry Team

Over the last three months, your Senior Ministry Team (SMT) has been working to listen to our church’s team leaders and community members to better understand how the SMT can serve and empower our existing teams. We have also been working to find leaders for a few programs that have recently been without structure. Last month you were asked to consider how you might help sustain the church’s programs financially. Now we want to ask each of you to consider how you might help us fill our program teams and vacant leadership positions so that we can continue moving the church forward. Are you willing to be involved in a team or serve as a leader in the ministry team? If so, would you do us a favor and reach out so that we can work towards filling the vacancies we currently have available? If you are interested in learning more about the teams and leadership positions, please contact us at Thank you for continuing to make our church an amazing place to be in community with each other. With Appreciation, Kate Godfrey, Walt Jesteadt, Jack Perry, and Ben Wallace


Community Meals A note from Louise Jeffrey

First Unitarian Church participates in Community Meals as a member of Neighbors United, an interfaith group with the specific ministry of feeding the hungry by providing a hot meal every Saturday at lunch time. Local churches and faith groups participate in this project, although not all are members of Neighbors United. First Baptist Church (two blocks east of First Unitarian at Park Avenue and Harney Street) hosts the meal every week. Over 40 members of First Unitarian have supported Community Meals by donating desserts, shopping, cooking, serving, working in the dining room, setting up, cleaning up, and picking up donated food from Trader Joe’s. Want to help out? Want to make a difference? We need dessert-makers and on-site volunteers. Our next day to host is Saturday, April 7. Help your community and make new friends! Go to our webpage and click on the Community Meals button to sign-up today, or call Louise Jeffrey if you do not have access to the internet.


Board Notes An Official Sketch

Passed: Jack Round will be asked to audit the church's finances this year. Alex Nather notes she could use some more help on the Governance Committee Passed: The President of the Board will represent the board on the SMT, in the capacity of de facto Minister, to be revisited August 31st at the latest. This person can employ another board member in an advisory capacity. This liaison will set the SMT meeting agenda, based on recommendations from each SMT member according to each member’s area of responsibility, as well as old and new business. Passed: The de facto minister/representative of the board on the SMT, shall also act as the chief of staff, and those duties will be passed to the new minister when he arrives. Passed: The board authorizes a membership on the SMT of up to 5 members. The team is authorized to fill vacancies as they exist. An ad hoc committee consisting of board members will examine the communications policy and report issues and suggest possible solutions to the board. Passed: POLICY CONCERNING APPEARANCE BY CHURCH MEMBERS AT BOARD MEETINGS In accordance with Article III.E.5 of the Church Bylaws, any member of the church may attend meetings of the Board of Trustees. Any church member may appear before and address the Board at any scheduled meeting on any matter concerning the Board or the Church. A time limit of five (5) minutes shall be placed upon each individual appearance before the Board, and no more than thirty (30) minutes shall be allowed for member comment, unless extended by a majority vote of the Trustees present. The President shall have the right to prohibit multiple appearances by the same member at the same meeting. Any member shall be allowed to speak once per meeting. Church members who appear before the Board may submit to the Secretary written comments to be incorporated into the official record of the meeting. The Secretary will maintain a register of members wishing to appear before the Board. The register will be available to members for at least twenty minutes immediately preceding the start of each meeting. Members shall indicate their desire to appear before the Board by signing their name to the register prior to commencement of the Board meeting. To see board minutes online, go to:


Church Events

Learn more about us by attending our UU & You Class Offered Twice a month! UU & You at 12:30pm April 15 and 22

Discussion Group UU World Magazine

The UU & You gatherings provide newcomers with an introduction to Unitarian Universalism and our church along with an opportunity to share our religious journeys in a safe place. Visitors and new members are cordially invited, so grab your favored liquid at the coffee bar in the common room, and let's meet in the Whitney Young room (near the nursery). We'll have a light lunch and some (possibly) deep conversation. If you need childcare, please let us know by the Friday before, as we will have to plan ahead for that. Ending time will be around 1:30 or 2pm. RSVP to Jaime and Yvonne at this email address:

Since the UU World Magazine is published quarterly (March, June, September and November), this discussion group will meet quarterly on the first Sunday of the following month. Our first meeting will be on April 1st at 12:30pm in the Merritt Lounge. If anyone would like to donate a copy of the magazine after finishing it, please leave the magazine on the shelves next to the library in the Common Room. If you have any questions, please contact Crystal at

Women’s Alliance The Women’s Alliance will hold its next meeting on April 9 at 6:30pm in the Common Room. Our featured speaker will be Omaha World-Herald Reporter, Erin Grace, who will talk about her trip with Habitat for Humanity to Léogâne, the epicenter of the devastating 2010 earthquake in Haiti. Erin is a 14-year reporter for OWH. She has covered education, government and issues affecting women and children. She covered the Hurricane Katrina response in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast, the aftermath of the Von Maur shooting and was on the reporting team that wrote about Omaha's racial wealth gap and black poverty. She was recognized by the Greater Federation of Women's Clubs for a 2009 story on Omaha's lack of women in leadership. Our dinner ($10) by Eddie’s will be chicken parmesan. A vegetarian patty will replace the chicken portion of the meal if you choose vegetarian. If this is your first time, please be our guest. Reservations must be made no later than Friday, April 6 to Janet West (402-553-3162) or

Join the Discussion Come share your thoughts on the most recent UU World magazine at our new group starting April 1 at 12:30pm. See above!


At Church This Month

Share the Plate, Book Club & Witches’ Tea

Share the Plate This month we share the plate with our own Community Meals. Every Saturday our church members and friends get together with other local churches to provide a meal to our neighbors. Would you like to help with the Community Meal on Saturday, April 7? Opportunities to serve, bake or cook are available. Check out our website and sign -up today. Need more info? Contact Louise at 402-9802068 or

Book Club

Not Just for Witches Tea

The Book Club meets Monday, April 30 at 7pm in the Merritt Lounge to discuss the book titled The Shallows by Nicholas Carr.

Whatever your interest in earthcentered spirituality, whether Native American (or other) Shamanism, Celtic Druidism, African Diaspora, Wicca and Witchcraft or other tradition or path, come and enjoy conversation, fellowship, and the occasional earth-centered experience with others who resonate with the UUA's Sixth Source of Spirituality. This meeting is held on the first Sunday of every month at 7pm in the Merritt Lounge. April's Witches' Tea will be on April 1st (Fools, and everyone else, welcome!).

Contact Dave Richardson at to be added to the Book Club email list or for more information.

Share the Plate Every month, half of all the cash collected in the offering plates goes to a ministry of First Unitarian Church or to a cause that is aligned with our church values.


Church Events Continued

Young Adult Group Night, Mythological RoundTable and Bridge Group Young Adult Group Night To anyone who identifies as a young adult: The young adult group will have a Very Good Friday event Friday, April 6 from 6-10pm in the Common Room. It may include an Easter egg hunt, martial arts, games, movies, or other awesome activities. Feel free to bring snacks to share. Contact Maria Wilson at for more information.

Joseph Campbell Mythological RoundTable The Omaha Mythological RoundTable is an “emerging” chapter of the Joseph Campbell Foundation's ( program to promote the study of mythology and the works of Joseph Campbell. We gather on the fourth Sunday of every month at First Unitarian Church of Omaha from 5 to 7pm for a one-hour video plus a one hour discussion. Topics include: the structure of myth, sacred stories, Jungian psychology, dream interpretation, comparative religion, and more. Participants are encouraged to bring a light snack to share. Donations for First Unitarian Adult RE and the JCF are welcome, but not required. Contact details.

Bridge Group The Bridge Group will be meeting each second and fourth Sundays after the second coffee hour for about two hours. We will meet in the Whitney Young Room. The Bridge Group meets on April 8 and 22. If you want to learn, teach or play bridge, you are welcome to attend. The more, the merrier! Contact the church office if you need more information.

This month we meet on Sunday, April 22 at 5pm in the Whitney Young Room.

Join us on Facebook and Twitter Search First Unitarian Church of Omaha on and “like” us! On Twitter go to @firstuuomaha and Follow us!


More Events! A Film for All Ages: A Town Called Panic Enjoy this wacky stop-action animation film on Sunday, April 1, 3:30-5pm in the Common Room. Based on a Belgian cult TV series, “A Town Called Panic” stars Cowboy, Indian and Horse— animated plastic toys who share a rambling house. Big problems develop when Cowboy and Indian plan to surprise Horse with a homemade birthday present but end up destroying his house. French with subtitles,—so best to be able to read, but probably fun to watch anyway for the action. Recommended ages: 9 to adult. (Check out title/tt1433540/.) This is a Heart & Hand Auction event which is open to all. Tickets at the door are $5/ person or $10 max per family. Popcorn and lemonade provided. Hosted by Jesteadt and Neff.

THRIVE The Documentary Film April 24 at 7pm

Women’s Religious Study Group Hold your male side to your female side Hold your bright side with your dull side Hold your high side with your low side Then you will be able to hold the whole world —Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu, 6th century B.C.E. The Women's Religious Study Group meets every Thursday at 1pm in the Merritt Lounge. Come join us!

THRIVE presents a compelling case that now the potential exists to stop global warming, rendering fossil fuels obsolete and take back the control of the world’s energy resources long held by the rootless nation-less bankers and oil conglomerates, that have suppressed green energy technologies for decades. This power shift will alter our economic system, financial policy, and social institutions for the benefit of the people. The simple truth is that, we can have a world in which all people can THRIVE now! Showing in the Common Room and is sponsored by the Green Sanctuary Team. Please go to the movie’s website for more information.

Women’s Religious Studies The group is studying and laughing! Join in! See above for details.


R.E. News By Meka Tate, DRE Top of the morning to ya! In March the kids banded together in the spirit of St. Patrick’s Day to host coffee hour. It was a Sunday filled with fun as they enjoyed making green treats of all kinds. There were Irish crafts and our own Kate Wiig presented a tall tale in her lovely Irish accent. What is the difference between “heaven” and “hell”? If you were lucky enough to be in Donna’s 3rd -through-5th grade class the answer would be very clear. They learned that by embodying the spirit of cooperation “heaven” is easily attainable. They also learned that “hell” could be described as being an arm’s

length away from Oreos and getting them close enough to touch your lips before they fall out of your grasp. This is just one of the many activities the children are enjoying with the new curriculum titled Toolbox of Faith. In this informative activity the children used wooden spoons to feed the person next to them. They were hungry little buggers before they started working together. The K-through-2nd grade Sunday school class are working on "Creating Home--A Tapestry of Faith.” They will be using clay to make super cool hearths and

finger puppets. This fun activity will help them to explore how the act of gathering together unites the members of a family home. They will also learn how good relationships within our homes help us work and learn together. Hmmm…maybe sibling fights will be a thing of the past… Our teens, tweens, and preteens will not be left out of all the fun. This month they will be doing hands-on activities that challenge the brain to explore and think outside the box. They are working on several activities that focus on the ways in which stereotypes are formed and reinforced.

Upcoming Religious Education Events Upcoming Event Highlights

Easter Egg Hunt — April 8 Transition Night — May 2 A chance to visit 2nd UU and enjoy activities with the youth group Spring Intergenerational Program along with the Coming of Age Program — May 13 Summer Gardening — TBA

The summer program will be out of sight so stick around because you won’t want to miss out on the fun! Soul Full Thursdays continue through April 26. See our website for all the details or check out the bulletin board in the Common Room.

Questions? Contact Meka at or leave a message for her at 402-345-3039 ext. 103.


Photo taken at the Rev. Sarah Voss class in March.

New Member News By Carolyn McNamara As a lifelong Unitarian, Abby Cape grew up attending First Unitarian of Madison, Wisconsin, where her parents, brother and twin sister still live. Abby loves Unitarians because they are receptive to new ideas and varied beliefs and are eager to discuss them. She has been attending our Church for two years and became a member on March 4 because “it was time.” Abby’s work as the Communications and Volunteer Relations Manager of the Union Pacific Railroad Museum in Council Bluffs has proved

fortunate for our Church. Her experience on the job more than qualifies her as our new Volunteer Coordinator. She is also active in our Young Adult Group and enjoys attending various Church social events such as the Chili Cook-off. In fact, she was one of the 2012 Cook-off winners. In her spare time, Abby likes to bake, knit or read and enjoys playing card, board and role-playing games and spending quality time with her basil plant. She is a big fan of BBC mysteries and science fiction, especially Dr. Who!

Please welcome Abby to our congregation.

Welcome Spring Concert Saturday, April 7 at 7pm Donovan Johnson kicks off the 2012 concert season with his annual "Welcome Spring" concert. This year, the concert will feature Donovan on the piano; Lyle Yates, bass; John Rosseter, drums; and Joy Trimmell on the cello. As usual, the concert will feature originals by Donovan including material from his four previous recordings and several new additions from his upcoming album, which is scheduled for release in September 2012. Donovan's music is a combination of many influences, mainly folk music, classical piano and

Celtic music. Of all of the concerts in Donovan's concert series, "Welcome Spring" is his personal favorite due to its celebratory nature and uplifting undertones. "Spring is my favorite season," says Donovan, "and this concert reflects that." The concert will be held on Saturday April 7 at 7pm, at First Unitarian. If you're into fresh, inspirational, contemporary "piano driven" music, you won't want to miss this show. It's great fun for all ages and the cost is free to the public. There will be a freewill offering only. 12

Bed & Breakfast Network Help out the church!

A comfy spare bedroom and breakfast can earn money for the First Unitarian Church of Omaha while you meet interesting UUs from across the United States (and maybe the world). Modest or elaborate, all metro Omaha locations are desired. You set the parameters and the Omaha B&B network will handle the requests. UUs could be coming for the College World Series, Olympic Swim Trial, concerts, the zoo, business trips, and more. Want to learn more? Contact Marie Sedlacek, Eddith Buis, or Janet West by emailing them at: or reach them directly.

Greeters and Ambassadors: Your Help is Needed Joe Schaaf and Janet West are chairs of the Greeters/Ambassador Team. This Team finds volunteers to be Greeters and Ambassadors. Greeters welcome congregants to each of the services each Sunday and give them the Order of Services. Ambassadors greet visitors to the church, ask them to fill out a short information sheet, and invite them to the coffee hour and/or show them where the nursery is. If you can be a greeter, email Janet West at


Holland Lecture Dr. Alan J. Russell Wednesday, April 11

Board President Kate Godfrey

Board Members Joe Schaaf Kim Dunovan Barb Herring John Wagner Maria Wilson Ron Withem

Trustees of the Capital Trust Kenneth Deffenbacher (2014) Tim Duggan (2013) Jack Heidel (2012)

Nominating Committee Shelton Hendricks, Convener Georgia Barber (2012) Lynette Ryder (2012) Bob Hess (2013) Judith Wright (2013) Kerry Case (2014) Tony Host (2014) Board meetings are normally on the second Tuesday of the month and are open to members. Holland Lecture Series Committee Steve Hutchinson, Chair

Scientist, entrepreneur and medical futurist Dr. Alan J. Russell will present the 15th Holland Lecture, Wednesday, April 11 at 7:30pm at the Holland Performing Arts Center. He will share his vision of how the growing field of regenerative medicine affects society in his lecture entitled Regenerative Medicine: Where Science, Politics, Theology and Media Collide. Dr. Russell is a pioneer in the field, which uses specially grown cells, tissues, organs and artificial materials to treat injuries and disease. This new way of healing promises to restore health more cheaply yet pushes cultural and religious boundaries. He is the founding director of the McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine, has started three companies, and is currently a distinguished professor at the University of Pittsburgh. The Holland Lecture Series, hosted by the First Unitarian Church of Omaha with the generous support of Dick Holland, brings world-class speakers to Omaha in an attempt to generate community discussion of universally important ideas and concerns. Free tickets are available by calling Ticket Omaha at 402-3450606.

Many Thanks! As members of Neighbors United/Community Meals, First Unitarian Church has been collecting non-perishable food items for the First Lutheran Church's pantry for the past several months. The generous response of all our members in helping with this project at First Lutheran Church has been greatly appreciated! First Lutheran Church provides a pantry every day of the week, except for one week a month, and the donations from our congregation have helped them keep their shelves full! Participating in this project has given us at First Unitarian Church the opportunity to help alleviate the hunger many of our neighbors experience. THANK YOU TO ALL!! Let's keep it up. 窶年eighbors United First UU Team


Ministry Team Leaders Adult R.E. Crystal DiGiorgi Archives Dave Richardson Building (short-term) Dave Rosser Caring Douglas Lee-Regier Chalice Guild Kay Lynn Goldner Coffee Hour Roman Noriega & Charmayne Harper Community Meals Louise Jeffery Fellowship Nadine Keith & Judith Wright Finance Walt Jesteadt Fundraising Donna Neff Garden Sharon Conlon Governance Alex Nather Green Sanctuary Ken Deffenbacher & Glenn Pollock Long-Term Maintenance Ellen Shurson Nursery Patricia Soto Partner Church Council Janet West R.E. Team Joan Benziger & Nicole Giron Religious Services Megan Gustafson Women’s Alliance Bev Fleckten YRUU Ben Wallace & Shawne Coonfare

Staff Phone: (402) 345-3039 Fax: (402) 346-2662 Director of Religious Education


Meka Tate

Office Administrator

The Flame is published monthly, but a lot happens between issues. We offer a weekly email service to update you on church news sent directly to your inbox.

Catharine Dixon

If you would like to receive our eNews please contact the Office Administrator at

Bob McMeen

Organist Patricia Will

Choir Director Choir Accompanist Patricia Allender

Early Service Musician/ Coordinator Donovan Johnson

Nursery Aide Justin Deffenbacher

Custodian Bobby Medrano

Minister Emeritus Ronald Knapp

The Flame Editor Catharine Dixon

Proofreaders Scott Kemper, Cyndi Nather

The Flame Mailing Team Howard Bolton, Evelyn Whitehill, Anne Massoud, Jeanette Ryan

Submit items for publication to Word limit is 200; deadline is the 15th of the month. 15

The Flame

First Unitarian Church of Omaha 3114 Harney St. Omaha, NE 68131 April 2012

International Cowperson Looking for a way to get involved?

Chili Cook-Off

See page 4 for our Senior Ministry Team21 Update with January - 6pm suggestions for future volunteers or check out page 13 and sign-up to be a SundayFood service greeter or ambassador.

Friends We need you and your ideas! Music Many Journeys, One Congregation


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