eFlame August 2011

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The Flame Our Monthly Newsletter

Join us for our Sunday Service at 10:30am August 7, 14, 21 Donovan Johnson is our musician unless otherwise noted. August 7—Emerging Terrain Anne Trumble, the founder of Emerging Terrain, will discuss the project Stored Potential, which is a large-scale installation covering the silos of a vacant grain elevator near interstate 80. For more information visit: www.emergingterrain.org August 14—This service will feature a return visit from Rev. Cari Frus, board certified Hospital Chaplain from St. Elizabeth’s in Belleville, IL.

August 21—UU minister Mark Kiyimba from Uganda will join us this Sunday. August 28—Return to two services at 9:30 and 11:15am. Reclaiming Old Words: Charity Rev. Kate Rohde This is another an occasional series on which I talk about words associated with traditional religious language and how they may relate to us as UU’s. You may all remember the New Testament trinity, “Faith, Hope, and Charity.” Charity was the translation of a Greek word, agape, also sometimes translated as Love. This is a revision of an old sermon, but, I hope timely. Music at the 9:30am service is Donovan Johnson and the Early Morning Risers and at the 11:15am service Donovan Johnson and the First Unitarian Choir with Bob McMeen as Choir Director and Pat Allender as accompanist.

Highlights The church wants your opinion!

page 5

Church events and other happenings in August

pages 7-9

Ways You Can Help

Page 14

Please note: Sunday, August 28, we return to two services at 9:30am and 11:15am every Sunday morning!

August 2011 | Vol. 11: Issue 4


Ahead For more info on any of these events, contact admin@firstuuomaha.org call 402-345-3039, or visit our website at www.firstuuomaha.org August 7, 11:45am R.E. Team Meeting August 7, 7pm Witches’ Tea August 9, 7pm Board Meeting August 12 Office Admin out of office August 13, 7pm Birthday Party for 3 Church Members August 14, 8:30am R.E. Teacher Training August 14, 12pm Bridge Group August 14, 12pm Board Talk Back August 14, 7pm Creative Art Group August 15 Flame Deadline August 16, 7pm Board Talk Back August 20 Circle Suppers, offsite

Kate’s Corner By Rev. Kate Rohde There has been a good deal of discussion about “communication” in our church recently. I would like to reinvite members and friends to communicate with me. You have my phone numbers and e-mail and I would love to speak with you in person in my office or over lunch or tea. There is an old column published by ministers all over the country that seems apropos called “When to call the minister.” Talking with you is one of the fun parts of my job, so I urge you to call. When to Call the Minister? When you haven’t met me yet, but would like to. When you have problems to discuss—about anything. When a sympathetic ear might help. When you’re going in the hospital or know someone else who is. When someone close to you dies or is critically ill. When you’re planning to be married, or might need to be. When you return from vacation. When you have a child to be dedicated. When you’re pregnant but wish you weren’t. When you’re pregnant and happy you are. When you’ve been arrested, or ought to be. When you want to learn more about Unitarian Universalism. When you’re scared. When you’d like to make a bequest to the church. When your son gets a big promotion. When you’re considering joining the congregation. When you’d like to volunteer. When a friend of yours wants to know more about our faith. When you have suggestions about the programs for the church. When you have suggestions for a sermon or the worship services. When you’d like to help with church work or congregational activities. When you want to discuss community issues or would like my involvement. When you’re mad at me. When you’d like to talk religion with me. When you have just won the lottery and want advice on how you can help our congregation. Kate

August 21, 2pm Transition Omaha 2

Looking Ahead


By Tom Foster Board President


As summer comes to a close and school starts up again, I feel compelled to report on our progress as a board for transparent communications. In the Common Room there are photos of all the board members. We'll be adding a photo of our newest board member, Ron Withem, as soon as we can. Board Talkbacks, one official way to communicate with the board, have been a welcome addition to the board's duties and will continue monthly on the Sunday and Tuesday after the first board meeting of the month. We are still researching the most appropriate way to disseminate agendas and minutes in a timely manner to the congregation. Our board retreat is coming up on August 6th, and I look forward to brainstorming with my fellow board members an exciting vision for our congregation. This vision is what guides our ministry at First Unitarian, so please be sure to give us your input about how the vision of ministry has guided us the past year and what ought to be worked on. Our governance structure, which we spent years developing, is going to grow with us as it strengthens us. I am excited to see it work for our fantastic ministry team leaders and capable board. One important aspect of the vision that I have heard from the congregation is the need for growth. In order for us to grow, we have to have a vision that is important to people with wide theological views, cultures, and lifestyles. This may mean honoring what we have been while seeing the vision for our future. It is an honor to serve you during this exciting time of change! Tom

Something is happening . Save these dates: Be sure to do something 3

August 21, 7:30pm Richard Carr Concert August 22, 7pm Book Club August 23, 7pm Board Meeting August 27, 8:30am Ministry Team Meeting August 28 Return to two services at 9:30am and 11:15am August 28, 12:15pm R.E. Team Intergenerational Ice Cream Social August 28, 7pm Creative Art Group

Choir rehearsals start August 17 at 7pm. Every Wednesday evening in the Sanctuary!

Fair Share

The UUA and PSD offer services we can’t find anywhere else. Please consider helping us pay our Fair Share! The UUA has come far from an organization developed to make pamphlets about Unitarian Universalism. Here is a short list of the services the UUA and Prairie Star District that we at First Unitarian Church utilize:             

Spiritual Revival through an annual gatherings at the District and National levels; Leadership training at General Assembly and Midwest Leadership School; Access to latest demographic data on growth trends for Unitarian Universalism; Religious Education programming that we are using; Benefits for staff such as retirement and setting standards on fair pay; Green Sanctuary resource and accrediting body; Professional Consultation with experts in church systems; Fundraising ideas and success stories to model; Legal expertise for labor laws and staff relations; Professional guidelines and standards for lay leader and staff conduct; Covenantal models for right relations; Welcoming Congregation accrediting body and resource; Standing On The Side of Love resource and action network

When thinking of why you should contribute your fair share to the UUA, remember all of the resources that have made our church a better and more inclusive place for all its members. The cost of membership is $81 per member this year. If you have the means, please consider donating this amount and some extra for those who can not afford it. Thanks for your generosity!

The Women’s Religious Studies Group is studying The Book Of Mormon. Join us every Thursday from 1— 2:30pm in the Merritt Lounge.


On Sunday, August 28 we return to two services. Join us at 9:30am or 11:15am.

A Check-Up in September by Kate Godfrey

The church wants your feedback! Hello, First Unitarian Family! As autumn looms closer, my kids are getting their before-school check-ups. We have a great relationship with Dr. P., one in which we do more than look for problems our kids might have. We talk about helping them grow and be healthy. The evaluation enables Bruce and me to make better decisions as parents, and the feedback he receives helps Dr. P. be a better doctor. It is a collaborative process. Our church is getting a check-up. The Board of Trustees has selected an Evaluation Committee to design and implement this important examination of the ministry of our church. I am honored to be working with Donna Neff, Beth Conover, Ron Withem, and Triparna deVreede. Like my kids’ back-to-school exams, a good evaluation does more than identify problems—it highlights strengths, helps us understand ourselves, and gives feedback that can be used to help this congregation grow and be healthy. We have found wisdom from many sources: The UUA, Dan Hotchkiss, other denominations, and ministers. We have spoken to many members of the congregation about this process as well. Suggestions there have ranged from a one-page instrument to an assessment of every part of church life. I think you understand our conclusion: we won’t be able to satisfy everyone’s wants!


Our new governance is still in development. (Most sources suggest that it takes about three years for it to really get going.) One of the growing factors in healthy governance is a culture of evaluation. The last time we did a congregationwide survey was five years ago. That is a long time, particularly for UUs. That Second Principle, the free and responsible search for truth and meaning, keeps us a diverse and evolving congregation. Evaluation is a necessary part of that search. And this is where we need your help. You see, to do a good evaluation, we need to hear from everyone. The Evaluations Committee would like to invite you to fill your survey out on computers at church. We will be making several laptops available before and after services and at other scheduled times, and we want to be there to answer any questions you might have. We will be glad to provide a paper copy, or enable you to take the survey at home. We hope that this method will shorten the time needed to collect the surveys. We expect to have the survey available shortly after Labor Day. Thank you (in advance) for your participation.

To do a good evaluation, we need to hear from everyone.












0 2004 January

Church Attendance chart Jan. 2004 to Jan. 2011

September November 2005 January

This attendance chart shows the ups and downs of our church attendance. Notice that summer numbers dip and that we peek in SeptemberNovember months usually with some increase seen in May. There were no numbers available for August 2004 so it shows 0.

March May July September November 2006 January March May July September November 2007 January March May July

Some important dates: Jan. 2006— Dick Benner retires

September November 2008 January March

Sept. 2006— Nancy Roemheld arrives

May July September

Sept. 2007— Kate Rohde arrives

November 2009 January March

Sept. 2008Thanksgiving 2008 Frank Rivas is here

May July September

Jan. 2009— 9:30am service added

November 2010 January March May July September November 2011 January


Church Events

Be a part of our bustling church community! Ice Cream Social Sunday, August 28 Join us for this fun intergenerational ice cream social after church at 12:15pm in the Common Room. This event is hosted by the R.E. Team—a group that assists the church in all things related to religious education. Come for ice cream and fellowship! This event officially kicks off our new church school year—you won’t want to miss it!

Witches’ Tea - August 7 A quiet monthly evening of fellowship is offered at our church for anyone interested in earth-centered or pagan spirituality on Sunday, August 7 at 7pm in the Merritt Lounge. All are welcome. This group began in December and plans to continue through the summer. If you need to contact the organizer, please email or call the church office.

Circle Supper Saturday, August 20 Circle Suppers are organized potluck dinners that happen monthly. The participants who sign up are called and assigned in groups of 6-10 to volunteerhost homes for a smaller, more intimate potluck dinner. You do not have to host to be a participant. Be sure to include both your name and your partner’s name when you signup. Please sign-up to be a host or a guest today by contacting Alex Nather at circlesuppers@firstuuomaha.org.

Circle Suppers A chance to get to know church members and friends better. Thanks to Alex Nather for helping the church with Circle Suppers sign-ups!


At Church This Month at First Unitarian!

Transition Omaha Meets August 21 at 2pm Transition Omaha meets monthly to engage the community and heighten awareness in moving from oil dependency to local resilience. Each month a related topic is presented, followed by an opportunity to practice the open space concept. This month's program features Chris Martenson's the Crash Course. The Crash course is a series of videos that clearly explains how our economy, energy systems and environment face increasing challenges, and explores likely implications for the future. Join others who want to discuss why growth does not equal prosperity and other key economic concepts.

All Invited! Birthday Party at church Saturday, August 13 at 7pm Join Dean Christensen, Carol Ramsey and John Hruska as they celebrate their August birthdays. All invited! Feel free to bring your own salad or snack food. Cake, light finger foods, and drinks will be provided. There will be music and a great time will be had by all so come on by!

Ministry Team Meeting

On Saturday, August 27 Rev. Kate invites team leaders of the church to a ministry team meeting. We will discuss the focus of the next church year and catch-up on what all the teams have been doing. This is a great planning session. A light breakfast will be served at 8:30am with the meeting beginning at 9am. If you are a team leader, please RSVP to admin@firstuuomaha.org to let us know you will be in attendance. If you need childcare please let us know.

Share the Plate Every month, half of the cash in the offering plate goes to a ministry of First Unitarian or a cause that is aligned with our church values. See page 10 for our August recipient. 8

Church Events Continued

Questions about these events? Contact the church office! Book Club

Bridge Group

Creative Art Group

Our next meeting is at 7pm in the Merritt Lounge on August 22. Our selection is The Professor and the Madman by Simon Winchester. When the editors of the Oxford English Dictionary put out a call during the late 19th century pleading for help with their mammoth undertaking, hundreds of responses came forth. Some helpers, like Dr. W.C. Minor, provided literally thousands of entries to the editors. But Minor, an American expatriate in England and a Civil War veteran, was actually a certified lunatic who turned in his dictionary entries from the Broadmoor Criminal Lunatic Asylum.

The Bridge Group will be meeting on the second and forth Sunday after coffee hour for about two hours. We will meet in the Whitney Young Room.

Need a little quiet time to feed your creative impulse? Bring your passion—writing, painting, journaling, quilting, drawing, etc. and work without interruption. Join us Sunday August 14 at 7pm in the Whitney Young Room. For the contact information for the group organizer, please contact the church office.

In August we will meet August 14 and 28. If you want to learn, teach or play bridge, you are welcome to attend. The more the merrier! Contact the church office if you need more information.

The Book Club Note: Next meeting is Monday, August 22 at 7pm in the Merritt Lounge.


Reminders Choir Note! Choir rehearsals begin again on Wednesday, August 17 and will continue every Wednesday evening from 7pm to 8:30pm in the sanctuary. Are you interested in joining the choir and sharing your talents with the church? Contact Choir Director, Bob McMeen today at bobmcmeen@gmail.com.

We Share the Plate for: OTOC In August we share the plate with OTOC. OTOC, which stands for Omaha Together One Community, is a broadbased, multiethnic and interfaith organization. OTOC exists to create community. For more information, please see their website www.otoc.org. This organization is how First U works on important issues like immigration, economic justice, and civil rights.

The next UU & You Class is Sunday, Sept. 18 from 6-8pm The UU & You Class provides newcomers an introduction to Unitarian Universalism and to our church through presentation and interactive discussion. Newcomers and even frequent visitors are invited to learn more about our church. If you are interested in attending, please contact the church office so we can arrange for the meal. If you need childcare, please let us know the names and ages of the children who will be attending. Hope to see you there!

Want to learn more about us? Attend our UU & You class on September 18 to learn more about our church and Unitarian Universalism. We’d love to talk with you.


Children’s Religious Education Schedule At 10:30, kids K-6 meet in the Robert Weston Room, not in the service! August 7:

Catie Miller is the nursery aide. August 28:

Manners with Tom Foster August 14: Susan Thomas & Steve Hutchinson and their daughters share about their recent trip to China August 21: Multi-generational Ingathering Service—no Sunday School

Return to two services and Sunday School classes at 11:15 am. Kids younger than 5 have the option of attending the Sarah Joslyn Nursery—our colorful & spacious infant & preschool area. The Nursery is open for 20 minutes before church services begin and 20 minutes after the services conclude.

Our New Windows Our thanks to Dean Christensen for funding the cost for construction and installation of all 8 new custom-built windows for the steeple. Dean has made this generous donation as a memorial gift in honor of his late wife, Carol, a long-standing and beloved member of First U. The windows, built by The Old Wood Mill in Elkhorn, are very solidly built and these fine craftsmen were able to replicate the original gothic design on the top of the windows. The windows have been primed on one side, and the glass and glazing installed. They will need to have a good coating of wood preservative and two coats of paint

Teens grades 7th and above attend worship during the summer months.

Reminder: Join the R.E. Team for our awesome Intergenerational Ice Cream Social on Sunday, August 28 at 12:15pm in the Common Room!

By Ellen Shurson, Long-Term Maintenance Leader

on the outside. Then the old window will be pulled out and the new installed. As anyone who has made the journey up into the steeple knows, this will be no small task. The windows will need to be carefully carried up several ladders, across the entire length of the sanctuary inside the roof, and through a narrow hatch that leads up into the steeple. We need 2 or 3 volunteers to help paint the windows. Some experience would be helpful. Many hands make light work... if you can help please contact me at shurson@msn.com or call 401-551-6787. I would suggest we get together on a


Saturday morning, so that the windows will have time to dry before being put back in storage. I am thinking August 6th, weather permitting. I will try to have one of the steeple windows available for viewing during the next couple of coffee hours.

Be a Greeter Every church needs greeters! This church needs you! Greeters arrive 10-15 minutes before the service. Their role is to greet guests who walk into our church. They greet guests with a smile and an order of service. They count heads and write a note to the office to let the office admin know how many people were in attendance. They pass the offering plate and collect the cash and coins and leave it for the office. Have you been looking for a way to help the church? Look

no further. As of this writing, all the Sundays in the fall are open meaning there’s a place for you to sign up. Please visit: http:// www.firstuuomaha.org/ Welcome/greeters today to sign up and take part in your church’s Sunday morning service. You’ll be happy that you did. And be sure to sign up with your partner or friend. It’s a good way to ward off any shyness you may feel. If you do not have internet access, just call the church office to sign up.

Enlightened Piano Concert Sunday, August 21 at 7:30pm — admission is free National performer and pianist Richard Carr of St. Louis, MO will be the host of this year’s concert, with special guest Donovan Johnson. Richard Carr has been recording since 1997 and has sold over 20,000 albums worldwide. Through his own improvisational creative style of composing, he explores the complete range of the piano and keyboard over the course of his twelve albums.

A free concert to intrigue the mind and inspire the soul!

Aware of the meditative quality of his music, Richard has been exploring the healing side of his music as well. Working in the holistic community of St. Louis, Richard has developed the 12

"I AM" Creative Sessions. These sessions are personal sessions in which Richard creates music for the client’s intention or focus. In essence, he creates a soundtrack for the intention. For more information about Richard Carr, log onto www.richardcarr.com. Pictured below is Donovan Johnson.

Attendance on Sunday Please help by signing in!

In January, we started taking attendance in a new way. Instead of asking a church volunteer to sit in the back of the sanctuary identifying every person who attended a service, we asked you, the congregation, to sign yourselves in. This practice is to ensure that we have an accurate headcount giving us an idea how many people attend each service. It also provides us a way to find out which members are missing and who the minister should contact. The Caring Team headed by the minister and Debbie Hunsberger can be notified that a member who is always here, is missing, and then that person contacted. We do indeed miss you when you’re gone, but with two services, sometimes it’s tough to

know who is missing. If you are opposed to signing in, please write “here” or something similar—that will help with the headcount. The church would like to acknowledge David Nicklin, our long-time church member who passed away in November for his years of attendance-taking. Thanks goes to Bill and Barb Ross for helping us when David was absent and for assisting us in the crossover from the attendance-taking method of the past to the present. A very warm thank you to Vanessa Timberlake who has come in every Monday to enter in the attendance information and to prepare the visitor letters that are sent out each and every week.

Unitarian Artists Wanted

So, please sign in to let us know you’re here. You are helping the community and making our jobs a little easier. Thank you! To view the past figures on attendance check out the chart on page 6.

by Melissa Konecky & Clyde Anderson

We’ll feed you so you won’t be starving! Second Unitarian Church’s annual Brush-Up Nebraska Paint-A-Thon provides an excellent opportunity to practice your paint scraping and brushing skills while helping an elderly and/or disabled homeowner maintain his/her property and beautify the community. Instead of being confined to a small canvass, our volunteer artists have an entire house to paint! Participation in the Paint-A-Thon is one of the charity projects organized by the Social Justice Coordinating Council at Second Unitarian Church of Omaha. First Unitarian church members and friends are welcomed to join in! When: Friday and Saturday, August 19 and 20. We try to beat the heat by starting early—about 7am. On Friday, we scrape the peeling paint, remove fixtures, make minor repairs, and apply primer. On Saturday we primarily paint, reattach the fixtures, and clean up. Where: Our assigned home is located in northeast Omaha on the 4000-block of Laurel Ave. about two blocks north of the Sorensen Parkway. Photos of the home and a map will be available on the Events & What’s New page of Second Unitarian’s website. Brush Up Nebraska furnishes the paint, and we provide the rest of the supplies. Volunteers are welcome to bring their favorite brushes, scrapers, etc. Although we have a few ladders, we always need more, especially long extension ladders. Bring work gloves and wear appropriate footwear—no sandals or thongs!


Ways You Can Help in

President Tom Foster

President-Elect Kate Godfrey

Board Members Joe Schaaf Kim Dunovan Barb Herring John Wagner Maria Wilson Ron Withem

Ex-official Non-Voting Board Member Kate Rohde (Minister)

Your main job as an

Ambassador is to make

visitors feel welcome. The task is threefold: (1) greet them, help them feel comfortable, (2) show them the way to wherever they or their children need to go and (3) visit with them after the service and help them get acquainted. We now have the fall schedule posted. To sign up today please go to: http://www.firstuuomaha.org/Welcome/ ambassadors

Trustees of the Capital Trust Kenneth Deffenbacher (2014) Tim Duggan (2013) Jack Heidel (2012)

Nominating Committee Shelton Hendricks, Convener Georgia Barber (2012) Lynette Ryder (2012) Bob Hess (2013) Judith Wright (2013) Kerry Case (2014) Tony Host (2014) Board meetings are normally on the second Tuesday of the month and are open to members.

Holland Lecture Series Committee

You help as a

Coffee Hour Host


brewing the coffee and setting up the tea supplies and water for our Coffee Hour which follows the Sunday Service. Anyone can host Coffee Hour—a church member, friend, visitor— and you decide how you would like to host. Some provide snacks like donuts or popcorn or cookies. Others choose crackers and cheese. And still others like to offer fruits and veggies or just the coffee and tea. Your call. We have the fall schedule posted. To sign up today please see this link: http://www.firstuuomaha.org/services/coffee-hour

Steve Hutchinson, Chair


Ministry Team Leaders Ambassadors (Open) Archives Dave Richardson Adult Programs (Open) Building (short-term) (Open) Caring Debbie Hunsberger Chalice Guild Kay Lynn Goldner Coffee Hour, Summer Charmayne Harper Communications (Open) Community Meals Louise Jeffery Fellowship Nadine Keith & Judith Wright Finance Walt Jesteadt Flowers for Services Louise Jeffrey Fundraising Donna Neff & Susan Thomas Garden Sharon Conlon Green Sanctuary Ken Deffenbacher & Glen Pollack Library (Open) Long-Term Maintenance Ellen Shurson Nursery Patricia Soto Membership (Open) Office (Open) Partner Church Council Janet West Personnel Jerre Tritsch Religious Services Megan Gustafson Women’s Alliance Bev Fleckten YRUU Ben Wallace & Shawne Coonfare

eNews The Flame is published monthly, but a lot happens between issues. We offer a weekly email service to update you on church news sent directly to your inbox. If you would like to receive our eNews please contact the Office Administrator at admin@firstuuomaha.org


Staff Phone: (402) 345-3039 Fax: (402) 346-2662

Minister Rev. Dr. Kate Rohde minister@firstuuomaha.org

Office Administrator Catharine Dixon admin@firstuuomaha.org

Custodian Bobby Medrano

Nursery Aide Catie Miller

Organist Pat Will

Choir Director See yourself in any of our open positions? Volunteer by contacting the office or Rev. Kate.

Bob McMeen

Choir Accompanist Pat Allender

Keyboardist Donovan Johnson

Minister Emeritus

Nominating Committee The Nominating Committee has elected Ron Withem to fill the vacancy on the board left by Roger duRand. Ron will finish out Roger’s board term.

Ronald Knapp

The Flame Editor

Catharine Dixon


Scott Kemper, Debbie Hunsberger, Cyndi Nather, Shawna Foster

The Flame Mailing Team

Howard Bolton, Audrey Freyer, Anne Massoud, Jeanette Ryan, Evelyn Whitehill

Submit items for publication to theflame@firstuuomaha.org Word limit is 200; deadline is the 15th of the month. 15

The Flame

First Unitarian Church of Omaha 3114 Harney St. Omaha, NE 68131 August 2011

Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Omaha, NE Permit No. 42

Two Service Sundays Begin August 28 — 9:30am and 11:15am There are seven principles which Unitarian Universalist congregations affirm and promote:       

The inherent worth and dignity of every person; Justice, equity and compassion in human relations; Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations; A free and responsible search for truth and meaning; The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large; The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all; Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.

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