August 2012 eFlame

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Join us for Sunday Service at 10:30am August 5—The Rev. Canon Tim Anderson from the Episcopal Tri-Faith Ministries August 12—Tim Sully, Development Director of Siena/Francis House homeless shelter will speak to First UU on Sunday, August 12. He will focus on Siena/Francis’s approach of unconditional acceptance in their service to the homeless in our community. August 19—Philosophy's Fist: Poems of the Sacred and the Profane Todd Robinson James Joyce believed that poetry “speaks of that which seems unreal and fantastic to those who have lost the simple intuitions which are the tests of reality.” Poet and UNO Professor Todd Robinson will grapple with the ancient dialectic of poetry’s appraisal of the real and its capacity for

August 2012 | Vol. 12: Issue 3

The Flame imaginative transcendence, reading new work and selections from his recently published book, Note at Heart Rock, a collection saluted by Steve Langan for “allowing us to believe in our uniqueness and our preservation.” August 26—Welcome Home! Rev. Frank Rivas The entire community― children, youth, and adults―gathers to celebrate the beginning of our church year with fun for all ages. Balloons, a story from the Tohono O'odham, a mercifully brief reflection on that story, and an ice cream social afterwards. B there or b□


Highlights Article by Rev. Rivas

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Choir Update

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Religious Education Update

Page 11

Ahead Check out our online calendar: community/calendar August 5, Witches’ Tea, 7pm August 9, Spanish Conversation Group, 6:30pm August 12, Bridge Group, 12pm August 12, Seven Jewish Children, 6pm August 12, Creative Art Group, 7pm August 14, Board Meeting, 7pm August 15, Flame Deadline, noon August 17, Private Wedding Rehearsal, 5pm August 18, Private Wedding, 5pm August 19, Teacher Meeting, 11:30am August 19, Board Talk Back, 12pm August 19, Transition Omaha, 2pm August 26, Ice Cream Social, 11:30am

Rev. Elations By Rev. Frank Rivas

At last! It was great to spend the month of April with you, and odd to return to Minnesota for May, June, and July. Our time in Minnesota was necessary, however. Anne and I have prepared our house for sale, but we’re still waiting for the right person to say, “This is the house of our dreams!” We realized that we couldn’t afford to buy a house in Omaha before selling this one; so we drove down to find a rental that would accept dogs. No easy task, but there was a surprise ending, an extraordinary offer from a member of our church. In addition, we have been saying some difficult goodbyes. There is much to catch up on when I return. Although the list is long, I’m committed to keeping the big picture in focus: What are we here for? What do we need to accomplish this year? How can we use our limited resources most effectively? If we had a bishop or some higher authority, we could rely on that person to answer these questions for us. Alas, our polity is congregational. It is we who must address―and continually readdress―our mission, our goals, and our priorities. Presented abstractly, the questions may not seem all that interesting, but as we make decisions about worship, about religious education, about children and youth, about welcoming others, about our music program, and about our involvement in the broader community, the questions become more urgent. They challenge us; they help us to clarify our assumptions. We have work to do―good work to do―together. Anne and I look forward to saying hello again, to beginning this new adventure, to sharing our lives with you. Blessings and love, Frank

August 26, Bridge Group, 12pm 2

August Update


By Kate Godfrey, Board President

August 27, Mythological RoundTable, 5pm

Congratulations! You are one of less than 30% of our Flame subscribers who are reading this (the number who read my letters may be far, far smaller…alas). This monthly newsletter, produced by our talented office administrator, Catharine Dixon, is one of the methods we use to communicate as a congregation. The office sends out weekly e-news to keep folks up to date, as well as posting events on Facebook (for the internet-inclined). We also work hard to include important information in your Sunday Order of Service. For all of our attempts at good communication through various media, the written word can be incomplete. Various sources report that communication is between 70% and 90% nonverbal: vocal inflection, facial expression, pauses, and gestures work in concert as we speak to weave meaning far more complex than the lines on the page. That is the difference between reading the words of Shakespeare and being transported by a stage production. There is no substitute for the human experience of connecting, in my opinion. In August, as you begin to turn back from summer activities and journeys, I’d like to invite you to consider how we as a congregation might increase opportunities for those lovely, personal communications throughout our church. Each conversation I have, every smile I receive, enriches me immeasurably—and I find myself wanting more of that, for all of us. Looking forward to seeing you! Kate Godfrey

Something is happening . Save these dates: Be sure to do something 3

August 27, Book Club, 7pm

Join us every Sunday at 10:30am. Remember: we don’t go back to two services until September. Don’t be late (or early) to church! We return to services at 9:30am and 11:15am on Sunday, September 9

Finance Matters By Walt Jesteadt

In December 2011, the congregation approved spending an additional $13,560 as part of the ministerial transition plan. This money was to come from discretionary non-budget accounts. At the May 2012 annual meeting, I announced that we would need less than half that amount. We were on budget through March, but I was expecting a deficit as a result of having Rev. Frank Rivas with us for the month of April. Now that we have closed the books for the church year that ended April 30th, we know that we ended the year with a surplus of $153 without use of any discretionary non-budget funds! We were also able to absorb several deficits in non-budget accounts. Despite having some problems during the year, we ended the year with record high contributions and the first balanced budget in many years. Our challenge this year is to do as well financially as we did last year. Pledges for this year were actually lower than our contributions for last year, so we are going to ask for additional pledges in the fall, when Rev. Frank is here to lead the campaign in person. Statements showing current pledges and contributions through mid-July will be sent out by July 20.

Sunday, August 12—Seven Jewish Children Special event at First Unitarian Church

On Sunday, August 12, 2012 at 6pm members of Nebraskans for Peace are performing "Seven Jewish Children" at the First Unitarian Church in the sanctuary. It is a short dramatic reading conveying the struggle parents face when raising children in conflict zones, which erupt into violence. Although written by Caryl Churchill in response to Israeli’s attack on Gaza in Dec. 2008 Jan. 2009, the poetic reading covers historic conflicts starting with the Holocaust in Germany and coming forward to 2009. The discussion following the performance will include some writings entitled “Seven Palestinian Children”. A free-will collection will be taken for Medical Aid for Palestinians.


Wing Squad

By Barb Herring Have you looked at the RE Wing lately? Really looked at it? If you were a first time visitor to our church, what impression would you have of our congregation after touring the RE Wing? How does the sixty-year-old building compare to our beautiful sanctuary? Is the building fitting the current needs of our congregation? Will it be able to meet our future needs? If we had a ‘perfect’ RE Wing, what would it look like? How would it be used? What would it encompass? These questions and more are what your board would like to have answers to. In May, your Board of Trustees authorized up to $8,000 of the Holland Fund Development money to be used to begin the discernment process. TACKarchitects, a locally owned architecture firm was hired to help us begin the process of studying the future use and needs of the RE Wing building and to study the feasibility of a possible upgrade. A small group of non-architectural professionals representing a cross segment of our congregation, will initially meet with the architects to start envisioning the possibilities. The architects will then take the ideas and work on design concepts based on the information they have gathered. The architects will then hold ‘Dreaming’ town hall meetings for the greater congregation to add input. An ad hoc building committee of the board, affectionately called The Wing Squad, has been formed. A small group of non-architectural professionals representing a cross segment of our congregation, the Wing Squad is made up of two board members—Louise Jeffrey and Barb Herring, Rev. Frank Rivas and five congregational members. The Wing Squad committee will start the ‘dreaming’ process with the architectural firm. Additionally, they will help with facilitating the ‘Dreaming’ town hall meetings with the broader congregation. It’s an exciting time. Our future looks bright. Next time you are at church, take a moment and visit the RE Wing and start dreaming. Dreams do come true.


Choir Update By Bob McMeen

I can't wait! Choir rehearsals will begin on Wednesday, August 22, at 7pm. What a great group of people and what wonderful voices. This is the best time for new members to join. I don't audition new members, new members audition me and the choir. If present or potential members have questions contact me at or 402-572-0434.

Únase con nosotros en el grupo de conversación Español! By Ben Wallace Please join us as we continue our Spanish Conversation Group at First Unitarian Church! This is a group for Spanish speakers of all levels. Our goal is to come and learn the Spanish language and take part in conversations as we all work towards becoming Spanish speakers or improving our current Spanish speaking abilities. Our next meetings will be on July 26 and August 9 at 6:30pm at First Unitarian Church in the Common Room. We will have a facilitator at both of these meetings who will be helping us as we continue on our Spanish speaking journey. For more information, please contact Ben Wallace at or 402-680-6226.


Church Events

Witches’ Tea, Women’s Religious Group, Joseph Campbell RoundTable Witches’ Tea Whatever your interest in earthcentered spirituality, whether Native American (or other) Shamanism, Celtic Druidism, African Diaspora, Wicca and Witchcraft or other tradition or path, come and enjoy conversation, fellowship, and the occasional earth-centered experience with others who resonate with the UUA's Sixth Source of Spirituality. This meeting is held on the first Sunday.

Women’s Religious Study Group The Tao does nothing, yet leaves nothing undone. Together we unravel the mysteries of the paradoxes found within the Tao Te Ching, or "the way and its power." The Women's Religious Study Group meets Thursdays from 1 to 2:30pm in the Merritt Lounge.

We meet on Sunday, August 5 at 7pm in the Merritt Lounge.

Joseph Campbell Mythological RoundTable The Omaha Mythological RoundTable is an “emerging” chapter of the Joseph Campbell Foundation's ( program to promote the study of mythology and the works of Joseph Campbell. We gather on the fourth Sunday of every month at First Unitarian Church of Omaha from 5 to 7pm for a one-hour video plus a one hour discussion. Topics include the structure of myth, sacred stories, Jungian psychology, dream interpretation, comparative religion, and more. Participants are encouraged to bring a light snack to share. Donations for First Unitarian Adult RE and the JCF are welcome, but not required. Contact details. This month we meet on August 26 at 5pm in the Whitney Young Room.

Check out the opposite page for information about our Spanish Conversation Group!


At Church This Month

Share the Plate, Bridge Group and Ice Cream Social Share the Plate

Bridge Group

Ice Cream Social August 26

The Stephen Center partners with the community, families, and individuals to overcome homelessness, addiction, and poverty. Each month the church selects an organization that reflects our views and then we give half the cash collected that month to the organization.

The Bridge Group will meet each second and fourth Sunday at noon in the Whitney Young Classroom.

Join us after the Sunday service on August 26 as we celebrate coming back together and share ice cream and treats. This intergenerational ice cream social will be a good time for all!

This month the Bridge Group meets on August 12 and 26. If you want to learn, teach or play bridge, you are welcome to attend. The more, the merrier!

Share the Plate Every month, half of all the cash collected in the offering plates goes to a ministry of First Unitarian Church or to a cause that is aligned with our church values.


Church Events Continued

Book Club Meeting, Weddings, and Creative Art Night Book Club The Book Club meets on Monday, August 27 at 7pm. The book selection is Imagine: How Creativity Works by Jonah Lehrer. The runner-up is Re-Imagining Milk: Cultural and Biological Perspectives by Andrea Wiley which will be our September 24 topic for discussion. Thanks to all who participated. We hope the number of voters reflects how many folks will be at our discussions. Questions? Contact Dave Richardson at drichardson@westside66.or g.

Weddings and Holy Union Interested in having a wedding at our church? Know someone who just got engaged? Email the church office for a wedding packet. Find out why First Unitarian Church is called “The Wedding Church� in Omaha. With lovely interior and exterior, it is the best spot for your wedding or holy union. Book your date today!

Want to meet new people? Join us at our Book Club Meeting. See above.


Creative Art Night August 12 Need some quiet time to paint, write, crochet, sew, or need to feed your artistic soul? Join us on the second Sunday of the month. This month we meet at 7pm in the Whitney Young Classroom.

Peter Mayer Concert We are thrilled to announce that Unitarian Universalist singer/songwriter Peter Mayer, the writer of "Blue Boat Home" and "Holy Now," will perform live to support the growing ministries of Second Unitarian Church! Peter’s music has touched many people and as part of the Unitarian Universalist hymnal “Singing the Journey” we have shared his poetry and music in worship. Circle this date on your calendar: Saturday, September 22, 2012, at 7pm. To accommodate the people we expect, the concert will be presented at First Unitarian Church of Omaha, 3114 Harney. Tickets will be $20 in advance, $25 at the door, and will be available mid-August See the church website, for the latest information

In the Art Gallery: G. Thompson Higgins On exhibit in the Worcester Gallery in the Common Room for the month of August are original images by local photographer G. Thompson Higgins. Higgins grew up in Baraboo, Wis. The natural beauty of the area inspired him towards a life-long passion for nature photography. In 1992, after a career in military intelligence as a Russian linguist, G. Thompson and his family settled in Omaha. There he attended Creighton University studying Theology. G. Thompson's emphasis in photography continues to be nature, focusing on the Great Plains and its environs. See his website:


Religious Education News By Meka Tate, DRE

Soulful Thursdays for the Fall are on the way! Curiosity? Burning Passion? Teachers needed! We are looking for instructors or facilitators for our fall Soulful Thursday programming. Please bring us your ideas. We are planning a dynamic fall program for the congregation, and would love to incorporate more ideas and classes. Please contact our DRE Meka (

Summer Sundays in Religious Ed August 5

August 19


Art with Eddith The kids will paint with acrylics with our own fantastic artist, Eddith Buis.

August 12

Omaha Poetry Slam with Cat

August 26


Group lessons in poetry writing and poetry presentations. Our own Cat Dixon, a UNO creative writing instructor, will lead the group.


Flyover Country Update By Ben Wallace

Please note: the protest scene film shoot has been postponed until mid-August and that we will publicize it as soon as we have a date confirmed. For more info: http:// This movie has filmed scenes in our Common Room and Sanctuary. We are excited to be a part of this creative project!

New Member News By Carolyn McNamara Kathryn “Kathi” Lewis first visited First Unitarian as a guest of church member Chris Oliver. He brought her to the “Wild About Harry” service in 2011 knowing that she is a big fan of Harry Potter. Although she had not attended any church service for over 15 years, she was hooked! She started attending regularly and found that she really likes us. She became a member on July 8. An Omaha native, Kathi has a degree in marketing and works as a store manager at Things Remembered. She loves to read, enjoys scrapbooking and various craft projects, and is a movie buff of both current and classic films. She is also an avid bowler with an average of 187 and a highest score of 286! Kathi is a member of our Young Adult Group and enjoyed assisting with both of its recent fundraisers— the Election Day Bake Sale and the Bases Loaded Tailgate for the College World Series. Kathi and Chris plan to be married soon and they share a belief that spending time with family is of utmost importance. They also share a love of Bandit, their Boston terrier. When asked what we would be most surprised to learn about her, Kathi reported that she has four tattoos (a dragon, bowling pins, ladybugs, and her nickname in Tengwar script), which represent who she is. Please welcome her to membership (and ask about her tattoos!) 12

Pride Parade in Omaha June 30 2012

The First Unitarian Float. Thanks to everyone who donated time, talent and passion towards this project! We couldn’t have done it without each and everyone of you.


Pride Parade Continued

Board President Kate Godfrey

Board Members Dean Christensen Tony Host (President-Elect) Barb Herring Louise Jeffrey John Wagner Ron Withem

Trustees of the Capital Trust Tim Duggan (2013) Kenneth Deffenbacher (2014) Sandy Host (2015)

Senior Ministry Team Kate Godfrey Walt Jesteadt Carolyn McNamara Rev. Frank Rivas Ben Wallace

Thank you to the photographers who gave us these photos including Chris Wiig and Kathleen Mullen. The Float Construction Team

Submit items for publication to Word limit is 200; deadline is the 15th of the month. Board meetings are normally on the second Tuesday of the month and are open to members.


Ministry Team Leaders Adult R.E. Crystal DiGiorgi Archives Dave Richardson Building (short-term) Dave Rosser Caring Douglas Lee-Regier Chalice Guild Kay Lynn Goldner Community Meals Louise Jeffery Fellowship Nadine Keith & Judith Wright Finance Walt Jesteadt Fundraising Donna Neff Garden Sharon Conlon Governance Alex Nather Green Sanctuary Ken Deffenbacher & Glenn Pollock Membership Barb Ross Partner Church Council Janet West R.E. Team Nicole Giron Religious Services Megan Gustafson UU Class Yvonne Price & Jaime Alexander Women’s Alliance Bev Fleckten Young Adult Group Maria Wilson YRUU Ben Wallace & Shawne Coonfare

eNews The Flame is published monthly, but a lot happens between issues. We offer a weekly email service to update you on church news sent directly to your inbox. If you would like to receive our eNews please contact the Office Administrator at

Staff Phone: (402) 345-3039 Fax: (402) 346-2662 Minister Rev. Frank Rivas Director of Religious Education Meka Tate

Office Administrator Catharine Dixon

Organist Patricia Will

Choir Director Bob McMeen

Choir Accompanist Patricia Allender

Nursery Aide Justin Deffenbacher

Custodian Bobby Medrano

Minister Emeritus Ronald Knapp

The Flame Editor Catharine Dixon

Proofreader Scott Kemper and Cyndi Nather

The Flame Mailing Team Anne Massoud, Evelyn Whitehill, Howard Bolton, Jeanette Ryan


The Flame

First Unitarian Church of Omaha 3114 Harney St. Omaha, NE 68131 August 2012

Welcome Home! International Cowperson

Sunday, August 26 at 10:30am

Chili Cook-Off

Fall Kick-Off

January 21 - 6pm

Food Friends Music Costumes

Join us for Sunday service followed by an ice cream social.

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