eFlame June, 2011

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eFlame Our Monthly Newsletter

Join us for our Sunday Service at 10:30am Donovan Johnson is our summer musician

June 5—Inch by Inch: Flower Communion Our annual intergenerational service with Rev. Kate Rohde and Cheryll Wallace. Bring a growing flower or plant to exchange. Place it in a small pot or wrap the roots so that the soil will not spill and the plant will make it home safely. Our Flower Communion is a ceremony that symbolizes how we all come together to make a beautiful garden and how, in doing so, we learn from each other. June 12—Humanism Across Generations Humanism, like any philosophy or theology, has evolved over

time responding to demographic and cultural needs. Shawna Foster will present the major themes of Humanism at every age and its impact on Unitarian Universalism. June 19—Forgiveness Survivor of the Von Maur Omaha shootings Fred Wilson will be in the pulpit asking: Why do we forgive? Come hear his heroic story of love and triumph in the face of tragedy. June 26—From Our Church Archives Most of our congregation is aware that our church possesses a long and rich history, but how much of that history do we really know about? The Religious Services team will dig deep into our church archives to open a window into that history.

Highlights Tom Foster, New Board President Introduction

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Farewell Lunch for Cheryll Wallace and more church events

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YRUU Update Fundraising results and Heifer Trip Details

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Help the church! Please give an extra amount for UUA dues and consider donating for the religious education of the church and help First Unitarian meet its financial needs. June 2011 | Vol. 11: Issue 2


Ahead Great events planned for the entire family! For more info on any of these events, contact admin@firstuuomaha.org or call at 402-345-3039 June 3—4, overnight 4th through 6th Grade Sleepover June 5, 11:30am Cheryll’s Farewell Lunch June 6, 7pm Women’s Research Health Study June 7, 7pm Board of Trustees Meeting June 9, 6pm Tolerant Atheists Discussion Group June 10—July 5 Rev. Kate Rohde out of office June 10, 4:45pm Private wedding rehearsal June 11, 5pm Private wedding June 11—19 Youth Group Heifer Int’l Trip June 12, offsite OTOC Spring Assembly June 12, Noon Board Talkback June 12, 1pm Bridge Group June 12, 7pm Creative Art Group

Kate’s Corner By Rev. Kate Rohde They say that the meaning of change comes in the way we greet it. The cuts in our operating budget and the loss of a long time D.R.E., means that the congregation faces changes—especially in our R.E. programs. The congregation has decided to cut back our paid staffing in that area, but that can be an opportunity for involvement and for re-evaluation. Our church has been through many changes in its years and will see many more. We have the talent and resources to meet this challenge if we use it as an opportunity. Over the summer we will be gathering those with particular interests in the future of our programs: parents, youth, and other adults interested in adult classes and programming, to give input about our priorities, to see what we keep and what we change, and to find out who is willing to help. If some web gurus step forth, we will also try some surveys. There are many fine R.E. programs out there with the same paid staff time we can afford this year, but the necessary ingredient for each of them is participation by church volunteers. We will also need to consult with Second Unitarian Church on the future of our joint youth group, to figure out how we should staff the group, and what changes we will need to make going forward. Once that consultation is completed and we have a clearer idea of staffing priorities for next year—what we need paid help to do and what will be done by volunteers—we will form a committee to look for and hire new staff. Although our assumption going in is that we would hire a single half-time person, it might be that there are better ways to use staffing to meet our needs. I encourage those with a particular interest, to look online at the UUA website for what is current in educational programming for UU’s. In June, when our General Assembly meets, there will be workshops on the website, some of which may also be helpful. To all of you, I wish a fine and fun summer that will fill you with energy and a renewed love of the journey ahead. Kate

Rev. Kate will be on vacation/study leave for most of June and early July. Contact the church office or the Board President if there’s an emergency and you need clergy help.

Welcome New Members! Laurie & Todd Gift with Rev. Kate. Photo by: Bob Hess 2

Intro & Changes


By Tom Foster Board President


During summer break your board will be hard at work. Before delving into this, I'd like to introduce myself. Contrary to popular belief, I am not the Tom Foster who owns McFoster's. I've worked at Woodmen of the World for the past 20 years as a systems analyst. The part of the city where I work and worship is a treasure to me, and it is an honor to serve on this board. My partner and I first came to the church over seven years ago. While Shawna jumped right in as the Social Justice chair, I volunteered in Religious Education: as a Sunday School teacher, Nursery volunteer, Youth Advisor and Religious Education Council chair. Our family joined First Unitarian because of its strong dedication to Religious Education. Board transparency and communication has room for improvement. You'll notice several changes over the summer, including posters featuring who your board members are and a short biography about them, a new website with board meeting minutes and policy changes, and the presence of board members on Sundays and at church events. The popular board talkback sessions are back. The dates are Sunday, June 12 at noon and Tuesday, June 14 at 7pm in the Merritt Lounge. These meetings will communicate the business of the board and our long-term goals. It is my hope to get congregational input on the topics of the board’s agenda. If these meeting times are not good for your schedule, please contact the church office with a good time for a talkback. Apropos of Father's Day, I want you to know that I value my family above all else, and consider everyone at First Unitarian part of my wonderful family. I'll be balancing this presidency between my full time job, my partner's needs as she pursues her divinity degree, and my children's needs as they demand a lot at four and six years old. Only with this new governance system is this balancing act even possible, and of course, because of all my family at First Unitarian. Thank you for electing me to serve you in this role. Tom 3

June 14, 7pm Board Talkback June 18, offsite Circle Suppers June 19 Wear your Standing on the Side of Love shirt to church June 19, 1:30pm Partner Church Team Meeting June 19, 2pm Transition Omaha June 20, 7pm Women’s Research Health Study June 25 Gay Pride Parade & Events June 26, 1pm Bridge Group June 27, 7pm Book Club

Megan and Darin Gustafson had their son AJ dedicated on May 1. Photo by Bill Ross

Finance Matters Consider automatic transfers for your pledges By Walt Jesteadt The start of a new church year is a good time to make New Year’s resolutions. It would help us in making projections about the church budget if everyone resolved to make pledge contributions at a steady rate this year. Two exceptions would be those who pay their full pledges early in the church year and those who find some tax advantage by paying early in some years and late in others. Those who pay their pledges early allow us to build up a reserve and avoid cash flow problems. In effect they are loaning us money. Those who find tax advantages by contributing at odd times can pledge more than they might otherwise be able to. For the rest of us, a steady rate of contributions would eliminate the large swings in monthly income that we currently have and would make it easier to predict contributions during the final months of the church year. Some members ensure steady contributions by making arrangements with their bank for automatic payments to be mailed to the church. Others ask us to make those arrangements through Vanco, a service we use for automatic transfers. All it requires is a simple form and a voided check, so that we can identify your bank account. Contribution amounts can be changed at any time by sending an email note to treasurer@firstuuomaha.org. Still others make steady contributions the old fashioned way, by coming to church every Sunday and putting an envelope in the collection plate. All of these options are better than letting it go until March or April or perhaps forgetting it entirely. We appreciate your steady support of the church and its programs.

UUA Dues and Religious Education

During this time of budget shortfall, members can step up to make a difference Like last year, the congregation found it could not afford to pay our fair share of UUA dues. We are asking our members to pay their dues by making a contribution to the church and in the memo line designating it for the UUA this year as they did last year.

The church has an incredible pool of resources and talent. Please pitch in and help!

Our dues are our fair share of the cost of our District and National Services. We get R.E. curricula, music, hymnals, help, advice, educational opportunities and training, publicity, among other things.


Over the past year we have received far more from the UUA than we would have given them, even if we had paid our dues. At the moment, other congregations are paying our way. During the congregational meeting, many expressed that they heard the concern for religious education. They offered to help religious education as much as possible, recognizing how RE strengthens the families and programs of First Unitarian. Donating time and money is a way to step-up.

Two Fabulous UUs of the Year: Kate Wiig and Louise Jeffrey! Respectfully submitted by the Nominating Committee: Georgia Barber, Bruce Godfrey, Lana Hammel, Bob Hess, Lynette Ryder, Judith Wright, Donna Neff (Convener)

If you have ever worked with either of these wonderful women on a project, you need no explanation for why they were selected for this honor. Both have been anchors in our congregation, each with their own special interests and talents. Kate Wiig (aka Barbara Kate Ross Wiig): Kate is a third generation UU, and is busy nurturing a fourth generation with her boys, Liam and Xander, who pep up many church events. Her husband, Chris, is clearly a generous guy, given all the hours he has shared Kate with us here at 1st UU. Kate has entertained us and raised big bucks as auctioneer at several fall service auctions, but the main focus of her talents and energy has been our religious education program. Even before having children, “Miss Kate” transformed our nursery program into a fun and meaningful worship experience for our littlest UUs, establishing rituals that are still in common use in the nursery. Since then, she has turned her teaching skills, catchy enthusiasm, and ability to relate to teens to successfully engaging middle-and high-school youth in church activities that are meaningful to them. Thank you, Kate, for your dedication to First UU Church, especially to religious education of our children and youth!


Louise Jeffrey: One of the reasons Nominating Committee especially wanted to honor Louise as a UU of the Year is that she can’t turn it down, unlike so many other failed attempts to honor her over the years. Like Kate, Louise is also the proud parent of two children, albeit now all grown up—Kari and Rob. Since joining the church in 2006, Louise has been a constant “go to” person for her sage advice, common sense, hard work, compassion, and organizational skills. Although likely to be found on the work crew for any major church activity, her focus has often been in areas related to finance, especially organizing major fundraising/ fellowship events. She has chaired several fall service auctions as well as wine tastings, a Valentine’s soiree and other fun, successful events. In recent years, Louise’s energies have shifted to the Community Meals program, with First UU joining a coalition of other churches to provide a hot meal EVERY Saturday yearround for our neighbors in the community. She has been described as the “backbone” of the program, keeping it running smoothly with a true atmosphere of welcome. Louise now organizes the whole program across churches. Thank you, Louise, for your dedication to First UU Church, especially in support of fundraising, fellowship, and Community Meals.

MidWest Leadership School This is a part of the Unitarian Universalist Association’s nationwide network of leadership schools. It’s a week-long intensive program in which leadership and group dynamics can be developed and reflected upon. Led by lay and ordained staff with a deep understanding of UU congregations, a combination of lectures and small group encounters heightens understanding and the ability to navigate group process. By immersing the student in a milieu both supportive and challenging, the MWLS experience provides leadership tools and skills, develops the student as a leader, and deepens the student’s Unitarian Universalist identity and understanding, all designed to prepare students for leadership in UU congregations and beyond on Sundays. This year it will be held July 17-23 in Beloit, WS, an hour away from Chicago, IL. For more information, visit www.mwls.org

Standing on the Side of Love Wear your shirt day! On June 19 wear your Standing on the of Love Shirt to Church! Shirts will be available for purchase from the church starting Sundays in June. Churches across Nebraska will be wearing their shirts proclaiming the Universalist message of love.

Gay Pride Fun! First Unitarian needs volunteers to represent our church at Gay Pride Day. On June 25, join members of our youth and Second Unitarian Marching for Pride. Contact the church office to sign up!

For more information on Standing on the Side of Love, visit www.standingonthesideoflove.org 6

Church Events

Be a part of our bustling church community! Farewell Lunch for Cheryll Wallace June 5 11:30am-1:30pm First Unitarian Church Common Room Bring food to share if you wish-main dishes, sides and salads are welcomed! Punch and beverages, cake and ice cream provided. Bring your fond farewells, thanks and best wishes for Cheryll as she ends 15 years of outstanding service as our DRE.

Book Club The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Changed America by Erik Larson Larson's breathtaking new history is a novelistic yet wholly factual account of the fair and the mass murderer who lurked within. The book is 447 pages and is available in paperback from Amazon for $8.85 and Kindle editions for $11.50. A great summer read! We meet at 7pm on Monday, June 27 in the Merritt Lounge.

Ron Knapp joins the Tolerant

Atheist Discussion Group

We’ll meet in the Common Room on Thursday, June 9 at 7pm Ron Knapp will talk on "The Evolution of an Atheist.” Several years ago he gave a sermon entitled "Why I am an Atheist." Ron will talk for about 20 minutes about his life’s theological journey leading to that sermon and beyond. Q&A and conversation will follow. At 6pm we’ll have coffee for a “brown bag or take-out” discussion. Please attend! Questions? Email the church office for more information.

Cheryll Farewell Lunch Informal, family-friendly potluck-style lunch on June 5 A church–wide celebration for the Director of Religious Education


At Church This Month Bloom in June at First Unitarian!

Flower Communion June 5 - Inch by Inch

We Share the Plate for: Community Meals

In the Worcester Gallery

A fun intergenerational service by Rev. Kate Rohde and Cheryll Wallace. Bring a growing flower or plant to exchange. Please put it in a small pot or wrap the roots so that the soil will not spill and the plant will make it home safely. Our Flower Communion is a ceremony that symbolizes how we all come together to make a beautiful garden and how, in doing so, we learn from each other. See you there!

Share the Plate is where half of the cash given in the offering plate goes to a charity and the other half goes to First Unitarian’s general operating fund. For June, these funds will go to Community Meals. Churches in our area get together every Saturday at 11am to serve a meal to our neighbors. To get involved in this important ministry, contact the church office.

On display in the gallery is an exhibit on the development of the new church logo. See the progression from the image that you voted on in the January Flame to the new logo that will be used on letterhead, brochures, signs, banners, the website and other church materials. The new colorful image incorporates community along with the idea of many journeys, one congregation.

Green Recycling Event News! By volunteering time and money, the Green Sanctuary Team made this a resounding success! We recycled over 2,068 pounds of electronic waste on May 14.


Church Events Continued

Questions about these events? Contact the church office! Bridge Group

Witches’ Tea - June 5

Circle Suppers - June 18

The Bridge Group will be meeting on the second and forth Sunday after coffee hour for about two hours.

A quiet monthly evening of fellowship is offered at our church for anyone interested in earth-centered or pagan spirituality on June 5 at 7pm in the Merritt Lounge. All are welcome. This group began in December and plans to continue through the summer. If you need to contact the organizer, please email or call the church office.

Circle Suppers are organized potluck dinners scheduled on one specific day of the month. The participants who sign up are assigned in groups of 6-10 to volunteer-host for a smaller, more intimate potluck dinner. The next month, the circle supper process repeats itself with different people hosting different groups. You do not have to host to be a participant. The Next Circle Supper is June 18. For more info, contact the church office.

In June, we will meet June 12 and 26. If you want to learn, teach or play bridge, you are welcome to attend. The more the merrier! Contact the church office if you need more information.

The Flower Communion Join us for a special service on June 5 with Rev. Kate Rohde and Cheryll Wallace


Reminders Scrip is an easy way to support your church Scrip works like a gift card. You buy a card for a fixed amount (e.g. $25) for a particular store, then use it to buy that same amount of merchandise at that store. How does the church make money? “Scrip” stores generously sell the gift cards to us at a discount (often 5%). Our first stores are Baker’s supermarkets and QuikShops. Shop there and help the church operating funds. Thus, the church earns a percentage on every dollar you would spend anyway at that store. Buy cards worth cash through our church scrip program BEFORE shopping, instead of using your normal payment method at the store. Stores benefit by getting guaranteed, loyal customers. Scrip is on sale at every coffee hour.


The Flame goes viral!

The parking lot directly west of the church is for visitors, families with small children, and those with limited mobility on Sunday please use the parking garage to keep these spots open.

Get The Flame faster and in color, delivered right to your inbox! Second Unitarian has only 10 people still receiving their newsletter by regular mail and has successfully had an electronic newsletter for over a year. To save the earth and church money, opt-in to get The eFlame!

During the week, only the spots closest to the church are available for parking. Questions? Please visit the website for extensive info or contact the church office.

The office would like to have the majority of the congregation getting The eFlame online by the fall. Help us reach that goal by contacting the office or signing up at the Green Sanctuary table on Sundays.

Get The eFlame in your Inbox! Save trees and church dollars. The office spends a lot of money printing The Flame. Let’s get everyone The eFlame — IN COLOR! Sign up by contacting the church office.


Children’s Religious Education Schedule At 10:30, kids K-6 meet in the Robert Weston Room, not in the service! June 5: No Sunday School – Flower Communion service June 12: Beetle Bonanza- UUs and Darwin with Donna Neff June 19: O2 and You- Joseph Priestly with Donna Neff June 26: Making Bat Houses with Susan Murphy and friends July 3: Recycling and Art with Eddith Buis July 10: More Art with Eddith Buis July 17: Art with Judith Wright July 24: Art with Judith Wright

July 31: American Sign Language with Crystal Di Giorgi August 7: Manners with Tom Foster August 14: Susan Thomas & Steve Hutchinson and daughters share about their recent trip to China August 21: Multi-generational Ingathering Service- no Sunday School August 28: Return to 2 services and Sunday School classes at 11:15

The Women’s Religious Studies Group is studying The Book Of Mormon this month. Join us every Thursday from 1— 2:30pm in the Merritt Lounge

Kids younger than 5 have the option of attending the Sarah Joslyn Nursery—our colorful & spacious infant & preschool area. The Nursery is open for 20 minutes before church services begin and 20 minutes after the services conclude. Catie Miller is the nursery aide. Teens grades 7th and above attend worship during the summer months.

On June12 feed your inner artist at the Creative Art Group. We’ll meet at 7pm in the Whitney Young room. 11

Green Sanctuary Purpose & Commitment Recently, First Unitarian’s Green Sanctuary Team had their Statement of Purpose and Commitment featured on the UUA Green Sanctuary website! Here is the statement: ·


· · ·

We are each committed to learning ways in which we might live more sustainable lives that will help reduce the threat of global warming. From that growing awareness and knowledge we will strive to make personal lifestyle changes that strengthen the connection between our spiritual principles and our daily actions. We will strive to lead by example and not by words alone. We believe that a commitment to change must come from within. We believe that each person at First Unitarian must take responsibility for his or her own




actions within our church and the greater community. We believe that a “greener than thou” attitude has no place in a [Environmental Stewardship] program, inasmuch as we are each in the process of learning and growing. We believe the role of the Green Sanctuary Committee is to build upon our church community’s awareness and knowledge of environmental issues and to build upon and strengthen our denomination’s commitment to our Seventh Principle. We will strive to encourage widespread congregational participation in the 12 projects

and activities required for Green Sanctuary accreditation. · We will encourage and support both individual and collective action. · We will encourage and facilitate networking among different committees in our church. · We will strive to build networks in our wider community as we work on these projects. · We will provide frequently updated information on the Green Sanctuary Program to our congregation. · We will remain open to new ideas and to new members.

YRUU — Youth Group Summer Plans

The Young Religious Unitarian Universalists of First & Second Unitarian Churches The YRUU is a youth group for 7th - 12th grade youth from First and Second Unitarian Churches of Omaha that meets every Wednesday from 7:00 8:30pm at First Unitarian Church during the school year, from September to May. For more information, contact the youth group leaders: OmahaYRUU@gmail.com

Thanks to everyone who came to the youth Nacho Typical fundraiser on May 17! The youth made over $2,400 for their trip to Heifer International.

The YRUU is on summer break until September 14, 2011.


Seven youth and two advisors will be going to Boston on June 11th. While in Boston they’ll visit the UUA, walk the Freedom Trail, attend a UU church, go on a whale watch and see Salem. However, mostly they will be at Overlook Ranch in Rutland, MA. It’s one of four Heifer locations in the United States. Each program teaches that one person can make a difference in ending hunger and poverty. The youth will spend five days there to get a better understanding of global hunger and poverty, their causes and possible solutions and how to enact change as a global citizen. Thanks for your support!

Leap of Faith

A message from Dixie Lemon and the Sarah Joslyn Society In the Easter Sunday service Cheryll Wallace and Kate Rohde used the metaphor performance of a trapeze artist as a demonstration of a leap of faith in the transition from one aspect of our lives to another.

Sometimes a leap of faith can use a little financial support...

Based on our experience, our training just faith, we expect that the next swing will be there for us to grab when we make a leap of faith when we assume that our country, our city and our little still be in existence a century or two down the line.

However, there are things that we can do to ensure that of our world will continue to thrive. One important way is to leave a bequest church. Sometimes a leap of faith can use a little financial support. Questions? Please contact the church office.

We trust that our way of know it will continue.

OTOC’s Spring Assembly OTOC - a community organization that we support financially Join us on Sunday, June 12 at 3pm. We will be meeting at the Omaha Public Schools TAC Building (30th and Cuming). The focus for this meeting will be to hear from each of the action teams about what they have learned regarding the issues which surfaced in the Fall House Meeting Campaign and the Action Agenda they are proposing that OTOC adopt to address those issues. You will learn more about our current successful work on: · Just Immigration reform · Support for new Refugees settling in Omaha · Revitalizing Housing and older neighborhoods · Living wage employment and job training · Improving education and enrichment for our children · Community safety and police relations We will also be initiating a plan to reach out to new congregations, schools and community organizations to be part of our work together so we have the power to make Omaha a better community for all of us—if you have any questions, please contact the church office that can get you in touch with the church’s OTOC representative. 13

Coffee Hour and Ambassadors

Board President Tom Foster

President-Elect Kate Godfrey

Board Members Joe Schaaf Roger DuRand Kim Dunovan Barb Herring John Wagner Maria Wilson

Ex-official Non-Voting Board Member Kate Rohde (Minister)

Trustees of the Capital Trust Kenneth Deffenbacher (2014) Tim Duggan (2013) Jack Heidel (2012)

Nominating Committee Shelton Hendricks, Convener Georgia Barber (2012) Lynette Ryder (2012) Bob Hess (2013) Judith Wright (2013) Kerry Case (2014) Tony Host (2014) Board meetings are normally on the second Tuesday of the month and is open to members. Be sure to attend the Board Talkback sessions on June 12 and June 14 to give input on the board’s agenda.

Holland Lecture Series Committee Steve Hutchinson, Chair

We have a new sign up process for coffee hour hosts and ambassadors. Our website features a place where you can easily view who is signed up and where you can add your name. It will also send you an email reminder a few days beforehand as well. Ambassadors serve an important function of the church. If you joined the church recently, chances are you were warmly greeted by a trained volunteer who knows what visitors usually need and made you feel right at home. This is an important ministry of our church. We get over 160 visitors a year who are looking for something like what our church offers. A great job that is perfect for people enthusiastic about our tradition and our church. Coffee Hour Hosting is a job where you can be low-key or go all out as much as you want! For the summer service, we’re looking for friends, frequent visitors and members to make coffee during the service so it is ready to go when the church service is over. Some like to take it to the next level and provide a light snack to go with the coffee as well. Coffee hour is a unique place to greet all of our friends and welcome visitors—making a big impact with just a little work. An easy and rewarding job, so sign up today!

Have fun by being a Coffee Hour Host! Share your passion with visitors by being an Ambassador Easily sign up for both by visiting www.firstuuomaha.org or by contacting the church office 14

Ministry Team Leaders Archives Dave Richardson Adult Programs (Open) Building (Open) Caring Debbie Hunsberger Chalice Guild Kay Lynn Goldner Coffee Hour, 9:30 (Open) Coffee Hour, 11:15 Roman & Christina Noriega Communications Gary Emenitove Community Meals Louise Jeffery Fellowship Nadine Keith & Judith Wright Finance Walt Jesteadt Flowers for Services Louise Jeffrey Fundraising Donna Neff & Susan Thomas Garden Sharon Conlon Green Sanctuary Ken Deffenbacher & Glen Pollack Library (open) Long-Term Maintenance Ellen Shurson Nursery Patricia Soto Membership (Open) Office (Open) Personnel Jerre Tritsch Partner Church Council Ken Deffenbacher Religious Services Megan Gustafson YRUU Ben Wallace & Shawne Coonfare

eNews The Flame is published monthly, but a lot happens between issues. We offer a weekly email service to update you on church news sent directly to your inbox. If you would like to receive our enews please contact the Office Administrator at admin@firstuuomaha.org

Leaders! See yourself in any of our open positions? Volunteer by contacting the church office.

Staff Phone: (402) 345-3039 Fax: (402) 346-2662

Minister Rev. Dr. Kate Rohde minister@firstuuomaha.org

Office Administrator Catharine Dixon admin@firstuuomaha.org

Custodian Bobby Medrano

Nursery Aide Catie Miller

Organist Pat Will

Choir Director Bob McMeen

Choir Accompanist Pat Allender

Keyboardist Donovan Johnson

Thank you! The eFlame and website redesign are in thanks to Shawna Foster. She also helped with the move to distribute The eFlame electronically. Thanks for all your work, Shawna!

Minister Emeritus Ronald Knapp

The Flame Editor Catharine Dixon

Proofreaders Cyndi Nather, Scott Kemper, Debbie Hunsberger

The Flame Mailing Team Howard Bolton, Audrey Freyer, Anne Massoud, Jeanette Ryan, Evelyn Whitehill Submit items for publication to theflame@firstuuomaha.org Word limit is 200, Deadline is the 15th of the month. 15

The Flame

First Unitarian Church of Omaha 3114 Harney St. Omaha, NE 68131 June 2011

Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Omaha, NE Permit No. 42

General Assembly 2011 June 22-26, Charlotte, North Carolina General Assembly (GA) 2011 in Charlotte will mark the 50th anniversary of the merger of the American Unitarian Association and the Universalist Church of America. Join thousands of fellow Unitarian Universalists from across the country as we remember the persons and events that brought into being the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) in May 1961, to reflect on our denomination’s relevant achievements and struggles since then, and to chart new aspirations for the future we are determined to shape. For more information, visit www.uua.org/ga

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