February Flame

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The Flame

Our Monthly Newsletter

Join us for Sunday Services at 9:30am or 11:15am

February 5—Rev. Cari Frus, staff chaplain at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Belleville, IL will give a sermon. Music: 9:30am: Donovan Johnson and the Early Morning Risers; 11:15am: Patricia Will, pianist; First Unitarian Choir led by Bob McMeen, accompanist Patricia Allender. February 12—Sentimental Service—Maria Wilson will be coordinating the Second Annual Sentimental Service of Songs, Sonnets, and Sweetness. What do you love? If you would like to perform an original ode to your mother's cooking, haiku for your favorite tree, or share an existing work by your favorite songwriter or poet, please contact Maria at kb9oib@yahoo.com. Music: 9:30am: Donovan Johnson and the Early Morning Risers; 11:15am: Patricia Will, pianist.

February 2012 | Vol. 11: Issue 9 www.firstuuomaha.org

Highlights February 19—Mistakes, Retakes, New Takes Rev. Dr. Sarah Voss Change yourself, change the world. This sermon will offer a brief look at how and why we deal with our errors. Music: 9:30am: Donovan Johnson and the Early Morning Risers; 11:15am: Patricia Will, pianist; First Unitarian Choir led by Bob McMeen, accompanist Patricia Allender. February 26—Climbing on a Horse and Riding Off in All Four Directions at the Same Time Rev. Ron Knapp Some reflections on our obsession with diversity. Music: 9:30am: Donovan Johnson and the Early Morning Risers; 11:15am: pianist, Patricia Will.

What Are We Building?

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Soiree of Songs and Sweets Event

Page 4

Meet Our New Religious Ed Director

Page 12


Ahead For more info on any of these events, contact admin@firstuuomaha.org call 402-345-3039, or visit our website at www.firstuuomaha.org Feb. 4, 9am Awaken the Dreamer Feb. 4, Community Meals Lunch Feb. 5, 3pm A Film for All Ages: Razzle Dazzle Feb. 5, 7pm Witches’ Tea Feb. 11, 7pm Soiree of Songs & Sweets Feb. 12, 10:45am Partner Church Q&A Time Feb. 12, 1pm Bridge Group Feb. 12, 2pm Private Recital Feb. 12, 7pm Creative Art Night Feb. 13, 6:30pm Women’s Alliance Feb. 14, 7pm Board Meeting Feb. 15, noon Flame Deadline Feb. 18, 9am-2pm Sierra Club/Green Sanctuary Meeting

Meet Your New Senior Ministry Team With the recent departure of our Minister, the Board has appointed a new Senior Ministry Team to help guide the day-to-day functions of the church's Ministry Team. This is a change in structure from the previous governance of the Ministry Team and was made following discussion by the Board based on feedback they received from many congregation members and leaders. What is the Ministry Team? The Ministry Team is the organizational structure that houses the teams and people that make up the administration, finance, programs, and outreach of our church. From the office administrator and the office team to the membership and small groups of the church, each and every one of those teams falls within the Ministry Team. What is the Senior Ministry Team? The Senior Ministry is a team of individuals who are tasked with coordinating and leading the Ministry Team. Currently each person on the Senior Ministry Team is responsible for coordinating a specific part of the Ministry Team. Who is on the Senior Ministry Team and what areas or programs are they responsible for? Catharine Dixon - Administration Coordinator (Office Team, Communication Team, Archives, etc.) Barb Herring/Kate Godfrey - Fulfilling duties of Minister (Chief of Staff, Religious Services Team, Caring Committee, Religious Education, Music, etc.) Walt Jesteadt - Finance Coordinator (Finance Team, Fundraising Team, Stewardship Team, etc.) Ben Wallace - Congregational Life and Growth Coordinator (Membership Team, Young Adults, YRUU, Women’s Alliance, Social Justice, Green Sanctuary, Community Meals, etc.) To Be Determined - Building and Grounds Coordinator (Facilities, Garden, Long and Short-Term Building, Chalice Guild, etc.) How can the Senior Ministry be helpful to me as an individual or to my team? If you have an question, idea, concern, or simply want to find out where you can provide assistance to the Ministry Team and don't know where to go, they are available to provide answers, resources, and guidance. You can contact any of the members of the Senior Ministry Team individually or you can send an email to the entire Senior Ministry Team at seniorministryteam@firstuuomaha.org Over the next weeks and months the Senior Ministry Team will be working to clarify the structure and goals of the Ministry Team by reaching out to those who currently are involved in the various teams of the Ministry Team. If you are interesting in finding out what volunteer and/or leadership opportunities are available, please don't hesitate to contact them.



What Are We Building?


By Kate Godfrey, Board President

Feb. 18, 4pm Ministry Team Community Forum

We are approaching Pinewood Derby season and power tools, sanding blocks, and other building supplies have crept into the Godfrey household. Plans have been sketched, blocks of pine shaped—soon to be painted bright colors (or covered in fur). I’ve never been certain who enjoys the process most, my tittering progeny or their enthusiastic father. One thing I am sure of is that together they are building something far more important than little cars. As are we all. With each hour spent greeting, stuffing envelopes, going to services, contacting church members, or simply enjoying each other, we too are building something beautiful: a community. Our community is a work in progress—and will always be that butterfly emerging from its cocoon. Part of the Board’s job is to capture and refine that essence, that yearning to become. This is called our Vision of Ministry. The Vision of Ministry is the careful distillation of our collective dreams; it is a guide for moving forward in the next one to three years. Who we are is fully reflected in what we choose to do, and the Vision of Ministry helps us organize our works. Here it is. We strive to: Build a community that connects, embraces, and nurtures individuals both within and outside of the congregation. Within our congregation, the Ministry Team will enable activities which engage friends and members in small groups and follow up on nurturing our membership this next year, as well as assist the new Right Relations Committee in moving forward (see page 5). Looking ahead, the Ministry team will focus on healing, building healthy patterns of interaction, leadership development, and expanding membership. Our outreach goals include supporting existing programs and encouraging new relationships with other organizations that align with the UU philosophy. We’d like to expand our outreach in the larger community as well in the long term. So, how does this lofty list help us move forward? This shift in focus can be difficult to grasp—I admit I have struggled with it these last months. But I have reached a place of peace. I realized the real power of the Vision of Ministry. It’s YOUR vision. You’ve told the Board, “We want small groups.” Okay—we will direct the Ministry Team to devote resources to the creation of that. You’ve said, “We are concerned about Membership.” Well, so are we—and the Ministry Team will follow through. The Vision is our blueprint.

Something is happening .

Save these You spoke….we’re listening. Kate Godfrey Be sure to do something

dates: 3

Feb. 19, 1pm Board Talk Back Feb. 23, 6pm Tolerant Atheist Discussion Group Feb. 26, 1pm Bridge Group Feb. 26, 7pm Creative Art Night Feb. 27, 7pm Book Club Meeting Feb. 28, 9am Archives Party

Every Wednesday: The choir meets at 7pm in the sanctuary for rehearsal

UUA Representative Please welcome Graham Kreicker, our elected UUA Trustee from the PSD. He will be visiting our congregation on Sunday, Feb. 12. He would like to listen to members comments and questions about the UUA during both coffee hours.

Enjoy a Fun and Elegant Evening Out and Help with the Church Budget!!

“Soiree of Songs & Sweets”

A not-for-couples-only Valentine’s Party

Saturday, Feb 11th 7:00-9:30 pm

First Unitarian Church—Common Room

Decadent Desserts & Fancy Finger Foods!

“Heart” Felt Music by Tom and Bev Fleckten, Laura Wilwerding, Maria Wilson & Skip Ciulla Cash Bar with bubbly beverages (alcoholic and not), wine, beer, & specialty cocktails, including chocolate martinis!

Reservations required by Feb 8th to attend and for childcare (provided up to 5th graders & younger)

No tickets. Your free-will donations at the party will go toward the operating budget! To RSVP: Sign-up (in Common Room) Email (rsvpFeb11@firstuuomaha.org) or Call (Donna @ 402-393-5390) 4

The Right Relations Committee and You! By Maria Wilson

As my dad always said, “Communication is a two-way street”. Obstacles, blind spots, or distractions on either side will disrupt the flow of traffic. You need both qualified Driver’s Education teachers and efficient traffic cops to ensure that things continue to run smoothly. The Right Relations Committee (RRC) is both a preventive and therapeutic measure to keep the flow of communication traveling smoothly in the right direction. The RRC will facilitate direct and respectful communication, and healthy debate, and help the congregation develop/revise a covenant of Right Relations. The RRC will educate the congregation on communication skills and strategies and on conflict-resolution skills. The RRC will attempt to protect community members against harassment and/or retaliation, and will protect individuals’ confidentiality to the fullest extent possible. The RRC will NOT give you all the answers, they will not decide outcomes, they will not judge you, they will not dictate a solution, they will not make sure you get your way. They WILL give you support, advice, tools, skills, strategies, knowledge, wisdom, a sounding board, a shoulder, or a helping hand. If you have a concern you don’t know how to voice, a conflict you don’t know how to resolve, or a problem you haven’t been able to solve, contact a member of the committee. Their roles are as new to them as they are to you, so together we will learn and grow. Until our spring annual meeting, the board


will appoint individuals to the RRC. The board has asked Kerry Case, Alan Vovolka, Louise Jeffrey, and G.J. DeVreede to serve on this committee. These individuals were selected because of special skills and characteristics they possess that make them ideal RCC members. At the spring annual meeting, you will have the opportunity to 1) vote the committee into existence as a ‘committee of the congregation’ and 2) vote for the members of the RRC. The intent is that the RRC will be impartial and autonomous; it will not be controlled by the Board or the minister, but become a ‘committee of the congregation’. The RRC is just one avenue for communication. You may certainly approach the board, senior ministry team, or the minister with your concerns. If needed, they will direct you to the RRC, or the RRC may direct you to the board or the minister. There should be no ‘dead-end’ signs or roadblocks; no one should feel trapped when they have a problem or a concern. Please visit http://www.firstuuomaha.org/community/ leaders/rightsrelations to view the current working documents on the mission, description, and purposes of the RRC.

Ministry Team’s Community Forum—Feb. 18

Come enjoy fun, friendship and discussion Wondering what AMAZING things the New Year has in store for our First UU Community? The Ministry Team is going to be sponsoring a Community Forum on Saturday, February 18 from 4pm to 9pm. This is a chance for our congregation to get together and discuss topics and learn about what is going on in the church while we share food, fun, and community! Hosted by your emcee, Ben Wallace and his merry band of Ministry Team Mavens! Ben promises that the night will be entertaining and educational all at the same time! 4-5pm - Ministry Team Fair - Come learn more about each of the church's program teams, what they are doing, and even how you can pitch in and help! Fill your Bingo Card by visiting all the teams and be entered for the Prize Drawing! 5-6pm - Social Hour and Small Group Discussion - Grab a beverage and talk with your fellow congregation members and leaders about your ideas, thoughts, concerns or just sit back and take it all in. This is a great time to get to know some of your congregation members better and talk about things that matter to you. What do you want to see happen in the next 2 years? Put your ideas in the idea pot for an extra entry in the Prize Drawing! 6-7pm - Dinner - Come and join us for a delicious dinner, a feast that you won't want to miss! 7-9pm - Open Forum - Have something on your mind or want to hear what others have to say? Come and voice your opinion, give your ideas and listen to fellow community members and leaders talk about what the coming year holds for our community. Prize drawings will be held at 7:30pm! You can come and go as you please, but we bet that you will want to stay and take advantage of all this fabulous fun event has to offer! Childcare as well as dinner and beverages are provided! Please RSVP so that we can know how much food and drink to have available! Copy and paste http://tinyurl.com/firstuufun in to your web browser to RSVP online. Questions? Email Ben Wallace at bmwallace@gmail.com or call him at 402-680-6226.

Building the Dream by Louise Jeffrey, Stewardship Chair 2012 This month, reflecting on our Vision of Ministry, our congregational president, Kate Godfrey, asks “What are we building?” Two weeks ago Ben Wallace delivered a sermon entitled “We have a Dream—Inspiring the Future.” Fifty members of the congregation responded to Ben’s request and committed short versions of their dreams to paper. We are a congregation of dreamers and builders; we tend to value dreams and efforts directed both inwardly, toward our church, and outward toward our community. As we crystallized our dreams for Ben, we now begin to crystallize our commitments to building those dreams, as our annual pledge campaign approaches. In the next few weeks, members and friends of First U will be invited to pledge parties to commit to building our dreams. Parties will take place in early and mid-March. Please plan to attend, to embrace our community, and to be generous in your financial support of building our dreams. 6

Church Events

Get involved in our Book Club, Creative Art Group and other programs! Book Club

Creative Art Group

Witches’ Tea

The Book Club meets on Monday, February 27 at 7pm in the Merritt Lounge to discuss the book titled About Alice by Calvin Trillin. Trillin’s 12-page “Alice, Off the Page” was published earlier this year in the New Yorker, and his expansion of his original essay into this touching tribute is certain to stir emotions. Questions about the Book Club? Contact Dave Richardson at drichardson@westside66.org.

Need a little quiet time to feed your creative impulse? Bring your passion—writing, painting, journaling, quilting, drawing, etc., and work without interruption.

A quiet monthly evening of fellowship is offered at our church for anyone interested in earth-centered or pagan spirituality. This month’s Witches’ Tea will be on Sunday, February 5 at 7pm in the Merritt Lounge.

Join us February 12 and 26 at 7pm in the Whitney Young Room. Please call or email the church office for the contact information for this group.

Deadline has been extended See page 10 about the Merritt Scholarship application. Deadline to apply is March 1, 2012, so have your student apply today!


At Church This Month

Share the Plate, Partner Church Pilgrimage & Women’s Alliance Share the Plate

Partner Church Pilgrimage

Women’s Alliance

This month we share our collection plate with Habitat for Humanity. Each month we donate half of our church’s cash offerings to an organization with similar values as our church. For more information about Habitat for Humanity and what they have done since their founding in 1976, please visit this website:

May 13 to June 4, 2012

Our next meeting is Monday, Feb. 13 at 6:30pm in the Common Room.

http://www.habitat.org/how/ factsheet.aspx

Estimated travel costs per person: $2,800 for 21 days including airfare ($1,200). For the proposed itinerary and to receive more information please contact Janet West at 402-553-3162 or jmasonwest77@yahoo.com or come to the Partner Church Pilgrimage information session on Sunday, Feb. 12 at 10:45am in the Merritt Lounge.

Our featured speaker is Janet West. After spending four weeks in Kenya, she will present some history of Kenya and discuss its current social, economic, and religion issues. Just for fun, wear your animal-print apparel or jewelry. Dinner ($10) is baked ham with elegant potatoes. Vegetarian option will be available. Please RVSP to Janet at jmasonwest77@yahoo.com or 402-553-3162 by Friday, Feb. 10.

Share the Plate Every month, half of all the cash collected in the offering plates goes to a ministry of First Unitarian Church or to a cause that is aligned with our church values.


Church Events Continued

Questions about these events? Contact the church office! Women’s Religious Study Group This group meets every Thursday from 1 to 2:30pm in the Merritt Lounge. All selfidentified women are invited to attend. "The universe is like a bellows. It stays empty yet is never exhausted. It gives out yet always brings forth more." Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu, 6th Century B.C.E.

Community Meals Saturday, Feb. 4 First U cooks again for Community Meals at First Baptist Church (corner of Park and Harney) on Saturday, February 4. Join in the fun and service, either at the meal or as an off-site cook, a familyfriendly activity. Our menu is hot turkey sandwiches, mashed potatoes, green beans, fresh fruit, dessert, KoolAid and coffee. Sign up via the website, call or email Louise Jeffrey or Kay Lynn Goldner.

Bridge Group The Bridge Group will be meeting each second and fourth Sundays after the second coffee hour for about two hours. We will meet in the Whitney Young Room. The Bridge Group meets on February 12 and 26. If you want to learn, teach or play bridge, you are welcome to attend. The more, the merrier! Contact the church office if you need more information.

Join us on Facebook and Twitter Search First Unitarian Church of Omaha on www.facebook.com and “like” us! On Twitter go to @firstuuomaha and Follow us!


More Events! Scholarship Application Deadline extended The Women’s Alliance Merritt Scholarship Committee is accepting applications until March 1, 2012. To be eligible to receive the scholarship, an applicant must be a member of either 1st or 2nd Unitarian Church or a dependent of a member. The applicant may be planning to attend a two-year college, a four-year college, graduate school, or professional school in the Fall 2012. The application is available from the church office: admin@firstuuomaha.org First Unitarian Church of Omaha Attn: Merritt Scholarship Committee 3114 Harney Street Omaha, NE 68131

Coming Attraction to the Common Room Theater Enjoy these Heart & Hand Auction events which still have open seats. Just get your tickets at the door. Both are Sunday matinees 3-5:30 pm in the church Common Room. Tickets are $5/person ($15 max per family). Both films have been featured at the NY International Children’s Film Festival. Popcorn and lemonade included in the price of admission—bring whatever else you wish to snack on. Go to the links below to see descriptions and see recommended ages below: January 29th: MIA AND THE MIGOO (http://www.gkids.tv/mia). Rated PG; ages 6 to adult. An animated fable-like journey of a young girl who must overcome her fears to find her father and save the world from destruction. February 5th: RAZZLE DAZZLE (http://kidzflix.org/razzle.htm ). Ages 9 to adult. An Australian mockumentary that skewers the absurdities of intense children’s dance competitions.

Looking for a way to help? Volunteer to serve Community Meals in 2012. Only a few hours on a Saturday can make a BIG difference! See page 9. 10

A Marriage Made In Heaven By Dixie Lemon A few years ago the Preserve Our Building fund was begun with the purpose of accumulating some money to be available for the next building renovation. If you have considered giving to that fund, but wish you could contribute even more, consider specifying that in your will. The Sarah Joslyn Society exists to encourage people to leave bequests to the church, however they may wish to direct them. If you are

considering leaving a portion of your assets to the church you could specify that your bequest (all or part of it) be directed to the POB fund, in which case that money would be limited to major building expenses.

It is a marriage made in heaven. For further clarification talk to Dixie Lemon (402-3932882).

You would be recognized as a member of the Sarah Joslyn Society, there would be additional funds for preserving the building, and future generations would thank you.

Religious Education Information At the 11:15am service, children and youth attend the service and then go to their designated classrooms after The Story for All Ages. Kindergarten through 2nd Grades Curriculum: "Wonderful Welcome" from Tapestry of Faith Grades K-2 meet in the Robert Weston Room (the middle classroom of the upstairs R.E. Wing). 3rd through 5th Grades: Curriculum: "Windows & Mirrors" from Tapestry of Faith Grades 3-5 meet in the Whitney

Young Room (the west classroom on the lower level by the elevator). 6th and 7th Grades: Curriculum: "Heeding the Call: Qualities of a Justice Maker" from Tapestry of Faith Meeting Place: The Merritt Lounge 8th through 12th Grades: Curriculum: "Heeding the Call: Qualities of a Justice Maker" from Tapestry of Faith Meeting in the room at the back end of the hallway in the R.E. Wing (formerly the DRE’s office).


In the Nursery at 11:15am: Curriculum: "We Are Many, We Are One" At the 9:30am service: Nonnursery children will gather together in one group in the Whitney Young Room to participate in an activity, such as a children’s social-action project or art activities led by an adult volunteer. In the Nursery at 9:30am: Supervised care and structured communitybuilding activities are offered for children from birth through kindergarten age.

Our New Religious Education Director: Meka Tate Meka Tate is a native of Nebraska and has lived in Omaha most of her life. She graduated from Creighton in 2009 with a Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Communication. Meka has several years experience working towards education and outreach in her community and prior to becoming the new Director of Education for our church she was the Assistant Director for an after school program at Lewis & Clark. Ms Tate also worked for the Better Business Bureau as the Communication Specialist where she focused on helping the public stay informed and community-

event planning. She currently works full-time as a Membership Specialist for Girl Scouts and can have cookies available on request. She is extremely honored to have the opportunity to work for this church and is looking forward to building a relationship with each and every member. To contact Meka, please email dre@firstuuomaha.org or call the church and select extension 103. Office hours will be Wednesday and Friday from 12-2pm.

Please help us welcome Meka!

So, You Think We Need a New Minister? By Kate Godfrey One of the tasks now facing the board is finding a minister. We have received many communications over the last half year expressing trepidation regarding the Interim and Search process. We have spent time communicating these concerns with the district and the new UUA Transitions director, Keith Kron. They have listened, and they have also been extremely helpful. One of the options open to us is a new program called a Developmental Ministry. This is a 3-5 year interim with annual evaluations. If it does not prove to be the right decision, the course can be corrected, or the ministry can be shortened. The board has voted to have a Search Committee examine this option with a single, well-recommended candidate.

There has been some talk about who the potential candidate might be, but it is an important part of the Search Committee’s process to make its deliberations without congregational or board influence. The members of the Search Committee are: Larry Goeser, Lynn Mills, Ron Withem, Nellie Chenowith, Jack Round, Susan Thomas, Lois Norris, and Jaime Alexander, who will serve as chair. We are deeply grateful for their service. The following charge was voted on by the board at the January 10th Meeting: Charge to Interim Search Committee: Use the established UUA Guidelines to evaluate a specific candidate for a 12

Developmental Ministry, make a recommendation to the board concerning said candidate, choose a member to be a part of the negotiating team, and assist the Minister during transition. Confidentiality needs to be maintained as closely as possible to UUA standards in this instance. Public announcement of the candidate may occur only once preliminary negotiations have been completed. Part of the evaluation/negotiation may be done as a candidate weekend, where the Minister (and partner) visit in person. A budget of up to $4,000 has been set aside for this purpose. Should this specific Developmental Ministry not go forward, a regular Interim Search will be conducted.

Feb. 4th—Awakening the Dreamer Forum: Transforming the Dream of the Modern World Coming to our church’s Common Room on Saturday, February 4 (9am until noon) will be a forum sponsored by First Unitarian’s Green Sanctuary committee. A continental breakfast will be provided. Alan Vovolka and Elizabeth Erickson will be presenting this inspiring event, a program last presented two years ago and well attended. This workshop was designed to help us change the dream of the modern world and to shift cultures based on consumption and destruction to cultures of justice, sustainability and greater personal fulfillment. Much of its inspiration came from indigenous people of South America, particularly the Pachamama Alliance. Thought-provoking, challenging, and deeply moving, the symposium is a dynamic multimedia presentation from some of the most respected social and

scientific experts of our time, interwoven with wisdom and inspiration from indigenous peoples.

possible at this moment in history and discover your unique role in creating a new future.

With informative videos and guided personal reflection exercises, the symposium experience reaches deeply into both the heart and mind. Many of the symposium’s video segments are educational and informative, providing a sobering overview of current social injustices and environmental degradation. However, knowledge should empower us, and never leave us in frustration or despair. Group interaction exercises and guided personal reflection give participants the tools to move past anxiety or anguish, and into the empowering realization that we are capable of creating a better world for all. As a participant, you will “wake up” to both what is at stake and what is

Ron Knapp Speaks to the Tolerant Atheist Discussion Group Ron Knapp will speak at the T.A.D.G. meeting on Thursday, February 23 at 7pm in the Common Room. Ron offers a long title, ATHEISM, AGNOSTICISM, NATURALISM, HUMANISM AND RATIONALISM AND THE FUTURE OF UNITARIAN UNIVERSALISM, but promises a short talk. He will give workable definitions of each term as applicable to liberal religion and suggest that rationalism has been, and needs to continue to be, the core value of liberal religion. You will have to come to hear the rest of his thoughts. Q&A and discussion will follow. If you are reading this, you are invited to attend. The fun starts earlier. Come at 6pm for "Bring Your Own Dinner” and conversation. We’ll have the coffee on for you. RSVPs and questions may be directed to Jaime Alexander, jaimealexander@cox.net or 712-328-7550.


Make Your Voice Heard on Planned Parenthood Lobby Day


Wednesday, February 15 8am – 2pm Lincoln Firefighters' Hall and the Nebraska Unicameral

Acting President Kate Godfrey

Board Members

Never before have the women and families of Nebraska needed you more. Recent legislative sessions in this state and across the country have been marked by attack after attack on women's access to needed health care.

Joe Schaaf Kim Dunovan Barb Herring John Wagner Maria Wilson Ron Withem

Trustees of the Capital Trust Kenneth Deffenbacher (2014) Tim Duggan (2013) Jack Heidel (2012)

Please join us Feb. 15 to let our state senators know that improving access through Prevention First measures is a better way to help Nebraska families. The $15 cost includes lunch, shuttle service from Omaha, and materials. A reduced registration fee of $7.50 is available for high school and college students. If you have questions, please contact Shauna Benjamin, Regional Organizer email at shauna.benjamin@ppheartland.org Register here: http://www.ppaction.org/site/Calendar? view=Detail&id=101942

Nominating Committee Shelton Hendricks, Convener Georgia Barber (2012) Lynette Ryder (2012) Bob Hess (2013) Judith Wright (2013) Kerry Case (2014) Tony Host (2014) Board meetings are normally on the second Tuesday of the month and are open to members. Holland Lecture Series Committee Steve Hutchinson, Chair

Special Thanks from Our Partner Church During the month of December, including contributions made as cash in the plate and by individuals writing checks to the partner church fund, we collected $706. Thank you for your generosity! Remember, you can contribute any time to our Partner Church Fund by writing “Partner Church” in the memo line of your check and mailing the check to the church or dropping it in the offering plate on Sunday.

New Governance Committee Announced The board has named a new Governance Committee to assist in policy work with Alex Nather as the chair. Harriet Major, Kevin Mark, and Scott Kemper have agreed to be on this committee. The GC will refine and complete the work previously done by the Governance Task Force, as well as be a resource for anyone with policy questions.


Ministry Team Leaders Archives Dave Richardson Building (short-term) Dave Rosser Caring Debbie Hunsberger Chalice Guild Kay Lynn Goldner Coffee Hour Roman Noriega & Charmayne Harper Community Meals Louise Jeffery Fellowship Nadine Keith & Judith Wright Finance Walt Jesteadt Fundraising Donna Neff Garden Sharon Conlon Green Sanctuary Ken Deffenbacher & Glenn Pollock Long-Term Maintenance Ellen Shurson Nursery Patricia Soto Membership Molly Wilson Partner Church Council Janet West R.E. Team Joan Benziger & Nicole Giron Religious Services Megan Gustafson Women’s Alliance Bev Fleckten YRUU Ben Wallace & Shawne Coonfare

Staff Phone: (402) 345-3039 Fax: (402) 346-2662 Director of Religious Education


Meka Tate dre@firstuuomaha.org

Office Administrator

The Flame is published monthly, but a lot happens between issues. We offer a weekly email service to update you on church news sent directly to your inbox.

Catharine Dixon admin@firstuuomaha.org

If you would like to receive our eNews please contact the Office Administrator at admin@firstuuomaha.org

Bob McMeen

Organist Patricia Will

Choir Director Choir Accompanist Patricia Allender

Early Service Musician/ Coordinator Donovan Johnson

Nursery Aide Justin Deffenbacher

Custodian Bobby Medrano

Minister Emeritus Ronald Knapp

The Flame Editor Catharine Dixon

Proofreaders Scott Kemper, Cyndi Nather

The Flame Mailing Team Howard Bolton, Anne Massoud, Jeanette Ryan, Lois Norris

Submit items for publication to theflame@firstuuomaha.org Word limit is 200; deadline is the 15th of the month. 15

The Flame

First Unitarian Church of Omaha 3114 Harney St. Omaha, NE 68131 February 2012

Soiree of Songs andInternational Sweets Cowperson

Chili Cook-Off A not-for-couples-only Valentine’s Party January 21 - 6pm On Saturday, Feb. 11th

Food See page 4 for details! Friends Music (RSVPS required by Feb. 8!) Costumes

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