The Flame July, 2011

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eFlame Our Monthly Newsletter July 17—TBA

Join us for our Sunday Service at 10:30am Donovan Johnson is our musician unless otherwise noted. July 3—Independence Day: A Look Back Current and retired service men and women in our congregation will discuss what this holiday means to them. Special musical guest: Reuline Nightingale. July 10—Breathing Through the Unknown So much of this life is unknown, unknowable, and beyond our control, from what happens to our physical bodies to the choices our children make as they grow into adulthood. But when uncertainty hits home and directly affects our lives or those of ones we love, how do we continue on to thrive in the midst of the unknown? This Sunday, join Rev. Sarah Gettie Burks as we wrestle with these inevitable, life-long questions.

July 24—Engaging Theological Diversity How do we engage theologies that are new or different to us? How do we move beyond a curiosity and a tolerance of different theologies to a deeper understanding. Laura Shennum explores: can we engage in this conversation and remain rooted in our own ideas of theology? July 31—Annual Lemon Sermon: Musing from a LifeLong Universalist Beth Conover is one of those rare animals—born and raised a UU. She’ll share her experiences growing up in a UU family and why the Universalist message resonated most strongly and led her to join a UU church as an adult. Special music by Steve and David Raybine.

Highlights Annual Budget Recap with our Treasurer

page 4

Church events and other happenings in July

pages 7-9

Find out how you can help plan the future of R.E. and YRUU

Page 12

Are you ready to volunteer to help your church? Check out pages 14-15 for roles that need to be filled with people like you! July 2011 | Vol. 11: Issue 3

Ahead For more info on any of these events, contact or call at 402-345-3039 or visit our website at July 1, 5pm Private Wedding Rehearsal July 2, 6pm Private Wedding July 3, 7pm Witches’ Tea July 4, holiday Church Office Closed July 10, 12pm Bridge Group July 10, 7pm Creative Art Group July 12, 7pm Board Meeting

Kate’s Corner By Rev. Kate Rohde The weather is warm, flowers and trees are blooming, and the sun is shining. Children are enjoying summer vacations and some of us are, too. David and I are taking our young adults with us this year on what may be one of the last, “family vacations” for a while. Our family is visiting Eastern Europe for a couple of weeks and then David and I will to visit Transylvania, including our Partner Church there. It is my first visit to our Unitarian roots. (I am studying Hungarian, but not getting very far.) After 30 years in ministry it is something of a thrill to visit the early Unitarian sites and see 400-year-old Unitarian churches. Lots of people think that our tradition of religious tolerance, reason, and free thought, is a relatively new one. Even amongst Unitarians, knowledge of our traditions is often limited to a particular congregation. This Partnership with the original Unitarians in Transylvania gives many, many, Unitarian Universalists in the U.S. the opportunity to learn about our roots and the living tradition we are a part of. We will be back home on July 5. During July, my “study month” I will be available for pastoral emergencies (please call me at home) and will not keep regular office hours, but will be working with members and friends to plan for next year. If there is some area of the church in which you are interested in working, please contact me. Thanks to all who have volunteered their time in the church this year. May the sweet days of summer be lovely for you all!

July 15 Flame Deadline July 17, 12pm Board Talk Back July 17, 2pm Transition Omaha July 19, 7pm Board Talk Back July 23, offsite Circle Supper July 24, Noon Sunday R.E. Discussion


Please be sure to join Rev. Kate and others as we discuss our church’s R.E. program and YRUU group. Save these dates: Sunday Religious Education Discussion—July 24 at Noon in the Sanctuary Youth Group Discussion—July 27 at 7pm in the Common Room 2


Moving Forward


By Tom Foster Board President

July 24, 12pm Bridge Group

Thanks to everyone participating in the Board Talk Backs. It is a constructive experience and crucial for communication with the congregation. Going forward the Board Talk Backs will be on the Sunday after the Board meeting at noon and a week after the Board meeting on Tuesday night at 7pm for those who cannot make it on Sunday. The Board is a extension of the congregation and we rely on input from you. Our governance process is set up so that the Board listens to the congregation and each year creates a Vision of Ministry based on your needs and desires. The Board’s role is to communicate that vision to the Ministry Team Leader or the Minister in our model. The board also creates policies, once again based on your input that provide high–level guidance to the Ministry Team. Day-to-day decisions are left to the Ministry Team while the Board focuses on the long-term well being of the church. The Board is charged with monitoring and evaluating the Ministry Team to make sure that what is happening in the church relates to the Vision of Ministry and that policies are being followed. This should be done on an ongoing basis. I encourage you to read in detail the outlines of our governance model in the current Board policies. They can be found on the First UU website at board-minutes-and-resources. There is a wealth of information there about Policy Governance. Speaking of monitoring, I’m excited about the Ministry Team's progress in the last few months. The new website is up and running along with the other branding. The website has been positively received by the public. I would expect there to be more visitors based on the new brand. I am impressed by the social outreach that is going on with all of the Green Sanctuary initiatives, our work with OTOC and the Community Meals Team. Leaders in Religious Education are mobilizing. Rev. Kate is planning more opportunities for input and assistance in shaping the RE programs. Thanks to all the teams and volunteers. You are the reason I am proud to be Board president. Tom


July 24, 7pm Creative Art Night No Book Club in July July 27, 7pm Youth Group Discussion

Donovan Johnson is our summer musician. You will enjoy his beautiful music. Come to a Sunday Summer Service at 10:30am and be sure to see Donovan and The Early Morning Risers this fall.

Finance Matters You can help by contributing towards our UUA and PSD dues By Walt Jesteadt, Treasurer The June Flame went to press before the Annual Meeting in May, so this is the first opportunity I have had to provide information on this year’s budget, a topic of unusual interest of late. More than 90 people at the Annual Meeting voted for a revised balanced budget that would include funds for a four-month sabbatical for Cheryll Wallace, a half-time DRE beginning August 1, and continuation of two services. We agreed that we would achieve a balanced budget by reducing the dues contributions to UUA and PSD and asking individual members who were able to contribute $81 per member to a dues fund, as we did last year. Checks should be made to the church with a note on the memo line indicating that the money should be applied to UUA and PSD dues. We budgeted no money for dues last year, but last year’s contributions to the dues fund totaled $2,918. This year, we were able to allocate $2,592 to dues while maintaining a balanced budget. Full payment of dues for 220 members would require $17,820. We should be able to accommodate that in next year’s budget with a half-time DRE for the full year. Full budget details can be obtained by contacting the church office or sending an email note to We have a large wish list of capital projects (windows, lights, sound, etc.) and have discussed a campaign to create a fund to meet the long-term needs of the building, described at one meeting as the Preserve Our Building Fund on steroids. With that future campaign in mind, it is important to be clear that no money given to the church for capital improvements has been used for growth initiatives or operating costs of any kind. The budget initially proposed by the board did not involve use of capital funds. To my knowledge, no money designated for one capital project has been moved to another without the consent of the donors who gave the money. Rev. Kate has charged the Finance Team with developing formal policies and procedures to ensure that that is the case. Finance Team volunteers are always welcome.

The Women’s Religious Studies Group is studying The Book Of Mormon. Join us every Thursday from 1— 2:30pm in the Merritt Lounge.


On July 10 feed your inner artist at the Creative Art Group. We’ll meet at 7pm in the Whitney Young room.

Women’s Alliance Announces the 2011 Scholarship Recipient Shawna Foster receives the 2011 Merritt Scholarship Shawna Foster and her daughter Rose pose at a shrine in Nara, Japan.

The Merritt Scholarship, given yearly by the Women's Alliance, goes to Shawna Foster. Shawna has been attending First Unitarian Church since 2003. This award, in addition to the Martha Atherton Scholarship from the UUA, and the reduced tuition award from Meadville Lombard Theological School, makes it possible for to attend seminary. She has completed her first year of seminary in praxis at her community site which was the Neighbors United Community Meal's program. For the next two years, Shawna will complete a 20-hour per week internship at the First Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Topeka, Kansas. Her teaching pastor there is the Rev. Lisa Schwartz. This summer she is interning as a chaplain at The Nebraska Medical Center.


Shawna was involved in the protests of a controversial anti-illegal immigration bill in Arizona last July and studied Shinto in Japan for two weeks in March. She plans to have her Master's of Divinity by the spring of 2013. Right now, she is considering community, parish, and chaplain ministry as her call will have a lot to do with her family situation. Her children, Reagan and Rose, live with her and her partner Tom Foster in Papillion. She is deeply appreciative of the award of the Merritt scholarship, saying, "This church is the church that formed me and my call to ministry. You've already given me immense support by celebrating my call, and the financial contribution is the needed icing on the cake. My family and I thank you!"

Gay Pride Parade

Camp StarTrail July 31– Aug. 5 The Camp StarTrail registration deadline is July 6. Camp StarTrail (located between Omaha and Lincoln) will be on July 31-August 5. It’s a retreat for UUs of all ages. Past activities have included bead-making, quilting, Amazing Race, sock hop, talent show, camp fire (with s’mores), swimming, nature hikes, ad hoc writers’ group, and more.

First Unitarian Represented June 25 Downtown!

Rev. Scott McNeill and Rev. Sarah Gettie Burks from Second Unitarian Church will be the chaplains/worship leaders. Four housing options are available, from real camping to pampered air conditioned luxury. For more information, visit their website

For more information on Standing on the Side of Love, visit 6

Church Events

Be a part of our bustling church community! Bridge Group

Witches’ Tea - July 3

Circle Supper

The Bridge Group will be meeting on the second and forth Sunday after coffee hour for about two hours.

A quiet monthly evening of fellowship is offered at our church for anyone interested in earth-centered or pagan spirituality on July 3 at 7pm in the Merritt Lounge. All are welcome. This group began in December and plans to continue through the summer. If you need to contact the organizer, please email or call the church office.

There will be one Circle Supper in July. If you would like to attend, it’s first come, first serve. Contact the church office today to reserve your spot. The date is July 23.

In July we will meet July 10 and 24. If you want to learn, teach or play bridge, you are welcome to attend. The more the merrier! Contact the church office if you need more information.

We want to thank Caroline True for all her help organizing the Circle Suppers. She has moved from Omaha. Would you like to organize the Circle Suppers or to host one in August? Contact the church office to help!

Share the Plate Half the cash collected each Sunday goes to church operating expenses. The other half to an organization with a mission that our church aligns itself with— please give generously! 7

At Church This Month at First Unitarian!

Transition Omaha Meets July 17 at 2pm

We Share the Plate for: UUSC Disaster Relief

In the Worcester Gallery This Month

Transition Omaha is part of an international grassroots movement in response to the challenges of peak oil, climate change and economic instability. The Transition movement supports the local community in taking action to mitigate the effects of these challenges by planning for energy descent and relocalization in all areas of community life. In the process of transition to a low energy life -style, greater community resilience and more fulfilling social connections can be developed.

In disasters and wars, people are not affected in the same way. Their race, gender, class, religion, political beliefs, ethnicity, and immigration status deeply influence how they will access the aid provided and whether they will be able to rebuild their lives.

In the Worcester Gallery in the Common Room is another “Art in Our Homes” exhibit featuring a painted mural by indigenous Australian artist Gilbert Laurie. This large original painting is from the collection of church member Louise Jeffrey. Laurie lives in the town of Nimbin, New South Wales and belongs to the Yaegl and Widjibal tribes of the Bundjalung nation.

UUSC works to ensure rights in all humanitarian crises. Visit their website at for more information.

If you would like art in your home featured in the gallery, please contact the church office for date availability.

Get The eFlame in your Inbox! Save trees and church dollars. The office spends a lot of money printing The Flame. Let’s get everyone The eFlame — IN COLOR! Sign up by contacting the church office.


Church Events Continued

Questions about these events? Contact the church office! Book Club Our next meeting is at 7pm in the Merritt Lounge on August 22. Our selection is The Professor and the Madman by Simon Winchester. When the editors of the Oxford English Dictionary put out a call during the late 19th century pleading for help with their mammoth undertaking, hundreds of responses came forth. Some helpers, like Dr. W.C. Minor, provided literally thousands of entries to the editors. But Minor, an American expatriate in England and a Civil War veteran, was actually a certified lunatic who turned in his dictionary entries from the Broadmoor Criminal Lunatic Asylum.

Women’s Alliance— Mark Your Calendar

Wedding or Commitment Ceremony

Attention women of First Unitarian Church! Bev Fleckten is the new leader of the Women’s Alliance. The Alliance will hold its first fall meeting on September 12. Details to follow.

Our church is famous in Omaha as the “wedding church" because of our beautiful building and sparkling interior. We are open to nonmember weddings and holy unions, and very affordable. We have a beautiful, spacious church, and guests are also assigned an event host who will help prepare the couple for a wedding at our church. If you know a couple planning a special day, please have them contact the church office.

Every month during the regular church year, the Alliance holds meetings, hosts speakers, provides education and fellowship, and yearly gives out a scholarship to Unitarians who are furthering their education.

The Book Club Note: The Book Club does NOT meet in July! Next meeting is Monday, August 22.


Reminders Scrip is an easy way to support your church Scrip works like a gift card. You buy a card for a fixed amount (e.g. $25) for a particular store, then use it to buy that same amount of merchandise at that store. How does the church make money? “Scrip” stores generously sell the gift cards to us at a discount (often 5%). Our first stores are Baker’s supermarkets and QuikShops. Shop there and help the church operating funds. Thus, the church earns a percentage on every dollar you would spend anyway at that store. Buy cards worth cash through our church scrip program BEFORE shopping, instead of using your normal payment method at the store. Stores benefit by getting guaranteed, loyal customers. Scrip is on sale at every coffee hour.

Parking The parking lot directly west of the church is for visitors, families with small children, and those with limited mobility on Sunday. Please use the parking garage to the west (entrance on Farnam St.) to keep these spots open. During the week, only the spots closest to the church are available for parking.

The Change for Change Program All the loose change given on Sunday mornings goes to a program called Change for Change. At this time, all the coins are being deposited to the Youth Group (Y.R.U.U.) to help them fund the trip they took to the Heifer Ranch in June. Please be sure to bring your change with you this Sunday to help support our youth!

Questions? Please visit the website for extensive info or contact the church office.

Green News! Are you interested in what’s happening with our Green Sanctuary Team? Check out their update on the next page and check their webpage at


Children’s Religious Education Schedule At 10:30, kids K-6 meet in the Robert Weston Room, not in the service! July 3: Recycling and Art with Eddith Buis July 10: More Art with Eddith Buis July 17: Art with Judith Wright July 24: Art with Judith Wright July 31: American Sign Language with Crystal Di Giorgi August 7: Manners with Tom Foster August 14: Susan Thomas & Steve Hutchinson and daughters share about their recent trip to China

August 21: Multi-generational Ingathering Service- no Sunday School August 28: Return to 2 services and Sunday School classes at 11:15

In February, we held a very successful Saturday morning educational forum on Socially Responsible Investing (SRI). This event drew 30-35 people from 1st and 2nd Unitarian Churches as well as the community at large. Response was enthusiastic and there was sentiment for holding another forum next year. In April, our table at Earth Day Omaha offered an interactive presentation for children which included both plant-

Teens grades 7th and above attend worship during the summer months.

Kids younger than 5 have the option of attending the Sarah Joslyn Nursery—our colorful & spacious infant & preschool area. The Nursery is open for 20 minutes before church services begin and 20 minutes after the services conclude.

Green Sanctuary Update The Green Sanctuary Team has had a pretty productive 2011 thus far, productive in the sense of contributing to the ministry of our church in the larger sense.

Catie Miller is the nursery aide.

By Ken Deffenbacher, Team Leader

ing of native tree seeds locally as well as sending money to provide for the planting of fruit trees in certain developing countries. This project, both an environmental and a social justice project, drew large crowds of young participants, keeping team members very busy for several hours. In the process, some Unitarian “missionary” work was also accomplished. In May, we held a Saturday morning electronic waste recycling project in our parking lot and recycled over a ton of electronic waste. During May and early June, several of our team have


written letters to Secretary of State Clinton protesting the proposed route for the TransCanada XL pipeline that would threaten the fragile Nebraska Sandhills ecology and the underlying Ogallala Aquifer. Some of us also argued that the pipeline project itself is not in our national interest for several reasons. For a summary of these arguments and the available science that would support them, check out Ken Deffenbacher’s lengthy letter to Secretary Clinton on our church’s website.

Future of Sunday Morning R.E. A gathering after church on July 24 in the Sanctuary As we search for part-time staff for our Religious Education programs, input is needed from parents, interested youth, and others involved in Sunday R.E. about the goals for the program and your involvement in it. Laura Shennum, former DRE at Second Unitarian Church and currently in her last year at Meadville/Lombard Theological School, will facilitate a discussion after church on Sunday, July 24th from noon to 2pm. Childcare will be provided. What is important for

our children and youth to experience and learn on Sundays mornings? What would sustain or increase your commitment to bringing your children and youth to our church regularly? What can we expect from volunteers? With some limited staffing, what are the priorities to make a good program run well?

office know. Otherwise, watch your weekly eNews for more information.

There will be an online survey. If you do not have internet access and would like to be mailed a survey, let the church

Future of YRUU

A gathering for teens and parents on Wednesday, July 27

The future of the Youth Group is in our hands.

With changes in R.E. staffing at First and Second Unitarian Churches, teens and their parents are invited to a gathering to talk about the future of Y.R.U.U., our youth group for teens. The meeting will be held at First Unitarian Church on Wednesday, July 27 at 7pm in the Common Room. Both current and potential members are invited to come and share ideas. The meeting will be facilitated by Laura Shennum, former DRE at Second Unitarian Church and currently in her last year at Meadville/Lombard Theological School. What kinds of things should a Youth Group be doing? What has been meaningful in previous youth 12

experiences? What would strengthen the experience in the future? If you or your son or daughter is not active in Y.R.U.U., is there something that would make it of greater interest? What kind of adult leadership either paid and/or volunteer would be most helpful? There will also be an online survey. If you do not have internet access and would like to be mailed a survey, let the church office know. Otherwise, watch your weekly eNews for more information.

There is No George

A message from Dixie Lemon and the Sarah Joslyn Society The expression “Let George do it” came out of an old-time radio detective show. It meant that if you can’t be bothered doing it, just leave it for someone else to do. It is true that some times you can turn your back and walk away and someone else, “George,” will pick up the pieces, but that doesn’t always happen. “George” is not going to step in and leave wonderful bequests to the church. He is not going to add a codicil to his will so that those who follow us will have a religious home. “George” is not going to make our church the beneficiary of his life insurance. In the world of financial support of the church, there is no “George;”

there is just you and me. So join the other sixty-nine friends of the church who have faced the fact that “George” is not going to do it. Leave a bequest to the church and become a member of the Sarah Joslyn Society. Contact the church office today for more information.

Thank you! Thanks to Jack Perry for his help with the dishwasher and A/C units. Thanks to Dean Christensen for repair of the pew supports and the outside railings. Thanks to Dave Rosser for his help with event host training and sanctuary light bulb replacement. Thanks to Bill Ross for his help with the new computer and copier. Special thanks to Carolyn McNamara for her years of dedication in arranging and printing the order of service. Thursdays won’t be the same!

Church Products for Sale We have a new logo and a new concept. Be the first to wear the shirt!

Many Journeys, One Congregation You've heard the slogan, seen the logo, now show it off proudly! Throughout the summer First Unitarian Church will be selling church logo shirts, stickers, and magnets. Place your order on Sundays during coffee hour or email Standing on the Side of Love shirts will continue be sold until we run out. Currently, there are 3x, 2x, XL, L and M sizes, but we are all out of smalls - sorry! Shirts are between $10-$14 depending on size. Church logo magnets are a dollar, and church logo stickers are free with an order for a church logo shirt. Buy now, be proud!



Ways You Can Help

President Tom Foster

President-Elect Kate Godfrey

Board Members Joe Schaaf Roger DuRand Kim Dunovan Barb Herring John Wagner Maria Wilson

Ex-official Non-Voting Board Member Kate Rohde (Minister)

Trustees of the Capital Trust Kenneth Deffenbacher (2014) Tim Duggan (2013) Jack Heidel (2012)

Your main job as an


is to make

visitors feel welcome. The task is threefold: (1) greet them, help them feel comfortable, (2) show them the way to wherever they or their children need to go and (3) visit with them after the service and help them get acquainted. To sign up today please go to: You help as a

Coffee Hour Host

by brewing

the coffee and setting up the tea supplies and water for our Coffee Hour which follows the Sunday Service. Anyone can host Coffee Hour—a church member, friend, visitor—and you decide how you would like to host. Some provide snacks like donuts or popcorn or cookies. Others choose crackers and cheese. And still others like to offer fruits and veggies or just the coffee and tea. Your call. To sign up today please see this link:

Nominating Committee


Shelton Hendricks, Convener Georgia Barber (2012) Lynette Ryder (2012) Bob Hess (2013) Judith Wright (2013) Kerry Case (2014) Tony Host (2014)

You share your gift by being a

Board meetings are normally on the second Tuesday of the month and are open to members.

Our Church Needs More Photos Please

Be sure to attend the R.E. and YRUU Discussion Groups on July 24 and 27.

Holland Lecture Series Committee Steve Hutchinson, Chair


donating your talent either through songs, drums, or other musical gifts. Check out our music page to see how you can plug in: services/mustic

Have fun by taking photos at coffee hour, during a service or a church-related meeting or event! Share photos with the church office by sending them via email or dropping off a photo C.D. to the office. Contact the church office for more details. Remember, we need people’s permission to feature them on the website, etc. Release forms can be emailed or picked up from the church office. 14

Ministry Team Leaders Ambassadors (Open) Archives Dave Richardson Adult Programs (Open) Building (short-term) (Open) Caring Debbie Hunsberger Chalice Guild Kay Lynn Goldner Coffee Hour, Summer Charmayne Harper Communications (Open) Community Meals Louise Jeffery Fellowship Nadine Keith & Judith Wright Finance Walt Jesteadt Flowers for Services Louise Jeffrey Fundraising Donna Neff & Susan Thomas Garden Sharon Conlon Green Sanctuary Ken Deffenbacher & Glen Pollack Library (Open) Long-Term Maintenance Ellen Shurson Nursery Patricia Soto Membership (Open) Office (Open) Partner Church Council Janet West Personnel Jerre Tritsch Religious Services Megan Gustafson Women’s Alliance Bev Fleckten YRUU Ben Wallace & Shawne Coonfare

eNews The Flame is published monthly, but a lot happens between issues. We offer a weekly email service to update you on church news sent directly to your inbox. If you would like to receive our eNews please contact the Office Administrator at


Staff Phone: (402) 345-3039 Fax: (402) 346-2662

Minister Rev. Dr. Kate Rohde

Office Administrator Catharine Dixon

Custodian Bobby Medrano

Nursery Aide Catie Miller

Organist Pat Will

Choir Director Bob McMeen

See yourself in any of our open positions? Volunteer by contacting the office or Rev. Kate.

Choir Accompanist


Donovan Johnson

The editor apologizes for the mistakes in the Sarah Joslyn Society article in the June issue. The editor also apologizes for listing the wrong leader of the Partner Church Council. Janet West is the current leader of our Partner Church group.

DO YOU LIKE TO PROOFREAD? If so, please contact the church office. We need more proofers for the Flame and the website.


Pat Allender

Keyboardist Minister Emeritus Ronald Knapp

The Flame Editor

Catharine Dixon


Scott Kemper, Debbie Hunsberger, Cyndi Nather, Shawna Foster

The Flame Mailing Team

Howard Bolton, Audrey Freyer, Anne Massoud, Jeanette Ryan, Evelyn Whitehill

Submit items for publication to Word limit is 200, Deadline is the 15th of the month.

The Flame

First Unitarian Church of Omaha 3114 Harney St. Omaha, NE 68131 July 2011

Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Omaha, NE Permit No. 42

Want to Learn More About Our Church? The next UU & You Class is Sunday, September 18 from 6-8pm The UU & You Class provides newcomers an introduction to Unitarian Universalism and to our church through presentation and interactive discussion. Newcomers and even frequent visitors are invited to learn more about our church. If you are interested in attending, please call the church office at 402345-3039 ext. 101 to reserve your spot or email so we can arrange for the meal. If you need childcare, please let us know the names and ages of the children who will be attending. Hope to see you there!

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