The Flame - July 2017

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July 2017

The Flame

The Monthly Newsletter of First Unitarian Church of Omaha

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Sunday Services this Month

Church Events

Social Justice Fair in July


Sunday Services — All Are Welcome Sunday, July 2 at 10:30am “Four Cardinal Virtues” Rev. Ron Knapp In this sermon I will explore some ideas presented by Robert Kaufman in The Faith Of A Heretic. Sunday, July 9 at 10:30am “Flower Communion” Two weeks ago, our church service featured a presentation from the play, “Steel Magnolias.” It was chosen as a celebration of the power that Beloved Community has to help us in times of difficulty. Our congregation is like a garden; lush, intertwined, and resilient. The roots of our community support and sustain us when we are wilting. This summer’s Flower Communion will create an opportunity to remember and share gratitude for those roots that have held us close. Sunday, July 16 at 10:30am “The Primary of Perception” Rev. Ron Knapp We do not live in the world as it is but as it appears to us to be.

Sunday, July 23 at 10:30am To be announced. Sunday, July 30 at 10:30am Rev. Sheila Mee “Life Lessons on the Appalachian Trail” During a recent section hike of the Appalachian Trail, I encountered several reminders of universal life lessons.

Note on Forums:

There are no forums in the month of July. If you have a topic you would like to share, please contact the Forum Coordinators, Denise and Bebe, at

Fanning Our Flame: Social Justice Fair Big news for those of you who want to give back, to get involved and to find out how you can help the world become a better place! We’ve invited leaders in our church and community to come to coffee hour on Sunday, July 16 to showcase all their activities and information related to Social Justice. See the flyer for this fair on page 8 and please join us on Sunday, July 16. Questions? Contact Jan at


Rev. Elations

Monthly Column from our Minister, Rev. Frank Rivas Our vision statement, adopted in May, envisions us as “an inclusive community that listens, engages, inspires, and acts.” A vision is an aspirational statement about who we want to become, and ours is a good one. It’s noteworthy that our vision statement does not mention our program for children and youth. Many churches feel the need to separate out the vision for children and youth, but our statement assumes that the Sunday school program is fully integrated into the broader church vision, and it is. Those of you who are not parents may not recognize how integrated the programs are. I myself would not recognize it were it not for regular meetings with Jan Wilson, our director of religious education. Today Jan spoke about the Harry Potter-themed summer camp, how Luna Lovegood, one of the characters in the series, dresses and acts idiosyncratically, how her behaviors lead to the lesson that we each need to feel free to express ourselves, and how First Unitarian provides a safe place to do just that. “Here you don’t have to remove corners and edges to fit in,” Jan explains. “Here you’re free to be who you are.” That’s a profound lesson on inclusivity, the first key word in our vision statement. May we together create such a community, not only among the children, but also among ourselves. Have a wonderful summer, and learn a thing or two from children. Blessings and love, Frank

Pictured to the right: Reading Time at UU Harry Potter Summer Camp Photo by Catharine Dixon


CommUUnity Night We will skip July. See you on Friday, August 4. First UU Young Adults Sunday, July 2 at 11:45am in the Merritt Lounge. First Unitarian Young Adults welcomes everyone ages 18-35 from all over the Omaha Metro. We invite you to come build community, deepen relationships, and grow with us. We will meet the first Sunday of each month. Recital of Song Sunday, July 2 at 2pm in the Sanctuary. First Unitarian Choir member William Tull, baritone, and pianist, Margaret Fondertasse, will present a concert of classics and folk songs in the sanctuary. See page 7 for the concert flyer. NAMI Connections Begins Wednesday, July 5 at 1pm in the Whitney Young Room. This is a peer-run group for persons living with mental health challenges. This group will meet every Wednesday at 1pm. If you have questions, please email Terri Lynn at Listening Circle: 13 Reasons Sunday, July 9 at 11:45am-1:15pm in the Merritt Lounge. Parents and teenagers all over the country are discussing this TV series. Please join us to discuss suicide and other issues that this show raises. Babysitting will be provided for smaller children in the nursery and a movie shown for the older kids in the WY Room. Please pack a lunch for yourself and the kids. Questions? Contact Jan at People’s Film Festival Monday, July 10 at 7pm in the Common Room. The movie we’ll watch is Requiem for the A merican Dream. In this timely documentary, Noam Chomsky, one of America's most respected and influential social theorists, offers sobering insights on the nation's extreme economic inequalities and the true cost of projecting US power worldwide.

Church Events

AHA (Agnostics, Humanists, Atheists) Discussion Group

We are on summer break. Questions may go to

POPs (Parents of Preschoolers) We will take a break in July and August. Our next meeting is on September 9. Questions go to Sarah Eades Hamilton. Email: or call/ text: 402-306-6339). ]Social Justice Fair: Fanning Our Flame Sunday, July 16 during coffee hour. Find a way you be a part of social justice in our church and community. See page 8 for details. CUUPS Book Study Group: 12 Wild Swans Sunday, July 16 at 11:30am in the Merritt Lounge. CUUPS will lead a book study on The 12 W ild Swans: A Journey to the Realm of Magic, Healing and Action. In this book, renowned leaders in the Wicca movement use a fairy tale to teach about the "reclaiming" model of witchcraft that blends magic and personal growth. Arts and Crafts Night Sunday, July 16 at 7pm in the Common Room. Bring your current project and supplies and join us for some artistic fellowship! Contact Kate Godfrey at or 402-880-1327 for details. People’s Film Festival Monday, July 17 at 7pm in the Common Room. We’ll watch two episodes of the documentary series Years of Living Dangerously. Episode 1, "Dry Season": Don Cheadle reports on the severe droughts in the Southwest, following scientist and devout Christian, Katharine Hayhoe, as she speaks to religious audiences about the connection between extreme weather and climate change; Harrison Ford visits Indonesia to learn how slash-and-burn deforestation, driven by the global appetite for products such as palm oil and paper, contributes a large portion of the world's carbon emissions; and Thomas Friedman investigates how drought contributed

to the civil war in Syria. Episode 2, "A Race Against Time" focuses on renewable energy sources, especially solar. David Letterman travels to India to investigate the populous country's efforts to expand its inadequate electrical grid, as its economy booms, and to supply electricity for the first time to 300 million citizens. He finds that there the country will double the amount of dirty coal that it burns unless it can receive assistance in transitioning quickly to solar and other renewable technologies. He interviews Prime Minister Narendra Modi, travels to rural villages where few can afford power and explores the US potential in bringing renewable energy to India. Examined Life Group Tuesday, July 18 at 7pm in the Merritt Lounge. This is a group determined to become democratic with each participant presenting a topic related to how we assess ourselves personally and as members of society. The ultimate aim is to foster mutual understanding among ourselves and the others attending. In July and August we’ll only meet once. Interested? Contact Jack at The Women’s Religious Study Covenant Group Thursday, July 20 at 1pm in the Merritt Lounge. Barb Herring will be our facilitator for the Fifth Step, Mindfulness, in Karen Armstrong's Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life. We welcome all self-identified women. If you are interested, please contact Harriet Major at or call 402-391-0248. First Steps: A Class for Visitors Sunday, July 23 at 11:45am in the Whitney Young Classroom. New to First U? All are welcome to attend this session. See page 17 for details. Board Talk Back Sunday, July 23 at 11:30am in the Common Room. The church board wants to hear from you and will have a table set up in the Common Room to discuss issues that are important to you and the congregation.


Church Events Continued...

Mystic Sojourn CUUPS We will take a break in July and meet again August 6.

Taoism Discussion Group Tuesday, July 25 at 6:30pm in the Common Room. Join us to discuss anything and everything related to Taoism! As Taoism is best understood through practice rather than theory, the goal of this group is to provide a participatory space to explore how Taoism is applied in daily life, with an emphasis on experience. With our direct experiences as a reference point, we can then delve into the main texts of Taoism. This group will be led by Geoff Erikson. Contact him at: Recurring Events Women's Religious Studies Group This group meets every Thursday, except for the 3rd week of the month at 1pm in the Merritt Lounge. This group explores a wide range of religious beliefs through reading, study, and discussion. New members welcome. We’re reading The Mindfulness Survival Kit by Thich Nhat Hahn, Questions? Email Margaret Miller: or call 402-964-2860. Dungeons and Dragons Group Meeting Meets the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month in the Whitney Young Room at 12:30pm. All D&D role players are invited. Questions? Contact Roman at, 402-769-4260.

Bridge Group Meets the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month in the Conference Room at noon. If you've played before, come for some entertainment and time at the game table. Novices welcome too. Contact Scott Kemper at

Ways You Can Get Involved

Listening Circles! Q: What is a Listening Circle? A: A small group of individuals – friends, visitors, or members of UU who listen and discuss various topics. Both the topics and format of discussion are designed to encourage active listening, which strengthens and deepens relationships. More details on page 11 in this newsletter or see here: Church Anniversaries Approaching and Heritage Task Force Forms We are looking forward to celebrating in 2018-19 the Centennial of our church building and the Sesquicentennial (150 years) of the signing of the articles of incorporation of our church. Anyone interested in helping with planning and organizing our 2018-19 "Year of Celebrating our Heritage" — we need you! We are looking for people with a variety of skills and interests: event planners, publications and public relations types, techies, writers, editors, archivists, architects, artistic types and of course people who love this place and its history. Interested? Contact Dave at Audio Team Want to help on Sunday mornings? Join the audio team and be trained on the sound system so you can be a part of church service. Questions? Interested? Contact the office: Caring Team Can you spare a couple of hours a month to visit, with a church partner, one of our six shut-ins? Some of them are connected to a church member or two, but it would be nice if they had visitors just representing the congregation in general. Just a short chat to let them know they are remembered. If you can help, please call Louise Jeffrey (402-980-2068) or e-mail Friday Office Volunteers Have you ever wondered, if even for a moment, who replaces the pink attendance sheets on the clipboards in the

pews or changes the batteries in the hearing assist devices? Those are just two of the tasks that most people don't give a thought to, unless it's not done. The Friday Office Volunteer Team are looking for a few good people! If you can spare an hour or so on a Friday afternoon, or an hour on a Wednesday morning once a month, please contact Kim Callaghan at or by phone at 402-292-5018. For more ways to help or get involved, go to:

Future Events Brush Up Nebraska: Paint-A-Thon Saturday, August 19, offsite The paint-a-thon is a community-based volunteer program that paints homes of qualified low-income elderly and lowincome permanently disabled homeowners, in the Omaha Metropolitan Area, so that they may maintain their property, increase energy efficiency and beautify the community. Each year, our church has a paint team. Interested? Contact Alan at More information can be found on page 6. Sign-Up Fair for Small Groups Sunday, Sept. 10 during coffee hour. Learn about the many discussion groups and Listening Circles happening in our church. Find the right group for you! Group leaders will be available during coffee hour to introduce you to what they are all about. A few groups that will be featured: Listening Circles, Women’s Religious Studies Group and Covenant Group, The Book Club, and the Examined Life Group, plus many more! Need info? Want to participate? Contact Katrina at


From the New President By Alan Vovolka, Church President

First Unitarian will participate in the Brush Up Nebraska Paint-A-Thon on Saturday, August 19th. Brush Up Nebraska Paint-A-Thon is a community-based volunteer program that paints homes of qualified low-income elderly and low-income permanently disabled homeowners, in the Omaha Metropolitan Area, so that homeowners may maintain their property, increase energy efficiency and beautify the community. The project began in 1989. All homes are painted on the third Saturday of August each year. It is in the spirit of an old-fashioned “Barn Raising” that people come together to help others and brighten lives and homes within our community. First Unitarian, like last year, is partnering with Countryside Community Church (part of the Tri-Faith Initiative) and Second Unitarian. We expect to have a house assigned to us in July. Last year Cy Wakeman brought about a dozen people from her family reunion. This added people in the 20-30 age range, some of whom were contractors who brought their own brushes and ladders. Cy has scheduled this year’s reunion for the same weekend so that they can participate again. We still need people to paint the lower portions including the foundation, and someone to deliver the donuts and juice. Children 16 and under will need a signed permission slip and a designated adult on-site to keep an eye on them. If you are unavailable on August 19th, there will be a “prep” day the Friday or Saturday before. Please contact Alan Vovolka (402) 344-3988 to sign up or to lend us ladders, brushes, scrapers, or a wet/dry shop vac.




First Unitarian Church is Hiring We seek an experienced pianist to accompany our adult choir for weekly rehearsals and services. Position Information and Skills: Primary performance instrument is a Steinway Grand piano (Organ competency not required) Choir averages 25 members Sight reading and ability to follow direction Comfortable with eclectic mix of musical styles and genres (i.e. Classical, Traditional Christian Hymns, Gospel/Jazz, Pop and Contemporary Worship) Ability to accompany singing groups or soloists Demonstrated proficiency in piano/keyboard instruments. 3 to 5 years choral accompanying experience preferred Responsibilities: Provide piano accompaniment for all rehearsals. The choir rehearses Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:30pm, September — May. Provide piano accompaniment for 10:30am service, 2 times per month. Be present for choral warm-ups before the service. Meet as needed with the Choir Director Approximately 4 to 6 hours per week, includes independent rehearsal time. Be available for special services as needed (eg. Christmas Eve). Provide other assistance as requested and agreed upon. Submit your application to

Share this link with your musical friends:


UU Summer Camp by Jan Wilson, Director of Religious Education At this writing the preparations for the Harry Potter camp from June 19-23 are at a fever pitch. Cauldrons, quills, robes, spell books and wands are set to transport little wizards and witches to Hogwarts. The magic of stories and imagination is the perfect backdrop for the conversations about some very serious ethical discussions. J.K. Rowling spins tales of friendship, adventure, and the qualities that allow all of us to defy the darkness in ourselves and the world. Harry learns that love is the only guide that makes life meaningful. Of course, Hogwarts would not be the same without our very own quidditch team. During lunchtime, Adam Sagert and Roman Noriega will coach our athletes in the intricacies of muggle quidditch. Yes, we will have brooms, but ours don’t fly except in our imaginations. Photos below by Jan Wilson. Respectfully Submitted, Jan Wilson Director of Muggle Religious Education Headmaster of Hogwarts on Harney


Listening Circles Now Forming! What is a Listening Circle? A small group of individuals – friends, visitors, or members of UU who listen and discuss various topics. Both the topics and format of discussion are designed to encourage active listening, which strengthens and deepens relationships.

What Can Listening Circles Do For Me and Our Community? A listening circle develops and enhances relationships of participants, builds trust, strengthens listening skills, and develops a safe space for everyone. These skills and relationships will improve all First UU activities as we grow and connect with one another.

What Kind of Topics Will We Discuss? Both challenging and fun topics are explored. Currently we have prepared these topics: play, living simply, justice, forgiveness, expectations, endings, confronting evil, aloneness, and addictions.

How Often and For How Long Do Groups Meet? Groups will meet twice a month for an hour to an hour and a half either at church or in homes.

What Does a Meeting Look Like? A clear format is used for listening circles to ensure everyone is heard. We read several quotes on a single topic, followed by a short period of contemplation, and then discuss the quotes in three rounds. Round 1: Each member shares impressions without response. Round 2: Discussion. Follow up on ideas expressed, question, and expand. Round 3: Final thoughts shared by each individual. Did your viewpoint change from the conversation?

What if I Want to Facilitate One Meeting or More?

Great! The set format for listening circles makes guiding easy. Facilitators do as much or as little as they would like and have the opportunity to receive a vast amount of support. Minimally, just bring the topic of the day. Before your first meeting, you will receive a quick 5-10 minute one-on-one orientation, a manual with suggestions and topics, become a part of an on-line facilitator’s community, and have the option of attending a group training meeting.

What Do You Expect of Me if I Join? We ask that you be committed to attending and let the facilitator know if you cannot. We ask participants to listen and share deeply, be aware how much time they are taking to share, welcome new members, avoid cross talk, avoid judging, avoid giving feedback, avoid “fixing” people, and keep stories shared confidential.

We Want You! We would like to grow and learn with you in small groups. We hope this will bring together people who may not normally interact with one another, and we hope to strengthen our community. Please email or go to to fill out the online form.


Hope in Action

Our church believes in community, and that is what Hope in Action, a sub-team of the Caring Team, is all about. Any one of us might need assistance, and we want to make it easier for you to ask for support and easier for you to offer support when others are in need. WHO IS SERVED? Church members, friends, regular attendees and their spouses are eligible for assistance from Hope in Action. WHO CAN HELP? Everyone! Hope in Action is an opportunity for everyone in our church community to support each other by sharing knowledge, skills and resources. Hope in Action will use church communications, including the enews, to let our church community know when help is needed to respond to a request for support. And we will report back to the church community about how we were able to respond. All communication will be done in a manner that maintains the degree of confidentiality requested by the person seeking assistance. WHAT SUPPORT CAN BE EXPECTED? Hope in Action is there when people are dealing with a medical problem, need transportation or help around the house, can use assistance with referrals to social service agencies or just need someone to talk to about the ups and downs of life. Our response will vary depending on the type of support that is needed in our church community and what resources we have available. Although Hope in Action is not able to respond to emergencies, short-term financial assistance may be available for lodging, food, clothing, medication, transportation and utilities. Financial disbursements are not made directly to the person making the request for assistance.

HOW TO ASK FOR SUPPORT Requests for assistance must be made directly by the person needing help. Hope in Action does not respond to any anonymous or third-party requests for assistance. Here are the ways you can ask for support from Hope in Action. You may send an email to or use the Hope in Action link on the church website. Or, you may simply complete a Caring Card, located in the church pews and place it in the offering plate.

WHO DECIDES WHAT SUPPORT WILL BE OFFERED? Hope in Action will use a team approach, so at least three members of Hope in Action must participate in determining the nature of the response.

Change for Change

Each week generous people put change in the collection plate. This change goes to the Sunday School kids who decide what to do with the money. In the past they have helped Community Meals and International Bridges for Justice. The kids are now donating this change to the Neighborhood Ministry Team, which purchases bus tickets and food cards and gives out blessings bags to people who come to the church door from our area. Your change makes a difference! Thank you for your generosity!


Join Omaha Together One Community (OTOC) on Second Mondays this Summer to learn how we strengthen the fabric of our democracy by building strong public relationships in our congregations, communities and Every Saturday churches in our area organizations. Learn how to engage join together to cook a meal, serve their in effective individual meetings, neighbors and bring a sense of develop a strong team of community to our neighborhood at collaborators and build the Power First Baptist Church (401 Park Ave). needed to act effectively on issues Please contact Diane Withem of justice and the common good. at or call We will meet from 7pm to 8:30pm 402.679.8916 if you would like help in Augustana Lutheran (3647 the future. Thank you! Lafayette Ave).

Community Meals

Share the Plate This Month

Topics Include: July 10: Engaging in effective relational meetings to develop relational power

Each month one-half of the loose currency collected in the offering plate is August 14: Developing a Core Team of collaborators in your donated to a local cause that advances institution or group important principles of Unitarianism. In the month of July we share the plate for Omaha Together One Community (OTOC). Visit for more information. See next column about upcoming OTOC events.


Do You Shop on Amazon? Follow this link to and when you make a purchase, Amazon will donate a percentage to First Unitarian Church of Omaha through the AmazonSmile program. Steps: 1. Visit 2. Search for First Unitarian Church of Omaha then select the organization's name. Be sure to confirm you are electing the correct organization, as many charitable organizations have similar names. Or just use this direct link: 3. Add items to your cart and pay. It's That Easy! When you shop at AmazonSmile, you'll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping as with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to First Unitarian Church of Omaha. You use the same account on and AmazonSmile. Your shopping cart, Wish List, wedding or baby registry, and other account settings are also the same. Questions? Contact Donna at

Reminder: Using the Church Building Please be sure that if you move furniture, tables or chairs around that you return everything to the way you found it. You’re more than welcome to move items, but please be kind to the people coming behind you. Thermostats sometimes need to be changed, (especially in the summer heat) but please return the temperature to the setting you found it at. If you have questions, contact the office at Thank you!

Hospitality Teams and You! Join a Hospitality Team and help welcome people to First U on Sunday mornings. The commitment is only six times a year and you choose which team suits you best based on your schedule. Jobs include greeters, ambassadors and clean up crew. For details, please email Carolyn at today!


Welcoming New Members By Ellen Shurson

Chris Krull and Jeri Thurber joined the church in April. Christopher Krull, or Chris as he likes to be called, has been coming to First U since January of 2017with his wife, Jeri. They are past members of the Unitarian Church in Lincoln. Chris was drawn to the church by the UU principles and his longing for community. Jeri heard that First U had a pagan group, and even though she’s not pagan, she thought the church sounded accepting and hoped to find a loving community. Chris grew up in the Twin Cities, moved to Bellevue for a job, and now is a Scrum Master/System Engineer subcontracting for Northrop Grumman. Jeri’s father was in the Air Force and she moved a lot including living in England and Florida. They have a daughter named Grace, age 6, and they also two pit bulls, two cats, and three chickens. Jeri homeschools Grace. Previously, she worked as a department manager for libraries and in group homes for adults with developmental disabilities. Chris has become involved in AHA Discussion Group, the Finance Committee and his family attends CommUUnity Nights. Jeri is the new treasurer of the Women’s Alliance. She’s interested in mentoring or working with at-risk youth. His hobbies include reading anything from fantasy to philosophy, and he loves teaching his daughter and trying to learn from her.

Her hobbies are gardening, learning about herbal medicine, reading, hiking and crocheting. When asked if there is anything Chris would like fellow UUs to know about him, he responded, “I am trying to be kinder and more compassionate, and I could use some help!” When asked if there is anything Jeri would like fellow UUs to know about her, she said, “I consider myself a Scientific Pantheist, but appreciate the CUUPS ceremonies and really want to join in the Taoist discussion group.” Please welcome this family to First Unitarian Church!


Pride Parade in June

This year, as in years past, First Unitarian Church marched in the Heartland Pride Parade with Second Unitarian Church. Photos by Lori Schaaf.


Thank you for everyone who donated during Omaha Gives! in May. The team raised $545 to help people who come to the church door.


New to our church? Join us for an informal introduction to Unitarian Universalism and our community. The First Steps Class will take place on Sunday, July 23 at 11:45am in the Whitney Young Classroom (downstairs on the west side of the church by the nursery).

If you are interested, RSVP to Carrie at or stop by the visitor’s table (in the Common Room downstairs) on the 23rd and we’ll get you to the right room. Grab a cup of coffee and we will see you there!


Minister Frank Rivas Director of Religious Education Jan Wilson

Meet Our Leaders Board Members Alan Vovolka (President), Wendy Hessler (President-Elect), Joe Schaaf (Secretary), Linda Parker, Catherine Plumlee, Floyd Prine, Donna Tubach-Davis, Maria Wallace

Membership Coordinator Carrie Helmberger

Trustees of the Capital Trust Evelyn Whitehill (2018), Dean Christensen (2019), Daniel Byrd (2020)

Church Administrator Catharine Dixon

Committee on Ministry Skip Ciulla, Jack Round, Donna Tubach-Davis

Organist Pat Will

Ministry Team Council Rev. Frank Rivas, Nellie Chenoweth, Wendy Hessler, Diane Withem

Early Service Pianist Stan Harper Choir Director William Miller Minister Emeritus Ronald Knapp Nursery Coordinator Jenny Hastings Custodian Bobby Medrano Nominating Committee Molly Dewell, Dave Olson, Kathy Oliver, Carol Ramsey, Marie Sedlacek, Ben Wallace THE FLAME

Deadlines are the 15th of each month. Word limit: 200. Send submissions to

Editor/Designer: Cat Dixon Proofers: Lana Hammel, Scott Kemper, Lois Norris, Debbie Hunsberger Flame Mailing Team: Debbie Hunsberger, Lois Norris, Linda Hruska, Kim Callaghan,

Ministry Teams and Team Leaders Archives/Heritage Task Force—Dave Richardson and Carol Cronin Black Lives Matter—Rene Harper Caring—Louise Jeffrey Chalice Guild—Kay Lynn Goldner Community Meals—Diane Withem Fellowship—Judith Wright, Nadine Keith & Nellie Chenoweth Finance—Walt Jesteadt Fundraising—Donna Neff and Katrina Schmidt Hope in Action—Kim Dunovan Hospitality Teams—Carolyn McNamara House and Grounds—Pierce Carpenter Listening Circles—Katrina Schmidt Membership—Caitlin & Tom Seguin Neighborhood Ministry—open Office—Carolyn McNamara Omaha Together One Community—Janet West Partner Church—Janet West Religious Education—Sheri Conner Social Justice—Lori Schaaf Women’s Alliance—Catherine Plumlee Worship Arts Team—Megan Gustafson Young Adult Group—Collin & Becca Hatcher YRUU—Adam Sagert and Carolyn Miller

First Unitarian Church 402-345-3039

Newsletter cover photograph by Sarah Hamilton


First UU Young Adults Sunday, July 2 at 11:45am in the Merritt Lounge. See page 4 for details. Recital of Song Sunday, July 2 at 2pm in the Sanctuary. See page 7 for details. People’s Film Festival Monday, July 10 at 7pm in the Common Room. See page 4 for details. Flame Deadline Submit your newsletter articles to by July 15 at noon. Private Wedding Saturday, July 15 at 5pm. Fanning Our Flame: Social Justice Fair Sunday, July 16 during coffee hour. See page 4 for details. CUUPS Book Study Group Sunday, July 16 at 11:30am in the Merritt Lounge. See page 4 for information. Arts & Crafts Night Sunday, July 16 at 7pm in the Common Room. See page 4 for information. People’s Film Festival Monday, July 17 at 7pm in the Common Room. See page 4 for details. Examined Life Group Tuesday, July 18 at 7pm in the Merritt Lounge. See page 4 for details. The Women’s Religious Study Covenant Group Thursday, July 20 at 1pm in the Merritt Lounge. See page 4. Board Talk Back Sunday, July 23 at 11:30am in the Common Room. See page 4 for information. First Steps: A Class for Visitors Sunday, July 23 at 11:45am in the Whitney Young Classroom. See page 17. Taoism Discussion Group Tuesday, July 25 at 6:30pm in the Common Room. See page 5 for details.

Church Events Recurring… Women’s Religious Studies Group Meets most Thursdays at 1pm in the Merritt Lounge. See page 5. NAMI Connections Meets Wednesdays at 1pm in the Whitney Young Room beginning July 5. See page 4. Dungeons & Dragons Group Meets the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month. See page 5. Bridge Group Meets the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month. See page 5. Lunch with the Minister Group is on break. We’ll start back up again in September.

Future Events…

Brush Up Nebraska: Paint-A-Thon Saturday, August 19, offsite See page 5. Sign-Up Fair for Small Groups Sunday, Sept. 10 during coffee hour. See page 5.

CALL FOR PHOTOS! Like to take pictures? If you capture a great photo of the Sunday service or the garden outside or an event in the Common Room, please send your photo to the church office at We are always looking for new photos we can share in our newsletter, on the church website and social media. Thank you!

SOCIAL MEDIA AND FIRST U Like our Facebook page here: The church creates Facebook events for Sunday services and often for other church events. This is a public page meaning if you post to the page, anyone on Facebook can view that post. Join our Facebook group here: groups/77808136080 The group is a little different than the page. You need to request to be added to this closed group. This way the posts are private and only be seen by other church members and friends who are already in the group. Follow us on Twitter @FirstUUOmaha

Mission: Fostering the Whole Person, Compassion, and Justice Vision: An inclusive Community that Listens, Engages, Inspires, and Acts We covenant to: Listen to understand and grow Seek and value all voices Model respect and kindness Assume good intentions Resolve conflicts directly and compassionately Contribute time, talent, treasure Respect people’s time Celebrate, support, appreciate

First Unitarian Church of Omaha 3114 Harney St. Omaha, NE 68131

Adopted May 14, 2017

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