May 2012 Flame

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The Flame

Our Monthly Newsletter

Join us for Sunday Services at 9:30am or 11:15am May 6—Walter Brooks Presents topics from his book Trust No Shadows After Dark: African American Genocide in the United States and explains how the recent financial crisis has affected the African American community. Music: 9:30am: Donovan Johnson and the Early Morning Risers; 11:15am: Patricia Will, piano; The First Unitarian Choir led by Bob McMeen, accompanist Patricia Allender. May 13—Coming of Age— Intergenerational Service Come and celebrate Mother's Day with us. In the spirit of Mother figures of all kinds, the Sunday School students will be focusing on all of the wonderful things that we do to nurture each other. Don't miss this year's Coming of Age youth participants give their "I believe" speeches. This annual service has become a fan favorite and this year promises to continue that tradition! See you there! Music: 9:30am: Donovan Johnson and the Early Morning Risers; 11:15am: Patricia Will, piano.

May 2012 | Vol. 11: Issue 11

Highlights One service at 10:30am starting Sunday, May 20th! May 20—Choir Concert— One service at 10:30am At this service the choir will present the Annual Choir Service. Favorites from the past nine months will be performed. Do you like gospel? We've got it. How about more traditional music? We've got it. A Broadway tune? Right, we've got it. Please come and enjoy the service! This service will be performed and organized by Choir Director, Bob McMeen and accompanist Patricia Allender and the First Unitarian Church of Omaha Choir. May 27—One Fish Story and a Few Religious Thoughts About Fair Complaining— One service at 10:30am Rev. Sarah Voss This sermon, presented by Rev. Dr. Sarah Voss, may sound a little fishy, but it promises some new (and old) thoughts about the value of complaining. Music: Patricia Will, piano.

President’s Letter

Page 3

Prairie Star District Award Winner!

Page 4

Religious Education News

Pages 6 and 11


Ahead For more info on any of these events, contact call 402-345-3039, or visit our website at May 5, 9am Awaken the Dreamer May 6, 1pm Annual Congregational Meeting May 6, 4pm Will Recital May 6, 7pm Witches’ Tea May 8, 7pm Board Meeting May 12, 1pm Solar Buying Coop Meeting May 13, 1pm Board Talk Back May 13, 1pm Bridge Group

By Rev. Frank Rivas This week I met with one of our members. While speaking of something else entirely, she blurted out something like this: I promised myself that I wouldn't bring this up, but I want to know. I read that you were openly gay when you were serving the church in Minneapolis, and now I hear that you are married. Which is true? Both, I responded. (Pause for emphasis.) For many years after my divorce, I thought of myself as primarily gay, and I was open about it. During that time, I met solidly good men, but nothing took. With Anne, I went on, it's all different. We are present for one another in ways I never thought possible; with Anne I have come home. (Pause.) Okay, she said. I just wanted to know. I share this with you because if one member asked, many members have probably wondered. Sexuality is a delicate topic. That's unfortunate. Each of us needs to be free to love whomever we love, and each needs to go through whatever process takes us there. I entitled the last sermon in April “Simple Gifts,” after the Shaker song: When true simplicity is gained, to bow and to bend we shan't be ashamed. To turn, to turn will be our delight till by turning, turning we come 'round right.

May 13, 7pm Creative Art Group

I did a lot of turning before coming 'round right—before sharing my life with Anne, before serving this congregation, before ending up in Omaha, Nebraska, of all places. I am profoundly grateful for these gifts and for whatever it took to get here.

May 14, 6:30pm Women’s Alliance

Blessings and love, Frank

May 15, noon Flame Deadline May 15, all day Polling Place — Common Room May 15, 7:30pm Roy Zimmerman Concert

PS. It feels awkward to leave at the end of April, after only one month of ministry, but I want to be with Anne as she identifies a new position, as we prepare our house for sale or rent, and as we pack up to move. We're also hoping to find time to get away for a week or two before jumping into our new positions. We both look forward to our new life here, among you.


Note from Kate By Kate Godfrey, Board President

Ahead (continued)

We are about to send our chicks to Uncle Ben and Aunt Michelle's farm. They have been living in a wading pool in our storage room for over a month now, quasi-pets. They have been the stars of the neighborhood. Daily, the local horde of children visit, hoping to hold a chirping ball of fluff in their hands. This worked well for a few weeks, but chicks mature as do all creatures. Our adorable downy crew have turned into molting, awkward adolescents with strong, semi-functional wings, and a strong desire to escape. Time to move on. So it is with the church year. Our Annual Congregational Meeting is scheduled for May 6th at 1pm. Normally, I would be expecting to take the gavel at that meeting, but I already have it. I often feel much like our chicks, half covered with feathers, half with youth's inexperienced fluff. In my case, the fluff seems to be increasing, the feathers drawing in—a reversal of the natural order for chickens— yet it feels like a leap forward. I can only describe it as seeing the world through new eyes. I plan to mold that fresh perspective into the next board year—the year I was meant to be your president. It seems appropriate to look back, to acknowledge the work done this last year. I'd like to thank the members of the board: Kim Dunovan, Maria Wilson, Barb Herring, Joe Schaaf, John Wagner, Ron Withem. I appreciate each one of you. Kim and Joe are stepping down—they'll be missed. I extend very heartfelt appreciation to Tom Foster. With Warm Regards, Kate Godfrey

Something is happening . Save these dates: Be sure to do something 3

May 20, 12pm UU & You Class Session 1 May 20, 3pm Private Recital May 22, 9am Archives Party May 27, 12pm UU & You Class Session 2 May 27, 1pm Bridge Group May 27, 2pm Private Recital May 27, 5pm Mythological Roundtable May 27, 7pm Creative Art Night May 28 Church office closed—holiday

Shawna Foster: A Winner at PSD A note from The Nominating Committee

We were very pleased to learn that one of our nominees for the Prairie Star District honors was selected as this year’s recipient for the district’s Adult Social Justice Award. Any one who has been around First Unitarian in recent years is, of course, aware of the passion, time and intelligence that Shawna applies to issues of social justice. All of us are proud of Shawna’s recognition and we give her our sincerest congratulations. Shawna received her award at the recent Prairie Star District Meeting in Minnesota. In accepting the award, she made these remarks:

“First of all, I want to thank everyone who nominated me and helped me into this place. First Unitarian Church of Omaha, I really appreciate the nomination! I also appreciate my ministerial colleagues who have helped me along the way. Most of all, I want to thank my husband, who says that his social justice work is staying home and watching the kids so that I can do social justice work! I want to tell you a brief story about the time I met Jane Goodall. I was in a long conga line for a photo opportunity with her. When I got to her, I thanked her for all that she had done for the environment and female scientists. She spun me around (because we had to stand side by side for the photo-op and it was obvious to her that I didn't realize that!) and said, ‘Yes, but the work is never done.’ The camera flashed and then that was it. At first I was dismayed by her remark, but she's right. All of the people who have won this award, all the people who have been nominated for this award, and all the people who are going to General Assembly this year recognize that there is still so much more work to do. So thank you, and thanks to all the people—especially the youth— who work for social justice.”

The Nominating Committee is excited about the outstanding church members we have in our congregation. To check out all our church PSD nominees, please go to page 13.


Community Meals A note from Louise Jeffrey

First Unitarian served lunch at Community Meals on Saturday, April 7. We were snowed out of our first scheduled date this year (February 4), so we served the turkey we had cooked for that occasion and then froze for this one. A belated thank you to all of you who took home the uncooked turkey breasts in late January to cook them in advance for this event. Having prepared meat in advance really makes Saturday mornings much easier! In addition to our hot turkey sandwiches, we had mashed potatoes, honchoed by first time volunteers Stephen and Dana Meister, gravy, 10 large cans of green beans (expertly opened and warmed by Ron Withem), and cranberries (donated and served by Bev Fleckten). We had many, many homemade desserts which added a touch of elegance; many of our guests do not get opportunities for homemade goodies very often. Thank you to all of you who made and delivered desserts; you made this treat possible. One more treat were all the corn muffins and corn bread, saved and frozen from the chili cook-off in January. They went like hotcakes! Anne Rivas also made her debut as a CM volunteer, hitting the ground running. She helped transport our cooked, frozen turkey from the freezer at First U to the fridge at First Baptist earlier in the week for thawing, and then took charge of warming the turkey (93 pounds worth, uncooked). Rev. Frank Rivas also came, although this was not his debut at Community Meals; he actually attended First Unitarian’s first meal in September, 2008, when he was with us during Rev. Kate’s recovery from surgery. He noted many more people and much more poverty among our guests at this event than during that first meal 3 1/2 years ago. Scott Kemper picked up the “give-away” groceries from Trader Joe’s and delivered them to First Baptist; we distributed over 100 grocery bags to our guests. Thanks to all who made this event a huge success. Eddith Buis, Douglas Lee-Regier (who brought along a family member to help), and Terri Lynn Brewer, Kim Dunovan, and Nadine Keith also came and worked the event, along with the “regular” CM volunteers, Kay Lynn Goldner, Mary Leidy, Linda Hess, and myself. I hope I didn’t leave anyone out; if I did so I apologize with a recognition that so very many members of our congregation worked together, both at the event and before it, to make this a wonderful experience for us as well as for our guests. A very special thanks to all of you who stayed to the bitter end to help with the after action chores: cleaning, sweeping, mopping floors, taking our left over groceries and desserts to the homeless shelter or mission, and taking the boxes and cans to the recycler. First U’s next scheduled meal is June 30, but Neighbors United will also need help with the meal on May 26 (Memorial Day weekend), as no church has signed up for that day, so the “regular volunteers” will try to put something together. Contact Kay Lynn Goldner or Louise Jeffrey for more info, or to help.


Religious Education News By Meka Tate, DRE

What’s in a story? A story can be a powerful tool. Stories can teach us how to preserve a legacy, and inspire the imagination. One of the Stories for All Ages in March was an inspiring tribute to the people who make a difference to our congregation’s children. The kids presented a special adult with a Hershey’s Kiss and shared reasons why that adult was important to the child’s life. I was left inspired and hopeful that many more adults will reach out to make a difference in the lives of the future leaders of First Unitarian Church! Ain’t No Fools ‘Round Here! The month of April kicked off with the second and third grade class searching for sounds of spring. They could not be tricked or fooled by the summertime temperatures. They went outside to learn how using their five senses could tell them that spring was right under their noses. They also made sound maps by listening to their surroundings and letting the sounds guide them. These activities helped to teach the children respect for nature and the world around them. They were left in awe of their ability to use all of their gifts to discover new things about a place they visit every Sunday! Ready Set Hunt! We also had tasty treats and the famous Egg Hunt in April. This year we decided to leave the eggs empty and let our teens take the lead in handing out candy. The children had tons of fun making decorative bags to hold the spoils of the hunt and no one left empty-handed. Minutes with Meka! During the minutes with Meka, the teens and I learned about proverbs around the world. While different countries can be worlds apart, they often learn the same types of lessons. Hmmm… that reminds me of the quote, “You don’t have to believe the same to love the same.” The message of unity is spreading. Children’s Garden. This summer the children will be working together on a garden. We are accepting donations of all kinds of seeds, gardening supplies, and volunteers with time. Together we can plant smiles; grow giggles; and harvest love. In exchange for your donations, please enjoy the jokes: What vegetable can tie your stomach in knots? String beans! Ha! What do you call a stolen yam? A hot potato. Why do potatoes make good detectives? Because they keep their eyes peeled. Family Food Time! So kids like to eat and kids like to cook. If only there was a way for them to do this at church? Oh, but there is. I would like to offer cooking lessons, so if you have a favorite family recipe and would like to teach the kids how to make it, please contact me to sign up! Let’s get those tasty healthy recipes on the plate and into the mouths of our young! Check out page 11 for a list of upcoming R.E. events. Questions? Want to discuss your ideas? Email me at (Pictured above: Meka with a cardboard cut-out of Barack Obama)


Church Events

Come to Awaken the Dreamer on May 5th! UU & You at 12pm May 20 and May 27 The UU & You gatherings provide newcomers with an introduction to Unitarian Universalism and our church along with an opportunity to share our religious journeys in a safe place. Visitors and new members are cordially invited, so grab your favored liquid at the coffee bar in the Common Room, and let's meet in the Merritt Lounge. We'll have a light lunch and some (possibly) deep conversation. If you need childcare, please let us know by the Friday before, as we will have to plan ahead for that. Ending time will be around 1:30pm. RSVP to Jaime and Yvonne at this email address: Please attend both sessions.

Women’s Alliance Monday, May 14 at 6:30pm

Awaken the Dreamer Saturday, May 5 at 9am in the Common Room Awakening the Dreamer Forum, Transforming the Dream of the Modern World will be a forum sponsored by First Unitarian’s Green Sanctuary team. A continental breakfast will be provided at 8:45am. Kathleen Erickson and our own Alan Vovolka will be presenting this inspiring event, a program last presented two years ago and well attended. This workshop was designed to help us change the dream of the modern world and to shift cultures based on consumption and destruction to cultures of justice, sustainability and greater personal fulfillment. As a participant, you will “wake up” both to what is at stake and what is possible at this moment in history and discover your unique role in creating a new future.

Our featured speaker will be Omaha poet Sarah McKinstryBrown. Sarah’s talk is entitled, "Catching the Spark: An Evening of Poetry and Conversation." Sarah has lived in Omaha since 2002. She is a native of Albuquerque and studied at the University of New Mexico. She has an MFA in Poetry from the University of Nebraska. Her first full-length collection of poetry, Cradling Monsoons, won the 2010 Blue Light Award. She is winner of the 2011 Nebraska Book Award for Poetry and the Academy of American Poets Prize. Sarah and her husband, poet Matt Mason, have both spoken at worship services at First Unitarian. Our dinner will be salad and desserts donated by our members. Please indicate what you will bring when you sign-up. We will collect the usual $10 for our scholarship fund. If this is your first time, please be our guest. Reservations must be made no later than Friday, May 11 to Janet West (402-553-3162) or .

Learn More About the Church! If you want to find out more about Unitarian Universalism, please attend May’s UU & You sessions. Please RSVP so we know how much food to bring!


At Church This Month

Share the Plate, Choir Concert & Witches’ Tea Share the Plate NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. NAMI advocates for access to services, treatment, supports and research and is steadfast in its commitment to raising awareness and building a community of hope for all of those in need. NAMI Nebraska is active in Omaha and across our state in making sure that our community members affected by mental illness have the support that they need. The 2012 NAMI Walk will be held on June 9, 2012 at Turner Park at Midtown Crossing. In addition to supporting NAMI Nebraska with our Share-the-Plate contributions, we also encourage everyone to walk with the First Unitarian Team in this year's walk. For more information, please contact the NAMI Walk co-captains Terri Lynn Brewer or Ben Wallace.

Choir Concert

Not Just for Witches Tea

On May 20th at the 10:30am service, the choir will present the Annual Choir Service. Favorites from the past nine months will be performed. Do you like gospel? We've got it. How about more traditional music? We've got it. A Broadway tune? Right, we've got it. Please come and enjoy the service.

Whatever your interest in earthcentered spirituality, whether Native American (or other) Shamanism, Celtic Druidism, African Diaspora, Wicca and Witchcraft or other tradition or path, come and enjoy conversation, fellowship, and the occasional earth-centered experience with others who resonate with the UUA's Sixth Source of Spirituality. This meeting is held on the first Sunday. In May we meet on Sunday, May 6 at 7pm in the Merritt Lounge.

Share the Plate Every month, half of all the cash collected in the offering plates goes to a ministry of First Unitarian Church or to a cause that is aligned with our church values.


Church Events Continued

Young Adult Group Night, Mythological RoundTable and Bridge Group Young Adult Group

Joseph Campbell Mythological RoundTable

Attention young adults: We will be having a deiciocho de Mayo fiesta on Friday, May 18th at 7pm in the Common Room. Feel free to bring games, snacks, beverages, or piñatas. Please contact Maria Wilson if you have any questions or concerns, or if you would like to plan a young adult event!

The Omaha Mythological RoundTable is an “emerging” chapter of the Joseph Campbell Foundation's ( program to promote the study of mythology and the works of Joseph Campbell. We gather on the fourth Sunday of every month at First Unitarian Church of Omaha from 5 to 7pm for a one-hour video plus a one hour discussion. Topics include: the structure of myth, sacred stories, Jungian psychology, dream interpretation, comparative religion, and more. Participants are encouraged to bring a light snack to share. Donations for First Unitarian Adult RE and the JCF are welcome, but not required. Contact details.

Bridge Group The Bridge Group will be meeting each second and fourth Sundays after the second coffee hour for about two hours. We will meet in the Whitney Young Room. The Bridge Group meets on Sundays, May 13 and 27. If you want to learn, teach or play bridge, you are welcome to attend. The more, the merrier! Contact the church office if you need more information.

This month we meet on Sunday, May 27th at 5pm.

We Switch to One Service on May 20 Each summer the church goes to one-service Sundays. Remember, the one service is at 10:30am. In the fall we switch back to two services.


More Events! Roy Zimmerman Concert on May 15th Tuesday, May 15 at 7:30pm at church. $18/person or what you can afford. 20% of the proceeds go to First Unitarian Church.

Women’s Religious Study Group An ancient gnarled tree: Too fibrous for a logger's saw, Too twisted to fit a carpenter's square, Outlasts the whole forest. —365 Tao, Deng Ming Dao

Join us for a great evening of music and laughter in the sanctuary. Remember, you can park in the parking garage free for three hours.

The Women’s Religious Study Group meet every Thursday 1pm to 2:30pm in the Merritt Lounge. Come join us!

Book Club The Book Club meets Monday, June 4 at 7pm in the Merritt Lounge. We will be discussing Alan de Botton's Religion for Atheists. Contact Dave Richardson at to be added to the Book Club email list or for more information. Please note: there is no meeting in May. Due to the holiday, we will meet the first Monday of June.

Women’s Religious Studies The group is studying and laughing! Join in! See above for details.


Church Member Travels to India Promotes Goodwill and Understanding Stuart Shell, church member, returned in February from traveling in India for 5 weeks as a member of the Rotary District 5650 Group Exchange Team. The Rotary GSE program is designed for young professionals to interact with their peers in a foreign country through person-toperson contact as an effort to promote international understanding and goodwill which Rotary believes will lead to world peace. Lincoln Rotary Club #14 Rotarian, Barbara Bartle, is leading the GSE team to India District 3170 this January. Barbara, the President of

the Lincoln Community Foundation will have Stuart Shell, an architect with RDG Planning and Design, Sara Skarka, a brand communication specialist for Kiewitt Construction and Lindsay Schmuecker, in marketing for the Nebraska Department of Development on her team. They have been serving as our ambassadors to Rotary District 3170 which is surrounding the city of Belgaum and includes portions of the western coast of India Bob Perrin of our Church, is the current 5650 District Governor of Rotary.

Stuart Shell in India.

Upcoming Religious Education Events Upcoming Event Highlights

Transition Night — May 2 A chance to visit 2nd UU and enjoy activities with the youth group Spring Intergenerational Program along with the Coming of Age Program — May 13

The summer program will be out of sight so stick around because you won’t want to miss out on the fun! Questions? Contact Meka at or leave a message for her at 402-345-3039 ext. 103. Church members in the kitchen during our special pancake breakfast held in March.

Summer Gardening — TBA See page 6


New Member News By Carolyn McNamara Our newest member, Roxy Orr, joined the congregation on March 25 after attending for the past four years with partner Bob Perrin. She enjoys the company of congregation members and the Unitarian Universalist philosophy. Roxy is the Operations Manager for Women’s Edition Magazine where she has worked for the past 24 years and an active volunteer in the Omaha community. She is a devoted supporter of the Red Cross, giving platelets monthly and having donated over 200 times! Roxy is a 40 year member

of the P.E.O., a philanthropic organization which promotes educational opportunities for women. She is also very involved in Rotary, volunteering with food drives and highway clean up, counseling young exchange students and working to give scholarships to graduating seniors with special needs, and is currently public relations chair for her district. Roxy is passionate about life and spends her free time enjoying gardening, golf, painting and flying and firmly believes that sky diving

cured her fear of heights. A native of North Platte, she has two grown daughters and three beautiful grandchildren. Please welcome her to membership.

How Can You Make a Difference? By Dixie Lemon On a very local level there is a small group of thoughtful, committed people who want to ensure the religious future of our little corner of the world. How can you participate? Make sure the First Unitarian Church of Omaha is a beneficiary in your will. Then talk to Dixie Lemon so that you will be invited to receive your commemorative plaque made from the original slate roof of the church. Contact Dixie at 402-393-2882.


Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. —Margaret Mead

Summer Spirituality and Fun at Camp StarTrail July 29-August 3 2012

Wondering what a camper at Camp StarTrail might experience? Then ask one of the recent campers from our church (pictured here.) At Camp StarTrail in Ashland, Nebraska, UUs of all ages explore nature, share meals, sing songs, worship together, create art and get to know other UUs from the Prairie Star District. Photos and further details are available at CampStarTrail. "Camp Star Trail is food for the mind, spirit, and body. It is a safe and loving community full of fun and insightful people that will provoke your thoughts, warm your heart, and make you laugh out loud! I can't wait until next year!" ~ Ben

Campers also have the unique opportunity to learn from and interact closely with a nationally acclaimed UU speaker. This year, the speaker is Rev. Nate Walker of the First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia. He will serve as a personal spiritual trainer and will challenge participants to strengthen their ethical core while increasing their ability to care for those perceived to be the enemy. For more information and about Rev. Walker, please visit "Camp Star Trail is a UUtopia. It's just what you need to recharge your spirit and refresh your mind. Once you go to camp, you can't imagine NOT going to camp again next year."

A photo from last year’s camp featuring church members: Joan Benziger, Ben Wallace, Maria Wilson, and Jack Perry.

First Unitarian Church Stars From the Nominating Committee

Annually the Prairie Star District invites member congregations to make nominations for their various awards. The Nominating Committee is proud to announce the following as this year's nominees from First Unitarian Church of Omaha. Thanks to everyone who helped in this process with suggestions and preparation of materials. Betty Gorshe Heritage Award: For significant contributions to preserving, understanding, and celebrating our Unitarian Universalist history (can be awarded to a group): Dave Richardson. Ellie Morton Award: For outstanding achievement and excellence in religious growth and learning: Shawne Johnson-Coonfare. Keeping the Faith Award: For keeping the UU faith alive in the community and touching the lives of congregation and community members in a positive way: Mary Leidy. Social Justice Award: For witnessing to the ideals of social justice and responsibility so important to our UU heritage: Shawna Foster (see page 4). Unsung Unitarian Universalist Award: For a lifetime of actions that inspire, support and express Unitarian Universalism: Lana Hammel. 13

Greeters and Ambassadors for the Summer

Board President Kate Godfrey

Board Members Joe Schaaf Kim Dunovan Barb Herring John Wagner Maria Wilson Ron Withem

Trustees of the Capital Trust Kenneth Deffenbacher (2014) Tim Duggan (2013) Jack Heidel (2012)

Hey! Remember when you first walked through the church doors? For some people, it’s the welcoming smile and the friendly face that makes them want to return. Presenting ourselves as the friendly nice people we are will help grow our church and help others on their own unique journeys. Greet someone on Sunday! Even saying hi to regular attendees is fun! If you are so moved, please sign-up to be an ambassador or a greeter by signing up on the bulletin board in the Common Room this Sunday during Coffee Hour or contact Joe Schaaf at If you have never been a Greeter or Ambassador, that’s okay, we will tell you how. You will be happy that you joined in as we work together to make this a Welcoming Congregation and guarantee this is the place to be this summer!

Submit items for publication to Word limit is 200; deadline is the 15th of the month.

Nominating Committee Shelton Hendricks, Convener Georgia Barber (2012) Lynette Ryder (2012) Bob Hess (2013) Judith Wright (2013) Kerry Case (2014) Tony Host (2014)

The Smoking Organ On Friday, March 30, two fire trucks came to First Unitarian Church. It turns out that our organ’s motor was aging and smoking. Nothing was damaged. It was just smoke; however, the organ is out-of-order for now. The church administrator would like to thank the church members who were at the church that day for their calmness under fire, and she would like to thank the Omaha Fire and Rescue Team for its speedy response to the church’s call. —Church Office

Board meetings are normally on the second Tuesday of the month and are open to members. Holland Lecture Series Committee Steve Hutchinson, Chair

Photo taken in front of the church facing the street.


Ministry Team Leaders Adult R.E. Crystal DiGiorgi Archives Dave Richardson Building (short-term) Dave Rosser Caring Douglas Lee-Regier Chalice Guild Kay Lynn Goldner Coffee Hour Roman Noriega & Charmayne Harper Community Meals Louise Jeffery Fellowship Nadine Keith & Judith Wright Finance Walt Jesteadt Fundraising Donna Neff Garden Sharon Conlon Governance Alex Nather Green Sanctuary Ken Deffenbacher & Glenn Pollock Long-Term Maintenance Ellen Shurson Membership Barb Ross Nursery Patricia Soto Partner Church Council Janet West R.E. Team Nicole Giron Religious Services Megan Gustafson UU Class Yvonne Price & Jaime Alexander Women’s Alliance Bev Fleckten YRUU Ben Wallace & Shawne Coonfare

eNews The Flame is published monthly, but a lot happens between issues. We offer a weekly email service to update you on church news sent directly to your inbox. If you would like to receive our eNews please contact the Office Administrator at

Staff Phone: (402) 345-3039 Fax: (402) 346-2662 Minister Rev. Frank Rivas Director of Religious Education Meka Tate

Office Administrator Catharine Dixon

Organist Patricia Will

Choir Director Bob McMeen

Choir Accompanist Patricia Allender

Early Service Music Coordinator/Musician Donovan Johnson

Nursery Aide Justin Deffenbacher

Custodian Bobby Medrano

Minister Emeritus Ronald Knapp

The Flame Editor Catharine Dixon

Proofreader Cyndi Nather

The Flame Mailing Team


Anne Massoud, Evelyn Whitehill, Howard Bolton, Jeanette Ryan, Shelton Hendricks

The Flame

First Unitarian Church of Omaha 3114 Harney St. Omaha, NE 68131 May 2012

Annual Meeting—Sunday, May 6 rd

International Cowperson

The 143 annual congregational meeting of First Unitarian Church of Omaha will take place at the Church on Sunday, May 6 at 1pm. Eligible voting members* of the church will adopt an operating budget for the 2012-13 church year and elect a President-elect, members of the Board of Trustee, a Trustee of the Trust Fund, and Nominating Committee members; hear select reports from church leaders; and reveal our UU of the Year!

Chili Cook-Off January 21 - 6pm

Food We encourage all members to attend this important church event. Friends *Individuals are eligible to vote who have been members of the church for at least three months and have made a financial contribution in their nameMusic to the church between April 6, 2011 and April 6, 2012. Costumes Childcare will be provided. And your Board of Trustees will host coffee hour following the 11:15am service and provide food and drink to help tide you over during the meeting.

Board of Trustees First Unitarian Church of Omaha

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