First United Methodist Church 201 S. Locust St. Denton, TX 76201
:: A total of 325 Worship services in 2018
::343 First time visitors
:: Over 800 average Sunday attendance
:: A total of 325 Worship services in 2018: Six each Sunday, 7:30 am First Meal, 8:30 am Traditional, 9:45 am Mosaic, 11 am Celebration, 11 am Open Modern, 12:30 Jesus Fuente de Vida, plus 11:15am Third Day Family Service, the 3rd Sunday of each month... and Christmas Eve. :: Over 2,600 Meals served during First Meal :: 70 New members of which 19 were conďŹ rmands :: Over 35 local, national and international missions supported :: Nearly $140,000 disbursed in support of those missions :: Decreased our indebtedness by paying down our line of credit using a recent estate gift, reducing interest and increasing resources for ministry.
:: Celebrated the first anniversary of Open Worship. Thanks to the continuing support of a generous community, Open continues to attract a diverse congregation of an average of 100 every Sunday. :: Opened its facilities to over 30 community groups which meet regularly in church facilities. Support from our faith community supplies secure buildings, electricity, and HVAC to facilitate these meetings that build the greater community. :: Supported mission and outreach by our members who offer their labor and love to house, heal, support and educate people locally and around the world. FUMC members have restored and rebuilt homes, enabled youth missions and staffed adult missions.
:: Won the community’s endorsement for the Children’s Day Out and FunStop programs, which were named “Best of Denton” for the fourth year in a row. Both programs serve children from the community, including the economically disadvantaged.
WITH YOUR GENEROUS SUPPORT IN 2019, FUMC-DENTON WILL: :: Grow children’s ministry and outreach to young families through Open Worship, Sunday school and child care offerings, and the Jesus Fuente de Vida Spanish-speaking faith community. Will you help us welcome more young families? :: Create more welcoming and conversational spaces in the church buildings through renovating and re-purposing existing facilities. Will you help us grow the resources to make our buildings more inviting and serviceable, in order to welcome even more people inside our doors? :: Increase staff compensation after several years of no increases, in order to retain the outstanding personnel who serve the entire community. Raising hourly staff pay toward a living wage is a top justice priority. Will you help us recognize the outstanding service of the employees who serve us and facilitate our ministries?
esus told many stories about planting, harvesting and meal-sharing, reflecting how lives of first-century people centered around a farm-to-market-to-table economy. Rooted in the daily lives of people, such stories help us understand how small acts – sowing seeds, nurturing growth and sharing what we have – give us practice in being life-givers, like Jesus. Just like those Jesus mentioned, we are called to GROW. Jesus reminds us that GROWing means we need to SOW, NURTURE and SHARE.
SOW – Sowing demonstrates a beautiful recklessness, burying seemingly dead seed in the wild hope that out of a husk will spring new, green shoots of life-giving nourishment. God’s invitation to take a risk inspires the farmer to partner with God, multiplying God’s goodness and sharing with others. When we find the courage to partner with God, we too plant the seeds of new life.
NURTURE – Cultivating love for God, others, and ourselves can bear fruit in transformation. As we grow our commitment and care for all that God has given us, we see our generosity grow and our love give birth to action. We can nurture people into a loving relationship with God, gathering us all around God’s banquet table. SHARE – Feeding people is a sacred task. Jesus used the image of a wedding feast to teach us about the life-giving and liberating love that God joyfully shares with us, so that we can share it with others. We do holy work when we offer people “food” for their journey – whether as an actual meal, a much-needed hand-up, a word of encouragement, vital resources and even our presence. As we look to 2019, we see opportunities for each of us – and our congregation – to transform people and situations. We invite each member of our faith community to come GROW with us – to practice sowing, nurturing and sharing in ways that bring new life and new hope into discouraging places. One way you can participate is to make an intentional commitment to our ministries by completing an Estimate of Giving card and bringing it to the church on or before Oct. 7, Celebration Sunday. Please – Come GROW with us!
hat is stewardship? Stewardship is the care, nurture, protection and sharing of all that has been given to us by God. It’s often said, “Stewardship is everything we do after we say, ‘I believe.’”
Why should I give? The regular habit of giving joyfully to God is a spiritual practice, much like prayer and worship. Gratitude and generosity are the expression of our understanding that all we have comes to us from God. We are made in God’s image and likeness, and our spirits grow as we imitate God’s openhandedness.
I give regularly. Why should I make an Estimate of Giving? Offering our Estimate of Giving helps us be intentional about supporting God’s work through the church. Being intentional and accountable in our relationship with God is one of the ways we grow our faith. The people’s Estimates of Giving each year also allow church leaders to be good stewards of the resources – money, people, facilities, and time – that allow FUMC-Denton to support many ministries, in the local community and in the wider world.
Why is this important to my faith journey? Declaring our commitment to God’s work through the church, giving with joy, and being faithful to our commitment all strengthen our relationship with the Giver of all we have. Each step we take in growing our giving deepens our faith and our awareness of God’s engagement in our lives.
How much should I give? The Bible teaches giving in proportion to the material blessings we have received – to share generously of whatever talents, abilities and resources God has entrusted to us. If you are not in the spiritual habit of making a financial commitment to God through the church, we encourage you to prayerfully consider making an Estimate of Giving for 2019. Whatever giving level you choose, that first step is the most important. If you have made an Estimate of Giving in prior years, we encourage you to prayerfully consider growing your commitment two or more categories as a next step in growing your faith. The chart below is one way to select the level of giving that gives you joy. Before you determine your commitment amount, we hope you will pause and consider your response to God’s gifts entrusted to you.
8% 10% 12% 15%
4% 6%
200 300 400 500 600
400 533
500 667
1,000 1,250
500 750
$200,000 333
200 267
1,000 1,250 1,500 1,875
667 1,000 1,333 1,667 2,000 2,500
HOW TO MAKE YOUR 2019 COMMITMENT IN PERSON 1. Fill out your FUMC-Denton 2019 Estimate of Giving card, available at the church and coming to you by mail the week of Sept. 30. 2. Bring forward your Estimate of Giving card during worship on Oct. 7 Celebration Sunday, or bring it to the Business Office, or mail to 201 South Locust Street, Denton, Texas 76201 ONLINE 1. Fill out the FUMC-Denton Estimate of Giving form at:
CELEBRATION SUNDAY Sunday, October 7, 2018 8:30 am and 11 am | Traditional / Celebration – Sanctuary 9:45 am | Mosaic – Monroe Fellowship Building 11 am | Open – Flinn Hall Bring your 2019 Estimate of Giving card, to carry it forward with you during Communion. If you can’t be present that day, you’re welcome to send it to the church by Oct. 3.
Questions? Email or call Alan Heath, FUMC-Denton Church Business Administrator (940) 382-5478