Fishbuddy Directory
The PizzBobby George is a keen fisherman and has a beautiful mansion with three fishing lakes.a Issue.
THREE LAKES The first to the left is small, round with an island and some Lilly pads. Bobby tells me that it has a good head of small Carp 12lb in addition to the usual Roach, Perch etc. He also claims there is a huge Grass Carp in there that he never new was present until someone caught it recently.
The next lake is bigger, also circular, with a central island. This also has a good head of Carp, Roach, Skimmers etc. All the swims are on raised platforms.
The third lake is rectangular with a long central island running down the middle at a distance whereby the (very long) pole can be fished tight to the island. Again very much a mixed fishery but has quite a few bigger carp exceeding 20lb.
Bobby advised that its important to keep the loose feed going in, so I did. I also tried Worm and Caster but with little success. My beloved Sheena then appeared, strolling over from the carpark, Acolyte in one hand and chair in the other ‘Im bored, Thought I would join you for a couple of hours” she said and plonked herself down next to me and proceeded to catch a steady stream of assorted silver fish. Next week I an fancying a bit of a change, of fishing venue and species, something a little different shall we say. Plans are afoot….. Watch this space!