8 minute read
Is Your Company’s Sexual Harassment Policy Working?
By Robin Seidman
With claims of sexual harassment back in the headlines, it is the perfect opportunity for the business owner to take a look at the workplace, the employees and their interactions to ensure harassing behavior is not occurring.
By reviewing and/or re-evaluating the company sexual harassment policy as well as conducting NYS-mandated annual sexual harassment training with the workforce, the business owner can take the necessary steps to protect the employees, the business and the customers.
Let’s start with a refresher of the definition of sexual harassment. Many people think it is just inappropriate touching, but it is much more. It is unwelcome sexual advances and requests for sexual favors. It includes harassment based on sex, sexual orientation, self-identified or perceived sex, gender expression, gender identity and the status of being transgender. In addition, verbal, written, electronic or physical conduct of a sexual nature that affects an individual’s employment, unreasonably interferes with work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment is also included in the NYS sexual harassment law.
Any harassment or discrimination that is based on a protected class is covered under the law as well. That means any acts, jokes, language, etc. that are aimed at someone’s age, race, creed, color, national origin, military status, disability, marital status, or domestic victim status is prohibited in the workplace.
As you can see, there is a lot of ground covered under the law and many employers are unaware of all the behaviors they should be observing and correcting within their business. However, taking a commonsense approach to what constitutes acceptable workplace conduct and having a sexual harassment policy (also required by the law) that has been shared with the workers makes it easier to notice and correct behavior before it becomes a problem.
First of all, business owners, management and supervisors are expected to model acceptable workplace behavior. While this sounds like a no-brainer, it all too common for inappropriate speech (think curse words and profanity) and harassing or discriminatory actions to occur at the top of the workforce. Once employees see or hear
Robin Seidman specializes in NYS Sexual Harassment training and general HR policy and procedures.

management making jokes or comments about a person’s sexual identity, ethnicity or any of the protected classes, the message becomes clear: it’s okay for all employees to act similarly.
While many business owners are not involved in the day-to-day activities in their workshops, factories or the field, supervisors generally are. They are the eyes and ears of management and should be trained to recognize, report and stop harassing behaviors during their watch. The NYS Sexual Harassment law states that supervisors must report harassment they notice even when nobody is objecting to the behavior, even if the supervisor thinks it is trivial, even if the offended employee asks that it not be reported. A supervisor that doesn’t take this responsibility seriously can result in a liability for the company.
Keep in mind, when we talk of sexual harassment, it is not just the employees that can be targeted. Customers, vendors and workplace visitors can also be engaging in harassing behavior, or they can be the recipients of this behavior. Harassment can occur not only in the workplace, but at work-related events such as offsite trainings, business meetings, client businesses or homes. The savvy business owner must be prepared to address harassment at all levels of company interaction.
In addition to enhanced observation of employee behavior, the required annual sexual harassment training for all employees, interns and temps is the next best tool to alleviate harassment in the workplace. Sample policy, complaint forms, signage, training materials (in multiple languages) are available at https://www.ny.gov/ combating-sexual-harassment-workplace/employers free of charge. The requirements for compliance are clearly stated as is the employer’s responsibility. Many businesses choose to bring in outside sources to deliver the training. Some insurance companies and payroll services may also offer training support to their customers. No matter how it is delivered, annual training is essential to keeping a harassment-free work environment.
It takes only one complaint to start a cycle of sexual harassment claims. There can be monetary loss to the company as well as reputational loss. There can be a loss of good employees and customers. The “Best Defense is a Good Offense” strategy works well here:
• Model the acceptable behavior
• Provide in-depth supervisor training
• Conduct annual harassment training to all employee and more often if needed
• Provide each employee with a copy of the company harassment policy
• Keep an open-door policy
• Take each complaint seriously and handle immediately
With these steps, employers can lessen the chance that their company will be the target of sexual harassment claims.

The Association held its annual Lobster Bake on Wednesday, September 1 at the Pavilion at Laborers Local 17. More than 120 members and their guests braved a heavy down pour to attend the event that allowed them after a year’s delay to catch up with friends and enjoy a wonderful buffet. The food was prepared by the talented folks at T & M II Go in Washingtonville.
CCA’s Patty Dalton and Millie Rodriguez keeps everything organized.
CCA Board members Joseph Perez and James McGowan

Mary Bonura, Maria Colandrea, Peggy and Charlie Milich

ABM Air Conditioning Advanced Disaster Recovery, Inc. Advance Testing Company, Inc. The Affinity Group Alfandre Architecture, P.C. All Bright Electric AMX Contracting Corp. Andron Construction Corp Antalek & Moore Insurance Agency Architectural Door & Hardware of NY Argenio Brothers, Inc. Armistead Mechanical, Inc. Atlas Security Services –
Guards & Patrols Barone Construction Group, Inc. Barrett Sheet Metal Co., Inc. Basec Corp. Beam Enterprises, Inc. BNY Mellon The Bonadio Group Stacey Braun Associates, Inc. Broadfield Insurance Butler Construction Group, Inc. Callanan Industries, Inc. Carey & Walsh, Inc. Casler Masonry, Inc. Catania, Mahon & Rider, PLLC Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp. Clean Air Quality Services, Inc. CohnReznick, LLP Colliers Engineering & Design D.A. Collins Construction Co., Inc. Con-Tech Construction Technology, Inc. Couch White, LLP Council of Industry of Southeastern NY CSG Partners – ESOP Advisory Custom Exterior Systems D & G Electrical Supply Co., Inc. John W. Danforth Company Darlind Associates, Inc. DeBrino Caulking Associates D.L. Flow Tech Delaware Engineering Ductmate Industries Durante Rentals Dutchess County Regional Chamber of Commerce ECCO III Enterprises EMF Technical Services Enviro-Clean F & F Mechanical Fairway Testing Co., Inc. Federated Mutual Insurance Co. Ferrari & Sons, Inc Focus Media Goldinson Cor. Grassi & Co. CPAs Halmar International, LLC Harden Sheet metal, Inc. Hauser Bros., Inc. Helmer-Cronin Construction, Inc. Herzog’s Home & Paint Centers Hesnor Engineering Associates, PLLC Holt Construction Corp. iSER Consulting, LLC J & M Heating & AC, Inc. Key Construction Services Keystone Management Associates Lakeland Bank LeChase Construction Services Liberty Mutual Link Metal Finishing Corp. Liscum McCormack VanVoorhis Lovell Safety Management H.T. Lyons, Inc. M & T Bank Marshall & Sterling U.W. Marx Construction Company Matrix Asset Advisors, Inc. McGoey Hauser & Edsall Consulting Engineers, DPC James McGowan & Son Masonry, Inc. MDS HVAC-R, Inc. Merrill Lynch B. Miller Masonry, Inc. Milliman, Inc. ModernfoldStyles Nadoka Luxury Cleaning NEXGEN Protection Services, LLC Northwestern Mutual NXG Insurance Group O’Kane Enterprises, Ltd. Olori Crane Service, Inc. Orange Bank & Trust Orange County Chamber of Commerce Orange County Ironworks, LLC Orange & Rockland Utilities Ray S. Pantel, Inc. Paramount Building Construction, Inc. Partner Equipment Rentals, LLC Pattern for Progress PCC Contracting Pearl River Sheet Metal Penlyn Construction Corporation Perreca Electric, Inc. Perfezione Painting, Inc. The Pike Company, Inc. Pittman & Brown, Inc. PKF O’Connor Davies, LLP Printeks Construction
Documentation Services RAL Supply Group Raritan Group, Inc. RBT CPAs Rider, Weiner & Frankel, P.C. Riverside Bank RKB Sheet Metal Rockland Business Association Ross-Ellis & Associates, LLC Steven A. Scala, CPA, P.C. Schumacher Systems, Inc. Service Scaffold Company, Inc. William A. Smith & Son Insurance Sterling National Bank C.B. Strain & Co. Sullivan Construction Group, LLC Sullivan County Partnership Sullivan Fire Protection Corp. Taconic Heating & Cooling Taylor Montgomery, LLC TDX Construction Corporation Tectonic Engineering Consultants, Geologists & Land Surveyors, DPC Tri-State Associated Services, Inc. Tri-State Drywall & Acoustical, Inc. Turner Mechanical Service U.S. Test & Balance Corp. Ulster Savings Bank United Rentals Upstate Electrical, LLC Walden Savings Bank Wallkill Valley Federal Savings Bank Welby, Brady & Greenblatt, LLP World Insurance Associates

Advance Testing Company, Inc......................................................................................Page 76 Alfandre Architecture, P.C..............................................................................................Page 21 Armistead Mechanical, Inc.............................................................................................Page 23 Barrett, Inc......................................................................................................................Page 44 Beam Enterprises, Inc.....................................................................................................Page 72 Bricklayers & Mason Local 1 NY..................................................................................Page 52 Catania, Mahon & Rider, P.L.L.C..................................................................................Page 45 Couch White, LLP...........................................................................................................Page 56 John W. Danforth Company...........................................................................................Page 62 Darlind Associates, Inc...................................................................................................Page 5 DL Flow Tech..................................................................................................................Page 66 Holt Construction Corp...................................................................................................Page 64 Ironworkers Local 417....................................................................................................Page 25 Key Construction Services..............................................................................................Page 22 Laborers Local 17 L.E.C.E.T..........................................................................................Page 66 Laborers Local 235.........................................................................................................Page 55 Laborers Local 754.........................................................................................................Page 24 Lovell Safety Management Co.......................................................................................Page 2 M&T Bank.......................................................................................................................Page 32 Marshall & Sterling........................................................................................................ Page 31 Montefiore St. Luke’s Cornwall......................................................................................Page 67 James McGowan & Son Masonry, Inc...........................................................................Page 62 North Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters..................................................Page 43 Northwestern Mutual......................................................................................................Page 6 Olori Crane Service, Inc.................................................................................................Page 56 Operating Engineers Local 137......................................................................................Page 48 Orange & Rockland Utilities – Dig Safely.....................................................................Page 59 Paramount Building Construction, Inc...........................................................................Page 60 Perreca Electric, Inc........................................................................................................Page 23 The Pike Company..........................................................................................................Page 74 Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 21..................................................................................Page 58 Printeks Construction Documentation Services.............................................................Page 32 RBT CPAs.......................................................................................................................Page 53 William A. Smith & Son Insurance................................................................................Page 66 Taylor-Montgomery, LLC...............................................................................................Page 50 Tectonic Engineering Consultants, Geologists & Land Surveyors, D.P.C. ..................Page 36 Tri-State Drywall & Acoustical, Inc...............................................................................Page 51 Welby, Brady & Greenblatt, LLP....................................................................................Page 54