FIS Reopening Plan 2020-2021 as of 31JUL20

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July 31, 2020

Fishers Island School

TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL REOPENING CONSIDERATIONS......................................... 1

Reopening Plan 2020-2021

FACILITIES................................................................................................ 2

Fishers Island School Community: I hope that this finds you and your family safe and well. This document was prepared to outline the ways in which the Fishers Island School is working to keep all students, staff and community members safe during the 2020-2021 school year. The specific areas addressed are a direct reflection of the survey results from parents and staff in the Spring of 2020, New York Department of Health and New York State Department of Education guidance.

TRANSPORTATION.................................................................................. 4

As we continue to plan to open our school, please know that the physical and emotional safety of our school community is our top priority. As this process unfolds, we anticipate additional guidance from local, state and federal governments. We will follow all mandatory regulations as we reopen our school. We understand there may be a number of questions and welcome all feedback. We encourage you to reach out directly and we will do our best to address questions as information is made available.

SPECIAL EDUCATION.............................................................................. 12

This is an emotional time for all of us and we recognize the stress that school reopening places on students, families and staff. We are available and will continue to provide any social and/or emotional support as we enter into the new school year. Our school community has worked to put many new procedures, protocols and systems in place to ensure the safety of all students, staff, and community. Some of the major highlights in this document include: •

Our Master Schedule and Arrival Time have been modified for fewer classes and less gathering/congestion in the hallways

New disinfecting and cleaning procedures

An established plan with the Fishers Island Ferry to utilize the Silver Eel Express for student travel to the island

Individualized classroom distancing plans

Daily Temperature Checks and Health Screening before entering school building and ferry

Availability/Access to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for all students, staff and visitors

There is no doubt that the 2020-2021 school year will be unique and challenging. However, we will continue to get through this together as a school family. Our amazing students, talented staff, supportive families, and dedicated community are the exact ingredients needed to make school work in this "new normal". In your service, Christian Arsenault Superintendent/Principal Fishers Island School

ARRIVAL AND DISMISSAL...................................................................... 3 TEACHING AND LEARNING................................................................. 5-6 HEALTH AND SAFETY.............................................................................. 7 CLEANING AND DISENFECTING............................................................. 8 SCHOOL CLOSURE DECISION TREE.................................................... 9 CONTACT TRACING................................................................................. 9 SOCIAL EMOTIONAL HEALTH.............................................................10-11 STAFFING AND HUMAN RESOURCES.................................................. 12 ATHLETICS AND EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES...............................13 REOPENING COMMUNICATION PLAN/TIMELINE...................................14 FIS REOPENING/SAFETY TEAM MEMBERS........................................... 14

General Re-Opening Considerations • Fishers Island School's enrollment figures (approx.65 total students) allows for a level of flexibility and physical spacing not afforded to larger schools. However, all systems, procedures, practices and mindsets must be adhered to with fidelity in order to maintain a safe learning environment for all students, staff and community members. • Review and modification of district policies based on plan for reopening guidance from state and local health officials. o Grading, Attendance and Health • Modified Transportation to Fishers Island for Commuting Students and Staff • Ensure infection control protocols are in place for school operations o Social Distancing and Individualized Classroom distancing plans o New dedicated Nurse's Room to ensure proper isolation, distancing, and sanitary conditions o Required training for all faculty and students to maintain sanitary conditions and exposure control  Hand Washing, Respiratory Etiquette and Social Distance Reminders o Contact Tracing Program to alert of potential infection • Display of Age-Appropriate social distancing signage throughout the building o Taped off areas of classrooms and hallways o Hand Hygiene reminders • Equipment and supplies ordered to begin operations on the first day of school include: o Cleaners and disinfectant chemicals o Hand Sanitizer Stations throughout building o No-touch Thermometers o Face Masks (disposable, cloth, shields) o Gloves o Poly-carbonate Partitions for more densely populated spaces o Individual Student Desks • Instructional transition plan to address Distance Learning back to "in-person" learning • Plan to assess and address the mental health of students and provide supports where needed


• Our Master Schedule has been modified to increase time in classrooms and decrease time in shared hallways • Four 70-minute classes each day • 15-minute passing time to stagger entry in hallways and ensure disinfecting each classroom before next usage • Break apart "high-density" classes into smaller cohort-based groups o Physical Education o Band/Chorus o Science Labs • Students will spend the majority of their day with their grade-level cohorts • Rearrange student desks and other seating spaces to be at least six feet apart o Removal of all shared table workspaces and replacement with individual students desks • Classroom doors will be left open to increase ventilation and reduce the use of door knobs/handles Use visual aids (painter's tape, stickers, etc) to o illustrate traffic flow and appropriate spacing in classrooms and hallways


Elementary Recess • Students will have recess with their grade-level cohorts only • Outdoor time/recess will be utilized as time for 'mask breaks' throughout the day • Students will be monitored for physical contact and adequate social distancing during recess. • Playground equipment will be disinfected after cohort usage per NYDOH guidelines • Students will thoroughly wash hands before and after the recess period Outdoor Classes • An attempt will be made to hold classes outdoors when appropriate utilizing outdoor tenting and open space Lockers • Lockers will be spaced out by staggering grade-levels so that no member of the same cohort is at their locker at the same time to ensure six-foot distancing when accessing. • Students will be allowed access to their lockers only at predetermined/schedule times to esure spacing • Locker doors/handles will be disinfected and cleaned daily

• Students will be placed twelve feet apart in all directions while participating in activities requiring projection of voice or aerobic activity (physical education, band, chorus, etc.) Classes held outdoors when possible. • Open windows (where possible) to ventilate building before and after students arrive • Encouragement of Healthy Habits: o Reinforce hand-washing routines, allow time for students to thoroughly wash their hands throughout the day o Discuss coughing and sneezing etiquette o Have hand sanitizer and tissues available for use by students and staff (hand sanitizer stations throughout the building and in classrooms) o Educate students on the importance of not touching their faces or other people's faces • Avoid sharing of community supplies when possible (scissors, pencils, etc.) Clean items frequently. • Removal of upholstered furniture and soft seating • 2

ARRIVAL AND DISMISSAL PROCEDURES SCHOOL VISITORS Staggered Arrival and Dismissal • High School School Day- 8:00a-2:51p Nonessential visitors will be limited in school building • Elementary School Day- 8:20a-3:11p Parent-teacher conferences and other meetings will be held as phone/virtual conferences. Elementary Students will be escorted out to parents at the Visitors must follow the 6-foot social distancing mandate and end of the school day to limit visitors in the building follow regulations for wearing protective equipment to limit the Caregivers/parents are asked to wash their own hands and assist spread of illness while on site. in washing the hands of their children before drop off, prior to pick All visitors will be screened before allowing them on site. up and when they get home. Facility use will be restricted for outside groups Hand sanitizer stations will be installed at the entrance/exit of the school and in high traffic areas Elimination of the pen and paper sign-in/sign-out sheets. • School Secretary will be responsible for signing students, staff, and visitors in and out. • Log will be documented and kept for contact tracing purposes Student and Visitor Health Screening Individuals who have a fever of 100.0°F or above or other signs of illness will not be admitted into the school building or onto the Fishers Island Ferry. • Parents should be alert for signs of sickness in children and keep them home when they are sick. o Fever or Chills, Cough, Shortness of Breath, Fatigue, Muscle/Body Aches, Headache, New Loss of Smell or Taste, Sore Throat, Congestion/Runny Nose, Nausea or Vomiting, Diarrhea • Individuals who are denied entry will be sent directly to a the nurse's office prior to being picked up or sent home. A no-touch thermometer will be utilized and disinfected after each use Emergency Drills A daily screening questionnaire will be required for students, staff and faculty reporting to school which would include: Revision and school-wide practice of all required Fire, Evacuation and Lock Down Drills. Plans to address social • Having knowingly been in close or proximate contact in distancing requirements and new building procedures. the past 14 days with anyone who has tested positive Collaboration with local police, constables and emergency through a diagnostic test for COVID 19 or who has or had medical services to ensure safety in all emergency situations symptoms of COVID 19; • Having been tested positive through a diagnostic test for Drinking Water COVID 19 in the past 14 days; Reduce drinking fountain usage to facilitate frequent cleaning • Experiencing any symptoms of COVID 19 including a and the ability to fill water bottle only temperature of greater than 100 .0 F in the past 14 days • All students are encouraged to bring a personal bottle to • Having traveled internationally or from a state with be filled from the no-touch bottle filler widespread community transmission of COVID 19 per the One drinking fountain is required per every one hundred New York State Travel Advisory in the past 14 days. occupants (FIS will have two)


The Fishers Island School does not offer a hot lunch/food service programming due to our small size, remote nature, and lack of facility space. All students/staff will continue to bring their own food to school each day Sharing food will not be allowed during the 2020-2021 SY. This includes the following: • Sharing snacks, birthday/celebratory cakes and cupcakes, and buffet style meals Lunch waves will be divided up to ensure no more than 18 students eating together at a time. • Students will spaced out by 6 feet on all sides when eating Lunches and snacks will be eaten outside (weather permitting) under 40 x 20 tent to ensure adequate spacing, fresh air and the ability to take masks off. Students will be monitored during lunch for social distancing. Students will thoroughly hand wash before and after their designated lunch period. All food will be consumed in the designated area to ensure sanitary conditions when eating. There will be no eating (including snacks) allowed in the classrooms, hallways or communal spaces. Students will be not be able to use microwave or school refrigerators (sanitary and spacing issues) • Families are encouraged to provide cooler packs/bags for food to be best kept cold • 3

TRANSPORTATION- Fishers Island Ferry Fishers Island School does not utilize the traditional school bus for student transportation. Our partnership with the Fishers Island Ferry District provides reliable and safe passage to our island each and everyday. The Fishers Island School and the Fishers Island Ferry have developed a plan to utilize the Silver Eel Express to transport students during the 2020-2021 School Year. Utilization of the Silver Eel will allow for the following: • Reduction of ride time from 45 minutes to 20 minutes • Ridership will be restricted to Fishers Island students and staff only • Staggered arrival times to reduce the flow of students in the morning for health screening and temperature checks Students will be required to wear masks on all Fishers Island Ferry vessels Seating will be pre-planned to have students sit with either siblings or grade-level cohort members Windows will be kept open to provide air flow (weather permitting) Ferry Monitor (FIS staff member) will be assigned to each run of the Silver Eel Express to help monitor all safety procedures including the following: • Perform health screen and temperature check before boarding of all students • Students will be monitored for social distancing before and after boarding the vessel • Ensure the proper use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) • Look for any signs and symptoms of COVID-19 The Silver Eel Express operates until November each year. At the point when the Silver Eel can no longer run (weather dependent) the District and Ferry District will work together on a plan to utilize the normal ferry. This plan will include dedicated seating, privacy barrier, adequate spacing and all necessary Personal Protective Equipment

ATTENDANCE AND CHRONIC ABSENTEEISM Attendance of any school-age student of compulsory age, who resides in the district or is placed by a parent/guardian in another public school district, a charter school, or is placed by a district administrator or the CSE of the school district in educational programs outside the district (such as, another school district, BOCES, approved private in-State or out-of-State school, and State supported school) must be reported in SIRS. To date, the reporting of daily attendance of Prekindergarten students is not required; Attendance must be reported by any reporting entity that is required to take attendance Resident students of compulsory age who were not in attendance in a public school, including charter schools, nonpublic school, or approved home schooling program in the current school year must be reported until they exceed compulsory school age, they no longer reside in the district, or the district has documentation that the student has entered another educational pro-gram leading to a high school diploma; Students who drop out while still of compulsory school age must be kept on the school attendance rolls until they exceed compulsory school age or move out of the district. The Fishers Island School will continue to monitor student attendance/engagement on a daily basis for our elementary students and on a period basis for high school students • Students who develop a pattern of absenteeism will be contacted by the following to provide support: o School Secretary --> Classroom Teacher --> School Counselor --> Principal • 4

TEACHING AND LEARNING GRADING/ASSESSMENT Grading and Assessment during the 2020-2021 school year will continue in the same way as the previous school year ended. This policy accounts for the unique stress and various circumstance our school community will deal with throughout the year. This policy will be remain in place in order to maintain and assist with the social/emotional health of all students. ELEMENTARY: Standards-Based Grading is generally used in Elementary and will continue. Per NYSED recommendations, the skills/standards that are covered should be Foundational (essential standards to be covered in grade level). Teachers should implement or continue to utilize a system with a tiered determination of mastery:

• • • •

(M) Mastered (D) Demonstrating Mastery (NI) Not Introduced (IP) Insufficient Progress

Retention and promotion decisions would be made based on mastery of foundational skills and standards. Quantitative Grades (through Power School) will be kept in order to track work completion/engagement to keep students/families aware of progress, but the final record will be standards based. SECONDARY:

1. Per NYSED recommendations, the skills and standards that are covered through Distance/Hybrid Learning should be Foundational (essential standards to be covered in course). 2. College Level Courses will follow the institutions guidelines for grading. 3. Numeric grades will continue to be computed and will continue to be recorded and averaged as normal. This will allow for the least amount of change for students and maximum amount of teacher flexibility during the school year. 4. Assessments will be modified (where appropriate) to account the uniqueness of the school year. Application of knowledge will be prioritized knowing that students will rely on outside resources and technologies. 5. At the end of the course the parent and student will have the opportunity to request that their numeric grade be changed to a pass/fail. The pass/fail option would have no impact (positive or negative) on GPA. This allows for the student to record the most positive outcome on their final transcript. PREKINDERGARTEN

Fishers Island School Prekindergarten Program will continue to enroll 3 and 4 year olds for half-day learning. The program continue to be run by a New York State certified teacher. Teaching Assistant support will be provided to help manage social distancing and classroom procedures for our youngest students. The following health and safety guidance will be implemented: • Family style eating will not be practiced due to social distancing requirements and for health and safety requirements. • Classroom is equipped with an interior bathroom for exclusive use. Proper hand washing protocols will be followed. • Center-based and small group learning is a critical component of a Prekindergarten instructional program. FIS will: o avoid centers that include multiple students using it at one time, such as water/sand tables, sensory tables, etc. o provide students with individual sets of materials to avoid sharing of common items o follow proper sanitation guidelines from the Department of Health after children have been at a learning center or in small groups. • 5


Communication of Expectations: • Parent notifications through Power School and Google Classroom • Virtual Update Meetings with Principal/Parents on Wednesdays (posted to the school website for later viewing) • School Messenger for time-sensitive or critical updates • Weekly Email on Fridays (Digital Backpack) • Engagement Chain of Notification/Support- Classroom Teacher -> School Counselor -> School Principal Tracking of Interactions/Engagement in Hybrid or Digital Learning: • Tracking daily attendance •

Maintaining typical grading in High School (Grades 7-12) as much as possible

Biweekly Progress Reports

Digital Learning Time Expectations: • 3 hours of work/face to face class time for Elementary Students • 180-225 minutes a week for all High School Courses Teacher/Student Interactions during Hybrid or Digital Learning: • Teacher office hours, virtually (online) via video conferencing and/or chat, and/or phone • Scheduled teacher/student(s) check-ins, virtual (online) and/or via phone • Asynchronous communication, feedback, and support via e-mail or LMS Methods of Instruction during Hybrid or Digital Learning: • Hard copy (paper) instructional materials provided to students • Instructional materials provided vis technology, such as posted on a teacher website or available through an LMS • Individual or small group synchronous instruction facilitated using technologies such as telephone or video conferencing • Large-group or whole class synchronous instruction facilitated using technologies such as telephone or video conferencing • Recorded instruction disseminated through technology, including via podcast, dedicated website, or Learning Management System, scheduled or on demand television, DVD/CD • Online learning course, accessed through an LMS, self-directed and self-paced Learning Materials and Content: • Paper textbooks, and other content (books, magazines, etc.) • Digital copies of textbooks • Digital content and activities provided by the district, either free or subscription-based • Online learning courses or course content modules Instructional Devices: • Laptop/Chromebooks will be provided to all students K-12 Grade • Work with the local utility company to provide upgraded Internet bandwidth for all students • Provide all teachers with a computing device • 6


• Fishers Island School will require all students, staff and visitors to wear masks throughout the day. • Mask Breaks will be a prioritized aspect of our schedule: o Mask Breaks will typically occur outside during transition periods and lunch/snack times where physical distancing can be kept to at least 6 feet on all sides. o Masks Breaks will be prioritized and more frequent for elementary-aged students • Fishers Island School will purchase four cloth masks per student o Masks will have adjusted ear straps and school logo o School will alternate mask colors each day to help ensure that masks have been properly disinfected and laundered. o Families can provide their own masks assuming they meet all health/safety guidelines and are disinfected and laundered each night. • Fishers Island School will purchase disposable masks for any essential visitor without adequate face covering


Cloth masks should be washed daily and is the responsibility of each family. Spare masks will be assigned to each child and stored at school. These masks will be made available if required due to health and hygiene. concerns


The cloth face coverings recommended are not surgical masks or N-95 respirators. Those are critical supplies that must continue to be reserved for healthcare workers and other medical first responders, as recommended by current CDC guidance. CDC also advises the use of cloth face coverings to slow the spread of the virus and help people who may have the virus and do not know it from transmitting it to others. Cloth face coverings will not be placed on children under age 2, anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance.

Temperature screening will occur before students, staff, or visitors enter the school building and/or ferry. No one will be admitted into the school building or ferry with a temperature higher than 100.0 degrees F. Staff will supervise students who are waiting their turn. While waiting, students must be socially distanced Trained staff members to perform temperature screenings Sufficient supplies for taking temperatures such as disposable thermometer probes PPE or barriers for staff members conducting the screening.


Fit snugly but comfortably against the side of the face. Secure with ties or ear loops. Include multiple layers of fabric. Allow for breathing without restriction. Masks should be laundered (each day) and machine dried without damage or change to shape


Fishers Island School will teach, monitor and provide adequate signage on the following: • Hand Hygiene o Traditional hand washing (with soap and warm water, lathering for a minimum of 20 seconds) which is the preferred method o Use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers (60% alcohol or greater) when soap and water are not available, and hands are not visibly dirty  Hand sanitizer will be made available throughout common areas, near high touch surfaces, and use touch free dispensers when able • Respiratory Hygiene o A supply of tissues and no touch/floor pedal trash cans should be available in each room when feasible. o If no tissue is available, using the inside of the elbow (or shirt sleeve) to cover the mouth or nose is preferable to using the hands. o Always perform hand hygiene after sneezing, coughing and handling dirty tissues or other soiled material. • 7


Fishers Island School will hire an additional staff member to increase frequency of cleaning throughout the school. New staff member will work after school each night to provide more frequent cleaning. • Vacuuming • Trash Removal • Bathroom Cleaning • Dusting • Disenfecting of High Touch Surfaces Cleaning surfaces using soap and water and EPA allowable solutions. Routine cleaning of frequently-touched surfaces. High touch surfaces include: • Tables, doorknobs, light switches, counter tops, handles, desks, phones,keyboards, toilets, faucets, sinks, etc. DISINFECTING PROTOCOLS

FIS will identify cleaning and disinfection frequency for each facility and area type. This will include times before, during and after school FIS will maintain logs that include the date, time, and scope of cleaning and disinfection in a facility or area. Disinfection using US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)approved disinfectants against COVID-19. Where disinfectants are used, products should be registered with EPA and the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). FIS will follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and disinfection of electronic devices such as laptops, iPads or Chromebooks, keyboards and computer mice, etc


Fishers Island School completed the following projects during the Summer of 2020 in order to prepare for the 2020-2021 School Year: • Professional Cleaning of all Vents and Air Ducts • Professional Servicing and Maintenance of HVAC system including repair of all air circulation fans o Ventilation System adjusted to allow for maximum "outside" air flow • Professional Cleaning of floor surfaces • Professional Cleaning and Disinfecting of Walls in high traffic areas • Deep Clean of all Classrooms, Common Spaces, Bathrooms and Hallways by School Custodian • Disinfection/Cleaning of all Student Lockers • Removal of "soft surface" furniture throughout the building DISINFECTING CHEMICAL REGIMENT

Bio Shield- a spray-on antimicrobial protectant that creates 90-Day microbiostatic coating on porous and non-porous surfaces to inhibit the growth of odorcausing bacteria, fungi, mold, and mildew Vital Oxide- hospital disinfectant cleaner, mold killer, and odor eliminator (applied nightly)


Students and staff with symptoms of illness will be sent to the newly dedicated health office for isolation and assessment by a certified health professional as asthma and allergies or chronic gastrointestinal conditions may present the same symptoms as COVID-19 but are neither contagious nor pose a public health threat. Students with symptoms of COVID-19 awaiting transport home by the parent/guardian will be isolated away from others, with a supervising adult present utilizing appropriate PPE. Multiple students suspected of COVID-19 may be in this isolation room if they can be separated by at least 6 feet FIS will work in partnership with the Island Health Project (IHP) to offer the ability for students or staff to be tested for COVID-19 before going home. FIS will follow CDC guidance for allowing a student or staff member to return to school after exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19. If a person is not diagnosed by a healthcare provider (physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant) with COVID-19 they can return to school: • With a negative COVID-19 test • Once there is no fever, without the use of fever reducing medicines, and they have felt well for 24 hours; • If they have been diagnosed with another condition and has a healthcare provider written note stating they are clear to return to school. FIS will follow CDC guidance if a person is diagnosed with COVID-19 by a healthcare provider based on a test or their symptoms or does not get a COVID-19 test but has had symptoms, they should not be at school and should stay at home until: • With a negative COVID-19 test • It has been at least fourteen days since the individual first had symptoms; • It has been at least three days since the individual has had a fever (without using fever reducing medicine); and • It has been at least three days since the individual’s symptoms improved, including cough and shortness of breath. • 8

HEALTH AND SAFETY- SCHOOL CLOSURE DECISION TREE Fishers Island School is prepared for a potential COVID-19 outbreak in our community and for individual exposure events to occur in our building The following decision tree will be used to help determine which set of mitigation strategies may be most appropriate for a given situation.

CONTACT TRACING In the case of a positive COVID-19 in our school community we will work with our Local Health Department to provide the necessary information they require to identify, communicate and stop the spread of the disease. Contact Logs, Sign-in sheets will be utilized to help identify primary contacts throughout the building. In addition, FIS will identify a team of internal contact tracers to become trained to identify our community of a potential spread and ways to mitigate. The FIS Contact Tracing Team will be trained in the following prinicples (per CDC Guidelines): • Case investigation is part of the process of supporting patients with suspected or confirmed infection. • Contact tracing begins by warning exposed individuals (contacts) of their potential exposure as rapidly and sensitively as possible. • To protect patient privacy, contacts are only informed that they may have been exposed to a patient with the infection. They are not told the identity of the patient who may have exposed them. • Contacts are provided with education, information, and support to understand their risk, what they should do to separate themselves from others who are not exposed, monitor themselves for illness, and the possibility that they could spread the infection to others even if they themselves do not feel ill. • Contacts are encouraged to stay home and maintain social distance from others (at least 6 feet) until 14 days after their last exposure, in case they also become ill. They should monitor themselves by checking their temperature twice daily and watching for cough or shortness of breath. To the extent possible, public health staff should check in with contacts to make sure they are self-monitoring and have not developed symptoms. Contacts who develop symptoms should promptly isolate themselves and notify public health staff. They should be promptly evaluated for infection and for the need for medical care. • 9

Social Emotional Health The current situation with COVID-19 has created a variety of new stressors and needs for students, parents, and school staff. The School Counseling Department will work together with FIS students, parents, and staff to support and address these social emotional needs in a variety of ways. We are very fortunate at Fishers Island School to have a full time school counselor for our preK-12 population of approximately 65 students. This ratio of 1:65 allows regular contact with all students, families and staff to be proactive in meeting students social emotional and mental health needs. We will continue to approach our students and families with care and compassion, support, empathy, trust, respect, valuing the input of the family, and encouraging regular open two-way home school communication. During times of distance learning regular weekly contact with students and parents was maintained through surveys to assess needs and provide immediate support and resources. Regular weekly communication was provided with elementary parents through weekly newsletters offering developmentally appropriate SEL opportunities (ebooks, videos, and activities) for home in addition to discussion points and tips for parents on how to support their children along with reminders of the importance of self care for parents during this very stressful time. Elementary students and parents who needed additional counseling support were provided this through individual Zoom video conferencing, video group sessions for social emotional support and socialization, SEL activities via FlipGrid, phone calls, and email. For secondary students the following were utilized to support student and family needs: Zoom video conferencing, email, phone calls, and Google classrooms provided for small student class groups with virtual calming rooms, stress management resources and coping strategies. Should a return to distance learning be necessary these measures will be resumed. With school reopening, the focus will be on providing ample opportunities and time for students to voice their feelings and concerns about COVID-19 and the necessary safety precautions. This will be at the forefront of the staff’s approach to learning. The use of trauma informed, responsive and restorative classroom practices will be implemented, to allow students' social emotional concerns to be addressed first so that learning can then begin to take place during this traumatic and stressful time. The school counselor will share resources with teachers and other staff about ways to discuss COVID concerns with their students, how to actively listen to those needs, and when to refer for additional support. Staff will provide ample transition time back to the school setting to process students’ feelings, allow for all to be heard, address concerns and identify any needs. The school counselor will work with students, parents and staff to address the numerous readjustment issues that will occur with a return to school in person such as: the return to a school schedule, adjusted sleep schedules, renewed academic and daily structure, reintegration to social interactions with peers and teachers, readjustment to school rules, adjustment to the new required safety protocols, and an awareness of some students' personal struggles with changes in routine and the impacts of this on it.

The following services will be provided for students to support their social, emotional and mental health needs as schools reopen: • Ample support and orientation will be provided for new students to our school this year. Individual contact will be made with all new students and parents to ease the transition to our school during this challenging situation. • Videos will be created for students and staff to address and explain the necessary changes to the school routines and safety measures that are being implemented. This will help to reduce anxieties about the new procedures. We can address transportation, mask wearing and cleaning, classroom set-ups at the elementary and secondary levels, lunch, recess, bathrooms, hand-washing, disinfecting, cleaning, spacing, student traffic patterns in and around the school, outside classroom options, what happens when a student is sick, etc. Sharing this information ahead of time and through a video format with familiar staff in the school building will help ease student and parent concerns and ensure a smooth transition back the first day. • The School Counseling curriculum will be reviewed and revised this year to focus on the most pressing and relevant issues at hand first and foremost. • The FIS Counseling Advisory Board will meet to discuss and address any concerns, overlooked issues or concerns, parent/student needs, etc. • 10

Social Emotional Health • At the start of the year, classroom meetings will be held to allow students to discuss, acknowledge and process the end of last year/distance learning, their feelings, and current concerns or issues. We will review stress management and coping skills, helpful calming apps, ways to use a virtual calming room, as well as in school and outside resources. With younger elementary students, we will share the Daniel Tiger episode, the Julia Cook book on COVID-19, and/or the Sesame Street episode, to help them understand and discuss what is happening and why changes in the school setting are necessary. • Resources on Outside Referrals will be provided to families as needed. We will identify and rely on local resources as needed to support families and students (pastors, telehealth counselors, psychologists, food banks, housing agencies, local mental health supports, child and family services, mental health hotlines, etc.) • The school counselor will provide resources to staff on how to talk to students (prek-12 about COVID-19), when to refer concerns to the school counselor, coping skills and stress management strategies, how to encourage resiliency skills, etc. • Student and parent needs will be assessed regularly through : o Weekly Parent Surveys with prompt follow up provided via email, zoom or phone to address concerns proactively and seek information on how students are feeling, fears, concerns, areas of need, etc. o Weekly Student Surveys with in person socially distanced follow up as needed (utilizing outside “walk and talks” where possible). We will work to frequently check in on and monitor students who were previously at risk and high risk. o Weekly Staff Surveys to evaluate needs, concerns about outside factors (family stress, concerns about family health, financial well being, work from home stress, etc.), and identify where support is needed. Reminders will also be sent to staff via email and staff meetings about the importance of self care. Outside or additional resources will be shared as needed. • A Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) will continue to be utilized to support all students: o All students- developmental guidance lessons, weekly surveys, virtual calming room, access to counselor for walk and talks or distanced meetings o Some students (at risk)- group counseling, additional classroom lessons as needed, occasional parent consultation on issues/concerns o Few students (high risk)- individualized plan for support (1:1 counseling, behavioral support, student improvement plan, IEP, 504 with support), regular parent consultation on issues/concerns, refer for outside supports where appropriate • Regular Counseling Activities will continue: o Weekly counseling (“walk and talk” outside where age/weather appropriate) o Weekly counseling for students with social emotional IEP goals (utilizing outside spaces or socially distanced in the guidance office or classroom) o Classroom guidance lessons and activities (SEL)- regular scheduled lessons with an emphasis on normal positive developmental social emotional interaction skills, engagement while following safety guidelines, processing feelings about covid/safety measures, healthy coping skills, resources at school and home. • Parent resources will be provided including: o Information and newsletters as appropriate on topics to support their students, regarding developmental needs, resources at school or outside as needed, the importance in keeping communication open with school staff about student concerns, issues, fears, needs. • Community resources will be explored for extracurricular activities to replace temporarily restricted activities such as athletics during after school times (ie. a Zoom Guest Speaker Series- fun and engaging). • 11

SPECIAL EDUCATION Fishers Island School will continue to provide a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) consistent with the need to protect the health and safety of students with disabilities and those providing special education and services. We will continue our practices of engagement with the following in order to support all of our students: • Meaningful parental engagement regarding the provision of services to their child • Collaboration between the Committee on Special Education/Committee on Special Education (CPSE/CSE) and program providers representing the variety of settings where students are served • Access to the necessary instructional and technological supports to meet the unique needs of student o 1:1 support with Special Education teachers and/or Teaching Assistants when needed/appropriate o Technology or Assistive Technology sent home during hybrid or full digital learning o Frequent consultation and collaboration between Special Education and General Education teachers Fishers Island School will consider in-person services a priority for high-needs students whenever possible and consider contingency plans developed by the CPSE/CSE to address remote learning needs in the event of intermittent or extended period of closure. A program review CSE will be set up for each student with a documented IEP or 504 plan in order to address the individual needs of each and every student. Students will be progress monitored through their stated goals, parent and staff feedback to determine if additional supports are required through the CSE/504 process. ACCOMMODATIONS AND MODIFICATIONS

Continued focus on instructional practices to plan for the necessary accommodations and modifications for students with disabilities to progress in the general education curriculum. Accommodations are alterations in the way tasks and/or assignments are presented. Modifications are changes in what students are expected to learn. Both accommodations and modifications will ensure equity and access to the general education curriculum in consideration of a student’s unique disability related needs.


The following Procedural Safeguards and Notice Requirements will be continued to ensure communication and partnership with families: • FIS will continue to provide the procedural safeguards notice to parents. • FIS will continue to provide parents with prior written notice in a reasonable time before a change in the identification, evaluation, educational placement or provision of FAPE to the student. • FIS will recommend a Program Review meeting anytime the delivery of instruction changes throughout the year (In-person --> Digital Learning)


One of the primary strengths of Fishers Island School is the talent, devotion and commitment of our teachers. Fishers Island School teachers wear many hats and take on many roles not typical of a larger school. Our teaching staff takes on all responsibilities with great skill and care for our students, community and colleagues. Our teachers play the most significant role in teaching and learning whether the delivery is in-person, hybrid or fully digital • Pursuant to Education Law 3012-d, The Fishers Island Union Free School District will fully implement its currently approved Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) plan each school year o APPR plan/process will be reviewed to ensure the that teachers are not penalized as a result of the challenges to learning presented by the COVID-19 crisis, however that students are still being taught as effectively as is practical to expect o Student Learning Objectives (SLO) process will be reviewed in light of our plan for teaching and learning  Review to include ways to potentially streamline the process, observation frequency, assessments chosen, and student growth targets • Pursuant to Education Law 3001, individuals employed to teach in New York State public schools must continue to hold a valid certificate. o In response to the COVID-19 crisis, a superintendent of schools may assign certified teacher to teach a subject not covered by their certificate (incidental teaching) for a period not to exceed ten classroom hours a week during the 2020-2021 school year, when no certified or qualified teacher is available after extensive and documented recruitment. • During the 2020-2021 school year, due to the COVID-19 crisis, substitute teachers who do not hold a valid teaching certificate and are not working towards certification, but hold a high school diploma or its equivalent, may be employed by the school district or BOCES beyond the 40-day limit, for up to an additional 50 days (90 days total in a school year), if the district superintendent has conducted a good faith recruitment search for a properly certified candidate and there are no available certified teachers that can perform the duties of such position. In rare circumstances, a district or BOCES may hire a substitute teacher beyond the 90 days, if a district superintendent or superintendent attests that a good faith recruitment search has been conducted and that there are still no available certified teachers who can perform the duties of such position and that a particular substitute teacher is needed to work with a specific class or group of students until the end of the school year. • 12

Athletics and Extracurricular Activities ATHLETICS

Per the NYDOH Guidance Interscholastic sports are not permitted at the time of publication of this guidance, and additional information on athletic activities is forthcoming. The New York State Public High School Athletic Association (NYPSPHSAA) has established a COVID-19 Task Force comprised of NYSPHSAA member superintendents, principals, athletic directors and executive directors in addition to representatives from New York State Athletic Administrators Association and State Education Department. The Task Force will provide guidance when New York high school student-athletes are allowed to return to athletics. The task force is reviewing State and local health guidelines, as well as NYSED guidance, regarding the 2020-2021 school year to determine, among other things, the extent to which changes may be needed for each interscholastic sports season. The COVID-19 Task Force will continue to review all aspects of the fall 2020 season and the 2020-2021 school year related to the COVID-19 crisis, such as practice requirements; fan attendance; re-socialization efforts; protocol; procedures; transportation; etc. As more information becomes available it will be shared on the NYSPHSAA website


Decisions on internal extracurricular activities will be made by the Superintendent/Principal and follow guidance consistent with State and Local health and safety protocols. Extracurricular activities are an important aspect of student life and the school community. During the COVID shutdown students were unable to engage in and enjoy these social activities that are part of the fabric of our school program. As we plan for reopening in September, attention will be paid to bringing back activities that can be conducted in a safe environment with appropriate social distancing protocols. In addition, we will consider the creation of extracurricular activities that can be continued remotely in the event of another shut down. • FIS will restrict and/or limit use of school/district facilities to district or school sponsored extracurricular activities and groups. If any external community organizations are permitted to use school/district facilities, schools/districts must ensure such organizations follow State and locally developed guidance on health and safety protocols. • FIS will maximize the use of technology and online resources to create or continue some extracurricular activities that may not need or has limited person-to-person contact. • All extracurricular activities and external community organizations that use school facilities must follow State and local on health and safety protocols and must comply with applicable social distancing requirements and hygiene protocol. • FIS will open its playground for use when proper safeguards are in place. Washing hands before and after touching play structures and keep 6 feet of space from other children as much as possible. o FIS Community will be allowed to utilize school playground after school hours if all participants all in the same social cohort • 13


REOPEN/SAFETY COMMITTEE PLANNING TEAM This document was prepared with support from many indviduals and organizations. The Fishers Island School Safety/Reopening Committee first met on Thursday, May 7, 2020 to identify, plan and consider all of the necessary components of our school that needed to be addressed to open our school safely. Reopen/Safety Committee Members Christian Arsenault- Superintendent/Principal, COVID-19 Safety Coordinator, FIS Parent Christopher Dollar- Music Teacher, AEMT Carol Giles- Science Teacher, EMT Jessica Hall- English Teacher, EMT Tawnya Eastman- 5/6th Grade Teacher, EMT, FIS Parent Adam Baber- Physical Education/Health Teacher Julie Arcelus- School Counselor, FIS Parent Aly Horn- Administrative Assistant Jaime Doucette- Board of Education President, FIS Parent Robin Toldo- Board of Education Member, FIS Parent Joe Brock- Fishers Island Constable Louisa Evans- Fishers Island Town Justice Jeff Edwards- Fishers Island Fire Chief, Constable, FIS Parent Special Thanks/Contributions Fishers Island Board of Education Fishers Island Ferry District Island Community Board Island Health Project - Jane Ahrens Eastern Suffolk BOCES • 14

Appendix: School Signage

Appendix: School Signage

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