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January 2019 issue of the Fishing and Outdoors newspaper

PLEASE TAKE ONE January 2019

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Hunting muddy waters

A mob of prime fallow deer


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Gutless MPI fisheries allow Commercial offending

NZ First lost Rec Fishers vote

Why Marine Reserves won’t work

Trout Farming – to be or not to be?

Lies, Damned Lies and ECAN

DoC Ranger threatens to kill

So how do we kill all the deer, pigs and chamois

This is the place to go for trophy fallow stags or to take your children who want to experience the excitement and thrill of their first deerstalking adventure. Most hunting families struggle

Checking out the landscape

Chomp Flasher Rigs

with the dangers involved in taking a group of kids into the bush and sometimes it can eventuate in high costs and time and the worry around the potential for harm. Muddy Waters Hunting provides an excellent hunting opportunity, with great service and fantastic opportunities to shoot and kill one of their fantastic trophy or meat animals. Hamish Luce the head guide has made a commitment to cull out the unwanted fallow deer to enable the breeding of the superior Danish and Hungarian fallow. These quality animals breed stags which regularly go over 230 points on the Douglas score and bring hunters from overseas who have a NZ fallow stag on their bucket list. Testimonials from hunters tell their own story from those hunters that have been there and had a fantastic time: ‘Really enjoyed spending time taking in this beautiful

part of the world and taking some meat home as well.’ ‘Awesome time spent here. They helped me the whole time from on the range to out getting the deer.’ ‘It was a solid days hunting today despite the wind and rain, two older cull bucks went down along with two first time hunters taking their first animals which is always a good buzz.’ ‘Took my wife out for a meat hunt at over the weekend. She took this well-conditioned doe at 180 metres, sitting unsupported - beautiful heart shot on her very first animal, and the 140gr Hornady ELD-M went off like a grenade. We arrived on the block around 5pm and after settling into the lavish accommodation Hamish gave us the run down on safety and offered the gun range to check out that our weapons were ‘shot in’. He explained that it was essential to ensure that to get a clean kill putting a couple of shots through the rifle would not affect the animals as they were relatively used to range shooting. He runs regular ‘long range’ shooting courses with the assistance of some overseas specialist shooters that teach shooting out to over a thousand yards. Once you have succeeded in hitting a target at this range it not only boosts your confidence but it ensures that when you find the stag you are after that you have a better than average chance of killing one rather than taking a ‘hit and miss’ approach which is sometimes the case with hunters that don’t shoot beyond 200 metres. Having the correct coaching

pays huge dividends to hunters and boosts their confidence immensely when they go to areas where long range shooting over 600 metres is a must.

So we went over to the range and pinged a few gongs to satisfy him that we knew what we were about. Hamish then took us for a walk along the back boundary of the farm which borders a large amount rugged bush country almost impossible to hunt in.

Typical heads shot on Muddy Waters

Days bounty

This causes those wild deer to jump the fence to graze on the lush green grass which is plentiful on the farm. Goats, rabbits and hares abound and are rated as pest animals which are unwanted and whenever a hunter is offered the opportunity to ‘ping’ a few wild goats Hamish is full of enthusiasm to help out. We had the pleasure of taking out five goats just to check out various ranges and the killing power of a well-aimed shot. None of the meat was wasted and some lucky soul will be dining on fresh ‘kid’ for Christmas. The next morning Hamish saw us out of bed pretty early to catch the early grazers. We walked to several spots where the fallow deer were pretty elusive for that hour of the morning, but it wasn’t long before we had the first kill hanging on the fence. We picked that up in Hamish’s truck and headed back to put the animal in the chiller before skipping breakfast and heading out to another spot. We had hardly left the woolshed accommodation when two very nice spikers and a doe trotted off Cover story continued on page 2...



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Cover story continued...

Woolshed accommodation

Hamish with a pest goataround the side of a hill out of sight. This enabled us to stalk to a better location and get in a clean shot on the animal which Hamish wanted culled. Hamish will tailor make a hunt package

to suit your needs, he is a great hunting guide and full of knowledge on the traits of these deer and long range shooting. His experience coupled with his friendly nature makes

Some cull fallow deer

your visit an experience of a lifetime. Hunters come from around the country to experience the thrill and excitement of a successful hunt, so book in and get the job done; it

ers of NZ and the politicians who openly support their plunder because, by ‘hoki’ that’s the last straw. We have senior politicians from NZ First openly stopping the introduction of cameras on boats and stopping any improvements to the way our fishery is managed. The only good thing about the commercial fishers getting caught in a despicable or illegal act, is that it makes Shane Jones, Winston Peters and Graeme Sinclair look like a bunch of losers. Photos show dolphin swimming between the net and the fishing boat. They have a high probability of being caught in this area.

Typical prime hunting spot

will be your best experience ever. If you’re wondering what to feed the family for that special occasion how about some free range venison straight off the BBQ? Muddy Waters Hunting have a few spots still open for fallow meat hunts and they would love to see some more deer taken off the block and heading home. Muddy Water provides a professional guiding service for hunting big game animals near their property at Whanganui.

Call Hamish on 022 312 3494 or email him muddywatersnewzealand@gmail. com to book your hunting weekend. Video Reference – https://www.youtube.com/watch ?v=MWUAFknf5sg&feature=share

Gutless MPI fisheries allow commercial offending

Dolphin swimming between the boat and the net

As offending against our public fishery is allowed to continue MPI are cowardly hiding behind a purported inability to monitor camera footage. A 2011 MPI - Compliance Risk Profile of the West Coast-East Coast South Island Hoki Fisheries – shows what a corrupted state the MPI is in. MPI observers reported unusually high catches of juvenile hoki less than 55cm in length. These fish were too small to be processed and were allowed to be discarded because the Hoki boats were fishing in areas habited by juvenile hoki which is an extremely serious offence. In MPI Operations Maxi and Mini extensive profiling of the Hoki fishery showed that unobserved vessels fishing in the Hoki area were high grading and likely to be catching unprocessable hoki due to their low or nil economic value. Operation Bronto (2011) identified a large number issues in relation to fishing reporting, fishing practices, vessel weighing and recording systems, carton weights, including high grading, mis reporting of by catch and non-target species. Although there may have been some changes in the system since 2011 the result is still a depleted fishery. Fishers are blaming global warming but this is a complete cop-out as if this was true and the temperature at the

level where hoki live would mean that the water on the surface was boiling. To get a true state of the NZ public fishery sometimes all it takes is a little time to put pieces together. ‘It’s extremely disappointing to see the level of offending’ (within commercial fishing), said Mike Green, MPI team manager (Fisheries) for the eastern and lower North Island. “The rules are there for a reason – we need to protect the future sustainability of our fisheries by limiting how much can be caught. When people just take what they want, it threatens the health and future of our fish stocks.” This comment came from MPI in relation to a recreational fisher getting sentenced for excessively overfishing his recreational day limit of Paua for the second time. The MPI fishery officers were the witnesses to the crime and so the evidence was produced in court and the offender was sent to jail. That’s a fair statement. MPI was made aware of issues in the Hoki fishery through Operation Bronto in 2011. There was a raft of offences pointed out in the report not least those under section 6-5 titled - Reporting Issues. On one occasion a laptop containing the catch record of the deep sea trawler FV Dong Won was removed by the Sanford manager before Fishery Officers could view or copy catch data from it? Non observer fishing boats are required to record discard but report none, yet 58,352 kgs (58 ton) of observer approved discard or classed as A was written on the fishers

catch report which means that there is a whole lot of unrecorded fish loss. It is impossible to fish for hoki without some discard. Sometimes the fishers have written down 28 kgs of discard when it should have been recorded as 2800 kgs. So what this means is that they are just not reporting discard accurately.

Skippers were observed by fishery officers misreporting dead catch and incorrectly filling in (falsifying) the days catch reports. These crimes against the fishery were witnessed by MPI fishery officers and so the evidence was covered

up by MPI and nobody was charged. https://fs.fish.govt.nz/Page. aspx?pk=8&tk=41&stock=HOK1 The Trois Report, leaked to Newshub, and the Hoki Fisheries Report, both from 2012, identify systemic overfishing and fish dumping in two of our biggest export fisheries; southern blue whiting and hoki. Yet neither of these commercially caught fish have a size restriction and therefore it is a crime against the fishery to discard. MPI had the damaging information from these three reports in the 20011/12 fishing season at the same time the two fisheries were seeking and got MSC certification. Despite this, neither MPI nor the fishing industry appears to have shared this information with eco-certification body the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC). During the period the offending was taking place, the SBW fishery was under assessment by the MSC, subsequently certified as sustainable in 2012, and sold around the world on that basis. Yet at the same time the MPI who had a multitude of information relating to the woefully wasteful and unsustainable deep sea fishery were fraudulently promoting the fishery as well managed and healthy. This from Sea Food NZ: ‘97 percent of New Zealand’s commercial catch is from sustainable stocks, according to the Ministry for Primary Industries research. Not only did the MPI keep secret damning reports on the Hoki fishery from the public of NZ and the MSC but they failed to prosecute any of the commercial fishers who committed unlawful acts against the fishery.

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The most outstanding bit of scummy stupidity by the MPI was that a short time after they realized the commercial deep-sea fishers were misreporting, dumping, high grading and killing sea mammals in the Hoki fishery they put the commercial TACC (quota) up to 150,000 ton. So in effect instead of prosecuting the commercial deep-sea fisher’s for illegal

acts against the fishery, the MPI actually rewarded the fishers with more fish to catch, for their criminal activity.

Fast forward to 2018 and the result of the MPI’s financial management, rather than the sustainable management required by the Fisheries Act 1996 is clear to see in the MPI graph above. The fishing industry is now trying to lobby the new Fisheries managers to change the rules in the way deep sea fish are caught to make the discard and high grading legal and are actively trying to prevent cameras on fishing boats that may enforce the sustainable fishing practices required by the current Fisheries Act. A letter – written by Andrew Talley of Talley’s Group and leaked to Stuff – says the Government is “jumping to a heavy-handed solution without actually understanding the cause”. Discarding fish would “continue to happen, cameras or no cameras, while the current policy settings remain unchanged”, the letter says. George Clements CEO of Seafood NZ gave his take on the fishery. ‘The Marine Stewardship Council recertification of 17 New Zealand hoki, hake, ling and southern blue whiting fisheries in mid-September is an important validation of this country’s sustainable fisheries management.’ But it was overshadowed by the precautionary reduction in the 2018-19 western hoki catch announced laterthe same month. Why should the NZ public give social licence to the commercial fishing industry of NZ? The commercial fishers act like they are entitled to profit from the natural gift of wild fish in NZ rather than the privilege it is. Rather than act in a reasonable manner and only extract the surplus of the wild fishery they constantly want more. Instead of having the guts to stand up and tell the truth they these cowards lie, cover up and misreport their mistakes to the point now that the NZ public no longer believes anything they print. Had the commercial fishers done it right instead of being greedy scumbags, the fish would not have washed up on the beaches, there would be thousands of Maui Dolphin left and we would not have 22 stocks of depleted fish stocks thirty years after the introduction of the QMS. It is now time for the public of NZ to condemn the commercial fish-

Fishing and Outdoors PO Box 10580, Te Rapa, Hamilton 3240 Ph 021 02600437

Editor Graham Carter mail@fishingoutdoors.co.nz 021 02600437

Graphics: Astro Creative

Photography: Sandi Tuan

Regular Writers: Graham Carter James Speedy Ben Hope Frank Henry Dick Featherstone Tony Orman Rhys Smith John McNab Rex Gibson

Fishing and Outdoors is published by Ashwood Grove Ltd. All editorial copy and photographs are subject to copyright and may not be reproduced without prior written permission of the publisher. Opinions or comments expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the contributors, editor, staff and management or directors of Ashwood Grove Ltd. ISSN 1179-5034

Unsolicitored editorial, letters, photographs will only be returned if you include a stamped, self addressed envelope.

www.fishingoutdoors.org Visit us on Facebook www.facebook.com/Fishingoutdoors

Copyright © 2011 Fishing Outdoors Newspaper, All Rights Reserved.

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NZ First lost the recreational fishers vote

NZ First has blocked the appointment of Environment Defence Society policy director Raewyn Peart to lead the revitalised fisheries review panel over bias claims. What a pack of winners. Stuart Nash the Fisheries Minister planned to revitalise the technical advisory panel, which was set up by the National Government to give expert advice on making fishing sustainable long-term. NZ First was always going to be the catalyst in anything fishing. We have been saying this ever since Jones who is he regional development minister stuck his nose into this fishing portfolio without being asked. NZ First which is very close to the commercial fishing industry has nothing to do with fishing other than being party to receiving cheques from industry donors. NZ First doesn’t want cameras on boats, they don’t want the Kermadec Reserves, and they don’t want the Hauraki Gulf

The last elections saw Labour, the Greens and NZ First form a government and then do underhand deals to break every election promise so that some on the party lists got elected into positions they have no qualification or experience in. Eugenie Sage got Conservation Minister when in fact she is far worse that Nick Smith or Maggie Barry could ever be. This woman is set herself the task of singlehandedly destroying our complete ecosystem, native birds and anything else left alive from Nationals slaughter. She is a tyrant and any party that gets in must change legislation to hold her and anyone else to account. Start planning now folks and encourage these parties to work together to form a new government for the people. We need to learn and learn fast folks. The best thing that anyone could ever do for National, Labour, NZ First or the Greenies is to start another political party. One that will win and get seats in Parliament.

Fishing Reserves and now this. So we are not surprised at all. Jones puts himself up as a champion for the regions. But he has failed in almost every venture his name is associated with. He will be the reason NZ First will fail at the next elections. It is disgraceful that NZ First has veto powers over Ministers trying to do the best for the country and it’s completely unacceptable for a party whose leading members are bankrolled by Talley’s and Sealord’s to be vetoing panel appointments. We now have a case where the Labour/NZ First Government is taking a worse position on fishing than the National Party and all because of Jones. What this means is that if you are out fishing this summer and you can’t catch any fish you can blame Shane Jones. He has defended the industry against all activist groups in the past as it appears that he supports the industries decimation of the inshore fishery. Jones says “he won’t stand to see an industry that provides good jobs for the regions “disfigured”. NZ First are guilty of “Votes for Fish” NZ First are acting exactly opposite to their online fisheries policies they went into the election with. There will be a lot of recreational fishermen who are very upset with them. Winston looking after his rich fishing mates, Labour and Greens are so gullible – and sell their souls for power. The fishing industry is long overdue for a thorough review - it’s not doing much of a job. We have a littoral resource on a par with Japan’s, which returns 1% of what Japan’s does,

We have a swag of well-intentioned guys and girls doing a fantastic job, and a few dicks, but generally speaking we almost all want the same thing for our children, their education, health and wellbeing. We care dearly for our homeless, and the cost of living. We want to feed our families with reasonably priced veges and fruit along with quality seafood and meat. If us genuine kiwis are going to make any difference in the next elections we need to now more than ever before to get the smaller parties united. We have many small parties like the Ban 1080, United Peoples Movement, Democrats, Peoples Party, The Heritage Party, The Opportunities Party, New Conservative Party, Mana Movement and a few more off beat starting up. If we keep forming new political parties nothing will happen, none will likely get past the 5% threshold and we will get what we’ve always got, a Labour or National government. Sadly some of the die hards in

and employs 1% as many people. The fishing industry has not changed anything other than hire better PR people. You only need to look at the rate of bycatch which is suspiciously high on observer covered vessels and almost nil on others. There is also the thorny issue of how observer programme is funded. It has been funded by a levy on the industry which has allowed them to exert pressure to minimise the impact on their activities. In summary, the fishing industry has been dodgy for decades and this decision only allows it to continue to be dodgy. Peters and Co have to appease the Fishing Industry, as their ‘major funder’ or they will go to the wall at next elections as they are already losing a heap of the smaller funders due to not sticking to their bottom line. Now the only bottom line we see from NZ First are the ‘skid marks’. They should be expunged from NZ’s political landscape. The NZ fishing industry controls our democratic parliament. Peters and Jones are hypocrites who accept money from the fishing industry and then quash any government attempt to monitor the industry. This looks like corruption. If another party did the same Peters and Jones would be the first to cry corruption. How can we have a democratic government when they are accepting donations from industry to buy favour to get what they want? When in fact these ministers should be ensuring they do their jobs more effectively to rebuild the fishery so we all win.

Which party for government?

these new parties are ignoring the stats and are so stuck in their own troughs nothing will convince them to join together with the other parties as one voice. The New Zealand people have had a complete gutsful of the corruption, deceit and lies in the four main parties and the only way we will change that is to get together on the same page. Get under the one umbrella – have a candidate stand in every electorate throughout New Zealand and get rid of the scum bag lying politicians that we have sitting in Wellington. If these parties don’t get together, and they can form an alliance – we can make a difference. But do the self-seeking leaders of these parties want to. It’s unlikely as they all have their own tiny little drum to beat – one that again won’t be heard. We never learn as we are too complacent and the rest can’t be bothered voting for the scum we already have.

Sensible changes to Aussie cray industry

The Power of Social Licence

Social Licence is a new term used to describe both public support and public perception of an activity that a business may need to operate or sell its products. The commercial seafood industry needs to have public support in the way it has harvested, processed and presented its product to the consumer. The seafood marketers will target a consumer’s brain with branding on packaging and through media about how green and wonderful they are for the marine environment. The fabrication of this one-sided marketing by the commercial seafood industry is not worth the ink it’s written on. At no stage in history has a whopping great trawler towing a net through the ocean to indiscriminately catch fish has been good for the marine environment and it never will be. If you are a person who hates the fact that the Maui Dolphin is almost extinct because the commercial fishers killed them or there is no Cray, Paua, Snapper or Flounder at your holiday beach because the commercial fishers sent them to China then this is what you can do. Social Licence is the power of one

person that can make a difference. All you do is if you go into an NZ restaurant and the only fish on the Menu is a piece of tasteless Ling, then walk out. Or you could ring round restaurants and tell the chief you are looking for a restaurant that serves fresh wild NZ Paua and if they don’t – then hang up. If you go to a fish and chip shop and they serve imported fresh water fish, then go on social media and tell all your friends not to go to that shop. When you go to a fishmonger ask the person behind the counter how many birds were killed to catch this fish. It is now time for the individual consumers to use their voice politely and question the feel-good branding on our seafood products. Go online and look up the fish you want to eat and you may find that the fish you want to eat has been depleted if it has it will because the fish stock has been over exported by the seafood industry. When you see the word sustainable next to some seafood marketing, that’s when you are allowed to laugh out loud because the NZ seafood industry is close to the worst in the world at maintaining a healthy fishery. Other commercial fishers around

Members of the Western Australian rock lobster fishing industry have started bleating and moaning to the State Government’s plan to control a portion of the industry’s total allowable catch. Australian Fisheries minister Dave Kelly has unveiled a plan which would see the commercial lobster sector’s total allowable catch increased from 6,300 tonnes to 8,000 tonnes. In this unprecedented move, the Australian government will own 1385 tonnes of this quota which the Australian Commercial fishers cannot own but they will be able to lease. Opposition fisheries spokesperson Ian Blayney says other primary industries

should watch carefully, as they could also be forced to share their resource with government. Minister Kelly says the plan will generate jobs and wealth, while whinging opponents say it will threaten the sustainability of the industry and devalue the resource, which is a load of bollocks. Clearly Minister Kelly wants to protect this dying resource for future generations while the Aussie cray industry like ours is hell bent on destroying it. It would seem that the Australian Government has learnt not to give the Australian fishery away to already wealthy people. They have also learnt that the recreational

cray divers spend thousands of dollars to catch each cray. The government has also learnt that tourists and aussies want to eat Australian crayfish in restaurants rather than the frozen imported cray from Canada. Yet here in New Zealand we have Shane Jones, so Kiwis miss out, but that’s ok because the people in China are enjoying our seafood which is all that matters to NZ First. https://www.abc.net.au/radio/ programs/wa-country-hour/ crayfish-industry-changes/1060 2500?fbclid=IwAR2x8x46ly-oXzRCWUBF2LKrfp3aiL8xHLclPNh0y5WzgRwwZmZF6r480k

the world have destroyed their public fish stock through greed and lies, but our commercial fishers are unique in the fact that they destroyed the fishery twice, once before the QMS was introduced and once during the 30 years of the QMS. Just to be really clever the commercial fishers of NZ destroyed their own lively hoods and the public fish stocks of NZ with one of the smallest fishing fleets in the world. They achieve this landmark by dumping millions tons of quality fish over the side. Just to put the icing on the cake the industry was able to kill and drive close to extinction a vast array of sea mammals and seabirds and then lied about it. On one occasion a spokesperson for the seafood industry actually had the nerve to blame the Maui Dolphin themselves for swimming into the fishing nets and getting in the way of the fishermen. If you see brand name promoting from the seafood industry it is most likely just clever words with pretty pictures or if you see a programme on TV sponsored by the industry turn it off because it will only be one-sided marketing and not even close to the truth.



Camera trials on the Gulf

The brave actions of the people from the Namgis, Kwikwasut’inuxw Haxwa’mis, and Mamalilikulla Nations, spoke out to demand that the British Columbian government protect the wild salmon and get the uncontrolled salmon farms out of the Broughton archipelago.

People power works! They are now focussed on completing the efforts to phase out the other 20 salmon farms from Clayoquot Sound and all coastal waters. And the British Columbian Government is listening and supporting them.

Cameras are currently being trialed on boats out on the Hauraki Gulf, one of New Zealand’s most important fisheries. The NZ fishing industry wants damaging videos suppressed but so far, the Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) has only viewed 15.7 percent of all video received - roughly 87,000 hours which has identified more than 130 compliance issues - but so far, no one has been prosecuted. Stuart Anderson, Director of Fisheries Management for MPI, said part of the trial was learning how the review process would work. But after

continued viewing all the MPI is doing is making excuses to protect the industry which doesn’t wash. They don’t need this much evidence to prosecute recreational fishers so why are they discriminating against them. From what has been viewed, the offences have been stacking up. Of the 133 cases of suspected non-compliance, six cases of fish coded as recreational catch when they were caught with commercial nets has been found. Also not recorded were 44 cases of non-quota species being discarded,

14 cases of seafloor material being dredged up, four cases of seabird catches and 15 catches of undersized fish. Nash is also part of the problem He said: “What we don’t want to do is prosecute when we don’t think we can win. Part of this is about educating fishermen and women about what our expectations are - what the law is.” Meanwhile every comm fisher is laughing at him. Cameras on fishing vessels will need Cabinet approval first and the hold-up there while always be NZ First who have been receiving donations from the industry.

Canada expels salmon farms

https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/bc-fishfarms-broughton-archipelago- 1.4946570?fbclid=IwAR28p8tfyiiD_ L2yu2nelU3tOMeouW9E24rIn15us_riY3rjBeGg4loLdFg

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Why Marine Reserves don’t work

NZ First is pushing for the appointment of World Wildlife Fund NZ (WWF) chief executive Livia Esterhazy, the sources said. WWF has a partnership with Moana New Zealand, an iwi fishing giant that owns half of Sealord, and which is involved in stewardship programmes. Some in the fishing industry see thenon-governmental organisation as more friendly as a result. The Ministers would surely not contemplate the lunacy of introducing Marine Reserves to the Hauraki Gulf when all the reserves around the Gulf have caused the fish stock in the closed areas to decline. Marine Reserves DO NOT WORK! Despite the vast amount of recreational fishers and the commercial fishers still exporting fish from the inner gulf, the area has the best fishery in NZ and the stocks are increasing. It’s very simple, fish seek three things in their lives, Sex, Food, Temperature. When the Goat Island reserve was first started thousands of people went there and fed the fish. DoC decided to stop people from feeding the fish because it was disturbing the fish and people might get bitten. There is no way the fish will put up with thousands of people making heaps of noise unless you feed them. With the creation of a reserve Doc have created an unnatural amount of human pressure on a marine ecosystem. Even those who have recorded the failure of the marine reserve concept are so practically inept that they don’t understand that to extend the failed reserves will only create a bigger failure and deplete the fishery even further.

Fish and crayfish stock are lower now at the popular Leigh Marine Reserve than when the reserve was first established. Increased fishing outside the reserve is being blamed, with calls for the Goat Island reserve to be extended 3 kilometres from the shore rather than the current 800 metres. University of Auckland Senior Lecturer Dr Nick Shears says that while the reserve still harbours higher abundances and much larger sized crayfish and snapper than the surrounding coast, the population sizes are closely linked to the state of the wider fishery. Fish numbers shot up after the reserve was first established in the 1970’s, University of Auckland Marine Ecology Associate Professor Dr Mark Costello says. But over the past few decades, those numbers have been declining. If you stop and think about it why would healthy fish leave a reserve? As the fish numbers grow and the fish get larger in size the ability for them all to feed in the same area diminishes. Fair enough. As DoC makes it illegal to feed the fish in a reserve it’s likely the fish will go elsewhere. It’s called nature. The fish are likely to leave in droves, some coming back and others continuing. Common sense, you wouldn’t hang around to starve. Also, with the election results so close it would be unwise to upset a fishery with so many recreational fishers whose new fishing concepts of catch and release have been responsible for the rebuild of the Hauraki Gulf fish. A sensible solution

If we are serious about rebuilding the Hauraki Gulf even more a more sensible approach would be to ban the long liners completely and then implement rolling reserves in the three areas Bay of island, Bay of Plenty as well.

If an area 30 nautical miles along the coastline out to the 12 nautical mile line (already on charts) was locked up. And we could do this in several locations around the coastline. We could call them rolling reserves. These rolling reserves should be shut up completely for a period of say five years then opened up to fishing only and the reserve concept rolled over into the next area. This would allow for the growth of essential kelp and then the fish would eat the large amount of kina already present. If one of each of the commercial fleet one seiner, one longliner and one scallop boat was allowed to fish the area with a limited TAC then everyone would benefit. Marine Reserves are for those people that don’t understand why Marine Reserves don’t work and don’t know what else to do to solve the problem, because they lack the knowledge, experience and basic common sense to solve the issue. There is more than enough proof that specific Marine Reserves don’t work and with a rolling reserve it still makes areas accessible in time and are more acceptable to everyone. It accomplishes the task where everyone benefits and more specifically the fish.

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Tourism and Fishing Ministries missing the boat

Indonesia has recently announced that it aims to be the best world class fishing destination in the world, and has just hosted the 2018 Indonesia Fishing Tournament. The NZ Fisheries Ministry in its quest to decimate the inshore fishery by failing to support recreational fishing is likely to miss out on yet another brilliant opportunity to boost our economy. Dwisuryo Indroyono Soesilo, the Tourism Ministry’s marine tourism development acceleration team head, said the ministry collaborated with the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry when they hosted the 2018 Indonesia Fishing Tournament. “The first event of the tournament was held in Banggai, Central Sulawesi, we have also set the fishing zone in Banggai to be promoted as a fishing tourism site,” he said. Soesilo stated his hope that the tournament would be the beginnings of developing fishing tourism as an activity with economic value. “We are finalizing the draft of the Recreational Fishing Guide,” he said. They are also hosting the North Maluku Wild International Fishing Tournament. The Indonesian government had started to map potential marine tourism destinations where activities could be developed

such as diving, kayaking, snorkeling and surfing. The Tourism Law states that fishing tourism is a marine tourism product. However, its development is considered slow, especially compared to diving tourism, with spots in Indonesia that are recognized as world class. Last year, the country hosted the 2017 Widi International Fishing Tournament on Widi Island, South Halmahera regency, North Maluku. It abided by the international standard set by the International Game Fish Association (IGFA) and The Billfish Foundation (TBF). Around 1,500 people took part in the tournament, with 175 coming from Japan, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, Thailand and the United States. Indonesia have recognised that much of its inshore fishing has been devastated and with its new approach plans to utilise these areas in a manner to boost their economy.Wise thinking! And yet that’s what we want. Here in New Zealand charter fishing operators spend thousands of advertising dollars worldwide encouraging anglers and fishermen from both the freshwater and saltwater genre to come here spend their money and leave.

Salmon Confidential

So can someone explain why the government is so hell bent on destroying both our inshore fishery and freshwater fisheries? It doesn’t make sense when these areas have the potential to not only create jobs but boost those already providing the service that overseas tourist are looking for. Everyone becomes a winner as these tourists have to sleep somewhere, drive around and eat. Many people want the excitement of catching their own fish and seafood, then to be able to cook it and dine on the culinary delights. We even have some that just want to catch it and let it go. The safety record of our charter operators is extremely good probably because most of these dedicated sea dogs are expert in their field. The self-centred self-seeking inward thinking of our tourism and fisheries ministries just shows that our bureaucrats are entrenched in their little cubicles in Wellington and really need to get on a bus and travel around the fishing spots to identify what New Zealand has available and how that can be utilised for the benefit of not just our economic growth but the health and well-being of our remote inland and coastal communities

This is a documentary about Salmon Farms in Canada and their Diseased Salmon This shocking documentary by film maker Twyla Roscovich and biologist Alexandra Morton discovers

British Columbia’s wild salmon are testing positive for dangerous European salmon viruses associated with salmon farming worldwide and how a chain of events is set off by the Canadian government

to suppress the findings contained within this documentary. https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=fTCQ2IA_Zss Fortunately we don’t have these problems present here in New Zealand to the same extent. But the industry does have wide spread issues.

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Casting flies and aspersions by Rex N. Gibson

1968 on the shore

Over my “fishing life” I have heard a lot of opinions on the plus and minus aspects of fly fishing. It is still often called “elitist”, and many people just find the skill “too bloody complicated” to master. These poor souls are sometimes the ones who, in despair, cast aspersions about elitism. For a few, IT IS elitist; or at least this few have pretensions that are elitist, rather than the sport being so. The origins of such elitism come from the social dinosaurism that has carried over from the days when the primary socialisation propaganda (brain washing), even here in Aotearoa, promoted the English class system and the “glory” of Empire. Trout fishing in the U.K. became the prerogative of the upper classes and the “wannabe” nouveau-riche.

2017 on the purpose built jetty

This was largely facilitated by the upper classes control of property rights; especially as they pertained to the ownership of rivers. I suspect that some anglers here fancied themselves as imitation English gentry. In the “real world” most people in New Zealand fly fish because it is way more effective, in most habitats, than spin fishing. As anyone who spin fishes will tell you that it is most effective at dawn and dusk. Here in our mid-latitude regions that can mean dawn is before 6 am, and dusk well after evening drinks time. Fly anglers also value these dawn and dusk “catching” times but most actually concentrate on, and enjoy, “office hours”. This effectiveness comes from the relative lack of water disturbance by correctly presented fly lines and the greater realism of the terminal tackle in fly fishing. There is however another factor that I believe is crucial in comparisons between the two approaches to freshwater angling. It is energy expenditure. I have helped tutor new fly fishing enthusiasts for about 25 years. A couple of points are worth noting; women are far easier to coach than men, and some men just seem to wear themselves out trying. Inside many males there is a surfcaster trying to get out. They seem determined to put as much energy into the casting as possible. Women, in contrast, catch on very quickly to the idea that it is all aboutdexterous coordination and timing. Many men are initially more concerned

with distance than accuracy; and therein lay their downfall. Some retailers offer personal casting tuition for a fee, and the Christchurch Fishing and Casting Club is one of the clubs which provides free tuition sessions for beginners throughout September. My experience helping here is that the beginners would be best learning the basics form a club and then perfecting their skills with a qualified instructor through their local retailer if needed. Fly fishing means managing a fly rod and line in a special way to (a) get the fly in the right place to catch a fish, (b) avoid hooking up with the nearest tree, matagouri bush, etc., and (c) avoid hooking yourself. Learning how to master this “special way” can be done by reading books, watching videos (usually on You Tube), or being shown by an experienced caster. The problem with reading about it is always the, often verbose, technical jargon. I have read and reread some explanations and still don’t know what the hell they mean. You tube is useful, but there are a real variety of styles and some videos are very ponderous. Most people I know respond best to a hands-on learning experience. Christchurch Fishing and Casting Club’s fly casting tuition in Hagley Park, Christchurch. Whichever way you learn the language of fly casting has to be overcome at the same time: back, forward, overhead and side casts, loop, shooting, drag, roll, slack line, leader, tippet, weight forward, sinking and floating lines, and so on. Despite that I have found that managing wrist, elbow, and shoulder movements, and learning to stop your back cast at the 12 o’clock position are the real keys to unlocking success. A “limp wristed” approach is fatal. Years of spin fishing often mean that anglers rely too heavily on the flick of a wrist. Overcoming this is a major step in casting successfully. Another major one is to shift the effort from a surf cast-

Fly fishing for a day should not feel like running a marathon. However I know many fly fishers who rotate their shoulders almost 45 degrees, left and right, as they cast. They can get great distance, and be quite accurate, but I get exhausted just watching their efforts. I guess it is just my opinion but a day on the water should be a day of leisure whilst communing with the natural world.

Tutoring beginners 2005

If you are a beginner, or a spin


angler who is tired of having to

er’s shoulder to the elbow. Why?

get up at “sparrows fart”, then get

The deterioration of New Zealand’s





lowland fisheries means that most

club members and just focus on:

anglers have to invest heavily in






petrol to get themselves to the better




fisheries. If you have parted out






many dollars for a tank of petrol,






and probably a four-wheel drive vehicle also, then you want to get as

Most books and videos suggest practising on grass once you have

much quality time in, on the water,





as possible on each trip. If your casting style parallels that of a surf caster then your exhaustion over a day is much greater than someone who has mastered “the art”. Art; as shown in the movie “A river runs through it”.

in your local park. The other options, on water, in Christchurch are using Victoria Lake in Hagley

Park, or the lawns and/or ponds at the Groynes. Remember that as fly hooks are lethal weapons, and

these places are “no fishing” areas, at least for adults, you may only have a piece of wool (a “hook less” fly), or similar, as your terminal tackle. When done properly, fly fishing gives you more flexible time options and expends less energy and be warned, it is highly addictive; especially once you start catching more fish. Mastering the casting is, of course, only the first step in a fascinating journey to become a competent “office hours” angler. Clubs are the venues where the rest of the myth and mysteries of fly fishing can be unravelled.

Health Threat Posed By Canterbury Rivers

The debate about trout farming has been going on for some decades. The current proponents for trout farming have a better chance to succeed than all previous attempts. With the unproven success of salmon farms many of the reasons (poaching, disease, black market selling etc.) cited to oppose trout farming have been considerably strengthened.

However the real danger for trout farming is hidden in the sub-clause that allows fishing rights to be sold on fish farms.

26ZNFishing rights not to be sold or let (1) Every person commits an offence against this Act who sells or lets the right to fish in any freshwater. (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the expression sells or lets the right to fish does not include— (a) the selling or letting of fishing rights on any licensed fish farm to the general public.

A few points of concern contained in the loose definition of a fish farm are: whilst fish are generally farmed for consumption there is no law that prohibits them to be farmed for both sport and consumption as it is legal to sell such farmed fish dead or alive. The general assumption is that the tourist or visitor angler aimed fishing activity on such farms is carried out in very confined ponds located on the farm properties. As far as Section 26 ZN is concerned there are no legal regulations pertaining to the ownership, size, number, location and still or running water of such “fish out” ponds as long as there remains a legal umbilical cord to a fish farm. Therefore it is legally possible for an operator who wanted to establish a commercial sport fishing facility to do so by simply being a small share holder (part owner) of a distant fish farm, with regards to the Anatoki Salmon Farm in Takaka where resident and visitors can catch a salmon and pay for the weighed fish. No licence or fee is charged to fish. You only pay for what you take. The fish farm owner could regularly

stock a number of ponds of any size or perhaps even a stream that runs through his property. He may even be able to stretch the fish farm connection to a leased property. His venture could be many miles away from the actual fish farm. Thinking this through a bit further this opportunity would be available to all owners/shareholders of a fish farm. With this connection it may well mean that one or two fish farms could supply a number of commercial fishing ventures in different parts of the country. Under Subsection 2a such operators could charge anglers to fish for sport fish on such establishments. Such ventures can operate outside the orbit of Fish and Game and clients of such facilities do not need a Fish and Game license. Commercial trout fishing establishments are very common and popular in many parts of the world and with the right promotion they could be so here as well. We do it with prawns already near Taupo. The door is already half open and all that is needed for it to be kicked down completely is for trout farming to be legalized. There is a new move to establish trout farms but are they for recreational purposes or solely for commercial gain or both? Yes proposals for trout farming are perennial….and the pressure just keeps mounting as the proponents find another angle every time they try, and it is getting harder and harder to argue. On top of legal protection we also need a change in mentality and an adjustment to the modern views on carnivorous species farming so that trout farming will be banned forever to allow for tourists and visitors to utilise the facilities already available via trout fishing guides nationwide. We do not need trout farms we just need the do-gooders and greenies on the same page as the economic benefits to our country. From a pure economical point of view, farming trout in NZ doesn’t make any sense. To be financially profitable trout farming in NZ would have to compete with Chile

Scientific testing of popular Canterbury fishing and swimming rivers has produced disturbing findings, including the presence of dangerous disease-causing bacteria and antibiotic resistant E. coli. Fish and Game commissioned the independent testing after anglers raised concerns about the potential risk of infection they were running due to river pollution and the increasing number of dairy cows in Canterbury. The tests samples were collected from the Ashley, Selwyn and Rangitata rivers in May and September and tested by Massey

University’s Institute of Agriculture and Environment. The findings show the presence of E. coli, antibiotic resistant E. coli and a dangerous strain of bacteria called shiga toxin-producing E. coli or STEC. STEC infection is a notifiable disease in New Zealand. It is a strain of E. coli which produces shiga toxin and can cause severe disease, including bloody diarrhea and kidney failure. The two most common E. coli strains found in the testing only come from ruminants, such as cows. The scale of dairying in Canterbury is staggering. The region has 1.3 million cows and each of them produces

around 68 litres of effluent a day. This means 32 billion litres of effluent is introduced into the environment each and every year.. While some of it is captured by effluent systems, or taken up in soil, much of it sits on the land until it is washed into waterways. In 2017, New Zealand voters demonstrated they are fed up with having their waterways polluted. The coalition government has responded with a freshwater programme to improve water quality but these test results show that programme must urgently make fundamental changes to land use.

Trout farming - to be or not to be

and Norway. This condition means that the scale required would be to farm in fiords. In NZ there are only two places where you could do this: Fiordland and the Marlborough Sounds which are already choking with salmon and mussel farms. On smaller scale trout farmed in NZ could be marketed as “pure and green…” and would fetch tremendous prices overseas. We cannot see that one flying for much longer as the overseas opinion starts to realize that the only thing that is green in NZ is the grass and that is debatable as well. If NZ wants to be a leader in fish farming then it would need to encourage the farming at sea that needs other fish to grow but not fresh water species. In Chile there are more fish caught to feed salmon than humans and they are battling all the nasty epidemics that come from overcrowding fish and disease. Salmon need to swim a lot and now we start to understand that if they cannot swim enough then they get stressed and weaken their immune system. The owners’ then use tons of antibiotics in an aborted to attempt to control the loss by mortality. Water temperature and water flows also play a big part along with under farm pollution, which is denied but after a period of time the bottom fouling becomes more than obvious. Policing and audits by councils are another hazard as this opens the door for corruption and compliance issues are more often than not swept under the carpet. The industry in Chile was established by Norwegians who fled the tightening up of regulations about antibiotics and hormones in Norway to go to a more naïve and lenient country. Watch

You Tube “Salmon confidential” and you will see the many issues we in New Zealand ignore.

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Didymo Dave


By the time this article is read it will be 2019, a brand new year and I’d like to make some suggestions about what I hope people are going to do this year. Yes, some people are already doing lots of the things I’m going to suggest and that’s great. But I’m sure there is more people could do, quite simply with very little cost that would help our country. So let’s look at some of those ideas. Firstly, I hope more people will sell out to the CHECK CLEAN DRY programme. I spend a lot of time on riverbanks around Taupo and the Taumarunui area and it saddens me that compliance to the CCD programme is still way off the mark. In fact I’m positive the percentage of fishermen cleaning their gear between the Taupo tributaries is less than SO%. So at what stage are we going to accept that the rivers are the GOLDEN GOOSE and the fishing is the golden eggs not the other way around? Look after the GOLD- EN GOOSE and we will have golden eggs. So I hope more people will realise the risk that freshwater pests pose to the waterways we value and buy into the CCD programme this year and always move with clean gear to protect the GOLDEN GOOSE? Then while they are out

there, I hope they will start to see that our waterways need help. I could count on the fingers of one hand how many fishermen I see each year with a rubbish bag. One experience I had in 2018 was to take a group of students from Tongariro High School down onto the banks of the Tongariro River to look at the environment. Quite honestly I was disgusted that Pakeha fishermen stood on the banks chatting and didn’t even acknowledge or say thank you to the young ladies who picked up rubbish around them. So I hope more people will take rubbish bags with them and clean up the banks of the pools they are fishing while they are there. And while they are doing that, I’m hoping fishermen and other people who walk the riverbanks might start to do some weed control while they are there. I’m not talking big stuff, but how difficult would it be to pull out a couple of broom, wild cherry, contonaster seedlings each time they went up the river. I reckon moving with clean gear, picking up a bit of rubbish and pulling out a couple of seedlings is pretty simple stuff. Then there is the vermin war I’m running placing traps on the Hinemaiaia

Stream. In 2018 Lesley Hosking and Chris Pritt decided to help and took over a couple of the trap lines. I was rapt, freed me up to do more work in the stream valley, so I’m hopeful some other people might decide to give us a hand in 2019. But not just on the rivers, while some duckshooters have traps around their maimai’s I’m sure many still haven’t realised the impact vermin have on the duck population. Trapping is one very good way of helping the du.ck population. Then there are the farmers and many of them don’t realise that while they are tucked up in bed sound asleep at night, disease carrying vermin like Rats, Stoats, Weasels n Ferrets may be running around their farm. A pig farmer borrowed a trap off me because he had seen a rat around his piggery. He stopped counting after he had caught 35! So there are a lot more vermin running around at night than we realise! And finally, I hope people will start to pay more to biosecurity in general cause New Zealand is under attack. In 2018 a snake was found in an imported car, ships were turned around because they were infested with the stink bug and the Mycoplasma bovis incursion is costing our country hundreds of millions of $$$. So let’s look after Aotearoa/ New Zealand in 2019!

Anticoagulants found in fresh water fish

Research on the exposure of the environment and accumulation of these active substances in biota has been found in fresh water fish according to German study (2018): “An amount of approximately 50 kg of anticoagulant rodenticide active substance is used annually for rat control in sewers and above ground by municipal authorities in Germany, with approximately 75% were used exclusively for sewer baiting (Krüger and Solas 2010). This is the first evidence of anticoagulant rodenticides in fish and suspended particulate matter. Given this relatively moderate amount of use, the prevalence of detectable rodenticide residues in fish samples appears surprisingly high.”

https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11356-018-1385-8 Anticoagulant rodenticides (ARs) have been used for decades for rodent control worldwide. When people talk about our polluted waterways we need to include rodenticides. Scientist Mike Joy ought to be aware of this issue but for some reason he never mentions it!

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Freshwater Amendment Bill is a rorte

With regard to Minister Sage’s comments that the removal of trout in recent years has been done with the approval of Fish and Game this is not correct. Fish and Game objected to the removal of Trout from Zealandia but they went ahead anyway. They have also removed trout from Barton’s Lagoon as part of a trial but have continued beyond the time line that our approval gave them. The writing was on the wall for Fish and Game within a few years of Fish and Game being created from incompetent management practices - relating to gamebird hunting, the environment, 1080, etc., etc. On top of this Fish and Game gave IWI a permit to kill game birds at any time! The Minister needs to understand that most of the angling public are a mature group of people who she needs to listen to. Most have been fishing the various waterways around New Zealand for many decades. We have seen firsthand where the damage to the rivers has come from and have worked tirelessly with various Ministers and government officials who have repeatedly failed to listen to the ideas and solutions that have been given. It is an indictment on the Department of Conservations bureaucrats some of who come from questionable backgrounds, only to end up in positions of power with hidden agendas. These self-seeking bureaucrats have no place in our democratic institution yet are protected by the State Services Commission as forthright and well-meaning people when in fact they are the very low life that have destroyed much of our National Parks through poor and lacking decision making. How do you get any commonsense thinking through to PC-driven ecoextremists who view any form of “recreational” fishing – and especially ‘catch and release fly fishing’ - as ‘torturing beautiful but harmful, poor little introduced predator fishes on a hook for several minutes for pleasure; before bopping them on the head for food, or

releasing them traumatized back into the rivers, lakes and streams; to gobble up fast-vanishing, but inedible, indigenous species? The hamstringing of Fish and Game started when they were set up under the Conservation Law Reform Act 1987 by making Fish and Game directly responsible to the Minister i.e. DOC. Over decades government made attempts way back in 1940’s and through 1960’s and 70’s to take over. Does anyone remember the Hunn Report? Many anglers opposed Labour’s attempt in 1970’s to take over Acclimatisation Societies and got verbally abused by the pathetic PM of the time. He called them “ignorant, loose witted and emotionally obsessed”. They laughed at him. The point is sportsmen fought the several takeover threats and government backed off every time. But the Conservation Law Reform Act 1987 was a disguised takeover by making the new Fish and Game council responsible to DoC. Acclimatisation societies agreed with it! Why didn’t Acclimatisation Societies realise it? Dumb or deliberate? Further weakening of Fish and Game occurred when the national fishing licence came in. It heavily reduced income. If you wanted to knee cap an organisation, cut its funding. Simple. Why weren’t the sums done on the financial impact of the national licence? Dumb or deliberate? Think about it.

And don’t forget that Ms Sage filled the shoes of the previous Minister very well – both being totally incompetent! Doesn’t she state DOC can override Fish and Game? Otherwise no definitive answer that Iwi can’t be prevented, from owning trout and salmon in future. Again are we missing something in that this bypasses the main issues? So, no hint of a concession that the proposed Bill might have even been ambiguous, let alone just plain

wrong (just a snide sneer at Sir Geoffrey Palmer and Fish and Game). There is no explanation provided as to why MPI were consulted about the Bill, but not Fish and Game (who are an affected party). There is a clear indication that DOC intend to manage waterways over the top of Fish and Game, while neglecting to mention that the Bill provides them with a mechanism to do that by unscrutinised regulation. Sage’s letter does give a clear indication that the removal of sports fish from the protections from sale and farming came from MPI, but does not acknowledge that the changes can relate to sports fish as well as indigenous fish. That screams ‘hidden agenda and political deal’ to me. That threat remains. The section of the letter on inclusion in Treaty Settlements is also an outright lie. Simply retaining the words ‘sports fish’ in the legislation would have been sufficient. The fact that the word ‘sports’ was deliberately removed gives effect to that lie. So, Sage (quite possibly the worst Minister of Conservation we have ever had, - and we have had some doozie’s), is saying quite clearly that she intends the Bill, as written, to stand. That tells me that she has been lobbying and thinks that she has the numbers, both in the Select Committee and the House. The question is, where are those numbers coming from? The next question is ‘what do we do about it’? DOC has, with lots of support from all Fish and Game Councils, successfully destroyed the Fish and Game Council structure – with three councils under serious investigation, close to $2 million spent on mallard research to determine why mallard numbers had plummeted, plus a move to reduce the number of councils from 12 to 6 is underway! Now that duck shooting is dead on the water – plus a move to eliminate trout fishing – the Fish and Game structure is stuffed! And it is now far too late to re-establish the Acclimatisation Societies!

Study to end speculation around cadmium levels

The environmental impact of cadmium (Cd) could help farmers reduce their fertiliser usage and prevent the buildup of the toxic heavy metal in soils and waterways under a new study. The Ministry of Business Innovation has awarded a $999,808 grant to Waikato University to undertake the two-year project. Cd is a naturally occurring toxic heavy metal that accumulates in soil. The Waikato Regional Council is well aware of the extremely high toxic levels on some Waikato farms and estimates that around 8.3 tonnes of Cd is currently applied to Waikato soils each year.

The largest single source of Cd is superphosphate fertiliser. The effects of Cd downstream are not well understood, even though other studies have been done which suggest it was mobile. Studies have shown that Cadmium accumulation rates have recently slowed which did not match the amount of fertiliser going onto farmland. There is very good reason to believe it is moving outside the soil. It could be leaching into groundwater and accumulating in plants. According to the Ministry for Primary Industries, the amount of Cd in the diet of the average New Zealander falls within World Health

Organisation guidelines – and is well below levels that affect human health however this is disputed as the MPI are well known for moving the goalposts to suit their agenda. Naturally high levels of Cd are also found in some shellfish and crustaceans and people can be exposed to Cd from smoking cigarettes. It is believed that there is Cd moving into the lakes probably via the suspended material, the particles floating in the water. The results of the study should help the fertiliser industry and farmers be more precise about how much fertiliser they should be applying to their soils.

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An Irishman and an Englishman walk into a bakery. The Englishman steals 3 buns and puts them into his pockets and leaves. He says to the Irishman, “That took great skill and guile to steal those buns. The owner didn’t even see me.” The Irishman replied, “That’s just simple thievery, I’ll show you how to do it the honest way and get the same results.” The Irishman then proceeded to call out the owner of the bakery and says, “Sir, I want to show you a magic trick.” The owner was intrigued so he came over to see the magic trick. The Irishman asked him for a bun and then he proceeded to eat it. He asked 2 more times and after eating them again the owner says, “Okay my friend, where’s the magic trick?”. The Irishman then said, “Look in the Englishman’s pockets.”

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Lies, Damned Lies, and ECAN

– Canterbury’s water issues unmasked by Peter Trolove executive member of NZFFA

Result of Ecan sprays

Part 1 Dirty Politics Environment Canterbury (ECAN) is the marketing name of the Canterbury Regional Council, a council charged with managing Canterbury’s land air and water. The regional council was captured by a small but powerful set of business leaders who were determined to irrigate central Canterbury. The 2008 recession and the Christchurch earthquakes distracted the wider community allowing the Key government to support this group with enabling legislation - The Environment Canterbury Temporary Commissioners and Improved Water Management Act (2010) and its associated Canterbury Water Management Strategy, (CWMS). Democratic process and balance

Macrophytes, algae, slime in a Rakaia flood plain spring

afforded by the RMA were cast aside for an irrigation free for all. The problems we all face as a result were well understood by the Canterbury Regional Council (nitrate pollution associated with irrigating Canterbury soils) since the 1980’s. It is a blatant lie for ECAN and the dairy industry to say they did not know. Nitrogen is an indicator of pathogens, and there is no will to address this as there is too much corporate

Sediment N Rakaia

and investment money involved. Mike Joy’s latest message on water pollution has been blunted by propaganda. ECAN’s record of protecting the region’s fresh water resource is abysmal, since the implementation of the ECAN Act (2010): Canterbury has the highest per capita GDP and worst water pollution of any province in New Zealand. Canterbury’s surface water and aquifers are over allocated for irrigation. In 2017 many rivers and streams simply dried up. Canterbury National Water Conservation Orders are worthless. The once internationally and nationally recognized Rakaia recreational fishery has collapsed. Nitrate levels in the Hinds and Selwyn Rivers and Hart’s Creek exceed levels for survival of salmonid eggs and fry. F&G surveys confirm a marked decline in angler visits to low land rivers and streams. A number of rural wells have nitrate levels that exceed the NPS FM (maximum) Standards for human health. Several of the region’s rivers and streams exceed the NPS FM nitrate standards. Canterbury has had at least one

confirmed “blue baby” death due to (nitrate) polluted ground water. Ground water in the Waimakariri, Selwyn, and Hinds water zones show increasing levels of nitrate in their aquifers. The Christchurch aquifers are threatened by polluted groundwater flows connected with the Waimakariri zone (Eyre River). Belfast and North Christchurch groundwater show increasing nitrate levels. Ratepayers have been disenfranchised. ECAN controlled water zone committees are stacked with water users. ECAN has a poor record of consent monitoring and applying sanctions when non-compliance is found. ECAN has allowed adjacent landowners to appropriate thousands of hectares of riparian margins. Fish screens mandated on ECAN consents for the region’s irrigation schemes are useless. ECAN sprays the region’s (over allocated) braided river beds annually with defoliating levels of glyphosate and eco-toxic surfactants in an attempt to counter the build of gravel. This causes high levels of sediment which smother the lower braids. ECAN’s pollution consents (nitrogen use) determine the price of farmland in Canterbury – the higher the pollution consent the higher the land value. ECAN was appropriated by the government to deliver the greatest development of irrigated farmland in the history of the province. ECAN’s pro irrigation structure explains the poor state of the region’s aquatic ecosystems. ECAN spends massively on “good news” propaganda to counter the resulting environmental damage. Dairying on coarse porous Canterbury soils have be found to be not environmentally sustainable. The water debate has divided the community. ECAN is leaving toxic legacy (both political and environmental) for future generations to address. This article is an alternative perspective from a passionate angler and conservationist who participated at the 2012 ECAN Lake Coleridge Project Hearing to amend the NWCO Rakaia River (1988). The (dirty) politics are discussed in the complete article in Part I and technical comment on the pollution will be provided in a later article. (Part II). [The message of part II is to end short term policies that damage aquatic ecosystems to the detriment of future generations and address the present pollution issues]. The complete article in detail can be viewed at http://www.fishingoutdoors.org/fishing-information/ freshwater-fishing-articles/3576- lies,-damned-lies,-and-ecan.html At a Council hearings evidence cannot be crossed examined, and the ECan Act stipulated that appeals could only be made on points of process. The 107 pages of explanation supporting the Commissioner’s recommendations covered all points of law in clear and concise detail. Without cross examination, the panel of Commissioners had to defer to the (unchallenged) expert opinions and evidence of Trustpower and ECan’s expert witnesses. The Ecan Act made the outcome a certainty. The final Hearing was over in two weeks. Why did anyone bother turning up? “Once the winner had been chosen it was left to ECan to provide the course and officials. Trustpower was to provide the horses and hire the jockeys. The punters were incidental to the proceedings, but welcome to turn up if they chose”. Eugenie Sage failed at several levels:

Private consent shifting major braid of WCO

1. She was well informed of the pollution/nitrate issue as an ex Ecan councilor elected on the Green ticket. 2. She advised me not to claim “expert witness” recognition suggesting I would have greater freedom to comment on a wider range of topics. I believe this was a mistake because it cost me the right of rebuttal of evidence where I could have a better opportunity to high light the weaknesses in Trustpower’s submission 3. It would have taken very little

Representative fish of what the Rakaia used to be like in February 2005 - “a good sea trout just shy of 10 lbs, salmon 8.5 lbs and a resident of the braids, 6 lb rainbow trout [note the contrast in condition factor]

effort to re-submit her prepared submission. Perhaps someone had explained the futility of doing so. The irony of Eugenie’s appointment to associate minister for the environment. MfE was a key participant in the ECan ploy and continues in the role of managing the ECan elections - joint MfE and M Internal Affairs project. The consequences for the Rakaia With the government appointed

Unconsented drains

commissioners empowered to act as “princes of today” rushing through irrigation policy, Ecan managers and staff have taken their cue from the top. Issues affecting the region’s aquatic environments have been viewed with secondary concern. Marked buildup of sediment, mud, and algal mats in the lagoon and lower braids caused by Ecan’s own river engineers is a major factor that has caused the fishery to collapse. Cantabrians must be alert to possible gerrymandering of ECan representation and to vote in the 2019 elections. In a democracy urban and rural ratepayers should have equal votes – we hold the region’s water in common and it is our best interest to ensure our aquifers continue to supply pure potable water. We should demand the present government urgently repeals the ECan Act and our WCOs are restored. We should ask for a moratorium in order to re-visit the decision to proceed with stage III of the Lake Coleridge Project. We should take the opportunity to learn from the tyranny of the ECan Act and stay alert to attacks on our democracy.

Snapper could be eradicated from Hauraki Gulf

Tassal’s waste disposal system. (Supplied: Tassal)


Shane Jones plans to spend several million dollars from his Rural Development Fund to assist the aquaculture industry in the Hauraki Gulf to more than double the harvest. Is this the industries secret plan to eradicate snapper from the Hauraki Gulf? Sound stupid does it? Then read on. Snapper have been the mussel farmer’s enemy ever since the mussel farms started, as they eat the spat and destroy a lot of young mussels. Yet over in Australia the salmon industry is planning to move its farms from shallow waters because of ‘concerns about deteriorating water quality in the harbour, disease outbreaks in five Tassal pens and activists accuse the Government of lifting the cap on fish stocks to accommodate Tassal.’ The DO or deprived oxygen caused through fish farming will drive snapper out of the area and deprive recreational fishers of the ability to fish inside the Gulf area. On August 21, 2015 Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (DPIPWE) commissions

New Zealand’s Cawthron Institute to conduct an external review of how Macquarie Harbour

Fisheries ministers meeting in Brussels to decide EU quotas for next year have set some stocks within levels scientists deem sustainable but left many others vulnerable to overfishing. The ministers also said there would be a review of the planned ban on the discarding of edible fish at sea, which could, in effect, mean the wasteful practice is allowed to continue despite an eight-year battle to end it. George Eustice, a EU Fisheries minister, said: “We entered into discussions knowing that a good deal needed to carefully balance progress towards sustainability targets while ensuring that we listen to the scientific evidence on the health of fish stocks and safeguard a profitable future for our hardworking fleet.” This sort of mumbo jumbo is a typical statement from a politician under pressure from big business to make more profit for the commercial fishery stakeholders. In reality, if the EU fishery is so delicate that a room full of politicians talk all night about how best to balance the allocation of fish stocks, then it is already too late. Fact, there either is enough fish or there isn’t and the commercial fishers know exactly how many fish they have caught versus how many fish they recorded as being caught.

is being monitored. In their report, researchers confirm the waterway is under stress, with plunging dissolved oxygen levels and rising ammonia and nitrate levels. The executive summary states: “Seabed video surveys show changes in benthic indicators that are symptomatic of increased organic enrichment, and water quality monitoring indicates a harbour-wide decline in dissolved oxygen (DO),” it says. “There are related concerns that fish health status in Macquarie Harbour is indicating a biological system under stress.” They advise caution on expansion. On November 15, 2016, the EPA’s first review finds non-compliance in its first review of the salmon industry. It finds the DO in the harbour was very low and bacteria around farms are not in compliance. Wes Ford says there were significant visual impacts at the four leases. On March 14, 2017 Huon Aquaculture says it has obtained evidence salmon farming has damaged the World Heritage Area. The company records underwater vision one kilometre inside the WHA boundary showing the bacteria beggiatoa, which is used by regulators as a sign that salmon farms are having an impact on the environment. “There’s a severe problem with the sediments at that end of the harbour particularly,” Huon’s Frances Bender says. “Our concerns are based on valid evidence and science,” she says. “This has got nothing to do with commercial issues - this is to do with doing what’s right. Tassal gets to exceed biomass cap On May 5, 2017, after announcing the biomass cap in MH would be reduced from 14,000 to 12,000 from June, the EPA says Tassal will be permitted to overstock their pens since they were trialling a waste collection method. EPA chief Wes Ford says if Tassal did not place the novel waste-catching liners under its pens they would

The massive trawl vessels of the EU fleet are only designed to bulk harvest tonnes of fish on a massive scale, they are not designed to farm, sustain or replenish any living thing. The Scientists can only record and based on the information gathered form an educated opinion, they can then only recommend what size they think a fish stock should be in order for it to be sustainably harvested. If the Comm Fishers under report or give false information then that is what the scientists have to work with. The politicians are supposed to use the best science available to them so they can allocate sustainably the fish stocks to those who wish to obtain seafood from our ocean. The entire intention of this falls down when the politicians start to form their own opinions base on their own personal or selfish political agendas. These politicians are a nasty species of human excrement. They know that the only way to increase the value of a fishery is to increase the biomass of the fishery so the commercial fishers can harvest more. They know that if a fishery stock increases by 10% they should only increase the commercial catch by 2%, so as not to impede the growth of the fish stock. But with four fish stocks under the control of the EU the fish stocks had increased by an average of

Petuna and Huon Aquaculture call for more rigorous regulation of Tassal’s operations. (Four Corners)

have to remove 4,000 tonnes of fish to come back under the cap. “In economic terms that is more than $60 million of fish that is currently in the harbour that had I not allowed them to grow,” he says. “Tassal can either put fish waste collection systems in or they can remove fish from the harbour.” Australian shoppers are turning away from purchasing Tasmanian salmon because of environmental concerns, according to a report slammed by Tassal and the Government. After polling 1,421 mainland Australians, the Australia Institute finds of those consumer who eat salmon, one in seven had started buying alternative products. “That market in the Australian mainland is very sensitive to environmental and social concerns,” Australia Institute Tasmania director Leanne Minshull said. On May 29, 2018, an area management agreement report provided by the three main producers — Huon Aquaculture, Petuna and Tassal — finds 1.35 million salmon died in a six month period, many due to an outbreak of disease, with the EPA flagging another reduction in the biomass limit. The report prompts Environment Tasmania to call for all farmed fish to be “emptied” from the harbour, to “give it a chance to recover”. This will be the future for the Hauraki Gulf if fish farming is allowed to commence and the Snapper fishery for recreational, customary and commercial fishers will be a total loss. https://www.abc.net.au/ news/2017-06-08/how-salmonfarming-got-to-push-macquarieharbour-to-the-limit/8349342

International Fishery, Politics for Profit

7.2% and the gutless scum politicians increased the catch to the commercial fish harvesters by 12%. Furthermore, the same parasite politicians are actually trying to allow the commercial fish harvesting monsters to discard any fish they don’t deem worthy of a place in their storage freezers to be discarded in the thousands of tonnes legally. Last but not least, the vultures of the political world consider that they have the ultimate power over the fishery and how it performs and as such what these shallow minded sodamites have forgotten is that fish like to eat fish and that nature, needs to be taken into account before man even thinks about picking up a fishing rod, let alone letting a 40 ton trawler loose. The example is if the trawlers kill all the bait fish, they will also kill the fish that eat them. There is so much money at stake in the EU fishery that the commercial fishers seem to have the ability to allocate politicians that support commercial fishing big business into the role of fishery management. Unless a miracle happens in the EU fishery management, like Bruce Lee leaping from the grave to kick all those politicians in the genital region to bring them back to reality, the EU fishery is on a fast road to destruction.

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DoC ranger threatens to kill

A Department of Conservation ranger has admitted to sleeping with a gun under his bed as he is scared of anti-1080 activists. This act on its own is a Crime under the Crimes Act and the person should have his firearms licence revoked and be placed before the Courts. It is illegal to possess a firearm and have it in your home when it is not secured. This act on its own shows the lengths that DoC will go to to gain public sympathy for the cruel acts they are carrying out against animals under the watchful eye of the RNZSPCA. Fictitious figures from DoC show that most threats against staff

have been fabricated or stretched out of proportion as DoC attempt to get public sympathy. More and more people see DoC’s use of 1080 poison to rid conservation land of the rats, stoats and possums as deceptive and a blatant lie. Some threats to DoC were made by people not involved in any anti 1080 groups yet DoC has still labelled them as activists when in fact they were operating as lone wolves but shared the view that DoC was out of control. DoC have employed trolls to make the anti-1080 people look bad and they are going all out abusing posts on social media and posting false facts about how great 1080 is.

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As more and more scientific evidence comes forward on how bad the use of 1080 on our forests and waterways is revealed the worse it gets for DoC. Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage, is said to be worse than Maggie Barry the former Minister and Nick Smith could ever be. Both conspired to have local and central government free to do whatever they liked without fear of prosecution, changing the RMA and legislation to suit their needs. Sage is an unelected puppet from Forest and Bird and the Greenies who should never have been put into this position other than the Greens collusion with the Labour Parties coalition agreement. This is likely to hurt the Labour Party dearly in the next elections as now people who supported them are understanding the treacherous acts they performed to form a government at any cost. DoC’s plan to kill every single living creature in our forests is working well.

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EPA releases annual 1080 report on aerial operations

The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has today released its report into the aerial use of 1080 during 2017, which details information on 50 aerial operations covering 875,000 hectares of land. General Manager of the EPA’s Hazardous Substances Group Dr Fiona Thomson-Carter, says: “1080 remains one of the most strictly controlled hazardous substances in New Zealand and is a critical

tool in the ongoing fight to protect our native birds from introduced predators – possums, rodents (rats and mice) and stoats.” “While around 30 research projects continue to look at 1080 alternatives and ways to improve the targeting of pests, the EPA believes the current rules around 1080 keep people and the environment safe. “The report includes information on 12 incidents of non-compliance

with the rules, and three complaints reported to the EPA,” says Dr Thomson-Carter. “All 12 incidents were investigated and none posed significant risk to public health or the environment.” “During 2016, there were 36 operations which covered a total of 1,051,201 hectares of land, due mainly to the Department of Conservation’s Battle for our Birds programme.”

Does DoC not know bats from birds?

The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has today released its report into the aerial use of 1080 during 2017, which details information on 50 aerial operations covering 875,000 hectares of land. You have to be fairly sick to believe this as dropping poisons across our country in the willy nilly uncontrolled manner can never be a good thing. The example of DDT and other poisons are classic.

The Department of Conservation has done a deal which could allow land (Ruataniwha Dam) which is home to the endangered short-tailed bat to be flooded. It believed that DoC is being unlawful in its decision to revoke the protected status of conservation land in Hawke’s Bay to make way for the Ruataniwha Dam. The land is currently home to several threatened species including the New Zealand falcon, the fernbird and the long-tailed bat. DoC has agreed to revoke the protected status of the 22 hectares in Ruahine Forest Park and swap the land for 170 hectares of private

land containing beech forest and regenerating native bush. This is a highly controversial project and there’s a large amount of political pressure to build the am. These lesser short-tailed bats who make their home in the land being given up by DoC for a dam are a threatened species. Director General of DoC, Lou Sanson’s reply to RNZ reporter was “well lots of birds of New Zealand are under threat”. Duh really? “The bats though”, prompted the reporter. Lou Sanson came back with “Yeah the bats, oh I think they’ll be absolutely fine”. Then “I don’t think this whole exchange

is going to rest and lie on the issue of bats”. Is he serious? Does Sanson not know his bats from his birds? The decision has a wider precedent for other potential revocation of other specially protected lands. These are the lands which have the best bits of ecology and plants and animals on them and this seems to set quite a dangerous precedent in terms of allowing that to happen elsewhere so that is one of the important issues people are concerned about. https://www.facebook.com/7759768730/ posts/10156292372443731/

EPA Annual 1080 report released

General Manager of the EPA’s Hazardous Substances Group Dr Fiona Thomson-Carter, says: “1080 remains one of the most strictly controlled hazardous substances in New Zealand and is a critical tool in the ongoing fight to protect our native birds from introduced predators – possums, rodents (rats and mice) and stoats.” If she believes this rubbish then nothing will convince her to look at trapping as some responsible Regional

Councils are starting to do. “While around 30 research projects continue to look at 1080 alternatives and ways to improve the targeting of pests, the EPA believes the current rules around 1080 keep people and the environment safe. There is more than enough evidence from reputed scientists and organisations that completely refute what the EPA state but they refuse to listen to anyone.

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The Rude Awakening

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choice when purchasing an outboard engine, weather it be for a new boat or a repower-solution. As we have said before, we like this. More people are RETHINKING TW0- STROKE and with good reason. 2018 saw Evinrude’s participation and presence at all the major boat shows and at various dealer-hosted demo days and fishing competitions and you can expect even more in 2019. We managed to complete numerous engine tests, often against other brands, reiterating our superior performance, torque, fuel efficiency and emissions levels. From a marketing perspective our reach has grown substantially and 2019 will see the launch of a variety of new and exciting platforms including the Evinrude News Network, introducing our new broadcaster, Nick Scott. From everyone at Evinrude New Zealand, we wish you all the best for 2019.

Good boating to you all Kevin Sharp MD Evinrude New Zealand.

Letters to editor

Bill a knee jerk reaction

Dear Sir, Personally I don’t think that this Bill is about native fish, trout, or even our waterways. Like most things that DoC does, it is all about power and control. It is about unbridled, absolute and unquestionable power over what ‘they’ want to happen in waterways, regardless of the public, Fish and Game, Regional Authorities, or anyone else. We don’t need this bill, it’s a knee jerk reaction and quite honestly a cover up for previous poor management of our water takes by previous Governments. Fisheries and aquatic resources (ponds, lakes, rivers, streams, and oceans) are exceptionally valuable natural assets enjoyed by all or people. They provide citizens with generous long-term benefits in return for minimal care and protection. These benefits can be direct financial ones that provide employment, profit, and dollar savings. For example, the seafood industry provides jobs for commercial fishers, wholesalers, and retailers. More indirect, but equally valuable, benefits of fish and aquatic ecosystems include recreational boating, sport fishing, swimming, relaxation, and natural beauty. Appreciation of fisheries and aquatic systems has been accompanied by increasing concern about the effects of growing human populations and human activity on aquatic life and water quality. Pesticides are one group of toxic compounds linked to human use that have a profound effect on aquatic life and water quality. Alan Rennie Canterbury


Dear Ed Good on you for your cover page article on Minister Sage. Good on your paper for having the fortitude to call a spade a spade and tell of the issues and threats. Sage is a Minister out of control as is her department. Your paper stands out as a voice for the trout fishers, hunters and other outdoor users. Other papers and magazines are too afraid to be “political.” But you sir have the “guts” to stand up and be counted. Bravo! D. Kennedy-Johns King Country

Kea Confusion

In the December issue of Fishing and Outdoors there was a couple of articles on kea. I’ve followed kea death issues because of poisoning by 1080 and claimed predation. The claims by DOC and its supporters are wild and contradict each other. In Te Anau last year 40 odd kea were caught in the Stuart Mountains and were banded and blood tested part of all the other nonsensical mismanagement that DOC blunders in supposedly trying to save a species. It was stated by Tamsin Orr Walker of the Kea Conservation Trust that because all the kea caught in Fiordland were juveniles that all the mature birds had fallen to predators. Yet in the Kahurangi National Park (North West Nelson) where 1080 has been dumped regularly that kea have benefited because juvenile birds are common following the drops. In short keas are said to be thriving. So which is it? The juveniles in Fiordland have no parents because of predators, but then how come the

juveniles in Kahurangi have parents. If we had a unbiased Minister of Conservation, this sort of hocus locus notch-potch would not happen. “Mother of Four” Oamaru

Listener article lacked balance and completeness

Dear Sir I enjoyed the item by Sally Blundell Listener, Nov 17 complete with graphic pictures pf threats to our coastline. Sadly it lacked balance and completeness when it failed to tell us of the greatest threat to our coastline, now going unnoticed on the back burner. Once Helen Clark’s bunch decreed that all of our foreshore and seabed would remain in crown ownership, we relaxed. Satisfied with that, we all went tosleep on the subject, heads in the sand, while behind closed doors, John Key’s Motional Party reversed the situation packaging up our foreshore and seabed as a chocolate fish to throw at tribal iwi and the Maori Party in exchange for support so they could hang on to power by a thread. National and their fraudulent public double crossing mates enabled tribes and Iwi to follow a process to gain control equivalent to ownership of the entire coast of NZ. Thus, putting an end to our traditional free access to the coastline to swim, surf, fish, launch a boat. Or walk. Once under Maori control all that would be required is to dream up some reason why the area is sacred and bingo: public exclusion. Many tribal claims double up and overlap areas. Won’t it be fun when tribes start squabbling over who gets what? And the taxpayer will have to stump up with an

alternative for any group that missed out on a chocolate fish in the scramble. It is difficult to imagine a government could double cross its citizens to satisfy racist demands and cave into arm twisting for political clout. We are on the cusp of losing our coast and not to weather, but to Maori demands buoyed by being given all and more in historical demands. Bud Jones QSM Wellington

Sage Bill Futile

I don’t think this Sage bill supposedly to stop declines in whitebait and eels, is needed. The bill is ill conceived and fails to address the likely real causes. It won’t solve decline of whitebait or eels. One measure needed, but not addressed by Sage’s bill, should be to stop ‘commercialising’ and put an end to plundering of whitebait and eels. I suspect the bill is more the work of Department of Conservation head office bureaucrat’s intent on increasing power. After all I cannot work DoC’s thinking out. But then who can? Here in Marlborough the season used to end mid-November but it was lengthened to the end of November this year. If they’re genuinely worried about whitebait, this is totally illogical. The main threat is environmental, i.e. loss of wetlands and habitat, but another is the ‘cocktail of chemicals’. Drains etc are sprayed, local councils spray roadsides and drains etc, but a major threat is diazinon, described by authorities as ‘lethal to aquatic life.’ Some years ago dead mallards on a Landcorp farm at Cape Foulwind (West Coast) were analysed - diazinon was in their systems. West Coast Fish and Game were aware but then the whole thing died and went silent. Diazinon has continued to be used Diazinon is DDT’s replacement and is widely used for grass grub control throughout NZ. Then of course there is the widespread use of 1080 with National’s Nick Smith and now Eugene Sage continuing to make megadrops. No one can say with certainty

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that 1080 is harmful or is not harmful. Research is poor or completely lacking. And much research commissioned by DoC is ‘paid, commissioned’, science that lacks objectivity, independence and integrity. Does DoC show concern about chemicals? And Fish and Game should be concerned about diazinon. What about trout? Remember diazinon is “lethal to aquatic life.” Making new laws that fail to address causes as the Sage bill does, won’t arrest whitebait and eel declines while widespread chemical use and habitat destruction continues. Tony Orman Blenheim

Sage Worst Minister

Dear Sir I liked your front page story on Eugene Sage. She is a disaster. She is so indoctrinated by Forest and Bird ideology that she cannot think straight or logically. You can look at other Conservation ministers and shake your head in disbelief. Remember Chis Carter? Goofy and incapable. Or Tim Groser? Pleasant but lacking knowledge. Kate Wilkinson? Pleasant but out of her depth in that portfolio. Nick Smith - hopeless, arrogant and like a school bully. It’s a sorry list but Ms Sage would have to be the worst. Her antics will have lost many votes come election 2020. Because Winston Peters promised to get rid of aerial 1080 and has been overridden by the Greens and Sage’s mania for killing introduced species. I predict NZ First will be history after the next election. As for the mania against introduced

The first LWFC held out on this remote archipelago east of NZ was just amazing. Known for its supersized wild ingredients, Chathams didn’t disappoint, the crowd sampled crayfish, kina, wild lamb, seaweeds, blue nose, blue cod, wild pig and tons more! This inaugural event was only made possible by the tireless work of Kaai Silbury & her team at Toni Croon’s Hotel Chatham. Special thanks to Chef Joe Mc- Cleod, Jax Hamilton & Chef Tim Aspinal (both of whom also judged) for their inspirational live demos. To our other judges Chatham Islands Mayor Alfred Preece and Sally Lanauze also to Xavier Quilambaqui at Big World Zoo productions for all his work documenting the event. It was so much fun teaming up with Hughie Blue & his wife Amanda Turner from the NZ Chef Association & Kiwi Kids Can Cook, for the Junior section of our Challenge. The winner of the Kiwi Kids Can Cook & LWFC will represent the Chatham Islands in the national cook off held in Auckland next year. The Winners, Grand Prize –

species, humans are the most destructive of introduced species and that is without poisons rained on public lands or Sage’s stupid native fish bill aimed at giving DOC the power to poison trout, because they are introduced. Sage should never have been let loose in Parliament or as minister. I hope she enjoys her lamb cutlets with peas and potatoes all introduced. I hope she lovingly nurtures her petunias and pansies - both introduced. She is simply a hypocrite. “Farmer Fisherman” North Otago Ed: An interview with Sage shows she is sadly very mis-informed and knows little of the cruel killing caused by 1080 drops. ‘By the way 1080 only kills Mammals” she states. mishttps://www.facebook.com/horsesaddle/videos/2106053159418096/

Who is making the money from 1080?

Dear Sir Billions of dollars from tax payer funding is extracted from the government coffers for aerial 1080 drops which are not working. DoC’s front line troops are copping the flak and are too scared to speak up about the extravagant waste of taxpayer money. The beneficiaries from DoC’s spending are the chopper pilots and the crew who load them. Then there are the poison factories, the convoys that transport the baits, the security firms used. Let’s not forget the PR consultants who perform like trolls on social media attacking the anti-1080 pages with a vigour never seen before. It’s like conventional war, and just





















1st Runner up, Donna Gregory-

Hunt: Duo of Crayfish & home

smoked Blue Cod dip served on




Wild weed salad of puha, chickweed,

sorrel, dandelion, nasturtium




Served with Elderflower cordial.

Best Effort, Graeme Hoare: Wild





















Pitt Island Lamb

Back Strap with

Kawakawa, wild

mint, kale, new

potatoes & garden








another way of extracting tens of millions from the government. Maybe it’s time to demolish the “twin towers” of the 1080 industry …. oh hang on, that was an inside job. Still the analogy kinda fits. The twin towers of the environmental destruction agencies are DoC and Forest and Bird. You can imagine in the Iraq War for example, that the contractors running the interrogation centres would be calling for more house raids if their numbers went down. Same for the poison contractors. This ZIP strategy for 1080 follows the same pattern - doubled-up drops of poison, and get it done every year instead of every second year. Keep the money flowing! DoC’s paid trolls are likened to the OIS employed by the British who spread propaganda to the masses to generate sympathy. One only needs to place a post and the troll molls start baying. Their minds are so closed that they admit they will not listen or engage in any meaningful discussion with a conservationist who happens to think that the widespread use of toxins might just be a bad thing. Abuse is rampant. Because it’s war by deception just like mossard motto. Yes but remember in the second world war there were always people ready to dob in a Jew to the Nazi’s thinking they were doing the ‘right thing - these are the pro poisoners today - it just takes one nutter and thousands of brainless people to follow them into war to have a world war. Conservationist Westport

Local Wild Food Challenge - Chatham Islands







Award (Most Intriguing), Linda Caldana: ‘Chatham Blue’, Blue Nose on wild potato wasabi mash, homegrown spinach & local olive oil served on a homemade mat of native flax & forget-me-not leaf Best Story, Tracey Page: E-Box Sliders, Fresh Blue Cod, homemade buns, wild watercress served on a hand made board made from local timber Junior Challenge; Grand Prize, Valentine Croon: Pan fried Chatham Island Blue Cod caught by me, served with foraged watercress, homegrown greens, homemade pesto & garlic herb butter Runner up, Pippa Camaron: Handpicked Wild Salad with Pear, homemade Haloumi from our cow’s milk with Island honey & Kawakawa dressing Best Dessert , Zoey Camaron: Chatham Islands Apple Crumble with Durham farm blackberries & apples, our honey, our cow Heidi’s cream & old Nanny’s pink rose petals Best Presentation, Olivia Croon: Mini cakes with homegrown golden strawberries, peppermint infused Kawakawa tea & Chatham Island honey Best story & creative use of honey, Berry Ashford: Kawakawa & honey treats with mint, spearmint & Brassica flowers from our school garden.

Forest and Bird have no idea about crayfish decline



He said there are



that recreational




so the pressure





species to meet



Canadian lobster portrayed as a NZ crayfish

Basically he




Forest and Bird is calling for the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park cray fishery to

he’s talking about either, which is evident by the Canadian lobster

be closed for three years to allow the






species to start recovering. They say the crayfish population in the region has undergone a significant decline. But these gum nuts are on the

The fishery exporters are in the middle of a campaign to get Kiwis to eat lesser value fish in our restaurants which Andrew was enthusiastic






about but didn’t under-

should stick to killing our native

stand the politics behind the move.

birds and butt out of the saltwater fishing issues as they don’t know what they are talking about. The Minister of Fisheries Stuart Nash halved the total allowable catch in April and says that he is keeping an eye on the science and will close the fishery if he needs to. There are plenty of crayfish in some areas and others are definitely in decline, but better management is all that is required. Whether the MPI is up to it is questionable as their history proves they are a bungling pack of nitwits.

This has nothing to do with the sustainability of the NZ public fish stocks and is simply another marketing con by our fishing industry. It’s just about the money if it costs $1 per kg to send fish to China and the fish is tasteless, like Hoki or Ling it is low value and may only return $3 kg to the fishery stakeholder. But when it costs the fishery stakeholders the same amount per kg to send a high-value fish that tastes good, like Snapper or Flounder to China at a return closer to $40 kg. This is the financial reason that

Andrew Dickens Newstalk ZB talkback





callers shared their feelings,







and most seemed in favour of the







move if it means allowing more

I would suggest that if you go





into a restaurant in NZ and they

Andrew called on people to utilise

have Ling or Hoki as their fish

other species of fish as he bought






into the PR garbage put out by

One caller he agreed with suggested

commercial and failed to recognize

that the fish should have a

maximum size. That’s never going to work. When you pull a fish up from 30 metres down its going to die. Another caller explained what happens when the population of Auckland around 2 million fishers take to the water every day to go fishing and that’s the reason for the decline. That’s when Andrew should have cut this idiot off as he made a fool of himself by entertaining him. The truth is that only a small portion of the two million Auckland population goes fishing at any one time. The CRA2 rock lobster fishery covers a large stretch of New Zealand’s coastline. Most NZ restaurants say that it has become too expensive and they can “barely” keep it on their menus, only offering it when a customer requested it or for a special event. Legally, the fishery can’t be closed to customary fishers, so full closure is not an option. The crayfishers try to catch their cray quota both for the Chinese New Year and before the Australian cray season opens. That keeps the price high, but it occurs before recreational cray divers arrive for the summer season. This means that when the recreational divers arrive for their summer recreation, most of the legal size cray are already in China. Forest and Bird is practically inept when it comes to the ocean. A better solution for all fishers would be to introduce rolling reserves which would be closed to fishing of all types for five years then opened up and the next area closed. This would be more than adequate and would ensure that there was plenty of time for recovery.

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Uncontained Aquaculture Threatens Iceland

Iceland’s famous pristine waters and marine life, which lie among the wild salmon stocks, are at risk from open net pen salmon farming. This is Iceland’s national treasure, its legacy to future generations. People from all over the world escape to visit this remote, untouched island to experience its unspoilt nature. It would be tragic if this country went the way of Norway and Scotland, which have both seen incredible environmental devastation from salmon farms. This type of fish farming called ‘uncontained aquaculture’ is such because open nets allowing tons of raw waste, chemicallaced feed, and disease to flow out of high-density pens into the open waters around them. Uncontained aquaculture poses three grave threats to the environment and wild fish stocks: namely pollution, disease and lice, and genetic contamination. Pollution: Thousands of salmon are grown in crowded net pens, fed meal made from soybeans, groundup feathers, genetically-modified yeast, and chicken fat—a diet rich in chemicals, drugs, and dyes. This mixes with concentrated fish feces and falls through nets, smothering and contaminating aquatic life. Lice & disease: High densities of trapped fish are vulnerable to infestation by disease and parasites.

Sea lice is the biggest threat. They feed on the mucus, blood, and skin of salmon, eating fins, eroding skin, and causing constant bleeding and deep open wounds— even death. These lice are typically removed before coming to market, so consumers don’t even know their food was infested. They also attack wild smolt and salmonids migrating to and from the sea. Genetic contamination: Some farmed salmon inevitably escape their net pens. When these fish breed with wild salmon, they create hybrid offspring that are ill-equipped to survive. Wild eggs fertilized by farmed salmon equal lost eggs. This is the largest threat to wild stocks and poses a threat to the genetic integrity that has evolved over thousands of years. Nobody has the right to do that for financial gain. Everywhere there’s been open net pen farming, you see impacts on wild salmon populations. By its nature, it’s really impossible for Uncontained aquaculture to “work” from an environmental perspective, because it allows producers to literally dump tons of waste and chemicals into the open water. The latest figures are a ½ ton of waste for every ton of salmon produced. Sea lice infestations, which are common even at lower stocking densities, spread to the outside environment as well, attacking smolt on their migration to sea.

Uncontained aquaculture only ‘works’ for producers, large foreignowned multinational corporations who use it to cheaply grow fish at the expense of the public commons. Iceland has one of the last remaining robust North Atlantic salmon spawning stock in the world. Icelanders work so hard in this country to manage their rivers, setting strict limits on the amount of rods allowed on any one river, monitoring and enforcing it with vigor… As Chad (Pike) said, it’s not only a national treasure, it’s also part of our international reputation and legacy. It would be unthinkable to allow these foreign companies to come in and just destroy it all. There are safer and better choices to address the demand for salmon which is increasing worldwide. Closed containment solutions are more environmentally friendly and do not threaten wild salmon stocks. These systems force aquaculture companies to address the pollution, disease and parasites. And because they’re closed, there are no escapes. Most importantly, they work and the solutions are being scaled up to meet the demand for salmon. Abroad, companies like Atlantic Sapphire are building huge facilities the size of six football fields, to provide sustainable alternatives for consumers.

Overseer could improve water quality

A report on whether ‘Overseer’ a farm management tool used to calculate nutrient runoff could be used more widely to better inform water regulations is well overdue and with the right investment it could be used to promote better water quality across the country. Overseer, is used by farmers to

model the nutrient losses from their soils, and provides data on the impact of runoff on waterways. Dr Alison Dewes likened Overseer to the prostate (PSA) blood test - has a general indicative value. She emphasized the need for calibration for each soil type/farm system. Overall the writer appears to have

made a fair assessment of the model’s strengths and weaknesses. Overseer, cannot predict nitrate/ poison runoff into secondary streams, which then run into major streams where the bulk of our fresh water fish are and where pollution is most noticeable. The biggest problem with Over-

seer is the people that use it. To obtain a fair assessment of the amounts of nutrient runoff users need to take off their blinkers Regional councils are well aware that water quality could be improved dramatically. But all too often Councils only pay lip service to their lawful requirements and let many small issues. Farmers have raised their concerns that using modelled estimates and assumptions to manage real effects can lead to inaccurate data

New trapping technology is helping the large-scale removal of stoats, ferrets and weasels in rural New Plymouth – the first step in a large scale rural operation that will be a New Zealand first. Wireless traps will make trapping more efficient, sending an alert to a mobile device when they have a catch About 2100 self-resetting traps and wirelessly monitored traps, which send a notification to a mobile device when they’re activated, are being placed across 14,200 hectares of rural

New trapping technology

A jail sentence for a Porirua pāua poacher will send a strong message that stealing from our fisheries will not be tolerated, says Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI). Meanwhile commercial boats caught dumping and underreporting get off scott free. Fifty-six-year-old Ruteru Sufia was sentenced in the Porirua District Court yesterday after previously pleading guilty to illegally taking 366 pāua from Makara Beach, 70 of

land between New Plymouth and Egmont National Park, as part of Towards Predator-Free Taranaki – the largest project of its kind in the country. The rural operation builds on Taranaki’s successful Self-Help Possum Programme and will cover 235,000 hectares by Year 10 of the region-wide project. It will be the largest rural predator operation in the country, but is just one phase of the multi-pronged work of Towards Predator-Free Taranaki, which is removing stoats, rats and possums across rural, urban and conservation land to help Restore Taranaki - a region-wide mission. The behaviour and movements of mustelids will also be monitored for the first time on rural land in Taranaki, with about 400 tracking tunnels and 120 motion sensor cameras capturing data.

and unfair outcomes, particularly when it is used on a larger scale. But Overseer is problematic in that it is unable to measure heavy metals like cadmium and mercury which leach into waterways from applications of superphosphates. Cadmium and Mercury levels can increase in soils when superphosphate fertiliser is added to soils. The report recommends a comprehensive evaluation of Overseer, as well as a working group to provide

guidance on how Overseer can be used by regional councils. The Government’s interest in improving Overseer for regulatory use is welcomed. If Overseer is able to be used more widely, it’s essential that councils are not required to go through long and expensive plan change processes to give effect new modelling, as that would make it somewhat pointless.

New Plymouth farmers Steve and Daphne Tarrant, of Waiwhakaiho, have been trapping possums and stoats on their 18 hectare lifestyle block for the past five years and are looking forward to easier trapping and removing more predators with the new technology. “We have bellbirds, tui, and pigeons come in the late afternoon, I can get away in a world of my own and it’s just marvelous. I really enjoy nature and we’ve seen more of it since regularly trapping on our property,” Mrs Tarrant says. Steve and Daphne Tarrant, of Waiwhakaiho in New Plymouth

Repeat offender only gets 18 months

which were undersized. He received 18 months’ imprisonment, had his vehicle and gear forfeited, and was banned from fishing for 3 years. MPI fishery officers caught Mr Sufia when he was walking back to his car with 145 shucked pāua in his backpack. He was caught in the same place the next day after returning to pick up the remaining 221. Sufia, who has been convicted on previous occasions for fisheries-related

offences, showed a blatant disregard for the rules. “The sentencing reflects the seriousness of the offending by Mr Sufia, and shows there is no tolerance for people that continue to break the law. “The rules are there for a reason – we need to protect the future sustainability of our fisheries by limiting how much can be caught. When people just take what they want, it threatens the health and future of our fish stocks

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Send your photos into mail@fishingoutdoors.co.nz

Ron Rolston caught this nice snapper off the rocks 5 minutes from his house, in the Kenepuru Sounds, weighing in at 19.4 lbs, dropper rig, very old reel, but with new style Black Magic KLT size 5.0 hook on 80 lb Mono leader. Best fish for over 20 years.

Nadgee Fishing Charters recently took out a group from the Papatoetoe Cozzy Club. The boys had a cracker day with some great fish being caught. Contact Skipper Russell Chesnutt, Nadgee Fishing Charters on Phone 07 866 8172; Mob: 022 300 2201 or email chesnutt1957@slingshot.co.nz Website: www.coromandelcharterfishing.co.nz

Coromandel Fishing had an awesome afternoon fishing with fishers from the Te Awamutu RSA who had bins full in an hour of fishing.

Hamilton Boys High, had another wicked day out on Coro Fishing Charters with more big snapper coming on board for a quick photo, then released to fight another day.

Fishers out on Coromandel Fishing Charters who offer more than a fishing experience as there is a lot more to the Hauraki Gulf than people imagine. To Book your Charter or Christmas function call Tom or Lorraine on 027 8668001, or email: corofishing@gmail.com

Nadgee Fishing Charters recently took out a group from the Manukau Tech Plumbing tutors who had a ball. Thanks guys a great charter. Contact Skipper Russell Chesnutt, Nadgee Fishing Charters on Phone 07 866 8172; Mob: 022 300 2201 or email chesnutt1957@slingshot.co.nz Website: www.coromandelcharterfishing.co.nz

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Comm Fishiners whoppers over marine protected areas

Tall tales and fishing go together like All Blacks and winning. Yet in spite of the many revelations and exposure of the industries deceit and lies they keep passing the buck and refusing to accept the increasing level corruption within the industry. The sooner the industry accept the fact that they are no longer able to hide behind their mother’s aprons the sooner we will have increased stock levels on the inshore fishery. NZ First are also in a current campaign aimed at influencing the Government over marine protected areas. Is this New Zealand’s biggest fishing whopper? The answer is ‘yes’ and the fact is its most likely worse. The Deepwater Group are blaming the WWF’s claim that “less than 1 percent of New Zealand’s marine environment meets the international standard of a Marine Protected Area” which is absolutely true. “New Zealand has protected over 30 percent of waters managed under our jurisdiction (ie, 0 to 200 nautical miles) through the use of MPAs, the largest contribution to that protection being Benthic Protected Areas,” chief executive George Clement wrote in a letter to Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage and Fisheries Minister Stuart Nash. And this shows the depth of deceit and corruption. “New Zealand’s MPAs equate to more than 14 times the size of New Zealand’s protected land

area and more than four times the size of New Zealand’s land area overall, which is one of the largest networks of MPAs in the world. “The 1992 Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) acknowledges that different forms of protection contribute to Aichi target 11 (an international agreement calling for protection of 10 percent of marine areas by 2020), including those that allow for sustainable use like New Zealand’s Benthic Protection Areas. “These MPAs have been internationally recognised for their contribution to New Zealand’s conservation estate, to New Zealand’s international obligations and to global marine protection efforts.” The BPAs were set up over a decade ago at the instigation of the deepwater sector and introduced by then Fisheries Minister Jim Anderton. They extend from sub-tropical waters in the north to the sub- Antarctic in the south, covering all types of marine environment. Three are situated on the Chatham Rise region, the country’s most productive deepwater fishery. Clement has also sought to put the record straight with the New Zealand Marine Sciences Society, whose members are being lobbied by WWF, pointing out no bottom trawling or dredging can take place in a BPA. Mid water trawling is permitted but only if two observers are aboard and an

electronic net monitoring system ensures the gear does not go below 100 metres above the seabed. There has only ever been one application for a mining permit in a BPA (Chatham Rock Phosphate) and that was declined by the Environmental Protection Authority. The fact is in New Zealand waters MPAs currently protect: 12 percent of the territorial sea 30 percent of the Exclusive Economic Zone 10 percent or more of each of the marine environment classifications 28 percent of underwater topographic features 52 percent of known true seamounts 88 percent of known active hydrothermal vents six designated marine mammal sanctuaries, the largest off the North Island’s west coast to protect Maui dolphins The WWF believes New Zealanders deserve honest reporting, and not the lies the industry is projecting.

Wild vs Farmed Salmon:

Which Type of Salmon Is Healthier? Salmon is prized for its health benefits. This fatty fish is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, which most people don’t get enough of. However, not all salmon is created equal. Today, much of the salmon you buy isn’t caught in the wild, but bred in fish farms. This article explores the differences between wild and farmed salmon and tells you whether one is healthier than the other. Wild salmon is caught in natural environments such as oceans, rivers and lakes. But half of the salmon and trout sold worldwide comes from fish farms, which use a process known as aquaculture to breed fish for human consumption.

The annual global production of farmed salmon has increased from 27,000 to more than 1 million metric tons in the past two decades. Whereas wild salmon eat other organisms found in their natural environment, farmed salmon are given a processed, high-fat, high-protein feed in order to produce larger fish Wild salmon is still available, but global stocks have halved in just a few decades. Differences in Nutritional Value Farmed salmon is fed with processed fish feed, whereas wild salmon eat various invertebrates. For this reason, the nutrient composition (value) of wild and farmed salmon differ greatly. The table below provides a good comparison. Calories, protein and fat are presented in absolute amounts, whereas vitamins and minerals are presented as percent (%) of the reference daily intake (RDI). Clearly, nutritional differences betweenwild and farmed salmon can be significant. Farmed salmonis much higher in fat, containing slightly

more omega-3s, much more omega-6

and three times the amount

of saturated fat. It also has 46%

more calories — mostly from fat.













Wild salmon contains more minerals.

Farmed salmon is higher in

Vitamin C, saturated fat, polyunsaturated

fatty acids and calories.





















this can drive increased inflammation

and may play a role in





diseases, such as heart disease.





three times the total fat of wild

salmon, a large part of these






For this reason, the omega-3 to

omega 6 ratio is about three times

higher in farmed salmon than wild.

Fish tend to ingest potentially harmful

contaminants from the water

they swim in and the foods they eat.

Arguably the most dangerous pollutant

found in salmon is PCB, which is

strongly associated with cancer and













salmon were eight times higher

than in wild salmon, on average.

However, many argue that the















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“So how do we kill all the Deer, Pigs And Chamois?”

Dear Sir A few weeks ago, by chance, I met Lou Sanson who is the boss of the Department of Conservation (DOC) New Zealand and took the opportunity to explain the possibilities and current technology available for the development and use of what I term as “Smart Traps” to control the introduced predators of our endangered native species and discuss some other things. Lou’s response to my quick explanation of the technology and potential capabilities of such trapping systems was, “What’s wrong with 1080?” I responded with: “Well 1080 is toxic, extremely dangerous and kills so many non-target species” Lou’s abrupt and seemingly angry response was: “1080 does not kill any non-target species.” Even though I was a bit shocked to hear such a totally blatant lie from the boss of DOC I quickly and calmly said: “1080 kills about 65 dogs each year and kills so many native birds such as Kea which DoC’s own studies show.” The conversation continued with Lou Sanson making up all sorts of excuses as to why the development of advanced “smart traps” would not be suitable for predator control instead of 1080 poison. He said such things as “It will cost too much.” My response was: “Smart Traps would initially cost a hell of a lot to develop and set up but would become much, much cheaper over time”. He gestured at the distant snowcapped Southern Alps and said “look at that area, the area is too big, there is too much land to cover and so much of NZ is inaccessible.” I explained that nowhere in NZ is inaccessible because everywhere is accessible by helicopter and we don’t need to trap every single part of Public Conservation

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Land to save endangered species. Some scientists have also recently made it clear that it would be possible to have many small areas of intensively monitored and predator trapped areas in NZ which could be enough to ensure the survival of endangered species and possibly even allow them to flourish. His response was: “Where would we get the staff” and, “you would know how hard it is to get good staff”. Which I agreed too, and said: “Staff can be found as I am absolutely sure there is plenty of people that would be very happy to be working in the bush trapping especially if they could make a reasonable living out of it.” I explained how living or camping in the bush is dramatically easier than it was in the old days due to advancements in equipment such as cheap satellite communication, GPS and ultra-light weight technically advanced hiking and camping equipment that I use myself now such as my ultralight down insulated mattress. Lou then said, “so how do you kill all the deer, pigs and chamois?” I was shocked to hear Lou Sanson actually say those exact words as I would describe this as a clear admission from him (whether intentional or not) that big game animals are targeted to be killed by 1080 poison and reinforced what I am absolutely certain is fact, which is that DoC’s current long term goal is to eradicate all introduced animals including big game animals from Public Conservation Land! I said to him: “After World War 2, deer cullers managed to get the massive deer numbers down without out all the extremely advanced equipment we have today such as helicopters, jet boats and thermal imaging equipped rifles etc.” Lou went on to ask what my profession or skills were before saying,

“It sounds like you should apply for a job with DoC”, before handing me his DoC business card. I expressed my interest in developing trap technologies but did not take up what seemed to be a job offer. I spoke further about how big companies such as some helicopter companies will be very worried about losing big long term lucrative 1080 contracts if 1080 is banned but they need to wake up and realise that the 1080 contracts could be changed to contracts to fly trappers and trapping equipment into Public Conservation Land which might actually generate more profits for them than 1080! It appeared he was in a bit of a “huff” when he finally said he had to talk to other people and walked away. My impression of Lou is that he is a devout salesman that won’t let the truth get in the way of business deals and feels under pressure to honour the massive multi-million dollar long term 1080 logistics and aerial application contracts he has no doubt signed up with various companies. Those companies that have invested in the growing 1080 industry and no doubt gone ahead and financed such things as new trucks and helicopters on the back of long term government guaranteed contracts will not be very happy with him if the 1080 industry came to a screeching halt! I won’t be feeling sorry for the Boss of DOC Lou Sanson when that day (hopefully) finally comes as it is hard to have any respect for a man that is so quick to lie to you in person by saying, “1080 does not kill anynon-target Written by Joel Lund of Wanaka, New Zealand.


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Call to take drastic action on polluters

There’s a row brewing between the Government and anglers and it’s going to be an interesting battle. Legislation before Parliament, the Conservation (Indigenous Freshwater Fish) Amendment Bill, gives the Conservation Department wide powers to protect indigenous fish. In Parliament Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage said “We need to prevent the loss of any more native freshwater fish species and restore the health of their populations and fisheries.” So the legislation provides better tools to manage both indigenous fish and noxious fish like koi carp.

Sage stated in April both trout and salmon eat native fish. This is completely false and she should apologize for her rant. National’s conservation spokeswoman Sarah Dowie said “DoC’s native fish plans would actually take precedence over sports fish plans.” National supported the legislation to the select committee. The freshwater fish Sage is out to encourage include bullies, eels, lamprey, mudfish, smelt, torrentfish and whitebait. Agriculture is by far the major problem with native fish loss. What unbridled arrogance, some

Our global civilization

We are a fishing and hunting newspaper focusing on the issues that affect our environment, hunting and fishing throughout New Zealand, which include the poor management of some of our estates by council and government departments. The waste of ratepayer funding, corruption and collusion within some of these departments is beyond

The late Carl Sagen said that “we’ve arranged a global civilization in which most crucial elements profoundly depend on science and technology. We’ve also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. We might get away with it for a while, but eventually this combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces”. The key word here is civilization, civilization once you comprehend it is acting as it always has its not civil its murderous but we have somehow been indoctrinated to somehow

see killing things as progress. This civilization is at odds with the natural world it always has been we use this word unconsciously we don’t realise that this so called civilization rests on too if the rotting corpses of the natural world, the indigenous people, the wild life, the ecosystem, its one and only value is conquest it. Colonized the worlds people through violence once that was done it turned its sights to globalizing ecosystem an everything it was turned into a commodity to be used if it had value or destroyed if not out

Keep us informed

belief and needs to be exposed. Many of these departments have agendas that are focussed on destroying our fishing and hunting rights, but require public consultation. This consultant can be a meeting where they present what they propose to do. If many cases public opinion is ignored. We need your continued support to bring some of the issues

supporters of the bill are totally ignoring the reality that water quality is improving and many rivers are fine. The fact remains, if we are serious about restoring our native fish we need to get rid of the main causes, habitat loss, water pollution through intensified farming and the high use of synthetic fertilizers which cause the high levels of nitrates. It must also be obvious to Government that farming is the culprit and that drastic action must be taken to ensure corporate farming, Council discharges and industrial waste is treated before being released into waterways.

if this came science to explain how life worked they had to kill it ...examine every part of it with their limited knowledge base the lab became their unnatural world while the real natural world was being destroyed. So we arrive today in a world so degraded we see people starving to death, we see vast tracks of ecosystems destroyed and the fastest rate of species extinction ever seen in recorded history and a rising death toll if cancers and other terminal illness, all arising in the belief of civilization. There is little to redeem it and yet people do not see it, it is a disconnected shadow world of what the world could have been. Now it’s is blowing up in our faces.

to the public and our readers. WE ASK YOU to keep us informed of issues and newsworthy happenings in your area so you are kept on the map, so please don’t forget to send in your articles and stories.Accompanying photos provide the evidence. If you want confidentiality we are more than happy to oblige. Remember we are not a warm fuzzy fishing and hunting magazine.

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