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May the cod be with us?
Welcome to May, and the start of the cooler months! While it might be cooling down, the bigger cod are be great at this time of the year. A lot of the browns will have started to head up the feeder rivers and streams, but there will still be a few around in the lakes. There will also be a few rainbows around, gorging themselves before their annual spawning migration up the feeder rivers and streams.
Even in the small streams the trout will be lit up and willing to smash just about anything that resembles competition.
No matter what lake you fish or technique you choose to use, a lot of the resident fish will be holding around the creek and river mouths, so it will pay to concentrate your efforts there.
Blowering Redfin
This month, other than the diehard cod fishos, most warming up! Throw your hoodie on, don’t forget to pack the Ugg boots and get ready to catch some goodies!
This is the time of year that we Murray cod anglers typically gear up in search of the bigger fish. The cooler months often have slower fishing in general, when it comes to the quantity of fish we catch, but that is overruled by the quality of the big fish on offer. It makes the effort all so the more steady flows. As expected, the fish have been in top notch condition as well, which comes with the higher flows that we’ve seen over the past year or so. The flushes may be frustrating for anglers in the short term, but the influx of water gives the fish in those systems fantastic opportunities to pig out and get really healthy. While we have been seeing some good numbers come out of our systems around the region, the action should start to slow down regardless of flows from May onwards into the cooler months. While it’s often slow going, the fish that you can potentially catch during this time are worth the wait.

It can be easy to jump online or read magazines and see the same anglers consistently catching fish, but these anglers only get good at this hobby because of the time they put into it It’s always a game of you have to enjoy it for what it is, the places it takes you, the friends you meet and take along the way and the memories you make. It’s all the joys of any fishing really. very much worth it. It is still a good time of year to do all forms of targeting cod, from walking the banks to boating. Depending on rainfall and water releases, most rivers and creeks around the region generally flow fairly consistently throughout March, meaning that the clarity and heights should be fairly good. This season will again likely have slightly higher flows than usual, but this is all dependent on the rain we get The lead up to this month has been quite good across the region; most river systems have been fishing well with versus the fish, and you must be prepared for the fishing to be slow from time to time. While it’s always good to be prepared and be in the right mindset you also just need to remember that you
There’s nothing better than catching cod off the surface.

The fishing slows down during the cooler months, but the results are still there for those who persist.

So start to get those heavier leaders tied, check your lures, and get keen for some potentially awesome quality fish. This is the time of year that it really gets exciting for the bigger ones! Good luck everyone out there!