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Time for big flatties
G’day everyone, I hope you’ve had a great month and caught plenty of fish. It was another successful King of the Pin for 2022 and there were some great fish brought in. been catching as many fish as they usually do. So if you’re struggling with bigger baits or lures, don’t be afraid to downsize.
Coming into October we should see the water temperatures climb again and the warmer water species spark back up. Let’s hope the weather is kind to us! fish as well. I have learned that using a glove will cause the fish a lot less stress. Areas that should produce good fish are Kalinga Bank, Pin bar, Gold Bank, Crusoe Island, North Lagoon and Millionaires Row. Pilchards would be my choice if you’re using dead bait, otherwise live mullet, gar, herring and prawns are great options as well. For anglers using soft plastics, smaller sizes have been producing better at the time of writing, but I will be looking to use 4-5” minimum plastics throughout October.
Whiting have been on the chew around sand
Marco got this beast 88cm flatty onboard Capn’s Charters. Daniel scored this solid mulloway on a soft vibe.

Well done to everyone who gave it a crack.
At the time of writing it’s been very windy, which has discoloured the water in a lot of the muddier areas. However, the water in the channels and out around the Pin is quite clean. Most of the bait feeding through the system has been fairly small, and I’ve noticed my normal size lures haven’t
I can’t think of a better species to start on this month than the mighty flathead. October is a great time to target these fish in the Pin area, and we should see some monsters being pulled in. Just remember to treat the big girls with care and support their body weight around their belly and not just their head. Lip grips can damage bigger and yabby banks. You can try fishing for them using yabbies or worms along the North Lagoon, Gold Bank and the mouth of the Logan River. Use a long trace of light fluorocarbon (4lb is ideal) and just remember to spit on your knot before tightening it because fluorocarbon can get friction burn and weaken the knot. We weren’t wrong about having a great jewfish (mulloway) season this winter, but the bigger models will most likely be in fewer numbers as the temperatures rise. If you’re still keen to target them, use big live baits or plastics/vibes in the Pin bar and along Kalinga Bank. Deeper holes will also hold fish looking for deeper water, so it’s always a good idea to scan these areas with your sounder if you’re driving past any. There have been plenty of bream and tailor terrorising the whitebait balls in the deeper water this past month. Tailor are best caught on small metal spinners or pilchards – just look for birds working and the tailor shouldn’t be too far behind. The tailor fishing hasn’t taken much of a break this year so I won’t be surprised if we still get some decent ones
in the warmer months.
You can target bream using whitebait or lightlyweighted 2.5-3” plastics. I’ve been sounding plenty of them up along Kalinga but any deeper channel holding bait will produce well. There are millions of them up on the flats eating yabbies, however the size isn’t worth chasing.
Well that’s it for me this month guys, you’ll see me out there hitting the flathead pretty hard this month before turning my sights onto the local jacks and threadfin salmon. Don’t forget to jump in and see Brett at Jacobs Well Bait and Tackle for your bait and tackle needs. Also, Ryan from Capn’s Charters has some charters available if you’d like to catch some monster flatties in the coming weeks. Until next month, tight lines and stay safe out there. • To see more of my fishing adventures on Instagram, follow The Bobo Boat (@ thebobo_boat)

Laurence with a quality flathead. A nice flatty out in the deep. Brett was out-fished by his wife who scored this wonderful bream. Don’t worry mate, it happens to all of us.