3 minute read
A few of my favourite things
There has been some great fishing around the Pin last month.
My favourite thing to do this time of year is to chase flathead on soft plastics between 1-2m of water or off any nice drop-offs and drains. Sessions with 20+ flathead aren’t uncommon this time of year if you fish the right spots and use the right techniques.
Flathead will take almost any lure if it swims past them but for anyone starting out, some great ones are ZMan Trick SwimZ, Gulp Shrimp and Gulp Minnows. Colour is probably the most important part of choosing a plastic and I quite often try several colours remember is to use the lightest weight possible that will still keep your lure on the bottom. If fishing closer to the Pin mouth with a stronger current, 1/2oz weights are usually a good choice. There are a lot of smaller flatties around at the moment but a few bigger models are still being caught.
Try fishing for flathead along Crusoe Island, Kalinga Bank, Whalleys Gutter, Eden Island and any nice drop-offs you drive past. Put in the time trying different dropoffs, banks and drains as some may perform better than others.
Tailor have also been on the chew with all the bait that has moved in. My sounder screen has been getting littered with big bait balls in the cleaner water. Northern Stradbroke Island and along Crusoe Island are great choices to search for them as well as Kalinga Bank. Small Halco
The author with a flathead caught on a ZMan Trick SwimZ in green lantern colour.

Tracey with her PB whiting that measured 35cm.
throughout a session if the clarity of the water changes with the tides. When I’m fishing cleaner water I will use more natural looking colours, and when the water is a bit dirty, I opt for bright pink or chartreuse green.
Jigheads are also an important factor and I’ll generally use 1/4oz and 3/8oz depending on the depth and run. The important thing to

Darcy with a big muddy, however the crabs have been a bit quieter this month.
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Spinner or light weighted pillies will definitely get their interest once you’ve located some fish busting up on the surface.
Some nice whiting are still being caught on live worms and yabbies. Try Gold Bank, the sand banks between Cabbage Tree boat ramp and the powerlines, Crusoe Island and the lagoons on the northern side of South Straddie. As I’ve mentioned before, use a very light trace about a 1m long, 4lb is the heaviest leader you’ll need.
I haven’t heard too many reports of mulloway, but if you’re keen to catch these beautiful fish I would have a go in the deeper water off Swan Bay, the Pin mouth and any deep holes. Just sound the holes, if there’s bait holding on the bottom with some nice arcs around, that’s dynamite! If Ryan with a nice flathead he caught while fishing with soft plastics.

any deep holes you scan look barren, move on. Use live mullet, garfish or pike. Sometimes it’s also worth having a dead bait out as well, as a few times I’ve had livies out and one dead bait and the jewies have taken the dead bait instead. There’s still some nice bream about and are being caught along Kalinga Bank and Crusoe Island. They will also be around most sand flats as well smashing yabbies. • Have a great August everyone and I hope you all catch some amazing fish! If you would like your photos featured in my reports please send them though to my Facebook account ‘theboboboat’ or Instagram account ‘thebobo_boat’. Tight lines.