4 minute read
There is plenty of cheer in the air
Crispe As I put this report together the fishing in the Perth Metro area is already on fire. With the weather warming, people are taking advantage of the longer days and it seems the fish are cooperating. I am confident that this will continue through December. SWAN RIVER
The one thing anglers have not been able to do (due to the crab fishing closure) is go chasing blue swimmer crab in the Swan. This all changes as of the 1 December and without a doubt it will be worth the effort once the closure is complete. My go to zone is the area between the Canning Bridge and the Narrows bridge, but everyone has their own favorite areas. It will just be nice to be able to get out crabbing again.
As to be expected the bream are spreading further up the system, with good numbers of fish being reported up as far as Guildford. There is plenty of good structure in that part of the system and that is the key to the bream fishing as the water warms. It provides cover for the predators and somewhere to Ayden Zahradakas with a big Swan River flounder.

Max Samson just can’t stay away when it comes to big hard fighting fish, another great yellowtail kingfish from the southwest side of Rotto.
hide for their food.
Flathead fishing is in full swing in the river, which is not surprising as the flathead love the warming water. It is not unusual for them to push up into very shallow (ankle deep) water at this time of the year, making for some exciting fishing. Like most people, I like to wade the shallow banks and flats, as this is a very productive way to target the flathead. What I do ensure I do through these warmer months is fish the water along the edges before I start wading. It is always better to catch them rather than spook them, and these shallow water fish go so hard when you hook them.
The flats will also be
popular locations for yellowfin whiting anglers, especially those fishing with small top water lures. Don’t be surprised if a flathead comes and hits your top water offering intended for a whiting!
Tailor are also about in large numbers, so any deep water beyond the shallows, is likely to hold them. Small metal lures and stickbaits are popular ways to target them. It pays to have a few lures with you, as when the tailor numbers are like they have been, their sharp teeth can be the end of a fishing session pretty quickly if you don’t have backups.
Mulloway anglers will also enjoy the fishing as the weather continues
to warm. It makes it far more comfortable to be out during those low light hours and the fish seem to be more active with the warmer water. Mosman Bay is always a great place to target them. It has lots of great structure and baitfish to attract the mulloway to the area. ROCK WALLS
Most of the beach fishing in the metro area will be focused around tailor fishing. Plenty are already being caught and some quality fish have been amongst them. Trigg, Floriet Drain and Whitehill will be good options for beach anglers. When there is tailor in the area, there is always a chance to pick up a shark or a mulloway as bycatch, so maybe have a heavier outfit with you just in case.
Our rock wall anglers are a little spoilt for choice in December, there will be plenty of squid on offer, but as their size is a little smaller at this time of the year, it can pay to play around with your squid jig sizes. Many use smaller jigs (3.0 down to 2.2) to get better results on the smaller squid. Check the sink rates on your jigs too (or ask your tackle shop for advice), I prefer a smaller jig that also sinks a little quicker.
Yamashita does a fast sink 2.2, which is my favourite.
Herring, skippy and King George whiting will all be on offer. Burley is the key to get them biting in your location, with the Fremantle Sailing Club rock wall being my favourite fishing option. North and South Mole walls are always worth checking out as well.
Crabbing from our jetties is also a great option in December. There are plenty of jetties in the area between Rockingham and Hillaries that it is worth giving drop netting for crabs a try. INSHORE/OFFSHORE
At the start of the month (with the demersal closure still in place) most anglers will focus on the squid and King George whiting. Find weedy broken ground and more than likely you will find these two species. Windmills and Middle Ground will be good places to explore.
Once the demersal ban lifts on the 16 December more fishing option open up, with many angling favourites back on the cards. Just remember that the Coburn Sound remains closed to snapper fishing. You can keep up to date with closure information through the RecFish West app.
December is generally

The man, the myth, the legend, Peter Zahradka with another shallow water flatty from the Swan.

Sam Smith is always up for the challenge when it comes to big fish on light gear with this cracker samsonfish!