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From page 78 wish to fish along our part of the coast, you can encounter a vast array of species.
Anglers should also start thinking about fishing the numerous beaches we have within our area, as they are producing some excellent quality fish at present, as well as a wide variety. Those wishing to fish of a night are encountering some excellent tailor, the occasional jewfish and plenty of sharks in the form of gummies and small whalers. During the daylight hours bream, whiting and mullet are responding well to baits like worms or pipis, while the ever-present salmon are likely to take a well-presented pilchard, strip bait or a lure cast into the waves.
These salmon are also featuring along the rock platforms, where again a pilchard or a lure will produce. Mixing with them are some early season bonito, tailor and the occasional kingfish, along with all the regulars off the stones like bream, trevally, drummer, luderick and some exceptional blue groper.
Moving away from the coast and going inland to Brogo Dam, this fishery is really on fire. All the insect life has the bass really on the chew, and anglers in the right conditions can rack up cricket scores, with most fish being up around 30-35 cm. Early mornings or late evenings are a must if you are to gain the best out of this fishery. Working lures to the edge of the weed beds is a proven way to drum up some business. If you are really keen or looking for some exciting action, fish at dusk and well into the night with surface lures or flies. Oh, and be ready for some heartracing, explosive strikes.

A black marlin eating bait.
From page 78 old, while larger species like tailor, salmon, bonito or kingfish will attract the attention of more seasoned anglers.
Out at sea, the boaties are also having their share of entertainment, whether it be trolling the coast looking for pelagics like kingfish, striped tuna, bonito or salmon which are on offer, or if you like your bottom bouncing, Tathra is renowned for its beautiful, succulent flathead, both tigers and sandies. If it is gamefish you wish to pursue, tuna species like yellowfin or albacore, and maybe even early season striped marlin or mako sharks, are all out there awaiting you.
Brogo Dam, some 40 minutes northwest of Tathra, is full of bass that are well on the chew. They have been providing action of plenty for anglers who are notching up cricket scores of them rather than just the odd few. Remember that the action will be governed by weather conditions, with warm, balmy evenings producing good fishing. If there are cold, southerly winds, stay home.

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GRAFTON DISCO MARINE 160 North Street Grafton P: (02) 6643 1199 E: sales@discomarine.com.au W: www.discomarine.com.au
PORT MACQUARIE HASTINGS MARINE 185 Hastings River Drive Port Macquarie P: (02) 6583 5511 E: sales@hastingsmarine.com.au W: www.hastingsmarine.com.au
HORNSBY SHANNON OUTBOARDS 3/41 Leighton Place Hornsby P: (02) 9482 2638 E: sales@shannonoutboards.com.au W: www.shannonoutboards.com.au
COFFS HARBOUR COFFS HARBOUR MARINE 311b Pacific Highway Coffs Harbour P: (02) 6652 4722 E: info@coffsharbourmarine.com.au W: www.coffsharbourmarine.com.au McGRATHS HILL TR MARINE WORLD 44 Curtis Road McGraths Hill P: (02) 4577 3522 E: sales@trmarine.com.au W: www.trmarine.com.au
KINGS PARK WATERSPORTS MARINE 11 Binney Road Kings Park P: (02) 9676 1400 E: info@watersportmarine.com.au W: www.watersportsmarine.com.au
TAREE MANNING RIVER MARINE 13 Victoria Street Taree P: (02) 6552 2333 E: jim@manningrivermarine.com.au W: www.mercurydealertaree.com
MARKS POINT FISHERMAN’S WAREHOUSE TACKLE WORLD 804 Pacific Highway Marks Point P: (02) 4945 2152 E: enquiries@fishermanswarehouse.com.au W: www.fishermanswarehouse.com.au
MONA VALE JOHNSON BROS ENTERPRISE MARINE 8/77-79 Bassett Street Mona Vale P: (02) 9999 5558 E: info@jbem.net.au W: www.jbem.net.au