Fishing Monthly Magazine | March 2023

Page 75


Right now it’s time to March ALBURY/WODONGA

Connor Heir

Finally, we’ve seen many of our local creeks and rivers start to return back to normal flows and clarity after a long wait. And with more regular flows and better clarity, naturally comes better

well worth the wait. Over the past few months I’ve been mainly fishing Lake Mulwala in preparation for upcoming competitions held there, however with the small water systems starting to clear up it’s been impossible not to go foot trekking and doing river floats in the kayak and punt. I have been getting

A swimbait-munching clear water cod. fishing opportunities for we Murray cod anglers. As previously mentioned in reports from the past few months, good system flushes are super important and beneficial to a waterway’s health, which improves fishing once these flushes pass through. However, for the past year or so it’s just been rain after rain, keeping our local systems high and dirty. But now, we really do have some excitement brewing, many of our local systems are flowing nicely again, and the fishing is proving to be

some really good numbers of fish from the rivers and creeks locally lately, and I’ve heard reports of other anglers landing over 50 fish for weekend trips around the region. Numbers like this are crazy, and it’s so good to see this happening across many different waterbodies too. March is always a good time to be on the water, especially the rivers and creeks. Typically, the days start to get a bit cooler, making it easier on anglers to spend large amounts of time on the water, and fishing in March on the numbers side of things seems to always be one of the best months to get good numbers. The best thing to do is just explore, find public access points, and plan floats or wander on foot. There are countless places to fish around our region, you just have to get creative and adventurous with it. The recent flows have created some really good opportunities so we might as

well make the most of it! Obviously, some days will be slow, while on other days the fish will be switched on. Patterns become more noticeable with certain weather trends, flow, clarity, and water temperatures for the waterways fed by impoundments. Another factor I’ve always been influenced by is the activity of cicadas. This year we have seen a later than usual cicada hatch, which means these critters will continue to sing in our ears for longer than usual. In my experience, when the cicadas are going mental, much of the time the surface

By-catch yellowbelly are common in the rivers at this time of year.

Rhys Wilson with a small water cod from a recent trek he did with the author covering nearly 10km of water. Bone Focus 130 swimbaits have been a standout on these fish. It’s been so good to be back in the punt doing river floats again. After the systems have had bulk flushes, the fish are in fine shape.

fishing in particular will be more productive. To wrap it all up, I am predicting that March will be

a nice, productive month on the numbers side of things. I’m super excited for what’s to come, and touch wood

there will be no massive dumps of rain to put us back in the waiting queue again. Tight lines.

Waterways and fish in transition HUNTER VALLEY

Nick Price

This month I will discuss transition fishing. As I write this report, the water temperatures have not been as hot as they usually are at this time of year, and the bass are being found on the edge. They can be caught with reaction style lures such as spinnerbaits and square bills, but lipless crankbaits have been the real standout. The trick to catching the fish is finding the fish. This might sound like an obvious statement, but the fish are found in patches at the moment, and seem to be in schools of year classes that are all of similar size. When you find a patch of fish and catch one or two, keep working that bank and you will pick more up. Lately the fish

have been located in steep banks covered with heavy cover in the form of larger trees (not spindly bushes). They seem to be in the deeper water, 10-20m, and I assume that’s because the water temperature is more stable at this depth. The shallows have a wider temperature range with the hot days and cool nights. I have been mainly catching fish on squarebills and TN60s. The squarebills

are very snag-resistant and bounce off the timber. When bouncing off the timber they cause a small sediment explosion, and this excites the fish. Often the fish hit just after the squarebill bounces off a snag. When using a Jackall TN, make sure you trick it up. Put a blade on the TN to give it a bit more flash. This can be in the form of a beetle spin, or you can replace the back treble with a bladed

Trout fishing is one of the best forms of stress relief.

treble. We have plenty in the shop as they really make a difference. Make sure that you use heavy leader; I use 20lb for this type of fishing. The bass are very aggressive, and even a small bass will brick you in the timber. There are many large carp in Glenbawn at the moment, and these fish are very aggressive. They are being caught on everything! Lots of people are targeting them with bait and achieving cricket score numbers, while the lure fishers are catching their share when chasing bass. I like to chase the carp with the fly. They are great practice, there are lots of them and they go really hard. If you have not tried this I recommend you give it a go. The trout are in serious trouble in the more marginal streams in the Upper Hunter, with a distinct lack of rainfall and associated increase in water temperature. To catch trout consistently at the

A fantastic first trout caught on a soft plastic. moment I would recommend moving further up towards the Barrington Tops, where both the ambient temperature and water temperature are cooler. After three La Niña years, the trout have done very well and there are some large specimens in the 2kg range to be found. Here’s praying that the rain continues for not only the farmers’ sake, but also for the trout! April is a month where the fish are moving more to

the edge. Next month I will further explore transition fishing. The fish are not on the winter bite but are getting close. Remember, if you’re heading up to the Barrington, Glenbawn or St Clair, please drop into the shop at the turnoff to Glenbawn in Aberdeen and ask about the different techniques and what they are biting on. We stock all the quality tackle that you need. MARCH 2023 75

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Articles inside


pages 118-119

Yellowfin Plate 7000 powered by Mercury 200hp

pages 116-117

Cooler, more comfortable weather for trout

pages 112-114

Arm stretchers are cruising close to shore

page 110

Better late than never for Karratha barra

page 110

New multilevel fishing platform

page 109

Need for speed is real

page 109

New demersal rules are in play

page 108

Plenty of options during demersal closed season

page 107

How to make the best of the current closure

page 106

Locals finding fish between strong gusts

page 105

Beach brawlers in Bunbury

page 104

Angling targets in early autumn

page 104

Stacer 359 Proline SE, 379 SE

pages 99-102

Feast and famine

page 99

Maximising your chances of getting a bite

page 98

A good month for local anglers

page 97

Breaking records?

page 96

Quality over quantity

page 95

Small waters, big results

page 94

Redfin waiting to be caught at Bendigo

page 93

Slowing down at Goulburn

page 93

Autumn activity aplenty

page 92

Illegal fishers fined, and will lose car and boat

page 90

Fishing after the flood

page 90

Railblaza C-Tug R kayak with Kiwi Wheels

page 89

Find the fish, find the action

page 89

Plenty of offshore catches

page 88

Check out hot spots for flathead

page 88

The bluefin tuna have arrived

page 87

New lures from Daiwa

page 86

The flatty fishing just keeps getting better

page 86

New horizons for stocked bass and perch

page 85

You don’t need a boat for autumn action

page 84

Variety of species on the chew

page 83

Marching on strong

page 82

Old favourites are loving the warm water

pages 80-81

Late summer blooms big

page 79

are biting deep all along the coast

page 79

Bream and whiting are dominating bags

page 79

Anglers enjoying great catches of kingfish

page 78

More anglers ditching the online rat race

page 77

More than one way to catch cod

page 76

Waterways and fish in transition

page 75

Right now it’s time to March

page 75

Tips for more fish in warm water

page 74

Racking up the species

pages 72-73

Now is the right time to get out on the water

page 72

The best time of the year

pages 70-71

Fishing action is red hot as the weather cools

page 69

Tagging Tales

page 68

A good time to expect unexpected catches

page 68

Fish are feeding aggressively

page 67

A sensational season ahead

page 66

Big blue bearing big fruit

page 65

Local ladies leading the way

page 64

Yabby poachers feel the pinch of the law

page 63

The gift that keeps on giving

pages 62-63

Cleaner water and good consistent catches

pages 60-61

Action still hot in cooler water

pages 58-59

The value of good timing on the beaches

pages 56-57

The dreaded taxman strikes

page 54

Bait is plentiful throughout

page 54

Gary’s Marine Centre

pages 50-51

Fish respond to cold

page 50

Continuing the journey with the Fate V3 13 Fishing rods

pages 46-47

Fish’n SIPS Tagged Fish Comp is a winner

pages 44-45

Calm conditions looking towards Icolette.

page 43

March mayhem for local anglers

pages 42-43

Sunshine days and gloomy nights continue

pages 40-41

Find the prawns, find the fish

page 40

Barra among the storms

page 39

The benefits of staying flexible

page 38

After the flush-out

pages 36-37

Having to pay the taxman

pages 34-35

Casting for women fishers…

page 33

Are you one of the 89?

page 33

Women in seafood

page 32

Lots of options offshore

pages 30-31

Bread-and-butter species firing

pages 28-29

Succulent species on the cards

pages 26-27

With the prawns will come the predators

page 24

Flathead catches are ramping up

page 22


page 18

A great month to head offshore

page 18

March morning mulloway continues this month

page 16

$1.6M fraud: journey to justice

pages 14-15

Dress to kill fish, not yourself

pages 12-13

Return of the wild river bass

pages 8-9
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