5 minute read
Larger fish are on the hunt
EILDON Peter Burtchell
It’s time to rug up and get amongst the larger fish that dominate the Lake Eildon fishery during May.
As the water temperature
Shaun Sticks in the sticks with another healthy Murray cod.
cools the Murray cod and trout fishing action heats up, as was seen throughout late April. Large Murray cod were easily found, and this will continue in May as they hold up in the deeper channels leading into the shallow bays and inlets. Here they wait for the change of light to begin their predatory search for all kinds of baitfish held up in the structure surrounding the bays. The bays north of the Goulburn and Big River proved the most productive during April as the predominantly southerly winds pushed the baitfish and other prey directly into them.
Brown trout began schooling in the main arms early as a result of colder than normal temperatures and the abundance of food that had been pushed into the main arms by the prevailing southerly winds. The brown trout are currently waiting in the main arms for the late autumn rains to increase water flow of the rivers and streams, so they can begin their winter spawning runs. With fish lying in ambush and others preparing for their spawning runs, your chances of landing one of these trophy fish increases.
Nathan Grieve took the advice of the local fishing guide to head into Wilsons
Inlet where the day before, the guide had sounded up multiple large fish lying in ambush. An early morning’s surface fishing session soon turned chaotic as a 1m+ fish dragged his surface lure deep into the structure surrounding the channel, where it had been silently waiting. Some quick thinking and the beast was untangled from the structure, and then photographed and released. Nathan missed two other large fish that were held up within the next hour.
Bob from Eildon Charcoal Chicken knows all too well the tactics of the larger fish during these cooler months. On a recent trip he spent his time in the northern bays west of Goughs Bay to land a metery within the first 30 minutes. Bob chose his deep Kuttafurra Diver to trick his adversary, which was one of many held up in the deep water of the middle of the Bay as a result of the food that had been pushed there over the previous week.
Toby Spargo spent some time in the Jerusalem Creek Tackle Shop before purchasing his now favourite green Quad
Spin Obsession spinnerbait. Armed with the knowledge of where the fish were concentrated, Tony was soon back in the tackle shop with a nice photograph of the one that
didn’t get away.
Another great campaigner of the Lake is Shaun Sticks who is often found lazing on the deck of his Boatel accommodation waiting for the best conditions to chase his favourite quarry. Sticks was soon on the water as the wind action picked up. Flicking an 8” Magdraft at the point of the main arm from Jerusalem Creek, he was well rewarded with his first healthy Murray cod during his wellearned break.
Yellowbelly too were still running during April. The species has become a much sought-after sportfish on the international fishing scene. Dad and son Dave flew in from Singapore to spend a day on the water chasing these iconic Australian fish. Dave was soon rewarded with a thinner than normal fish which is understandable, as they are forever on the move, continually hunted by their Murray cod adversary.
Paisley was also amongst the yellowbelly action, with a day on the water with her two dogs Hendrix and Zeppelen. Paisley landed a menagerie of fish for the day including Murray cod, redfin and yellowbelly.
Elaine and Kate, who have found their new passion for fishing, have spent a lot of time on Lake Eildon learning to crack the code of fishing for Murray cod during autumn. A day on the water with the local fishing guide that focussed on productive and unproductive fishing areas was well received, with two Murray cod catches and a world of knowledge about where the fish will be concentrated depending on weather and food sources available. The knowledge helps to maintain focus when the bite is going slow, knowing that it’s only a matter of time before joining the Metre Club when concentrating in the productive areas around the lake.
May will see many visitors descending upon the lake for the major fishing competitions

that begin for the year. The year’s competitions begin in earnest with the Lake Eildon Fishing Challenge returning to Lake Eildon with fishing beginning from 2pm Friday 13 May and presentations beginning midday Sunday 15 May. A charity event that has always been greatly supported by many in the fishing industry.

Toby Spargo caught this fish on a yellow and green Obsession spinnerbait.

Elaine touring the lake with the fishing guide.

Nathan Grieve and his 104cm Wilson Inlet Predator.
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Bobby, the proprietor of Eildon Charcoal Chicken, with a nice 108cm fish caught on a red and black Kuttafurra diver. This year’s major sponsors of the event include AFN, BMS Tours, Central Vic Lure Casters, Dino Lures, Fishing with Jack Harder, XXXX, Infinity Boats, Jerusalem Creek Marina and Holiday Park, Viva Fishing, Megabass, Murasame, Northern Waters Boat Hire, Obsession Spinnerbaits, and Spotters. The list of all sponsors of the event can be found at lakeeildonfishingchallenge .com.
The second competition to be hosted in May 2022 is the Lake Eildon Cod Masters, a competition designed for the Murray cod Angler that thinks they have what it takes to be crowned champion of Lake Eildon. To keep up to date with this event, sponsors, entry forms and rules, visit their Facebook page Lake Eildon Cod Masters. • For more information on fishing events at Lake Eildon you can contact the Jerusalem Creek Marina & Holiday Park, a friendly, familyorientated annuals cabin park, that makes the perfect home away from home. While there

Dave with his nice international yellowbelly.
you can opt to hire one of their floating apartments (Boatels), hire a fishing vessel, or book a guided fishing tour. For more information on all of these services and other attractions in the area, visit JerusalemCreek.com. au, give them a call on (03) 5774 2585 or email info@ jerusalemcreek.com.au.